3BGD 2009-2011

Page 36

boja, harmonija itd.). Naša kopča sa utopijom, je upravo ta da želimo da ukažemo na druge vrednosti, i to je ono što nas takođe udaljava od stvarnosti. Zato bez obzira kakve video radove ili fotografije pravili oni su samo umetnička dokumentacija u boljoj ili goroj formi, ali ono što mora da ostane van svake sumnje je naš stav da mi određujemo šta su vrednosti našeg života. Kada je Marko Crnobrnja u Salonu MSU video naš rad Ručak na travi i rad Kolektivni san rekao je : “Treći Beograd je kao Zemlja Dembelija, svi samo spavaju i jedu, a niko ništa ne radi”. Dopala mi se ova opaska jer znači da smo mi ipak uspeli da stvorimo neku drugu zemlju. Sad da li je to Zemlja Dembelija, Nedođija, Utopija ili nešto sasvim treće nije ni bitno, jer važno je da ona postoji.

Pozdrav, Radoš Antonijević

the coast. Utopia is an idealized society, as the each picture is an idealized notion of a painter (colour relationships, harmony, etc). Our hook with utopia is just that we want to point at other values, and in that way we distance ourselves from the reality. Due to that, no matter what kind of video works or photographs we make, they are just the artistic documentation in a better or worse form, but what should be without any doubt is our attitude that we determine the values of our lives.When Marko Crnobrnja saw at the Salon of the MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) our work The Luncheon on the Grass and the work TheCollective Dream, he said:”Third Belgrade is like The Land of Cockaigne, everyone just eats, sleeps and does nothing.” I liked this remark as it means that we have managed to create another land. And whether it is The Land of Cockaigne, Neverland or Utopia, or something else it doesn’t matter, what matters is that it exists.


Regards, Radoš Antonijević

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