Interioare din România 3

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igloobest l interioare din românia 3

din România

|n ultimul an am avut ocazia s` prezent`m \n paginile revistei igloo mai multe proiecte foarte bune de amenajare, iar competi]iile na]ionale (Anuala [i Bienala de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti din 2012) ne-au adus \n aten]ie [i alte proiecte reu[ite, prin urmare am decis s` le select`m pe cele care ne-au pl`cut mai mult - 13 la num`r - \ntr-un nou album igloo best. Sunt proiecte diverse, de la interven]ii complet personalizate \n spa]ii de mici dimensiuni la amenaj`ri de case pe dou` niveluri \ntr-un stil eclectic, imagini calde, cu note retro, dar totodat` [i locuri foarte moderne, cu design provocator. Am remarcat, cu bucurie, preocuparea din ce \n ce mai mare, mai prezent`, pentru solu]iile individualizate: arhitec]ii \[i pun amprenta pe compartimentarea locuin]elor, caut` finisaje inedite, dar mai ales gândesc, proiecteaz` [i execut` mobilier special pentru fiecare spa]iu, \mbinând aspectele func]ionale cu cele estetice.

This last year we had the opportunity to present in the pages of igloo magazine several outstanding interior design projects, and since the national competitions (The 2012 Bucharest Architecture Annual and Biennial) brought to our attention several other quality projects, we decided to bring together the ones we liked the most – 13 in total – in a new igloo best album. These are varied projects, from highly individual interventions in small spaces to eclectic designs for two-level homes, warm, retro-inspired environments, as well as highly modern spaces, with a provocative design. We were glad to notice the ever growing and ever-more present pursuit of highly individual solutions: the architects leave their mark on the spatial layout of homes, they seek innovative finishing solutions and, most of all, they devise, design and execute customized furniture for each space, thus combining functional and aesthetic aspects.


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Board editorial / Editorial Board: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu Coordonator proiect editorial / Editor: Viorica Buic` Texte / Texts: Viorica Buic`, Ioana P`unescu, Catrinel Negru, Anca Rotar, Sabin Bor[ Traducere / English version: Anca Rotar Fotografii / Photos: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir, Cornel Lazia, Radu Mala[incu, Dacian Groza Fotografie copert` / Cover photo: Cosmin Dragomir Paginare / Graphic design: Raluca Jipa, C`t`lin Artenie Procesare imagine, DTP / Image Editing, DTP: Cristian David, {erban Bonciocat Corectur` / Text editing: Andreea Amzoiu Tip`rit la/ Printed by Masterprint SuperOffset Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2012 Mul]umim arhitec]ilor, proprietarilor [i colaboratorilor care ne-au pus la dispozi]ie toate materialele [i informa]iile necesare realiz`rii acestui album. We would like to thank the architects, owners and collaborators who have made available for us all the materials and information making this album possible.

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României Interioare din România = Romanian interiors / texte: Viorica Buic` (coord.), Catrinel Panaite ; fotogr.: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir, Corvin Cristian, ... ; trad.: Samuel W. F. Onn. - Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2007. – vol. ISBN 978-973-88398-3-0 Vol. 3 / pref.: Viorica Buic`; text: Viorica Buic`, Ioana P`unescu, Catrinel Negru, ... ; trad.: Anca Rotar; foto: Cosmin Dragomir, {erban Bonciocat, Dacian Groza. - 2012. - ISBN 978-606-8026-22-0 I. Buic`, Viorica (text) II. Panaite, Catrinel (text) III. Bonciocat, {erban (foto.) IV. Dragomir, Cosmin (foto.) V. Cristian, Corvin (foto.) VI. Onn, Samuel (trad.) 658.512.2:728.1(498)"1997/..."(084)

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Ele sunt protejate de legile în vigoare privitoare la dreptul de autor. Orice reproducere total` sau în detaliu, prin orice fel de mijloace de copiere sau transmisie, este interzis` f`r` acordul editurii Igloo Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of Igloo Media.

Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2012

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INTERIOARE din Rom창nia Interiors from Romania


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l Sumar l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 8_9

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l Viorica Buic` l Provoc`rile lui „acas`” l Prefa]`


l Square One l Apartament ACZ


l Mânadelucru l Casa M.


l Tecon l Mansarda BD


l igloo architecture l Casa G.


l Lama l Apartament V.


l Radu Grosu l Apartament \n B`neasa


l Square One l Loft \n Prim`verii


l Simona Rizzi l Casa S.


l AA Studio l Apartament EM


l Mircea Schlotter l Casa T.


l ateliercetrei l Apartament CAD


l Pianoterra l Apartament AC


l A-prim Arhitectura l Casa Varvara


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Provoc`rile lui „acas`” The Challenges of “Home”

Acum ceva vreme, discutând cu un arhitect, mi-a m`rturisit c` prefer` s` proiecteze un imobil de birouri sau de apartamente decât s` aib` de-a face cu amenajarea unei locuin]e, cu mult mai multe ore dedicate negocierilor, finisajelor [i alegerii/realiz`rii mobilierului. Se pare c` designul interior nu e chiar pentru oricine. Iar când ne restrângem la locuirea privat` anumite calit`]i devin indispensabile: deschiderea [i r`bdarea pentru a \n]elege necesit`]ile [i dorin]ele beneficiarului [i a gândi un spa]iu care s`-l reprezinte [i s`-l simt` drept „acas`”, pasiunea pentru detalii, dar \n egal` m`sur` capacitatea de sintez` care s` asigure coeren]a [i armonia spa]iilor, creativitate pentru a individualiza spa]iul. Este cu atât mai important s`-i apreciem pe cei care se \ncumet` la astfel de „aventuri” [i la sfâr[it ne dezv`luie rezultate de calitate. Pentru c` \n ultimul an am avut ocazia s` prezent`m \n paginile revistei igloo mai multe proiecte foarte bune de amenajare, iar competi]iile na]ionale (Anuala [i Bienala de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti din 2012) ne-au adus \n aten]ie [i alte proiecte reu[ite, am decis s` le select`m pe cele care ne-au pl`cut mai mult – 13 la num`r – \ntr-un nou album igloo best. Sunt proiecte diverse, de la interven]ii complet personalizate \n spa]ii de mici dimensiuni la amenaj`ri de case pe dou` niveluri \ntr-un stil eclectic, imagini calde, cu note retro, dar totodat` [i locuri foarte moderne, cu design provocator. Am remarcat, cu bucurie, preocuparea din ce \n ce mai mare, mai prezent`, pentru solu]iile individualizate: arhitec]ii \[i pun amprenta pe compartimentarea locuin]elor, caut` finisaje inedite, dar mai ales gândesc, proiecteaz` [i execut` mobilier special pentru fiecare spa]iu, \mbinând aspectele func]ionale cu cele estetice. {i cum anul acesta designul românesc de obiect s-a f`cut sim]it [i v`zut \n numeroase evenimente, nu ne r`mâne decât s` sper`m c` amenaj`rile din urm`torul album dedicat interioarelor vor fi „populate” cu cât mai multe crea]ii autohtone. VIORICA BUIC~

A while ago, I was talking to an architect who confessed to me that he would prefer to design an office or housing building instead of committing to an interior design project, because the latter involves a lot more hours spent negotiating, doing finishes and choosing/designing the furniture. It looks like interior design isn’t for everyone. And when we narrow the field to private housing, we find that certain qualities are all-important: the openness and patience to understand the client’s needs and wishes and to design a space that fits him and where he can feel “at home”, a passion for detail, combined with the clear thinking needed in order to ensure the coherence and harmony of the spaces and the creativity needed for making the space a unique one. Therefore, it’s all the more important to appreciate those who take on such an “adventure”, unveiling a quality product in the end. Since this last year we had the opportunity to present in the pages of igloo magazine several outstanding interior design projects, and since the national competitions (The 2012 Bucharest Architecture Annual and Biennial) brought to our attention several other quality projects, we decided to bring together the ones we liked the most – 13 in total – in a new igloo best album. These are varied projects, from highly individual interventions in small spaces to eclectic designs for two-level homes, warm, retro-inspired environments, as well as highly modern spaces, with a provocative design. We were glad to notice the ever growing and ever-more present pursuit of highly individual solutions: the architects leave their mark on the spatial layout of homes, they seek innovative finishing solutions and, most of all, they devise, design and execute customized furniture for each space, thus combining functional and aesthetic aspects. Last but not least, since this year marked a surge in the field of Romanian object design, we can only hope that the interiors presented in the next album of the series will, as much as possible, be “populated” with the works of Romanian designers.

l Viorica Buic` l prefa]` l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 11_11

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l Square One l Apartament ACZ l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 12_21

12-21-apartament Adi Cancer


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Apartament ACZ ACZ Apartment

|n cazul acestei amenaj`ri, \n mod atipic, s-a pornit de la un penthouse cu lift interior, divizat doar prin panouri din sticl` [i perdele, pentru a se ob]ine dou` apartamente cu acces exterior comun la scar` [i la lift. Penthouse-ul a fost restructurat pragmatic \n patru camere [i dou` b`i, plus spa]ii de depozitare [i circula]ii. Cu excep]ia peretelui patului, \nchiderea exterioar` a livingului [i a dormitorului matrimonial este realizat` exclusiv din sticl`, [i anume cu panouri glisante, la dimensiunea maxim` permis` de sistemul ales, astfel \ncât interiorul s` se poat` deschide cât mai mult spre teras`. Toate elementele verticale – inclusiv u[ile – au \n`l]imea liber` dintre pardoseal` [i plafon (2,60 metri) [i se compun cu piese cu o puternic` dominant` orizontal`. Zona living-dining-buc`t`rie graviteaz` \n jurul unei console – un corp alb, de 4 metri lungime, cu rol de jardinier`, blat de lucru (cu depozitare dedesubt) [i loc de luat masa. Secondat` de mobilierul pentru tv, o compozi]ie de dreptunghiuri albe [i negre construit` \n jurul unui stâlp relativ central al livingului, consola este totodat` accent cromatic, bine conturat pe structura modular` neagr` a mobilierului buc`t`riei. Dormitorul matrimonial [i baia fac corp comun, fiind desp`r]ite printr-o \nchidere din sticl` clar`, secondat` de o draperie alb`; astfel, volumului alb al consolei \n care este sculptat lavoarul \i corespunde, la nivel formal, volumul negru al consolei din fa]a patului. Obiectele sanitare sunt, bine\n]eles, pe forme rectangulare; la nivel de detaliu, rigoarea formal` a omniprezentului unghi de 90 de grade este \ndulcit` doar de luminile perfect circulare amplasate \n plafon [i de câteva elemente grafice organice – iconul negru, 2d, al unui copac desfrunzit care se repet` simetric fa]` de o ax` vertical`, respectiv orizontal` – \n cele dou` b`i.


Square One, arhitec]i/architects: Adrian Cancer, Andrei N`stase, Sabin Dumitriu, Ionel Pascu FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2012

This interior design project began in an atypical way, from a penthouse with an interior elevator, where the only partitions were glass panels and floors, and ended in two apartments with a common external access to the stairway and the elevator. The penthouse was pragmatically restructured into four rooms and two bathrooms, with the necessary storage areas and circulation corridors. Excepting the wall behind the bed, the living room and the master bedroom enclosures are sliding glass panels, as large as the initial context allowed, and thus, the interior is open towards the terrace. All of the vertical elements – including the doors – cover the full height between the floor and the ceiling (2.60 m) and are set in contrast with the pronounced horizontal lines. The open space containing the living, dining and kitchen areas gravitates around a cantilever – a white 4-meter-long shape, serving as window box, tabletop (with storage space underneath) and seating area. Complemented by the TV space, a composition of black and white rectangles built around a relatively central post inside the living room, the cantilever also provides a colour accent, outlined against the black modular structure of the kitchen furniture. The master bedroom and the bathroom appear as one item, being separated only by a clear glass wall, doubled by a white curtain. Thus, the white volume of the console, with an embedded sink, has a formal correspondent in the black volume of the console in front of the bed. The sanitary items are, of course, rectangular. As far as details are concerned, the formal rigor of the ubiquitous right angle is softened only by the perfectly circular lights embedded in the ceiling and by a few organic graphic elements – the black, two-dimensional icon of a leafless tree, which is repeated symmetrically in relation to the two axes – one vertical and the other horizontal – in the two bathrooms.

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l Mânadelucru l Casa M. l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 22_31

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Casa M. M. House

Proiectul reprezint` reamenajarea unei locuin]e, cu etaj [i mansard`, ini]ial lipsit` de coeren]` atât \n organizarea spa]iilor interioare, cât [i \n ceea ce prive[te amestecul de materiale, texturi [i culori. Primul pas a fost astfel desfiin]area unora dintre pere]i [i, implicit, reconfigurarea camerelor, urmat` de realocarea func]iunilor; spre exemplu, garajul, folosit la \nceput de proprietari ca spa]iu de depozitare, a fost transformat \n buc`t`rie. Pe fostul amplasament al buc`t`riei, \ntr-o zon` generoas` [i bine luminat` natural, a fost amenajat un nou living, cu o zon` de luat masa. |n plus, pentru a profita cât mai mult de iluminarea de calitate, arhitec]ii au eliminat parape]ii pentru a m`ri golurile din fa]ad`. |n zona de noapte, dormitorul matrimonial a fost extins, ceea ce a condus la repozi]ionarea b`ii [i apari]ia unui nou spa]iu – un dressing generos. Mansarda a fost \nchis` \n sticl` [i iluminat` prin [arpant`, devenind astfel un spa]iu deschis [i primitor, destinat lecturii. Finisajele au fost realizate din materiale naturale, \n tonuri calde, telurice. Pentru a crea o senza]ie de fluiditate a spa]iului, peretele central al locuin]ei, care desparte buc`t`ria de dining [i ajunge pân` \n living, a fost placat cu parchet. Dincolo de rolul s`u estetic, acest element separator ofer` [i o solu]ie ingenioas` pentru problema depozit`rii, \n spatele s`u reg`sindu-se mai multe dulapuri. La mansard`, arhitec]ii au optat pentru crearea unui efect dramatic prin contrastul dintre sticla lucioas` [i [apa epoxidic` pe de o parte [i draperiile grele, asem`n`toare cortinelor de teatru, pe de alta.


Mânadelucru, arhitec]i/architects: M`d`lina Iftimi, Dorin {tefan Adam, Artenian Soldea FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2012

The project consisted in the redesign of a house with an upper floor and an attic, initially incoherent in its interior layout, as well as in the mix of materials, textures and colours. Thus, the first step consisted in the dismantling of some of the interior walls and, implicitly, the set up of a new room layout, followed by the re-allocation of the functions. For instance, the garage, initially used by the owners as a storage space, was turned into a kitchen. The former kitchen, being a spacious and well-lit area, was turned into a new living room, with a dining space. Furthermore, in order to make the most of the natural lighting, the architects eliminated the parapets in order to enlarge the façade windows. In the nighttime area, the master bedroom was expanded, which led to the repositioning of the bathroom and the emergence of a new space – a generous closet. The attic, encased in glass, is now lit from the roof truss, thus becoming an open, welcoming space, destined for reading and other leisure activities. The finishes are in natural materials in warm, earthy tones. In order to create a flowing space, the house’s central wall, that separates the kitchen from the dining space and reaches into the living room, was covered in parquetry. Beyond its aesthetic role, this separating element also provides an ingenious solution to the problem of storage, as it hides behind it several cabinets. For the attic, the architects aimed to create a dramatic effect through the contrast between the polished glass and the epoxy blanket, on the one side and the heavy drapes, reminiscent of theatre curtains, on the other.

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l Tecon l Mansarda BD l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 32_39

32-39-apartament Mans_Babici


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Mansarda BD BD Attic

Acest spa]iu apar]ine unei cl`diri neoromâne[ti de la \nceputul secolului XX [i a fost reamenajat \ntr-un stil multifunc]ional, putându-se transforma cu u[urin]` din locuin]` \n sediu de birouri sau galerie de art` datorit` zonelor cu \n`l]imi mari – pân` la 4,80 m – [i luminii zenitale. Amenajarea p`streaz` 80% din piesele originale ale [arpantei: au fost desfiin]a]i câ]iva popi [i s-au \nlocuit t`lpile acestora cu juguri metalice \nglobate \n placa de beton nouturnat`. Pentru rigidizarea longitudinal` a fost introdus` o grind` de lemn cu contravântuiri, la jum`tatea \n`l]imii spa]iului, care serve[te drept parapet al supantei nouproiectate [i sus]ine grinzile din lemn [i pardoseala de sticl` a acesteia. Pentru o rela]ie direct` cu exteriorul, au fost amplasate câteva ferestre Velux la nivelul ochiului, \n timp ce marea parte a luminii incidente este zenital` [i provine de la luminatorul vitrat de peste supanta cu pardoseal` vitrat`. Sistemul de iluminat cuprinde multe piese [i solu]ii atipice: intarsii din sticl` luminat` cu LED \n pardoseal` [i deasupra blatului buc`t`riei, un desen din fante luminoase pe toat` lungimea pasarelei [i, \n b`i, proiectoare de mare putere pentru iluminatul scenografic. Cromatica se men]ine \ntr-o palet` natural`, cu structura [arpantei din lemn \nchis la culoare, parchetul [i riflajele din lemn \n nuan]` deschis`, planurile \nvelitorii placate cu MDF alb mat [i inserturi de piatr` crem \n b`i [i buc`t`rii, mobilier \n culori vesele – verde [i violet. Detaliile decorative tehnologice – riflaje din lemn, confec]ii metalice noi [i recondi]ionate (pl`ci, piuli]e [i buloane forjate manual) accentueaz` caracterul autentic al amenaj`rii.


Tecon, arhitect/architect: Bogdan Babici, inginer/engineer: Dorin Laz`r FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2012

This space is part of a Neo-Romanian style building from the early 20th century and was redesigned in a multifunctional style. Thus, it can easily be turned from a living space into an office space or an art gallery, thanks to the large heights – up to 4.80 m – and zenithal lighting. The interior design project kept about 80% of the original elements of the framework. Only a few elements were taken out, their foundations being replaced with metallic trimmers embedded in the new concrete plate. In order to brace the structure, the architects introduced a wooden crossbeam with anti-wind elements, which serves as a parapet for the newly-designed split level, sustaining its wooden beams and glass floor. In order to establish a direct relationship with the exterior, several Velux windows were placed at eye level. Nevertheless, the lighting is mostly zenithal, through the glazed skylight overlooking the glass-floored split level. The lighting system contains many atypical elements and solutions: LED-lit glass inlaying for the floors and the space above the kitchen tabletop, a drawing made up of lit slots over the full length of the corridor and inside the bathrooms, powerful floodlights for scenographic lighting. The colour scheme is based on natural shades, the framework being in dark-toned wood, the floors in lighttoned wood and the envelope in matte white MDF. The bathrooms and kitchens contain inserts in creamcoloured stone, while the furniture is in bright colours, such as green and purple. The technological details – wooden elements, new and reconditioned fittings (plates, nuts and hand-forged bolts) emphasize the authentic character of the project.

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l Lama l Apartament V l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 48_57

48-57-apartament V


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Apartament V V Apartment

Arhitec]ii au primit tema acestei amenaj`ri \nc` din momentul \n care apartamentul se afla \n lucru, fiind rezultatul supraetaj`rii ultimului nivel al unui bloc nou, fapt ce le-a permis o mai mare libertate \n structurarea interioarelor (care ocup` 412 mp). Astfel, o zon` deschis` pe toat` \n`l]imea celor dou` niveluri ale duplexului subliniaz` unitatea \ntregului ansamblu, iar \n jurul acestui spa]iu central graviteaz` toate celelalte func]iuni; la parter, se afl` livingul cu locul de luat masa, buc`t`ria [i dormitorul matrimonial cu dressing [i baie, iar la etaj se g`sesc dou` dormitoare cu baie proprie, un birou [i o camer` tehnic`. |n direct` leg`tur` cu accesul \n apartament, dar [i cu zona central` este amplasat` [i scara interioar`, a c`rei siluet` minimalist` constituie o linie de for]` a amenaj`rii. Profitând de lipsa cl`dirilor \nalte \n apropiere, apartamentul se deschide pe cât posibil spre exterior, iar suprafe]ele vitrate generoase [i cele \n alb amplific` spa]iul [i \l aduc \ntr-o zon` perfect contemporan`. Nu avem \ns` de-a face cu o locuire „septic`”, rece: lemnul folosit cu \ncredere [i obiectele retro, accente decorative, contrabalanseaz` sticla [i liniile ei stricte. Armonia amenaj`rii ]ine [i de alegerea finisajelor, care se supun rigorilor geometrice impuse de structura existent`: lemn teak pentru parchet, panouri furniruite pentru pere]i [i plafoane, u[i furniruite, piatr` natural` [i Corian pentru b`i. |n plus, mobilierul, conceput \ntr-un stil esen]ializat, dar cu efect puternic, a fost \n \ntregime personalizat pentru aceast` locuin]` [i comunic` inspirat cu celelalte texturi alese.


Lama, arhitec]i/architects: C`lin Radu, Dan Enache, Radu Neni]` FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2011

When the architects were given the brief for this interior design project, the apartment was still in the works, being the result of the addition of a new level to a recently constructed housing building, which granted them more freedom in designing the layout of the 412 sqm space. Thus, an open area taking up the full height of the duplex emphasizes the unity of the ensemble, all of the other functions gravitating around this space. The ground floor contains the living room and dining area, the kitchen and the master bedroom, with a closet and bathroom, while the upper level houses two bedrooms with adjoining bathroom, an office and a technical space. The interior staircase, whose minimalist line is one of the project’s strong points, is directly connected to the entrance and the central area. Taking advantage of the lack of tall buildings in the area, the apartment opens towards its surroundings as much as possible, the large glazed surfaces and the use of white amplifying the space and creating a flawless contemporary image. Nevertheless, this is not a cold, “septic” apartment: the generous use of wood and the retro decorative objects counterbalance the glass and its severe lines. The harmonious aspect is also due to the finishes, which obey the geometrical rigor dictated by the existing structure: teak wood for the floors, inlaid wood panels for the walls and ceiling, inlaid wood doors, natural stone and Corian for the bathrooms. Furthermore, the furniture, with its simple yet strong lines, was custom-made for this apartment and thus communicates in an inspired way with the other textures.

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l Square One l Loft \n Prim`verii l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 66_75

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Loft \n Prim`verii Prim`verii Loft

Acest loft, care ocup` ultimele dou` niveluri ale unei cl`diri de locuin]e dintr-o zon` elegant` a capitalei, a fost amenajat \ntr-un stil minimalist, cu volume continue [i fluide din Corian alb [i accente spectaculoase din punct de vedere cromatic sau gravita]ional – elemente în consol`, prinderi ascunse. Lor li se adaug` suprafe]e din sticl` clar` de mari dimensiuni, materiale contrastante – plac`ri de lemn cu textur` agitat`, zone de plafon [i mobilier vopsite sau placate în culori închise, care scot în eviden]` imaginea high-tech a corpurilor de iluminat [i a sistemelor de ventila]ie. Majoritatea func]iunilor sunt plasate la nivelul superior, în timp ce spa]iile de la etajul inferior – home-cinema [i un dormitor – beneficiaz` de o teras` generoas` [i atent aranjat`. Zona de buc`t`rie-bar este închis` cu doi pere]i din sticl` f`r` montan]i [i se distinge prin mobilierul din Corian, dar [i prin masa cu finisaj de lemn într-o consol` spectaculoas` raportat` la grosimea blatului. De partea opus` a vitrajului, dincolo de scara care coboar` la nivelul inferior cu parapetul transformat în jardinier`, se afl` livingul [i diningul mobilate cu piese albe [i simple. Diferitele scenarii de iluminare LED recompun de fiecare dat` spa]iul, oferindu-i o not` scenografic`. În leg`tur` direct` cu zona de zi se afl` baia dormitorului principal, cu volumul impresionant al c`zii-monobloc închise cu sticl` expus între pere]ii plini ai livingului. O jaluzea alb` tip rulou, amplasat` deasupra peretelui de sticl`, ofer` \ns` posibilitatea obtur`rii vizibilit`]ii între cele dou` zone. Livingul de la etajul inferior, amenajat ca home-cinema, este de asemenea mobilat cu piese puternice, iar mobilierul de depozitare care închide spa]iul de sub scar` este rezolvat cu rafturi din lemn [i rame metalice de adâncimi diferite, \ntr-o structur` organic`.


Square One, arhitec]i/architects: Adrian Cancer Zean`, Sabin Dumitriu, Mirela Ni]u, Iulia Ionesu FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2012

Taking up the two topmost levels of a housing building in an elegant area of Bucharest, this loft was designed in a minimalist style, with fluid, continuous shapes in white Corian and spectacular chromatic or gravitational accents – suspended elements, hidden nips. These are joined by large surfaces in clear glass, wood claddings with a bustling texture, ceiling areas and furniture pieces painted or clad in dark colours, the latter emphasizing the high tech aspect of the lighting objects and ventilation systems. Most of the functions are placed on the upper level, while the lower level rooms – a home cinema and a bedroom – enjoy a generous, carefully designed terrace. The kitchen and bar area is enclosed by two glass walls with no stanchions, and stands out through the Corian furniture and the wood clad table that forms a spectacular cantilever in relation to the width of the tabletop. Opposite the glass walls, beyond the staircase that leads to the lower level, with its railing turned into a window box, are the living room and dining room, furnished with white, simple pieces. Each of the various LED lighting schemes re-composes the space, bringing a touch of the theatrical. Directly connected to the living area is the master bedroom’s bathroom, with the impressive volume of the monolithic bathtub, enclosed in glass and exposed between the solid walls of the living room. Nevertheless, a white roller blind, placed above the glass wall, offers the possibility of obstructing the visibility between the two areas. The living room at the lower level, designed as a home-cinema, is also furnished with strong, highly individual pieces. The storage area that encloses the space under the stairs consists in wooden shelves framed in metal, in varying dimensions, making up an organic structure.

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l AA Studio l Apartament EM l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 84_93

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Apartament EM EM Apartment

De[i folosit \n numeroase proiecte de design interior, principiul cutiei complet albe, unul dintre cele mai apreciate instrumente ale arhitecturii moderne, \[i g`se[te \n amenajarea acestui mic apartament bucure[tean, desf`[urat pe dou` niveluri, o ilustrare spectaculoas`. Func]ionând ca background pentru culorile puternice ale mobilierului [i \mbr`când toate texturile posibile (r`[in`, mochet`, Corian, zugr`veli sau MDF), albul este completat de suprafe]e generoase de oglind`, care amplific` atât spa]iul, cât [i contrastul. Parterul are zonele func]ionale definite pe pardoseala din r`[in`, iar piesele de mobilier intervin ca accente cromatice. Golul central, marcat de singura lamp` aparent` a casei (varianta alb` a Teoremei din colec]ia Foscarini, un obiect de mari dimensiuni, al c`rui design rezoneaz` formal cu dreptunghiurile corpurilor de bibliotec`), este spa]iul spre care converg elementele principale ale designului: peretele placat cu oglind` al grupului sanitar de la parter, ro[ul [i negrul mobilierului, peretele de sticl` al du[ului b`ii de la etaj [i scara interioar`, alb`, element realizat la comand`. Dou` corpuri de bibliotec`, realizate din MDF vopsit \n alb [i corai, cu benzi de led dispuse pe spate, sunt amplasate, decalat, pe doi dintre pere]ii laterali, delimitând cromatic zona de zi. Grupul sanitar, singura compartimentare a acestui nivel, este placat cu oglind`, iar la interior fiecare detaliu a fost ales cu mare grij`. Nivelul superior este dominat cromatic [i vizual de baie: proiectat` pe pere]i [i pardoseal` din Corian, aceasta este animat` de coraiul aprins al dulapurilor suspendate dispuse sub blatul celor dou` lavoare, amplasate lâng` cabina de du[ care porne[te chiar din marginea golului sc`rilor.


AA Studio, arhitec]i/architects: Alex Adam, Roger Pop, Monika Koryczan FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2011

Despite the fact of its being used in numerous interior design projects, the white box principle, one of the bestknown instruments of modern architecture, is spectacularly represented in the design of this small, two-level Bucharest apartment. Functioning as a background for the richly-coloured furniture and present in all possible textures (resin, carpeting, Corian, painting or MDF), the colour white is complemented by generous mirror surfaces, enhancing the space, as well as the contrast. On the ground level, the functional areas have resin floors and the furniture pieces bring a touch of colour. The central space, marked by the apartment’s only visible light source (the white version of the Teorema Lamp from the Foscarini collection, a large piece whose design resonates with the rectangular bookcases), is the focal point for the main elements of the interior design project: the mirror wall inside the ground floor bathroom, the red and black furniture, the glazed wall of the shower cabin on the first floor and the white, custom-made interior staircase. Two MDF bookcases, one in white and the other in coral, with LED strips on the back, are placed against two of the lateral walls, marking the daytime area. The bathroom, the only enclosed space on the ground level, is mirrored and equipped with hand-picked items. The upper level is visually and chromatically dominated by the large bathroom: with its Corian walls and floor, this room is brought to life by the bright coral colour of the suspended cabinets placed under the twin sinks, themselves placed next to the shower cabin that starts right at the edge of the stairwell.

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l Mircea Schlotter l Casa T. l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 94_103



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Casa T. T. House

Aceast` amenajare exuberant` transform` spa]iul \ntr-un univers paralel cu caracter oniric, independent de lumea exterioar`, un loc unde arhetipurile cromatice [i stilistice coexist` non[alant [i nea[teptat, elemente baroce interpretate a[ezându-se lâng` inserturi pop-art, high-tech [i moderniste. Materialele naturale sunt utilizate \n mod surprinz`tor, cu efecte puternice: peretele din pl`ci de lemn rotite la 45 de grade destabilizeaz` echilibrul gravita]ional, pardoselile cu aspect tridimensional transform` planul de c`lcare \ntr-o nou` fa]ad`, \n timp ce lumina LED \n culori intense schimb` total percep]ia cromatic`. Obiectele supradimensionate de tipul vazelor [i al lampadarelor dau amenaj`rii o scar` relativ`, mic[orând mobilierul din jurul lor, iar texturile cu personalitate – materialele stil oglind`, satinate, din piele de crocodil sau tapi]erie, desenele din mozaic (conven]ionale, vegetale sau atipice precum supereroi din benzi desenate) alc`tuiesc un fundal fantastic, cu nenum`rate perspective. Proiectul \[i p`streaz` \ns` elegan]a [i coeren]a prin alegerea câte unui element dominant \n fiecare spa]iu: fie un obiect sculptural, fie un accent de culoare c`ruia i se subordoneaz` celelalte finisaje. Caracterul unitar este subliniat prin preferin]a pentru formele curbe, care se reg`sesc ca obiecte/ decupaje/ piese de mobilier \n aproape toate spa]iile casei. Corpurile de iluminat acoper` o palet` func]ional` [i vizual` foarte larg`, de la plafoane translucide lise [i torsionate de tip barrisol la lumini tehnologice (reflectoare, spoturi [i proiectoare), suspensii glamour marca Artemide, rafturi [i ni[e luminoase, permi]ând o varietate de combina]ii scenografice care accentueaz` atmosfera ireal`.


arhitect/architect: Mircea Schlotter FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2012

This exuberant interior design project transforms the space into a dream-like parallel universe, independent from the outside world, a place where colour and style archetypes co-exist in a nonchalant and unexpected way, with baroque-inspired elements placed alongside popart, high tech and Modernist elements. Natural materials were used in surprising ways, with a big impact. The wood panel wall tilted at a 45° angle de-stabilizes the gravitational balance, the three-dimensional floors transform the lower plane into a new façade, and the bright-coloured LED lights completely alter the chromatic perception. Several oversized objects such as vases and floor standard lamps change the perception of the space, dwarfing the furniture pieces around them, and the highly individual textures – reflective materials, satin, crocodile leather, tapestries, mosaics (classical, vegetal or atypical, such as those portraying comic book superheroes) make up a fantasy background, with countless perspectives. Yet the project remains elegant and coherent through the choice of a dominant element for each interior: either a sculptural object or a colour accent that subdues all the other textures. The unitary aspect is emphasized through the choice of curving shapes, present in the form of objects, cut-outs or furniture pieces throughout the entire apartment. The lighting objects cover a very wide functional and visual palette, from smooth, tense and translucent barrisol ceilings, to technical lighting (floodlights, spotlights and projectors), to glamorous suspended objects from Artemide, to illuminating wall niches and shelves, thus creating a wide variety of scenographic combinations that emphasize the surreal mood.



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l ateliercetrei l Apartament CAD l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 104_111

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Apartament CAD CAD Apartment

|n cazul acestui apartament de 54 mp din Cluj, lipsa de eficien]` [i confort din construc]ie a impus g`sirea unor solu]ii realist-func]ionaliste de regândire a spa]iului interior [i de compartimentare a ansamblurilor de mobilier, precum [i de utilizare cât mai inspirat` a luminii naturale (având \n vedere [i orientarea pe col]ul sud-estic al cl`dirii). Dac` singura modificare a partiului a fost deplasarea zidului dintre dormitor [i coridor pentru a permite încastrarea unui dulap cu acces direct din hol, restul schimb`rilor au fost aduse plafonului [i instala]iilor electrice, pozi]iei caloriferelor [i instala]iilor sanitare, precum [i unor elemente de detaliu cum ar fi corpurile de iluminat, profilul din aluminiu perimetral, utilizat la zona de întâlnire între pere]i [i pardoseal` pentru încastrarea plintei din lemn, [i ridicarea u[ilor pe întreaga în`l]ime a apartamentului, f`r` toc [i pervazuri la partea superioar`. Finisajul pardoselii – lemn masiv de salcâm aburit, folosit inclusiv în baie, furnirul din stejar b`i]uit utilizat la finisarea u[ilor [i a mobilierului creeaz` o continuitate a spa]iilor. Individualizarea a fost ob]inut` prin folosirea unor culori diferite: ro[u pentru coridor, violet-bordeaux pentru baie, verde-oliv pentru buc`t`rie [i verde pentru dormitor. Doar zona de zi [i locul de luat masa au devenit [i locul de întâlnire al tuturor culorilor. Minimalismul [i dispunerea atipic` a mobilierului, determinat` de faptul c` pe dou` din cele patru laturi ale apartamentului exist` ferestre pe toat` în`l]imea, contribuie la degajarea [i utilizarea maxim` a spa]iului.


ateliercetrei, arhitec]i/architects: Paul-Mihai Moldovan, Florin-Vasile Laz`r FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2010

In the case of this 54 sqm Cluj apartment, the initial lack of efficiency and comfort led to several realistic and functional solutions for the reconfiguration of the internal layout and the efficient grouping of the various objects and furniture pieces, as well as for an efficient use of natural light (considering that the apartment is situated on the South-Eastern corner of the building). While the only layout change consisted in the displacement of the wall between the bedroom and the corridor –, in order to allow the introduction of a closet, accessed from the corridor –, the majority of the changes concerned the ceiling and electrical installations, as well as moving the pipes and sanitary installations. Other detail elements were introduced, such as the lighting objects and the lateral aluminum profile, used at the meeting point between the walls and the floor, in order to insert the wood plinth. The new doors rise from floor to ceiling, with no cases or platbands. The floors are in massive acacia wood, which was also used in the bathroom. The scoured oak plywood used for the doors and furniture ensures the continuity of the interiors. The highly individual aspect was obtained through the use of different colour schemes: red for the corridor, Bordeaux purple for the bathroom, olive green for the kitchen and green for the bedroom. The living room and dining area became the meeting places for all these colours. The minimalist aspect and the atypical display of the furniture –, due to the fact that two of the apartment’s four sides feature full-height windows –, create an open, highly functional space.

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l Pianoterra l Apartament AC l interioare din românia 3 l igloo best l 112_119

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Apartament AC AC Apartment

|n amenajarea acestui apartament din zona de nord a Bucure[tiului, cu trei camere [i o suprafa]` total` de aproximativ 110 mp, s-au urm`rit recompartimentarea spa]iilor ]inând cont de nevoile beneficiarei [i ob]inerea unei imagini feminine, eclectice. A rezultat o locuin]` de tip open space, cu o generoas` zon` de zi [i un dressing pe m`sur`, cu acces din dormitor. Finisajele, piesele de mobilier [i accentele de culoare creeaz` un spa]iu cald, de o elegan]` atemporal`, cu mici accente ludice. Aspectul fashion este contrabalansat de curgerea organic` a liniilor curbe ce caracterizeaz` mobilierul, cu un oarecare aer retro. Al`turarea dintre diferite stiluri, texturi [i culori este relaxat`, juc`u[`, f`r` a ajunge \ns` \n sfera frivolit`]ii. Astfel, liniile [i obiectele clasice stau \n mod inspirat al`turi de cele moderne, iar culorile tari – precum galbenul [i ro[ul – dialogheaz` cu cele neutre. La nivel de texturi, suprafe]ele lucioase din r`[in` epoxidic` [i sticl` formeaz` un contrast pl`cut cu materialele calde, cum ar fi lemnul \nchis la culoare folosit pentru podele, obiectele din rafie [i draperiile bogate, luxuriante. Totul, pân` \n cel mai mic detaliu, a fost gândit pentru a surprinde [i a \ncânta, de la rama elaborat` a oglinzii din living la originala lamp` din dormitor a c`rei baz` este realizat` din c`r]i [i a fost conceput` special pentru acest loc, ca multe alte elemente (buc`t`ria [i u[ile interioare au fost [i ele personalizate). Baia principal` a locuin]ei este \n \ntregime alb`, \ns` imaginea rece [i riguroas` este \ndulcit` de prezen]a tablourilor [i a pieselor de mobilier ce amintesc de stilul provensal.


Pianoterra, arhitect/architect: Alina V\lcu FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2011

For the design of this three-room apartment with a total surface of approximately 110 sqm, situated in the northern area of Bucharest, the architects aimed to generate a new spatial layout, based on the client’s needs, and to create an eclectic, feminine environment. The result is a home with an open space structure, a generous living area and a spacious closet, accessed from the bedroom. The finishes, furniture pieces and colour accents create a warm, elegant and timeless space, with several small, playful accents. The high fashion image is counterbalanced by the organic flow of the curved lines of the retro-inspired furniture. The juxtaposition of different styles, textures and colours is relaxed and playful, without being frivolous. Thus, classical lines and objects are ingeniously placed alongside modern ones, and strong colours – such as yellow and red – communicate with neutral ones. As far as the textures are concerned, the glossy epoxy resin and glass surfaces establish a pleasant contrast with warm materials such as the dark-tone wood used for the floors, the raffia objects and the rich, luxurious drapes. Everything, up to the smallest detail, was designed to surprise and captivate, from the elaborate frame of the living room mirror to the original bedroom lamp, whose base is made from books, and which was custom-made for this apartment, as well as many other elements (the kitchen and interior doors are also custom-made). The main bathroom is entirely white, but its cold and rigorous image is tempered by the artwork and the Provencal-style furniture items.

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igloobest l interioare din românia 3

din România

|n ultimul an am avut ocazia s` prezent`m \n paginile revistei igloo mai multe proiecte foarte bune de amenajare, iar competi]iile na]ionale (Anuala [i Bienala de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti din 2012) ne-au adus \n aten]ie [i alte proiecte reu[ite, prin urmare am decis s` le select`m pe cele care ne-au pl`cut mai mult - 13 la num`r - \ntr-un nou album igloo best. Sunt proiecte diverse, de la interven]ii complet personalizate \n spa]ii de mici dimensiuni la amenaj`ri de case pe dou` niveluri \ntr-un stil eclectic, imagini calde, cu note retro, dar totodat` [i locuri foarte moderne, cu design provocator. Am remarcat, cu bucurie, preocuparea din ce \n ce mai mare, mai prezent`, pentru solu]iile individualizate: arhitec]ii \[i pun amprenta pe compartimentarea locuin]elor, caut` finisaje inedite, dar mai ales gândesc, proiecteaz` [i execut` mobilier special pentru fiecare spa]iu, \mbinând aspectele func]ionale cu cele estetice.

This last year we had the opportunity to present in the pages of igloo magazine several outstanding interior design projects, and since the national competitions (The 2012 Bucharest Architecture Annual and Biennial) brought to our attention several other quality projects, we decided to bring together the ones we liked the most – 13 in total – in a new igloo best album. These are varied projects, from highly individual interventions in small spaces to eclectic designs for two-level homes, warm, retro-inspired environments, as well as highly modern spaces, with a provocative design. We were glad to notice the ever growing and ever-more present pursuit of highly individual solutions: the architects leave their mark on the spatial layout of homes, they seek innovative finishing solutions and, most of all, they devise, design and execute customized furniture for each space, thus combining functional and aesthetic aspects.


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