Blaque/OUT Magazine July 2021 Issue# 010

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We encounter numbers everywhere. You are given one when you are born that will identify you for the rest of your life. The numbers we are focusing on here are the numbers that comprise your date of birth. 00/00/0000. Numerology is the study of numbers and their meaning. Everything can be broken down into a single digit number between 1-9. Within that spread of 9 numbers is held a world of information. The single digit total of your birthdate defines your LifePath. Each month I will do a tarot reading based on your Lifepath number. To find your Life path number follow this method: Say your birthday is 02/14/2014 . Take each of the individual numbers and add them together. Then add the digits in the total together until you get a single digit. That is your Life Path Number. 0+2+1+4+2+0+1+4= 14. 1+4=5 Your Life Path Number is 5. You will use that number to find your Tarot Reading specifically for you each month. Life Path #1 This is a time to celebrate with like minded people. Enjoy activities that you share. This is also a time of increased abundance or rewards coming your way. These are well deserved. Receive them graciously. You are about to establish a new level of achievement on which to build. Don’t be afraid to reach out for new knowledge whether on your own or from experts. If you do reach out to others make sure they are a reputable source. Be ready and willing to use that information to start building a new direction. Life Path #2 This is not the time to procrastinate. Being willing to take that leap of faith may be necessary to get where you want to be. Coming to a true understanding of who you are and staying true to yourself is essential this month. That in itself will bring you a great deal of satisfaction. About half way through the month you are going to be faced with a choice to make. This choice has something to do with where you see your maturity level. Part of you wants to play and forget you have responsibilities and the other part of you wants to do the “grown-up” thing. Neither is necessarily wrong, just what is good with you. By the end of July you will be ready to make some type of declaration. All you have to decide is who you feel it is important enough to tell. Life Path #3 This is a month of hard work. There are things that need to be completed before you move on to the next thing. So get busy. It is going to be important for you to pay attention to details. There is something delicate that needs your attention. You do it best so don’t push it off on somebody else. Emotionally you may have to deal with some disappointment. A relationship you cherish will help you through it. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings as it will alleviate some of the burden. By the end of the month not only will that relationship be stronger but you will be able to feel emotionally balanced and able to move into August in a much better place. Life Path #4 Time for some growing pains. You are being asked to check in with your own thoughts and mindsets to see if they still ring true for you. If you find they no longer apply , ask yourself what do you want to replace them with. Then try to adapt to the new way of thinking. This is a beginning of a new phase of evolution for you. Learning to trust your intuition will help you proceed. If your gut

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