Blaque/OUT Magazine January 2021 Issue#004

Page 33


two. This is the way things were when I was growing up and everyone lived in the respective roles of who they were. If you didn’t like it, you moved on. If they were for you then there would be that connection. JD: Do you feel heteronormative roles( masculine/feminine) can be harmful to individuals of the LGBTQ+ community? KC: I believe it could. I think it can be harmful to certain relationships. Heteronormative viewpoints have the capability to misconstrue the way the individuals cater to one another. i.e. whose the man or woman; Instead of just living in dual roles as individuals. JD: Do you feel like it's different in the QTPOC community? KC: It seems to be very different. I don’t identify as Queer, and don’t know many who do, but for those I do know it seems as if the traits of masculine and feminine depends on how they feel throughout the day, or for the moment. JD: Are there any misconceptions you think need to be cleared up in terms of masculinity? KC: I believe the most common misconception when it comes to masculinity in the QTPOC community is that all masculine individuals are aggressive, or dominate all the time. There are those that live in the truth of their masculinity, or even their femininity, because it represents us as individuals. I can also safely say that no matter how masculine a man is in our community, his feminine side always shows at some point. JD: How do you feel the perspective of this generation (ages 18-34), differs from the older generation (ages 35-50)?

Your shoulders are heavy from the pressure of the world. So many duties forced your way It’s ok to let loose and become unfurled I take notice to your silent cries all day And letting a tear shed doesn’t make you weak Nor does releasing yourself to feel It’s not street power that you yearn to seek But wisdom is the power you lack to reveal Kings stand up, Rise not fall I realize it’s not the easiest task to do But we call for you to stand for us all For the ones who wish they could stand with you Stand for your mothers and for your sisters Stand for the children left behind by brothers who chose not to Stand for your rights and past the blisters Stand for those who don’t realize what to do Know your worth no matter who speaks otherwise. Because royalty does not occur cheap Remember, you can make it no matter the time And to never accept defeat Kings what I’m seeking to convey is you're a remarkable part of the puzzle So never feel different, my friend Speak up, never muzzled And remember to consistently, no matter what


KC: I honestly believe that the generation today are alot more outspoken about their feelings and emotions, opposed to the men and women of my generation.

- Ashanti Taylor-Alexander

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