3BGD 2009-2011

Page 58

Arhitektura Trećeg Beograda / osvrt autora

Architecture of Third Belgrade / Review by the author Milorad Mladenović

Milorad Mladenović

Početkom novembra 2009. Sead i Selman Trtovac pozvali su me da uradim idejno arhitektonsko rešenje ga­ lerije koju su planirali da sagrade na svom placu koji se nalazi oko tri stotine metara nizvodno od Pančevačkog mosta sa strane Krnjače, na samoj obali Dunava.

In early November 2009 Sead and Selman Trtovac asked me to carry out an architectural concept design for the gallery they planned to build on their lot, located about three hundred meters downstream from “Pancevo bridge” on the side of “Krnjaca”(one of Belgrade`s suburbs), on the bank of the Danube.

Selman i ja smo bili drugovi sa Akademije, ne dugo pre nego što je otišao da nastavi studije u Dizeldorfu. Nekoliko godina posle njegovog povratka u Beograd smo se sretali i razgovarali, mahom o našoj skoro “nestaloj” generaciji iz devedesetih, o poslednjim godinama Studentskog kulturnog centra u kome smo tada bili aktivni, o njegovom radu na programu Umetničkog centra UBSM, kao i o nadama da ćemo se možda jednoga dana okupiti i pokušati da napravimo neku novu strategiju umetnosti u umornom i gotovo beznadežnom Beogradu kako smo ga osećali.

Selman and I knew each other from the Academy, not long before he went to continue his studies in Düsseldorf. A few years after his return to Belgrade, we used to meet and talk, mostly about our almost “lost” generation from the nineties, about the last years of the Student Cultural Centre where we were active at the time, his work on the Art Center UBSM program, as well as about hopes that we may get together again one day and try to create a new art strategy in a weary and almost hopeless Belgrade as we felt it was.

Neku tananu nadu pružao nam je jedan broj novih objekata za izlaganje umetnosti duž obale Dunava, mahom privatnih inicijativa, koje su se, slučajno ili ne, tokom poslednjih godina ređale uz predivan pejzaž Reke. Srećna je okolnost bila ta da Sead i Selman 2009. uspevaju da prodaju majčinu imovinu u Zadru i da na njenu inicijativu počnu sa gradnjom kuće.

A number of new facilities for displaying art along the Danube, mostly private initiatives, which, by coincidence or not, emerged in recent years along the beautiful landscape of the River, provided us with a subtle hope. Fortunate circumstance was that in 2009 Sead and Selman managed to sell their mother’s property in Zadar and start building a house on her initiative.

Prvobitni planovi značajno su se razlikovali od onoga što danas postoji i što se planira, početna ideja bila je da se za Seada napravi stan na spratu, a da Selman koristi prizemni nivo za javnu galeriju i depoe. Projekat je izveden veoma brzo i bez mnogo mudrovanja, da bi se što pre ušlo u realizaciju, ali je vremenom dobio nove konture i u celini se transformisao u mogući i realistični centar kulture, jedini sa te beogradske strane Reke.

The original plans differed significantly from what exists today and from what is planned. The initial idea was to build an apartment for Sead on the first floor and the ground level was meant to be used by Selman for the public gallery and depots. The project was carried out very quickly and without much philosophizing, in order to start with the realization as soon as possible, though it gained new contours as time passed and generally got transformed into a possible and realistic center of culture, the only one at this Belgrade side of the river.

Put do Galerije Treći Beograd vodi kroz malu ali živopisnu ulicu uz Dunav nakon prelaska odbram-


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