Today's Innovative Woman, November/December 2015

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From The Publisher

Goodbye! And I’ll See You Around! 20 YEARS! 20 years of magazine publishing. It’s hard to believe. I began my kids magazine when my daughters were only 1 and 3. I wasn’t even pregnant with my son yet! November marks a big milestone and anniversary – and with that, I’ve decided to hang up my Publisher hat! Yes, you read that right! I’m taking my own advice and following my heart’s calling into something new. I’ve loved my publishing career! I’ve met amazing people and had fabulous opportunities! But I’ve come to a place in my life where I feel called to serve in a different way. So I am putting my exit plan into place and selling both magazines. If you have followed my journey at all over the last 2 years, you know that #YESICAN is something very close and dear to my heart. And while you have seen the last 2 years, the journey was much longer than that! The book, Yes I Can: The Mindset, Mantra and Motivation for Success hit #1 on Amazon in Women and Business. There is a need to support women in finding their BEST life, and that is where my heart is. I can’t focus on the needs there and publish two magazines at the same time – I had to make a choice and I realized in this new “season”, I’m called in a different direction. In addition, part of my story is the journey with my son. While it is his road to travel and I have learned an extraordinary amount about myself, it has stirred a calling to serve and support other mothers who are experiencing similar challenges. I have recently begun Mothers With Hope – a support organization for mothers of teenage youth who are using and/or abusing drugs and alcohol. With a website full of resources (currently being built and added to as we learn of more resources) and weekly “neighborhood” support group meetings, I again am following my heart. My big vision is a national organization supporting moms around the country, served by other coaches trained in our process. I am starting here in Los Angeles but would love to hear from you if you might be interested in leading a group in the future in your city. This is my final issue as Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of Today’s Innovative Woman magazine. Caterina Rando will be filling my shoes. She has big, exciting plans to continue serving you! I am thrilled to pass the reins to her and I know you are in good hands! She has been a business associate for a number of years and an expert for the magazine since its inception. You will see changes on our website in late December, the name will change and the pink will be gone…but I will still be around! I’m not going far! And you can always find me at! Thank you for reading! Thank you for your support over the years! And a big CONGRATS to Caterina! Here’s to her amazing success! See you around…

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IN THIS ISSUE All About Success

All About Business

18 Stacey Schieffelin, Entrepreneur

6 What Is New And Exciting?

All About You

8 Are You Charging Just Enough To Be Miserable?

20 Honoring The Value Of You 26 6 Easy Ways To Go the Extra Mile For People Today! 30 Staying The Course Finishing The Race 32 5 Keys To Keeping The Peace In The Holiday Season 34 5 Ways To Jump Start Your Creative Possibilities

10 Is Promoting Leadership A Responsibility? 12 Marketing Materials For 2016 - Do You Have a Plan? 14 Do You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset For Success In Sales? 16 Who’s Managing Who? 22 Stop Offering Your Clients Quickies

36 Playful Planning Promotes Pleasurable Performance

24 Charitable Contributions, Are They Deductible?

38 The Art Of Giving And Receiving With GLOW = Growing, Loving, Opening & Willing

28 Creative Ways To Thank Your Customers Over the Holidays 40 Wish Marketing Were Easier? Try Creating a Color Wheel Marketing Plan

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All About Business

What is

New and Exciting?

by Caterina Rando, MA, MCC


e want our network to be sharing about what we are doing in our business. To keep the buzz going, to embrace as a guiding principle the idea of always having something new and exciting to talk, write, post, blog and speak about. This will ensure growth, keep things fresh and always give you something interesting to share. That is why after writing for this amazing magazine since it began, I am so excited to take over as the publisher in January of 2016. The name, the look and even some of the experts inside will change, because just like in your business, it is smart to periodically mix things up and add a few changes.

excitement. •

Host a 30 day challenge. This is a great way to have your clients be focused and in action and get great results in a short period of time. It could be a health challenge, a self-care challenge or a blogging or video challenge.

Publish a new e-book or special report. Determine something that your clients want to know more about and put together

I have a lifetime supply of super tips for you to use to infuse some new energy and buzz in your business. Here are a few to get you started: •

Record a brief video. People love video. Every one you make is some new and exciting content and value for you to share. See if you can use them more regularly to create more

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a report or e-book on it. This can be used to generate new leads, or sold for new revenue. Be sure to do a marketing launch for both. •

Host a Tweet Chat. Since most people have never been to a Tweet Chat this will make you appear innovative. This is a great way to gain followers and generate some new interest.


Revamp your website. Take a look at your site and notice what you do not love about it. Make some upgrades and then be loud and proud about the upgrades. That will gain you new visitors.

I am excited to be taking over this publication, and will keep as a guiding principle always having something new and exciting happening here. Do the same in your business, and watch your business soar.

Caterina Rando is a master business coach for women. She wants to support you to be louder, prouder and more certain about the massive value you have to bring. She is thrilled to also be the founder of the Thriving Women in Business Community and super excited to be taking over this magazine in 2016. Find out more about Caterina and all her awesome business building programs and events at Caterina would love to hear from you at 415- 668-4535 or via email at

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All About Business

Are You Charging Just Enough To Be Miserable? by Joy Chudacoff


re you charging just enough to make yourself miserable? I see this at times with clients and other women entrepreneurs, where they become so eager to get someone to buy their product or service, they charge an amount of money that either (a) doesn’t even cover their cost, or (b) they feel pretty unhappy about the product they just sold or the service they now have to deliver. There is nothing worse than having a client call or client meeting, or packaging up a product for sale with a feeling that you’re not even covering your costs, or worse, you don’t feel well compensated for your time. Here are some solutions to help you minimize these types of sales now and in the future. 1.

When you’re getting ready to offer a product or service, or maybe create an event, the first question you have to ask yourself is…how much does it cost? This is a very simple exercise of grabbing a calculator, pencil, piece of paper and writing down every single cost associated with delivering this service, then adding it up. That’s your cost. You have to make at least that much to cover your costs. Now add on 20% to the total. Why? Because there will be hidden costs that you weren’t aware of that will creep in. Also, remember, when you earn money you do have to pay taxes on the money you earn! Go ahead and add 20% onto whatever number you come up with and that will give you a foundation - a place to start.

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What is your time worth? I always encourage my clients who are in service businesses not to look at their time in terms of being paid by the hour; it’s really the value of the result that you’re helping your client achieve. However, you have to think about at what fee will make you freaking excited to show up and do the work.


Do some research in your industry. Find out what’s acceptable in the market for your service now. This doesn’t mean you have to accept this number, especially if your service is loaded with value. Ask yourself: “How much can I charge based on my years of experience and what the market will bear?” This is where you do have to look at other people in your industry who are established.

November/December 2015

When you start out, you may need to do what I call Beta testing or Beta groups. Beta clients are a great way to get some traction for a new business. Beta clients need your service and there are several effective ways to handle them. One, you can charge them a lower than normal fee in exchange for testimonials and feedback. Or, another strategy is to have them work with you at no charge for a short period of time in exchange for regular feedback and testimonials. Both are very effective and I used this

strategy when I was starting out years ago. I don’t recommend staying in a Beta phase for very long however; I can point to countless clients who are having great business success and six figure incomes now. The next time you’re getting ready to offer a service, event, product or workshop, follow these guidelines and set yourself up right to earn fees that you’re wildly excited about.

Joy Chudacoff is Heralded as “The Coach for Women” in the millennium, Joy Chudacoff has x-ray vision when it comes to helping women discover their Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals! Joy draws on both her personal life and entrepreneurial experiences to support women in achieving better ways of living. It’s her passion, her purpose and her business. She is a Professional Certified Coach, highly skilled group leader, motivational speaker and a gifted communicator. Visit Joy’s website,, where you’ll find more articles plus information about her Women’s Success Circles, Smart Women Smart Solutions Coach Certification Programs, Speaking engagements, teleclasses and upcoming events for women. Joy can be reached at 310-454-2005 or by email,

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All About Business

Is Promoting Leadership a Responsibility? by Debbie Saviano


t seems everywhere we look there is something written on #Leadership.

Currently, women make up 19% of the U.S. Congress and 26 women are serving as CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, and more importantly, women are positioning themselves for career success as they outnumber men in college. The question arises, should women promote leadership for other women? Is it a responsibility we should all take seriously? We only walk this walk once and we are given experiences to help ourselves. The simplest definition of Leadership seems to be “doing something that inspires others to where they are excited enough that they want to join you.” As we come to the close of yet another year, we should ask ourselves have we done enough to ensure the women in our circles are in leadership roles? Strategies for Promoting Leadership 1. MENTOR - Who were/are your mentors? Who are the ones who gave you the insights, counsel, guidance and opportunities to grow into the leader you are today? Serving as someone else’s mentor is as easy as looking around for those who you know can also benefit from a mentor. Reach out – take a hand and lift others! 2. PUBLISH - On-line, traditional and non-traditional publishing are all possibilities to sharing lessons on leadership. This allows the reader to learn from your experiences and in turn the specific examples you offer that can be of service to others. 3. ATTEND CONFERENCES - One of the best ways to expand leadership skills and expertise is by attending events. Conferences provide opportunities to be around women who have achieved success and have real life examples to share. Women who are willing to share first hand their struggles, challenges and solutions. This comes in the form of speakers as well as attendees.

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As we prepare for 2016, what else can be done to ensure that every woman regardless of background, ethnicity, religion or geographical location has the opportunity to develop and expand her leadership skills? Each of us has the ability to help other women, and there is no greater feeling than to know that you were the catalyst in helping another woman achieve the necessary skills to attain the position of leadership she seeks. I invite you to register at and join me as we offer all women a place of security, strength and sharing! Debbie Saviano is a solopreneur whose daily mantra is to “help professionals take action and create an on-line presence by developing, nurturing and maintaining relationships.” Debbie utilizes social media to connect, network and engage with others. She is an advocate for “continuing the conversations”. Thanks to the Internet highway, borders are no more; people can interact and communicate around the globe. Professionals from across the country call Debbie for her unique skill set in designing LinkedIn profiles & Pinterest platforms aimed at engagement and retention toward a target market. Debbie also provides business solutions to small businesses who seek to utilize social media to enhance their brand, improve skills of their employees, expand social proof and establish an on-line presence.

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All About Business

Marketing Materials For 2016 Do You Have a Plan?

by Linda Cotter


he year is coming to an end, so it is important to take some time to assess your marketing needs for 2016. Do you have a plan for your branded marketing materials? Have you allowed for them in your budget? Do you have events coming up in 2016 where you might need a banner or other display? You’ve heard it before, it’s very important to do more than just on-line marketing. Incorporating printed collateral materials in your marketing plan provides great value and presents potential customers with a tangible reminder of your brand and business. Here is a list of possible materials and questions you might need to consider when putting your plan together: Business cards – Do you need to redesign your business cards? Is your business card supply low? How many will you need to order? Brochures – Does your business benefit by producing brochures about your services? Have you rebranded recently and need to update them so that your branding is cohesive? Calendars – Are you thinking about giving away a 2016 calendar to your clients in January? If so, you will need to allow enough time to design it and have it printed. Greeting/Thank You Cards – Thanking your customers for their business, or commemorating their special moments with your hand written, branded greeting card is always great idea.

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Postcards - Postcards are a cost-effective way to market your business. Do you have a special promotion, event or announcement coming up in 2016? Banners – Do you need a tall banner for an event, perhaps one to hang at the back of your booth and make your business stand out? Depending on your business, you might also consider a corporate identity package that includes letterhead, envelopes, brochure, flyer, business cards and pocket folders. Talk to your graphic designer for ideas that might best suit your business, sit down and strategize so you can start the new year with a great plan to ensure its growth. Linda Cotter is a graphic designer who is known for her fresh, simple and elegant designs. Linda’s goal is to help her clients produce better results through great design and creative solutions while using imaginative and innovative methods. Whether it is a logo, business card, website or brand development, she incorporates each client’s unique personality and style into the design with an eye-catching flair and business sensibility. This creates the opportunity for them to attract the desired clients and results they are looking for. Visit Linda’s website at She can be reached at (310) 486-3108 or by email at

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All About Business

Do You Have An Entrepreneurial Mindset For Success In Sales? by Nafissa Shireen


uccess in sales is a delicate dance between the art and science of it. While there certainly is a formula and a psychology to the sales conversation, it won’t matter how well laid out the sales script is, if you, the entrepreneur, struggle with how you show up in the sales call. When I meet entrepreneurs who struggle with sales, I find their mindset and their beliefs are often at the root of their problem . You will never act in a way that is out of alignment with what you believe about yourself. So if you don’t believe you will be successful, or you don’t think that “people in your family” are wealthy, or you feel it’s wrong to ask for money, or you worry if people can afford your services, if any form of fear around sales shows up, you are unintentionally projecting your beliefs on to your potential client.

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Or as my husband likes to say “you are selling out of your own wallet”. And while you may close the occasional sale, until you master your mindset and what you believe is possible for yourself, you will at best earn an average income, and at worst you will struggle and wonder if you need to go get a job. My advice for you, is to take some time and honestly evaluate your beliefs and your mindset. Do you really believe you can sell 6 November/December 2015

or 7 figures in a year? If you don’t what will you do to change it? You have the power to change your beliefs to exactly what you want them to be. The question is, will you? Nafissa Shireen is an award winning Master Coach, International Speaker and Business Mentor. She has a gift for empowering and propelling people to their highest potential. With 25 years’ experience leading 6-figure to 9-figure companies, she strategically partners with entrepreneurs to help them focus on sustainable & scalable business growth, so they can create a highly profitable and luxurious business and life. Passionate about helping women earn what they are worth and build their wealth, so that they can realize all of their dreams and desires. She brings together her vast business knowledge with the deep inner work needed to help entrepreneurs identify blocks, step out of fear and overwhelm, raise their wealth consciousness, and move forward towards their goals with measurable, tangible results.

Let me help you create a

Highly Profitable & Luxurious business and life. 1-844-5-THRIVE (584-7483)

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All About Business

Who’s Managing Who? by Bibi Goldstein


anaging projects is literally a job in itself; being a business owner and having to manage all the projects, tasks and people that go along with that could become overwhelming. The one thing I try to encourage my clients to do is find a tool that works for them and allows collaboration with team members who might be all over the world. I want to share a few of the project management tools with you that I recommend to my clients, some are free and some cost a nominal monthly fee. These are listed in my order of preference. 1.

Asana is free for teams of up to 15 people. What I like the most about Asana is that it’s intuitive and has a mobile app. There are some great features, like the commenting conversation you can have within each task. It’s also a huge plus that you can choose which team members are in which project, so only those that need to be involved are.


Teamwork has a different pricing model based on the number of projects, instead of people, and starts for as little as $12 a month. The dashboard is one of the better project and/or task overviews that I’ve seen. The best part of Teamwork is all the available integrations with Google drive, Dropbox and Freshbooks to name a few.


Basecamp has the same pricing model as Teamwork, but starts at $20 a month. I’m not a huge fan of the overview or dashboard to monitor the status of a project, but that may not be a big deal to some. Basecamp is great for tracking the history of tasks and projects along with the discussion that went on between team members.

If you have read any of my previous articles you know that I recommend Evernote™ to anyone who will listen, so as a footnote, each of the project management systems I mentioned integrates with Evernote™. Don’t let your projects and to do lists run over your life or your business, get control of them by managing them with one of these very simple tools. Bibi started Buying Time with a friend to give everyone the opportunity to have access to support and assistance with any task. With over 22 years in the transportation/ logistics industry Bibi has specific experience in space and time efficiencies through Six Sigma training for warehouses from 1,000 to 30,000+ square feet. This provided her the ability to visualize the final outcome even when the client cannot. Bibi recently co-authored “Get Organized Today” with other organizing experts hoping to reach out and help more people. Bibi can be reached at

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All About Success

Stacey Schieffelin


by Cathy Alessandra


tacey Schieffelin is a FORD Model and makeup guru, successful entrepreneur and true believer in empowering women to LIVE the life they dream. She is brimming over with knowledge about how to look and feel your beYOUtiful best every day! She has a very specific vision when it comes to the POWER of beYOUty! Stacey believes putting your best face forward is a mark of self-respect, not vanity. She believes every woman deserves to know the secrets and beYOUty tricks of the makeup artist, models and movie stars, Stacey reaches into 300 million households worldwide through LIVE TV/Electronic retail across multiple countries and continents. Using her playful, infectious, uplifting and approachable style, Stacey appears on TV with no makeup and hair in rollers so she can authentically applaud the strength in every woman. She cheers on and encourages her audience of girlfriends to be fearless in their convictions, limitless in their potential and unstoppable in their God given destiny. For Stacey, it was always more than owning a beauty brand and making beautiful products… it was about talking with women one-to-one, all over the world about what made them feel secure, confident and have a never give up attitude! The reach TV Shopping Channels offered was so perfect for that connection and community! In asking Stacey what YBF is to her, Stacey’s answer, “it’s a LOVE mark! It’s bigger than a brand, it is a feeling! I know without any doubt that friends reassure us, help us grow and give us the strength to conquer obstacles. They accept us for who we are, give us the assurance to be dreamers and the creators of our life’s journey – our destiny! Friends become staples in our lives that hold everything in its place. They liven up our days, give us the honest answers we deserve and push us to exceed even our expectations. I know because these are the types of friendships I have been honored to make with our millions of compassionate and self-assured YBF girlfriends across the globe!”

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Today, she shares with women the importance of taking the TIME to network with purpose. “It was a challenge for me to commit to a plan that lead to an established network of influential leaders, corporate executives, investors and advisors. It was difficult to dedicate time to potential partners and business alliances while managing my family life and community commitments.” Stacey continued, “Our best course is to create genuine, useful relationships with as many people as possible – wherever we go – even to the local coffee shop for a cup of joe. Investing the time in meaningful networking gives us the opportunity to accomplish more, personally as well as for our businesses and careers.” How does Stacey define success? “Success for me is not noses or nickels, customers or cash, it is the authentic & positive influence we have with those we touch. Influence is projected each day in our actions, our words and our relationships, as well as how we impact our families, workplaces, classrooms, places of worship and communities. Principles such as servanthood, mentoring, empowerment, supportive character and unselfish actions help us to be bright beacons of influence…that’s real SUCCESS to me!” When I asked Stacey if there was one thing she wished she’d known before she started her business, she said “When a large corporation offers you and your brand an opportunity to step up to a broader platform for your brand - take the leap – expand your vision with the leverage of people who will support your goals. Recognize that you can co-exist in different distribution channels. Fear can hold us all back – don’t let fear hold you back – look at all the numbers – get advice from those that ‘do’, not those that ‘don’t’!” Stacey is an INNOVATIVE WOMAN and leader to her core! “Leadership shared makes us Innovative Women! Leadership is a commitment to educate, inspire and emPOWER our community of women so they can be catalysts for change and build a world where females exercising POWER is both expected and commonplace.” What’s ahead for Stacey? “Female business leaders and entrepreneurs thrive when provided methods and guidance for critical thinking and problem solving. In 2015, I banded together with two like-minded friends and business leaders to create the dream company – Women’s Leadership LIVE. The company invites attendees to LIVE events where they will experience inspirational moments, have access to influential entrepreneurs, connect with other business owners, learn valuable tactics for practical business applications and motivation for making transitions in your life and communities. Women’s Leadership LIVE will be the safe place for sharing, connecting and learning how to fasttrack and scale your business while advancing your career, life and community. YOU are invited to join us at www.” I had the pleasure of getting to know Stacey and even be a “girlfriend” on HSN with her! She is an amazing woman with a heart of service. I personally use her products and love them! Check them out at! And be SURE to visit her newest company,!

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All About You

Honoring The Value of You by Jenenne R. Macklin


’m hosting a powerful women’s retreat at the time of this writing, and I’m thinking about you. Each one of you who are entrepreneurs, thought leaders, high achievers, and moms, wives, partners, and who play a myriad of other roles. This is that time of year when we kick into high gear. Not only in our business, because it’s the final quarter of 2015, but also with our family as we prepare for holiday celebrations. One of the key discussions is about how we do so much for others, but are not connected to honoring our significance and value except in what we do, not because of who we are. You know that there is no one like you on the planet, right? And in most instances when something is “one of a kind,” it is considered priceless, treasured and valuable. But so many of us find that we are seeking our validation and significance from our roles, the success of our clients, our accomplishments, our success. What would it mean for you to value you? What would your business be like when you know and understand your intrinsic value and allow that to fuel your decisions, actions and interactions? What would it feel like in your business to be deeply connected to the value you bring when you walk into the room—not based on how you look or what you’re wearing, just on you? I love this retreat experience and personally invite you to join me. But for today, in this moment, I offer this holiday wish: May you BE present in your moment-to-moment living; may you be present to your heart and your

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head as you do business; may you pause to dive into total appreciation and gratitude for the life you have and for those who love you, and celebrate it all. Much love & respect, Rev. Jenenne

Teaching heart centered entrepreneurs, women in business owners and CEO’s how to use sacred practices to tap into spiritual principles that pave the way to sustainable wealth, passion and purpose with intentional action Rev. Jenenne Macklin is a powerful Sacred Wealth Intuitive Guide. As an author, transformational speaker and CEO of Consciously Creating Your Life, she is the catalyst for women who want to learn how to leverage the Universe to charge their value, change their relationship with money, and tap into their spirituality for wealth. With her Sacred Wealth System she took her business to 6-figures in 16 months and has guided her VIP clients to 3.3 million. For coaching and speaking engagements contact or visit

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All About Business

Stop Offering Your Clients


by Tish Times


onsider this: you walk into a networking event with the intent of making a few important business connections. You are approached by a person who happens to be on your list of “people to meet during the event”. The conversation is going well, you are asking great questions which leads to you gain details about the needs of this potential client. Suddenly, the conversation takes an abrupt turn. Your ideal client hastily hands you a key to a hotel room and invites you to join them this evening to move the relationship along more quickly. You are flabbergasted! Not only is this NOT the direction you had intended, but the forwardness of this person has made the entire interaction awkward. Once you “escape” you find yourself dodging their calls, hoping you don’t see them at other events, and just wishing you would have stayed home and washed your hair the night of the initial meeting. This may seem extreme, however, when we try to move a business relationship along too quickly without nurturing the connection, this is exactly how we make others feel. When we slow down the relationship, we often speed up the success. As sales professionals (by the way, we are all sales professionals), we are often influenced by the pressure of closing the deal. That’s how we pay our bills right? Well, taking time to sincerely understand the needs of our prospective clients builds trust that can lead to real, lasting business relationships and even friendships. During your next initial business encounter, consider how it would feel to be propositioned, then slow down your 22 Today’s Innovative Woman

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approach with the intent of being the problem solver your new connection needs. Genuine interactions, flawless follow up, and sincere nurturing will change the way you network and ultimately increase your income. Please visit to grab your complimentary cd: 7 Networking Mistakes that Decrease Your Net Worth. Tish Times, founder and CEO of HireTimes Training & Coaching Group. Tish coaches entrepreneurs who struggle to leverage networking as a tool to increase profit, helping them to confidently engage and secure their ideal clients. Her clients, on average, increase their reach by 300% via online and offline networking and report having more confidence thereby producing better networking results and seeing income increase by 50%-70%.

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All About Business

Charitable Contributions Are They Deductible? by Candy Messer


ith year-end fast approaching, you might be looking to make donations to charities. One of the questions you will likely have is whether or not the donation is deductible. First of all, make sure all transactions are made on time in order for them to be deductible this year. You will only be able to deduct costs if you charge the item(s) to your credit card or write your check on or before December 31. In order for donations of either money or property to be deducted, the recipient must be on the list of qualified groups approved by the Internal Revenue Service. You can determine eligibility using the Exempt Organizations Tool found at This requirement does not apply to religious institutions and government agencies as all donations to such groups are deductible. However, to deduct any donations of money to charities you must provide proof of receipt from the charity stating the charity’s name and the date and amount of the contribution. If the donation exceeds $250, you are required to provide additional information. Donations by payroll deduction require that you retain the corresponding pay stub and a wage statement from one’s employer. Donations of items have more specific rules depending on the type of item and their value. Any donations of automobiles, boats, and

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airplanes also require special reporting. On the other hand, for donations of items, such as household items and clothing, it is required that the items be in at least good used condition in order to qualify for a deduction. For more information on gifts and charitable contributions visit www.irs. gov. Please note that the information provided is very general and should not be used as a guide in preparing your return. If you have any questions please consult your tax professional. Candy Messer is President of Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll Services and energizes business owners by removing the burden of the bookkeeping and payroll processing from their shoulders. With 15 years of experience, Candy understands the stresses business owners face and offers customized services to meet their varying needs, including bookkeeping, payroll, Quickbooks consulting, and bill pay services. Candy works with service based business owners who are overwhelmed with the paperwork required to stay in compliance for filings and frees them to focus on what they love to grow their businesses. Visit her website at for more information.

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All About You

6 Easy WaysTo Go The Extra Mile For People Today! By Cynthia Bazin


t seems simple that we should always go “the extra mile” in everything we do in life. But sometimes we need some reminders or ideas on how to exactly do that. Here are some ways that I go the extra mile for people in my personal and professional life. Here are 6 Easy Ways to Go the Extra Mile for People Today: 1. Over-Deliver On What People Expect - Go beyond what is expected. Live with passion. Show people you really care. Over-deliver. It will be remembered.

2. Send a Thank You Card - Whether it is someone who works for you or someone in your personal life that means a lot to you, go that extra step and thank them with a personalized card. 3. Awesome Follow-Up - If you meet someone at a networking event, be sure to send a note that you enjoyed talking with them. Then keep connected to those awesome people! 4. Send a Small Gift of Appreciation - For your great clients or the people in your personal life you care about, why not send a small token of appreciation to them. It can be something super small like a Starbucks Gift Card. It’s the thought that really matters. 26 Today’s Innovative Woman

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5. Introduce to Other Amazing People - Good people love to be connected to other good people, so why not make an awesome introduction today! 6. Ask How You Can Support Them - Just by doing this, you will show people you really care. Ask someone how you can support them, without any expectation of getting anything back. What are some of the ways that you go the extra mile for people in your personal and professional life? Cynthia Bazin is passionate about helping successful, smart women get out of feeling stuck and/or overwhelmed by using laser-focused strategies to gain clarity about their true mission. She gets women pumped up, inspired and focused on their life strategy plan moving ahead. Cynthia has over 20 years of experience working in the corporate world. She ran investigation units for large corporations, was a Private Investigator and has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. Cynthia is President of SmartChic. She works one-on-one mentoring women, does group programs, conducts workshops and is a motivational speaker. Learn more at

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All About Business

Creative Ways to Thank Your Customers over the Holidays by Debbie Mrazek


s business professionals, we are always grateful for our customers. Without them, we likely wouldn’t be as successful as we are. This often leads us to consider how important it is to thank them for their support over the holiday season. One of the most personal ways is to send them a handwritten card. For the clients whom you value the most you may want to take the time to sit down and personally write a holiday card. You may be surprised at how you stand out and how much your clients will appreciate the effort and thought.* If you choose to email your holiday greeting simply choosing a generic template that has been used a million times isn’t enough. You should take some time and put some effort into creating an e-card. It should convey your wishes for a great holiday, as well as thanking your clients for a great year. Your e-card should also reflect your brand effectively and you can find many different websites that can help you incorporate your logo. Be like HALLMARK “care enough to send your very best”. Care enough and your clients will continue to send you THEIR very best as well. Present them with a perk for the upcoming year. You can use your holiday message to not only thank your clients, but to offer them a perk for continuing your business relationship in the upcoming year. Offering them something of value will ensure that your message is read and remembered long after the holidays. The perk should provide some type of value rather than simply promoting your

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upcoming sale. If your clients feel that they are being singled out and provided with something unique, they will be more likely to contact you in the upcoming year. The holidays are a great time to reflect on the year that you have had and how your clients have helped you reach your goals. Be sure to send them your “very best”. *The Thank You Book by Robyn Spizman is a favorite of mine for ideas on how to say thank you. Debbie Mrazek is founder and president of The Sales Company, a Texasbased firm that is helping hundreds of entrepreneurs, individuals, and corporations better assess, understand and engage in practical purposeful selling. With “Mrazek Energy” (believed to be from another world since it is a constant flow of happiness and enthusiasm). Debbie Mrazek teaches the tools, techniques, and talents every individual possesses, and how to transform those into S-A-L-E-S. Mrazek has counseled, constructed, and completed sales programs, workshops, and individual and team coaching across the nation. She’s also a speaker, author of Field Guide To Sales and conference facilitator. Connect with Debbie at

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All About You

Staying the Course Finishing The Race by Kathi Laughman


uccessful people seem to have an uncanny ability to adapt and adjust in the right places at the right time in order to make it to the finish line every time. Join their ranks and be confident in your personal perseverance power by adopting these five principles as your own. 1. Keep your eye on the finish line. What is waiting for you at the end? What is that promise? When we stay focused on the end goal, it gives it a magnetic quality that will help pull us through tough times and circumstances. 2. Fuel your fire. Mother Teresa taught: “To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it.”How are you keeping your commitment vital and alive? What are you feeding to your internal energy furnace? 3. Focus on consistent steps – not leaps & bounds. What we do daily has a much higher impact on the results than what we do weekly, monthly or occasionally. The stream must be constantly moving to wear down the rock. When you are consistently working on something, you will attract even more opportunity. 4. Make everything serve the goal. This is not just fortune cookie wisdom. Determined focus is what delivers destiny. That means you must bind together all of your resources and deploy them as a single force of power. 5. Don’t be afraid of set-backs. What scares you? For most of us, it is failure. To move past the fear, we have to redefine failure. Failure is rarely a valid judgment. Your plan is going to change. That is not failure. That is intelligence at work. Define attempt as research. It is welcome progress. Embrace that thinking, and you will re-channel the fear and stay on track.

Kathi Laughman is a life and business strategist, inspirational speaker and best-selling author. Referred to by her clients as the “Plan B to Z expert”, Kathi Laughman serves professionals committed to continuously creating new pathways to success and significance. Her philosophy and body of work demonstrates that there is more value in the “rest of the story” than we ever dreamed possible. After a successful 25+ year career as an executive working with business intelligence, Kathi founded The Mackenzie Circle, a life coaching and personal leadership company in order to champion entrepreneurs as their possibility partner, coach and mentor. Her personal mission is to inspire, facilitate and invest in the success of others.

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All About You Dallas, TX

5 Keys to Keeping The PEACE In The Holiday Season by Susan Tolles


he holiday season is upon us, and that means balancing family gatherings, cooking, shopping and hosting parties with our busy careers. Often times, in all the frenzy and frivolity, we end up so tired and grumpy that we feel like the Grinch. Here are a few things you can do to keep the “PEACE” in your soul while experiencing joy over the holidays.


ractice saying “NO.” It is common for women to try to be all things to all people while neglecting ourselves. Saying “yes” to too many things actually costs you energy and makes you resentful. Make a “Do Not Do” list along with your “To Do” list, and be committed to it, sticking to your priorities.


liminate the stressors. Simplify your life, don’t over-schedule and be flexible. Send that family letter after the holidays, eat on paper plates and purchase your sides and desserts. In a few weeks, your family and friends won’t remember that you scrubbed the floor or spent 12 hours in the kitchen. They will remember your attitude.


llow some time for yourself. This is the most important thing you can do to keep yourself going during the busyness of the season. Schedule some personal time every day, even if it is just 15 minutes. You won’t enjoy the season if your energy is drained.


elebrate the traditions that are most meaningful and bring your family joy; set aside those that exhaust you. Ask each family member which one tradition they view as sacred, and focus on those. Do the special

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things that bring you closer, and toss the things that are just “ho-hum.”


xpress gratitude! Every day, say thanks for at least one person or thing that you are blessed with.Then, give thanks to yourself, for all you do for others to inspire them and lift them up, and also for the milestones you have achieved in your career. Treasure yourself for who you are— you deserve it! Susan Tolles is The Reinvention Strategist for Professional Christian Women, whose clients surround the globe. She is a passionate advocate for all women, equipping and motivating them to envision more and reach higher as they integrate faith, family and career with a strategic plan for success on their own terms, not the world’s. She is a contributing author to six books for empowering women, and has spoken to audiences across the nation on topics including extraordinary leadership, work/life harmony and conquering self-sabotage.

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All About You San Francisco Bay Area, CA

5 Ways To Jump Start Your Creative Possibilities by Tobey Allen

Stuck in a rut? Here’s 5 ways to jump start your creative possibilities: 1. Capture your ideas - Did you ever have an idea only to find that it disappeared before you had the chance to save it? Write your brilliant ideas in a small notebook that you carry with you. Do you get your best ideas in the shower? Place a small white board near the shower so that you can jot your ideas before they disappear. Another method is to speak your ideas into your cell phone so that you can refer to them later. Finally, use an app to track your ideas. Create an idea dashboard using Evernote®, or try keeping track of your ideas with Google’s Keep® or Android’s Ideagrowr®. 2. Find a new way of doing the same thing - Are you caught in habitual thinking that keeps you stuck in a rut? Family therapist Virginia Satir discovered in her research that there were actually 250 ways to clean dishes! Find an activity and change the sequence of steps, or find a new driving route and see the back roads. You might find that the new activity or driving route gives you a fresh perspective and creative possibilities! 3. Be curious and ask questions - Have you noticed that children ask “why” and are curious about the world around them, whereas adults tend to make assumptions? Restricting our thoughts limits our thinking and

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willingness to explore new possibilities. Begin to ask questions, starting with “why?”, why is this done that way? Why are you still using this system? Why did you choose red over blue? It can provide clues into outdated modes of thinking that may need revising. It can also provide clues as to why your customer chose a specific product, or what prompted them to call. In this way we can recognize what drives the customer and better understand the pain or pleasure points. New products or services can be created by simply asking questions and having a curious enough mind to try new ideas. 4. Mind map your way to creative solutions - On a large sheet of paper, write a central topic in the middle of the paper that you would like to find brilliant ideas for, and then circle it. For example you might write “A birthday party for Suzie.” Begin to make associations or connections to this central theme by drawing lines that branch out to other ideas. Ask yourself, what else can I add to this idea? In the birthday example you might add “decorations” and “food ideas” as two avenues of thought. Branching out from these two examples you may have “piñata” and “taco theme.” Keep adding new ideas and making connections. By the time you are done you have several ideas about a great party! Take this further into your business and map out new services, products or to help with event planning and organizing. 5. Be the change you want to see - Stop hiding behind the curtain and let your work be shown! Are you an artist? Did you know you can submit your artwork to where it gets voted on by the public? If your artwork is chosen it can be made into greeting cards. Are you great at coming up with business names? will pay you to name a company if you are chosen the winner! You can change the world with your brilliant ideas! As you release the barriers that stand in the way of creativity you gain new insights and solutions for your business. Each problem contains the seeds of possibilities within it to solve and transform ourselves and the greater good. How will you transform your ideas into seeds of possibilities?

Tobey Allen, co-author of Catch Your Star, holds a master’s degree in Art Therapy. She is an art therapist/seeds of possibilities coach™ and licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Tobey specializes in connecting people with their creative gifts and life purpose. She has incredible insight in coming up with ideas and finding creative solutions for businesses. For further details about Tobey, please visit

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All About You San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Playful Planning Promotes Pleasurable Performance by Jean Kathryn Carlson


hat motivates you to get things done?

A. Offering yourself a reward when finished. B. Setting a deadline. C. Putting it on your to do list. D. Getting an accountability partner to hold you accountable. E. All of the above. F. Other Over the last six years I have been building a new business, Vibrant Living Alchemy. The content of my offerings has morphed and changed in subtle and not so subtle ways. One intention has remained constant. I am committed to “doing business” differently. Although in the past the old paradigm of working hard and making work hard brought me a lot of financial success, it also led to extreme burnout. In the new paradigm, which is unfolding for many of us, playfulness, curiosity and pleasure lead the way. Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy is a popular self-help book for procrastinators

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who want to be more productive. I read it recently and was struck by the fear and lack of base that seems to lie underneath many of its suggestions. Indeed the title itself refers to identifying which task is most important and most unpleasant and doing it first. Get it out of the way. That feels like the old paradigm to me. Here is a more playful and curious approach: ask yourself every morning, “How does my passionate work want to be expressed today? How could I make every interaction and every task more pleasurable?� When the action you take stems from being in alignment with the truth of who you are, and with the reason you are doing what you are doing, you will experience greater pleasure and success. Are you looking for a way to lighten your load? Simply begin with curiosity. Be open to innovative ways to make each daily task more enjoyable, and enjoy the ride. Jean Kathryn Carlson offers Dream Circles and Dream Alchemy Coaching by appointment.

Jean Kathryn Carlson is a Dream Alchemy Coach, speaker and co-author of Catch Your Star and On the Wings of Faith. Her unique alchemical blend of dreamplay and tapping sets the stage for a powerful and transformational experience. Dream Circles in Fairfax, 415-721-7300,,

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All About You San Francisco Bay Area, CA

The Art of Giving and Receiving with GLOW = Growing, Loving, Opening & Willing by Katie Macks


n the spirit of the season of gift-giving, it’s time to take an inventory of our own gifts (the kind you don’t purchase).

What gifts do you offer? So many of us have the gifts of nurturing, creativity, leadership, decisiveness, active listening, writing, singing – the list could go on and on. Often around this time of year, we get so caught up in buying gifts for one another, we never stop to notice all the gifts we already possess and can give freely without any monetary exchange. When you pause and think about your Glowing gifts, do you notice any resistance? Fear? Doubt? Many people, women in particular, struggle with claiming their talents and gifts. I too have had to overcome internal obstacles in order to claim my skills and gifts. (“In fact, a new national on-line survey by TODAY and AOL found that

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60 percent of adult women have negative thoughts about themselves on a weekly basis.”) And during stressful times in our lives, self-doubt and criticism often increase. But the truth is, who are you not to be as bright and wonderful in the world as you know you are inside? There’s no use in denying your extraordinary gifts any longer! When you embrace your brilliance, own your talents and share your gifts with the world, all of your relationships benefit and your capacity for love grows and Glows. There’s a little golden rule about gift-giving – you must first be able to receive. Until we are able to receive with an open heart, we’re really not able to give with an open heart. So with receiving in mind – may you feel showered with love this holiday season, and may you claim your gifts for all to see, so you can leap into the new year revitalized by your GLOW!

Katie Macks, owner of Get Your Glow On, LLC is a certified relationship coach, with 25 years experience. Her unique approach inspires new perspectives and hope for successful women who have lost touch with what really matters in the midst of juggling the roles and demands of contemporary life. Katie is passionate about helping women transform their lives with awareness and accountability, so they can regain freedom of choice and experience trusting, meaningful relationships with themselves and others.

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All About Business

Wish Marketing Were Easier? Try Creating a Color Wheel Marketing Plan™ by Minette Riordan


f you are just starting out in your business or have been in business for a while, but you are not reaching your financial goals, then the majority of your time needs to be spent on marketing! If you don’t have a clear marketing plan in place, you will spend too much time spinning your wheels wondering why you aren’t generating any leads.

For most of my creative clients, sitting down to design a plan feels hard, boring and not very creative. To help make this process easier, I created the Color Wheel Marketing Plan™, a visual system for designing an effective, actionable and profitable plan that is fun to create. Once you fill in the center sections of the color wheel, it makes the rest of your decisions simpler. The first step is to define the primary colors at the center of the wheel: your ideal client, what problems you solve for them and your unique brilliance. Once you are clear about whom you serve and how you can help them, you can decide where to spend your time and marketing budget. For example, if your target audience is young adults, your marketing plan would not include Facebook, this demographic prefers Instagram and Snapchat. Nor would you spend time speaking to Rotary Clubs because their membership is primarily older professionals. The secret is to go spend time where your potential clients are. There are 3 different types of marketing that will help you get in front of your ideal clients. Your marketing plan should include a balance of activities in all 3 areas: on-line, off-line (in person) and referral marketing (secondary colors). Take a look at your current plan: is it balanced? Or are you spending too much time focusing in one area? I encourage you to create your own color wheel and design your profitable marketing plan.

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Dr. Minette Riordan is an award-winning entrepreneur with 15 years experience in marketing and sales, a best-selling author and creative. She discovered that visual planning was the best way to help her create structure in her business and still have it be fun! Once she embraced planning, she watched her business skyrocket from earning just a few thousand dollars a month to over $10,000 a month. She is hosting a 3-day live workshop Dec. 4 to 6 in Burbank, CA where she will be walking you through how to create a one page business plan and Color Wheel Marketing Plan™. Save your seat for just $97.00. This event is limited to 25 creative entrepreneurs. Register at today!

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