Today's Innovative Woman, September/October 2015

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From The Publisher


t’s back to school season – which means back to business! I’ve got A LOT going on in my business and I’m so super excited to share!

First – my book is hitting the shelf! Yep – I’ve published my #YESICAN story. The book is Yes I Can: The Mindset, Mantra and Motivation for Success, and it is available on – or on our site at I pull back the curtain and expose the good, the bad and the ugly! I share about the 5 areas of focus – health, business, love & relationships, family & friends and leadership - and in each chapter, I let you in on the personal stories that rocked me to my core but made me a stronger woman! You’ll learn the four core principles of designing your #YESICAN lifestyle and the 3 pillars I live by daily – pillars that can change your life! Grab the book now and get a bunch of BONUS gifts too – with tools to help you discover, design and develop your #YESICAN lifestyle! Second, I launched our new annual event – the Yes I Can Conference (aka SUCCESS Summit!) It’s being held on Thursday, November 5th in the Los Angeles area. If you are ready to make BIG money in your business while having BOLD fun in your life, this conference is a must attend! This event is a full day of learning, connecting and networking! Plus, I’ve incorporated the NEW stuff - the stuff to help you #GetYourYesOn both professionally AND personally! From Get Ready, Set, SELL!, to our Two Sides of Social, from Systems and Support for Success, to Being Your Ultimate Potential, the day provides something for everyone! And, I’ve included the mastermind lunch with every ticket. One price, one awesome event! All of it for only $97 during our Early Bird launch! ($147 value). Early bird pricing ends September 15th – so don’t delay! Oh – and did I tell you we have a new venue with seating for only 140!? (We had 220 last year – so it’s going to sell out fast!) Get your ticket at! Here’s to your #YESICAN!

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IN THIS ISSUE All About Success

All About Business

18 It’s A Ride Worth Taking!

6 The Power of Confident Communication

32 Tobey Allen, Innovative Woman

All About You 20 Are You Being Nice When You Need to be Fierce? 26 12 Ideas To Get You ReEnergized Right Now!

8 How Does Your Business Rate? 10 The Unpublished Discounts For Luxury Travel 12 Hitting Your Target Market By Design 14 Delegate! Don’t Abdicate!

30 I Like It! Where Can I Get One?

16 Raiding Productivity

34 When You Feel Inadequate, How To Overcome Self-Doubt?

22 How to Have Your Best Month Ever!

36 Building Glowing, Conscious Relationships

24 Will You Have To Collect Sales Tax for Out of State Sales?

38 Tune Into Your Success Frequency

28 The Importance of Taking Sensible Sales Risks

46 Fierce Focus: How Zentangle® Helps My Business Grow

42 Let Your Deeper Intelligence And Wisdom Guide Your Decisions 44 Women Of A Certain Age Own Authentic Alignment

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All About Business

The Power of Confident Commmunication by Tish Times


fter having hundreds of conversations about effective leadership, as well as teaching classes on assertiveness for women in the workplace, I have come to the conclusion that there’s a gap between what leaders say, and the most effective way to deliver the message. When asked the question, “What would you like to improve about your leadership and communication style?” more than 65% of leaders say they want to be more confident and assertive in their communication. Regardless of their title on a business card, if they are frequently second guessing their ability to communicate effectively with their team, it’s difficult to feel like a great leader. The good news is that confidence isn’t about a feeling; confidence is a choice. The phrase ‘knowledge is power’ may be true, but knowledge also breeds confidence. Being well-prepared allows you to leverage your expertise, and imparts an unwavering selfassuredness. Self-esteem is developed over the course of our lives and is largely based on our childhood experiences. Confidence can be learned and will increase over time. Confidence requires trust. As a leader, you must learn to trust yourself. Behaviors such as not speaking up for yourself, speaking softly, or not making eye contact are indicators that you don’t fully trust your ability to make an impact. These behaviors detract from the value that you bring to the table, and can negatively influence the respect your staff and colleagues have for you. When you are cognizant of what you are saying to yourself, you can identify and disempower the triggers that cause you to communicate in a non-confident manner. 6 Today’s Innovative Woman

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Confidence is a brand. It is a choice, and, is foundational for effective leadership. As you communicate confidently, you’ll create a ripple effect within your organization, inspiring others to follow your example. For more networking and communication tips and to join the conversation visit: and for help with your networking strategy schedule a discovery session at info@ Tish Times, founder and CEO of HireTimes Career & Coaching Group, Tish uses a unique approach to networking in order to help companies increase employee engagement, improve camaraderie, minimize silos and create cross training programs in the workplace. Tish also coaches entrepreneurs to amplify their business and increase profits with unparalleled networking strategies. Please visit to get your complimentary report, The Impact of the Confident Team, 7 Habits for Sales and Marketing Staff to Easily, Powerfully, and Genuinely Engage with Your Ideal Clients”. For coaching or speaking engagements contact go to and click the schedule button.

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All About Business

How Does Your Business Rate? by Joy Chudacoff


t a recent retreat with the members of my Smart Women SOAR Elite program, they had a chance to “rate” different aspects of their business on a scale of 1-10, with one being “Nope, never heard of it” and a ten being “Nailed it.” Together, we focused on the areas that are essential to wildly thriving business success. As one member commented, “It’s like keeping a scorecard on your business.” Here are five areas to assess in your business so you can soar to a new level of success: 1.


Your Vision and Mission – Is your vision and mission on track for the New Year? You can get off track in your business if you’re vision isn’t laser focused. I refer to this sometimes as “BSOS” or “bright shiny object syndrome.” When new opportunities present themselves, the key is to ask yourself if the new opportunity or new idea relates back to your WHY. Will this opportunity get you closer to your goal? Avoid spinning your wheels on things that don’t get results, and opt for a solid plan of action. Your Marketing – Are your current marketing strategies working? Your marketing needs to be strategic and should give you clear results you can measure on a regular basis. In the beginning, you do need to “throw spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks”, but as your business evolves and expands, you’ll want to hone in on what really works.

8 Today’s Innovative Woman


Your Client & Customer Care – Do you have a system for taking great care of your clients? Whether it’s scheduling a new client or on-going client communication, you want to make sure it’s a seamless operation. Client and customer satisfaction are key components to the long-term success of your business.


Your Cash Flow – Need I say more? Cash flow is the heartbeat of every business. When you love what you do, you can sometimes overlook the “numbers.” There is an old saying, “Follow your passion and the money will come.” I agree with a slightly different spin: “Do what you love and follow the money trail – get

September/October 2015

passionate about profit.” A business succeeds long-term when it creates a healthy profit. Now is the perfect time to assess which services are attracting the most clients and which products are customer favorites. 5.

Your Lifestyle – All work and no play makes you an unhappy woman entrepreneur! Take a good look at where you’re spending the bulk of

your time. Consider automating, delegating or even deleting some of the items on your “to-do” list. As your business grows and expands, it will be essential for you to take on the CEO role of your business and bring on support to help you with the day-today operations. Make a list of what you can delegate or outsource to an assistant so you can focus on the big picture.

Joy Chudacoff is Heralded as “The Coach for Women” in the millennium, Joy Chudacoff has x-ray vision when it comes to helping women discover their Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals! Joy draws on both her personal life and entrepreneurial experiences to support women in achieving better ways of living. It’s her passion, her purpose and her business. She is a Professional Certified Coach, highly skilled group leader, motivational speaker and a gifted communicator. Visit Joy’s website,, where you’ll find more articles plus information about her Women’s Success Circles, Smart Women Smart Solutions Coach Certification Programs, Speaking engagements, teleclasses and upcoming events for women. Joy can be reached at 310-454-2005 or by email,

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All About Business

The Unpublished Discounts

For Luxury Travel by Debbie Saviano

to get a better rate for staying at a hotel property based on your social media presence and influence?


ou have heard it many times before: social media can get you deals, referrals - coupons – conversations with friends – job opportunities and of course, ROI - on-line influence. Think about how powerful it would be if most of the above could be combined, elevating your abilities to garner special deals and discounts. Hotelied was founded in 2013 by co-founders Zeev Sharon and Nicholas Colletti and is definitely disrupting the Market. Hotelied serves as a resource for on line influencers to have access to unpublished discounts for upscale luxury hotels.

Travelers take pictures, document the experiences, and post, tweet and comment on already existing social media platforms for the hotel. So why not reward those influencers who have a robust social footprint? Most social media users are highly SOCIAL and enjoy sharing their “lifestyle”, so combining their Interest with upscale properties is genius really! Hubspot recently reported that over 70% of purchasing decisions are based upon on-line referrals & recommendations so it makes perfect sense for a property to want those with the most ROI influence to stay with them. In a recent chat with Hotelied cofounder Zeev Sharon, he summed it up as: Hotelied is the “first hotelbooking site that allows travelers to capitalize on the value they bring to hotels. It rewards you for being you.”

Think about it, would you like 10 Today’s Innovative Woman

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Hotelied brings together your on-line presence coupled with your reward – loyalty programs, enabling you to get the best rates for luxury hotels. You are being rewarded for being social! Talk about the power of social media! If you are active on social media and love to travel, register at Hotelied - and put your ROI – influence to work for you!

Debbie Saviano is a solopreneur whose daily mantra is to “help professionals take action and create an online presence by developing, nurturing and maintaining relationships.” Debbie utilizes social media to connect, network and engage with others. She is an advocate for “continuing the conversations”. Thanks to the internet highway, borders are no more; people can interact and communicate around the globe. Professionals from across the country call Debbie for her unique skill set in designing LinkedIn profiles & Pinterest platforms aimed at engagement and retention toward a target market. Debbie also provides business solutions to small businesses who seek to utilize social media to enhance their brand, improve skills of their employees, expand social proof and establish an on-line presence.

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All About Business

Hitting Your Target Market By Design by Linda Cotter


nowing your target market is essential and is the basis for all of your marketing efforts. It helps you determine what kind of marketing you need to do to reach your preferred audience. That same target market has a certain aesthetic that they relate to from a visual prospective. That’s why it is so important to have your branding in a style that appeals to them, while incorporating what you like as well. If you are only using design elements or branding that you like, you might be missing out on some potential customers. If you are thinking about a new brand or reviewing an old one, you can start by answering these questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What words describe my target audience? What is the age range of my target audience? What do they like to do? What differentiates you from your competitors? What are you promising? What is your unique value to your customers?

Once you have the answers to these questions, it will give you important clues about what the style of your branding should be. For instance, if your business is a law firm and you design something that is purple, orange and pink, it won’t inspire the trust and reliability that most people are looking for in a law firm. It doesn’t mean that it can’t be contemporary and fresh, but it needs to be done in a tasteful way with subdued colors. You must also consider the generational qualities of the design. Will your branding appeal to a target market that is an older generation or a younger, hip generation? When you brand for a specific audience it makes the audience feel more in tune with the goals and presentation of your company.

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Of course there are many more questions a good designer will ask you to get a feel for you and your target audience so that the branding will be effective and convert prospects. There are many things to consider and questions to answer, but in doing so, you will have a solid foundation to help your company grow. Linda Cotter is a graphic designer and web developer who is known for her fresh, simple and elegant designs. Linda’s goal is to help her clients produce better results through great design and creative solutions while using imaginative and innovative development methods. Whether it is a logo, business card, website or brand development, she incorporates each client’s unique personality and style into the design with an eye-catching flair and business sensibility. This creates the opportunity for them to attract the desired clients and results they are looking for. Visit Linda’s website at She can be reached at (310) 486-3108 or by email at

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All About Business

Delegate! Don’t Abdicate! by Nafissa Shireen


re you finding that your team consistently disappoints you? Are you tired of being surprised by errors that show up where you least expect them? You aren’t alone. Next to finding those first few crucial clients, I think that delegating and leading a team is one of the most challenging aspects faced by entrepreneurs. When there is so much on your plate, it’s natural to want to trust your team to take over what you hired them to do, and to just let them run with it once they have been trained. However this is the exact recipe for disappointment. You must always double check! Whether I was leading multi-billion dollar corporations or managing my own small one. I’ve always, always checked - I never trust just because I ask for something that it will be done. 95% of the time it is. But for whatever reason that 5%, when it’s incorrect, is usually a big mistake. 14 Today’s Innovative Woman

And often times I can attribute the mistake back to miscommunication or the team member not truly understanding what was needed. My philosophy is to delegate, not abdicate. You certainly do not want to micromanage your team, but I highly recommend that you have a follow up and verification process for everything (checklists are great!). And even when things are working and you can let go of the reigns a little bit, I still recommend you spot check because mistakes can still happen when you least expect it. September/October 2015

The next time you are frustrated or surprised by errors – ask yourself the following questions: Where did you not ask questions because you didn’t want to seem like you didn’t trust your team? What checklists do you need? Can you give yourself 10 minutes a day to review and spot check? Nafissa Shireen is an award winning Master Coach, International Speaker and Business Mentor She has a gift for empowering and propelling people to their highest potential. With 25 years’ experience leading 6-figure to 9-figure companies, she strategically partners with entrepreneurs to help them focus on sustainable & scalable business growth, so they can create a highly profitable and luxurious business and life. Passionate about helping women earn what they are worth and build their wealth, so that they can realize all of their dreams and desires. She brings together her vast business knowledge with the deep inner work needed to help entrepreneurs identify blocks, step out of fear and overwhelm, raise their wealth consciousness, and move forward towards their goals with measurable, tangible results.

Let me help you create a

Highly Profitable & Luxurious business and life. 1-844-5-THRIVE (584-7483)

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All About Business

Raiding Productivity by Bibi Goldstein


eing a productivity and time management expert you would think I have it all covered and get through my to-do list everyday, no problem, right? Wrong, wrong, double wrong.

My productivity is attacked on a regular basis, from urgent requests from clients to team members needing support and guidance. It is tough dealing with these daily surprise attacks even for someone like me who’s hyper aware of getting sidetracked. So, want to know what I do to get focused and back on track? Here’s some simple steps I take when these raiders show up. Use one, some or all of them, mix and match until you figure out your formula. 1. Take a break, walk away for at least 5 minutes. Getting focused could be as simple as giving myself a quick reprieve to regroup. 2. Move on to another task or project on the to-do list other than the one you were working on before getting interrupted. A change of scenery can sometimes be exactly what is needed to get back on task. 3. Disappear. Even if it’s only for 15 minutes. Short periods of uninterrupted time to concentrate helps me reset my brain and wipe away the memory of those raiders.

a. Close and lock your office door. b. Shut down your email. c. Turn off your phone

4. Use a timer and work on tasks for only 10 minutes at a time, again, this is a great way to use short spurts of focus time to reduce agitation and stress because there is no long term commitment. 5. Do a brain dump. I keep a notebook, I won’t call it a journal because I’m not sure anything written in there is even comprehensible. In that notebook I just write whatever I’m thinking about and get it out of my head. This helps me establish a clean slate and start over. 4. I would wish you luck battling those nasty raiders, but I know you won’t need it, armed with these techniques.

Bibi started Buying Time with a friend to give everyone the opportunity to have access to support and assistance with any task. With over 22 years in the transportation/ logistics industry Bibi has specific experience in space and time efficiencies through Six Sigma training for warehouses from 1,000 to 30,000+ square feet. This provided her the ability to visualize the final outcome even when the client cannot. Bibi recently co-authored “Get Organized Today” with other organizing experts hoping to reach out and help more people. Bibi can be reached at

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All About Success

It’s A Ride Worth Taking by Cathy Alessandra


ou may have followed my journey over the last several years. I was STUCK! Stuck in a place of unhappiness, unfulfilled… a place that left me spinning and asking “is this it?” It required serious reflection and introspection. The journey led me through pulling back the layers, getting real and being honest with myself.

My journey continues and I’m amazed each day at the experiences and people that cross my path by NO coincidence. But I had to be ready – both in my head and in my heart! I had to be ready to do the work. I had to be open to the possibility. And then, and only then, did the doors open and I could see what was right in front of me all along. While my most visible #YESICAN goal reached is my weight loss, #YESICAN is NOT about the WEIGHT …. It’s about the WAIT!! What are you waiting for? The longer you wait to find true happiness and fulfillment, the bigger the loss. Life is short – stop waiting! Here’s the NEWSFLASH!!! Without working on the other challenges in my life and taking care of ME, I would not have been able to release 70 pounds. Yes, my #YESICAN goal at first was to lose weight. But I waited more than half my life for that! Here were the REAL, much bigger challenges in my life… I was hiding in my business and playing small! I was sabotaging my marriage! I was taking things personally and making assumptions! I was holding on to old beliefs that were holding me back! By doing “the work” and DESIGNING my own #YESICAN LIFESTYLE… My business is booming! I’m traveling and speaking all over the country, I’m following my passion and calling and I’m being seen as the expert in my field that I am! My 28 year marriage is solid, happy and vibrant! We are having FUN together! I’m able to release things, not taking them personally, asking questions and not making assumptions – and understanding the issues of others are not about me – what a great place to be! I’m checking off “bucket list” items – including a hot air balloon ride!!! And yes, I’ve released 70 pounds! I’m 50, FABULOUS and never felt better – in so many ways!!! BUT WHY DID I WAIT UNTIL 50?? I had used food to numb my pain, fear, doubt, guilt and shame. And while food may or may not be your coping tool, I’m pretty certain that you experience some of the same fears, doubts, guilt, and shame as I had. Like it or not, our personal struggles are very much tied to our business success – AND our business struggles can affect our personal life! Continued on page 31

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All About You

Are You Being Nice, When You Need To Be Fierce? by Jenenne R. Macklin


hat is it costing you? Not being able to say no! Peoplepleasing. Saying yes while your inside screams no!

Accommodating, going with the flow, and feeling like people take advantage of you and your kindness. I don’t know about you, but for me peoplepleasing was draining, exhausting, and even heartbreaking. Because when I needed “them,” they weren’t as accommodating as I thought they would be… as I had been. I didn’t think I could stand the force of their rejection, judgment, criticism, attack, or even abandonment… so I was nice. Does that resonate with you? For me, there was an emotional and spiritual cost that impacted my sense of value, potential, and business success. I discovered how to connect to my authentic self, set boundaries, which gave me clarity on my value and pricing for my services. Is it time for you to be a priority instead of putting everyone else first? Can you imagine standing up for yourself, dreams, desires and business in a more powerful way? Then I’d love to share with you the one habit to develop for your personal and business success so you can experience greater clarity, confidence, results, and emotional well-being. I’ve created a life-changing experience where you can begin to be heard, honored, and experience healing from people-pleasing. Let’s chat. Send me an email NOW at: In the subject put: Choose Me.

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You can honor your value. You can set clear boundaries. You can charge for the value you bring. Imagine not struggling in your business, relationships, and getting results, because you’re NOT trying to please everyone…being nice. Instead you’re being fierce. Much love & respect, Rev. Jenenne Teaching heart centered entrepreneurs, women in business owners and CEO’s how to use sacred practices to tap into spiritual principles that pave the way to sustainable wealth, passion and purpose with intentional action Rev. Jenenne Macklin is a powerful Sacred Wealth Intuitive Guide. As an author, transformational speaker and CEO of Consciously Creating Your Life, she is the catalyst for women who want to learn how to leverage the Universe to charge their value, change their relationship with money, and tap into their spirituality for wealth. With her Sacred Wealth System she took her business to 6-figures in 16 months and has guided her VIP clients to 3.3 million. For coaching and speaking engagements contact or visit

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All About Business

How to Have Your

Best Month


by Caterina Rando, MA, MCC


aith, hope and prayer will not grow your revenue. As a long-time business coach for women, I see that many in business do not put enough attention on bringing in new clients, and as a result their businesses do not generate enough revenue to thrive. That is why I created a month long virtual group called the Best Month Ever Challenge. Here are a few tips you can use right now, to have your best month ever in your business: •

Set a revenue goal for your best month ever.

Figure out the highest revenuegenerating month in your business, then set a goal that is a little higher.

Put together a best month ever plan. This is everything you will do in your business to ensure that you generate more revenue than ever. Make sure your plan includes the following tips.

22 Today’s Innovative Woman

Have a simple, fast, system for lead tracking and follow up. You may have a system, but is it working for you? In just a few seconds can you pull up all your potential clients? If not improve your system.

Set aside 90 minutes at least three times a week for sales calls and appointments. This means you are having conversations with people about working with you.

Set a goal for how many sales conversations you are going to have each week. Keep track of how many conversations it takes for you to gain a sale or new client. You may find you are not talking to enough potential clients each week.

Be willing to be uncomfortable. When you call on prospects that make you a little nervous or when you are willing to dance through the objections, you will start to get better results. Pretty soon what was

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formerly uncomfortable will become comfortable. •

Keep at it. Know it might take you a few months, follow these strategies and soon you will be enjoying your best month ever. Caterina Rando is a master business coach for women. She is the author of Learn to Think Differently and want to support you to be louder, prouder and more certain about the massive value you have to bring. Find out about the Best Month Ever Challenge here: www.caterinarando. com/bme Get your free audio on having your best month ever here: www. Caterina would love to hear from you at 415- 668-4535.

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All About Business

Will You Have to Collect Sales Tax

For Out of State Sales?

by Candy Messer


re you a business selling products to other states? If so, you may be required to collect tax on sales outside of your home state in the not too distant future, if you aren’t already required to do so. States are in desperate need of funds, and are looking to internet sales to bring in additional revenue. Currently, a business only has to collect sales tax for purchases outside of their state if they have “nexus”, which is defined as having a significant physical presence. In the past, this has meant having a warehouse or distribution center located in the state. However, the term seems to be expanding to include advertising that leads to sales in the state, or affiliate relationships with companies located in those states. You may have noticed a change on any order you placed Amazon in recent years. Originally, when orders were shipped, sales tax was not charged on invoices, however this policy was altered a few years ago when many states’ sales tax agencies passed legislation requiring tax to be collected by Amazon and remitted to the agencies directly. This came about because individuals and businesses were not paying the use tax for purchases on items shipped to them. According to tax law, any items subject to tax if purchased in a physical location in

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your state are subject to use tax if ordered online. This tax should be reported on a business’ sales tax return (if applicable) or income tax return. Upcoming changes entail what is considered “nexus” and if the way you operate is seen to have a significant presence, you may be required to collect and remit sales tax; registration with the tax agency will be mandatory. Be prepared for these changes to potentially occur in the very near future. Candy Messer is President of Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll Services and energizes business owners by removing the burden of the bookkeeping and payroll processing from their shoulders. With 15 years of experience, Candy understands the stresses business owners face and offers customized services to meet their varying needs, including bookkeeping, payroll, Quickbooks consulting, and bill pay services. Candy works with service based business owners who are overwhelmed with the paperwork required to stay in compliance for filings and frees them to focus on what they love to grow their businesses. Visit her website at for more information.

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All About You

12 Ideas to Get You Re-Energized

Right Now!

By Cynthia Bazin


ecently I was in New York City to speak at an awesome conference for girls right in the heart of midtown. It was absolutely an amazing event and it felt so good to be able to give these fabulous girls the inspiration to go for their goals and dreams. We all need people in our life to support us and inspire us. But my trip did more than inspire the girls. This trip re-energized me. I honestly didn’t think I needed re-energizing. I thought I was going to New York City with my energy tank full...until I got there. I was only in New York a total of 3 days, but in that short period of time, I was positively transformed, recharged, re-energized. So are you a little burnt out, in need of some re-energizing? Well, checkout my list of things that work for me. Maybe they’ll work for you! 12 Ideas To Get You Re-Energized Right Now! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Get together with a friend Put together a business mastermind Take a quick vacation Read a new book Try an activity out of your comfort zone Volunteer Connect with nature Journal your thoughts

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9. Give yourself spa time 10. Take a day off 11. Simplify your life 12. Go to an inspiring conference or other event So, what ways above most resonated with you? Do you have others that we can add to the list? Post your comments for me. I’d love to hear from you! Cynthia Bazin is passionate about helping successful, smart women get out of feeling stuck and/or overwhelmed by using laser-focused strategies to gain clarity about their true mission. She gets women pumped up, inspired and focused on their life strategy plan moving ahead. Cynthia has over 20 years of experience working in the corporate world. She ran investigation units for large corporations, was a Private Investigator and has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. Cynthia is President of SmartChic. She works one-on-one mentoring women, does group programs, conducts workshops and is a motivational speaker. Learn more at

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All About Business

The Importance of Taking Sensible Sales Risks by Debbie Mrazek


any would say that simply deciding to launch your own business is risky enough. While that is true, in order for your business to continue to thrive, you must continue to take risks. If you choose to stand on the side line and just watch, your business will likely become stagnant and you will see little to no growth or increase in sales. When I talk about taking risks, I don’t mean totally changing your business plan. What I mean is taking calculated risks that are designed to move you closer towards your goal. 6 Step Process for taking Sensible Sales Risks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Define clearly what you believe the risk is What could be the results from this risk Outline a plan to succeed, and include metrics Adapt current methodologies Set a timetable to review Go forward with confidence

If you are hesitant about taking any type of risk related to your business, you will soon discover that it is not going anywhere. In order for any type of growth or progress to occur, you need to overcome your fear of taking risks and act “as if” you are already succeeding. If you don’t, you will only end up regretting the chances that you did not take. So, get up and get in the “risk” game, the future of your business depends on it! 28 Today’s Innovative Woman

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Benjamin Franklin said,

“Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.”

Reach out! Reach high! Reach your wildest dreams! Reach for that glass of champagne to celebrate! Debbie Mrazek is founder and president of The Sales Company, a Texasbased firm that is helping hundreds of entrepreneurs, individuals, and corporations better assess, understand and engage in practical purposeful selling. With “Mrazek Energy” (believed to be from another world since it is a constant flow of happiness and enthusiasm). Debbie Mrazek teaches the tools, techniques, and talents every individual possesses, and how to transform those into S-A-L-E-S. Mrazek has counseled, constructed, and completed sales programs, workshops, and individual and team coaching across the nation. She’s also a speaker, author of Field Guide To Sales and conference facilitator. Connect with Debbie at

Get used to ‘yes’. The Sales Company knows sales. You should too. Call us. We’ll help you with sales that will blow the bottom line away. T H E



Be the competition. Contact Debbie Mrazek

972 618 1880

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All About You

I Like It! Where Can I Get One? by Kathi Laughman


t’s the first question we ask when we find something we like. Whether it’s a pair of shoes or a new gadget; if we like it we’re going to want one, or twelve!

This is true about many things in life we admire. It’s not that we want to be carbon copies of others. It’s that quite often we lack confidence in our own ideas and creativity. So we borrow them.

The truth is that sometimes we short-change the magic just looking to others. Quite often, the best ideas will come from our own well-spring. Here is something to consider: the essence of innovation is just doing something we already do, but finding a new way to do it. It’s why technology has been so successful. We’re doing the same things. We are however doing them differently and with far greater ease and reach. So where do the best ideas live? Two of the best sources we’ve talked about: people and technologies. But don’t just look at the surface answers. Use those ideas creatively. Pick them up and take them to a new place (your place!) and see how they fit. You might be surprised how one simple change makes a dramatic difference. Here’s another source to consider: Perceived failures. Many of the best ideas found their value in something other than their original intent. We’ve all heard the story of Thomas Edison saying he didn’t fail 999 times before he invented the light bulb. He just found 999 ways that didn’t work. But just for that one purpose. Many of those 999 (failures?) were innovations we still use today (389 of them!). Here’s the challenge: Let’s change the question. Instead of asking where can we get [that], let’s press for possibilities and ask: what can WE create with it? Kathi Laughman is a life and business strategist, inspirational speaker and best-selling author. Referred to by her clients as the “Plan B to Z expert”, Kathi Laughman serves professionals committed to continuously creating new pathways to success and significance. Her philosophy and body of work demonstrates that there is more value in the “rest of the story” than we ever dreamed possible. After a successful 25+ year career as an executive working with business intelligence, Kathi founded The Mackenzie Circle, a life coaching and personal leadership company in order to champion entrepreneurs as their possibility partner, coach and mentor. Her personal mission is to inspire, facilitate and invest in the success of others.

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September/October 2015

Continued from page 18 Here is what I learned… I liken my journey to a roller coaster ride. There were (and are) ups and downs, twists and turns, thrills and excitement! But there were common threads throughout the journey. When I pull into the “station” at the end of the ride, I want to look back with no regrets – no shoulda, woulda, coulda. I want to live all out! There are 4 core principles I discovered: Be BIG! This is your BIG vision – in all areas of your life. The vision of you and where you want to go and who you want to be! I needed faith – in myself and my vision. I needed confidence. I had to pull back the layers and discover who I was and what I wanted from my life. I took time to enter the process and go through the discovery! Be BOLD! Once I understood my big vision and renewed my faith, it was time to own it. And this means stepping out and being bold. It starts with you and your confidence. One of my bold moves was to step onto stages and share my very real, raw story in a bold way that surprised many, but resonated with the masses. I had to stretch and be uncomfortable! Be BRIGHT! You must let your light shine. It’s about resilience. Whatever the challenges you face or obstacles you encounter, it’s being able to come back and say #YESICAN! Be YOU! You are like no one else. You are a masterpiece – a work of art. Stop comparing yourself to others. Step out into the world as your own original self – and watch what and who you attract! You’ll be amazed!

I’m excited to share my book with you! It’s available on for FREE September 16-18th (Kindle version). You can visit my page – – to grab the book (link provided) and all the free bonuses that go along with it! I’d love to hear about and support your big #YESICAN!!!

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All About Success San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Tobey AllenInnovative Woman How/why did you begin your business? I couldn’t draw a Bobbie pin in graphic design class, and I remembered crying on the commuter train, having failed my required course, when a stranger came up to me and said “Whatever it is, keep the perspective”. I then switched my major to creative arts and went onto graduate school to become an art therapist. As an art therapist I was able to utilize my intuitive gifts to help chronic pain patients make profound changes in their careers. Many of them were injured on the job and were taking prescription pain pills just to get through the day. As a result of working with my patients, their lives improved significantly. They reinvented themselves, reduced their pain medication and rediscovered their life purpose. My gift for brainstorming creative solutions began as a child. I was given the gift of claircognizance, or clear knowing and clairaudience, the ability to hear spirits. By finding the seeds of possibilities within themselves, my patients were able to flourish and grow in ways which were thought impossible. Inspired by my clients, I had realized it was time to let go of my own limitations. I had attended a lecture of an art therapist who introduced me to the world of 3D printing. In college I loved creating pottery. Once a slab of clay, the earthen material is transformed to a useful work of art! 3D printing starts out as an idea in the mind which then transforms into a three-dimensional object. Many women have lost touch with their creativity and ability to excel in implementing new ideas for their business. I now use my gifts and help women entrepreneurs with their brilliant ideas.

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What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it? In standing up for my dream I had to face financial losses and risk security in the beginning. The company I worked for restructured their department and I found myself on public assistance. I was able to take bridge jobs that allowed me to finance my dream and make it a reality. How do you define SUCCESS? Success is living your life on your terms. If I had to disappoint people so that I could live my dream, then I was ready to tell the truth. So many of us paint a picture of success that really isn’t our own. We have all the tools and supplies to create what is in front of us, in this case it was utilizing my creative arts skills and intuition as an art therapist. As an art therapist there were times when I found myself feeling depleted because I forgot to fill my own cup, which was usually empty. I am now overflowing with joy and my cup is full. I am here to serve and help women entrepreneurs break through the creative barriers in their business. If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be? Success takes time. Make sure you take time for yourself as well as your business. Be ready to take on a transitional position if necessary to finance your dream. Don’t be afraid to be imperfect. Just get going and do it anyway. What makes you an Innovative Woman? I have always had incredible insight in coming up with ideas. Within us are contains the seeds of possibilities waiting for our ideas to spread to others. I help women find innovative, creative solutions for their business, envisioning a better product, taking their vision and making it a reality. I help women mind-map innovative solutions and upgrade their business, introduce them to 3D printing by helping them envision a product that is unique to them and their message. I help them to think creatively and infuse their ideas with profitability. I believe that as women we can change the world with our brilliant ideas. Each problem contains within it, the seeds of possibilities to transform ourselves for the greater good. For further details about Tobey, please visit

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All About You Dallas, TX

When You Feel Inadequate How To Overcome Self-Doubt? by Susan Tolles


o you suffer from self-doubt? In a recent survey of The Flourishing Life community, self-doubt was the #1 challenge responders said keeps them from living a purposeful, joy-filled life. Yes, we are our own worst enemies, allowing that self-critic that sits on our shoulders to sabotage our dreams and success instead of believing in our strengths and self-worth. If self-doubt has a grip on you, holding you back from achieving your full potential, here are a few tips to squelch that voice of defeat. •

Appreciate your immense value. You were created with a unique set of gifts, personality traits and core values that set you apart from all others. There never has been, or ever will be, another person like you! Take inventory of those traits, and acknowledge how blessed you are.

Know your purpose. Along with your unique traits, you were given a specific purpose to fulfill to serve others and support this amazing universe we live in. Clarity of purpose gives you direction and ignites the passion that keeps you moving forward with enthusiasm.

Practice abundant self-care. When you are tired and emotionally drained, you are more likely to lose confidence and motivation, which feeds your self-doubt. Commit to doing at least one thing every week to nourish your mind, body and spirit, even if you have to schedule it on your calendar.

Renew your confidence with a personal advisory board. A support team, including a coach, mentors and strategically-selected advisers, will be your sounding board, encouragers and strategists, providing the guidance, wisdom and motivation when you need it most.

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Determine the root of the doubt. Fear, perfectionism and procrastination all play a part in self-doubt. Spend some quiet time examining what is driving your doubt, then create a strategy to deal with it. Seek the guidance of your advisory board, reflect on your unique value and purpose, and reflect on the times when you have overcome obstacles and been successful in the past.

Create a manageable plan, then take action. Often, we create a plan that is so big that it seems overwhelming, then we procrastinate because we doubt our ability to accomplish it. Break your big vision into 30, 60, and 90-day goals to set yourself up for success. Take at least one small step every day as you courageously say “go away!” to your limiting beliefs. Susan Tolles is The Reinvention Strategist for Professional Christian Women, whose clients surround the globe. She is a passionate advocate for all women, equipping and motivating them to envision more and reach higher as they integrate faith, family and career with a strategic plan for success on their own terms, not the world’s. She is a contributing author to six books for empowering women, and has spoken to audiences across the nation on topics including extraordinary leadership, work/life harmony and conquering self-sabotage.

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All About You San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Building Glowing, Conscious Relationships by Katie Macks


hat would happen if you invested in the most important relationship you’ll ever have, the one you have with yourself? What would it mean to you if you could reignite your GLOW and live a life that you love? And what if you could be free of your “shoulds” and be able to make choices that are aligned with who you are and what you value? I know this may sound too good to be true as we face the intense demands of our modern-day world. We often become derailed due to the multiple roles we play, from career mogul, to mother, to partner. We are moving at such a fast pace and are pulled in so many directions, it is surprising that our relationships function as well as they do. As we move through our daily lives, we are often influenced by our needs to be seen, to be heard, to belong, and to be appreciated. As a result, we tend to do more and try to achieve more, hoping we will feel better about ourselves. This never-ending and distracting cycle tends to have us focus on everything and everyone but ourselves. In order to invest in you, you must first place the oxygen mask on yourself. We as human beings are plagued with the notion that we should “know” how to navigate our lives and our relationships; however, we were not taught the skills of building glowing conscious relationships. We were taught how to “get along” which included sharing, playing fair, lowering our voices and to apologize if something went askew. We were not taught how to navigate our beliefs, behaviors attitudes and assumptions, let alone others. Each and every

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one of us is operating out of our own worldview, which is best described by this quote from The Talmud; “We don’t see things the way they are, we see things the way we are.” The good news is that building glowing conscious relationships is all about skill building. Yes, you can learn how to have rich, intimate and fulfilling relationships through the development of skill in the areas of commitment, trust and communication. I believe that when human beings become aware of the attitudes, assumptions and beliefs that drive their choices, they open up to possibilities they didn’t previously feel they had. This alone, changes how you choose to live your life. To learn, visit my website Katie Macks, owner of Get Your Glow On, LLC is a certified relationship coach, with 25 years experience. Her unique approach inspires new perspectives and hope for successful women who have lost touch with what really matters in the midst of juggling the roles and demands of contemporary life. Katie is passionate about helping women transform their lives with awareness and accountability, so they can regain freedom of choice and experience trusting, meaningful relationships with themselves and others.

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All About You San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Tune Into Your Success Frequency by Jean Kathryn Carlson


e are entering the season known for the beginning of the new school year. Traditional schools welcome their students and eagerly teach the predetermined curriculum. Students have to demonstrate on tests how well they learned what the school system says is important. It’s time to turn that paradigm around. Declare this Fall as the season for tuning into your deep inner wisdom. When you turn within and tune into your unique success frequency you receive all the necessary knowledge and wisdom to lead you to greater success. The best way to know if you are tuned in is by how you feel. If you feel spunky and energized you are definitively tuned in. However, if you hear inner voices complaining or worrying, or you feel a frown forming on your face, then you are more likely experiencing the “Woe Is Me” frequency. Imagine you have a radio and are tuning into the Success Station, yet all you get is static. You may not be far from the frequency and are able to get back in tune easily. Or you might realize you have the Worry Station blasting, and that’s not where you want to be. How do you get yourself back to the Success Station? Try these two practical and simple tools to return to clarity and experience the success you desire. 1. Become a thought detective. Pay attention to what you are telling yourself. This indicates how in tune you are. For example, it’s morning

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and you have a lot on your plate. You say: “I’m tired and overwhelmed already.” This thought will tune you into the Overwhelmed Station. What if, instead, you say: “Wow. Look at what I get to do today. I look forward to each and every interaction.” Now you are tuned into your super Success Station. 2. Create an inner success touchstone. You can make one up or use an actual vivid successful memory. Using the power of your mind, discover what success feels like in your body. What does it look like, smell like, taste like? Make it real. Make it palpable. Enjoy going there as often as you like. The more you practice the feeling of success the better you will get at feeling successful. Make this Fall about going within. Allow your inner wisdom to be your teacher on your path to success. Jean Kathryn Carlson Dream Alchemy Coach Offering Dream Circles and Dream Alchemy Coaching by appointment. Jean Kathryn Carlson is a Dream Alchemy Coach, speaker and co-author of Catch Your Star and On the Wings of Faith. Her unique alchemical blend of dreamplay and tapping sets the stage for a powerful and transformational experience. Dream Circles in Fairfax, 415-721-7300,,

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All About Business San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Let Your Deeper Intelligence And Wisdom Guide Your Decisions by Christine Miura


he problem is clear. The answer is not.

Your business presents many problems everyday. Sometimes the solutions are apparent and easily implemented. Other times, the answer is buried deep inside layers of complexity or in different parts of the business. Out-of-the box thinking can help find the answer. Intuition is now playing a bigger role in many people’s lives. This holds true in business as well. Creative solutions are being found from deeper intelligence and wisdom. Generally, business is measured by return on investment (ROI), metrics and analytics. However, your human resources express themselves differently. Human beings are complex creatures. Understanding the nature and role of a person lends itself to a unique set of considerations: developing answers based on the individual’s core strengths and weakness. In addition, how they relate to others should be figured into the analysis. Generally we glean superficial facts on first glance, something akin to a still picture. But a snapshot might not tell the entire story.

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Think about a video with its dynamic content. Layers of understanding come forth into a three dimensional narrative. Giving you a better perspective of the problem and any resistance to it. A holistic solution such as using intuition to get a deeper perspective can help find root causes of a problem and resolve it. This helps correct problems at a systemic level rather than a symptomatic one. As a sole proprietor, our client was managing her multi-generational business alone. This kept her isolated with no one to confide in. Daily operational problems were monopolizing every spare moment. Those physical demands left little time for the client to think about much else. By looking deeper into the situation and seeing what was causing her resistance, this three-part solution became evident: 1. Client intervention with her daily fires. She needed help in the management of her day, and with list of problems. She never had time to work on her business, only inside of it. The client needed to confide in others, and to get help to alleviate her daily pressures. 2. We asked the client about her understanding of her business financials. This helped us to establish a clear understanding of how the client was making her decisions. 3. Once we understood the client’s position, we had a frank discussion about the consequences of not implementing the recommendations and the negative impact it was having on her business. Using intuition gave us a deeper insight as to why the client was struggling. Analyzing the client’s behavior and emotional avoidance to certain duties, allowed us to make the proper adjustments and put her on the path to success!

For building mobile websites, apps or to answer any questions, please contact Christine Miura at (925) 683-7714. Visit her mobile site from your smart phone:

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All About Business San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Women Of A Certain Age Own Authentic Alignment by Linda Ashley


ou started a business because you have a passion and message that inspired you to action. That’s likely what you want to concentrate on and where you want to spend most of your time. But the surprise that you got was that you have to know how to run a business. It’s the part of being an entrepreneur that most people like the least. It has been pointed out in the media that the youth culture often discards women when they reach a certain age. I think that is a flawed concept. It is not the youth culture that discards people of ‘a certain age’; it is we the women of that ‘certain age’ who can easily do it to ourselves with limiting beliefs related to age and retirement. Age does not matter unless we make it matter! You see, as a woman who was part of the sixties hippie generation, I never believed those in those limiting beliefs in the first place. Yet they were drilled into my head by well-meaning people who wanted me to live their version of retirement. There was a constant internal struggle about what was possible for me at that stage of my life. As women of a ‘certain age’, we must release the limiting beliefs of others and embrace the powerful limitless beliefs within ourselves. “Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’

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September/October 2015

opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” ~ Steve Jobs, co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.

Authentic women of a ‘certain age’ are not living shallow lives. We are living vibrant lives where we respect, learn and support each other. And, we naturally mentor and do the same for young entrepreneurs. It is our responsibility to help other women of any age, and especially of a ‘certain age’, do the same! Authenticity and a joyful life happened when I let go of everyone else’s plan for me and began to live my life and my retirement—my way! Let’s do it!

Linda Ashley follows the tradition of her entrepreneurial family. She has been self-employed for more than forty years, a decade of which included serving as the president and CEO of the Newark Chamber of Commerce. Linda became the “go-to” person for advice and help with business opportunities and challenges. She is a mastermind facilitator, speaker, author, connector, blogger, trainer, event planner, retreat facilitator, seminar and workshop leader, and director for ‘Today’s Innovative Woman Magazine’. Linda has received numerous awards for her work over the years, including the Rising Star Award from Thriving Women in Business, Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from the U.S. House of Representatives, a California Legislature Resolution Commendation from the 25th Assembly District, and a Commendation for Initiative, Knowledge, and Work Ethic from the Office of the Mayor of Newark. Linda can be reached at (510) 919-3696 or by email at Her book Authentic Alignment, Wise Women Reveal the Secrets to a Stellar Life, is available on her website

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All About You

Fierce Focus: How Zentangle® Helps My Business Grow by Minette Riordan


spent three weeks on vacation in Nova Scotia this summer. One of the best things about being at our cottages in Petite Riviere is that I have a lot of down time. There is no television, no stores or shops or restaurants. Our cottage is right on the beach; it’s gorgeous. I love having extra time to devote to my Zentangle® practice.

While I am here, I am also dreaming, researching and brainstorming ideas for my next book, which will be on time management strategies for creative entrepreneurs. As part of my research, I have been reading a book called Manage Your Day to Day: Build Your Routine, Find your Focus & Sharpen Your Creative Mind. One of my favorite articles talked about how we should allow time for mindful tasks: the creative ones that take focus like writing, building, planning, etc., and the mindless ones like checking email, paying bills or doing dishes. As I tangled, that is what was on my mind: fierce focus, fierce commitment to my own success and fierce commitment to carving out the time for creative pursuits even when I am at home. Why fierce? Because it takes fierce energy to create clear boundaries and stake a claim for the time that I need! For me, Zentangle® is equal parts mindful and mindless. It keeps my hands busy while my mind is fiercely focused on the patterns, the lines, and the colors. I am not chasing thoughts and ideas, instead they just gently float to the surface where I can acknowledge them, take note and if necessary pause to write them down.

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These moments remind me that my business, like the meditative drawing practice Zentangle®, requires fierce focus: dedicated time and attention to the creative work. I often allow my days and weeks to become overly cluttered with meetings, calls with friends and busy work when what I am longing for is space to create, to plan and to dream about what’s possible. Tangling reminds me to pull back to the center, to block out time and mindful space for the art of my work. Without the creative time for designing new content, planning for the next quarter or focusing on my numbers, I can’t grow my business.

Dr. Minette Riordan is an award-winning, serial entrepreneur and marketing expert with 14 years experience in marketing and sales. She is author of the bestselling book, The Artful Marketer: A Fundamental Business Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs. Her passion is helping creative entrepreneurs build profitable businesses. Learn more at

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48 Today’s Innovative Woman

September/October 2015

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