Wellington Town Guide 2022

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CHARITIES AND CLUBS Wellington Acoustic Music Club

Contact: Tony Woollard 660969 E-mail: Tony.Woollard@btinternet.com Meet 3rd Saturday every month at the Arts Centre 8.30 until 11.00 p.m. All styles and types of music, beginners to professionals perform or watch. All welcome.

Wellington Basins Volunteer Group

Wellington Basins are a Country Wildlife Site and provide a habitat for a range of fauna and flora. As well as being used by local schools for environmental studies it is a lovely area for walking and spotting the many species of birds that visit during the year, as well as the five different species of bat that can be seen at dusk during the summer months. The Wellington Basin Volunteer Group was formed in 2002 to improve the basins by clearing the land, repairing fences and seating and keeping in the two large ponds in good order. Fund raising events are held during the year to help with the cost of materials. If you are interested in helping with the work at the Basins, please ring the Chairman Jenifer Vickery 01823 664695 or Secretary Sue Adams 01823 663195 email: buckwell.adams@gmail.com

Wellington Camera Club

Formed in 1980, we are a friendly club who meet on most Wednesday evenings between September and May at 7.30pm for talks, practical evenings and competitions between ourselves and with other local clubs and a programme of events and activities is planned throughout the summer break. Please note that due to the COVID situation some of our meetings are on zoom. Camera enthusiasts of all ages and abilities are welcome. For the technical, we have members who use film cameras, a growing number who have changed to digital (or maybe use both) and are moving into advanced audio-visual presentations. Anyone interested in joining our club (and we offer the first three meets free of charge) should visit our website www. wellingtoncameraclub.co.uk for more details or call our Chairman Peter Tickner 01823 660276.

Wellington Carers Support Group

This group is for Carers who regularly look after someone in a caring capacity, this may be a family member or friend. We are an informal group of Carers who meet to have a chat, speakers are occasionally organised. These meetings allow the Carer to enjoy the knowledge that they can speak freely in a safe environment. For further information, contact Carolyn Grout 07958415264 or Elaine Gardner 07494883134 The Somerset Carers Service Advice Line: 0800 3168600 Email: carers@somersetrcc.org.uk Website: www.somersetcarers.org

Wellington Chess Club

Meets at 7.30pm every Wednesday throughout year at Chelston Chapel, Wellington Road TA21 9HS. The club provides a friendly atmosphere and welcomes players of all ages and abilities. The club competes in the West Somerset League and is ideal for anybody wishing to play friendly or competitive chess. For more information contact Kym Sanders on 01823 660968 or email: kym@kymsanders.plus.com

Wellington Hospital League of Friends

(Charity Number 284156). The League of Friends is a charity raising

funds to supplement health and welfare services at Wellington Community Hospital and The District Nursing Service as well as to enhance these services in and around our local community. The League meets at the hospital in Bulford on the third Tuesday of each month (except for August). New members are welcome. For further details please contact Chair Ms Martine Thurtle 07796163851 or Secretary Mrs Cheryl Bailey 01823 662732 email:wellingtonleagueinfo@gmail.com or via facebook: Wellington Hospital League of Friends.

Wellington Choral Society

The Society was formed in 1940. The present four-part choir has around eighty members drawn from Wellington and the surrounding parishes. We are a mixed ability non-auditioned community choir and known for being a friendly and sociable society which extends a warm welcome to new members. Our repertoire is taken from classical choral music, dating from the baroque to the present day, and we perform our concerts in November and March in St John’s Church, Wellington. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings at Wellington Methodist Church. Our Musical Director provides advice and support on reading music, also advice on online rehearsal aids which are helpful, particularly where people miss rehearsals.For more information visit our website at www.wellingtonchoralsociety.org.uk.

Wellington Community Centre

The centre was first built as a club 103 years ago, and was given to the people of wellington to use as a community centre by the British Legion. Wellington Community Centre Management Committee contact Secretary Jill Mitton for bookings. Phone number 01823 666233, email address wellingtoncomcentre@talktalk.net

Wellington Community Counselling

We are a team of professional counsellors, trainee counsellors and psychotherapist working in Wellington to offer free and low-cost counselling to individuals and families who may otherwise be unable to receive this type of support. We have consulting rooms for faceto-face sessions, but also offer online support if that is preferred. We appreciate that life can be very tough and also that things can happen out of the blue that can leave us in a wobbly place. Life is not as predictable as we may have thought, life happens in new and challenging ways, every day. Our ability to be resilient can be affected by work and relationship difficulties and changes, and a whole host of other life events. We want to be able to give our time to listen to and help you find ways of understanding your situation (or that of a member of your family), maybe find solutions, feel more in control and able to make smart choices, lead yourself (and your family) into a better place. For more information, please see our website: www.wellington-counselling.co.uk or call 01823 765144.

Wellington Flower Show Society

Our 100 year old Society currently has a committee of about 12 people whose aim is to organise the annual Summer and smaller Spring Flower Shows. We are always looking for new committee members who are keen to help with running the Shows. Sheena Page E-mail: pagelang1@gmail.com

Wellington Foodbank

The foodbank (a hub of Taunton Trussell Trust Foodbank) is open every Monday and Thursday between 1.30-2.30 at the URC in

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