Case din Romania 2 / Best houses

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igloobest l case din românia 2

din România

Case din România II nu este o reeditare cu ad`ugiri a volumului ap`rut \n luna mai a anului trecut, ci o selec]ie cu totul nou` de locuin]e construite sau descoperite \ntre timp de detectivii no[tri special antrena]i. Din nou, toate aceste case poart` semn`tura unor arhitec]i – mai mult sau mai pu]in cunoscu]i, dar arhitec]i –, nefiind adic` opera unor me[teri anonimi, a unor proprietari talenta]i sau a unor neveste stilate. |ntocmit` cu toat` grija [i priceperea de care am fost capabili, selec]ia Case din România 2 se dore[te a fi atât o colec]ie de sugestii pentru cei interesa]i de construc]ia propriei locuin]e, cât [i un instrument de lucru pentru cei dispu[i s` se informeze \n leg`tur` cu starea real` a arhitecturii domestice din România anului 2008. “Houses from Romania 2” is not a reedited and updated version of the first edition, published in May of last year. It is a totally new collection of houses that have been built in the intervening time or were recently discovered by our team of specially trained detectives. As before, all these houses are the work of architects – lesser or better known, architects all the same – and thus not the products of some anonymous craftsmen, talented owners or stylish housewives. Compiled with all the care and knowledge we could muster, “Houses from Romania 2” aims to be both a collection of suggestions for people planning to build a house of their own as well as a tool for those curious to discover more about the real state of domestic architecture in Romania in 2008.




din Rom창nia Houses from Romania

Board editorial / Editorial Board: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu Coordonator proiect editorial / Project coordinator: Viorica Buic` Texte / Texts: Viorica Buic`, Andreea Petra Brezan, Ana Diaconu, Catrinel Panaite Traducere / English version: Samuel W.F. Onn Fotografii / Photos: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir, Andrei Bogdan Fezi, Graphic Studio, R`zvan Puchici, Radu Teac` / Artline Fotografie copert` / Cover photo: Cosmin Dragomir Concept grafic / Graphic design concept: Corina Gabriela Duma Procesare imagine, DTP / Image Editing, DTP: Cristian David, Robert Dumitru Redactor/ Text editing: Andreea Amzoiu Tip`rit la/ Printed by Masterprint SuperOffset Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2008

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României Case din România = Houses from Romania / pref.: Bruno Andre[oiu; coord.: Viorica Buic`; trad.: Samuel Onn; grafica: Corina Gabriela Duma. Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2008 ISBN 978-973-88404-5-4 I. Andre[oiu, Bruno (pref.) II. Buic`, Viorica (coord.) III. Onn, Samuel W. F. (trad.) IV. Duma, Corina (graf.) 728(498)(084)

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Ele sunt protejate de legile în vigoare privitoare la dreptul de autor. Orice reproducere total` sau în detaliu, prin orice fel de mijloace de copiere sau transmisie, este interzis` f`r` acordul editurii Igloo Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of Igloo Media.

Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2008

Case din Rom창nia Houses from Romania

l Sumar l case din rom창nia 2 l igloo best l 8_9

l Bruno Andre[oiul din nou case din rom창nia l prefa]`


l Radu Teac` l casa de l책ng` lac, bucure[ti


l R`zvan Puchici l casa colina, pite[ti


l Romi Ovidiu Adam l casa cu trei cur]i, timi[oara


l Graphic Studio l casa doru, bucure[ti


l Radu Teac` l cas` pe strada petricani, bucure[ti


l Adrian Spirescu l casa zlatko, mogo[oaia


l igloo architecture l casa chindea, corbeanca


l Theo Stancu l vila nicorescu, bucure[ti


l Marius Micl`u[ l casa celor patru anotimpuri, timi[oara


l igloo design l casa gherbea, bucure[ti


l Graphic Studio l casa fecioru, bucure[ti


l Bogdan Andrei Fezi l vil` \n zona doroban]i, bucure[ti


l Graphic Studio l cas` pe strada av. petre cre]u, bucure[ti 136_145 l Radu Teac` l cas` pe strada d. gherea, bucure[ti


More from Houses from Romania

„Arhitectura din România este \n mare suferin]`.” Am folosit semiabuziv ghilimelele citatului pentru un loc comun al discursului public, adoptat de majoritatea celor care au o leg`tur` oarecare cu domeniul. Nu \ns` pentru a o combate am adus \n discu]ie aceast` aser]iune, ci mai degrab` pentru a schi]a fundalul pe care se construie[te demersul nostru editorial. Da, [tim cu to]ii c` dintre crizele funciare ale României contemporane, arhitectura nu este cu siguran]` ultima. Da, [tim cu to]ii c` centrele ora[elor se degradeaz`, c` noile cartiere arat` de obicei foarte urât, c` satele \[i \ngroap` tradi]ia constructiv` sub mormane de bca, termopane ieftine [i tabl` vopsit` strident. Ne-am obi[nuit s` vorbim de prostul gust poleit al noilor \mbog`]i]i, de arhitec]i incapabili, de constructori slabi sau de func]ionari corup]i atunci când ne referim la arhitectura contemporan` din România. Desigur, e ceva adev`r aici, c` de n-ar fi, nu s-ar vedea atât de urât pe geamul bmw-ului oprit la semafor sau de pe balconul apartamentului de lux cu suprafe]e confort II. Cu toate acestea, \ns`, exist` [i ceva via]` arhitectural` normal` pe aceste meleaguri, iar colec]ia igloobest tocmai asta se \nc`p`]âneaz` s` descopere [i s` expun`. {i ce dovad` mai bun` am putea produce, dac` nu edi]ia a doua a albumului Case din România? Iar ca s` fie totul clar \nc` de la \nceput, Case din România 2 nu este o reeditare cu ad`ugiri a volumului ap`rut \n luna mai a anului trecut, ci o selec]ie cu totul nou` de locuin]e construite sau descoperite \ntre timp de detectivii no[tri special antrena]i. Din nou, toate aceste case poart` semn`tura unor arhitec]i – mai mult sau mai pu]in cunoscu]i, dar arhitec]i –, nefiind adic` opera unor me[teri anonimi, a unor proprietari talenta]i sau a unor neveste stilate. |ntocmit` cu toat` grija [i priceperea de care am fost capabili, selec]ia igloobest Case din România 2 se dore[te a fi atât o colec]ie de sugestii pentru cei interesa]i de construc]ia propriei locuin]e, cât [i un instrument de lucru pentru cei dispu[i s` se informeze \n leg`tur` cu starea real` a arhitecturii domestice din România anului 2008. Desigur, dac` e s` punem \n competi]ie aceste case cu rudele lor din alte zone geografice [i culturale ceva mai avansate pe drumul arhitecturii, s-ar putea s` nu prindem prea multe locuri pe podium, dar acest lucru nu ar trebui s` ne demobilizeze. Cred mai degrab` c` valoarea spa]iilor prezentate \n acest album ar trebui s` ne conving` c` arhitectura de calitate se poate face oriunde, cu condi]ia, bine\n]eles, ca profesioni[tii s` fie bine ale[i [i apoi l`sa]i s` \[i fac` treaba a[a cum [tiu ei.

“Architecture in Romania is in great pain”. I am semiabusing the use of quotation marks here in order to express the public position of most people with some kind of connection to this field. I didn’t introduce this statement simply in order to attack it, but rather as a way of providing some background to the approach we adopted for this publication. For we all know that, of all the serious crises faced by Romania today, architecture is by no means the least important. And we all know that our city centres are crumbling, that the new districts being built are usually ugly, and that villages are burying traditional building methods under piles of BCA blocks, cheap double-glazing and brightly painted metal sheets. We’ve become accustomed, when discussing architecture in Romania today, to mention the shiny bad taste of the nouveaux riches and the prevalence of incompetent architects, poor quality builders and corrupt city hall officials. Of course, there’s some truth in all this, for if this weren’t so, things wouldn’t look quite so bad from the window of a BMW waiting at the traffic lights or from the balcony of a “confort 2”-sized luxury apartment. All the same, there is still some evidence of normal architectural life in these parts, and it is precisely this which the “igloobest” series is determined to uncover and put on display. And what better proof of this if not a second edition of “Houses from Romania”! To be clear from the outset, “Houses from Romania 2” is not a reedited and updated version of the first edition, published in May of last year. It is a totally new collection of houses that have been built in the intervening time or were recently discovered by our team of specially trained detectives. As before, all these houses are the work of architects – lesser or better known, architects all the same – and thus not the products of some anonymous craftsmen, talented owners or stylish housewives. Compiled with all the care and knowledge we could muster, “Houses from Romania 2” aims to be both a collection of suggestions for people planning to build a house of their own as well as a tool for those curious to discover more about the real state of domestic architecture in Romania in 2008. Doubtless, if these houses were to be entered into a competition with their cousins in other, more advanced geographical and cultural areas, they might not be awarded much room on the winners’ podium, but we should not let this be cause for dismay. On the contrary, I believe the value of the spaces presented in this album should convince us that quality architecture is possible everywhere – provided, of course, the architects are well chosen and left to do their job as they know best.

l Bruno Andre[oiu l prefa]` l case din românia 2 l igloo best l 11_11

Din nou Case din România

l Radu Teac` l casa de lâng` lac, bucure[ti l case din românia 2 l igloo best l 12_21

Casa de lâng` lac House by the lake

Subliniind prin arhitectur` un cadru natural deosebit, locuin]a, care ar putea fi denumit` „calea spre lac”, este compus` din dou` corpuri alungite, fiecare paralel cu o latur` a parcelei, legate de o mic` ser` care se parcurge obligat \n drumul spre partea mai lini[tit` a casei. |mbinând op]iunea beneficiarului pentru betonul aparent [i pl`cerea arhitectului de a crea spa]ii prin „plierea“ unor benzi, au luat na[tere cele dou` „tuburi” rectangulare deta[ate de sol, prin care este perceput lacul \nc` de la intrare. Prin eliminarea unuia dintre pere]ii tuburilor, acestea se orienteaz` unul spre altul, definind spa]iul liber dintre ele ca o raz` vizual` c`tre lac. La cap`tul primului tub se afl` livingul, cu zona canapelelor coborât`, pentru a percepe linia calm` a apei; spa]iul se termin` cu un bovindou, \ncercând parc` s` se extind` dincolo de limitele construitului – \ns`, pentru a men]ine intimitatea gr`dinii, ie[irea nu se face pe aici. Traseul continu` pe lâng` ser`, trecând \n corpul al doilea, unde se afl` scara, câteva \nc`peri secundare [i diningul inundat de lumina de sud [i deschis spre lac printr-o loggie umbrit`. Deasupra diningului se afl` dormitorul matrimonial al c`rui balcon acoperit este „clou”-ul fa]adei spre gr`din`. Deoarece iluminarea spa]iilor din zona central` se face prin fante \nguste, atât dormitorul din mijloc, cât [i biroul adiacent livingului primesc câte un mic bovindou vitrat care penetreaz` „coaja”, cerându-[i dreptul asupra peisajului.


Artline, arhitec]i/architects: Radu Teac`, Peter Marx, Liviu Fabian STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


mp mp


Using architecture to emphasise its unique natural surroundings, this house, which might well be called “The Road to the Lake”, is composed of two rectangular bodies, each one parallel with one side of the land and connected by a small conservatory that must be passed through to reach the quieter side of the house. A combination of the beneficiary’s choice for visible concrete and the architect’s pleasure in creating spaces by “folding” strips, gave rise to the two “tubes”, rectangular and detached from the ground, through which the lake can be seen as soon as you enter the building. The elimination of one of the walls from each of the tubes means each is orientated towards the other and renders the open space between them a visual radius leading onto the lake. At the end of the first tube is the living room with a lowered sofa area that allows you to view the calm surface of the water; the space comes to an end with a bow window that appears to attempt to reach out beyond the built surface – however, to preserve the intimacy of the garden, the exit is located elsewhere. The path continues through the conservatory, passing into the second wing of the house, which contains the stairs, some auxiliary rooms and a dining room bathed in light from the south and overlooking the lake from a shaded loggia. Above the dining room is the master bedroom whose covered balcony forms the main attraction of the façade overlooking the garden. Because the illumination for the spaces in the central area comes from narrow shafts, both the bedroom in the middle and the office adjacent to the living room have been given small glass-paned bow windows that penetrate the “skin” and claim a view of the landscape.

l R`zvan Puchici l casa colina, pite[ti l case din românia 2 l igloo best l 22_31

Casa Colina Colina House

Locuin]a, situat` \ntr-o zon` \nverzit` a ora[ului Pite[ti, profit` la maximum de cadrul natural \n care este amplasat`, schimbând cu acesta texturi, luminozit`]i, accente. Terenul generos de]inut de proprietar are o u[oar` pant` care a fost integrat` \n proiectul de arhitectur` astfel \ncât s` nu afecteze conceptul ini]ial, ba chiar s`-l \mbog`]easc` prin numeroasele [i, uneori, nea[teptatele treceri \ntre exterior [i interior. Departe de frontul stradal, casa \[i impune propriul ritm de existen]`, armonizând cu peisajul care, de altfel, se insinueaz` \n spa]iile interioare prin toate fibrele senzitive ale anvelopantei: vitraje generoase, goluri [i accente dominante \nspre sud [i vest, plinuri \nspre nord [i est. Liniile volumelor sunt simple [i clar definite, iar discursul lor stilistic sobru [i elegant este urmat [i de materialele de finisaj, \n num`r de trei: lemn de esen]` nobil` la nivelul etajului, \n dreptul dormitorului matrimonial [i al peretelui axial, placaje de calcar pe fa]adele mai pu]in \nsorite [i panouri compozite de aluminiu pe accentele \ntregii compozi]ii. Spa]iul interior este permanent balansat pe declivitatea terenului, lucru ce \i ofer` deschideri [i \n`l]imi generoase. Mobilierul este minimalist, \n culori calde, re]inute, iar sc`rile ce realizeaz` trecerile de nivel cultiv` din plin transparen]ele. Ca o recompens` dup` parcurgerea \ntregii case, terasa de la ultimul nivel \]i propune o perspectiv` surprinz`toare [i relaxant` asupra ora[ului.


arhitec]i/architects Paul R`zvan Puchici, Andrei Uleia, Ioana Ispas, Simona Schipou STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

ing. Daniela Puchici, ing. Andrei {endroiu/ PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE / BUILDING PERIOD 2004-2005 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 2000 mp SUPRAFA}A CONSTRUIT~ / BUILT AREA 650 mp

This house, located in a green part of the city of Piteflti, takes full advantage of its natural setting, sharing textures, shades and light. The owner’s extensive plot of land features a gentle slope that was integrated into the architecture so as not to affect the initial concept, in fact enriching it through the many and, at times, surprising transitions it generates between the exterior and interior. Far from the street front, this house creates its own rhythm, though all the while harmonising with the landscape that pervades the interior spaces through the sensitive fibres of the outer shell: extensive windows, empty spaces and dominant features towards the south and west, full spaces towards the north and east. The lines of the building are simple and clearly defined, a sober and elegant stylistic discourse that is carried over to the three types of finishing: precious wood for the first floor, outside the master bedroom and the axial wall; limestone for the façades that receive less direct sun light; and aluminium composite panelling used to highlight the entire building. The interior space is permanently balanced on the downward slope of the plot, giving a feeling of openness and emphasising its height. The furniture is minimalist, in warm, reserved colours, while the stairs connecting the floors cultivate transparency. As a reward for passing through the entire house, the top floor terrace provides unexpected and relaxing views over the city.

l Adam Ovidiu Romi l casa cu trei cur]i, timi[oara l case din românia 2 l igloo best l 32_43

Casa cu trei cur]i House with three courtyards

Pe o strad` veche din Dumbr`vi]a, Romi Adam a proiectat o locuin]` care compune cu delicate]e forme, propor]ii, materiale tradi]ionale [i actuale \ntr-un \ntreg locuibil a c`rui principal` tr`s`tur` este senin`tatea. Imaginea oferit` str`zii este un perete alb \nalt, care ascunde prima parte a casei [i curtea dormitorului matrimonial, decupat de un volum alungit placat cu lemn – \mprejmuire [i u[` secret` de acces. Casa ocup` prima treime a parcelei, continuându-se cu o curte plantat` [i o piscin`. Volumul dezvoltat pe parter este compus din spa]ii acoperite [i descoperite, care ofer` multiple perspective \ntre \nc`peri [i cur]ile de tip patio. Acoperirea \ntr-o singur` pant` lin` se manifest` la interior prin grinzile aparente din lemn, pe fondul plafonului alb. Cromatica se restrânge la paleta alb-castaniu, cu accente vegetale de verde, pardoseala [i plafonul fiind \n contrast. Interiorul se deschide c`tre gr`din`, contrazicând principiul amplas`rii la strad` a spa]iilor de zi [i \nchiderea spre spatele parcelei a zonelor de noapte. Curtea interioar` dintre living [i dining este delimitat` pe trei laturi de pere]ii vitra]i ai casei [i placat` cu dale lise de piatr`, devenind un spa]iu de locuit descoperit, singurul element vegetal fiind magnolia din centru. |ntre cele dou` cur]i, livingul se dezvolt` \n jurul [emineului deschis al c`rui blat de piatr` se transform` \ntr-un podium de acces \n gr`din`. Zona canapelelor câ[tig` intimitate prin situarea la o cot` inferioar` nivelului cur]ii.


Birou Arhitectur` Adam, arhitec]i/architects: Adam Ovidiu Romi, Cepanariu Daniel Alexandru STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


438 mp mp


On an old street in Dumbr`vi]a Romi Adam has designed a house that brings together delicate forms and proportions and traditional and modern materials to create a habitable ensemble whose main characteristic is serenity. The view from the street is that of the high white wall, which hides the first part of the house and the courtyard of the master bedroom, outlined by a rectangular woodclad structure: a fence and a secret entrance. The garden of the bedroom communicates with the street through a horizontal shaft that affords visual contact between the vegetation in the yard and that on the street. The house, occupying the first third of the plot, is continued by a planted yard and a swimming pool. The volume of the ground floor is formed from covered and uncovered spaces offering multiple views of the rooms and patio-type yards. The single gently sloping surface of the roof is created on the inside by the visible wooden beams on the white ceiling. The colour scheme is restricted to a palette ranging from white to chestnut with green vegetal touches, while the floor and ceiling are rendered in contrast. The interior opens onto the garden, thereby contradicting the general rule of positioning living spaces towards the street and bedrooms towards the rear of the property. The interior courtyard between the living and dining rooms, defined on three sides by the house’s glass walls and paved with smooth flagstones, becomes an open living space whose only element of plant-life is the centrally-positioned magnolia. Between the two courtyards, the living room extends around the open fireplace, the stone base of which also acts as a podium for accessing the garden. The sofa area gains in intimacy by virtue of its positioning on a lower level than that of the courtyard.

Cump`ra]i-l, e un album de colec]ie!

email:, Igloo media, str. Brezoianu, nr. 4, et. 1, sect.5 , Bucure[ti, tel 0213134118, fax 0213134118, mobil: 0747.045.885, 0720.697.591


igloobest l case din românia 2

din România

Case din România II nu este o reeditare cu ad`ugiri a volumului ap`rut \n luna mai a anului trecut, ci o selec]ie cu totul nou` de locuin]e construite sau descoperite \ntre timp de detectivii no[tri special antrena]i. Din nou, toate aceste case poart` semn`tura unor arhitec]i – mai mult sau mai pu]in cunoscu]i, dar arhitec]i –, nefiind adic` opera unor me[teri anonimi, a unor proprietari talenta]i sau a unor neveste stilate. |ntocmit` cu toat` grija [i priceperea de care am fost capabili, selec]ia Case din România 2 se dore[te a fi atât o colec]ie de sugestii pentru cei interesa]i de construc]ia propriei locuin]e, cât [i un instrument de lucru pentru cei dispu[i s` se informeze \n leg`tur` cu starea real` a arhitecturii domestice din România anului 2008. “Houses from Romania 2” is not a reedited and updated version of the first edition, published in May of last year. It is a totally new collection of houses that have been built in the intervening time or were recently discovered by our team of specially trained detectives. As before, all these houses are the work of architects – lesser or better known, architects all the same – and thus not the products of some anonymous craftsmen, talented owners or stylish housewives. Compiled with all the care and knowledge we could muster, “Houses from Romania 2” aims to be both a collection of suggestions for people planning to build a house of their own as well as a tool for those curious to discover more about the real state of domestic architecture in Romania in 2008.


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