Valley Christian Magazine Issue #91

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Magazine Issue #91

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Valley Christian Magazine is a free monthly magazine published by Texas Christian Publications a 501c3 non-profit ministry located in the Rio Grande Valley.

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On The Cover: MercyMe Live in Concert presented by Got Faith Concerts on August 18 at the State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, TX It is the purpose of Valley Christian Magazine to be a magazine that points people to Jesus Christ. How to trust Him. How to do life with Him. Supported by local businesses, ministries & faithful believers. Valley Christian is a free resource for us all.


Issue #91

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Valley Christian Magazine 3827 N 10th Street Suite 301 McAllen, TX 78501 956-314-0161

index 6

Lysa Terkeurst


Life of a Single Mom


Did I Hear God Wrong?

Thrive, Don’t Simply Survive As A Single Mom

10 Greg Laurie

Watching and Waiting

12 Luis Palau

Pensando más allá de la muerte

13 Steve Marr

Business Proverbs

14 Time with Our Creator

Overcoming The Destruction of Pride

16 James MacDonald Don’t Look Back

18 Dave Ramsey - Dave Says -Finding responsible renters -The numbers don’t lie


20 MercyMe: Welcome To The New Special to Valley Christian Magazine

21 Valley Christian Magazine New Reads -Defiant Joy by Stasi Eldredge - Un-afraid by Carey Scott

22 Dr. Leslie Gonzales

When Fear of Loss Becomes an Invitation to Trust

23 Valley Christian Events! -MercyMe on August 18 at State Farm Arena -Matt Maher on August 22 at Holy Spirit Church

24 Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez The Redemption Story

22 “Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


“For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV) Have you ever felt God calling you to step out in faith, only to find yourself wondering if you heard Him wrong? I understand. Doubt crossed my mind daily when I began listening to the promptings on my heart to write. I especially remember feeling overwhelmed while pursuing writer trainings and attending conferences when I was a wannabe-writer with nothing more than a book proposal and a dream. It’s hard not to feel small and unsure when you’re surrounded by noted publishers, authors and agents. So when the day finally came for me to sign pre-release copies of my own book, two thoughts went through my mind. First — thank You Jesus, that people actually came to my book signing. Because there’s nothing quite like standing there with a big stack of free promotion books, a permanent marker and not a soul interested. I just wanted to hug every single one of them. Seriously. And if I had lots of money, I would’ve bought them all a steak dinner. I’m not kidding. The second thought was — look for those desperate for your encouragement. Many who came through my book signing line were interested in writing a book. I remember feeling that same way. I know what it feels like to walk around with a tote bag full of book proposals and a heart full of nervous hope. I know what it feels like to consciously choose to live every day “by faith, not by sight” like our key verse, 2 Corinthians 5:7, instructs. Honestly, it’s hard to hold on to God’s promises when all that’s staring back at you is a pile of rejection letters. That calling we once felt so strongly starts to feel more like a fairytale than a future reality. So, I felt the weight of responsibility to give them the encour-


Issue #91

Did I Hear God Wrong? By Lysa Terkeurst agement I so desperately needed when I was in their shoes.

whether it’s a struggle or a success. God uses all things for good.

Maybe you are there right now, looking to actively pursue your dreams or the things God has called you to do. But whether it’s the hope of being an author or another dream you have bumping around in your heart, here’s what I’ve learned:

Look for the small open doors right in front of you.

Rejection from people doesn’t mean rejection from God.

I always scratch my head when I meet people who tell me they want to write and speak but aren’t willing to teach a small Bible study first. If God is calling you to do something, He’ll have a door open in front of you. But it might be a small door. Look for the small door, and walk through it.

If God has gifted you to write, write! You don’t need a book deal to have an impact with your writing. The same is true with other dreams. If you’re called to sing, create, teach, paint, develop — use your gifts right where you are to bless others.

Actually — dance through that door with great joy because He will always do great things with people willing to be faithful in the small! Dear Lord, I’m choosing to live by faith, not by sight. I believe You have amazing plans for my life, and I want to be obedient to You through it all. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Most overnight success stories are years in the making.


Value the daily discipline of small steps of faith, hard work, honing your craft and putting in time learning and developing. Take classes. Be mentored. Push through those moments you want to slack off. And do it over and over, year after year.

Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (NIV) Zechariah 4:10a, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.” (NLT)

Be a blessing to others. Don’t keep your work to yourself. Find people who could be blessed with your work. I love to write. But what I love more than writing is seeing my writing help other people. That’s where I find the encouragement to push through the hard times. Expect opposition.

REFLECT AND RESPOND: Look back at the list of encouragement Lysa shared. Which reminder did you most need? How can you use it to help you keep moving forward in God’s calling on your life? Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times bestselling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of

The challenges and disappointments and setbacks are all part of it. And honestly, these hard times serve a great purpose. I’ve learned much more from my failures in writing than my successes. Use these lessons — don’t waste them by giving up too soon. And remember to glorify Him

faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has led thousands to make their walk with God an invigorating journey. In the midst of her busy schedule, Lysa simply seeks to glorify God through her life and family. She resides near Charlotte, N.C., with her five priority blessings named Jackson, Mark, Hope, Ashley and Brooke. Used by Permission. © 2018 by Proverbs 31 Ministries. All rights reserved. © 2018 by Lysa TerKeurst. All rights reserved.

“Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


Thrive, Don’t Simply Survive as a Single Mom by Karoll Ladd

Photo by Thiago Cerqueira on Unsplash

More than likely, single parenting wasn’t a part of your life plan. Let’s admit it, parenting is difficult, and it’s even more challenging when you are traveling down the road of motherhood on your own. When facing challenges and responsibilities of any sort, we must be honest about the difficulties and grieve the loss of our dreams. Yet, we don’t want to stay stuck wallowing in regret or self-pity. Our kids need us. At a certain point, we must accept the challenges we are facing and choose to step forward in courage.

How do you move in a positive direction when your strength is spent and you feel emotionally overwhelmed? Here’s three important truths to remember to help you thrive, not simply survive as a single mom.

Remember you are not alone. There many other single-moms out there who have journeyed down this path long before you and many who are currently walking this road. Stay connected! Find the other single moms in your community and church. Join groups like The Life of a Single Mom for both connections and resources. Surround yourself with a strong network of people–both families and singles to assist you. Don’t try to go it alone.

Remember to focus on what is good in your life. Yes, you have challenges, but you also have blessings. Start counting them,

about karol

beginning with your own kids. Take time every day to write down at least five specific things you can be thankful for which happened over the last twenty-four hours. You will find that this simple mindset shift can change your outlook on life and give you a positive perspective for the future. You may want to teach your kids to practice this habit of counting their blessings as well.

Remember there is always hope, even in the bleakest situations. It’s easy to go down the path of despair. Generally speaking, people tend to mentally defer to the negative when given difficult circumstances. It takes a deliberate choice to have a hope-filled outlook and try to see the sunshine behind the clouds. When you look for a glimmer of hope, you can usually find it, but you must be looking for it. Ask yourself: What has God provided? What can I learn from this? How can I grow through this? Who can I help as a result of this?

Finally, remember that the Lord has not left you. In your darkest night, He is close beside you. Pour out your heart to Him, because He is your refuge and strength. Psalm 34 tells us, “He is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 23 encourages us, “Even when I walk through the darkest valleys, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me. Your rod and staff protect and comfort me.” How wonderful to know that Almighty God, loves us and knows exactly what we need to thrive as a mom.

Known as “the Positive Lady,” Karol Ladd inspires men and women around the world with a message of lasting hope and Biblical truth. Karol is open, honest and real in both her speaking and her writing. Formerly a teacher, Karol is the best-selling author of over 35 books including The Power of a Positive Mom, Positive Leadership Principles for Women and her newest book, Becoming a Woman of the Word. As a gifted communicator and dynamic leader, Karol is a popular speaker to women’s organizations, church groups and corporate events and is a frequent guest on radio and television programs and teaches a monthly Bible study called Positive Woman Connection. Recently, she started the Engage Positive Parenting Initiative which reaches men and women in communities affected by poverty ( Her most valued role is that of wife to Curt and mother to two grown daughters, Grace and Joy. Find out more at

The Life of a Single Mom Ministries is a global nonprofit committed to seeing no single mom walk alone. Having served more than 46,000 single mothers and 1,500 churches, the goal of the organization is establish support groups for single mothers in cities around the world, while also empowering single moms to grow spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, and parentally. For more information,


Issue #91

“Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


Watching and Waiting by Greg Laurie

The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.


—2 Peter 3:9

I’ve been a pastor for more than forty years now. When I first started out, I preached on the soon return of Jesus. I even designed a bumper sticker with my cartoon character Ben Born Again, with a caption that read, “Jesus is coming!” We printed it. And then we reprinted it. I don’t regret doing any of that. Just because it was forty years ago doesn’t mean that I was wrong. We’re now forty years closer to the return of Christ than we were back then. And I’m still excited about it. I think we should live every day as though it were the day that Jesus Christ is coming back because one day it will be the day. In fact, a lot of people ought to be glad that God didn’t answer our prayers in 1970, because they weren’t Christians back then. The Bible tells us, “The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent” (2 Peter 3:9 NLT). When you believe that Jesus could come back at any moment, it has a spiritually purifying effect on you. We are told in 1 John, “And all who have this eager expectation [the expectation of the Lord’s soon return] will keep themselves pure, just as he is pure” (3:3 NLT). So how are we to live as we await His return? We are to live godly, uncompromising lives for His glory. We should live every day as though it were our last day because it could be. What is your attitude toward the Lord’s return? The person who is right with God will say, as the apostle John did, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

Greg Laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000 plus, one of the largest churches in America. for more, visit used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514 Copyright © 2018 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.


Issue #91

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“Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


Pensando más allá de la muerte -Luis Palau

La muerte persigue al hombre. A través de los tiempos poetas, filósofos y otros escritores han tratado de explicar, comprender y sobrellevar la realidad de la muerte. El famoso escritor Ernest Hemingway estaba obsesionado con la idea de la muerte. Su padre, un intelectual, se había suicidado cuando Ernest era un joven. Como resultado, Hemingway quiso demostrar a la humanidad que no le temía a la vida ni a la muerte. Irónicamente, en un arranque de ira y debilidad humana, a los 61 años cometió suicidio. La Biblia reconoce que la muerte física es inevitable. En Hebreos 9:27 leemos que “está establecido para los hombres que mueran...” En cierto sentido todos somos enfermos terminales. Todos hemos de morir a menos que Cristo regrese durante nuestra vida. Alguien dijo con acierto: “Los jóvenes pueden morir, los viejos deben hacerlo.” La muerte física es el enemigo más obstinado y acérrimo de la humanidad. Pero no es el adversario más peligroso. La Biblia distingue entre muerte física (que eventualmente todos debemos enfrentar) y muerte espiritual (que todos experimentamos de manera inicial). En su acepción básica, muerte significa separación de algo o de alguien. Implica soledad. Como consecuencia de su pecado, el hombre comienza la vida separado de Dios y espiritualmente muerto. Jean Paul Sartre, el famoso filósofo existencialista, observó con exactitud: “El hombre está solo.” A no ser por una relación personal con Dios y un compromiso con El, el hombre está muerto espiritualmente y está muy solo. La Biblia también menciona la muerte eterna o la “segunda muerte” (Apocalipsis 20:14). Esta muerte es una separación de Dios, pero separación eterna e irreversible. Todo el que rehúse entregar su vida a Jesucristo aquí en la tierra, ha de experimentar esta muerte eterna. La muerte física no es el final de la existencia del hombre. La cuestión es dónde pasaremos la eternidad usted y yo--en el cielo o en el infierno. No hay otra alternativa. La realidad de la muerte y el infierno debiera motivarnos como cristianos a compartir el evangelio de Jesucristo con los inconversos. Aproximadamente 150.000 personas mueren diariamente en el mundo. La mayoría pasa a una eternidad sin Cristo. La historia a menudo ha registrado las últimas palabras de quienes se dan cuenta de que, por haber rechazado a Cristo, no tienen esperanza. Voltaire, el conocido ateo francés, declaró: “En veinte años no habrá más cristianismo. Una sola mano mía destruirá el edificio que fuera levantado por doce apóstoles.” Sin embargo, al enfrentarse con la muerte, exclamó: “Dios y los hombres me han abandonado.” El médico de Voltaire expresó su asombro por el tormento espiritual que experimentó su paciente antes de pasar a la eternidad. En contraste, el gran evangelista Juan Wesley declaró en su lecho de muerte: “Lo mejor de todo es que Dios está conmigo.” Murió satisfecho y feliz de estar en la presencia de su Señor. La muerte no tiene por qué obsesionar a los cristianos. Si hemos entregado nuestra vida a Jesucristo, tenemos un glorioso futuro esperándonos más allá de la muerte. ¿No da alegría y paz a nuestro corazón saber que esto es una realidad, al saber que más allá de la muerte hay un maravilloso porvenir junto a Dios mismo? Luis Palau


Issue #91

Luis Palau ya entró en la historia moderna como uno de los contados hombres que le hablaron a más personas en el mundo. Su mensaje fue, y es escuchado por más de 800 millones de personas en 112 países a través de la radio y la televisión, y tiene el privilegio de haberle hablado a más de 22 millones de personas cara a cara en 80 países del mundo, organizando, junto a un selecto grupos de colaboradores internacionales y con el apoyo de invitaciones locales, congresos, seminarios, charlas informales, conferencias y recitales-conferencia llamados “Festivales”. Copyright 2018 Used by Permission.

When you fail with a customer, do you admit your shortcoming? Written by Steve Marr Whenever we lie to a customer about the reason for a late delivery, or shift the responsibility elsewhere, we have given false witness. When caught in a lie, we will lose all credibility with a customer. Confidence will be lost, and we may never regain the customer’s trust. Admit your error, apologize, and demonstrate how you will do better in the future. The customer will trust you and weather reasonable storms, and your relationship will grow with more future business.

“Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


Overcoming The Destruction of Pride Author: Elton Streyle, Contributor: Noah, Photography and Editing: Ali

Lord, I come to You today through the holy, blameless name of Jesus. Thank you for the information in Your Word about what pride is and the devastating effect it can have on a person. “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” Proverbs 16:18. Direct me to always be aware of m ​ y tendency to take credit for the many things You do for me. I know that nothing good can come from a prideful heart and attitude. Due to the fact that pride is involved in most sin, I ask You to apply Psalm 139:23-24 to me to ​destroy the roots of m ​ y sin. Give me the courage to ask for the forgiveness and cleansing that is needed. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.“ Direct me to be constantly aware of the worldly idea of self reliance​, and keep me from it. Instead, keep me leaning on You. Show me how to make the message of the following song a reality in my life:

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms by Elisha Hoffman What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms; What a blessedness, what a peace of mind leaning on the everlasting arms. O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, leaning on the everlasting arms. O how bright the path grows from day to day, leaning on the everlasting arms. What have I to dread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms. Thank you for allowing me to bring this prayer in Jesus’ Name, Amen. Time with our Creator is a Grandfather and Grandchildren team working together to help you with your prayer journey.


Issue #91

“Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


Don’t Look by james macdonald

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18–19, ESV).

is doing in your life? Are you discerning the opportunities and open doors that “spring forth” from His hand? Sadly, not everyone who follows Christ has eyes to see His newness. If you’re busy looking over your shoulder in regret or fixating on If only, you’ll be blindsided by a new thing—or miss it altogether.

or an addiction you’re battling. Maybe you’re trapped in fearful anxiety or a relational heartbreak that can’t seem to get to a better place. Stare too long and you may feel like it’s hopeless. There’s no way out of this, God. My life isn’t what I thought it would be . . . and I’ve only made it worse with my choices. I’m too far gone for a “new thing.”

We have all made choices we’d like to change. But no amount of remorse can rewind that clock. It’s far better to repent where we haven’t and lay hold of God’s new things.The apostle Paul got this. Look at how he handled his past: “One thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal” (Philippians 3:13–14a). Paul knew that if he was going to lay hold of the purpose for which Christ laid hold of him, he was going to have to forget some things.

Listen, your situation is no surprise to the One who made you. God is patient with you. He’s not keeping tabs on how many times you mess up a relationship or fall into a particular sin. Whoa, that’s six times she’s done that. One more slip-up and I’m through with her. He knows everything about you. He is acutely aware of how you are stuck and your utter inability to pull yourself out.

springs forth, do you not perceive it?” God wants us on His newness program! This shouldn’t come as a surprise; the Creator of the universe is constantly in creation mode. And His resurrection power can change every circumstance He touches.

God wants you to do the same. He is faithfully working all things together for good. Everything that’s happened in your life—every forward step and backward stumble—is being used by God to form His Son in you and prepare you for what He wants to do right now (Romans 8:28–29).

God will make a way where there is no way. He can transform a lifeless desert into lifegiving opportunity. We serve a living Savior— and everything He touches is new.

Can you perceive the “new thing” God

Perhaps there is a pattern of sin in your life

So much time is wasted by looking back. In the world around us, voices for personal growth and well-being are almost unanimous, calling us to dig up our past so we can do better in the future. But God’s Word through Isaiah is clear: “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.” Apart from the lessons we’ve learned, there is nothing to gain by staring in the rearview mirror. “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it



Issue #91

Check this: “I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” God is basically saying, “No wilderness is a match for Me—I make rivers in the most impossible places. I will lift you out of that mire and pour new life into your parched spirit. Trust Me.”

The same power that raised Jesus from the dead can work His newness in your circumstances. Bring that dry, difficult, despair-inducing place to the Lord. Invite Him to make a way in your wilderness with His living newness—and don’t look back.


jo urnal What new things do you see God bringing about in your life? If you can’t discern any areas where He’s at work, why do you think that is? Can you identify an area of your life where you’ve gotten stuck and need God to make a way with His newness?

P ray Father, as I come before You, my posture is a reflection of where I want my heart to be. You are God; I am not. You rule; I do not. You know what’s best and I surely do not. But I do believe You. I believe Jesus Christ is raised from the dead and I long to know more deeply and personally the power of His resurrection in my life. Help me to entrust what feels hopeless into Your life-giving hands. Convict me when my eyes start looking back in regret and cause me to keep them fixed on Your Son Jesus, my Savior, who makes all things new. In His name I pray, amen.

James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America. Our Journey devotionals are brought to you by Change Partners of Walk in the Word. Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.

“Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


Finding responsible renters Dear Dave, I’m a landlord, and I own a few houses and duplexes around town. Recently, I made the mistake of renting to some tenants who were not respectful of my property. Do you have any tips for selecting good renters? Joe Dear Joe, In my experience, most landlords simply aren’t thorough enough with the screening process when it comes to potential tenants. It’s difficult to get to know someone — especially in this kind of situation — without spending some face-to-face time with them and digging into their backgrounds a little. I have several rental properties, so here are a few tips that have served me well over the years. Always require a big deposit up front. In addition, pull a credit bureau report on prospective renters. I also drive by the place they’re currently living to see how they take care of things. To me, this is a great indication of how responsible they are, and how they might treat my property. Finally, get proof they’ve regularly made past rental payments on time.

Dave Says

It’s a leap of faith, to an extent, any time you sign an agreement with a new tenant. But there are things you can do to make a more informed decision as to whom you’re doing business with! —Dave

The numbers don’t lie Dear Dave, Why do you think all debt is bad? Aren’t some kinds of debt, like a mortgage or student loans, good? Nathan Dear Nathan, It sounds like you’re letting me know you think some kinds of debt are okay, instead of really asking for my opinion. When you ask a question that’s really a statement, it’s called a passive aggressive question. That’s okay. You and I will now argue as best we can in a newspaper column. It’s not necessarily a question of what I think. I’m really just the aggregator of information we’ve gathered while walking with people through their financial issues. I’ve worked with tens of thousands of folks over nearly 30 years, everyone from billionaires and millionaires to broke people, and those in between. In the process, we’ve collected a lot of data through formal research projects — I’m talking about a huge stockpile of statistics, facts, and figures. And all that data shows debt is the biggest roadblock between people and wealth. I’m also a Christian. Having read the bible, and what it says about money, I can tell you there’s not one place where it says debt is a good idea.

* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8.5 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio stations. Dave’s latest project, EveryDollar, provides a free online budget tool. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at


So, all that information leads me to one conclusion. Debt is not a positive thing. The only kind of debt I don’t beat people up over is mortgage debt, as long as it’s a 15-year, fixed rate loan. Houses are wildly expensive, and I understand that most people can’t save up to buy a home with cash in a reasonable amount of time. Still, that doesn’t make mortgage debt a good thing. Any kind of debt is a burden, Nathan. It steals from your ability to save, build wealth, and be generous. —Dave

Issue #91

Defiant Joy

Taking Hold of Hope, Beauty, and Life in a Hurting World

By Stasi Eldredge Nelson Books

Bestselling author Stasi Eldredge shows readers how to choose a joy that stands against the tides of life’s real and often overwhelming pain. Walking in joy often feels crazy and like a denial of actual life. Yet Christians are called to “be joyful always” (1 Thess. 5:16). What does this mean, and how is it even possible? In her new book, Stasi Eldredge meets readers in their painful realities and offers an invitation to a joy that is defiant in the face of this broken world. This joy does not Pollyannaish-ly ignore life’s heartache; rather, it insists that sorrow and loss do not have the final say. This kind of joy is present to both goodness and grief and interprets them in the light of heaven. With deep vulnerability about her own chronic pain, surprising diagnoses, and relational struggles and loss, Stasi demonstrates how to maintain a posture of holy defiance that neither denies nor diminishes the pain, but instead leans fully into the experience of knowing God’s presence and promise in the middle of whatever life may bring.

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash


Be you. Be authentic. Find the grit and grace to shine

by Carey Scott Shiloh Run Press As women, we struggle to feel like we’re good enough because we are bombarded daily with messages that whisper, “Who you are is not okay.” We live in a world that tells us we have to look a certain way, live a certain lifestyle, have husbands who fit a certain mold, and have children that excel in every area of their lives. And rather than thrive in the life we have, we strive to create an existence that impresses others. This impossible treadmill leaves us with deep discontentment and a joyless existence. God doesn’t apologize for how He created us. And while we’re always being molded by our Creator, it’s only to shape us for the calling on our life—not so we can fit into a world we were never meant to: “Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete. Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically” (Romans 12:2, 9).

“Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


MercyMe: Welcome To The New When MercyMe lead singer Bart Millard talks about the band’s latest album, Welcome to the New, it’s with the passion of an artist rejuvenated and reborn. He’s proud of the lively, spirited rock vibe that drives many of the 10 tracks. He’s still basking in the glow of the recording sessions, where he and his bandmates left their comfort zone and stretched the boundaries of the MercyMe sound. But when he talks about the overarching theme of Welcome To The New (Fair Trade) Millard gets especially fervent. And here’s why: “New” is the fruit of his real-life embrace of grace. It all adds up to a musical, lyrical and spiritual turning point—that most rare of trifectas for a beloved veteran act that’s been at it since 1994, and has four gold albums and a platinum disc to its credit. Simply put: If Millard asked big questions on 2012’s The Hurt & The Healer, then Welcome To The New steps out boldly with a bigger answer that he didn’t find so much as it found him. (More on that in a bit.) “The last album was about needing a full-blown collision with the healer—when my family was hanging on by a thread, my cousin who was a firefighter died, and I wrote the title song in 10 minutes in a concert arena, in tears,” Millard recalls. “I was thinking, ‘Why we do we go though this mess, this junk in our lives? Is there any chance that what I’m going though is not in vain?’ And Welcome to the New is the answer to that song: It’s where we landed after the collision. And we didn’t go through it in vain. I feel like the gospel has come to life for the first time.” You can hear Millard’s conviction in the album closer “Dear Younger Me,” a song he considers the most personally meaningful on “New.” Built around an organic, slapped percussion loop and plaintive swells of electric guitar, the song is framed “like a letter to my younger self. I was physically abused as a kid and I’ve had a chance to play this song for people who’ve been through similar things. This is the one song I hope brings a lot of healing to people.” Wrestling with how to encourage and bolster his younger self, Millard lands on this refrain: “You are holy / you are righteous / you are one of the redeemed / set apart / a brand new heart / you are free indeed.” Yet from start to finish, MercyMe wraps the “New” message in music that’s infectious and inventive. The track “Greater” shows


Issue #91

the band taking delightful chances and succeeding. Imagine shades of the Lumineers, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and the “O Brother Where Art Thou” soundtrack, then throw the result into full gallop under a big sky: “Bring your doubts, bring your fears / Bring your hurt, bring your tears / There’ll be no condemnation here / You are holy, righteous and redeemed.” “If there was one song that musically and spiritually represents the place where we are, the grace message of joy, ‘Greater’ is it,” Millard notes. Then there’s the song “Shake,” the first hit single from “New” and a throwback to the days of INXS and their most funky, danceable material. “We thought it was a great way to kick off the record,” Millard says. “It’s a little bit of a departure from what we do.” Actually, it was a big departure for Millard when it came to showing off his moves for the music video. “I grew up Southern Baptist which means I would be banished if I were to learn how to dance,” he says, laughing. “But we figured that everyone has at least a good shimmy in them. Even my grandmother, she can shake it.” And the theme of rebirth shows MercyMe putting its best foot forward: “Brand new looks so good on you / So shake like you are changed.” Millard is quick to praise his longtime bandmates for their willingness to explore and expand (Nathan Cochran on bass; Michael John Scheuchzer and Barry Graul on guitars; and Robin Troy “Robby” Shaffer on drums). But he also singles out producers David Garcia and Ben Glover as vital to helping MercyMe find the footing that helps “New” more than live up to its title. “This was our first time working with them, and fitting along the vein of being new, we tried it and just loved it,” Millard says. “It’s like they’re an extension of MercyMe now. When you’re in a band this long, it gets to the point where you get in the room with the guys and the same stuff comes out. We just wanted someone to stretch us.” And stretch they did. While the Nashville studio settings were certainly familiar (Ocean Way on Music Row and Dark Horse Studios in Franklin), the process certainly wasn’t for Millard and company. “We would track the drums and the bass, and then each musician would create parts on their very own,” Millard says. “Some of the songs had as many as 100 tracks of background vocals,

and the producers gave us an environment where we didn’t feel like we could do anything wrong. We were chasing rabbits like crazy—nothing to lose and everything to gain. It was like kids being in a garage again playing music for the first time.” That’s apt considering that Millard feels, by his own admission, akin to a spiritual beginner these days. While some Christians may understand the concept of grace with glad hearts and open minds, Millard admits that for him, it’s been a much different story. “I grew up with a legalistic background, and even though it was all about grace, there were always three more things you could do to make life better. But of course, I’d do 10: I was an overachiever. That’s why I started a band; if we weren’t giving God our best, he wasn’t happy with us.” That relentless drive almost finished the band as well. Burned out from giving so much of his life and energy to MercyMe, and feeling as though he fell short somehow, Millard was ready to turn in his resignation and “go work at a Home Depot or something.” That’s when an old friend—a youth pastor from the first church camp MercyMe played 20 years ago—popped back into his life with a most unexpected message. “He said, ’There is nothing in our life to make Christ love us any more than he does.’ And I thought that was a novel concept, but I didn’t buy it: I have a wretched heart, and I’m nothing without God. But then he said, ‘Because of the cross you are a brand new creation. You can’t worry about the heart that can’t be trusted. You have a brand new heart and mind in Christ. And I thought, ‘Wow, that’s something I never heard growing up. There’s no way I can sabotage this.’” So yes, Millard stayed on with MercyMe, and it’s a wonderful thing he did. Welcome To The Newbrings on the reboot in fine style, but not in such a way to kick the band’s loyal fans into a wholly unfamiliar space. And if the singer sounds full of joy on this new disc, it’s because he most definitely is. “We’ve never been more comfortable in our skin and focused on the message,” he says. “I am not a tortured soul on this album.” Media Contact: the media collective | www.themcollective. com

“Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


When Fear of Loss Becomes an Invitation to Trust By Rev. Dr. Leslie Gonzales

Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

As a marketplace chaplain, I have the privilege of ministering to people from all walks of life from wide-ranging socio-economic, religious, ethnic, and racial backgrounds. Some are single, while others are married. Some are younger, while others are older. Some are parents, while others are grandparents. And still others have what they affectionately refer to as, “fur babies,” (their beloved family pets). As I have visited with and listened to individuals from each of these different groups, all with their own unique stories and experiences of life, work, and faith, what I have come to discover is that a common source of struggle among them all is for their “lost loved ones.” A “lost loved one” can mean different things to different people. For some, “lost love ones” may be children who have been raised in the faith, who are now rebelling from that faith. For others, they may represent deep and meaningful relationships from the past who have since abandoned those relationships in favor of new experiences and new influences. Still for others, they may simply represent those loved ones who cause them worry in a general sense. Whatever the case may be, people who struggle with “lost loved ones” struggle with heart-wrenching feelings that cannot easily be quelled. As I’ve listened to more and more of these stories of struggle over lost loved ones, I have become keenly aware of the hurt and fear undergirding the words used to convey these stories. I have observed emotions as they’ve manifested physiologically in the form of heavy

breathing, skin discolorations, and tears. I have experienced the feeling of worry as it has become an almost palpable feature of the environment as individuals have described the pain of their losses. One of the biggest and most surprising losses I’ve observed in the midst of these circumstances, however, has been the loss of faith and trust. It is interesting that one of the most challenging and difficult things for us to do when we experience struggles in life is to have faith and trust in God, because this is exactly what God calls us to do! In John 16 when Jesus’ disciples were fearful of the imminent reality of His departure, Jesus answered their fear with the assurance that He had everything under control. And that is His assurance for us as well! In verse 33 (ESV), Jesus said, “…In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Though the disciples had been with Jesus for three years and had seen Him perform numerous miracles, they still needed His reassuring word as a reminder to them that He was in control, and we need those reminders too! Every. Single. Time. So the next time you experience fear of loss over a loved one or any other challenge this world has to offer, I pray you would see your fear instead as an invitation to trust in Him. Remember Christ’s encouragement to take heart, because He has overcome the world!

The Reverend Dr. Leslie Gonzales is lead chaplain of Kairos Chaplaincy Services, LLC, an entity he founded out of a desire to merge his streams of experience from both the ministry and business worlds in order to care for the spiritual, emotional, and relational needs of people in the marketplace. As a minister, his greatest desire is to see to the care and building up of the individual’s soul; as a businessman, his vision is to see to the care and building up of the corporate climate in which the individual is placed. Dr. Gonzales is an ordained minister and certified life coach. He has been married 14 years and has three sons. His passion is to serve God and to glorify Him through his work in the church and in the marketplace. He and his wife are actively involved in ministry at Logos Community Church Harlingen. Further information regarding his services can be found at:


Issue #91



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“Do Not Be Conformed to this World...” Romans 12:2


Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez attorney at law

Some historians may argue that among the greatest restoration stories of mankind are the European Renaissance or perhaps the post-World War II era. The cultural movement known as the European Renaissance roughly took place during the 14th through 17th centuries. This moment in history saw the face of Europe evolve with respect to its arts, architecture and long held science tenets. It also saw a rediscovery of the Greco-Roman classical knowledge and a rebirth of the study of Latin and vernacular languages. It served as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era. Closer to home, America saw its restoration take place in the years that followed World War II. During this era, couples who could not afford families during the Great Depression made up for lost time. The mood in America suddenly became optimistic. At that time, the unemployment rate of the Great Depression dropped dramatically and the economy improved substantially. The G.I. Bill empowered many honorable service members to finish high school and attend college. As their skills were improved, so was the financial well-being of their families. But, without a doubt the greatest restoration that can take place is when a person does as Romans 10:9 instructs us to do. Romans 10:9 says: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” The message is simple: invite Christ into your heart and make him your personal Lord and Savior. At that time, your restoration will be complete. Next He will do as Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” As you seek and strive to honor God with your life, He will reward you by allowing you to take on His characteristics. Hosea 14:4 says, “I will bring my people back to me. I will love them with all my heart; No longer am I angry with them.” I pray that you will invite Christ into your heart and allow Him to restore you! At my office, I also want to be part of your restoration plan, albeit in a different way. I pray that God will use me for His honor and glory in helping me address your needs. If you have been involved in an auto accident and/or other serious injury or if you have lost a loved one as a result of someone’s negligence, I will do my best to restore some sense of normality to your life. I will also help you in matters involving family law, criminal law and real estate and will issues. As always, I bear in mind that in honoring God with the way I handle my business relationships I will be honoring you my esteemed client.

Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez Phone: 956.380.1421 / Toll Free: 877.480.1421 Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455

511 W. University / Edinburg, TX 78539 e-mail:

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