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Tributes 14

Teddy A. Jones

Public Theologian and Marketplace Minister, Dr. Dior Forster of South Africa shared with us in class, “The Message of the Bible remains unchanged but it is in constant need of being forwarded to a new address. I absolutely concur as I watch the fluidity of the postmodern world. Any serious conversation about reaching the Millennials and Generation Z in particular must grapple with the rapid pace of change which Social Media has heralded.


This is the context in which SHARE Magazine has emerged as a thought leader and agent of change. By bringing the message of hope contained in the Scriptures to the new address the magazine has ensured that there is a reduction in the gap.

In this regard I salute and congratulate the team at SHARE Magazine for rising to the fore and maintaining a high calibre of excellence to not only attract but sustain the attention of their target audience. Congratulations and Godspeed for much more impact.

With Warm Regards, Rev. Teddy A. Jones, “Coach TJ” Kingston, Jamaica.

Cheryl A. Williams

It has been an absolute pleasure to be a part of Share Magazine over the last 3 years as a writer/ contributor. This is the first magazine of its type that I am aware of. The articles, live discussions and trainings are extremely important for the time we are living in. I am thankful to Homer and Angela Slack for being obedient to the calling on their lives and doing their part to ensure that the next generation has the truth which saves lives.

As SHARE Magazine celebrates it’s 10th anniversary, my prayer is that it would expand and reach billions in the years to come.

Yours in Christ, Cheryl A. Williams (Author, Educator) Alberta, Canada.

Tony Bryce

It is my privilege to recognise and celebrate the 10th Anniversary of SHARE Magazine. Such a milestone!

As a recent recipient and contributor, I particularly appreciate the biblical perspectives it affirms and the breath of coverage given to each salient theme. Each article whet my appetite and left me with a taste of the subject and a desire to delve deeper. Alongside such helpful content, are eye-catching graphics that represent each theme poignantly. It is obvious to me when I turn the pages of the SHARE Magazine, that good hearts, knowledgeable minds and skilful hands have been at work.

I pray that the SHARE Magazine continues to have reach and influence on hearts and minds. May this good work go from strength to strength and from glory to glory.

Every blessing to the creators and contributors.

Pastor Tony Bryce Olive Branch Community Church Bradford.