CFCI Missions Teams 2015

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our ministry

For 20 years CFCI has been reaching out to people around the world with the message of hope, hands of service, and the heart of Jesus. At CFCI we do our best to facilitate an experience that utilizes your God-given gifts and gives you the opportunity to grow in the Lord. You will be led by, and serve with, CFCI missionaries who live and minister in the country you will visit. You will be stretched, challenged, and changed. You will give hope. You will change lives. You will see others meet God and you will be met by God. We invite you to join us! Contents of this booklet:  Getting Started  Sports Missions Trips  Mission Trips (Organized alphabetically by country)  Micro Teams  Urban Plunge Let us know how we can serve you! In Him,

CFCI Short-term Missions Team 402.592.8332 | 888.526.7551

your mission trip Here is what you need to know about your mission trip:    

TYPICAL SCHEDULE Day 1 Arrive in country

Day 2 CFCI Orientation Day 3-8 Ministry Projects Day 9 Debrief and Sight-Seeing Excursion Day 10 Depart for Home

Your trip is fully customizable. Let us know your strengths, abilities, time frame, and ministry passions and we will work with you to create a meaningful experience. We take care of all of the in-country logistics so you can focus on preparing for your trip. You will be led by CFCI missionaries serving and living in the country you choose. Most of our workers are nationals serving their own cities. You will work with local churches and ministries that have an ongoing impact in the community long after you leave. CFCI works across denominational lines, both in ministry and with mission teams. If you’ve never led or been on a mission trip before, don’t worry. We send up to 50 mission teams to the field each year and we’ll walk you through every step.

The cost of your mission trip includes...  In-country ground transportation  Lodging and meals with host families or at a guest house (hotel lodging can be arranged for an additional cost)  Translators  Cost of your ministry project  International trip and medical insurance  Debrief and sightseeing excursion

SPORTS TEAMS Bring your team here to minister to children and families living in tin houses with dirt floors. Play against college and professional teams. Share your testimony everywhere you go!

Soccer >>

Travel to the slums of Latin America to work with CFCI’s soccer programs. These programs not only teach the fundamentals of soccer, but also teach the Gospel and fundamentals of life. Build relationships, share Jesus, compete in games and host clinics. See how you can impact lives. •Costa Rica• •El Salvador•Guatemala•Tijuana•Nicaragua•

Bring both your men’s and women’s teams to compete in tournaments and teach clinics. Play games against the best local professional teams. Teach clinics to kids in the slums. Share the love and message of Christ wherever you go.••Bolivia•

Volleyball >>



Use volleyball to minister to at-risk girls living in the slums or rehabilitation centers. Teach fundamental skills of the game and build relationships. Play against teams in the local competitive leagues. Give hope and share the love of Christ. •Costa Rica•Bolivia•El Salvador•

Join us in the slums of Costa Rica to reach out to marginalized Nicaraguan children through a sport their fathers love. Preach the Good News as you teach the basics of baseball, equipping these youth with the fundamentals of a life in Christ. •Costa Rica•Nicaragua•

Other Sports >>



If your sport isn’t listed here, give us a call! We would love to give you a unique team building experience through missions.

LOCATION: ARGENTINA A land full of vibrant people, warm culture, and breathtaking sights. Yet this is only a mask for poverty that affects one out of every four people. As such, there is great spiritual thirst and need for the revelation of Jesus Christ. Join us in Córdoba, the second-largest city and share the love and hope found only in Him.

Children’s Ministry >>

Bring hope to children living in poverty. Partner with our community center or with local churches to share the love of God through feeding programs, VBS, dramas, puppets, music and games. Your time and love will warm the hearts of these little ones.

Reach out to people living in urban areas of Cordoba. Feed the homeless, visit prisoners and serve the disabled. Take your ministry to the streets through art and music; reach out to the urban tribes of bikers and skaters. Work with us in Los Galpones, a shanty town in the middle of the city dump, and restore hope to over 200 families living in extreme poverty.

Equipping Churches >>


Urban Outreach

Pastors, lay leaders and congregations are in need of Biblical teaching and training. Bring your team of teachers and hold seminars on leadership development, evangelism, prayer, children’s ministry and more.

Bring your sports team to Argentina! Hold clinics for at-risk youth living in the slums and play competitive games against local leagues. Share your testimony everywhere you go.


Sports Teams


One of the poorest and least developed countries in Latin America. Even though the government has tried to lift the spirits of the people, their efforts have only led to further unrest. Join us here as we bring the hope of Christ to the Bolivian people.

Teach English >>

In Cochabamba, Bolivia, a better life can be achieved by learning to speak English. Use your skills to teach ESL classes, help at the Conversation Club, and host bilingual camps for youth. Present dramas, songs, games and Bible stories. You will be amazed at how many young people will be drawn by the chance to practice English with you, a native speaker.

Bring hope to the indigenous people in the jungle and countryside. Use your construction skills to build homes or schools and your love for Jesus to build bridges into hearts.

Sports Teams >>


Indigenous Outreach

Take your soccer, volleyball or basketball team to Cochabamba! Hold clinics for at-risk youth living in the slums and play competitive games against local professional teams. Share your testimony everywhere you go.

Join the Conectados ‘Plugged In’ volunteer program. Partner with orphanages, shelters, clinics, and other mercy ministries to reach the community. Use your skills in teaching, cooking, medicine, and more to share the love of God.


Community Outreach

LOCATION: BRAZIL The country boasts a booming economy, but over 16 million people still live on less than $1.30 per day. In this culture of religious pluralism, most Brazilians practice a mixture of Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Spiritism or no religion at all; you’ll find people hungry for the hope only God can give.

Your master carpentry skills are much needed! The Transforming Lives Institute is a 15,000 square foot building where tutoring and ESL, computer, and Bible classes are held. There is a sports facility, a dental care facility, and space to feed 160 children inside.

Children’s Ministry >>


Minister to children in a leper community in Manaus. Teach Bible stories, put on a drama, make crafts, and demonstrate love to the kids. See how you can make an impact in the lives of the little ones in this community.

In the impoverished neighborhoods of Manaus, few people have access to affordable medical care. Bring your team of medical or dental professionals to provide necessary care through clinics and medical caravans.

Sports Teams >>



Medical Outreach

Take your soccer, volleyball or basketball team to Manaus. Hold clinics for at-risk youth living in the slums and play competitive games against professional local teams. Share your testimony everywhere you go!

LOCATION: COSTA RICA Amidst corrugated tin houses and dirt streets, hope is flowing through the slums of Costa Rica—the hope of Jesus and hope for a better life. Be the hands and feet of God, spreading His Good News as you serve these communities.

Bring hope to girls at the Renacer ‘Rebirth’ Home. These are young women recovering from life on the streets – drugs, sexual exploitation, and brokenness. Communicate the love of Christ through Bible studies, games, crafts, and other activities.

At-Risk Girls >>

These teenage women commit to an intense eighteen-month rehabilitation program so their schedule is strictly regimented. Those with backgrounds in social work, youth ministry, marriage and family counseling, and those who can teach independent living skills, cosmetology, or other specific trades are especially welcome!

Join us in the beautiful province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Come alongside us to minister at our kids club or in local churches. Work with youth and women, do VBS, teach Bible studies, and complete work projects. Share your testimony everywhere you go!

Community Outreach >>


Rural Outreach

Join us in Carpio, a slum of San Jose, where CFCI has been working for over eighteen years to meet the medical and educational needs of this mostly Nicaraguan immigrant community.

Show the love of Jesus to local children at Tirrases Bible School, an after-school ministry for the poverty-riddled neighborhood of Tirrases that focuses on helping students catch up with their basic math and reading levels. Join us as we share necessary school subjects, play with the kids, and give them and their mothers the light and truth of the Gospel.

Sports Teams >>


Children’s Ministry

Join us at New Horizons, a youth ministry focused on showing youth a different way to escape the poverty and gang-riddled lifestyle by giving them opportunities to develop their athletic gifts, as well as do vocational training. Give these young people a vision for what can happen with discipline and training and the grace of God.

God has blessed the pastors in Pavas with an incredible sense of unity and togetherness that has contributed to several fantastic events put on by the church. Give some of these pastors the opportunity to learn from the things God has taught you in your ministry. Share your testimony, and watch God move in the lives of these deeply committed men and women of God.


Leadership Development

LOCATION: EL SALVADOR The capital city, San Salvador, is the most prosperous city in the nation, yet it is inundated with povertystricken, gang-riddled neighborhoods. In the midst of these communities, the hope of Jesus Christ is rising, and the people are responding. Come join us in this powerful work of transformation.

It is no secret that Latin Americans love soccer, and in San Salvador our soccer school has been successfully keeping youth out of the gangs that are so prevalent in this city. Bring your soccer team to teach clinics, play games, and share the love of God.

Community Outreach >>


Soccer School

On the outskirts of San Salvador lies the tiny community of Bendición de Dios, ‘Blessing of God.’ The Lord has been doing His good work in this impoverished community, but there is still more to be done. Come here to offer the hope of Christ through VBS, construction, tutoring, English classes and Bible studies. Or if you prefer ministering exclusively to youth, join our Faro Project and teach ESL at a couple of church-led youth centers. In addition, you can offer lessons in art, music, crafts, and much more! Share the love of God everywhere you go!

Travel to the tiny island of La Calzada. Though not visible on a map, the people living here have real and pressing spiritual, physical and educational needs. Bring a team of professionals, help improve the agriculture, and support the local church through seminars, children’s ministry, and sharing your testimony, among others.


Island Ministry

LOCATION: GUATEMALA A land of drastic contrasts: breathtaking views from the mountaintops give way to impoverished villages in the valleys. Here, over half of the population lives in poverty, yet the church is strong and growing. Join us here to support the body of Christ and bring hope.

Children’s Ministry >>

Come alongside us as we serve the hungry children of Guatemala City through CFCI - Guatemala’s feeding program. Minister to children in public schools and impoverished neighborhoods and share Christ through VBS, puppet shows, dramas, games, and music. See how your time and love can open hearts for Christ.

Your medical or dental team can provide essential care to the people of Guatemala City. Work in our medical clinic or offer health fairs in impoverished neighborhoods. Share your testimony everywhere you go!

Equipping Churches >>


Medical Outreach

Minister in the local church and preach, preach, preach! Equip pastors and lay leaders of local churches by teaching seminars on leadership development, youth and children’s ministry, evangelism, and prayer. Those with professional speaking experience may have the opportunity to speak on CFCI-Guatemala’s radio program. There are many opportunities to offer conferences for families on topics such as marriage, family values, and raising children.

LOCATION: MEXICO: TIJUANA Head across the San Diego border to Tijuana, Mexico. See firsthand the dramatic shift in culture, language, and standard of living. Join other Christian leaders who have a passion to see the lost won for Christ. Will you be the one who makes a difference in the lives of orphans and the hopeless?

TIJUANA: Orphanage Work >>

EL NIÑO: Construction >>

Bring hope to abused and abandoned kids at Emmanuel Orphanage. Teach Bible lessons, play games, make crafts, and show love these amazing kids. Take time to fix up the orphanage by applying a fresh coat of paint, repairing the roof, hanging pictures, or doing other light construction projects. Do you love to build things? There are plenty of opportunities to build homes and churches in the El Niño community of Tijuana. Bring your carpentry skills to build homes and houses of worship for families in the name of Christ. Share your testimony everywhere you go!

Join us in reaching out to the impoverished and forgotten of Tijuana. Feed the homeless, minister to men’s and women’s groups, offer a leadership conference, do children’s ministry, serve with the local worship team, offer medical clinics, or present a VBS. Bring your sport to the kids of the El Niño community through games and clinics. Baseball and Soccer teams are welcome!

Orphanage & Hospice >>


Community Outreach

Bring hope to abandoned kids at the Impacto de Amor, ‘Impact of Love’ orphanage, or minister to adult men at the Camp of Faith hospice. If you have a heart for terminal patients, you can serve at the local hospice for AIDS patients.

LOCATION: MEXICO: TUXPAN Located on the sandy white beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, Camp Kikomar is a beacon of light for the city of Tuxpan. The people struggle to get by and are in need of restoration. Be about His business and bring the hope of Christ to those in darkness.

Construction >>

Not long ago, Camp Kikomar was a run-down shell of its former self due to years of neglect. Now, many of the buildings have been restored and ministry is flourishing. Join us in continuing to rebuild the camp. Do construction, general repairs, landscaping, or lay paths. Whether you are a jack of all trades or a specialist, you can meet needs.

Travel into the heart of the city of Tuxpan and do evangelistic outreaches. Distribute food to needy families, do dramas, share your testimony, and pray for the local people. Any ministry or outreach activity you do will help our missionaries grow deeper relationships from which to share Christ with the nationals.

Day Camps >>


Community Outreach

Reach out to the local youth by hosting intercultural camps. Do Bible studies, VBS, lead worship, play games, and act out dramas. Show the love of Christ. Share your testimony everywhere you go!

Join us in ministering to a group of persecuted Christians who live just a few hours away from Tuxpan. Their decision to leave their folk religion has resulted in harsh persecution, ostracism, and poverty. Reach out to this body of believers to provide emotional, spiritual, and physical care.


Persecuted Church


When you cross the border into Nicaragua the sense of despair is almost tangible. More than forty percent of the country lives below the poverty line. Yet the Lord is doing a mighty work, and hope is rising. Would you join us here and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ?

Lack of training and resources for pastors and church leadership is a major problem. Most pastors have little to no formal or theological training. Bring your team of pastors, Sunday School teachers, or youth leaders, and train up the local church.


Equipping Churches

Our missionaries’ desire is to have strong, lasting relationships with the local church in Nicaragua. Help CFCI build and grow these relationships by offering VBS, day camps, Sunday School, games, or crafts.

Women’s Ministry >>

Connect your women’s ministry with the women of Nicaragua. Teach Bible courses in family roles, self esteem, family relationships and more. You can also do crafts, make jewelry, host a retreat, play games, or give the ladies manicures and pedicures! Make a difference in the lives of these women as you build lasting relationships.

Bring a team of medical professionals and serve Managua and its surrounding communities. Host medical clinics and provide care to impoverished communities. Share your testimony everywhere you go!


Medical Outreach

MICRO TEAMS Don’t wait for a church to give you the opportunity to use your gifts overseas. Find a friend and provide medical and professional care to marginalized people living in city slums and rural villages. Bring your professional skills with you and use it for their benefit.

Costa Rica >>

Our medical clinic in the La Carpio slum of San Jose, Costa Rica has been faithfully serving this impoverished community for nearly two decades. The doctors at the clinic regularly see 100 or more patients per week. Your team can provide extended clinic hours and a larger staff to serve more members of this community.

Work in CFCI-Guatemala’s clinic in Guatemala City. The clinic has both medical and dental facilities and is staffed by a Guatemalan doctor and a dentist. Consider joining us here to provide not only much needed medical and dental care but also the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every patient.

Nicaragua >>



CFCI-Nicaragua’s goal is to see all the churches in a city work together to sponsor medical outreaches for that city. Led by Nicaraguan doctors, your team can provide medical care to a community that has little or no access to doctors and medicine. More importantly, you will be training these churches on how to duplicate medical outreaches after you return to the States.

Give us a call to learn about more business, teaching, or outreach opportunities.


Other Countries

Leave the comfort of the suburbs and the safety of the small town to experience ministry in the inner-city for a weekend. Through Urban Plunge, your group will discover how to use their passions and talents to make a difference for Christ in their community. Give your group hands-on experience with six to nine different faith-based social service agencies in one weekend. Go to jail… feed the homeless… hand out clothing. The Urban Plunge will help mobilize your church and plant seeds of passion for ministry and missions among your group. Our goal is not that you and your youth feel good or bad because they hung out with the homeless. Our desire is that your youth start to see what God might be calling them to do back home, in their own neighborhood. The Urban Plunge is really a discipleship program; it’s a catalyst to help your kids grow in Christ. Learn more about an Urban Plunge experience at


Have church on the street Distribute food to the needy

Be with homeless people in the woods << Meet the Thankful Leper


Serve at a Muslim community center Visit a mosque

Help out at a homeless church Prayer walk

Sioux Falls>>

Des Moines



Hang out with Native Americans Serve new immigrants

ADULT ONE-DAY PLUNGE Take a Saturday and give a few adults in your church the opportunity to take an active role in the change God is doing in your own backyard. Give them a vision for how they can be involved in the transformation of a city.

WEEKLONG URBAN PLUNGE Experience the intense weekend Urban Plunge, as well as a service project with an inner-city ministry or church. Help complete a light construction project, paint, clean, or do VBS with an ethnic church. Build relationships as you instill a missional mindset into your youth.


CFCI began in 1983 as the urban outreach program of the Latin America Mission. CFCI became an independent organization in 1995 and is headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska.


Before establishing a base in a country, CFCI is invited into a city by the pastoral association, which enables us to work across denominational lines. The ministry bases tend to be led by nationals and have their own Board of Directors. CFCI works in a very grassroots, organic way. We do not have one ministry strategy that we use in every country. Our ministries in El Salvador are much different than our ministries in Costa Rica. Each location has different needs.


Helping people transform cities by transforming lives.


CFCI is a multicultural fellowship of God’s people who share common values, theology, and ministry philosophy. We are committed to strengthening churches that impact cities and demonstrate God’s love by mobilizing people to meet the practical needs of their city.


CFCI now conducts ministry in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mali, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Spain and the USA. We are also expanding into Southeast Asia.

MISSIONARIES Christ For the City has over 530 missionaries and staff that help us fulfill our mission and spread God’s Word. Over 60% of our workers are nationals ministering in their own countries.

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