Case din România 4

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igloobest l case din românia 4

din România

Nu ne-am imaginat c` dup` doar 5 ani de la lansarea colec]iei igloo best ne vom afla deja la cel de-al patrulea album dedicat locuin]elor individuale autohtone, cu exemple complet noi [i f`r` a face vreun compromis calitativ. Acest lucru ]ine, credem, de normalizarea unei pie]e (\nc` de ni[`, dac` ne gândim la mediocritatea care, din p`cate, ne \nconjoar`), cu o comunicare mai bun` \ntre cei doi poli ai s`i: clientul [i arhitectul. Dintr-un registru ce ]inea adesea de un anumit spectaculos vizual, casele au trecut, treptat, \ntr-unul al unei calit`]i mai rezervate, dar mai mature; am observat o preocupare constant` pentru rela]ia casei cu terenul, \n \ncercarea de a-i valorifica la maximum caracteristicile, un interes crescut pentru prezen]a luminii naturale [i pentru dialogul interior-exterior, o aten]ie sporit` (cu rezultate foarte bune) pentru calitatea finisajelor. We never imagined that in 5 years’ time since launching the collection igloo best we would be presenting the fourth book dedicated to Romanian houses, with all new examples and without any compromise in regard to quality. This, we believe, is due to the normalisation of a market – still a niche market if we consider the mediocrity that is, sadly, still surrounding us – and to a better communication between its two poles: the client and the architect. Moving on from the visually spectacular, the houses gradually took on a more reserved and more mature expression; we noticed a constant care for the integration of a house into its site, in an attempt to make full use of the latter’s properties, a growing interest for natural lighting and for the dialogue between inside and outside, and a raised awareness for the quality of the finishes (with excellent results).




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Board editorial / Editorial Board: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu Editor / Editor: Viorica Buic` Texte / Texts: Viorica Buic`, Luiza Hanc, Laura Li]canu, Catrinel Negru Traducere / English version: Anca Rotar Fotografii / Photos: Cosmin Dragomir, {erban Bonciocat, Cornel Lazia, Ovidiu Mic[a/VELUX, Graphic Studio, Raluca Rugin` Fotografie copert` / Cover photo: Cosmin Dragomir Paginare / Layout: C`t`lin Artenie Procesare imagine, DTP / Image Editing, DTP: Cristian David, {erban Bonciocat Corectur` / Proofreading: Andreea Amzoiu Tip`rit la/ Printed by Masterprint SuperOffset Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2012

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României Case din România / pref.: Viorica Buic` ; texte: Viorica Buic`, Luiza Hanc, Laura Litcanu, Catrinel Negru ; trad.: Anca Rotar ; foto: Cosmin Dragomir, {erban Bonciocat. - Ed. a 4-a. - Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2012 ISBN 978-606-8026-15-2 I. Buic`, Viorica (pref. ; text.) II. Hanc, Luiza (text.) III. Litcanu, Laura (text.) IV. Negru, Catrinel (text.) V. Rotar, Anca (trad.) VI. Dragomir, Cosmin (foto.) VII. Bonciocat, {erban (foto.) 728(498)(084)

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Ele sunt protejate de legile în vigoare privitoare la dreptul de autor. Orice reproducere total` sau în detaliu, prin orice fel de mijloace de copiere sau transmisie, este interzis` f`r` acordul editurii Igloo Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of Igloo Media.

Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2012



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CASE din Rom창nia Houses from Romania




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l Sumar l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 8_9


l Viorica Buic` l De patru ori Case din România l prefa]`


l Nuca Studio [i Square One l Casa CM


l Eliodor Streza l Casa CN


l Cardoplan l Cas` \n Snagov


l ADN BA l Casa Octavian


l AA Studio l Casa “See You!”


l Horia Reit l Casa CC


l Republic of Architects l Casa PH


l Theo Stancu l Casa SM


l RUAA l Casa ATR


l Bogdan Demetrescu l Casa Moza


l Graphic Studio l Cas` \n C`rpini[


l Florian Stanciu l Cas` \n Voluntari


l 3T Birou de Arhitectur` l Casa H.


l M`d`lin Ghigeanu l Casa Eric




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De patru ori Case din România Houses from Romania the fourth

Când am realizat primul album Case din România \n 2007, de altfel cel care a deschis seria igloo best, aveam \n spate 5 ani de revist`, \ntr-o perioad` \n care s-a sim]it destul de puternic un impuls de creativitate \n arhitectura local`; a fost u[or s` alegem cele 19 proiecte, aproape toate un „statement” \n sine despre cum poate fi locuirea ast`zi. Nu ne-am imaginat \ns` c` dup` al]i 5 ani ne vom afla deja la cel de-al patrulea album dedicat locuin]elor individuale autohtone, cu exemple complet noi [i f`r` a face vreun compromis calitativ. Acest lucru ]ine, credem, de normalizarea unei pie]e (\nc` de ni[`, dac` ne gândim la mediocritatea care, din p`cate, ne \nconjoar`), cu o comunicare mai bun` \ntre cei doi poli ai s`i: clientul [i arhitectul. Dintr-un registru ce ]inea adesea de un anumit spectaculos vizual, casele au trecut, treptat, \ntr-unul al unei calit`]i mai rezervate, dar mai mature; am observat o preocupare constant` pentru rela]ia casei cu terenul, \n \ncercarea de a-i valorifica la maximum caracteristicile, un interes crescut pentru prezen]a luminii naturale [i pentru dialogul interiorexterior, o aten]ie sporit` (cu rezultate foarte bune) pentru calitatea finisajelor. Ce aduce nou acest album este num`rul relativ mare de locuin]e care recupereaz` [i transform` structuri vechi, deja existente, oferindu-le o nou` via]`. |ntr-un continuu proces de (re)definire a unei identit`]i arhitecturale locale, credem c` este fundamental` raportarea corect`, inteligent`, la trecutul construit, \n egal` m`sur` \n mediul urban [i \n cel rural. Republic of Architects au pornit de la cl`direa parter existent` pe teren, fost` anex` a casei vecine, pentru a crea o locuin]` tonic`, luminoas`, cu decora]ii inspirate din opera exuberantului Hundertwasser. AA Studio au trecut printr-un proces mig`los, cu multe s`p`turi [i consolid`ri, pentru a integra casa veche de pe sit \n noua locuin]` cu dimensiuni generoase pe care au realizat-o \ntr-o zon` deosebit` a ora[ului Târgu Mure[. |ntr-un sat din jude]ul Bra[ov, arhitec]ii Graphic Studio au restructurat complet casa construit` de bunicii actualilor proprietari, transformând-o \ntr-un spa]iu confortabil [i totodat` sustenabil. |n contexte urbane mai dense, arhitectul Bogdan Demetrescu a renovat [i extins, cu mult` creativitate, o locuin]` din Timi[oara, iar arhitectul Adrian Untaru ne-a ar`tat cum o cas` veche simpl`, tipic`, din Bucure[ti poate deveni un spa]iu modern [i versatil, f`r` a afecta coeren]a zonei. Acestora li se adaug` bine\n]eles casele pornite de la zero, \n zone de edificare mai mult sau mai pu]in complicate, fiecare cu propria-i poveste pe care v` invit`m s` o descoperi]i \n paginile ce urmeaz`.

In 2007, when we published the first book of Houses from Romania, thus inaugurating the igloobest series, we already had five years of experience producing the magazine, in a time when the local architecture scene was bursting with creativity; it was easy to pick the 19 projects, each of them a statement on contemporary living. Yet, we never imagined that in 5 years’ time we would be working on the fourth book dedicated to Romanian houses, with all new examples and without any compromise in regard to quality. This, we believe, is due to the normalisation of a market – still a niche market if we consider the mediocrity that is, sadly, still surrounding us – and to a better communication between its two poles: the client and the architect. Moving on from the visually spectacular, the houses gradually took on a more reserved and more mature expression; we noticed a constant care for the integration of a house into its site, in an attempt to make full use of the latter’s properties, a growing interest for natural lighting and for the dialogue between inside and outside, and a raised awareness for the quality of the finishes (with excellent results). The novel thing about this book is the large number of projects that recover and transform existing old structures, giving them a new life. We believe that, in this ongoing process of (re)defining local architectural identity, a correct, intelligent approach of the existing architecture is crucial, in urban and rural areas alike. Thus, the Republic of Architects team started from an existing single-level building, a former annex of the neighbouring house, in order to create a fresh, well-lit house, with decorations inspired by the exuberant works of Hundertwasser. AA Studio went through a painstaking process, involving much digging and reinforcement work, in order to integrate an existing structure into a new, spacious home, in a one-of-a-kind area of the city of Târgu Mure[. In a Bra[ov district village, the architects of Graphic Studio fully redesigned a house built by the current owners’ grandparents, turning it into a comfortable, sustainable space. Working in a crowded urban context, in Timi[oara, architect Bogdan Demetrescu creatively restored and extended a house, while architect Adrian Untaru showed us how a simple, old Bucharest house can become a modern, versatile space, without affecting the area’s coherence. These projects are joined, naturally, by those built from scratch, in more or less controversial areas, each with its own story that we invite you to discover in the following pages.

l Viorica Buic` l prefa]` l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 11_11


l Nuca Studio [i Square One l Casa CM l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 12_23

12-23_Casa CmPipera


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Casa CM CM House

Punctul de plecare \n realizarea acestei locuin]e l-a reprezentat chiar stilul de via]` al beneficiarilor: o familie care este \n permanent contact cu rudele, cu prietenii, ceea ce duce la un grad foarte mare de ocupare a casei la sfâr[it de s`pt`mân`, cu diverse activit`]i \n desf`[urare. Construc]ia a fost astfel conceput` ca un volum fracturat, neregulat, care asigur` existen]a mai multor „centre” de interes pe fiecare dintre cele dou` niveluri, dar totodat` [i deschiderea c`tre exterior pentru mai multe tipuri de spa]ii. La interior, de[i au utiliz`ri diferite, exist` o bun` comunicare \ntre spa]ii [i foarte pu]ine zone opace. Zona de zi este un spa]iu liber, luminos [i marcheaz` un maximum de interactivitate \ntre buc`t`rie, locul de luat masa [i living, dar [i \ntre toate acestea [i curte. Pentru includerea cur]ii \n acest cadru, trecerea c`tre terasa acoperit` par]ial de etaj se face prin intermediul unui vitraj foarte mare, cu cea mai \ngust` tâmpl`rie disponibil`. La parter, se mai g`sesc câteva spa]ii tehnice, spa]iul de acces, grupuri sanitare, precum [i un spa]iu de lucru, \n timp ce etajul este rezervat celor patru dormitoare, de dimensiuni diferite, b`ilor adiacente, inedit decorate, [i unui loc de joac`. Deschiderile mari ob]inute prin folosirea unor pl`ci de beton post-tensionate \n structura locuin]ei, precum [i alegerea unor fa]ade ventilate cu placaj din lemn, foarte mobile, conecteaz` complet \n anumite locuri interiorul [i exteriorul. Prin acest joc studiat \ntre \n`untru [i afar`, casa devine o adev`rat` „insul`” de lini[te [i relaxare \n interiorul unei zone cu controversate valen]e urbane.







It was the owners’ lifestyle that provided the starting point in the design of this house: the family is always surrounded by other relatives and friends, which implies a large degree of house occupation every weekend, as well as many ongoing activities. The building was thus designed as a shifted, irregular volume, ensuring the existence of several “centres of interest” on each of the two levels, and, at the same time, the opening of several areas towards the outside. Inside, despite the varying functions, the spaces openly communicate with each other and there are very few enclosed areas, which contributes to a feeling of fluidity. The daytime area is a well-lit open space, ensuring maximum interaction between kitchen, dining space and living room, as well as between the above and the courtyard. In order to include the courtyard into this structure, the passage to the outside, namely to the terrace, itself partially covered by the upper floor volume, is done through a large glazed surface, for which the architects used the narrowest available frame. The ground floor also contains several technical areas, the entry access, a few bathrooms as well as a working space, while the upper level houses the four different sized bedrooms, their originally decorated adjacent bathrooms and a play area. The large openings obtained through the use of post-tensed concrete slabs in building the structure and the choice of a highly mobile timber façade ventilation system serve to ensure a full connection between interior and exterior. Through this carefully controlled game between inside and outside, the house becomes a veritable oasis of quiet and relaxation in the middle of a controversial urban area.

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12-23_Casa CmPipera


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l Eliodor Streza l Casa CN l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 24_33

24-33_Casa CN


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Casa CN CN House

Aceast` locuin]` din Bucure[ti este construit` pe un teren dintr-o parcelare de dat` recent`, realizat` prin retrocedarea suprafe]ei unui parc. Sensibili la implica]iile t`ierii arborilor pentru atmosfera urban` [i pentru microclimatul local, arhitectul [i beneficiarul au convenit asupra p`str`rii unui num`r cât mai mare din arborii existen]i pe teren; primul, cel mai aproape de aliniament, a dictat alegerea axului de intrare \n cl`dire, fiind un element de tem` similar condi]ion`rilor urbanistice – calcan pe una dintre laturi, retrageri fa]` de celelalte trei limite. Volumetria este animat` de decizia de a realiza un acoperi[ \n trei ape, cu pant` invers`, disimulat` \n spatele unor fa]ade ortogonale. Cele trei ape converg spre terasa de pe lateralul parcelei [i determin` astfel forma spa]iului interior de la etaj, dormitoarele având sec]iunea de tip mansard`. Terasa de la parter se \ntinde din centrul fa]adei laterale pân` departe, \n gr`din`, câ[tigând l`]ime odat` cu apropierea de living. Par]ial \nsorit`, par]ial umbrit` de consola \ndr`znea]` a dormitorului de la etaj, terasa este locul favorit al \ntregii familii [i avantajul indiscutabil al locuirii individuale. Interiorul reia tematica exteriorului prin continuarea gamei de finisaje [i a simplit`]ii volumelor; câteva detalii \mbog`]esc amenajarea interioar` f`r` a o \nc`rca: plafonul din beton aparent al livingului, mobilierul \ncastrat din fiecare camer` care utilizeaz` la maximum spa]iul disponibil, p`strând suprafa]a peretelui lis`, obiectele de mobilier minimaliste [i de culoare \nchis`, care dau scar` spa]iilor inundate de lumin` [i le „a[az`” din punct de vedere gravita]ional.


Plus Line Design, arhitect/architect: Eliodor Streza STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING





This Bucharest house was built on a site that is part of a recent parceling, resulting from the retrocession of a former park. Aware of the impact that cutting down trees has on the urban environment and the local micro-climate, the architect and the client agreed on keeping as many of the existing trees as possible; the first tree, that is, the one closest to the street alignment, dictated the choice of the house entry axis, thus merging with the elements required by urban regulations – a blind wall on one side and the other three sides withdrawing from the street. The volume layout was livened-up by the building of a triplegabled roof, with a reversed pitch, hidden behind several orthogonal façades. The three gables converge towards the terrace from one side of the lot, thus dictating the shape of the top floor interiors, namely the attic bedrooms. The ground floor terrace extends from the center of the latteral façade to the garden, growing in width as it approaches the living room. Partially sunny, partially shaded by the daring cantilever of the top floor bedroom, the terrace is the clients’ favourite spot and an incontestable advantage of the single-family house. The interiors reiterate the themes exhibited on the outside through the use of complementary finishing materials and simple volumes; a few details embellish the interiors without encumbering them: the exposed concrete ceiling of the living room, the encased furniture pieces inside every room, making full use of the available space, and the dark, minimalist furnishings, bestowing a sense of space and weight upon the lightflooded interiors.

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l Cardoplan l Cas` \n Snagov l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 34_41

34-41_Casa Snagov


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Cas` \n Snagov House in Snagov

Perfect rectangular`, simpl`, absolut modernist` la prima vedere, aceast` locuin]` devine din ce \n ce mai apropiat` de contemporaneitate pe m`sur` ce privirea ajunge la interior. Ini]ial, construc]ia era menit` s` fie \nchiriat` sau vândut` dup` finalizare, \ns`, pe m`sur` ce planurile au \nceput s` contureze o form` mai clar`, beneficiarul s-a ata[at tot mai mult de aceast` cas`, pe care a \nceput s` o simt` ca fiind a lui. Cele trei corpuri distincte – locuin]a, anexele [i garajul – au fost pozi]ionate pe terenul generos pentru a profita din plin de amplasamentul lâng` lacul Snagov: \n mod firesc, s-a dorit ca priveli[tea oglinzii de ap` s` fie cât mai accesibil`, iar casa a fost dezvoltat` „cu fa]` [i spate”, fa]ada dinspre lac fiind mai spectaculoas` decât celelalte. Spa]iile interioare sunt largi [i luminoase, cu terase dezvoltate c`tre ap`, cea mai important` fiind cea care porne[te din livingul de la parter. Cele trei dormitoare [i biroul de la etaj sunt deservite de circula]ii dimensionate [i dispuse eficient: un layout confortabil, aerisit, dar care nu epateaz`. La fel este întreaga imagine exterioar`. F`r` trucuri structurale ascunse în mânec`, f`r` materiale de fa]ad` complicate ori culori „îndr`zne]e”, compozi]ia e de o sinceritate dezarmant`. Prin suprapunerea acestor date simple, arhitectul a creat un volum valoros prin propor]iile sale [i prin bunul gust al finisajelor, pu]ine la num`r – tencuial` alb` [i c`r`mid` aparent`.


Cardoplan, arhitec]i/architects: Radu Canciovici, Dan Andrei Voicu, Cristina Canciovici STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

Advance Plan, inginer/engineer: Cristian Constantinescu PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2008-2011 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 8000 mp SUPRAFA}A CONSTRUIT~ / BUILT AREA 717 mp

Perfectly rectangular, simple and, at first glance, purely Modernist, this house gradually reveals its contemporary nature as the visitor advances toward the interior. Initially, the building was designed for being rented or sold after completion, but, as the plans began to take on a clear shape, the owner became more and more attached to the house, and began to think of it as his own. The three separate volumes – the house itself, the annexes and the garage – were placed on the generous site in such a way as to take full advantage of the nearby Snagov lake: naturally, the intention was for the sight of the water mirror to be as accessible as possible, and thus the house was built “face backwards”, the façade overlooking the lake being the most spectacular. The interiors are generous and well-lit, with terraces facing the lake, the main one being adjacent to the ground floor living room. The three bedrooms and the office on the upper floor are connected by efficiently sized and laid out corridors: a layout that is comfortable and spacious, yet discreet. The exteriors follow the same aesthetic line. Without any structural tricks hidden up a sleeve or any “bold” colours, the composition appears as disarmingly straight-forward. By superimposing this simple data, the architect created a house that is valuable through its proportions and the good taste of the few finishing materials used – white coating and exposed bricks.

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l ADN BA l Casa Octavian l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 42_49

42-49_Casa Octavian


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Casa Octavian Octavian House

Reamenajarea podului ca mansard` locuibil` este, de cele mai multe ori, principala modalitate de a câ[tiga spa]iu f`r` a extinde suprafa]a construit`: refacerea \nvelitorii [i, uneori, [i a structurii [arpantei, ofer` arhitectului posibilitatea de a regândi spa]iile interioare [i fa]adele. |n cazul de fa]`, corni[a a fost ridicat` cu jum`tate de metru f`r` a afecta propor]ia [i ornamenta]ia fa]adei principale, ob]inând astfel \n`l]imea interioar` necesar` amenaj`rii dormitoarelor. Singura solu]ie de iluminare [i ventilare natural` a dormitorului din fa]ada principal`, apar]inând celui mai tân`r membru al familiei, a fost integrarea \n planul acoperi[ului a mai multor ferestre – una singular` \n zona de noapte [i un grup de patru ferestre \n zona de joac`. Casa sc`rii [i holul dezvoltat pe dou` niveluri sunt de asemenea iluminate zenital prin intermediul unui luminator de mari dimensiuni. Astfel, centrul volumului devine o prism` luminoas` care leag` zona livingului [i cea a diningului. Spre deosebire de living, amplasat la strad` [i care comunic` cu exteriorul prin intermediul celor trei ferestre vechi, diningul are perimetrul \n \ntregime vitrat, fiind orientat c`tre gr`dina din spate. Beneficiarul [i arhitectul au optat pentru p`strarea \n`l]imii ini]iale a casei [i a acelora[i materiale pentru a men]ine coeren]a fa]adei laterale pe care este amplasat` intrarea. Golurile acestei fa]ade au aceea[i propor]ie cu cele vechi amplasate c`tre strad`, iar pentru a anima ferestrele diningului a fost prev`zut` \n fa]a acestora o perdea de vegeta]ie, perpetuând spiritul caselor vechi, cucerite de ieder`.


ADN Birou de Arhitectur`, arhitect/architect: Adrian Untaru STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

inginer/engineer: A. Apostolescu PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2007-2010 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 350




The refurbishment of an attic and its transformation into a loft are, often times, the main way to gain some additional space without extending the built surface: the recasting of the envelope and, sometimes even of the structure, offers the architect the possibility of re-thinking the interiors and the façades. In this instance, the eaves were elevated 0.5 m higher, thus reaching the required height for the bedrooms. The only natural lighting and ventilation solution available for the bedroom inside the main façade, belonging to the youngest family member, was integrating several Velux windows in the roof plan – a single window in the night area and a group of four windows in the play area. The stairwell and the double-level lobby benefit from zenithal light, through a large skylight. Thus, the centre of the volume becomes a luminous prism, connecting the living and dining areas. Unlike the living room, which faces the street and communicates to the outside through the three old windows, the dining room’s perimeter is fully glazed, facing the back yard. The owner and the architect chose to keep the house’s original height and to use the same materials in order to maintain the coherence of the lateral façade which includes the entrance. The cut-outs from this façade maintain the proportions of the old ones facing the street. In order to enliven the dining room windows, a green curtain was hung over them, in the spirit of old, ivy-laden houses.

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l AA Studio l Casa „See You!” l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 50_61

50-61_Casa TgMures


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Casa „See You!” “See You!” House

Atra[i de amplasarea special` \n ora[ul Tårgu Mure[ [i de dimensiunile generoase ale terenului, beneficiarii au decis rapid s`-l cumpere, \mpreun` cu casa veche existent` acolo; mai mult, au hot`råt s` o integreze, pe cât posibil, \ntr-o nou` construc]ie care s` poat` r`spund` necesit`]ilor ([i dorin]elor) unei familii destul de numeroase, cu copii. A urmat un proces mig`los pe parcursul c`ruia s-au s`pat un nivel \ntreg [i unul par]ial sub cas`, s-au f`cut consolid`ri ale elementelor p`strate [i s-au executat console [i deschideri care s` se plieze pe tema agreat`. |n final, noua locuin]` valorific` la maximum declivitatea accentuat` a terenului: garajul este \ncastrat \n teren [i este legat de subsolul casei printr-un tunel subteran, demisolul poate fi accesat direct, iar corpul piscinei, situat pe aceea[i curb` de nivel cu casa propriu-zis`, este legat de aceasta printr-o pasarel` suspendat`. Aten]ia pentru detalii, de la proiectarea gardului exterior la designul personalizat al barului de lâng` piscin`, confer` o coeren]` deosebit` ansamblului, chiar [i \n condi]iile existen]ei ineditului volum, pe dou` niveluri, \n centrul c`ruia se g`se[te piscina. Cele dou` niveluri supraterane, organizate \n mod logic din punct de vedere func]ional – zona de zi cu buc`taria [i spa]iul de lucru la parter, iar dormitorul matrimonial, cu o frumoas` perspectiv` c`tre exterior, [i cele trei dormitoare pentru copii la etaj – sunt amenajate \ntr-un stil \ndr`zne], dar totu[i vesel, \n ciuda prezen]ei majoritare a liniilor drepte. Ele comunic` prin intermediul unei sc`ri realizate din Corian, ce „neag`” panta terenului. PROIECT / PROJECT

AA Studio, arhitec]i/architects: Alex Adam, Roger Pop COLABORATORI / COLLABORATORS

arhitec]i/architects: Mihai Geleletu, M`d`lina Florea, Alexandra Ghiveci, Adrian Br`tescu, Alina Bogheanu, Aylin Bagas, Daniel Neam]u STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

Eventus, inginer/engineer: Attila Barna PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2007-2011 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 2670




Charmed by the special location in the city of Târgu Mure[ and by the generous size of the lot, the owners quickly decided to buy it, complete with the existing house; furthermore, they decided to integrate the latter as much as possible into a new building, able to meet the needs (and wishes) of a large family, with many children. A painstaking process followed, including the digging of a whole basement and a semi-basement, the reinforcement of existing elements, the building of several cantilevers and the cutting out of openings, in accordance with the given theme. The resulting new house makes the most of the site’s pronounced slope: the garage is embedded into the site and connected to the basement through an underground tunnel, while the semi-basement has a direct entry access. The volume containing the pool, built on the same level curve as the house itself, is connected to it through a suspended catwalk. The great care for detail, shown in the design of the outside fence, as well as the customised look of the bar near the pool, creates a sense of coherence, despite the presence of the unusual new volume housing the pool. The two above-ground levels are laid out in a straight-forward, functional way: the daytime area, containing the kitchen and the work space, is on the ground floor, while the marital bedroom, offering a generous view to the outside, and the three children’s bedrooms are on the upper floor. The interior design is daring, yet lively and cheerful, despite the dominance of straight lines. The two levels communicate through a Corian staircase that “undermines” the site slope.

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l Horia Reit l Casa CC l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 62_75

62-75_Casa Brasov - HReit


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Casa CC CC House

Amplasat` pe dealurile din vecin`tatea centrului istoric al Bra[ovului, \n drumul spre Poian`, aceast` spectaculoas` locuin]` profit` din plin de panta relativ mare a terenului [i de perspectivele frumoase c`tre dealurile [i mun]ii din jurul ora[ului. Dup` ce s-a excavat o cantitate semnificativ` de roc`, volumele casei, \mbr`cate preponderent \n tabl` de zinc (o op]iune inedit` \n peisajul autohton), s-au a[ezat firesc pe teren astfel \ncât accesul \n imobil se realizeaz` la nivelul cur]ii de sus. |n centrul casei se g`se[te livingul generos, deschis par]ial pe dou` niveluri unite de un perete de sticl` structural`, orientat spre panorama sudic`. |n supant` fa]` de acesta se afl` nivelul de acces, cu garajul, buc`t`ria [i locul de luat masa. Nivelul etajului este dedicat dormitoarelor [i camerelor copiilor, cu func]iunile adiacente, inclusiv o mare teras` panoramic`. Sub living, este amplasat nivelul ce ad`poste[te zona de relaxare: un spa]iu multifunc]ional care se deschide c`tre piscina interioar`, saun`, cigar lounge cu depozit de vinuri [i, nu \n ultimul rând, o teras` cu foi[or pentru barbeque [i o consol` metalic` cu belvedere. Cele patru niveluri ale construc]iei sunt legate pe vertical` de o scar` pe structur` metalic`, cu trepte din beton, [i un lift panoramic cu pere]i [i u[i din sticl`. Limbajul amenaj`rii \l urm`re[te pe cel al exterioarelor, \mbinând texturi [i materiale diverse. Dincolo de loca]ie [i structura volumului, locuin]a se individualizeaz` prin faptul c` majoritatea detaliilor [i obiectelor de mobilier au fost concepute special pentru acest spa]iu, cu grij` deosebit` pentru calitatea finisajelor.




Located on the hills near the historical centre of the city of Bra[ov, on the road leading to Poiana Bra[ov, this spectacular house takes full advantage of the relatively pronounced site slope and the generous views to the hills and mountains surrounding the city. After a significant amount of stone was dug out, the house’s volumes, mainly coated in zinc plate (an unusual choice in the local context), settled down naturally on the site, with the entry access on the same level as the upper courtyard. The central space of the house is the large living room, partially open on two levels, united by a structural glass wall, facing the South. A split level contains the entry access, as well as the garage, kitchen, dining space and a secure glass railing turned into a bar. The top level houses the bedrooms and the children’s rooms, with their respective adjacent spaces, including a large panoramic terrace. Beneath the living room lies the level containing the leisure area: a multifunctional space opening to the indoor pool and also housing a sauna, cigar lounge, wine cellar and, last but not least, a terrace with a pavilion, used for barbeques and a metallic cantilever for panoramic views. The building’s four levels are connected vertically through a staircase with a metallic structure and concrete footsteps, and a panoramic elevator with glazed walls and doors. The interior design aesthetics is in tune with the exterior, combining different textures and materials. Besides the location and the volume’s structure, the house’s singularity stems from the fact that most details and furniture items were especially designed for this space, showing great care for the quality of the finishes.

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l Republic of Architectsl Casa PH l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 76_83

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Casa PH PH House

Aceast` locuin]` unifamilial` este rezultatul surprinz`tor al îmbin`rii minimalismului ce caracterizeaz` proiectele echipei de arhitec]i cu decora]iile exuberante inspirate de lucr`rile lui Hundertwasser, preferate de beneficiari. Proiectul a pornit de la cl`direa parter existent` pe teren, fost` anex` a casei vecine, care a fost supraetajat` [i extins`. Amplasarea volumului pe parcel` (în form` de „L” \ntors), cu o retragere mare de la strad`, a condus la crearea unei zone tampon între spa]iul public [i cel privat. Deoarece cl`direa are calcan pe aproape toat` fa]ada de sud [i pe partea estic` a parterului, suprafe]ele vitrate au fost amplasate pe nord [i vest, îmbr`când uneori [i col]ul. Astfel, spa]iul de zi [i dormitorul matrimonial beneficiaz` de dubl` orientare. Accesul este marcat de un element tip fronton [i o copertin` cu rol de protec]ie. Mozaicul ceramic a fost realizat de un artist plastic dup` un design propriu, relativ independent de volumetria pe care o îmbrac` par]ial, preluând totu[i albul acesteia ca [i culoare predominant` a desenului. Decora]iunea exterioar` p`trunde [i la interior, unde spa]iile se contureaz` dup` logica func]ional` [i estetica epurat` propuse de arhitec]i. Parterul este deschis, flexibil, diferitele spa]ii de zi fiind compuse în jurul buc`t`riei; la etaj se g`sesc dou` dormitoare, baia [i dormitorul matrimonial. Scara cu vang metalic lateral [i trepte de lemn încastrate este deschis` pe dou` niveluri [i acoperit` de un luminator, ceea ce aduce lumina natural` la interior chiar [i pe zona de calcan.





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This single-family house is the surprising result of combining the architects’ signature Minimalism with exuberant decorations inspired by Hundertwasser, at the owners’ request. The project started from an existing single-level building, a former annex of the neighbouring house, which was extended and provided with a new level. The new house’s positioning on the reverse L-shaped site and the distance from the street front dictated the creation of a buffer area between public and private space. As the building is defined by the presence of blind walls on the Southern façade and the Eastern side of the ground floor, the architects placed glazed surfaces on the Northern and Western façades, and even some of the corner areas were glass-lined. Thus, the daytime area and the marital bedroom both enjoy a double orientation. The house entry access is marked by a pediment and a sunblind acting as a protective element. The ceramic mosaic was created by a visual artist, based on an original design, thus being relatively independent from the volume that it partially covers. Nevertheless, white, the main colour used on the outside of the building, is also prevalent within the drawing. The external decoration also finds its way inside, where the space is laid out based on the architects’ refined functional and aesthetic logic. The ground floor is a flexible open space, the various daytime areas being grouped around the kitchen; the upper floor contains two bedrooms, the bathroom and the marital bedroom. The staircase, featuring a lateral metallic string board and embedded steps, is open on two levels and overseen by a skylight, which brings natural light inside the house, even in the area corresponding to the blind wall.

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l Theo Stancu l Casa SM l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 84_93

84-93_Casa Potcoavei


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Casa SM SM House

|n mod l`udabil dezvoltat` doar pe parter \n mijlocul unei parcele largi [i plantate aproape \n totalitate, aceast` cas` cuprinde un spa]iu de zi [i dou` zone de noapte, deschise c`tre gr`dina din spate. Curtea interioar` acoperit` cu o pergol` din lemn [i orientat` de asemenea c`tre gr`din` este nucleul umbros al casei, punctul central spre care converg cele trei aripi ale cl`dirii. Umbra pl`cut` a pergolei din lamele verticale de lemn variaz` \n cursul zilei, permi]ând totodat` o perspectiv` liber` asupra cerului. Pardoselile din lemn, piatr` [i pietri[, cei doi pere]i verzi cu frunzi[ des de bambus contribuie la intimitatea spa]iului interior-exterior [i p`streaz` tematica natural` a finisajelor. |n continuarea patio-ului se afl` o teras` descoperit`, pavat` cu piatr` [i platform` de deck care \ncadreaz` oglinda de ap` a piscinei. Materialele naturale se continu` pe terasele perimetrale ale casei, finisajele pere]ilor respectând aceea[i palet` – lambriuri orizontale de lemn [i tencuial` alb`; \n plus, vitrajele de \n`l]imea nivelului unific` interiorul [i exteriorul. Amenajarea interioar` combin` \n mod nea[teptat atmosfera de galerie cu cea de c`min: pe fundalul luminos al pere]ilor albi [i al pardoselii din r`[in` gri deschis sunt expuse o serie de obiecte cu valoare sentimental`, care vorbesc despre istoria familiei [i se \nclin` cu respect \n fa]a artei vremurilor trecute (\n special art` româneasc`). De la covoarele populare [i urban-tradi]ionale la obiectele ceramice, fiecare obiect \[i spune propria poveste [i aduce c`ldura necesar` locuirii \ntr-o cas` minimalist` [i elegant`.



inginer/engineer: Mandi Bruchmaier PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2004-2005 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 4000

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A commendable example of a single-level building, located in the middle of a large, almost fully-planted site, this house is made up of a daytime area and two night areas facing the back garden. The interior courtyard, covered by a wooden pergola and, in its turn, facing the garden, is the house’s wellshaded nucleus, the central point towards which the three volumes converge. The pleasant shade provided by the vertical wooden bar pergola changes during the day, yet allows for an undisturbed view of the sky. The wood, stone and rubble floors and the two green walls with their thick bamboo foliage lend an air of intimacy to interior and exterior spaces alike, while keeping up with the natural line of the finishes. The patio opens into an open-air, stone-paved terrace with a deck platform that frames the pool’s water mirror. Natural materials were also used for the lateral terraces and for the wall finishes – wood panelling and white coating; furthermore, the full height glazed surfaces harmoniously bring together the interior and exterior spaces. The interior design unexpectedly combines the atmosphere of a gallery with that of a home: against the well-lit background of the white walls and the light gray resin flooring are exposed several objects of sentimental value, speaking of the family’s history and respectfully bowing before the art of bygone ages (Romanian art especially). From traditional and urban-traditional carpets to ceramic objects, each item tells its own story and brings a touch of warmth to this Minimalist, elegant house.

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l Bogdan Demetrescu l Casa Moza l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 102_111

102-111_Casa Moza


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Casa Moza Moza House

Proiectul de renovare a acestei locuin]ei individuale situate \n Timi[oara a pornit cu ideea de a men]ine atmosfera ini]ial` [i de a da casei o nou` via]`, aflat` \n mod firesc \n continuarea celei trecute. Au fost men]inute astfel volumetria cl`dirii, pozi]ia fa]` de strad`, forma acoperi[ului, golurile din fa]ada principal`. Minima extindere, marcat` cu sinceritate prin finisajul din beton aparent, este \ndreptat` c`tre curtea din spate [i se deta[eaz` de p`mânt, jenându-se parc` s` ocupe o palm` \n plus din suprafa]a cur]ii. Aspectul exterior sobru este animat de jocul volumelor bine propor]ionate, vibra]ia texturilor naturale (\nvelitoarea din [i]` de lemn, betonul amprentat cu flader de r`[inoase, tabl` groas` de culoare neagr`) [i fine]ea detaliilor de \mbinare – luminatorul, jgheabul atipic, strea[ina, ancadramentele ferestrelor. Una dintre principalele direc]ii ale renov`rii const` \n refacerea [arpantei din lemn cu p`strarea propor]iilor [i a pantelor, introducând un element nou [i spectaculos – banda continu` de luminatoare din ferestre de mansard` VELUX dispuse grupat, care separ` la interior timpanul vechi de c`r`mid` de corpul principal al acoperi[ului. La exterior, interven]ia aduce un plus de dinamism volumului echilibrat al casei, luminatoarele [i intrarea fiind dispuse \n diagonal`. La interior, banda continu` de ferestre ordoneaz` [i ierarhizeaz` zonele casei: lumina zenital` „\mbrac`” punctul de sosire al sc`rii, p`trunzând pân` la parter [i unificând astfel cele dou` niveluri ale casei – zona de zi [i zona de noapte.


arhitec]i/architects: Bogdan Demetrescu, Alina Negru, Andreea Simici COLABORATORI / COLLABORATORS

Dan Crasnic, Maja Spotanska, Lannert Cistian PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2010-2011 SUPRAFA}A CONSTRUIT~ / BUILT AREA 303 mp

The renovation of this single-family home in Timi[oara started from the idea of maintaining the original atmosphere while bestowing upon the house a new life, a natural continuation of its past life. Thus, the architects kept the volume layout, the orientation in regard to the street, the shape of the roof and the cut-outs in the main façade. The small extension, clearly marked by the exposed concrete finish, faces the back yard, being detached from the ground, as if reluctant to occupy another bit of the yard’s surface. The stern exterior is enlivened by the well-proportioned play on volumes, the vibrant natural textures (the weatherboard envelope, the concrete marked with resin wood, the thick black sheet metal) and the finesse of the blending details – the skylight, the unusual ditch, the eaves, the window frames. One of the renovation project’s main objectives was rebuilding the wooden framework, keeping the original proportions and pitches, while introducing a new and spectacular element – the light strip made up of VELUX attic windows disposed in groups, separating, on the inside, the old brick tympanum from the main volume of the roof. Outside, this insertion bestows an extra note of dynamism upon the house’s well-balanced volume, the light strip and the entrance being positioned diagonally. Inside, the light strip dictates the order and “hierarchy” of the interiors: zenithal light “bathes” the top stair landing, reaching all the way down to the ground floor and thus unifying the two levels of the house – the day and night time areas.

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l 3T Birou de Arhitectur` l Casa H. l case din românia 4 l igloo best l 126_135

126-135_Casa Horomnea


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Casa H. H. House

Casa H. se distinge prin designul modern [i acurate]ea execu]iei, suprafe]ele albe perfect aliniate contrastând elegant cu cele gri \nchis, cu inser]iile de sticl` colorat` [i profilele structurale aparente, transformate \n elemente de design. Locuin]a se dezvolt` pe patru niveluri (S+P+2 etaje), cu o amprent` la sol destul de mic`, astfel \ncât s-a câ[tigat spa]iu pentru curtea din spate. Partiul cuprinde la parter zona de zi, cu buc`t`rie semi-deschis` [i loc de luat masa adiacent livingului; la subsol – spa]iile tehnice, o \nc`pere pentru hobby, o garsonier` cu chicinet` [i grup sanitar; la etajul \ntâi – dormitoarele copiilor, baia cu acces din hol [i dormitorul matrimonial, cu dou` dressinguri [i baie, iar la etajul al doilea – biroul [i o teras` ampl`. Alegerea materialelor [i a unor detalii, precum [i a gamei cromatice a avut în vedere studiul feng shui realizat de arhitecta Olivia Strachin`: astfel au ap`rut semnele de ap` de pe parapetul sc`rii, decupate [i \n placarea de lemn a peretelui din living, culorile calde [i motivul vegetal al sticlei gravate din dormitorul matrimonial. Devenit laitmotiv al amenaj`rii, cercul este abordat în diverse moduri, fie sub forma unui decupaj \n placa de peste teras`, ca pattern al peretelui de lâng` scar` sau textur` pentru tavanul biroului. Pe timp de noapte, un efect spectaculos a fost ob]inut cu ajutorul iluminatului \n cant cu leduri a parapetului sc`rii [i a sticlei de compartimentare dintre dormitorul matrimonial [i dressing.


3T Birou de Arhitectur`, arhitec]i/architects: Theo Stancu, Raluca Popescu, Gheorghe Ghelase, Roze Chira, Oriana Fugaciu STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

inginer/engineer Gheorghe Vlaicu PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2007-2008 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 463




The H. House stands out through its modern design and accuracy of execution, the perfectly aligned white surfaces contrasting elegantly with the dark grey ones, and the coloured glass insertions and exposed structural profiles being used as design elements. The house comprises four levels (basement, ground floor and two upper floors), with a small ground footprint area, leaving enough space for the back yard. The layout places the daytime area, with a half open kitchen and a dining space adjacent to the living room, on the ground floor; the basement contains the technical area, a leisure room, a studio with a kitchenette and a bathroom; the first floor houses the children’s bedrooms, a bathroom, accessed from the hall, and the marital bedroom with two dressing closets and the adjacent bathroom, while the second floor is occupied by an office and a generous terrace. The choice of materials and some of the details, as well as the colour scheme, relies on the feng shui study undertaken by architect Olivia Strachin`: this is the source of the watermarks on the staircase railing, also present as cut-outs in the wooden coating of the living room wall, as well as the source of the warm colour scheme and the vegetal motif of the engraved glass in the marital bedroom. The circle, a leitmotif of the interior design project, is present in many forms, be it a cut-out in the slab above the terrace, a pattern on the wall near the staircase, or the texture of the office ceiling. At night time, a spectacular effect is achieved through the lateral LED lighting of the staircase railing and the separating glass wall between the marital bedroom and the dressing closet.

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igloobest l case din românia 4

din România

Nu ne-am imaginat c` dup` doar 5 ani de la lansarea colec]iei igloo best ne vom afla deja la cel de-al patrulea album dedicat locuin]elor individuale autohtone, cu exemple complet noi [i f`r` a face vreun compromis calitativ. Acest lucru ]ine, credem, de normalizarea unei pie]e (\nc` de ni[`, dac` ne gândim la mediocritatea care, din p`cate, ne \nconjoar`), cu o comunicare mai bun` \ntre cei doi poli ai s`i: clientul [i arhitectul. Dintr-un registru ce ]inea adesea de un anumit spectaculos vizual, casele au trecut, treptat, \ntr-unul al unei calit`]i mai rezervate, dar mai mature; am observat o preocupare constant` pentru rela]ia casei cu terenul, \n \ncercarea de a-i valorifica la maximum caracteristicile, un interes crescut pentru prezen]a luminii naturale [i pentru dialogul interior-exterior, o aten]ie sporit` (cu rezultate foarte bune) pentru calitatea finisajelor. We never imagined that in 5 years’ time since launching the collection igloo best we would be presenting the fourth book dedicated to Romanian houses, with all new examples and without any compromise in regard to quality. This, we believe, is due to the normalisation of a market – still a niche market if we consider the mediocrity that is, sadly, still surrounding us – and to a better communication between its two poles: the client and the architect. Moving on from the visually spectacular, the houses gradually took on a more reserved and more mature expression; we noticed a constant care for the integration of a house into its site, in an attempt to make full use of the latter’s properties, a growing interest for natural lighting and for the dialogue between inside and outside, and a raised awareness for the quality of the finishes (with excellent results).


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