College Tribune: Issue 4

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Features News


College Tribune | October 28th 2008

Mak Abor e t Lega ion l

Giving life to the abortion debate Northern Ireland’s political parties are a seldom united bunch, but all agree on limiting Westminster’s power to grant abortion. Orna Mulhern investigates The ever-sensitive debate on abortion Northern Ireland to act independently believes it may not come to pass. A should be extended to the province. for the Northern Assembly “to initireturned to the headlines last week in to the rest of the UK in relation to spokeswoman for the party stressed Speaking last week, chief-executive of ate a process of public consultation in response to the proposal and subse- abortion. the general pro-life stance of the en- the FPA Julie Bently said that the law Northern Ireland on the abortion law.” quent passing of the Human Fertility Abortion was originally outlawed in tire Northern Assembly. “Our position as it stands creates a “division of rights The Department of Health in Northern and Embryology Bill by the House of the province in 1861, a law which was has been clear for decades really in and entitlement between women, on Ireland began a consultation process Commons in London last Wednesday, in place until the 1945 amendment al- so far as the SDLP is a pro-life party. the basis that they live in different re- on issue of abortion in the province in affecting Northern Ireland in particu- lowing the procedure to take place in We would advise that there are other gions of the UK.” July of this year. lar. While the Bill itself didn’t actually circumstances where continuation of social issues surrounding young, single In spite of the increased interest This was a sentiment echoed by Larefer to abortion, its passing means the pregnancy would pose a serious women getting pregnant that should bour MP for Hackney North and Stoke in the issue, the failure to pass the that it will most likely replace the 1990 threat to the mother’s life. No altera- be looked at, rather than imposing Newington, Diane Abbott. Abbott first ammendment to the HFE Bill last regulations concerning abortion in the tions have been made to this law in the rules from Westminster on such a sen- called for the ill-fated amendment to Wednesday in Westminster means that the Human Fertility and Embryology the situation looks unlikely to change UK, creating the opportunity to draft intervening years, something which sitive issue.” new laws surrounding the controver- pro-choice campaigners feel seriously “Looking to the future the first Bill which would have extended the in the near future. As the Bill reaches sial procedure. impeaches women’s rights. thing that we would want to see hap- Abortion Act to Northern Ireland. the House of Lords, however, through The bill suffered from many delays Although the final draft of the bill pen would, of course, be the devolu- Speaking to BBC News, however, which it is expected to pass, it looks and amendments before reaching the didn’t include the much called-for leg- tion of justice so that dealing with this Abbott remained passionate for such set to open the doors for an influx of House last Wednesday, and, much islation regarding the procedure in the issue that can be done here rather than legislation still to be introduced to the appeals to change legislation governto the annoyance of pro-choice MPs, province, the increased debate in the imposed by Westminster. When that province. “When it comes to women’s ing abortion in Britain. Undoubtably, timetable restrictions didn’t allow dis- topic has ensured that it will remain happens, when justice is developed rights, Northern Ireland women are ef- calls to introduce the procedure to the cussion to take place on final proposed topical for the foreseeable future. here, we would welcome discussions fectively second class citizens. I think Northern province will still be made. amendments, including the introducWhatever happens, it’s sure to affect So what of the possibility of the on this because any decisions should it is not unreasonable that the British tion of abortion to Northern Ire- introduction of abortion to Northern be based in the North and based on Parliament should say that all citizens our shores in some way. If the procein the British Isles should have the dure is introduced to Northern Ireland land. The province is currently the Ireland? A recent poll by the British public opinion in the North.” only part of Britain not to provide organisation FPA (formerly the Famat any stage, the doors will be open for The party is not alone in these senti- same rights.” The United Nations has even been increased debate on the matter regardthe service. The1967 Abortion ily Planning Association) found that ments. The three other main political Act which allows legal abortion 62% of people in the North would be parties in the Assembly – the DUP, vocal regarding the matter, and issued ing abortion in the Republic. In the in Britain was never applied to in favour of abortion being legal, albeit Sinn Féin and the UUP - all hold an recommendations regarding abortion nearer future, however, any change to the province due to the the existing law regardequally-strong stance against political climate of the ing abortion in Britain is introduction of abortion to When it comes to women’s Northern Ireland. On top of We would advise that there are time. Neither were the bound to affect the es1990 amendments to rights, Northern Ireland women timated 5, 500 women this, leaders of the four main other social issues surrounding the Act applied to who travel from churches in Ireland have apthe North, leaving are effectively second class citiIreland to pealed to Westminster against young, single women Britain each zens. I think it is not unreason- the introduction of abortion in getting pregnant that should year to obIreland. be looked at, rather than able that the British Parliament Northern tain aborCatholic Primate of Alltions. should say that all citizens Ireland Cardinal Seán Brady, imposing rules from Church of Ireland Archbishop Westminster on such a in the British Isles should of Armagh Alan Harper, Preshave the same rights.” byterian Moderator Dr Donald sensitive issue.” Patton and Methodist Presi- SDLP Spokesperson Dianne Abbot, Labour Party dent Reverend Alan Ferguson in specific circumstances. Among submitted the letters of appeal to the in Northern Ireland earlier this year. these are included rape and Westminster MPs on Friday, October The UN Committee for the Conincest. Meanwhile, statis- 17th, asking them to allow any deci- vention on the Elimination tics from the Department sions that may be made on the issue of Discrimination Against of Health in Britain show to be left to the Northern Assembly. Women (CEDAW) recomthat 1,343 women trav- This was the second time the leaders mended that there should elled from the North to have taken such action, having written be a debate in Northern England for an abortion to the MPs in May of this year regard- Ireland regarding the removal of “punitive providuring 2007 ing the issue. Despite the demand, In spite of such opposition, how- sions imposed on women the Social Democratic ever, pro-choice campaigners remain who undergo abortions.” and Labour Party (SDLP) firm in their belief that the procedure The committee also called

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