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Music lesson 1: TIME TIME- is the rate of speed or the fastness or slowness in music. FACTORS OF TIME: 1. Tempo 2. Meter 3. Rhythm TEMPO- is the speed in music. It can be sow, moderate, fast, or in varying degrees. It gives meaning to music. Ex. Slow- Sa’yo lamang Moderate- Ang Dalagang Pilipina Fast- For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow METER- is the grouping of regular pulses in music. It is indicated by 2 numbers placed after the clef sign. We can determine the meter of the music, because the first beat is given as accent or stress (>). The MOST COMMON METERS ARE: 4. DUPLE METER- having 2 beats in a measure. 5. TRIPLE METER- having 3 beats in a measure. 6. QUADRUPLE METER- having 4 betas in a measure. RHYTHM- IS THE REGULAR RECURRENCE OF STRONG AND WEAK BEATS. ACCENT (>) is the stress of emphasis on a note to make it sound louder. Rhythm and Accent are closely linked and cannot be considered apart from each other.


CUT- is a symbol used to indicate a time signature. 2

TIME- is known in ITALINAN term as alla breve Means two beats in very measure and half note or half rest receives one beat.

MUSIC LESSON 3: VALUE OF NOTES AND RESTS IN CUT TIME NOTES and RESTS have their respective value according to the time signature used. In CUT TIME, the value of notes and rests are reduced to half of the common value 4

used in 4

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The table below illustrates such value.

Note: Dot in dotted note/rest is equivalent to one- half of the value of note/rest it follows. MUSIC LESSON# 4 RHYTHMIC PATTERN- is a combination of notes and/or rests in a particular time signature in which the primary consideration is combining the value of notes/ rests and the number of eats in very measure. In constructing rhythmic patterns in Cut Time, always bear in mind that there are only two beats in every measure and half note or half rest receives one beat. MUSIC LESSON# 5 SONG FOR LISTENING AND LEARNING EDUKASYON by Randy G. Mendoza MUSIC LESSON # 6: COMPLETE MEASURE AND BROKEN MEASURE Notes of songs are arranged in the staff according to their rhythm and melody. In rhythm, arrangement of strong or accented beats and weak beats are given utmost consideration. Accented beats are usually assigned at the first beat in every measure. If in a particular song, the beat starts at the first beat of the first measure, the song is said to be a COMPLETE MEASURE. But, if it strts at the second, third, fourth, or whatever beat except the first beat, the song is said to be a BROKEN MEASURE. Broken measures lack certain number of beats in the first measure, but this lacking beats can be found at the last measure of the song. The time signature is the basis in determining a complete measure or a broken measure. Young Ji International School/College

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Example of a COMPLETE MEASURE Lupang Hinirang Example of a BROKEN MEASURE Pilipinas MUSIC LESSON #7: Song for Listening and learning (Broken Measure) Good Day, God Bless Us! – Randy G. Mendoza MUSIC LESSON # 8 ACCELERANDO and RITARDANDO Accelerando-gradually getting faster Ritardando-gradually getting slower A Tempo- back to original tempo ARTS: ART ACTIVITY # 1: LINES Lines are one of the elements of art. The prolongation of a point creates a line. Lines can be straight or curved. They are found everywhere. 1. Horizontal line 2. Vertical line 3. Diagonal or oblique line 4. Waveline 5. Zigzag line 6. Concave Curve line 7. Convex curve line 8. Dot and dashes line 9. Lines can also affect the perspective of a drawing. They can create the illusion of distance and space. This makes three dimensional. 10. Other fascinating effect of lines is its ability to create images that can fool the eyes. This is called optical illusion, this deceives our eyes by producing false perception. ART ACTIVITY # 2: A shape is an enclosed space defined by the boundaries of lines. It may take on the appearance of a two dimensional or three dimensional object. Two dimensional shapes are created on a flat surface. They have height and width. Three dimensional shapes have length, width and thickness. We can create solid shapes like tetrahedron, cube octahedron, etc. hese are shapes that have three dimensions. Below are some examples of three dimensional shapes.

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ART ACTIVITY # 3 The colors we see are light waves that re reflected by things around us. Color has the following properties: hue, intensity, and value Hue pertains to the name of the color e.g. red, blue, and yellow. Intensity is the brightness or dullness of a color. Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. The Color Wheel shows how colors are related to each other.


Complemetary colors contrast because they share no common colors. Examples are red and green, blue and orange, yellow and violet. These colors appear to vibrate when placed side by side. Young Ji International School/College

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ANALOGOUS COLORS: These are colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.

COOL COLORS Green, blue and violet are cool colors. They are called cool colors because looking at them one is reminded of cool things like a forest with green trees or a cold river.

WARM COLORS: Red, orange, and yellow are warm colors; they remind you of the warm sun and blazing fire.

MONOCHROMATIC is where one color is used but in different values and intensity.

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ART ACTIVITY # 4 TEXTURE Texture pertains to the surface quality or feel of an object, such as smoothness, softness, or roughness. The actual texture of an object can be felt while simulated textures are implied by how the artist presented it in his/her artwork.








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ART ACTIVITY #5 PRINCIPLES OF ART Emphasis – is the stressing of particular area of focus, a way of achieving emphasis is by creating a center of interest or a focal point. A focal point is the focus of the viewer’s attention. The center of interest may be the biggest, darkest, brightest or most complex of the artwork; it stands out and gets the attention of the viewers.

Harmony- is achieved in an artwork by using similar elements like colors, shapes, lines etc. throughout the work; this gives an uncomplicated look, the blending of the elements of art creates calmer, restful appearance.

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION PART 1 P.E. LESSON 1 PROPER POSTURE It is correct body position and movement in:  Sitting and waking  Jumping and running  Standing and picking up things,  Going up and down the stairs,  Pushing and pulling objects  Carrying things HOW TO ACHIEVE PROPER POSTURE  Maintain good health by doing regular physical exercise.  Eat the right kind of food in the right amount and at the right time  Make a schedule are important.  Good grooming and personal hygiene are important. P.E. LESSON/ACTIVITY # 2 PROPER BEARING- or carriage is the way you hold and execute your body movements. FACTORS THAT AFFECT PROPER BEARING:  your head up  chin tucked in  head balanced above your shoulders  your shoulders pulled back, your chest pulled up and your stomach flattened  your knees are straight but relaxed  the weight of your body is balanced with your toes pointing forward P.E.LESSON#3 POSTURAL DISORDERS They are changes or alterations from your body formation that cause poor posture. FACTORS THAT LEAD TO POOR POSTURE:  improper diet  mental depression  lack of exercise  physical disability  lack of sleep and rest  overuse of somebody parts MAJOR TYPES OF POSTURAL DISORDERS  Kyphosis – extreme curvature of the spinal column that results in an upper rounded back, shortened chest muscles, and shoulders running forward. Young Ji International School/College

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    

Lordosis- extreme curvature of the spinal column in the lower back. Kypholordosis- a combination of kyphosis and lordosis where there is an extreme curvature of the upper and lower lumbar region. Scoliosis- lateral curvature of the spinal column C-Scoliosis- the entire spine forms a single curvature S-Scolisis- the entire spine forms a double curvature

COMMON POSTURAL DISORDERS Some Commin Postural Disorders  Bowlegged persons – knees are separated when feet are close together.  Knock –kneed Persons- feet are separated when knees are close together.  Flat-footed Persons- the longitudinal arch of the foot is lowered and touches the floor  Head-forward Persons- the head and neck are overextended and are not aligned with the body.  Round-shouldered persons- the shoulder blades move apart from the shoulder girdle when it moves forward. CORRECTIVE ACTIVITIES FOR POSTURAL DISORDERS  Bowlegged:  Stand facing a wall  Put your hands against the wall  Point your toes forward/ raise your right heel without moving your toes.  Lower your right heel as you raise your left heel.  Repeat c and d  Knock- Kneed:  Stand with your knees side by side, your toes pointing straight.  Raise and lower your heels alternately.  Walk barefoot following two parallel lines.  Flat-Footed:  Place marble in a box.  Pick up the marbles with your right foot.  Put the marbles in another box.  Return the marbles in the former box using your left foot.  Repeat several times.  Head-forward Move your head up and down. Place an object on your forehead, hold, without, the object falling.

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P.E. LESSON 4: PHYISCAL FITNESS It is the general condition of your body to carry out and do certain tasks and exercises readily, effectively and safely that will make you feel good and happy. FACTORS ESSENTIAL TO MEASURE AND MAINTAIN YOUR PHYSICAL ABILITY:         

POWER- It is the ability of your muscles to release maximum or full force within the shortest possible time. STRENGTH- It is the ability of your muscles to exert effort and sustain the amount of force without breaking. VIGOR- It is your body’s ability to resist a disease through your sound heart and lungs. SPEED- It is your ability t move in the shortest possible time. ENDURANCE- It is your ability to sustain an activity or to last long in an activity. FLEXIBILITY- It is your ability to bend and do a wide range of movements without any muscular pain. AGILITY- It is your ability to quickly change direction or position. BALANCE- It is your ability to keep your body in a firm and steady condition. COORDINATION- It is the harmonious teaming together of your body’s nerves and muscles.

P.E. LESSON 5: ENHANCE PHYSICAL FITNESS Be physically fit Your body is God’s gift, therefore you must take good care of it and ensure that it will always be physically fit. In order to become physical fit remember to do the following: Take a bath regularly Have an adequate rest and sleep Have proper nutrition Exercise regularly Maintain a normal weight Have an adequate water intake Have proper sanitation Develop proper work habits and attitudes. To be physically fit you must... Be healthy and strong Have a flexible body Work efficiently Have a high resistance to diseases Young Ji International School/College

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Move quickly Be alert and active Be confident of yourself Lead a happy relationship with others Be emotionally, socially, spiritually, and mentally stable. Not get tired easily. P.E. LESSON 6 The Pa Tuan Chin… Chinese health Exercise THE PA TUAN CHIN,- which literally means’ Eight_Section Brocade’, is a Chinese health exercise. Thus exercise is believed to cure certain ailments particularly those involving the:     

Circulatory system Respiratory system Digestive system Nervous system Excretory system

1. The Three Chiao- means the 3 regions of the human body. -The upper Chiao region- heart, lings, and digestive system -The Middle Chiao/Region- spleen and stomach -The lower Chiao/region-includes the kidneys bladder, small and large intestines. 2. Molding Up A Single hand- helps prevent diseases of the stomach, spleen and in the proper functioning of the digestive system. 3. Drawing A Bow As If Shooting an Eagle- enhances the respiration and circulation processes 4. Head Twisting- alleviates mental fatigue and calms the central nervous system. 5. Toe Touching With Both Hands- helps increase elasticity of the muscles around the waist and the abdomen to promote regularity. 6. Clenching Fist While Staring Ahead- helps develop strong muscles, increases mental and physical strength and endurance. 7. Head Rolling And Oscillating The Buttocks- help remove the fever and heart heat through perspiration. These also remove abnormal nervous tensions and regulate excretory functions of the body. 8. Vibrating The Back Seven Times- helps loosen and tighten the joints.

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P.E. LESSON#7 THE PHILIPPINE PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST (PPFT) THE PHILIPPINE PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST (PPFT) is a series of battery tests or activities designed to test and evaluate the level of fitness of the students or one individual. These activities will determine your strengths and weaknesses in all the areas of fitness: power, speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, vigor, balance, and coordination. The series of activities of the PPFT are the following: 1. Standing Long Jump- measure the strength and determines the power of the legs. 2. Sit-ups or Curl-ups-measures the strength, endurance and firmness of the abdominal musceles. 3. Sit and reach- tests the flexibility of the trunk, hips, and hamstrings. 4. Step-Test- measures the fitness and endurance of the cardiovascular system and legs. 5. 50- meter sprint- measures speed and leg power. 6. Shuttle Run- measure speed, endurance, agility, and coordination. 7. Pull-ups( for boys) and flexed Arm hang (for girls)- measure the strength and firmness of the arms and shoulders. 8. Push-ups (for boys) and knee Push-ups (for Girls)- measure the strength and firmness of the arms

AEROBIC EXERCISE Aerobic Exercise like walking, jogging, jumping rope, bicycling, cross-country skiing, skating, rowing, and low impact aerobics will make one’s heart healthy.

2nd Quarter In MAPEH MUSIC Music lesson#9 Melody and Its Properties Melody- is the most expressive element in music. It is the tuneful part of the song. PROPERTIES OF MELODY: 1. Rhythm- is the organization of sound or the order of movement. It is the regular recurrence of strong and weak beats 2. Progression- refers to the intervals between the tones. Young Ji International School/College

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3. Interval- is the musical distance or difference in pitch between two notes- from prime to octave. 4. Direction- is the movement of notes on the staff. 5. Dimension- is the length and range in melody. The length may be ascending, descending, repeated, contrary moving, tied or slurred. 6. Register- is the particular range of tones, the highness and lowness of notes in melody.

Music lesson#10 Accidental and Key Signatures Accidentals- are sharps, flats, double sharps, double flats and natural signs placed before the note that is not found in the key signature. SHARP- raises the pitch of the note by half tone. FLAT- lowers the pitch of the note by half tone. DOUBLE SHARP- raises the pitch of the note by whole tone DOUBLE FLAT- Lowers the pitch of the note by whole tone. NATURAL SIGN- cancels the effect of sharp or flat sign placed. Key Signtaure- the sharps and flaps found at the beginning of the staff which indicate the key of the musical composition.

Music lesson#11 MAJOR AND MINOR KEY MAJOR KEY- is the tonality of a musical composition in which tonic properties or characteristics is centered on a major mode. Usually, it has a brighter, more cheerful, more positive character than the minor mode. MINOR KEY- is the tonality of a musical composition in which tonic properties or characteristics is centered on a minor mode. TONIC- the most frequently used tone of a composition. MODE-the intervallic arrangement of scale tones above the tonic.

Music lesson#12 SINGING NAMES AND PITCH NAMES Young Ji International School/College

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SINGING NAMES- are also known as so-fa syllables or note syllables. These are: do , re, mi, fa, so , la ,ti PITCH NAMES- are also called letter names or musical alphabet. These are taken from the first 7 letters of the English alphabet.

MUSIC LESSON#13 TRANSPOSITION Transposition- means changing the original key of a musical piece to another key. RULES IN TRANSPORTATION 1. Determine the key of the song intended to be transposed. 2. Rite the so-fa syllables of every note using the movable ―do‖. 3. Write the notes of the song to the intended key based on the so-fa syllables of the notes in the original key.





Dynamics- is the degree of the loudness or softness of tones or the change from loud to soft, whether gradual or abrupt, in a musical composition played on a single or combination of instruments. Volume and intensity are terms related to dynamics. Dynamics Marks- are words abbreviations, and signs or symbols used to indicate relative loudness or softness of tone. It indicates the particular level of intensity. EXAMPLES OF DYNAMIC MARKS IN ITALIAN WORDS:        

forte fortissimo fortissisimo piano pianissimo mezzo forte mezzo piano decrescendo

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  

crescendo sforzandro rinforzando

MUSIC LESSON AND WORKSHEET# 16 DYNAMICS VARIANCE Give Unto the Lord Psalm 29:1-4 ARTS: ART ACTIVITY#33 When God created the world, He made everything perfectly beautiful according to His desires. He created the sun that rises and sets graciously, the water forms that give freshness and coolness, the landforms, that show greatness and vastness, the trees and plants that show fertility and abundance, the animals that give life in every surroundings and the man that was made into His own image and likeness. NATURALISTIC DESIGN is made and drawn exactly as it appears.

The abstractive design comes so differently and far from the natural object. Lines and shapes are distorted and unrecognizable.

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Juan Luna and Fernando Amorsolo are two of our famous naturalists

Una BulaqueĂąa by Juan Luna Amorsolo

Sunday Morning by Fernando

Jose Joya and Hernando Ocampo are known abstractionists.

Blue Niaga by Jose Joya

Mutants by Ocampo

PHYSICAL EDUACTION P.E. Lesson#8 Creative dancing DANCING- is a way by which an individual can express his/her. -

Joys and sorrows Happiness and sadness Achievements and frustrations Success and failures Fullness and emptiness Strength and infirmity Ability and competence Strength and fear Worship and praise Humility and pride Care and selfishness’

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A. B. C.

D. E. F.


- Hatred and love. CREATIVE DANCES- children are encouraged to express themselves in movement. This has a therapeutic value. SOLO and GROUP DANCES- the solo dancers are those who perform in public recitals to demonstrate a particular techniques or style of dancing. ETHNIC DANCES- It embraces the largest variety of dances. It is all tat is indigenous to a certain race or country. It applies to the primitive tribal dances with the purpose or religious supplication or thanksgiving. FOLK DANCES- the dances of the peoples of all the parts of the world. They are for enjoyment of the dancers and the pleasure of the spectators watching. COURT DANCES- they are social accomplishments, polished from the material found among folk dances. BALLROOM DANCES They are the social dances, performed by couples with the dancing prescribed steps for their own pleasure. THEATRICAL DANCES Classical ballet is the most highly trained and physicl the most eloquent form.


They include the traditional styles of dancing. They are ritual, tribal, or primitive dances. SOME ETHNIC RITUAL DANCES:

1. Sinulog- Bohol 2. Sublian-Batangas 3. Karatang-Palawan 4. Say-yam- Apayao 5. Monkey dance-The T’boli 6. Pattong- The Bontocs 7. Bindian-Ibalois in Benguet 8. Sagayan-Maranao P.E. LESSON#10 FOLK DANCES FOLK DANCES - They have a definite pattern of movements. -

Their steps and movements are simple, easy, manageable, and expressive. They are designed and developed out of the life expressions of the people, their religion, beliefs superstitions, and ideas.

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They are traditional dances handed down from one generation to another. They are a part of the aesthetic legacy of the people.

SOME PHILIPPINE FOLK DANCES: - Subli - Tinikling - Pandanggo sa ilaw - Cariñosa - Singkil - Paseo de Bicol - Surtido norte - Daling daling - A Jota - Kunday-Kunday IMPORTANT PERSONS IN PHILIPPINNE FOLK DANCES 1. Francisca reyes- Aquino- founded the Philippine Folk Dance Society 2. Leonor Orosa- Goquinco 3. Jorge Bocobo- initiated the revival of public interest in the Philippine folk Dances.


This dance attempts to express buoyancy, grace, and perfection. This word came from ballare, an Italian word which means‖ to dance‖ It is considered one of the famous classical and theatrical dances. The dancers must have a strong rhythmic sense, must follow and give expression to the line of musical accompaniment. Ballerina - refers to female ballet dancers - -Maniya Barredo+Lisa Macuja - Yanti Marduli

Danseur Noble- refers to male ballet dancers -

Rupert Acuña Nazer Salgado Francis Castaño


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They depict the culture of various countries- their political, economic, social, intellectual, geographical, and religious nature of society. - They are designed according to the cultural of the country of origin, and they give the people a feeling of pride and unity. EGYPTIANS- noted for their astral ballets GREEK-famous for their pyrrhic dances ROMANS-popular for their pantomime. FOREIGN DANCES IN THE PHIIPPINES 1. Cotillion-England 2. Square Dance- American 3. Parasol Dance- Japan 4. Trika- Russia 5. Minuet- France 6. Varsovienne- Germany 7. Galopede- England 8. Tarantella- Italy 9. Csebogar- Hungary 10. Hinnei Mah Tov- Israel.


These are social dances Hese dances bring individuals together for group enjoyment The stepsd are adapataions from folk dances from different countries The steps differ dances, the grou’s feelings, desire, and expressions are depicted. Through theses dances, joy and satisfaction are gained. They become a fad for both adults and the youth. They are dance instructions, who are highly compensated, in ballroom dancing.


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1. Mambo 2. Calypso 3. Valse 4. Waltz 5. Zamba 6. Cha-cha 7. Salsa 8. Fox-trot 9. Rumba 10. Tango

11. Mazurka 12. Paso-Doble 13. Boogie 14. Swing 15. Chotis 16. Polka 17. Bossa nova 18. Merengue



The dances that involve forceful and energetic movements, spontaneous, and natural lively and spirited actions, mixed rhythm and easy, free but precise movements. The dance craze of the youth- they act like dancing whenever they hear the beat. The young ones tend to move and dance according to the beat of the song.

3rd Quarter- MAPEH MUSIC FORM and ITS PROPERTIES (Musical Units) FORM – the structure of a song or a musical composition. -

It denotes both general structural principles and specific schematic designs of musical compositions.

MUSICAL UNITS NOTE- a symbol for musical sound with corresponding time value. When written on a staff with a specific clef, it gives the pitch or tone when played or sung. MOTIVE- the smallest coherent, self-contained unit in music. It consists of two or more successive notes which form a distinctive rhythmic pattern, pitch pattern, or melodic pattern. Young Ji International School/College

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PHRASE- a more complete and comprehensive musical utterance than the motive. Usually has a regular length of FOUR MEASURE. Its ending is marked by a CADENCE PERIOD- is composed of two related phrases, an ANTECEDENT which seems to be a question; a CONSEQUENT which seems to be an answer to the antecedent. Eighth measure is a regular length of a period. SECTION- is a musical unit that may be made up of one or more periods, phrase groups, or other, more irregular structures. COMPOSITION- an independent and complete musical piece with specific elements and identity. Its length can vary from a period to several sections.

MUSIC LESSON #18 CADENCE CADENCE- is a more or less definite conclusion in music, occurring at the ends of phrases or larger musical units. It is generally considered to consist of the final two chords and the concurrent melodic material.

KINDS OF CADENCE A. Harmonic cadence 1. Full Cadence- cadence ending on the tonic chord 2. Half Cadence- cadence ending on a chord other than tonic, usually dominant 3. Authentic Cadence- cadence involving the harmonic progression dominant to tonic. 4. Plagal Cadence- cadence involving the harmonic progression of subdominant to tonic. 5. Deceptive Cadence- cadence involving the harmonic progression of dominant to a chord other than tonic. B. Melodic Cadence 1. Masculine cadence- cadence ending on a strong beat. 2. Feminine cadence- cadence ending on a week beat. 3. Perfect cadence- cadence ending on the tonic note. 4. Imperfect Cadence- cadence ending on a note other than tonic.

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MUSIC LESSON#19 VARIATION VARIATION- a change in musical theme. -

A compositional process in which some musical elements remain the same while others are more or less changed. KINDS OF VARIATION


1. Change of Meter- ex. From 4 to 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

3 4

Change of tempo- from andante to allegro Change of Rhythm ex- from danza to march Augmentation- doubling the value of each note Diminution- having the value of each note Change of Beat Division- dulets to triplets Extension- adding measures in between measures Abbreviation –omitting some measures.

B. TONAL VARIATION 1. Inversion (proceeding by the same intervals but in the opposite direction) 2. Retrogade (playing the melody backward) 3. Retrograde Inversion (playing the melody backward by the same intervals but in the opposite directions) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Sequence ( repetition of the same motive or phrase on different pitch levels.) Ornamentation (adding ornaments [grace notes] to existing original notes) Transposition (changing the key of the song) Added notes (Adding smaller notes of smaller value in between notes) Deleted Notes- (deleting some notes) Change of tonally (major to minor, etc.)

C. Timbre- Dynamic variation 1. Change of Dynamics (ex. From piano o forte) 2. Change of texture (from homophonic to polyphonic) 3. Change of harmony

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Art Activity # 1


Lines are one of the elements of art. The prolongation of a point creates a line. Lines can be straight or curved. They are found everywhere. Here are some examples of line 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Horizontal line Vertical line Diagonal or oblique line Wave line Zigzag line Concave Curve line Convex curve line Dot and dashes line

Lines can also affect the perspective of a drawing. They can create the illusion of distance and space. This makes objects in a drawing appear three dimensional.

Solid Shape Identify Plane Shapes and Solid Shapes: Overview Geometry and spatial relationships are a part of children's daily lives. Understanding an object's position in space and learning the vocabulary to describe position and give directions are important. Simple terms like above, below, left, right, or between, enable children to order and describe the world around them. They can apply these terms as they describe plane and solid shapes in the classroom. Most of the objects that we encounter can be associated with basic shapes. A closed, two-dimensional or flat figure is called a plane shape. Different plane shapes have different attributes, such as the numbers of sides or corners. A side is a straight line that makes part of the shape, and a corner is where two sides meet. In this chapter, children will learn to identify, describe, sort, and classify plane shapes by these attributes. Although children are familiar with the most common shapes, up until now they may not have been able to verbalize what distinguishes a square from a rectangle or a circle from a triangle. They will learn to describe shapes in terms of their sides and corners. Young Ji International School/College

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A triangle is a shape with three sides and three corners. A rectangle is a shape with four sides and four corners. They may notice that opposite sides are the same length. A square is a rectangle in which all four sides are of equal length. A circle is a round shape that has no sides or corners. These attributes, as well as size, can be used to sort and classify shapes.

Many of the everyday objects with which children are familiar are solid shapes. For example, building blocks are often cubes or rectangular prisms. They have six faces, or flat surfaces. Other familiar solid shapes are spheres, which children might recognize as being shaped like balls; cones, like ice cream cones or traffic cones; and cylinders, which are shaped like cans. One shape that children might not immediately recognize is a pyramid, which has one rectangular face and four triangular faces.

As with plane shapes, children will learn to describe solid shapes in terms of their attributes, such as their roundness or flatness, their ability to roll or slide, and the number of sides or corners. They will also come to see how the plane shapes comprise the faces of solid shapes. Tracing around the face of solids will help a child to understand that a cube is different from a rectangular prism because all six of its faces are squares. This will enrich the ways in which they can describe and compare solids. For example, a child might see that although both a cylinder and a sphere can roll, a sphere has no faces and cannot slide. A cylinder, on the other hand, has two circular faces, so it can both roll and slide.

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Once children have the ability to recognize and describe the attributes that distinguish plane and solid shapes, such as those that make a triangle different from a square or a cylinder different from a cone, they can begin to create and continue patterns. When children create or find patterns, they are using the attributes of not just one but of a series of shapes to determine the order or pattern. Colors Color (American English) or colour (British English) (see spelling differences) is the visual

perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, blue, yellow, and others. Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. By defining a color space, colors can be identified numerically by their coordinates. Because perception of color stems from the varying spectral sensitivityof different types of cone cells in the retina to different parts of the spectrum, colors may be defined and quantified by the degree to which they stimulate these cells. These physical orphysiological quantifications of color, however, do not fully explain the psychophysical perception of color appearance. The science of color is sometimes called chromatics, colorimetry, or simply color science. It includes the perception of color by the human eye and brain, the origin of color in materials, color theory in art, and the physics of electromagnetic radiation in the visible range (that is, what we commonly refer to simply as light).

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Analogous Colors Analogous colors are groups of three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, with one being the dominant color, which tends to be a primary or secondary color, and

one on either side of the color. The term analogous refers to the having analogy, or corresponding to something in particular. An analogous color scheme creates a rich, monochromatic look. It’s best used with either warm or cool colors, creating a look that has a certain temperature as well as proper color harmony. While this is true, the scheme also lacks contrast and is less vibrant than complementary schemes. Red, red-orange, red-violet are examples.

Cool Colors Green, blue, and violet are cool colors. They are called cool colors because looking at them one is reminded of cool things like a forest with green trees or a cold river

Warm Colors Red, orange, and yellow are warm colors, they remind you of the warm sun and blazing fire.

Monochromatic is where one color is used but in different values and intensity.

Principle of Art The principles of visual art are the rules, tools and/or guidelines that artists use to organize the elements of art in an artwork. When successfully combined with the elements of art they aid in creating an aesthetically pleasing or interesting work of art. Some principles of art that have been identified are movement, unity, harmony, variety, balance, rhythm, emphasis, contrast, proportion, and pattern. This list may vary, according to the art educator, but encompasses the generally accepted principles. Rhythm and pattern are often combined in art education. Movement Young Ji International School/College

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Movement shows actions, or alternatively, the path the viewer's eye follows throughout an artwork. Movement is caused by using elements under the rules of the principles in picture to give the feeling of motion and to guide the viewer's eyes throughout the artwork. In movement an art should flow, because the artist has the ability to control the viewer's eye. The artists control what the viewers see and how they see it, like a path leading across the page to the item the artist wants the viewer's attention focused on. Techniques such as scale and proportion can be used to create an effect of movement in a visual artwork. For instance, an element that is further into the background is smaller in scale and lighter in value. The same element repeated in different places within the same image can also demonstrate the passing of time or movement.

Harmony Harmony is achieved in a physical body of work by using small similar particles throughout the course, and gives a complicated look to a piece of work or drawing. Colour harmony or colour theory is also considered a principle through the application of the design element of colour. Variety Variety is the quality or state of having different forms or types, notable use of contrast, emphasis, difference in size and color. Rhythm Rhythm is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling of organized movement. Rhythm creates a mood like music or dancing. To keep rhythm exciting and active, variety is essential Unity Unity is the feeling of harmony between all parts of the work of art, which creates a sense of completeness. Emphasis Emphasis is where the artist makes a certain part of the artwork stand out, or catch your eye.

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(l-r) symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial balance Balance is arranging elements so that no one part of a work overpowers, or seems heavier than any other part. The three different kinds of balance are symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial. Symmetrical (or formal) balance is the most stable, in a visual sense. When both sides of an artwork on either side of the horizontal or vertical axis of the picture plane are exactly (or nearly exactly) the same the work is said to exhibit this type of balance. It is also a principle that deals with the visual weight of an artwork. Proportion Proportion is a measurement of the size and quantity of elements within a composition. In ancient arts, proportions of forms were enlarged to show importance. This is why Egyptian gods and political figures appear so much larger than common people. The ancient Greeks found fame with their accurately-proportioned sculptures of the human form. Beginning with the Renaissance, artists recognized the connection between proportion and the illusion of 3-dimensional space. Pattern Pattern is showing consistency with colors or lines. Putting a red spiral at the bottom left and top right for example, will cause the eye to move from one spiral, to the other, and everything in between. It is indicating movement by the repetition of elements. Rhythm can make an artwork seem active.[2]

Worksheet Create a drawing using different shapes. Choose a shape that you will use as the center of interest in your drawing. Add color and other details that you like. Worksheet Create an artwork using curved lines and one color. Vary the intensity and value of the color. Show the principle of harmony in your work.

A GLIMPSE OF THE PAST On Paintings and Painters

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Spoliarium (often misspelled Spolarium) is a painting by Filipinoartist Juan Luna. The painting was submitted by Luna to the Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes in 1884 in Madrid, where it garnered the first gold medal (out of three). In 1886, it was sold to the Diputación Provincial de Barcelona for 20,000 pesetas. It currently hangs in the main gallery at the ground floor of the National Museum of the Philippines, and is the first work of art that greets visitors upon entry into the museum. When Slaves Triumph Over Their Rulers Juan Luna spent eight months to finish this painting, on a canvas depicting dying gladiators. Ambeth Ocampo wrote, "...the fact remains that when Luna and Félix Resurrection Hidalgo won the top awards in the Madrid Exposition of 1884, they proved to the world that indios could, despite their supposed barbarian race, paint better than the Spaniards who colonized them." (Ambeth R. Ocampo, "Rizal Without the Overcoat" 2000) .. Jose Rizal's Heart on the Spoliarium At a gathering of the Filipino expatriates in Madrid, Spain, Rizal enthusiastically gave his opening toast to celebrate the momentous "fresh proof of racial equality" the triumphs of two compatriots (the other one was Félix Hidalgo who won a silver medal) had achieved. "Luna's Spoliarium with its bloody carcasses of slave gladiators being dragged away from the arena where they had entertained their Roman oppressors with their lives...stripped to satisfy the lewd contempt of their Roman persecutors with their honor..." Rizal was footnoted in his speech that the Spoliarium, "embodied the essense [sic] of our social, moral and political life: humanity in severe ordeal, humanity unredeemed, reason and idealism in open struggle with prejudice, fanaticism Rizal was inspired to carve a mark of his own to give glory to his country by writing his 'Spoliarium' since early that year 1884 "he had been toying with the idea of a book" for he has seen and described the painting as "the tumult of the crowd, the shouts of slaves, the metallic clatter of dead men's armor, the sobs of orphans, the murmured prayers..." Rizal's book would be called Noli Me Tangere, "the Latin echo of the Spoliarium".

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Worksheet Look for a picture of a painting by any of the famous painters. Paste it n the worksheet properly. Write something about it and its painter.

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On potteries Pottery is the ceramic material which makes up potterywares, of which major types include earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. The place where such wares are made is also called a pottery (plural "potteries"). Pottery also refers to the art or craft of a potter or the manufacture of pottery. Production stages

A potter at work in Jaura, Madhya Pradesh, India. Clay ware takes on varying physical characteristics during the making of pottery. 

Greenware refers to unfired objects. At sufficient moisture content, bodies at this stage are in their most plastic form: they are soft and malleable, and hence can be easily deformed by handling.

Leather-hard refers to a clay body that has been dried partially. At this stage the clay object has approximately 15% moisture content. Clay bodies at this stage are very firm and only slightly pliable. Trimming and handle attachment often occurs at the leather-hard state. Bone-dry refers to clay bodies when they reach moisture content at or near 0%. It is now ready to be bisque fired.

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Bisque refers to the clay after the object is shaped to the desired form and fired in the kiln for the first time, known as "bisque fired" or "biscuit fired". This firing changes the clay body in several ways. Mineral components of the clay body will undergo chemical changes that will change the colour of the clay. Glaze fired is the final stage of some pottery making. A glaze may be applied to the bisque form and the object can be decorated in several ways. After this the object is "glazed fired", which causes the glaze material to melt, then adhere to the object. The glaze firing will also harden the body still more as chemical processes can continue to occur in the body.

Clays bodies and mineral contents There are several materials that are referred to as clay. The properties of the clays differ, including: Plasticity, the malleability of the body; the extent to which they will absorb water after firing; and shrinkage, the extent of reduction in size of a body as water is removed. Different clay bodies also differ in the way in which they respond when fired in the kiln. A clay body can be decorated before or after firing. Prior to some shaping processes, clay must be prepared. Each of these different clays are composed of different types and amounts of minerals that determine the characteristics of resulting pottery. There can be regional variations in the properties of raw materials used for the production of pottery, and this can lead to wares that are unique in character to a locality. It is common for clays and other materials to be mixed to produce clay bodies suited to specific purposes. A common component of clay bodies is the mineral kaolinite. Other mineral compounds in the clay may act as fluxes which lower the vitrification temperature of bodies. Following is a list of different types of clay used for pottery.

Worksheet Different pots were excavated in different places in the Philippines. Some of these were really of great value and important. Write something about them.

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MUSIC Timbre Timbre … tone color … the element of music that pertains to the quality of sound produced by the voice but or musical instruments, which make each of them a unique sound. 1. Vibration the rapid back and forth movement. 2. Sound Envelope the length of the sound produced by an instrument when it is played. 3. Range refers to the distance of the highest tone to the lowest tone. 4. Register is the particular range of tones. It may be high, medium, or low register.

The Human Voice

Human Voice

… the sound uttered from the mouth when speaking or singing

… in singing, the human voice comes in different classifications in terms of vocal register.

Different Vocal Registers Male 1. Tenor 2. Baritone 3. Bass

highest pitch, male register medium pitch, male register lowest pitch, male register

Female 1. Soprano highest pitch, female register 2. Mezzo Soprano medium pitch, female register 3. Alto lowest pitch, female register

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Worksheet # 22 Direction: Look for the pictures of famous singers (Filipino or Foreigner). Cut and paste said pictures in the appropriate box. Write their name, vocal register, and the song they sang that matches their vocal register. (30 pts).

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Rondala Instruments

Rondalla is an ensemble of stringed instruments played with the plectrum or pick and generally known as plectrum instruments. It originated in Medieval Spain, especially in Catalunya,[1] Aragon,Murcia, and Valencia. The tradition was later taken to Spanish America and elsewhere. The word rondalla is from the Spanish ronda, meaning "serenade."

Instruments Used in Rondalla 1. Banduria - The Philippine harp bandurria is a 14-string bandurria used in many Philippine folkloric songs, with 16 frets and shorter neck than the 12 string bandurria. This instrument probably evolved in the Philippines during the Spanish Young Ji International School/College

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4. 5.

period, from 1521 to 1898. The Filipino bandurria is used in an orchestra of plucked string instruments called rondalla. It is tuned a step lower than the Spanish version, that is, low to high: F# B E A D G. Octavina - a 14-string musical instrument that resembles a small guitar. Its strings are tuned like the banduria but in an octave lower. It usually plays the tenor part. Laud - a 14-string musical instrument that looks like a bigger banduria with a longer neck. It is tuned like an octavina and usually plays the alto part. Its sounding hole is like that of a violin. Bajo De Arco - a 4-string musical instrument that looks like a double bass, played by plucking the strings with the fingers. Its player plays in a standing position. Guitar - a six-string musical instrument palyed by plucking or strumming with a pick or is used in accompaniment.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Fitness PROPER POSTURE - It is your correct body position and movement in: - Sitting and walking - Jumping and running - Standing and picking up things - Going up and down the stairs - Pushing and pulling objects - Carrying things

It allows you to do movements with skillfulness, credence and calmness. It makes you more assertive, involved; agile and quick. It gives you a congenial cheerful, and pleasant physical appearance.

How to achieve proper posture   

Maintain good health by doing regular physical exercise. Eat the right kind of food in the right amount and at the right time. Make a schedule of your study, work, and play.

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 

Rest and sleep are important. Good grooming and personal hygiene are important.


Walking Contest

Directions 1. Each child places a book on his/her head with the correct form. 2. At a given signal, everybody walks

Creative Dancing


is a way by which an individual can express his/her -

Joys and sorrows Happiness and sadness Achievements and frustrations Success and failures Strength and infirmity Ability and competence Strength and fear Worship and praise Humility and pride Care and selfness Hatred and love

As a people, Filipino are gifted and brilliant in music, arts, and dances. The Filipino people belong to the brainy, creative, ingenious, adaptable, and flexible human race. They are responsive to the need, generous, and noble in heart, compassionate, caring, and spiritually rich. These characteristics are seen and expressed in Philippine dance, and as early as primitive times, dancing has become an integral part of their lives and activities. Dances are of different types as they are performed in the Philippine theaters, in school program, and in social gatherings, such as festivals and town fiestas. Dancing is an art of moving the body in rhythmical way to express an emotion or idea, to narrate a story, or to take delight in the movement itself.

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A. Creative Dances 9. Children are encouraged to ―express themselves‖ in movement. This has a therapeutic value. B. Solo and Group Dances 10. The solo dancers are those who perform in public recitals to demonstrate a particular technique or style of dancing. 11. 12. Example: ballet 13. 14. Group dances include folk dances performed by groups with a leader to begin the dance; ballroom dances with many couples taking the floor together, sometimes changing partners, and modern dances done by groups who also chorography. C. Ethnic Dances 15. It embraces the largest variety of dances. It is all that is indigenous to a certain race or country. it applies to the primitive tribal dances with the purpose of religious supplication or thanksgiving. D. Folk dances 16. The dances of the people of all parts of the world. They are for enjoyment of the dancers and the pleasure of the spectators watching. E. Court Dances 17. They are social accomplishments, polished from material found among folk dances. F. Ballroom Dances 18. They are the social dances, performed by couples with the dancing prescribed steps for their own pleasure. G. Theatrical Dances 19. Classical ballet is the most highly trained and physically the most eloquent from.

Activity Look for the pictures from old magazines, and cut and paste them properly in the box. Identify the picture (30 pts). ETHNIC DANCE

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20. 21. P.E. LESSON # 9 Ethnic Dances

Ethnic Dances They include the traditional styles of dancing. They are ritual, tribal, or primitive dances. Are active, dynamic, and forceful. They may be fierce, harsh, and vicious, though some may be light-hearted and mimetic. Depict courtship and marriage, strength and power, games, harvest and hunting animals, health and sickness, and war and death. The instruments used for ethnic dances are drums, wood, clappers, sticks, stones, bamboos, shields, metals, gongs, and kulintang. Young Ji International School/College

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Our Muslim brothers, the Ifugaos, Bataks, Bogobos, benguets, Kalinags, Badjaos, Aetas, Igorots, and the T’boli have ethnic dances that are famous not onlyin the Philippines but also in other parts of the world.

Some Ethnic Ritual Dances: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Sinulog Sublian Karatong Say-yam Monkey Dance Pattong Bindian Sagayan

- Bohol - Batangas - Palawan - Apayao - The T’boli - The Bontocs - Ibalois in Benguet - Maranao

Activity Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Form 5 groups; choose a leader for each group. Let each group research on an ethnic dance of their choice. Study and get all the important facts, details, and steps of the chosen dance. Practice several times. Presentation of each group.


-40 %

Timing and Rhythm

-15 %


-15 %


-15 %


-15 % 100 %

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Folk Dances -

They have a definite pattern of movements. Their steps and movements are simple, easy, manageable, and expressive. They are designed and developed our of the life expressions of the people, their religion, beliefs, superstitions, and ideas. They are traditional dances handed down from one generation to another. They are a part of the aesthetic legacy of the people.


Subli Tinikling Pandanggo sa Ilaw Carinosa Singkil Paseo de Bicol Surtido Norte Daling-Daling La Jota Kunday-Kunday

IMPORANT PERSONS IN THE PHILIPPINE FOLK DANCES 1. Francisca Reyes-Aquino-founded the Philippine Folk dance Society 2. Leonor Orosa-Goquinco- produced a theatrical dance based on Philippine Folk Dances 3. Jorge Bacobo- initiated the revival of public interest in Philippine Folk Dances.


Directions 1. Form 5-7 groups. Each group chooses a leader.

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2. Each group goes to the library and researches from other books on different Folk dances in the Philippines. 3. Select on the Philippine Folk dance for study and performance. 4. After studying and getting the important details of the chosen dance, practice several times for mastery. 5. Once all groups are ready, group presentations follow.  Creativity, resourcefulness, and economy should be given emphasis when the groups perform in class.

Ballet -


- refers to female ballet dancers -

Danseur Noble

This dance attempts to express buoyancy, grace, and perfection. This word came from ―ballare’, an Italian word which means ―to dance‖. It is considered one of the famous classical and theatrical dances. The dancers must have a strong rhythmic sense, must follow and give expression to the line of musical accompaniment.

Maniya Barredo + Lisa macuja Yanti Marduli

- refers to male ballet dancers -

Rupert Acuna Nazer Salgado Francis Castaño

Activity Directions 1. Form 5 groups, each group chooses a leader. 2. Each group selects one song which they will interpret through ballet. Young Ji International School/College

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3. Make a research work about the important details in ballet dancing. 4. Each group creates steps and movements related to ballet to interpret a chosen song. 5. Practice several times for mastery and perfection. 6. Group Presentation follows 22. 23. RATING GUIDE 24. Creativity -20 % 25. Song -20% 26. Timing and Rhythm -15% 27. Practicality -15% 28. Originality -15% 29. Mastery -15% 30. 100%

Foreign Dances



They depict the cultures of various countries-their political, economic, social, intellectual, geographical, and religious nature of society. They are designed according to the culture of the country of origin, and they give the people a feeling of pride and unity.

Egyptians- noted for their astral ballets Greek- famous for their pyrrhic dances Romans- popular for their pantomime FOREIGN DANCES IN THE PHILIPPINES 1. Cotillion 2. Square Dance 3. Parasol Dance

-England -American - Japan

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4. Troika 5. Minuet 6. Varsovienne 7. Galopede 8. Tarantella 9. Csebogar 10. Hinnei Mah Tov

- Russia - France - Germany - England - Italy - Hungary - Israel

Activity Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Form 6 groups. Each group chose a leader. Select a country. Research on the famous dances of the chosen country. Create dance movements based on the research findings on the chosen foreign dance. 6. Practice several times mastery and perfection. 7. Group presentation follows.

Ballroom Dances -

These are social dances. These dances bring individuals together for group enjoyment. The steps are adaptation from folk dances from different countries. The steps differ in tempo, style, energy released, and directions. Through these dances, the group’s feelings, desire, and expressions are depicted. Through these dances, joy, and satisfaction are gained. They become a fad for both adults and the youth. There are dance instructions (DI), who are highly compensated, in ballroom dancing.


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1. Mambo 2. Calypso 3. Valse 4. Waltz 5. Samba 6. Cha-Cha 7. Salsa 8. Fox-trot 9. Rumba 10. Tango 11. Mazurka 12. Paso Doble 13. Boogie 14. Swing 15. Chotis 16. Polka 17. Bossa Nova 18. Meringue



The dances that involve forceful and energetic movements, spontaneous, and natural expression, lively and spirited actions, mixed rhythm, and easy, free but precise movements. The dance craze of the youth-they act like dancing whatever they hear the beat. The young ones tend to move and dance according to the beat of the song.

Activity Directions 1. 2. 3. 4.

Form 5 groups. Each group chooses a leader. Select the music for your groups presentation. Create your steps and positions. Practice for mastery. Group presentation follows.

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TESTING YOUR ABILITY I. Match the dances with their origin. Choose the correct answer. A. ______________________________ 1. Bindian ______________________________ 2. Sinulog ______________________________ 3. SUblian ______________________________ 4. Say-yam ______________________________ 5. Karatong ______________________________ 6. Pattong ______________________________ 7. Sagayan ______________________________ 8. Monkey dance ______________________________ 9. Pandanggo sa Ilaw ______________________________ 10. Santa Clara Batangas










Answer the complete sentence. 1. What makes dancing an integral part of our lives and activities? (5 pts) 31. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. What made the Filipinos gifted people in music, arts, and dance? (4 pts) 32. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 33. 3. Which type of dance do you like most? Why?

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34. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 35.


A board game It can be played by 2 or 3 players Each player places 10 pieces of one-colored marbles in a triangle The objective of the game is to move the marbles to an empty opposite triangle and bring them in place by hopping over one’s own or an opponent’s marbles in a single jump.



It originated in India, known as Chaturanga which means the four parts of an army which are said to be elephants, horses, chariots, and foot soldiers. A game for two players using a checkered board. Each player moves with fixed restrictions on the movement of each type of piece, attempting to force the KING into a position where it is unable to escape capture (checkmate)

A. Chessboard  It consists of 64 squares, colored alternately light and dark; arranged in eight vertical rows called files, and eight horizontal rows called ranks.  The rows of squares of the same color that criss-cross the chessboard are called diagonals.  The players are called White and Black. B. Chess set  Each player has a set of 16 men, one set of White for the light side; and another set of Black for the black side.  Each player begins the game with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. Each of the six piece types moves differently. The objective is to 'checkmate' the opponent's king by placing it under an inescapable threat of capture. To this end, a player's pieces are used to attack and capture the opponent's Young Ji International School/College

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pieces, while supporting their own. In addition to checkmate, the game can be won by voluntary resignation by the opponent, which typically occurs when too much material is lost, or if checkmate appears unavoidable. A game may also result in a draw in several ways, where neither player wins. The course of the game is divided into three phases: opening, middlegame, and endgame. ďƒ˜ The first official World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886; the current World Champion is the Norwegian Magnus Carlsen. In addition to the World Championship, there are the Women's World Championship, the Junior World Championship, the World Senior Championship, the Correspondence Chess World Championship, the World Computer Chess Championship, and Blitz and Rapid World Championships. The Chess Olympiad is a popular competition among teams from different nations. Online chess has opened amateur and professional competition to a wide and varied group of players. Chess is a recognized sport of the International Olympic Committee and international chess competition is sanctioned by the World Chess Federation (FIDE), which adopted the now-standard Staunton chess set in 1924 for use in all official games. There are also many chess variants, with different rules, different pieces, and different boards. ďƒ˜ Since the second half of the 20th century, computers have been programmed to play chess with increasing success, to the point where the strongest home computers play chess at a higher level than the best human players. In the past two decades computer analysis has contributed significantly to chess theory, particularly in the endgame. The computer Deep Blue was the first machine to overcome a reigning World Chess Champion in a match when it defeated Garry Kasparov in 1997.

Setup Chess is played on a square board of eight rows (called ranks and denoted with numbers1 to 8) and eight columns (called files and denoted with letters a to h) of squares. The colors of the 64 squares alternate and are referred to as "light" and "dark" squares. The chessboard is placed with a light square at the right-hand end of the rank Young Ji International School/College

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nearest to each player, and the pieces are set out as shown in the diagram and photo, with each queen on a square of its own color. By convention, the game pieces are divided into white and black sets, and the players are referred to as "White" and "Black" respectively. Each player begins the game with 16 pieces of the specified color, which consist of one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. Movement The "white" players always moves first. After the first move, players alternately move one piece per turn (except for castling, when two pieces are moved). Pieces are moved to either an unoccupied square or one occupied by an opponent's piece, which is captured and removed from play. With the sole exception of en passant, all pieces capture by moving to the square that the opponent's piece occupies. A player may not make any move that would put or leave his or her king under attack. A player cannot "pass"; at each turn they have to make a legal move (this is the basis for the finesse called zugzwang). If the player to move has no legal moves, the game is over; it is either a checkmate (a loss for the player with no legal moves) if the king is under attack, or a stalemate (a draw) if the king is not. Each chess piece has its own style of moving. In the diagrams, the dots mark the squares where the piece can move if no other pieces (including one's own piece) are on the squares between the piece's initial position and its destination. 

The king moves one square in any direction. The king has also a special move which is called castling and involves also moving a rook.

The rook can move any number of squares along any rank or file, but may not leap over other pieces. Along with the king, the rook is involved during the king's castling move.

The bishop can move any number of squares diagonally, but may not leap over other pieces.

The queen combines the power of the rook and bishop and can move any number of squares along rank, file, or diagonal, but it may not leap over other pieces.

The knight moves to any of the closest squares that are not on the same rank, file, or diagonal, thus the move forms an "L"-shape: two squares vertically and one

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square horizontally, or two squares horizontally and one square vertically. The knight is the only piece that can leap over other pieces. 

The pawn may move forward to the unoccupied square immediately in front of it on the same file, or on its first move it may advance two squares along the same file provided both squares are unoccupied (black "●"s in the diagram); or the pawn may capture an opponent's piece on a square diagonally in front of it on an adjacent file, by moving to that square (black "x"s). The pawn has two special moves: the en passant capture and pawn promotion.

Examples of castling Castling Once in every game, each king is allowed to make a special move, known as castling. Castling consists of moving the king two squares along the first rank toward a rook (which is on the player's first rank) and then placing the rook on the last square the king has just crossed. Castling is permissible under the following conditions. 

Neither the king nor the rook may have been previously moved during the game.

There must be no pieces between the king and the rook.

The king may not be in check, nor may the king pass through squares that are under attack by enemy pieces, nor move to a square where it is in check.

Note that castling is permissible if the rook is attacked, or if the rook crosses a square that is attacked. Viktor Korchnoi asked the arbiter for clarification on this point during his 1974 match with Anatoly Karpov. En passant

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Examples of pawn moves: promotion (left) and en passant(right) When a pawn advances two squares from its starting position and there is an opponent's pawn on an adjacent file next to its destination square, then the opponent's pawn can capture it en passant (in passing), and move to the square the pawn passed over. However, this can only be done on the very next move, otherwise the right to do so is forfeit. For example, if the black pawn has just advanced two squares from g7 (initial starting position) to g5, then the white pawn on f5 may take it via en passant on g6 (but only on white's next move). Promotion When a pawn advances to the eighth rank, as a part of the move it is promoted and must be exchanged for the player's choice of queen, rook, bishop, or knight of the same color. Usually, the pawn is chosen to be promoted to a queen, but in some cases another piece is chosen; this is called underpromotion. In the diagram on the right, the pawn on c7 can be advanced to the eighth rank and be promoted to an allowed piece. There is no restriction placed on the piece that is chosen on promotion, so it is possible to have more pieces of the same type than at the start of the game (for example, two queens). a




















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1 a








Black's king is in check from the rook. Check When a king is under immediate attack by one or two of the opponent's pieces, it is said to be in check. A response to a check is a legal move if it results in a position where the king is no longer under direct attack (that is, not in check). This can involve capturing the checking piece; interposing a piece between the checking piece and the king (which is possible only if the attacking piece is a queen, rook, or bishop and there is a square between it and the king); or moving the king to a square where it is not under attack. Castling is not a permissible response to a check. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent; this occurs when the opponent's king is in check, and there is no legal way to remove it from attack. It is illegal for a player to make a move that would put or leave his own king in check. DART -


An indoor game Played by throwing a feathered dart, measuring 6 inches long at a circular board with numbered spaces.  The board is made of cork, divided into sectors valued at point from 1-20 The object of the game is to hit the 50 points ring or the bull’seye at the center and get the highest score.

Activity 1. Form 8 groups, each with a dart board with 3 darts. 2. The board is hung on the wall above 4-5 meters away from the starting area. 3. A player is given 3 darts and throws them one by one on the board and gets the score. 4. The rest of the group members follow one at a time following the same procedure in scoring. Young Ji International School/College

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5. Highest pointer from each group competes will each other to determine the best dart player in class.


Darts were historically used in warfare in ancient history; skirmishers used darts of varying sizes, similar to miniature javelins. It was the practice of this skill that developed into a game of skill. Before the First World War, pubs in the United Kingdom had dartboards made from solid blocks of wood, usually elm. They had to be soaked overnight to heal the holes made by the darts, and it was a messy business for the publican, although darts was a popular game. This changed when a company called Nodor, whose primary business was making modelling clay (which has no odour, hence the name Nodor), started producing clay dartboards in 1923. The clay dartboards never caught on, and Nodor switched to making the traditional elm dartboards that were popular at the time. Their model of dartboard was not a great success until someone came up with the idea of using the century plant to make a dartboard. Small bundles of sisal fibres of the same length were bundled together. The bundles were then compressed into a disk and bound with a metal ring. It was an instant success, as the darts did little or no damage to the board—they just parted the fibres when they entered the board; this type of board was more durable and required little maintenance.

VOLLEYBALL Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under

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organized rules. It has been a part of the official program of the Summer Olympic Games since 1964.

The complete rules are extensive. But simply, play proceeds as follows: a player on one of the teams begins a 'rally' by serving the ball (tossing or releasing it and then hitting it with a hand or arm), from behind the back boundary line of the court, over the net, and into the receiving team's court. The receiving team must not let the ball be grounded within their court. The team may touch the ball up to 3 times but individual players may not touch the ball twice consecutively. Typically, the first two touches are used to set up for an attack, an attempt to direct the ball back over the net in such a way that the serving team is unable to prevent it from being grounded in their court. The rally continues, with each team allowed as many as three consecutive touches, until either (1): a team makes a kill, grounding the ball on the opponent's court and winning the rally; or (2): a team commits a fault and loses the rally. The team that wins the rally is awarded a point, and serves the ball to start the next rally. A few of the most common faults include: 

causing the ball to touch the ground or floor outside the opponents' court or without first passing over the net;

catching and throwing the ball;

double hit: two consecutive contacts with the ball made by the same player;

four consecutive contacts with the ball made by the same team;

net foul: touching the net during play;

foot fault: the foot crosses over the boundary line when serving.

The ball is usually played with the hands or arms, but players can legally strike or push (short contact) the ball with any part of the body. A number of consistent techniques have evolved in volleyball, including spiking and blocking (because these plays are made above the top of the net, the vertical jump is an athletic skill emphasized in the sport) as well as passing, setting, and specialized player positions and offensive and defensive structures.

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Basic Principles  

 

each term consists of six players, 3 players take the forward positions in arrow close to and facing the net, the other 3 playing the back court. Play starts when the player of the serving team steps outside his/her end line into the serving area and bats the ball with a hand, fist, or arm over the net the opponent’s court. A player continuous to serve until his/her teen makes an error, commits a foul, or completes a game. A game is won by the team that first scores 15 points.

Activity Directions 1. Form 4 groups. Choose a captain ball and each group must have volleyball. 2. Each group practices the basic skills; serving, receiving, tossing, spiking, and blocking 3. Groups 1 and 2 compete at the volleyball court with their chosen 6 players. 4. Have a toss coin to know serves first. The server steps in the service area; hold the ball with the left hand, releases and strikes it with the right hand towards the opponent’s court. 5. If the serving learns scores a point, they repeat the serve. The opponents’ team does the service if the serving team loses its point. 6. Players of the team routine their services. 7. A team can strike the ball three before it is returned to the opponents’ court, however, no player is allowed to strike the ball twice successively.

ERRORS IN VOLLEYBALL a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 8.

Touching the ball with the palms instead if fingers when tossing Ball touching the net or rope when served Hitting the ball twice successively by only 1 player Stepping on the center line Holding/Touching the net with the hands or body Hitting/passing the ball more than trice in a team’s court Failure to return the ball over the net to the opponents The team garnering 15 points wins the game. The teams exchange courts. The first server is the losing team.

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9. The winner of the game is the team that wins 2 successive games.


Basketball is a sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter and 10 feet (3.048 m) high mounted to a backboard at each end. Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.[1]


A team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the basket during regular play. A field goal scores three points for the shooting team if the player shoots from behind the threepoint line, and two points if shot from in front of the line. A team can also score via free throws, which are worth one point, after the other team was assessed with certain fouls. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins, but additional time (overtime) is issued when the score is tied at the end of regulation. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while walking or running or throwing it to a teammate. It is a violation to lift or drag one's pivot foot without dribbling the ball, to carry it, or to hold the ball with both hands then resume dribbling.


As well as many techniques for shooting, passing, dribbling and rebounding, basketball teams generally have player positions and offensive and defensive structures (player positioning). Traditionally, the tallest and strongest members of a team are called a center or power forward, while slightly shorter and more agile players are called small forward, and the shortest players or those who possess the best ball handling skills are called a point guard or shooting guard.

The Rules Basketball is a team sport. Two teams of five players each try to score by shooting a ball through a hoop elevated 10 feet above the ground. The game Young Ji International School/College

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is played on a rectangular floor called the court, and there is a hoop at each end. The court is divided into two main sections by the mid-court line. If the offensive team puts the ball into play behind the mid-court line, it has ten seconds to get the ball over the mid-court line. If it doesn't, then the defense gets the ball. Once the offensive team gets the ball over the midcourt line, it can no longer have possession of the ball in the area in back of the line. If it does, the defense is awarded the ball.

Basketball Court 1

The ball is moved down the court toward the basket by passing or dribbling. The team with the ball is called the offense. The team without the ball is called the defense. They try to steal the ball, contest shots, steal and deflect passes, and garner rebounds. When a team makes a basket, they score two points and the ball goes to the other team. If a basket, or field goal, is made outside of the three-point arc, then that basket is worth three points. A free throw is worth one point. Free throws are awarded to a team according to some formats involving the number of fouls committed in a half and/or the type of foul committed. Fouling a shooter always results in two or three free throws being awarded Young Ji International School/College

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the shooter, depending upon where he was when he shot. If he was beyond the three-point line, then he gets three shots. Other types of fouls do not result in free throws being awarded until a certain number have accumulated during a half. Once that number is reached, then the player who was fouled is awarded a '1-and-1' opportunity. If he makes his first free throw, he gets to attempt a second. If he misses the first shot, the ball is live on the rebound. Each game is divided into sections. All levels have two halves. In college, each half is twenty minutes long. In high school and below, the halves are divided into eight (and sometimes, six) minute quarters. In the pros, quarters are twelve minutes long. There is a gap of several minutes between halves. Gaps between quarters are relatively short. If the score is tied at the end of regulation, then overtime periods of various lengths are played until a winner emerges. Each team is assigned a basket or goal to defend. This means that the other basket is their scoring basket. At halftime, the teams switch goals. The game begins with one player from either team at center court. A referee will toss the ball up between the two. The player that gets his hands on the ball will tip it to a teammate. This is called a tip-off. In addition to stealing the ball from an opposing player, there are other ways for a team to get the ball. One such way is if the other team commits a foul or violation.

Fouls and Violations FOULS Personal fouls: Personal fouls include any type of illegal physical contact.

    

Hitting Pushing Slapping Holding Illegal pick/screen -- when an offensive player is moving. When an offensive player sticks out a limb and makes physical contact with a defender in an attempt to block the path of the defender. Young Ji International School/College

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Personal foul penalties: If a player is shooting while a being fouled, then he gets two free throws if his shot doesn't go in, but only one free throw if his shot does go in. 

Three free throws are awarded if the player is fouled while shooting for a three-point goal and they miss their shot. If a player is fouled while shooting a three-point shot and makes it anyway, he is awarded one free throw. Thus, he could score four points on the play.

Inbounds. If fouled while not shooting, the ball is given to the team the foul was committed upon. They get the ball at the nearest side or baseline, out of bounds, and have 5 seconds to pass the ball onto the court.

One & one. If the team committing the foul has seven or more fouls in the game, then the player who was fouled is awarded one free throw. If he makes his first shot, then he is awarded another free throw.

Ten or more fouls. If the team committing the foul has ten or more fouls, then the fouled player receives two free throws. Charging. An offensive foul that is committed when a player pushes or runs over a defensive player. The ball is given to the team that the foul was committed upon. Blocking. Blocking is illegal personal contact resulting from a defender not establishing position in time to prevent an opponent's drive to the basket. Flagrant foul. Violent contact with an opponent. This includes hitting, kicking, and punching. This type of foul results in free throws plus the offense retaining possession of the ball after the free throws. Intentional foul. When a player makes physical contact with another player with no reasonable effort to steal the ball. It is a judgment call for the officials. Technical foul. Technical foul. A player or a coach can commit this type of foul. It does not involve player contact or the ball but is instead about the 'manners' of the game. Foul language, obscenity, obscene gestures, and even arguing can be considered a technical foul, as can technical details regarding filling in the scorebook improperly or dunking during warm-ups. VIOLATIONS Young Ji International School/College

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Walking/Traveling. Taking more than 'a step and a half' without dribbling the ball is traveling. Moving your pivot foot once you've stopped dribbling is traveling. Carrying/palming. When a player dribbles the ball with his hand too far to the side of or, sometimes, even under the ball. Double Dribble. Dribbling the ball with both hands on the ball at the same time or picking up the dribble and then dribbling again is a double dribble. Held ball. Occasionally, two or more opposing players will gain possession of the ball at the same time. In order to avoid a prolonged and/or violent tussle, the referee stops the action and awards the ball to one team or the other on a rotating basis. Goaltending. If a defensive player interferes with a shot while it's on the way down toward the basket, while it's on the way up toward the basket after having touched the backboard, or while it's in the cylinder above the rim, it's goaltending and the shot counts. If committed by an offensive player, it's a violation and the ball is awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in. Backcourt violation. Once the offense has brought the ball across the midcourt line, they cannot go back across the line during possession. If they do, the ball is awarded to the other team to pass inbounds. Time restrictions. A player passing the ball inbounds has five seconds to pass the ball. If he does not, then the ball is awarded to the other team. Other time restrictions include the rule that a player cannot have the ball for more than five seconds when being closely guarded and, in some states and levels, shot-clock restrictions requiring a team to attempt a shot within a given time frame.

Player Positions Center. Centers are generally your tallest players. They generally are positioned near the basket. Offensive -- The center's goal is to get open for a pass and to shoot. They are also responsible for blocking defenders, known as picking or screening, to open other players up for driving to the basket for a goal. Centers are expected to get some offensive rebounds and put-backs. Young Ji International School/College

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Defensive -- On defense, the center's main responsibility is to keep opponents from shooting by blocking shots and passes in the key area. They also are expected to get a lot of rebounds because they're taller. Forward. Your next tallest players will most likely be your forwards. While a forward may be called upon to play under the hoop, they may also be required to operate in the wings and corner areas. Offensive -- Forwards are responsible to get free for a pass, take outside shots, drive for goals, and rebound. Defensive -- Responsibilities include preventing drives to the goal and rebounding. Guard. These are potentially your shortest players and they should be really good at dribbling fast, seeing the court, and passing. It is their job to bring the ball down the court and set up offensive plays. Offensive -- Dribbling, passing, and setting up offensive plays are a guard's main responsibilities. They also need to be able to drive to the basket and to shoot from the perimeter. Defensive -- On defense, a guard is responsible for stealing passes, contesting shots, preventing drives to the hoop, and for boxing out.

Where Should New Players and Coaches Start? First, we suggest that you focus on learning the basic fundamentals of basketball. To teach fundamental skills, start with these 72 free basketball drills that include full diagrams and step by step instructions. They will help you develop strong fundamentals and basketball skills. Like any sport, no matter what your age -- whether you're a professional athlete or a youth player just getting started -- you need strong fundamentals to be successful! Young Ji International School/College

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Unfortunately, most people don't really understand what that means. The fundamentals include working on the little things that make you better - no matter what team or coach you play for -- or what offense or defense you are running. For example, by working on the fundamentals of shooting, you will get better no matter what team you play for. The fundamentals of shooting include proper foot alignment, leg bend, hand position, arm angle, follow through, and so on. These are some of the little things that make a difference. Learn them! The same goes for lays ups, foot work, post play, passing, jab steps, jump stops, pivoting, blocking out, and so on. We suggest that you start by learning the proper technique and fundamentals for: Activity Directions 1. Form 6 teams, each with a basketball 2. Each team chooses a team captain. 3. Each team practices these skills: a. Dribbling b. Shooting c. Passing= overhead pass, underhand pass, chest pass, baseball pass, bounce pass 4. Each team chooses the first 5 players. Other players stand by as substitutes. 5. Two teams play at the court. The rest watch the game. 6. The game starts with a jump ball between two opponents. 7. The ball is played with hands. Players attempt to shoot the basket. Avoid personal contact, pushing or forcibly blocking an opponent to avoid personal foul or other violations. 8. Two points are scored on a field goal and one point on each free throw made. 9. The team scoring the highest point at the end of the 20 minutes wins. Young Ji International School/College

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10. Other teams follow. 11. The team which other teams is the champion. SEPAK TAKRAW Sepak takraw (Malay: sepak raga; Jawi: ‫قڤيس‬ ໍ້ ka;‫ راڬ ا‬Thai: ตะกร้ อ, RTGS: takro,pronounced [tā.krɔ̂ː]; Khmer: សីដក់ Sei Dak; Lao: ກະຕ taw; Filipino: sipa;Vietnamese: cầu mây), or kick volleyball, is a sport native to Southeast Asia. Sepaktakraw differs from the similar sport of volleyball in its use of arattan ball and only allowing players to use their feet, knee, chest and head to touch the ball. It is a popular sport in Southeast Asia. In Malaysia, the game is called sepak raga or takraw. It is also kataw (Lao:"twine" and "kick") while in Thailand it is called takraw. In Myanmar it is known as chin lone, and is considered more of an art as there is often no opposing team, and the point is to keep the ball aloft gracefully and interestingly. In the Philippines, besides "takraw" it is also known as sipa, meaning "kick". Similar games include footbag net, footvolley, football tennis, bossaball, jianzi and sipa. These similar games all involve keepie uppies.

Rules and regulations Measurements of courts and equipment often vary among tournaments and organisations that operate from a recreational to a competitive level; international competitive rules and regulations are used in this section. There are two types of event categories: the regu and the doubles regu. The regu category is played by three players on each team while the doubles regu is played by two players on each team. Expressions Takraw is the Thai word for the hand-woven rattan ball originally used in the game. Therefore the game is essentially "kick ball". The concept of Footvolley originates from Thai Takraw pronounced (Tha-Graw) Also, sometimes misnamed by foreigners as "Shaolin Soccer" however it is an ancient game mainly enjoyed between Thai and Laos. Court

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Sepak Takraw court diagram The sepak takraw sport is played on a similar to badminton double sized court. Area of 13.4 by 6.1 metres (44 ft Ă— 20 ft) free from all obstacles up to the height of 8 metres (26 ft) measured from the floor surface (sand and grass court not advisable). The width of the lines bounding the court should not be more than 4 centimetres (1.6 in) measured and drawn inwards from the edge of the court measurements. All the boundary lines should be drawn at least 3.0 metres (9.8 ft) away from all obstacles. The centre line of 2 cm (0.79 in) should be drawn equally dividing the right and left court. At the corner of each at the center line, the quarter circle shall be drawn from the sideline to the center line with a radius of 0.9 metres (2 ft 11 in) measured and drawn outwards from the edge of the 0.9 m radius. The service circle of 0.3 m radius shall be drawn on the left and on the right court, the center of which is 2.45 m from the back line of the court and 3.05 m from the sidelines, the 0.04 m line shall be measured and drawn outward from the edge of the 0.3 m radius. Net The net shall be made of fine ordinary cord or nylon with 6 cm to 8 cm mesh. Similar to a volleyball net. The net shall be 0.7 m in width and not shorter than 6.10 m in length and taped at 0.05 m from tape double at the top and sideline, called boundary tape. The net shall be edged with 0.05 m tape double at the top and the bottom of the net supported by a fine ordinary cord or nylon cord that runs through the tape and strain over and flush with the top of the posts. The top of the net shall be 1.52 m (1.42 m for women) in height from the center and 1.55 m (1.45 m for women's) at the posts. Young Ji International School/College

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A sepak takraw ball made out ofrattan The sepak takraw ball shall be spherical, made of synthetic fibre or one woven layer. Sepak takraw balls without synthetic rubber covering must have 12 holes and 20 intersections, must have a circumference measuring not less from 42 to 44 cm (17– 17 in) for men and from 43 to 45 cm (17–18 in) for women, and must have a weight that ranges from 170 to 180 g (6.0–6.3 oz) for men and from 150 to 160 g (5.3–5.6 oz) for women. The ball can be in plain single colour, multi-colour, and luminous colours, but not in any colour that will impair the performance of the players. The sepak takraw ball can also be constructed of synthetic rubber or soft durable material for covering the ball, for the purpose of softening the impact of the ball on the player’s body. The type of material and method used for constructing the ball or for covering the ball with rubber or soft durable covering must be approved by ISTAF before it can be used for any competition. All world, international, and regional competitions sanctioned by International Sepak Takraw Federation, including but not limited to, the Olympic Games, World Games, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and SEA Games, must be played with ISTAF approved sepak takraw balls. Players A match is played by two teams, also known as 'regus', each consisting of three players.

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One of the three players shall be at the back; he is called a ―Tekong‖. The other two players shall be in front, one on the left and the other on the right. The player on the left is called a ―Left Inside‖ and the player on the right is called a ―Right Inside‖. Start of play and service The side that must serve first shall start the first set. The side that wins the first set shall have the options of ―Choosing Service‖. The throw must be executed as soon as the referee calls the score. If either of the "Inside" players throws the ball before the referee calls the score, it must be re-thrown and a warning will be given to the thrower. During the service, as soon as the Tekong kicks the ball, all the players are allowed to move about freely in their respective courts. The service is valid if the ball passes over the net, whether it touches the net or not, and inside the boundary of the two net tapes and boundary lines of the opponent’s court. Faults in the game Serving side during service 

The "Inside" player who is making service throws, plays with the(throwing up the ball, bumping, giving to other "Inside" player etc.) after the call of score has been made by the referee.

The "Inside" player lifts his feet or steps on the line or crosses over or touches the net while throwing the ball.

The Tekong jumps off the ground to execute the service.

The Tekong does not kick the ball on the service throw.

The ball touches his own player before crossing over the opponent court.

The ball goes over the net but falls outside the court.

The ball does not cross to the opponent side.

A player uses his hand or hands, or any other part of his arms to facilitate the execution of a kick even if the hand or arm does not directly touch the ball, but it touches other objects or surfaces instead when doing so.

Serving and receiving side during service 

Creating distracting manner or noise or shouting at his opponent.

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For both sides during the game 

Any player who touches the ball on the opponent side.

Any part of player's body crosses over into opponent's court whether above or under the net except during the follow-through of the ball.

Playing the ball more than 3 times in succession.

The ball touches the arm

Stopping or holding the ball under the arm, between the legs or body.

Any part of the body or player's outfits e.g. shoes, jersey, head band etc., touches the net or the post or the referee's chairs or falls into the opponent's side.

The ball touches the ceiling, roof or the wall (any objects).

Scoring system An official doubles or regu match is won by best of three sets (win 2 out of 3 sets), with each set being played up to 21 points. A team event or group match is effectively three regu matches played back to back, using different players for each regu. The winner is determined by best of three regus (win 2 out of 3 regus), where the winner of each individual regu is determined by best of 3 sets, played up to 21 points per set. In the last 3rd set the change of sides takes place when one team reaches 11 points. Point: when either serving side or receiving side commits a fault, a point is awarded to the opponent side. Serving: Teams alternate serve every three points, regardless of who wins the points. Ie. Each team serves three times, then the other team serves three times, and so on. If a tie takes place at 21-21, each team alternates one serve each until a winner is determined. Set: each set is won by the side which scores twenty one (21) points with a minimum lead of two (2) points to a ceiling of 25 points. In the event of a 21-21 tie, the set shall be won by the side which gets a lead of two (2) points, or when a side reaches 25 points (whichever occurs first). Match: a match is won by the team who has won two sets. A team event match is won by the team that wins two regus.

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Ranking: in group stages of tournaments or team events (round robin) the ranking in a group is determined by: 1. Sum of match wins; a match win gives 1 point 2. Sum set points 3. Point difference +/-

Activity Direction 1. 2. 3. 4.

Divide the class into groups with 5-6 members in each group. Give each group one sepak takraw ball. Let the groups practice hitting the ball with the permitted parts of the body. Call each captain of the two groups to have their toss coin to decide which group will serve first. 5. The game is played until one team/group reaches the score of 15.

Sportsmen SPORTSMEN 1. Felicisimo Ampon, Sr. 2. Pablito Asis 3. Capt. Ramon Baluyot 4. Florencio Campomanes 5. Bong Coo 6. Lita de la Rosa 7. Lydia de Vega 8. Germie Fontanilla 9. Capt. Pete Hernandez 10. Christine Jacob 11. Robert Jaworski 12. Geruncio Lacuesta 13. Elizabeth Lam 14. Elma Muros 15. Many ―Pacman‖ Pacquiao 16. Tac Padilla 17. Efren ―Bata‖ Reyes 18. Alejandro Albert 19. Lope Sarreal 20. Jaime Senbastian Young Ji International School/College

TITLES Father of Philippine Tennis King of Local Table Tennis Father of Scuba Diving in the Philippines Father of the Chess in the Philippines Asia’s Queen of Bowling Tenpin Superqueen of the Philippines Asia’s Sprint Queen Queen of Chess Grand Old man of Philippine racing Queen of Philippine Swimming The Living Legend of basketball Father of the Philippine Cycling

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21. Akiko Thompson 22. Rafael Toda 23. Adriano Torres, Jr. 24. Celestino Tugot 25. Bumbi Velasco

Philippine Lady Archer Track Queen People’s Champion in Boxing Boy Wonder in Philippine Shooting Best Billiard Player of All Times Father of Philippine Baseball Grand Old Man of Philippine Boxing Southeast Asia’s Strongest Man Golden Girl of Philippine Sports Father of Philippine Sports Greatest badminton Player Dean of Philippine Golf Dart- Throwing King of the Philippines

Activity A. Choose the field of victory of each sports personality

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.




table Tennis




Track and Field








Soft ball

Rafael Nepomuceno _____________________________________ Isidro del Prado _________________________________________ Mansueto ―Onyok‖ Velasco ________________________________ Jennifer Rosales ________________________________________ Eric Buhain ____________________________________________ Bea Lucero ____________________________________________ Johnny Abarientos ______________________________________ Azenith Briones ________________________________________

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9. Dianne Castillejo _______________________________________ 10. Jacinto Sicam __________________________________________ 11. Richard Ching __________________________________________ 12. Agrifina dela Cruz _______________________________________ 13. Eugene Torre __________________________________________ 14. Mikee Cojungco ________________________________________ 15. Alex Pagulayan ________________________________________ B. What is the difference between victory and defeat? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Exercise -

It is a physical training of the body in order to improve its function a. Active exercise is physical exertion and voluntary effort. b. Passive exercise involves a machine or the hands of another. - Exercise keeps you alert and flexible. - It tones and strengthens your muscles and helps keep you strong, healthy, and physically fit. - Walking is light exercise and can be continued for hours. - Other light activities are             

Bowling Archery Baseball Woodworking Auto repair Housekeeping Jogging Basketball Football Skating Skiing Golf Running

Moderate exercises

Strenuous exercise

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      

Wrestling Fast rowing Speed swimming Gymnastics Skating - Static exercise Gymnastics Weightlifting




Directions 1. Go around as if maintaining the movement of trees, keep moving the arms and hands with slow and light movements. 2. Sway the body and head sidewalk right and left. 3. Raise arms upward and move then downward alternately and continuously in rhythm with a musical background. Activity


Directions 1. Do a full-knee bend with heels raised and place the palms flat on the floor in front of the feet. 2. When moving the hands forward, jump or leap forward the way a rabbit jumps or leaps or hops.

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