Today's Innovative Woman July August 2015

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From The Publisher


ow – we are into YEAR 5! Wahoo – almost 20 years (in November) of publishing my kids magazine, and 5 years publishing Today’s Innovative Woman! So super exciting – what a milestone! And of course, we have another FABULOUS issue filled with articles to support you in your business growth! During my 20 years of being in business, I’ve certainly had struggles. The old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” means just as much in business as it does in your personal life. Let me explain… Do you listen to what “they say”? The names that will never hurt you are in the form of comments, innuendo and criticism. Does it bother you, upset you, and maybe take you down a rabbit hole of “oh no”, “what if”, “but”? BINGO – the names as well as the sticks and stones are hurting you! One of the four core principles for Yes I Can is to BE YOU! You are like no one else. You are a masterpiece – a work of art. Step out into the world as your own original self. But what do you do when someone tries to step on you and squash you like a bug? I’ve heard many super successful entrepreneurs say, “You haven’t made it until you have haters”. While none of us want haters, I think when you’ve “made” it, being your authentic self means you are going to put your own opinion out there and not play to just appease. That in itself can put a bull’seye on you. Not everyone is going to agree with your opinion, your actions or your behavior. But this typically comes from THEIR insecurities and shortcomings. Their reality might just be too painful. I’ve had a hater or two in my day. No fun for sure, but stooping to their level was certainly not my M.O. (That’s where I let Karma step in – and Karma can be a “you know what”)! Here are a few keys I’ve learned over the years…. 1.

Don’t take things personally; the first of The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. If you haven’t read the book yet, it’s time. This first agreement alone can be a life saver. Much of the time, when the name calling starts, it’s really them experiencing jealousy over where they are, comparing themselves to you. It’s their own “stuff” and truly has nothing to do with you.


Hold your head high and don’t stoop to their level. While it can be so tempting to fight back or defend yourself, most of the time it’s not worth your breath. And certainly DO NOT wage a war on social media. When I was struggling with a woman who had made it her mission to say all kinds of horrible things, I was reminded of the famous Dr Seuss quote… “Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”


You don’t need their approval. When did you get the idea that you need their stamp of approval? For every hater, you have hundreds of lovers. You are going to attract those you are meant to attract – quality vs quantity. At 50 years old, I can count my closest friends on one (ok, maybe 2) hands. It’s clear I’m not meant to be friends with everyone. I’m not meant to work with everyone. I’m here to support and have relationships with those who resonate with me and what I stand for – and not everyone is going to like me! That’s OK – there are plenty who do!

Here’s the bottom line…. If you are living your own authentic life, within your own values, morals and integrity, WHO CARES? Letting their negative energy pull you down the drain is not what serves you, or them honestly. As hard as it might be to let it go, you must if you want to move forward. Go ahead, have a 3 second pity party, throw something across the room (make sure no one is in the way of it), pout at your desk if you must, maybe take a break for a walk and re-group, then move on. Don’t let THEIR circumstances and attitude affect YOU and your day! Enjoy your summer!

4 Today’s Innovative Woman

July/August 2015





All About Business

26 10 Things to Not Give In On: The Non-Negotiables

6 Follow Up Like a Boss

28 I Can Do Sales... I Believe In My Product, I Believe In Myself 30 A Circle, or a Sun, Which Will You Create? 42 Sizzling Synchronicities Along Your Path of Success 44 Need a break? 5 Great Mini Vacation Ideas

8 She Says to Network... Now What? 10 Live Streaming Is The New Black 12 Your Facebook Landing Page Does It Have Pizazz? 14 What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

34 Business Lessons From Buddha

16 More to Messaging Than Meets Your Inbox

All About Success

20 Is It a Business, Or a Job?

18 Shari Fitzpatrick, Entrepreneur and Strawberry Dipper

22 Stop Waiting for Ready

36 Tish Times, Innovative Woman

24 Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9

38 Katie Macks, Innovative Woman

38 5 Keys to Decision Making

40 Susan Rueppel, Innovative Woman Subscribe for FREE at


All About Business

Follow Up Like a Boss by Tish Times


t’s the day after the big conference! You are pumped. You are making calls. Sending out emails. Still high on what you learned. You’re living in the conference afterglow.

It’s a week after the conference. You are calling from your stack of business cards. You’ve left a million messages. “I thought they were excited to re-connect” you say in your heart. “Why won’t they return my calls?” You start to question if the connection was real. It’s two weeks post conference, “That was a waste of time!” you complain, “I am sick of calling and emailing with no response! I spent A LOT of money to attend that conference! Why do I keep investing money on these stupid conferences when I NEVER make any profit!?” If you have had this experience, you are not alone. To avoid post networking regret, having a conference networking strategy and follow up system in place is critical. Surprisingly, the most successful sales professionals must reach out 6-12 times to connect with their potential clients; however, By the 1st contact 43% of people have given up By the 2nd contact 68% of people have given up By the 3rd contact 80% of people have given up Most people never make it past the 3rd try! Don’t take it personal. You are busy, right? So are the people with whom you have connected. By not returning your call what they might be saying is, ”I am interested, but other things have taken priority at the moment.”

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Don’t give up and don’t talk yourself out of your success. You etch yourself on the forefront of your prospect’s mind when you stay in touch and prove your value. With a plan, a system and some practice, you can follow up LIKE A BOSS! Let’s chat! Jump over to www.TishTimes. com and click the contact button to schedule a discovery session to chat about tweaking your networking plan (or creating one) today! Tish Times, founder and CEO of HireTimes Career & Coaching Group, Tish uses a unique approach to networking in order to help companies increase employee engagement, improve camaraderie, minimize silos and create cross training programs in the workplace. Tish also coaches entrepreneurs to amplify their business and increase profits with unparalleled networking strategies. Please visit to get your complimentary report, The Impact of the Confident Team, 7 Habits for Sales and Marketing Staff to Easily, Powerfully, and Genuinely Engage with Your Ideal Clients”. For coaching or speaking engagements contact go to and click the schedule button.

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All About Business

She Says to Network... by Joy Chudacoff

Now What?


few days ago, I was speaking with one of my valued clients about the many benefits of getting out of the office and creating connections and relationships through networking. At one point, there was a momentary silence on the other end of the line, and then she asked me if I could give her more “structure” on the best way to network effectively. This question made me stop and think. I tell my clients to do this ALL the time and yet, I rarely stop and explain WHAT to DO or HOW to do it. Here are 6 “go to” tips and solutions that work for me every time and I think you will find them useful: 1. Shhhh! – Let the other person talk first. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason! Listen for clues on HOW you can serve them or discover if your business might be a good fit for the other person. Maybe there’s a possible collaboration? 2. Your Turn – When it’s your turn (unless you’re dealing with a narcissist), share what you do by telling stories about your clients – why they come to you, the result you provide, etc. 3. Be Yourself! – There’s nothing more exhausting than trying to play the “role” of someone else.

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4. Dress For Success – Whether we like it or not, people make judgments about us based on how we’re dressed. This does not mean you need “designer” everything to make a good impression. It means that you need to look professional and put together as someone who they can believe, like or trust. 5. The 24 Hour Rule – The 24 Hour Rule – Write a hand-written note or email within 24 hours – you aren’t there to meet everyone in the room. Your intention is to meet 5-7 people who you truly connect with and would like to do business with. Make a point to follow-up with these people right away.

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6. I’d Love a Referral – To get a referral, give a referral. Yes, this is how it works. People are more likely to send you referrals if they see that you are genuinely interested in helping others succeed. Business is about creating relationships. Joy Chudacoff is Heralded as “The Coach for Women” in the millennium, Joy Chudacoff has x-ray vision when it comes to helping women discover their Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals! Joy draws on both her personal life and entrepreneurial experiences to support women in achieving better ways of living. It’s her passion, her purpose and her business. She is a Professional Certified Coach, highly skilled group leader, motivational speaker and a gifted communicator. Visit Joy’s website,, where you’ll find more articles plus information about her Women’s Success Circles, Smart Women Smart Solutions Coach Certification Programs, Speaking engagements, teleclasses and upcoming events for women. Joy can be reached at 310-454-2005 or by email,

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All About Business

Live Streaming Is The New Black by Debbie Saviano

In all cases, the user determines what to live stream and what to watch. Totally organic in nature, both apps are a means to share those special moments.


s I write this, I am watching Neil Diamond live on Periscope as well as a fundraiser for Door’s Hope on Meerkat (multitasking right!?) If you have heard of either of these new apps you understand, and if not, you will appreciate this. Technology allows us to connect on a scale that is often times difficult to comprehend, and the introduction of Meerkat & Periscope is evidence of the desire to be fully present! The popularity of mobile devices enables us to have immediate access! So what exactly are Periscope and Meerkat? Both are apps, which allow the user to “Live Stream” from anywhere in the world using a phone!

10 Today’s Innovative Woman

Periscope has the advantage as it was purchased by Twitter in March for $100 million. The best way to experiment with Meerkat & Periscope is to just jump in. Ideas for Usage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Interviews Sharing tips & strategies Conferences & events. Product Launches Clergy, sermons, messages & inspiration Book reviews, launches & signings Trainings from your computer & office Team meetings Road trips You decide...

Capabilities for Engagement • • • • •

Comment Like (Heart) Re-Tweet Interact with other viewers Follow other viewers

July/August 2015

Caution: This is live with no edit capabilities (exception: when you use Periscope or Twitter, you can delete it from your Twitter feed, which I have done.) Both Meerkat & Periscope offer live visual experiences; and being new to the social media playing field, only time will tell of their full capabilities. In the meantime, download the apps and become part of the #conversations.

Debbie Saviano is a solopreneur whose daily mantra is to “help professionals take action and create an online presence by developing, nurturing and maintaining relationships.” Debbie utilizes social media to connect, network and engage with others. She is an advocate for “continuing the conversations”. Thanks to the internet highway, borders are no more; people can interact and communicate around the globe. Professionals from across the country call Debbie for her unique skill set in designing LinkedIn profiles & Pinterest platforms aimed at engagement and retention toward a target market. Debbie also provides business solutions to small businesses who seek to utilize social media to enhance their brand, improve skills of their employees, expand social proof and establish an on-line presence.

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All About Business

Your Facebook Landing Page

Does It Have Pizazz?

by Linda Cotter you taking advantage of the Facebook Landing Page? Is yours Areirresistible? A Facebook landing page is a customizable page that can be used to share your branded message in order to get new subscribers. It’s another great way to communicate with your target market and add subscribers to your list. The page should be designed so that it has an enticing offer and should have an eye-catching image so that the viewer will want to “like” your page.

Here are 4 things you must have to make an effective Facebook landing page: 1. Clear Copy – Your copy should be simple and to the point, emphasizing what you are promoting. It should notify your potential customer that they are in the right place to take advantage of your offer. 2. Striking Image - Your landing page’s image should be attention grabbing and consistent with the graphic design of both your offer and your branding. This provides continuity for the customer and reinforces recognition of your company. 3. Smart Call to Action - Your landing page must feature a call to action, which is prominently displayed. Viewers shouldn’t have to search for that next step. Make sure that your link or opt-in box is big, bold and visible without needing to scroll down the page.

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4. “Like” Generating - One of the top reasons to have a great landing page is to get people to like your page. Require potential customers to “like” your page before you present them with more information about what is being offered. So take a look at your Facebook landing page and spruce it up! Think of the number of potential customers you might be missing by not having a well-designed Facebook landing page! And, if you don’t have one, get one. You don’t miss out on this marketing opportunity. Linda Cotter is a graphic designer and web developer who is known for her fresh, simple and elegant designs. Linda’s goal is to help her clients produce better results through great design and creative solutions while using imaginative and innovative development methods. Whether it is a logo, business card, website or brand development, she incorporates each client’s unique personality and style into the design with an eye-catching flair and business sensibility. This creates the opportunity for them to attract the desired clients and results they are looking for. Visit Linda’s website at She can be reached at (310) 486-3108 or by email at

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All About Business

What Got You Here Won't Get You There

by Nafissa Shireen


fter transitioning from a corporate career to an entrepreneur, I know from experience those are probably some of the truest words ever spoken. In the early days of my business, I faced a lot of struggles and challenges, and I found in speaking with colleagues who had also made the transition, they did also. As I matured as an entrepreneur and was able to look back to “connect the dots”, I realized my biggest problem was that while I knew a lot about building businesses, I knew nothing about how to BE an entrepreneur. The habits that catapulted me to the top of my profession were the very habits that were holding me back as an entrepreneur. Today I’m addressing only one of them – getting approval. In corporate, it’s common place to work within an approval matrix. And once you have approval, it’s always wise to make sure you have consensus from all stakeholders.

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When you become an entrepreneur, you may not think you are seeking approval – but who do you discuss your business plans with? Friends? Family? Your spouse? So while you may not be directly asking their permission, by bringing them into the decision or seeking their opinion, inadvertently you have sought out approval, and most likely, you won’t get it. When it comes to your business, if you are unsure of which direction to go, seek out the advice of professionals, those who understand your business and who don’t have an emotional stake, fear or desire to protect you. That could be legal, tax, financial, marketing or other professional

July/August 2015

advisors, or even your coach or mentor. However, remember – they are simply there to provide insight. It’s now your business, approval is no longer required. The decisions are up to you. Nafissa Shireen is an award winning Master Coach, International Speaker and Business Mentor She has a gift for empowering and propelling people to their highest potential. With 25 years’ experience leading 6-figure to 9-figure companies, she strategically partners with entrepreneurs to help them focus on sustainable & scalable business growth, so they can create a highly profitable and luxurious business and life. Passionate about helping women earn what they are worth and build their wealth, so that they can realize all of their dreams and desires. She brings together her vast business knowledge with the deep inner work needed to help entrepreneurs identify blocks, step out of fear and overwhelm, raise their wealth consciousness, and move forward towards their goals with measurable, tangible results.

Let me help you create a

Highly Profitable & Luxurious business and life. 1-844-5-THRIVE (584-7483)

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All About Business

More to Messaging Than Meets Your Inbox by Bibi Goldstein


here are many forms to reach your audience and opportunities to get your message out. Most of us primarily use email marketing, but now we can market and communicate our message using multiple avenues.

In my opinion, email is still the most effective marketing method. However, with the changes in technology and social media there are more innovative and fresh ideas I would like to share with you. Everyone has a preferred method of being communicated with; some love text messaging, others love the phone, but almost all read and respond via email. If you use the right combination of these three methods it can be an absolute gold mine for you! Text messaging is the new norm! Most people prefer to communicate with their family, friends and even clients through texting. It’s only fitting that this is now a great way to market directly to your audience and make sure your message is received. The most common way text message marketing has been used is for list building when speaking. While on stage, the chance to speak once and have several people “opt-in” simply by texting to receive your offer allows you to catch people when they are really connecting with you. Using Social Fuse or Fix Your Funnel with Infusionsoft can help build automated campaigns for any of these purposes. It can provide an effective way to market to your existing list and give you a simple and easy way to bring prospects into your sales funnel. In addition to the written form of communication, there are some great options out there for voice broadcasting, such as CallLoop or CallFire. This is an inexpensive and easy way to start off simple and small. With your personal touch, voice message marketing appeals to those that like to hear your message in your voice. Look at all opportunities to communicate with your audience and find the combination that works best for you. Don’t stick to just one thing or you may be missing many who need to hear your message. Bibi started Buying Time with a friend to give everyone the opportunity to have access to support and assistance with any task. With over 22 years in the transportation/ logistics industry Bibi has specific experience in space and time efficiencies through Six Sigma training for warehouses from 1,000 to 30,000+ square feet. This provided her the ability to visualize the final outcome even when the client cannot. Bibi recently co-authored “Get Organized Today” with other organizing experts hoping to reach out and help more people. Bibi can be reached at

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All About Success

Shari Fitzpatrick:

Entrepreneur and Strawberry Dipper

by Cathy Alessandra


woman with grit and determination? Yes, Shari Fitzpatrick is that for sure! The Founder of Shari’s Berries learned a few lessons the hard way. Yet I’ve always heard a successful entrepreneur is one who can lose it all today and grow it again tomorrow. And that is her! Over 20 years ago, Shari founded “Shari’s Berries” – a company she is no longer affiliated with. Why you ask? Ten years into the business, Shari trusted the wrong person and eventually lost ownership of her original berry company. Shari’s love affair with strawberries began as a little girl – when her father planted a strawberry patch every summer. Fast forward, as a mortgage broker in Los Angeles, she began making handmade chocolate dipped strawberry gift baskets for her clients. She dipped each one carefully, wrapping them up as special gifts – a hobby she loved. Shari is a classic example of turning a passion into profits. “Remembering how short life is and how much time we spend at work, if you can love what you do and enjoy it, it makes life much more fruitful”, shared Shari. Shari grew up in a family where her stepdad worked really hard, but played really hard. And that was how she wanted to live her life. “If you really love what you do, you can find that tenacity to keep on going

We grow the most during the difficult times in our life – not when things are free and easy and happy go lucky. when times get tough. Being an entrepreneur makes you a risk taker, but having that passion and loving what you do will help you to be successful.” Shari’s biggest challenge of course was losing her company. “My board of directors voted to sell my company. It was the most difficult time in my life. I felt as if I had lost one of my children. As I grieved this loss, I came to understand that we learn the most, that our character is built and we become stronger through the hard times in our life. I realized that dipping strawberries in chocolate is what I do…not who I am. That God cares more about my

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character than my comfort, and that disappointment in life is not avoidable, but discouragement is a choice. Besides… entrepreneurs are NEVER quitters!” When asked what she wished she’d known earlier on, Shari shared a few ideas. “Just start. Don’t wait for ready. Don’t quit your job, don’t get a big loan, but test it out and start. I think about the great Wayne Gretzky and his quote, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take”. Start small, give it a try, bigger is not always better.” Priorities were another key for Shari. “Learning to have my priorities in the right order was a key for me. If you are happy at work, you’re going to be a better wife, a better mother. We work to support our family, so our work should never hurt our family. My Pastor once said to me “Shari, I’ve never heard anyone say on their deathbed I wish I’d spent more time at the office.”

Don’t wait for ready. Don’t quit your job, don’t get a big loan, but test it out and start. Shari is an innovative woman to the core. From taking her passion and creating a profitable business – TWICE, to creating a whole new line of products with her new company, Berried in Chocolate, Shari is an innovative successful entrepreneur. “You’ve got to be a little different than everybody else. I’m borderline tacky with a lot of funkiness added to what I do”, a key ingredient to her success! “People like a real person and a real story. We grow the most during the difficult times in our life – not when things are free and easy and happy go lucky. As long as we learn from our mistakes, there is a lot of beauty that comes out of brokenness. I just wanted to be a berry dipper, but now I have this platform to encourage other entrepreneurs to follow their dreams and never give up.” Shari’s new line of products includes the only book to have calories – it’s actually double shrink wrapped then dipped in rich dark chocolate! Living in Northern California in the Fairplay Wine region above Sacramento, Shari has created her own premium line of red wines, which are also available dipped in chocolate! In addition, she showcases apples, with “the best wedgie you’ll ever have”. ™ I have tasted the new berries by Shari – and they are FABULOUS! Big berries hand dipped in luscious dark, milk and white chocolate. And Shari has offered our readers a special discount so you can taste them too! Her website is www. – and for orders over $50, you get a 10% discount on your purchase – plus Shari is donating 10% of your sale to Operation Yes I Can, the non-profit organization behind the Yes I Can movement. Order your berries today, listen to our podcast interview over at www. and enjoy the fruits of her labor. For further details about Shari and her berries, visit her at

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All About Business

Is It a Business, by Jenenne R. Macklin

Or A Job?


used to always hear my coach talk about working “on” your business, rather than “in” your business.

It would honestly be two years before I would realize that my “business” had become my job. I was fired in September of 2011. I had complained to the universe to such a degree that my complaints were honored. No longer could I say, “I’ll be glad when I can start my business.” The universe gave me my freedom. I created a website after meditating on what I had to offer the community (first mistake). I created several products based on my ideas (second mistake). I worked in my business: creating products, writing my book, working with a coach. I held one teleseminar and even a telesummit that built my list to just less than 400. I wrote blog posts, and nurtured them to apathy with 500 words and three tips. But I was still working “in” my business. Why? Simply because it felt safe. Fast forward to today, and I am clear and confident that my intention is to build a business. I have accepted all my roles not just the ones I like. What about you? Here are several considerations to know if you’re working “on” your business: 1. Can your business generate revenue whether you are in your office or sitting on an island in Greece?

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2. Do you have systems in place to provide consistent interface with your brand, not dependent on you? 3. Is your “why” for building a business based on your vision for your life, family, and legacy? 4. Have you put the necessary infrastructure in place? So I ask you, is it a business or is it your (new) job? Much love & respect. Teaching heart centered entrepreneurs, women in business owners and CEO’s how to use sacred practices to tap into spiritual principles that pave the way to sustainable wealth, passion and purpose with intentional action Rev. Jenenne Macklin is a powerful Sacred Wealth Intuitive Guide. As an author, transformational speaker and CEO of Consciously Creating Your Life, she is the catalyst for women who want to learn how to leverage the Universe to charge their value, change their relationship with money, and tap into their spirituality for wealth. With her Sacred Wealth System she took her business to 6-figures in 16 months and has guided her VIP clients to 3.3 million. For coaching and speaking engagements contact or visit

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All About Business

Stop Waiting for by Caterina Rando, MA, MCC


eady is a myth. It is in the doing that you are best preparing to do what you want to do. Too often women entrepreneurs spend endless hours or weeks, figuring everything out and they may still not get busy doing what they want to do.

I have a talented, gifted, smart client who is frequently waiting until everything is totally figured out, as in a course being 100% written before it is marketed, or everything is 100% done including every last tweak of a website before it goes live, and everything is ideal including having 100% enrollment in a group before she starts anything. As a result of

22 Today’s Innovative Woman


this consistent behavior it takes her forever to do anything and her business is not growing. Does any of that ring a bell for you? Does this sound like you? Instead of waiting for ready, do the opposite and be willing to create and learn as you go. Maybe that sounds scary, and I will not deny that it is, however learning and creating as you go keeps you in forward motion. Waiting for ready is staying in the same place and being stagnant while you get everything completed. Let’s be very clear, waiting for ready holds you back. A successful business is in a constant state of stretching and reinventing and adjusting. You as the entrepreneur are best served by also being in a constant state of stretching, reinventing, adjusting and learning. The learning is in the doingnot in the preparing. Ask yourself right now: Where are you waiting for ready and what is that costing you? Next question: what are you going to do about it? Be willing to be uncomfortable while you are creating learning and growing. This is your key to running a truly extraordinary business. Get going

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now. Are you a coach looking for a coach to support you to get in massive action to catapult your business? I’d love to speak to you! Connect with me at and by phone at 415.668.4535. I look forward to speaking with you.

Caterina Rando, MA, MCC, shows women entrepreneurs how to be loud and proud about the value they bring in order to massively monetize their mastery. Join her and other ambitious, positive and passionate women at one of her three two-day, live and in-person events: The Business Breakthrough Summit, www., The Sought After Speaker Summit www.soughtafterspeaker. com or Enliven: How to Plan, Produce and Profit From a Women’s Retreat www. For a deep discount use code TIWMAG and get started catapulting your business today. Caterina can also be reached at and by phone at 415.668.4535.

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All About Business

Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 by Candy Messer


s your business growing and you are thinking of hiring an employee? If so, there are a few forms you’ll need to have filled out and returned to you, including an application, a W4 form (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate) and potentially an employment contract. Another item required is the I-9 form which is used to verify the employment eligibility of the worker. The new hire must fill out their section and certify they are authorized to work in the United States. Documentation proving this status must be presented as well.


The employer must review the documents presented to see if they are acceptable to prove the identity of the candidate, and list the identification numbers and expiration dates of each one. Form I-9 must be retained for either three years after the date of hire, or one year after employment is terminated, whichever is later. Forms must be available for inspection by authorized U.S. Government officials from the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Labor, or Department of Justice. One method you can use to verify employment authorization is e-verify, an internet-based system that compares information submitted to Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Social Security Administration (SSA), and Department of State (DOS) records to confirm the worker is authorized to be employed. If you use this system, you must post the “Notice of E-Verify Participation” and “Right to Work” posters at the hiring location. When the documents provided as identification approach the expiration date, new documentation will need to be reviewed to determine if the

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employee is still authorized to work. The employee must be able to prove they are able to continue working in the U.S. or their employment will have to be terminated. For more information on Form I-9 and the requirements for properly completing it, see http://www.uscis. gov/.

Candy Messer is President of Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll Services and energizes business owners by removing the burden of the bookkeeping and payroll processing from their shoulders. With 15 years of experience, Candy understands the stresses business owners face and offers customized services to meet their varying needs, including bookkeeping, payroll, Quickbooks consulting, and bill pay services. Candy works with service based business owners who are overwhelmed with the paperwork required to stay in compliance for filings and frees them to focus on what they love to grow their businesses. Visit her website at for more information.

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All About You

10 Things to Not Give In On: The Non-Negotiables By Cynthia Bazin


f you want to have a successful, happy life, I believe you need to design a list of non-negotiables! Here are mine:

10 Things To Not Give-In On / The Non-Negotiables

1. Self-Care - If you do not take care of yourself, everything else starts to break down. Take time every day for yourself. 2. Integrity - Integrity is trust. And trust is everything to me. How about you? 3. Values - When making those tough decisions, go back to your values. They will never do you wrong. 4. Respect - Never accept anyone putting you down as a person. And what I mean by that is taking someone disrespecting you as the truth. You deserve great success and happiness and should be respected. 5. Happiness - You must always believe down to the core that you are worthy of great things in life. Never doubt that. 6. Dreams and Goals - Don’t ever believe it’s too late to go for what you want. You can do it! 7. Gratitude - Always be humble and appreciate what you do have in life. You don’t want to give-in on this. We always have something to be thankful for. 8. Spending Time With Loved Ones - Don’t wait to spend time with your loved ones. Cherish those great people in your life and spend all available moments with them. 9. Courage - You are stronger than any challenge put in front of you. Keep fighting. Be strong!

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10. Believing In Yourself - You have awesome gifts to share with the world. Always believe in yourself! I would love to hear what your non-negotiable things are in life. Are they some of the above? I would love to hear from you.

I would love to hear from you! Cynthia Bazin is passionate about helping successful, smart women get out of feeling stuck and/or overwhelmed by using laser-focused strategies to gain clarity about their true mission. She gets women pumped up, inspired and focused on their life strategy plan moving ahead. Cynthia has over 20 years of experience working in the corporate world. She ran investigation units for large corporations, was a Private Investigator and has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. Cynthia is President of SmartChic. She works one-on-one mentoring women, does group programs, conducts workshops and is a motivational speaker. Learn more at

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All About You

I CAN DO SALES.... I Believe In My Product, I Believe In Myself by Debbie Mrazek


enry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.”

Ever wonder why some companies consistently thrive and grow while their competitors wither? Are their products that much more effective, service that much better, strategy that much more brilliant, marketing that much more creative? The differentiator is often their state of mind. They BELIEVE in what they are doing heart and soul! There is an energy and vitality to it that others are attracted to. Do you believe in what you are doing? What does it look like when you believe in something? • • • • • • • • • •

Excited Authentic Want to share Enthusiastic Knowledgeable Confident Steadfast Strong Unwavering Intent

What does it look like when you don’t believe in something? • • • • • •

Indifferent Doubtful Apathetic Inexperienced Uncertain Weak

There is an ethical importance in believing in what you sell and your ability to sell. Not believing is akin to a lie. This type of lie is usually lying by omission – leaving out certain facts, misrepresenting your offer...because you are uncertain how the buyer will feel about it and you do not have a strong enough belief to “tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” as Jack Nicholson said in the movie, A Few Good Men.

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If you are struggling with your sales, take a good look at what you believe about your product, service, offering. Don’t be afraid to ask your trusted resources how they see you talk about what you do. Sometimes it isn’t even about the words you say, but the tone of voice you use or your body language when you are talking about it may speak volumes to someone else. Whether you know if you believe in what you sell or not...they KNOW! Debbie Mrazek is founder and president of The Sales Company, a Texasbased firm that is helping hundreds of entrepreneurs, individuals, and corporations better assess, understand and engage in practical purposeful selling. With “Mrazek Energy” (believed to be from another world since it is a constant flow of happiness and enthusiasm). Debbie Mrazek teaches the tools, techniques, and talents every individual possesses, and how to transform those into S-A-L-E-S. Mrazek has counseled, constructed, and completed sales programs, workshops, and individual and team coaching across the nation. She’s also a speaker, author of Field Guide To Sales and conference facilitator. Connect with Debbie at

Get used to ‘yes’. The Sales Company knows sales. You should too. Call us. We’ll help you with sales that will blow the bottom line away. T H E



Be the competition. Contact Debbie Mrazek

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All About You

A Circle, or a Sun, Which Will You Create? by Kathi Laughman


re you a creative? Many people would say no to that question. Perhaps that is you. The truth is that we are all creative, even to the point of having an innate need to create.

This perspective goes beyond what we might think of in traditional terms such as art or music. A teacher creates a learning experience. A mother (or father) creates a home. A photographer creates an image. A leader creates a team. A chef creates a masterpiece meal. Each of us takes pieces and through our own unique application transforms it into something else. But there is more to this that merits consideration. Here is a thought provoking insight from Picasso that transcends the original application intended beyond art: “There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence transform a yellow spot into the sun.” No matter what we create, the transformation can either deliver brilliance or diminish the light. We each have that choice. We each have that power. This is true in our lives every day. We can allow our brilliance to diminish to a yellow spot. Or through our creativity and intelligence we can transform each day into a bright shining sun of endless possibilities. The real insight is that in both cases, it is not about resources, talent or skill. It is about perspective and choice. What do you see? What do you create? In the words of Henry Ford: “Whether we think we can or we think we can’t, we are right.” Begin by believing that you can. Live (Create!) today what you want to tomorrow to be. Create well! Kathi Laughman is a life and business strategist, inspirational speaker and best-selling author. Referred to by her clients as the “Plan B to Z expert”, Kathi Laughman serves professionals committed to continuously creating new pathways to success and significance. Her philosophy and body of work demonstrates that there is more value in the “rest of the story” than we ever dreamed possible. After a successful 25+ year career as an executive working with business intelligence, Kathi founded The Mackenzie Circle, a life coaching and personal leadership company in order to champion entrepreneurs as their possibility partner, coach and mentor. Her personal mission is to inspire, facilitate and invest in the success of others.

30 Today’s Innovative Woman

July/August 2015

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All About Business

5 Keys to

Easier Decision Making

by Susan Tolles


omen are faced with hundreds of choices every day, some easy and some that require more careful analysis. Unfortunately, we often get bogged down in those tougher decisions and let them stall us out while we worry about the consequences of our yes or, our no. Frequently, we say yes because we want to please others, and regret it later when our calendars become too full to do the things we really want to do. If you stress over making decisions, ask yourself these questions for an easier answer. 1. Does this support my life’s purpose, business mission and goals? If you are clear on your life’s purpose, which translates into the mission for your business, and set your goals accordingly, then every decision should be easier. If a choice does not fit within your strategic plan, then just say no! 2. Does saying yes align with my values and priorities, or someone else’s? Stay true to your core beliefs, no matter what. If saying yes would mean compromising trust or integrity, or putting your career before your faith or family, it should be an easy no. 3. What are the costs and benefits of saying yes? Will saying yes help me achieve my goals? Will I be using my unique gifts to serve the people I truly want to serve? Or will this be a distraction, costing me valuable time and energy?

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4. What advice would I give my best friend if she had the same decision to make? It is often much easier to give advice than to take it, so picture yourself walking your BFF through the same choice. What would you tell her? 5. Does saying yes feel right? Just follow your heart. There is great wisdom in your intuition! Susan Tolles is The Reinvention Strategist for Professional Christian Women, whose clients surround the globe. She is a passionate advocate for all women, equipping and motivating them to envision more and reach higher as they successfully blend life, faith and career. Susan’s expert guidance leads them to embrace their unique value, follow their God-given purpose and lead with influence and authenticity, creating a strategic plan for success by their own design. She is a contributing author to six books for empowering women, and has spoken to audiences across the nation on topics including extraordinary leadership, work/life harmony and conquering self-sabotage.

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All About You

Business Lessons From Buddha by Minette Riordan

“Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.” ~ Buddha


owned a publishing company for eleven years. When I started my parenting magazine in 2001, I agonized over every detail and every word. I cringed each time a new issue came out, knowing there would be the inevitable mistake. Over time, I learned to be at peace with the product. I did my best, had great editors, and worked hard to make sure all the ads were correct, even if a few of the articles had an occasional typo. I learned to relax into the process of getting things going rather than getting them right. Then I started to make art again … and the voice of my inner critic rang out loud and clear. I was reluctant to paint anything representational. I was playing it safe with my doodling and coloring books. I can’t draw, I said to myself. And draw a face? Really? Part of my ongoing success in business stems from my willingness to confront my inner critic, to ask her to take a hike and let me play. Rediscovering my creative spirit and being willing to share what I create has taught me to stretch and to focus at the same time. It has reminded me of that gentle path that Buddha defines as the path of right action. Doing my

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work with mastery has helped me finish projects and pick one idea or project at a time to carry through to completion. This is one of my secrets to success. Buddha and making art have reminded me that success comes from our willingness to let go of perfection, to take inspired action and to let our light shine out into the world.

Dr. Minette Riordan started her entrepreneurial career in high school. Her moneymaking enterprises ranged from the usual babysitting jobs to creating a stained-glass window for a local restaurant. Creativity has always played a major role in her life but it has taken her years of trial and error to find her true calling. Dr. Riordan is an award-winning entrepreneur and marketing expert with 15 years experience in the fields of marketing and sales. She is the best-selling author of The Artful Marketer: The Fundamental Business Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs. She lives in sunny Santa Barbara, CA with her husband of 18 years, two teens and a talkative cat named Phoebe. Learn more about her at

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All About Success Phoenix, AZ

Tish Times

Innovative Woman

How/Why did you begin your business? There are far too many gifted entrepreneurs who have great products or life changing services, but few people know about them. Many of these business owners lack the systems necessary to maximize networking opportunities and increase their profits. These entrepreneurs may be uncomfortable in networking settings, they may avoid networking all together, or they may network all of the time but have an ineffective follow up system, so they see minimal results. I started HireTimes Training and Coaching Group to help entrepreneurs gain more confidence in their networking communication, make better connections, and therefore get more quality clients. To the outside world, I looked as though I had it all together. Once again, I found myself being called to work with people on a deep level. I got certified as a relationship coach, with the focus on the most important relationship we have, the one with ourselves. After a year of conducting trainings for a coaching company, I knew the time had arrived to start my own business offering transformational coaching and training to women who are ready to be in the driver’s seat of their lives and to reignite their glow. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it? My biggest challenge was letting go of control in my business. I ran my business by myself for almost 4 years, so when I brought on my first team member I wouldn’t give her anything to do! I thought I had to do it all, then I quickly realized that I was actually the bottleneck in the business. When I

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realized that my control issues were really trust issues that had nothing to do with my team, I let go and started seeing tremendous growth in the business. How do you define SUCCESS? Simply knowing my work honors God and that my efforts are a blessing to the people who I am called to serve. In addition, success to me means having options to do the things I want to do. If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be? I wish I would have understood the importance of hiring a business coach before I started my business. I waiting much longer than I should have because I didn’t understand the value of having a coach. Hiring my coach helped me to see gaps in my business that I never could have seen on my own. What makes you an Innovative Woman? I am an innovative woman because I’ve created a unique conference that is new to the Phoenix Valley. The Unstoppable Confidence Networking Conference is designed to facilitate change in the way you network in order to create real results and substantial income from your networking efforts. This conference is unlike any conference you’ve attended, with actionable items to help you to easily, powerfully and genuinely engage with your ideal clients. You can register at Visit her website to find out more and connect with Tish.

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All About Success San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Katie Macks Innovative Woman How/Why did you begin your business? Early in my career, as a leadership trainer, I wanted to help people live to their full potential and live a life they desired. I knew this work was my calling; however, my focus shifted when my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I became her primary care giver until she passed away. While grieving, I realized that our time here is so limited, that I decided to fulfill a dream to travel the world. After a year of saving enough money, I began my solo journey around the globe. I traveled for nearly 3 years with a backpack, a camera and an open heart. My reentry to the states was challenging to say the least, but I found my way back into a very successful business for a decade. I experienced great financial success, but I was not fulfilled, quite to the contrary. To the outside world, I looked as though I had it all together. Once again, I found myself being called to work with people on a deep level. I got certified as a relationship coach, with the focus on the most important relationship we have, the one with ourselves. After a year of conducting trainings for a coaching company, I knew the time had arrived to start my own business offering transformational coaching and training to women who are ready to be in the drivers seat of their lives and to reignite their glow. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it? My biggest challenge in starting my own business was running it like a business. To save money when starting, I thought I could handle all aspects of

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my business. I soon realized that I was focused on all the minutia rather than serving my clients and building my revenue. I needed to run my business as though it was 5 years out and invest in a team that is qualified to handle the daily tasks that are not my forte. Delegating allows me to do what I love and to serve my people!!! How do you define SUCCESS? Success is an inside job that can have many twists and turns. Having the courage, the commitment and the willingness to take risks in all areas of your life to achieve what you truly want, be it in your business, or in your personal life, is success. To face your fears, your doubts and your uncertainties and go for it anyway, is success. To take action without any guarantee, is success. And then to learn the lessons along the way, is success. If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be? Progress not perfection! Waiting to get ready, to get ready, can turn into an eternity. The key is to go for it and learn what’s wanted and needed as you are in action!! What makes you an Innovative Woman? Having the desire and abilities to reinvent myself with heart and courage, and to be willing to take risks despite my resistance. Facing my fears, doubts and self limiting beliefs and going for it anyway is my juice for being an innovative women!!! Visit her website to find out more and connect with Katie.

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All About Success Sacramento, CA

Susan Rueppel

Innovative Woman

How/Why did you begin your business? I was called to leave my corporate career in Information Technology so I could have more fulfilling work that made a bigger direct impact in the world. I started my intuition business over 20 years ago on nights and weekends. I focused on medical intuition, helping people uncover the underlying cause of illness. Then, in attending women’s business networking events, I saw that many women were struggling to make their business successful, so I applied the same intuitive skills to helping businesses be healthier. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it? Most people have not heard of a Business Intuitive. Helping women entrepreneurs understand the importance of intuition as a business resource, and communicating the value of bringing a Business Intuitive onto their success team was initially a challenge. First, I help clients develop their own intuition in business so they see how valuable it is. Second, I let my clients know that because of the unique service I offer, that I work primarily by word of mouth referrals. I ask them to refer me to other women entrepreneurs who would like to accelerate the launch or growth of their business. And to make that easy, I created a” Refer Me” page of my web site:

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July/August 2015

How do you define SUCCESS? Supporting women entrepreneurs to follow their passion and purpose and make a living while making a difference, immensely enjoying what I do, AND having my own life balance – time for myself, my family and friends. If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be? If I knew how truly impactful and rewarding it would be, I would have left the corporate world sooner. What makes you an Innovative Woman? Business Intuitives are leading edge, and intentionally engaging intuition is an especially innovative business practice. I’m also on a mission to have intuition development to be an accepted and active part of our education systems for K through 12, colleges, business schools and medical schools. For further details about Susan, visit her at

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All About You San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Sizzling Synchronicities Along Your Path of Success by Jean Kathryn Carlson


ead the following statements and rate yourself from 1 to 10 with 1 being “hardly ever” and 10 being “an emphatic YES”.

1. You are today’s innovative woman and as such you do things differently. 2. You enjoy magical encounters every day. 3. Your inspired action steps come from deep within. 4. You know that success is an inside-out job. 5. You let your inner brilliance shine in the world. I often encounter meaningful coincidences, also called synchronicities, on my morning walks. They set the tone for the day. Recently I walked by a fence with words on it much like word magnets often found on refrigerators. The four words “everyone laugh remember magic” caught my eye. They poetically capture an essential aspect of Vibrant Living Alchemy. To laugh and remember magic in each and every activity of each and every day allows you, the innovative entrepreneurial woman, to show up, shine your brilliance in the world and have more fun along the way.

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July/August 2015

Open to the experience of synchronicities and every moment becomes an opportunity for you and the invisible realm to play hide and seek. Synchronicities, those enjoyable winks from the Universe, might reveal the next inspired action step on your ever-unfolding path of success. In addition, they bring fun, magic and pleasure to your life. Although true success comes from the inside out, it is tempting to believe that the best formula to a thriving business will be found in that free webinar offered by the latest and greatest success guru. Yes, there is much knowledge you can glean from those webinars but if the info is not aligned with your deepest self, you will likely not experience the outcome you were hoping for. That certainly has been true in my case. However, when you choose to see that the origin of every perceived problem and every satisfying solution lies deep within you, you are free to discover your own unique path. Paying attention to synchronicities and being curious about their message is one way to get to know your inner truth. I invite you to notice the role synchronicities play in your life. Consider keeping a journal. Reflect on these questions. How do they show up? Where do they show up? What messages do they bring? If so inspired, I would enjoy hearing from you as you share how sizzling synchronicities light up your path of success.

Jean Kathryn Carlson is a Dream Alchemist, speaker and co-author of Catch Your Star and On the Wings of Faith. Her unique alchemical blend of dreamwork and tapping sets the stage for a powerful and transformational experience. Dream Circles in Fairfax, 415-721-7300,,

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All About About You Business All San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Need a break? 5 Great Mini Vacation Ideas by Christine Miura

ork, work, work… that’s W basically what we face when we have our own

business. It never ends! When can you catch a break? You find yourself daydreaming about that “future vacation” you want to take. You know the “BIG VACATION” that you plan for over a year costing from $5 to $20K at a time? You work extra hard just so you can get out the door. You escape the daily insanity by thinking of how great that vacation is going to be and give you the necessary break you’ve been wanting for so long. But what if you could create mini vacations on a regular basis? Here are 5 Mini Vacation Ideas 1. Look at your calendar. Every six weeks plan a four day weekend. Calendar it. You don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want too. Just having four days to give yourself decompression time away from the business is a restorative measure. Give yourself the opportunity to unload business responsibilities. Think about topics that are outside of your business. Or brainstorm about a subject of interest. Book downtime that allows you to be nice to yourself. The idea is to create relaxation and pleasure. Here are some suggestions: Create time for enjoyment, exercise, get a massage, family time, go to a live music or acting performance, take a drive to somewhere you’ve been wanting to go, go camping. 2. In order to take those two extra days off every six weeks, you’ll need to make sure you have:

• A 12-Month plan outlining your company business goals. • Monthly plan that gets you to your business goals. 44 Today’s Innovative Woman

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• Weekly production objectives to meet those monthly goals. • Daily action steps to achieve weekly objectives.

3. Solid planning is key to business success and its important to have structure each day you work. Solid work productivity requires you know what you want to accomplish each day. This is directed by what your overall goals are for your business. Write three goals for each day you’re in the office. By week’s end, 15 items will be completed to build towards your goals. 4. Stop working 12 to 16 hours a day in your office. By toiling away that long, you actually diminish your productivity. Your body is not meant to sit for that long in front of your computer. Especially, on a daily basis! With proper planning, an average eight hour day will get you to your business goals. Limiting your hours gives you the opportunity to exercise, feed your body good nutritious food and have fun! Running your own business is a marathon not a sprint. It’s important to have a good work life balance. 5. Block out the first 30-90 minutes daily for yourself. When you first wake up, take time to settle into your body. Stretch. Drink a glass of water to rehydrate your body. Take a few minutes in bed to connect with God. This is the time to find gratitude for waking up, being healthy of sound mind and body, and giving me the opportunity to have another adventure on the planet. Take your iPod out for a walk. Or do some stretching or yoga. Go to the gym. Ride your bike. Connect with nature. While these suggestions might not give you the $10K big vacation you’re dreaming about, you will find this level of planning and simplicity will keep you sustained and restored on a regular basis. P.S. Try not to work seven days a week between your 6 week excursions.You deserve to create a number of restorative breaks throughout the year. There will always be more to do than time allows. Good planning will take away the feeling of always being behind and not getting ahead. Good Luck!

For building mobile websites, apps or to answer any questions, please contact Christine Miura at (925) 683-7714. Visit her mobile site from your smart phone:

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