Wellington Town Guide 2022

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COMMUNITY CENTRE www.wellingtoncommunitycentre.org.uk White Hart Lane, Wellington. TA21 8HN


Large room suitable for many activities including craft sales, keep fit groups and parties - for all ages. Small Room With tables, suitable for small meetings and group classes. For bookings please contact the secretary – Jill Mitton Email wellingtoncomcentre@talktalk.net Telephone 01823 666233

Wellington Community Centre was built as a club in 1908 and given to the people of Wellington. It is ideally situated in the town centre, within easy walking distance from many car parks. It has two rooms which can be hired by groups or individuals from 09:00 to 22:30. There is a fully equipped kitchen area which may be used. As this is your Community Centre the cost of hiring is much cheaper than other halls in the area. The centre is disability friendly and has an accessible toilet.

Registered Charity No. 304666



o e t eet ellington • el e ail wlnlib so e set.go .uk • web www.somersetlibraries.co.uk

Opening Hours onda ednesda a to ida . a to p

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Discover your library service Wellington Library is in a prime position in the middle of the town and is a modern welcoming centre offering: A comprehensive range of reference, mDUJPO BOE OPO mDUJPO CPPLT GPS BEVMUT BOE DIJMESFO t 5BMLJOH CPPLT BOE MBOHVBHF DPVSTFT t %7%T t "DDFTT UP UIF *OUFSOFU BOE .4 0GmDF PO PVS 6 People’s Network computers. Fantastic online enquiry service allowing a SFOFXBM BOE SFTFSWBUJPO TFSWJDF t 3FTPVSDFT GPS -FBSOJOH TVQQPSUJOH TDIPPMT t "DUJWJUJFT UP IFMQ DIJMESFO FOKPZ SFBEJOH BOE MFBSO BCPVU UIFNTFMWFT BOE the world around them also a great place to do their homework Membership is FREE and you can join at the library or online at www.librarieswest.org.uk

The nearest Registration Office is in the Old Municipal Buildings in Taunton.

WLFG exists to help publicise the facilities available in the Library service, encourage use of the Library by all age groups and to help the Library staff in any way possible. Amongst their activities have been a series of talks held on Thursday afternoons, and support for the Children’s Summer Reading Challenge as well as the Library Lego Group. Purchase of various items to aid the work of the Library has also been undertaken. The group also run the occasional book sale to raise funds. They also try to encourage others to donate good quality books to the Library stock. The Library today offers a wide range of services from computer training, groups for young children, Ancestry research and an increased availability of material through the enlarged Libraries West grouping Anybody who is interested in joining the group can get details from the Library staff.


Wellington & District Twinning Association

5XJOOJOH QSPNPUFT GSJFOETIJQ VOEFSTUBOEJOH and cultural links between the three towns. 0WFS UIF ZFBST UIPVTBOET PG ZPVOH QFPQMF have taken part in exchange visits to our twin towns and learnt something of their history and culture, as well as improving their language skills and having fun. As well as students’ visits, we have regular adult visits to and from all three towns. 5IFTF BSF XFMM TVQQPSUFE JOUFSFTUJOH BOE FOKPZBCMF BOE NBOZ QFPQMF IBWF GPSNFE lasting friendships over the years. 7JTJUT JODMVEF USJQT UP QMBDFT PG JOUFSFTU From Lillebonne there are outings to places MJLF &USFUBU %FBVWJMMF )POnFVS BOE 'FDBNQ PS GVSUIFS BXBZ UP 3PVFO BOE 1BSJT *O Portugal there are trips to places of historic


interest, some lovely old towns, and beautiful CFBDIFT *NNFOTUBEU JT JO B XPOEFSGVM QBSU of Germany, with some glorious mountain scenery, lakes and rivers as well as towns like Augsburg, Lindau and Kempton. %VSJOH UIF ZFBS UIF BTTPDJBUJPO IBT SFHVMBS social events, which are important because they keep people in contact between visits.

We welcome new members. For more details Contact: Chairman - Laurian Cooper 01823 400474 Secretary - Barbara Allen 01823 663438

For information about advertising in the Wellington Town Guide ring 01823 429220 or visit www.edgepublication.co.uk

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