Today's Innovative Woman, March/April 2014

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From The Publisher

My Big Vision


t was a vision. I’d been asked to see myself one year ahead. I pictured myself on the stage hosting all of you at SUCCESS Summit 2014! I was in my signature pink dress with the stylish high heels to match – and I was 50 pounds lighter.

Strangely enough, while shopping online, I came across the exact pink dress I’d dreamed about. I didn’t even realize it at the time – but I bought it - a size smaller. It hung in my closet for a couple months while I began my healthy journey (you can read more about that on page 20). Recently I decided to try the dress on – and guess what? It was too big! So back it went until I find the right one. Setting an intention and visualizing it is a powerful tool. We have to do the work – we can’t just WISH it. I had visualized me, on the stage, looking out at all of you, in the dress. I set the intention. And then the dress appeared. As I do the work of eating healthfully and exercising regularly, that goal is being reached! I had to do the work – the weight would not magically fall off. But the people to support me in that journey showed up! What goals have you set for 2014? Your YES I CAN goals, whether personal or business, have to have a plan of action. You’ve set the intention. Visualize yourself reaching your goal – on a regular basis. And create the “to-do” list to get there. I’ve got a few “to-do” lists for my various 2014 YES I CAN goals. And I’d love to hear about yours! Here’s to your YES I CAN Success!

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All About Business

14 Could Your Body be Holding you Back?

8 What is Required to be a Successful Woman Entrepreneur

20 New Year, New Me, New You

All About Success

10 Kindness and Social Media

12 What Is A Branding System? 18 Innovative Woman Interview: 5 Essential Elements You Must Have Marianne Williamson 22 What Smart Women Can Learn from Einstein About Reaching Goals

All About Food 16 Braised Beef Short Ribs 17 Sautéed Kale

24 Cash Vs. Accrual: What’s the Difference? 26 The Biggest Mistake New Website Owners Make and How You Can Avoid It 28 Marketing Automation

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6 Today’s Innovative Woman

March/April 2014

All About You

Overnight Sensation by Cathy Alessandra


n overnight sensation? Yeah, I don’t think so! You’ve seen it, you’ve heard it – and you think, WOW look how they made it. But in my opinion, there are NO overnight sensations! Yet unfortunately, we get discouraged quickly when we see the gurus making it big and we think – I can do that. And then, 6 months into it we realize it’s hard work, it’s not “happening” and we give up. It takes years to build your business or to reach the level of success you dream about – you just may not see the behind the scenes work that has taken days, months and years. Take Susan Boyle, the “overnight sensation” from Britain’s Got Talent. Her first appearance on stage was at age 12! Her path to the show began in 1999 and her “overnight” fame didn’t happen until 2008 – almost 10 years in the making. What about Ali Brown? She began her business 11+ years ago, in a tiny apartment in New York. It took blood, sweat and tears to get where she is today. She knocked on doors, attended networking events and “showed up ready to do whatever it took”. Ali even recently shared with me that she took odd jobs and strange projects to make some cash to get through to the next week. I began my company 18 years ago – with 3 little kids. I worked when they napped, late at night, and on weekends when my husband could take them. I took big risks – and sometimes lost. I have succeeded greatly and failed miserably. But I keep going – moving forward, breaking the barriers. I now have a successful six figure business – but it took years in the making. I have now lost 30 pounds, but that has taken since November 2013. I am doing the “to-do’s” to get to the dream – and then I’ll be an “overnight sensation” along with you! So, where do you fit in? Are you going to break the barriers and keep on trucking? Are you going to do whatever it takes, even if that means you work long hours, weekends and maybe even another job? How far are you willing to go, how hard are you willing to work and how loud are you willing to say YES I CAN to become an “overnight sensation”?

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All About Business

What Is Required To Be A Successful Woman Entrepreneur? by Caterina Rando, MA, MCC


ernan Cortez was a Spanish conquistador who burned the ships that brought his 600 men to the shores of Mexico for battle. He did not want them to have any retreat, and to fight as such. I see it all the time, women who are “in” business but not “all in” business. They are still considering retreat. This is like having a conversation at a party with someone who is looking past you to see if someone more interesting is around. You can tell they are not fully engaged in the situation they are in. Do not ever be that woman in your business. The one who asks herself, if she can make it, rather than ask herself how she can make it. Successful women do not do that. Women who grow thriving businesses are women who are “all in.” They are fully committed to their businesses and their missions. When you are “all in” you are already successful. Because you had the courage to take the leap to self-employment, because you said yes to your passion and your purpose and to being yourself while you do your work. You have a business that reflects your values, not someone else’s. Of course, there are many challenges to overcome, much to learn and lean months, at least in the beginning. However, do not put off the robust revenue months because you have one foot in your business and one foot out. Be certain of the value you have to bring. and be certain you can figure out how to make it work and then go prove yourself right. The rewards of being a successful woman in business are many, and they only come to those of us who are “all in.” Decide to be “all in” now.

Caterina Rando, MA, MCC, shows women entrepreneurs how to be loud and proud about the value they bring in order to massively monetize their mastery. Join her at her upcoming, two-day, live and in-person Business Breakthrough Summit. Visit for more info, use code TIW127 for a deep discount. Caterina can also be reached at and by phone at 415.668.4535.

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All About Business

Kindness and Social Media by Debbie Saviano


re you a believer of the power of social media – branding – and organic marketing?

The recent Super Bowl is a reminder of the power of commercials, and yet some brands like Doritos and Oreos have taken their ads or message to social media. Marketing has moved from Push Marketing (traditional) to Pull Marketing, which is where the client wants to do business with you. They are pulled in because they are attracted to you. Think organic and inbound marketing. In today’s market, more and more companies are recognizing the value of establishing a “relationship” with customers and potential customers. By using a product or service, you are automatically endorsing it to your family, friends and community. This is organic marketing at its best! That is exactly what happened to me recently with #KindSnacks. If you are not familiar with #KindBars, they are all natural and contain no GMO’s. Without a doubt they are the most delicious Snacks ever! Besides a great taste, the CEO Daniel Lubetzky is committed to giving back to the community and making a difference on a global scale.

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Through social media interaction and engagement, #KindSnacks agreed to provide #KindBars for a recent event. Organic marketing and social media make the perfect couple, and here are 5 steps you can use to begin a #Relationship. 1. Identify 1-3 products or services which you authentically believe are of the quality representative of something you would promote or endorse. 2. Connect – Follow – Like on all social media platforms of each product. 3. Research by visiting the website, and make a list of the keywords and #Hashtags. Example - #KindBars #KindSnacks #KindAwesome.

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4. Begin interacting on the social media platforms by liking, commenting and sharing on the social media platforms. 5. Your goal should be to authentically promote the product, showcase the benefits share the value. Thus, building the #Relationship via #SocialMedia. Example: Tweet “The More @ KindSnacks Sold – The More Bridges that @DanLub can Build”.

Engaging with favorite brands, via social media affords you the opportunity to bring awareness by communicating to your community those products & services which are doing good things in the world, this ultimately builds a #Relationship resulting in a win-win.

Debbie Saviano is a solopreneur whose daily mantra is to “help professionals take action and create an online presence by developing, nurturing and maintaining relationships.” Debbie utilizes social media to connect, network and engage with others. She is an advocate for “continuing the conversations”. Thanks to the internet highway, borders are no more; people can interact and communicate around the globe. Professionals from across the country call Debbie for her unique skill set in designing LinkedIn profiles & Pinterest platforms aimed at engagement and retention toward a target market. Debbie also provides business solutions to small businesses who seek to utilize social media to enhance their brand, improve skills of their employees, expand social proof and establish an online presence.

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All About Business

What Is A Branding System? 5 Essential Elements You Must Have by Linda Cotter


any business owners think a brand is just a logo and matching colors. While a logo is a good place to start, you should also build an overall system for your brand. Building a system not only presents a cohesive identity, but also allows you to meet the demands of different media, such as web, print or video. Here are 5 things you must have to start your branding system: 1. Your Logo – This is a graphic symbol typically used with a particular font. You can also use a “wordmark” which is only the company name and tagline arranged in a particular way without a graphic element. 2. Different logo “arrangements” – There may be times where you will need variations based on the placement of the logo such as horizontal, vertical or square versions all with the same essential qualities. You will also need a black and white version. 3. Color Key or Color Deck - Your color palette is usually defined by the colors in your logo. A color key is a list of these colors and their specially assigned numbers, i.e. “Hex” values for web and Pantone (PMS) colors for print. 4. Standard typographic (font) treatments - Your brand identity should include ways of handling key fonts used in copy, headlines or pullout text. You should also have a “key” listing your business font names and where they can be used.

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5. Consistent style for images and graphic elements - All imagery should have a consistent look and feel that is identified with your brand. You may use line art, illustrations, photography or even charts and graphs. Whatever you choose, you should use a consistent style in all materials, whether printed or online. Having a comprehensive and broadly built brand identity system will create a solid foundation for your brand and business. Linda Cotter is a graphic artist and fine art photographer who is known for her fresh, simple and elegant designs. Linda’s goal is to help her clients produce better results through great design and creative solutions while using imaginative and innovative development methods. Whether it is a logo, business card, website or brand development, she incorporates each client’s unique personality and style into the design with an eye-catching flair and business sensibility. This creates the opportunity for them to attract the desired clients and results they are looking for. Visit Linda’s website at She can be reached at (310) 486-3108 or by email at

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All About You

Could Your Body Be Holding You Back? by Wendy Darling It may be obvious, but you don’t get to ‘quit’ your body! Your relationship is literally ‘til death do us part.’ And if not properly cared for, it can rob you of your self-worth, holding you back from having greater influence in your work and life. Want a quick self-worth check? Simply look at yourself in front of a full length mirror….naked! What’s that like? Because how you feel about your body is also projected out into your business and life. It doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with your body. It’s simply the reaction and conversation you have with yourself when you do this! So…how DO you feel when you look at your sweet, naked body in the mirror?

And what’s a girl to do? 1. Take inventory. How do you take care of yourself? How do you recognize, honor and process your FEELINGS? Make yourself a priority and become your best client! 2. Appreciate and thank your body. Every day, get in front of a mirror and praise your body. Your body is like a newborn baby, completely dependent on YOU! It’s tired of being punished for only loving you unconditionally and doing the best it can do, under the circumstances! 3. Schedule ‘love breaks.’ Set your phone alarm to go off each hour. Take 1-5 minutes to get up, walk around. Or just sit, close your eyes and BREATHE love into your body! Learning to replenish yourself with proper breathing can make a huge difference!

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4. Schedule FUN! What can you do to shake things up a bit? Don’t let the relationship with your body squash your self-worth. Value your body as an entry point to strengthen yourself. Care for and value your body, and watch yourself …and your self-worth… SOAR!

Wendy is the creator of the L.Y.F.E Freedom SystemTM and Loving Yourself LeanTM, helping women achieve PERMANENT weight loss. After a serious accident, Wendy opened up to her unique healing gifts and process. Combining that with her laser coaching style, the transformations are profound! Weight loss has NEVER been easier! Where women were previously held back, they are finally FREE to live the life of their dreams, while still having influence and impact. Wendy has over 30 years of experience as a business and life

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All About Food

Braised Beef Short Ribs By Varouj Kachichian Yield: 6 servings Prep Time: 35 minutes Cooking Time: 2 ½ - 3 hours Just like most braises and stews, cooking time is fairly long, but actual prep time is about 30 minutes. Ingredients: 2 -1/2 pounds beef chuck short ribs, about 6-8 Pieces ( preferably grass fed) 1/2 cup olive oil 10 each fresh mushroom, cut into quarters 2 carrots, chopped 2 yellow onion, peeled and diced 3/4” cubes 5 celery ribs, washed and diced ¾” cubes 6 cloves of garlic smashed and peeled 1 bay leaf 7 sprigs thyme 1 cup red wine 1 quart beef or chicken stock or water 2 cups tomatoes, chopped OR I can (14 ounces) diced tomatoes Preparation: 1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. 2. Season beef ribs with salt and pepper on both sides. 3. On high heat, heat half the olive oil in a pot large enough to hold all the ingredients. Does not have to be a non-stick pan. 4. Add as many ribs as the pot will hold on a single layer and brown completely before turning over to brown the other side. This might take 5-8 minutes per side. 5. Transfer the browned ribs to a dish and repeat step 4 until all the beef is browned. 6. Add the remaining olive oil to the pot and add all chopped vegetables, garlic bay leaf and thyme. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for approximately 8-10 minutes stirring frequently 7. Lower the heat to medium, add the wine, using a large spoon scrape the bottom of the pot to remove all browned juices. 8. Once the wine is reduced add the tomatoes, stock and the beef along with the released juices. 9. Cover and cook in the preheated oven for 2 1/2 - 3 hours. 10. Transfer the beef to a platter or serving dish. Puree the vegetables with the liquid to make a sauce. If necessary, you can reduce the sauce on low heat to thicken further. 11. Taste for salt and pepper before serving. Note: This is a great dish to make, cool completely and freeze into individual portions.

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Sautéed Kale Or any blend of leafy greens, Swiss chard, beet tops, collard green Great tasting side dish, or even main dish (with a high protein side), very easy and fast to make, and there is always a variety in season. A member of the cruciferous family, it is high in beta carotene, vitamin K and C, and rich in calcium. The vinegar will help balance the slight bitter taste that some kale have. Yield: 4 Servings 3 Bunches Kale, Washed and Sliced 1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 Cup Bacon (Nitrate and Nitrite -Free), Diced (optional)

1/2 Cups Onion, Finely Chopped 2 Cloves Garlic, Sliced 2 Tablespoon Red Wine Vinegar

Preparation: 1. In a large pot, on medium heat sauté bacon until browned, add onions, and cook until begin to brown, add garlic. 2. Add kale and sauté constantly, season with salt and pepper, add the vinegar. 3. Cook for approximately 5 minutes or until kale is tender.

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All About Success

Marianne Williamson Spiritual Author, Lecturer and Candidate

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~ Marianne Williamson


olitics and religion. These are topics I typically stay far away from when having a discussion. But in my recent interview with Marianne Williamson, we talked and shared about both.

The more aligned you are within yourself, the more powerful you will be in the external world. ~ Marianne Williamson

Marianne is a native of Houston and was a business owner in the 1970’s, she owned a small bookstore. While in someone’s home, she saw the book “A Course in Miracles” on the coffee table. Reading the book had a very personal significance for her, and almost 10 years later she began lecturing about the course. “I was a young woman in a corner of Los Angeles talking about miracles and a God who loves you no matter what at the time that the AIDS epidemic burst onto scene”, she shared. Her first book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles was published in 1992, and was one of Oprah’s favorites. “From that point forward, I have had a blessed career,” said Marianne. Now an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer, she has written ten books, six of which have been New York Times Bestsellers and four of those have been #1 New York Times Bestsellers.

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In talking about challenges, Marianne shared that hers have been internal struggles rather than external forces. “It’s the struggles within myself and the barriers we construct. Our ability to reconnect with the truth of who we are on a daily basis is the key to a powerful life. The more aligned you are within yourself, the more powerful you will be in the external world.” Recently, Marianne entered into the race for the U. S. House of Representatives from California’s 33rd District. I asked Marianne what called her to the political stage. “My entire career, I have been up-close and personal with people whose lives are in crisis. Our nation is a collection of individuals. The same shifts that are necessary in an individual’s life are necessary in our nation’s life. To create opportunity in the midst of crisis, we have to do more than just tweak things on the outside. We have to embark on a serious inquiry into who we are, what our principles are, where do we have amends to make and changes to commit to. I think our country is in crisis and to emerge from this crisis, we need to undergo that same inquiry as a nation.” Marianne continued, “I think politics should be a container for our deepest, most heartfelt and most serious conversation as citizens. Instead it has become a container for our most shallow conversation. Millions of Americans are asking what is happening in this country. I’m not saying anything different than anyone else, I’m just saying it with a microphone.” Success? She does not define it by society’s standards. “Success to me is when you go to sleep at night and you know you stretched, and you did you best.” Marianne is certainly an innovative woman as well. In 1989, she founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that currently serves over 1,000 homebound people with AIDS each day in the Los Angeles area. She also founded the Department of Peace Campaign, a grass roots campaign to establish a United States Department of Peace. Marianne concluded with, “Martin Luther King said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter most.” American women talk, but sometimes we don’t talk about the things that matter most. Too many of us underestimate the extraordinary changes we could create were we to start talking about things that truly deeply matter.” To learn more about Marianne, visit

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All About You

New Year, New Me, New You! by Cathy Alessandra


ou may have heard the story, or seen my posts when YES I CAN launched in January. My top YES I CAN goal for 2014 was to get healthy and lose weight. My journey actually began in November of 2013 as I did some serious soul searching. You can read the story and parts of the journey at

As I moved into 2014, already a few pounds lighter, I was open to all the possibilities and opportunities the new year would bring. I was back at the gym (4-5 days a week, 30-40 minutes on the treadmill) and I had connected with Rita Black of the SHIFT program, we were working on my continued plan for weight release. During the first week of the new year, I was re-introduced to Chef Varouj Kachichian. We are in Ali Brown’s Elevate program together and had met back in March of 2013. But gluten free and weight loss was not at top of mind for me back then. Since I know many of our readers are health conscious, I started by inquiring about him doing some writing for Today’s Innovative Woman. I figured this would be a great topic to add to the magazine and website. Then I asked if he might be able to create some menus for me. The rest is a whirlwind. Within the week, Chef Varouj was in my home – helping to truly purge my pantry of all gluten, dairy and sugar. (Yes, I agreed to cut all three for at least 30 days – and no I had no known food sensitivities.) We began at the Farmer’s Market where I learned about new fruits and vegetable (ones I stayed away from because I had NO idea how to prepare them), then off to Whole Foods and Costco. It was a full day of learning about all the hidden sources of gluten, dairy and sugar, plus other items and substitutes I could use, and even new things I’d never even heard of (i.e. Miracle Noodles!) My pantry was restocked for success!

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Day 2 consisted of cooking from 9am until 7pm! We made all kinds of meals, vegetables and shakes. From braised short ribs (recipe on page 16) to roasted veggies, from pork to chicken to fish – we did a lot! I love to cook and being taught some new ways and new recipes gave me what I needed to know so I could drop the gluten/sugar/dairy and NOT have to eat cardboard – but rather healthy, super tasty foods, quickly and easily! As of writing this issue, I’m down over 30 pounds! I completed my first 30 days and am in my second (yes, I agreed to another 30 days of no gluten/ sugar/dairy.) I hosted a cooking class in my home for 17 other women to learn from Chef Varouj as well. And I have daily accountability with him – from weigh-in to what I eat. He has been a great support for me and my journey – and I truly believe he “showed up” because I was open and ready to take the next steps towards better health. You can get more information and even opt-in to get some of his great recipes at www.culinarycreator. com. He has different programs available to serve you as well. And you’ll now find his column at www. I’m more then half-way to my goal – and it’s only March 1! I’m so grateful for the support of people like Rita Black and Chef Varouj Kachichian. I’d love to have you join me as my journey continues…..I look forward to hearing about yours!

Photographs Courtesy of Linda Cotter

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All About Success

What Smart Women Can

Learn From Einstein About Reaching Goals by Joy Chudacoff


y favorite quote by Einstein is “Vision without execution is merely hallucination.” The first time I read this I was surprised at the glaring truth to this simple statement. I also realized it’s sometimes easier said than done. Einstein’s quote helped me realize there are two distinct parts to reaching your big ideas, dreams and goals. First you need a vision. Second, you need a plan to accomplish the vision. One does not happen without the other. Visionaries can be challenged by creating a plan and planners sometimes lack the necessary vision to keep the dream alive. Vision is the dream of your desired future. A vision is a dream that inspires and motivates you. Planning is logical, factual and realistic. A plan is a set of specific objectives and tasks broken down into achievable bite-size goals. Without a passionate dream, a plan becomes idle busyness. Without a realistic plan, your vision becomes more like daydreaming.

22 Today’s Innovative Woman

Below are some tips and solutions to help you during both the envisioning and planning phases for your business: Vision Steal Some Solitude - Block out some time to get clear on what your dream looks like and what it feels like when it becomes a reality. Clarity is Key - Becoming crystal clear is a must. Make it BIG - Buy some large, white post-it paper at your local supply store and colorful, vibrant markers to write or draw. How big can a dream become on an 8x11 piece of paper? Create a Vision Board - Once you are clear about what your dream is, a vision board is a productive way to keep the dream alive every day. Place it somewhere you’ll be reminded often, or make it your wallpaper on your electronic devices.

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Planning Set Specific Goals - Here’s an example of a general goal: “I want to have more coaching clients and make more money.” Here’s a specific goal: “I want to increase my income by 25% and work with 10 additional people who are my preferred ideal client by June 1.” Make a Commitment - Create time in your calendar to work on your goals. Know your areas of weakness, everyone has areas of strength and

weakness. Operate in your strengths and get support in the areas where you are weak. This is where having a coach or mentor could be useful in helping you to identify your strengths and find creative support in the areas where you need help. Evaluate and Course Correct - Along the way, you may need to coursecorrect your original plan. Being an entrepreneur means you are open to new possibilities and ready for change when necessary.

Joy Chudacoff is Heralded as “The Coach for Women” in the millennium, Joy Chudacoff has x-ray vision when it comes to helping women discover their Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals! Joy draws on both her personal life and entrepreneurial experiences to support women in achieving better ways of living. It’s her passion, her purpose and her business. She is a Professional Certified Coach, highly skilled group leader, motivational speaker and a gifted communicator. Visit Joy’s website,, where you’ll find more articles plus information about her Women’s Success Circles, Smart Women Smart Solutions Coach Certification Programs, Speaking engagements, teleclasses and upcoming events for women. Joy can be reached at 310-454-2005 or by email,

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All About Business

Cash vs. Accrual Accounting: What’s the Difference? by Candy Messer


here are two forms of accounting that can be reported on an income tax return: cash and accrual. Most small businesses operate using the cash accounting method. This is when income and expenses are realized when money is either received or paid out. For instance, if you invoice clients for services, you count your income when you receive the customer’s payment. You also count the expense once you have written the check to pay your vendor. The benefit of cash accounting is that it is easy, and your profit/loss is based on transactions in which money was exchanged. Accrual accounting doesn’t count income/expenses when payments are sent or received. Instead, it counts income as soon as it is earned (an invoice is created) and an expense is incurred (a bill is received). The benefit of accrual accounting is that it gives a better picture of what is actually happening in the businesses (how much you owe and how much is owed to you). Let’s look at an example to see how these two methods differ. 1. Business invoices customers last day of the month. Total balance billed 12/31 is $15,000. 2. Business pays rent on the first, but bill received mid December for $500.00. 3. Business received payments on 12/31 in the amount of $3250.00. 4. Business paid some bills on 12/31 in the amount of $2650.00.

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5. In the cash method, the total income from these transactions is $600.00 ($3250-$2650). Using the accrual method, the income would be $15,100 ($15000 - $500 + $3250 - $2650). Many businesses often don’t get paid for a few months after invoicing, so it can have a huge impact on cash flow (the business has to pay tax on these profits even without the cash having been received). Understanding the differences and how it will impact the taxes you pay is important. Not sure how you should report your income? Talk with your CPA to find the best solution for you. Candy Messer: Candy Messer is President of Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll Services and energizes business owners by removing the burden of the bookkeeping and payroll processing from their shoulders. With 15 years of experience, Candy understands the stresses business owners face and offers customized services to meet their varying needs, including bookkeeping, payroll, Quickbooks consulting, and bill pay services. Candy works with service based business owners who are overwhelmed with the paperwork required to stay in compliance for filings and frees them to focus on what they love to grow their businesses. Visit her website at for more information.

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All About Business

The Biggest Mistake New Website Owners Make And How You Can Avoid It by Jennifer Bourn


orking on a brand new website for a brand new business is an exciting time -- one you as the site owner want to make the most of. But this excitement also leads to the biggest mistake we see new site owners make. A mistake that causes extra stress, added problems, increases in cost and work, and large delays. The Mistake: Building Mount Everest Out of The Gate (Overbuilding)! This scenario is most common among new business owners who have been planning, masterminding, planning more, attending conferences, planning some more, and combing through blogs, information products, and training courses, all while dreaming about their new business. As a result, a mindset is created that to be successful, you must have services, group programs, information products, and more -- even if none of it exists yet, even if you’re not ready! Overbuilding Is Actually Damaging to Your Brand and Reputation. Rushing to create loads of new materials, programs, and products just to get your website live usually results in either crazy amounts of stress, tears, and frustration, or half-baked, lower-quality offers that under-perform. Then, sometimes, the site owner gets so overwhelmed, they give up and take the site live with several “Coming Soon” pages, which just communicates that the work didn’t get done. (Hint: It’s better to not have the page than to have a Coming Soon page.)

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It’s Better to Just Get to Market. The best approach is to first get to market with a site that clearly communicates your best services and offers. Second, you market the heck out of your site and get money coming in. Third, once the money is coming in, you can focus on creating new services, products or programs. By waiting to launch new offerings until they are truly ready, you’re creating more opportunities to promote your business, make special announcements, publish press releases, attract new clients, and you’re protecting your brand by maintaining a standard of quality offerings. Jennifer Bourn is the brand strategist, WordPress website designer, and graphic designer behind the award-winning branding and web design firm Bourn Creative, LLC near Sacramento, California. Bourn Creative helps successful entrepreneurs who are frustrated with their brand and website transform their marketing materials and their business into an extraordinary and lucrative brand through a combination of speaking, consulting, and done-for-you services. Learn more at www.

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All About Business

Marketing Automation by Bibi Goldstein


hat is marketing automation? It is technology that allows businesses to automate and streamline marketing functions so they can use their resources in a more efficient manner and increase their revenue in the process. Marketing automation software like Infusionsoft can support marketing processes including: segmentation, relationship marketing, up-selling, lead generation, nurturing and scoring. This automation software allows

business owners to capture leads and create campaigns that can follow up with those leads via email, phone or text, then provide the shopping cart to process their orders and up-sell them to the next product.

The ability for small businesses, who may not have the manpower, to follow up immediately is a critical solution that Infusionsoft provides. If most sales are lost in the follow up, why wouldn’t every business want to have a system that allows them to communicate with their clients or potential clients based on their actions? Creating marketing campaigns which can be triggered by the contacts actions, and which then continue marketing to them for days, weeks and months to come, can generate additional revenues without having to add more work. Yes, initially creating those campaigns will take time, but once they are done, they will continue to work with very little effort. By occasionally reviewing the campaigns and making sure that the marketing message is still relevant, and upgrading that content, small businesses can keep their marketing funnel flowing.

It also keeps the client database organized through segmentation, or tagging, to market to clients based on their interactive behavior. What do they read? What do they click on? What do they buy?

28 Today’s Innovative Woman

March/April 2014

There are so many more components to marketing automation than email marketing campaigns: landing pages, lead management and scoring, marketing analytics and social media marketing. If businesses utilize automation for their marketing tasks, and focus on their strategy and message, the success they can achieve is limitless. Bibi started Buying Time with a friend to give everyone the opportunity to have access to support and assistance with any task. With over 22 years in the transportation/logistics industry Bibi has specific experience in space and time efficiencies through Six Sigma training for warehouses from 1,000 to 30,000+ square feet. This provided her the ability to visualize the final outcome even when the client cannot. Bibi recently co-authored “Get Organized Today� with other organizing experts hoping to reach out and help more people. Bibi can be reached at

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Today’s Innovative Woman P.O. Box 3893, Palos Verdes, CA 90275

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