20140409 Ukrainabrev fra Yakov Snir

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Back to the U.S.S.R.. 10 years ago I returned from Gondar to celebrate Pessach at home in Jerusalem. I can still smell the smell of 30.000 Matzot piled up in a room at the compound in Gondar. Not long after, a new wave of Aliah started from Ethiopia along the Red Sea thus fulfilling the ancient dream of reaching Jerusalem. This morning I arrived back from Kiew. A three days visit brought us to Charkow and Kiew. We were visiting the JAFI centers in both cities. A few minutes away from the Maidan square a quiet new wave of exodus is on the rise. We met many candidates for Aliah, youngsters preparing for the "Massa" and "Naaleh" programs. Families who wish to grant their children a better future are rushing to get fresh information on Aliah possibilities. The numbers of Olim has dubbled compared to last year. Uncertainty is recognizable all over. The Ukraine does not promise much right now, and once again the Jewish State is becoming a safe haven. The staff of JAFI does all it can to facilitate all wishes and expectations. In Charkow I found myself on a cloud of dĂŠjĂ vu. I told the Olim about my parents, who went on a flimsy ship to Palestine in 1933 from Constanza, Rumania. The ship was held at high seas and was forced to return. After another 4 months of waiting they finally arrived in Haifa. A mostly barren land was waiting for them. On the eve of Pessach 2014 we can offer the new immigrants so much more. A strong and vibrant State has been established with the permanent call on every Jew to come and join. We are ready for them to come. I could see the spark in their eyes speaking about their children who are already on different JAFI programs in Israel. I spoke to an ice skating coach who will be settling next month in Holon- he promised to produce the next Israeli ice skating star.. We were made aware of the impact "Massa" and "Taglit" made on the young men and women we met with- a piece of their hearts is left in Israel. Will the Red Sea part again? Will my people go? Will we all care for the frail and the uprooted? Hopefully so! The future will tell. Chag Sameach to you and your loved ones, Sincerely Yankele

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