1 minute read

Poem: Ministering to the Millennials

Ministering to the



You have been called by God for the Millennials, Chosen before the foundations of the earth, To show them how to experience the new birth, To declare God’s kingdom to a now generation, So as to bring forth righteous transformation, A woman, a man set apart for this season and time, A woman, a man in the kingdom at the right time. The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon you So this is what the Lord requires of you To do justly and to walk humbly before Him He has favoured you with His mercy and love Grace and peace are your portions from above Strength, victory and honour are yours to keep So position yourself to reach God’s precious sheep

You have been called by God for the Millennials God has blessed you with wisdom and vision to be bold You are not intimidated, a rare treasure and precious gold You are the head and not the tail, the apple of God’s eye Sent to declare good news to the brokenhearted and those who cry Above and not beneath, under His wings He will keep Set straight path for your feet, for the Millennials you will meet

You have been called by God for the Millennials Reaching and setting the captives free is a must Look to the Lord as upward and forward you must thrust You are chosen to reach the lost, the outcast, the oppressed This is part of God’s plan for you as in Him you rest The time is now, don’t let them die or perish The Millennials you must love and cherish

You have been called by God for the Millennials Rejoice and be happy, consider yourself blessed The Lord is with you, so don’t ever be stressed His grace is sufficient, you must not fail the test His plans for you and everlasting love are the best Seek His face and pray, so that by Him you will be directed Answer the call, for the Millennials you are specially selected

© Jennifer Williams | July 2020