Birouri din Romania / Best offices

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igloobest l birouri din românia

din România


Cl`dirile de birouri, marc` a func]ion`rii organismului economic, devin [i gest cultural acolo unde arhitec]ii trec dincolo de \mbr`carea \n materiale standard [i detalii de furnizor a unor volume banale rezultate din coeficien]i urbanistici. Condi]ie pe care credem c` toate cele 17 cl`diri din acest album o \ndeplinesc. Aceast` carte nu dore[te s` alimenteze conflictele urbane latente sau deschise dintre cei conservatori [i cei care promoveaz` \nnoirea cu orice pre]. Dimpotriv`, inten]ia sa declarat` este aceea de a ar`ta c`, de[i mult \n urma altor ]`ri europene, [i \n România exist` realiz`ri de calitate pentru acest program de arhitectur`. Tocmai \n acest scop abordarea noastr` este – deliberat – una strict arhitectural`, impactul urban al construc]iilor selectate aici nef`când \n mod explicit obiectul acestei c`r]i. Multe alte cl`diri de birouri ar fi putut participa la selec]ia noastr`, dar stadiul de execu]ie nu a f`cut posibil acest lucru. Cu siguran]`, dac` aceast` carte ar fi ap`rut peste [ase luni, lucrurile ar fi ar`tat altfel, dinamica segmentului fiind cu totul remarcabil`. Dar volumul al doilea va l`muri probabil cât se poate de clar [i acest lucru.

Office buildings, symbols of a functioning economic system, can also be cultural gestures if their architects go further than the simple dressing up in standard materials and technical details of the bland structures designed purely according to planning regulations – something I believe all 17 buildings in this album have achieved. This book is not meant to feed the latent or open urban conflict between city conservationists and advocates of renewal at any cost. On the contrary, its declared intention is to show that, though a long way behind other European countries, high quality architecture of this type also exists in Romania. Precisely for this reason, therefore, we have deliberately adopted a strictly architectural approach, and the urban impact of the buildings chosen is not explicitly dealt with in this book. Many other office buildings could also have featured in our selection if they had already reached completion. Clearly, if this book were to appear six months later, things would be different knowing the fast pace of developments in this field. The second volume no doubt will follow up on these new additions to architecture in Bucharest.


BIROURI din Rom창nia Office Buildings in Romania

Board editorial / Editorial Board: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu Coordonator proiect editorial / Project coordinator: Viorica Buic` Texte / Texts: Oana T`nase, Viorica Buic`, Andreea Petra Brezan Traducere / English version: Samuel W.F. Onn Fotografii / Photos: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir, {tefan Tuchil`, Andrei M`rgulescu, Florin Andreescu, Mihail Moldoveanu, Westfourth Architecture, Adrian Spirescu, Ovidiu Mic[a, Architect Service, Anchor Grup Fotografie copert` / Cover photo: {tefan Tuchil` Concept grafic, coperta / Graphic design concept, cover: Corina Gabriela Duma Pagina]ie / Layout: Alexandra Hîrlavu Procesare imagine, DTP / Image Editing, DTP: Cristian David, Robert Dumitru Tip`rit la/ Printed by Printco, Ia[i Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2008

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României Birouri din România / pref.: Bruno Andre[oiu ; texte: Oana T`nase, Viorica Buic`, Andreea Petra Brezan ; trad.: Samuel W. F. Onn ; concept grafic: Corina Gabriela Duma. - Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2008 ISBN 978-973-88404-3-0 I. Andre[oiu, Bruno (pref.) II. T`nase, Oana (text) III. Buic`, Viorica (text) IV. Brezan, Andreea Petra (text) V. Onn, Samuel W. F. (trad.) VI. Duma, Corina Gabriela (graf.) 624:728.1(498)

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Ele sunt protejate de legile în vigoare privitoare la dreptul de autor. Orice reproducere total` sau în detaliu, prin orice fel de mijloace de copiere sau transmisie, este interzis` f`r` acordul editurii Igloo Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of Igloo Media.

Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2008

Birouri din Rom창nia Office buildings in Romania

l Sumar l birouri din rom창nia l igloo best l 8_9

l Bruno Andre[oiul Birouri din Rom창nia l prefa]`


l Vlad Gaivoronschi l City Business Centre


l Westfourth Architecture l Charles de Gaulle Plaza


l Architect Service l North Gate


l Bogdan Babici, Lucian Simion l Cl`direa Futura


l Westfourth Architecture l Imobil str. Dimitrie Pompei


l Architect Service l Sediul Porsche Rom창nia


l West Group Architecture l Millennium Business Center


l Westfourth Architecture l Europe House


l Dan Marin, Zeno Bogd`nescu l Sediu UAR [i ACMS


l Westfourth Architecture l America House


l Adrian Spirescu l Cl`dire birouri Bucure[ti


l Westfourth Architecture l Ambasada Canadei


l Paul Lupu, Mihai Radu l Cl`dire de birouri Doroban]i


l Westfourth Architecture l Premium Plaza


l B Design Architecture l Anchor Plaza


l Dorin {tefan Birou de Arhitectur` l Opera Center


l BBM Grup l Imobil Litexco


l Parteneri


Office buildings in Romania

A treia apari]ie a seriei igloobest continu` ideea selec]iei calitative pe programe de arhitectur` cu o tematic` de maxim interes pentru societatea româneasc`. Dup` case [i interioare de locuin]e, substan]a acestui volum o constituie cl`dirile de birouri, reprezentante ale programului urban cel mai spectaculos din arhitectura româneasc` de dup` ‘90. Relativa simplitate func]ional`, miza economic` [i posibilit`]ile expresive remarcabile – datorate \n marea lor majoritate evolu]iilor tehnologice din ultimii ani – fac din cl`dirile de birouri un teritoriu extrem de interesant atât pentru arhitec]i, cât [i pentru comanditarii de arhitectur`. |n`l]imile [i gabaritele mari la care se calific` aceste construc]ii reprezint` provoc`ri urbane [i profesionale serioase, iar prezen]a lor devine adesea marc` a zonei \n care se g`sesc. Ora[ele contemporane se dezvolt` pe vertical` [i acest lucru nu poate fi negat nici \n România, indiferent cât de ata[a]i am fi de imaginile tradi]ionale ale urbelor noastre. Din aceste motive \ns`, cl`dirile de birouri sunt ast`zi adesea demonizate aprioric de asocia]iile de guerilla urban`. Sintagma „metal [i sticl`” ca marc` a r`ului urban indubitabil este nu numai inept`, dar [i lipsit` de acoperire \n multe dintre cazurile la care se face referire. C` blamarea lor categorial` e o tâmpenie este la fel de evident ca faptul c` prezen]a cl`dirilor de birouri agreseaz` [i afecteaz` de multe ori ]esutul urban existent. Cu toate acestea, s` nu uit`m c` prezen]a cl`dirilor de birouri reprezint` dovada s`n`t`]ii economice a unui teritoriu, a[a cum casele bune sunt semnul prosperit`]ii individuale, iar monumentele m`sura interesului cultural. Cl`dirile de birouri, marc` a func]ion`rii organismului economic, devin \ns` [i gest cultural acolo unde arhitec]ii trec dincolo de \mbr`carea \n materiale standard [i detalii de furnizor a unor volume banale rezultate din coeficien]i urbanistici. Condi]ie pe care cred c` toate cl`dirile din acest album o \ndeplinesc. Este, cred, limpede c` aceast` carte nu dore[te s` alimenteze conflictele urbane latente sau deschise dintre cei conservatori [i cei care promoveaz` \nnoirea cu orice pre] (sau, \n sfâr[it, cu pre] mare). Dimpotriv`, inten]ia sa declarat` este aceea de a ar`ta c`, de[i mult \n urma altor ]`ri europene, [i \n România exist` realiz`ri de calitate pentru acest program de arhitectur` (chiar dac` structurile spectaculoase sau finisajele foarte scumpe \ntârzie s` apar`). Tocmai \n acest scop abordarea noastr` este – deliberat – una strict arhitectural`, impactul urban al construc]iilor selectate aici nef`când \n mod explicit obiectul acestei c`r]i. {aptesprezece sunt construc]iile prezente \n acest album, iar selec]ia lor a ]inut cont \n primul rând de calitatea arhitectural`, dar [i de condi]ia obiectiv` a finaliz`rii lor. Spun asta pentru c` multe alte cl`diri de birouri ar fi putut participa la selec]ia noastr`, dar stadiul de execu]ie nu a f`cut posibil acest lucru. Cu siguran]`, dac` aceast` carte ar fi ap`rut peste [ase luni, lucrurile ar fi ar`tat altfel, dinamica segmentului fiind cu totul remarcabil`. Dar volumul al doilea va l`muri probabil cât se poate de clar [i acest lucru.

The third publication in the igloobest series continues the idea of selecting examples of architecture based on quality and their relevance to Romanian society. After houses and residential interiors, this latest volume looks at office buildings, some of the most spectacular examples of Romanian urban architecture post 1990. Their relative functional simplicity, the investment at stake and their remarkable expressive potential – in most cases thanks to the technological advances of recent years – make office buildings an extremely attractive area, both for the architects involved and their beneficiaries. The large size and height of these structures provides a considerable urban and professional challenge, and their presence often becomes a trademark of the area in which they are located. The contemporary city is developing vertically, something which can’t be denied even in Romania, regardless of how attached we might be to traditional images of our cities. For this reason, however, offices buildings are today often demonised a priori by urban guerrillas. The label “metal and glass” as a symbol of undisputed urban evil is not only inept but also lacking justification in many of the cases in which it is applied. That their categorical dismissal is ridiculous is just as obvious as the fact that the presence of office buildings in many cases harms and damages existing urban fabric. All the same, we shouldn’t forget that the existence of office buildings testifies to the economic wellbeing of an area, just as large houses are a sign of individual prosperity and monuments a measure of cultural life. But office buildings, symbols of a functioning economic system, can also be cultural gestures if their architects go further than the simple dressing up in standard materials and technical details of the bland structures designed purely according to planning regulations – something I believe all the buildings in this album have achieved. It is, I believe, clear that this book is not meant to feed the latent or open urban conflict between city conservationists and advocates of renewal at any cost (or, at the end of the day, at high cost). On the contrary, its declared intention is to show that, though a long way behind other European countries, high quality architecture of this type also exists in Romania – even if the more spectacular structures or high cost finishings are slow in making an appearance. Precisely for this reason, therefore, we have deliberately adopted a strictly architectural approach, and the urban impact of the buildings chosen is not explicitly dealt with in this book. This album contains 17 buildings selected based primarily on the quality of their architecture as well as the objective criterion of their state of completion. I say this because many other office buildings could also have featured in our selection if they had already reached completion. Clearly, if this book were to appear six months later, things would be different knowing the fast pace of developments in this field. The second volume no doubt will follow up on these new additions to architecture in Bucharest.

l Bruno Andre[oiu l prefa]` l birouri din românia l igloo best l 11_11

Birouri din România

l Vlad Gaivoronschi l City Business Centre, Timi[oara l birouri din românia l igloo best l 12_21

City Business Centre City Business Centre

Cl`direa de birouri amplasat` pe latura vestic` a Pie]ei 700 din Timi[oara este prima etap` a unui ansamblu de cinci cl`diri, galerii [i atriumuri ce vor constitui „or`[elul” City Business Centre. Propunând o conversie radical` a întregii zone, ansamblul se dovede[te foarte coerent, caracterizat prin suprapunerea mai multor straturi func]ionale, respectiv subsolul cu parcaje [i spa]ii tehnice, parterul [i mezaninul cu spa]ii pentru comer] [i servicii, etajele 1-5 cu birouri de clasa A [i etajul ultim, în retragere, acomodând birouri [i/sau spa]ii de servicii. Folosirea unor elemente de „landscaping” ofer` cl`dirii un relief stratificat, cu terase înverzite [i circulabile peste mezanin [i la etajul 5. „Stratul” mezaninului este definit ca dominant` orizontal` a întregii compozi]ii (va integra toate cele cinci cl`diri), iar cele dou` coji ale fa]adelor, între care se nasc logii din când în când, între]in un dialog fertil pentru înf`]i[area cl`dirii. De altfel, acestea genereaz` [i un joc de materialit`]i, ce implic` straturile „pielii exterioare”: jaluzele ceramice fixe în dreptul logiilor [i al întregului mezanin [i jaluzele de sticl` serigrafiat`, mobile, cu senzori [i motora[e electrice, pe restul fa]adelor. Noaptea, cl`direa se treze[te la o nou` via]` datorit` lumin`rii artificiale indirecte a lamelelor de sticl` dup` trei scenarii diferite [i devine un reper urban [i mai pregnant. La interior, sunt definite mai multe locuri puternice, cu ambian]` [i atmosfer` aparte, precum lobby-ul cu a sa „org` de sticl`” sau scara în cascad` de peste planul înclinat deasupra rampei de acces în parcare. Structura ampl` a stâlpilor de beton cu arm`tur` rigid` [i a grinzilor metalice ajurate cu deschideri de pân` la 11 metri au permis o flexibilitate maxim` a spa]iilor de birouri organizate în jurul nucleului central. PROIECT / PROJECT


arhitec]i/architects Dan M. Munteanu, Andrea Katalin Szabo, Dan Damian, Maja Baldea, stud. arh. Alexandru M`l`escu, stud. arh. Iulia Fr`]il` (birou de arhitectur` Andreescu & Gaivoronschi) STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


The office building on the western flank of Timi[oara’s Pia]a 700 forms the first part of a complex of five buildings, galleries and atriums which will make up the “mini-city” of the City Business Centre. By radically transforming the entire area, this highly coherent complex will feature many overlapping functional layers, such as the basement with its parking and service areas, the ground floor and mezzanine with their commercial and restaurant areas, floors 1 to 5 with their A-class office space, and the final floor, set-back from the others, designed to house offices and/or other service areas. The use of landscaping features lends the building a layered appearance, with green circulable terraces above the mezzanine and fifth floors. The mezzanine “layer” defines the dominant horizontal of the entire composition (and will act to integrate all five buildings), while the skins of the façades, between which the occasional loggia is created, maintain a fertile dialogue that enhances the building’s outward appearance. This also creates a play of materials involving the different layers of “exterior skin”: the fixed ceramic blinds running along the loggias and the entire mezzanine floor; the mobile screen-printed glass blinds equipped with sensors and electric motors on the remaining façades. At night, the building takes on a new life thanks to the indirect artificial lighting of the glass blades according to three different scenarios, rendering it an even more powerful urban milestone. The interior features numerous different areas, each creating a special atmosphere, such as the lobby with its own “glass organ” or the cascading staircase descending over the slanting level above the parking access ramp.The extensive structure of reinforced concrete pillars and perforated metal beams with up to 11m-openings allowed for maximum flexibility when organising the office space around the central core.

22_33 l Westfourth Architecture l Charles de Gaulle Plaza, Bucuere[ti l birouri din românia l igloo best l

Charles de Gaulle Plaza Charles de Gaulle Plaza

Situat` \ntr-unul dintre nodurile majore ale traficului bucure[tean, \n axul intr`rii centrale a Parcului Her`str`u, configura]ia cl`dirii de 16 etaje dialogheaz` prin forma sa cu geometria sitului, turnul oferind totodat` o perspectiv` panoramic` asupra zonei reziden]iale din jur. Solu]ia ei arhitectural` [i constructiv` presupune un perete cortin` convex, ce ascunde o structur` de o]el, volumul puternic al turnului ghicindu-se doar \n planul secund. Atât fa]adele de-a lungul bulevardelor Aviatorilor [i Doroban]i, cât [i deschiderea spre Pia]a Charles de Gaulle sunt \n \ntregime acoperite de sticl` laminat` termo-izolatoare, favorizând astfel cl`dirii nu doar bucuria luminii din exterior, ci [i a unor costuri de \ntre]inere semnificativ reduse, c`ci lamelele verticale urm`resc [i difuzeaz` lumina solar`. Singura fa]ad` plin` prime[te \n schimb perfora]iile unor ferestre atent distribuite, alternant ca \ntr-un joc, ce imprim` dinamism. Cinci este num`rul nivelurilor subterane ale c`ror parc`ri pot ad`posti peste trei sute de ma[ini, sistemul lor de supraveghere [i securitate fiind \n permanen]` armat. Opt este num`rul lifturilor furnizate de Schindler, una dintre companiile prestigioase \n domeniu: dac` patru sunt panoramice, de sticl`, restul lor este ocupat de cele de trafic [i de marf`. Confortul este asigurat prin sistemul performant de management al cl`dirii, ce ofer` solu]ii de monitorizare integrat` tuturor aspectelor mecanice. Spa]iul interior al birourilor este unul flexibil, nesanc]ionat de elemente suplimentare fixe, un atrium desf`[urat pe o \n`l]ime de 16 niveluri func]ionând ca o contrapondere estetic` a volumului perceput la exterior.


Westfourth Architecture New York / Bucharest arhitec]i/architects Vlad Arsene, C`lin Negoescu, Son Nguyen, Zzing Lee, Raluca Ionescu, Onar Gerelioglu, Iulian Dumitru, Cristina {tefan STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

E.E. Necula PC / Popp [i Asocia]ii FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2005

Located at one of Bucharest’s major traffic hubs, opposite the main entrance to Her`str`u Park, the configuration of this 16-storey building interacts with the geometry of the site while also providing panoramic views of the surrounding residential area. The architectural and structural solution chosen is based around a convex curtain wall, behind which is hidden the building’s steel structure, while the powerful form of the body of the tower is visible in the background. Both the façades along the Aviatorilor and Doroban]i boulevards and the entrance facing Pia]a Charles de Gaulle are entirely covered in laminated heat-insulating glass. This affords the building not only a generous amount of natural light but also significantly low maintenance costs thanks to the vertical blades, which follow and diffuse the sun’s rays. The building’s only full façade, on the other hand, features the “perforations” of carefully distributed windows, alternating like in a game and creating a feeling of motion. There are five subterranean levels with a parking capacity of over 300 vehicles and round-the-clock monitoring and security systems. There are eight different lifts made by Shindler, one of the most prestigious names in the field: four panoramic glass lifts and four lifts for both traffic and goods. Occupant comfort is provided by the building’s sophisticated management system which provides integrated management of all the building’s mechanical features. The interior office space is flexible and unencumbered by supplementary fixed elements, while a 16-floor high atrium functions as an aesthetic counterweight to building’s exterior form.

34_43 l Architect Service l North Gate, Bucure[ti l birouri din românia l igloo best l

North Gate Bucure[ti Bucharest North Gate

Doi sunt cavalerii în armur` albastr` ce str`juiesc accesul nordic spre Bucure[ti, cu toate c` principii ale simetriei în oglind` sunt aici u[or luate peste picior. Inegale în ceea ce prive[te registrul de în`l]ime, unitare îns` ca factur`, cele dou` cl`diri ale complexului de birouri cu o suprafa]` construit` de peste 33.000 mp – A [i B – au, în ciuda r`celii de sticl`, candoarea de a l`sa descoperit spa]iul public creat la interior. Ra]iuni ce ]in de sustenabilitatea proiectului [i de minimizarea costurilor i-au condus pe arhitec]i la configurarea subsolurilor [i a parterurilor astfel încât ele s` ad`posteasc` un num`r maxim de parcaje laolalt` cu spa]iile tehnice, respectiv la eficientizarea distribu]iei func]iunilor din zona de recep]ie, în ciuda suprafe]ei construite reduse. Etajele urm`resc structuri similare în ambele corpuri de cl`diri – coridoare de acces, birouri, arhive, grupuri sanitare, casa sc`rii –, chiar dac` versiunea A-ului este una dilatat` [i c`tre un al [aselea nivel, par]ial, în timp ce terasa ultimului etaj din corpul B este ocupat` de centrala termic`. Probleme tehnice, mai cu seam` solicitate de nivelurile superioare construite pe o structur` metalic`, au condus la solu]ii ingenioase de rezisten]` [i finisare. Spa]iul de navigare public` prins între cele dou` coloane de ghea]` a fost tratat cu o aten]ie similar`, designul acestuia însu[indu-[i o alur` urban`, cu toate c` ansamblul este deocamdat` semi-izolat de ora[: alei pietonale, piese de mobilier urban, materiale signaletice [i ]â[niri de verdea]` te conduc dezinteresat c`tre recep]iile [i cafenelele parterului. PROIECT / PROJECT

ArchitectService, arhitec]i/architects Constantin Ciurea, Sorin Diaconescu ECHIPA DE PROIECT / PROJECT TEAM

arhitec]i/architects Cristina Barna, Marius Manca[, Diana M`inescu, Vlad Moraru, cond. arh. Marian Spânu STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING



Two knights clad in blue-coloured armour guard the northern entrance to Bucharest, albeit the principles of mirror symmetry are treated here with a dose of irony. Unequal in terms of height but unitary in appearance, despite the coolness of the glass, the candour of the two buildings which make up this office complex with a built surface area of over 33 thousand square metres reveals the public space created on the inside. For reasons of sustainability and cost reduction, the project’s architects decided to design the subterranean levels and ground floors to have as many parking spots as possible besides service areas and to optimise the functional efficiency of the reception area –- and all this in a limited amount of built surface area. The upper floors are similar in both wings of the building – access corridors, offices, archives, bathroom facilities, stairwells – albeit wing A has been partially extended to a sixth floor, while the top floor roof terrace on wing B hides the boiler. Technical problems, especially those encountered when building upper floors with a metal structure, were dealt with by ingenious structural and finishing solutions. The area of public circulation between the two “ice” towers enjoys the same attention to detail, affording it a strong urban appearance, despite the complex’s location towards the edge of the city: pedestrian paths, urban furniture, signs and burst of greenery guide you to the reception areas and ground floor cafés.

Cump`ra]i-l, e un album de colec]ie!

email:, Igloo media, str. Brezoianu, nr. 4, et. 1, sect.5 , Bucure[ti, tel 0213134118, fax 0213134118, mobil: 0747.045.885, 0720.697.591


igloobest l birouri din românia

din România


Cl`dirile de birouri, marc` a func]ion`rii organismului economic, devin [i gest cultural acolo unde arhitec]ii trec dincolo de \mbr`carea \n materiale standard [i detalii de furnizor a unor volume banale rezultate din coeficien]i urbanistici. Condi]ie pe care credem c` toate cele 17 cl`diri din acest album o \ndeplinesc. Aceast` carte nu dore[te s` alimenteze conflictele urbane latente sau deschise dintre cei conservatori [i cei care promoveaz` \nnoirea cu orice pre]. Dimpotriv`, inten]ia sa declarat` este aceea de a ar`ta c`, de[i mult \n urma altor ]`ri europene, [i \n România exist` realiz`ri de calitate pentru acest program de arhitectur`. Tocmai \n acest scop abordarea noastr` este – deliberat – una strict arhitectural`, impactul urban al construc]iilor selectate aici nef`când \n mod explicit obiectul acestei c`r]i. Multe alte cl`diri de birouri ar fi putut participa la selec]ia noastr`, dar stadiul de execu]ie nu a f`cut posibil acest lucru. Cu siguran]`, dac` aceast` carte ar fi ap`rut peste [ase luni, lucrurile ar fi ar`tat altfel, dinamica segmentului fiind cu totul remarcabil`. Dar volumul al doilea va l`muri probabil cât se poate de clar [i acest lucru.

Office buildings, symbols of a functioning economic system, can also be cultural gestures if their architects go further than the simple dressing up in standard materials and technical details of the bland structures designed purely according to planning regulations – something I believe all 17 buildings in this album have achieved. This book is not meant to feed the latent or open urban conflict between city conservationists and advocates of renewal at any cost. On the contrary, its declared intention is to show that, though a long way behind other European countries, high quality architecture of this type also exists in Romania. Precisely for this reason, therefore, we have deliberately adopted a strictly architectural approach, and the urban impact of the buildings chosen is not explicitly dealt with in this book. Many other office buildings could also have featured in our selection if they had already reached completion. Clearly, if this book were to appear six months later, things would be different knowing the fast pace of developments in this field. The second volume no doubt will follow up on these new additions to architecture in Bucharest.

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