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Palestinian Nakba: LEST WE FORGET

Continued from ➠ Back page loss of life, and the fragmentation of their society Generations later, the Nakba remains a deeply painful and unresolved wound for Palestinians, impacting their national identity and their quest for justice and selfdetermination As the years pass, it becomes ever more crucial to remember this event, view it through a human rights lens, and work towards a just and lasting solution for all parties involved

A Historical Perspective:


The Nakba refers to the expulsion and flight of approximately 700,000 Palestinians during the 1948 ArabIsraeli war Families were uprooted from their ancestral lands, leaving behind homes, businesses, and communities that had thrived for generations The Nakba resulted in immense human suffering, with refugees enduring displacement, loss of livelihoods, and shattered dreams However, the Nakba did not end in that moment to this day, it remains the name given by Palestinians to their dispossession, displacement, collective punishment and the denial of their inalienable rights

A Human Rights Approach:

From a human rights standpoint, the Palestinian Nakba is a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for justice and the recognition of basic human rights

The Palestinian people have faced decades of displacement, discrimination, and restricted access to essential resources Their right to selfdetermination and statehood remains unfulfilled, as does their right to return to their homes and lands lost during the Nakba.

The global community must acknowledge the profound impact of the Nakba on the lives of Palestinians, many of whom continue to live as refugees in their own land or in neighbouring countries Human rights organizations and activists play a vital role in shedding light on these injustices, advocating for equal rights, and calling for an end to the ongoing occupation

The Oslo Accord:

The Oslo Accord, signed in 1993, brought a glimmer of hope to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict The agreement aimed to establish a framework for peace, mutual recognition, and Palestinian selfgovernance It envisaged a gradual transfer of power to the newly created Palestinian Authority and the prospect of an independent Palestinian state The accord raised expectations for a just and lasting resolution, but unfortunately, these hopes were not fully realized

The Current Stalemate: Regrettably, the Oslo process failed to bring about a comprehensive and enduring resolution to the conflict

Despite initial progress, negotiations reached an impasse, leaving Palestinians disillusioned and trapped in a state of perpetual uncertainty The current stalemate can be attributed to several factors:

1 Settlement Expansion: The continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories has eroded trust and undermined the viability of a future Palestinian state Settlements are viewed by Palestinians as a violation of international law and a significant obstacle to the establishment of a contiguous and sovereign Palestine

2 Security Concerns: Israel's legitimate security concerns, including the threat of terrorism, have contributed to a hardening of positions The inability to address these concerns adequately while respecting Palestinian rights has hindered progress in reaching a comprehensive agreement

3 Fragmentation of Palestinian Leadership: Internal divisions among Palestinians have further complicated the peace process The divide between Fatah and Hamas, coupled with the lack of a unified leadership, has weakened Palestinian negotiating power and impeded effective representation

4 Lack of International Consensus: The lack of a unified international approach and consistent pressure on both parties to uphold their commitments has allowed the status quo to persist Diverging regional and global interests have hindered the establishment of a united front towards resolving the conflict

Suggested Path to Break the Stalemate:

1 Renewed Diplomatic Efforts: There is an urgent need for renewed diplomatic engagement, with a commitment from both sides to resume negotiations in good faith This includes addressing core issues such as borders, settlements, Jerusalem, refugees, and security concerns

2 International Mediation: A renewed and robust international mediation effort, with broad international consensus and involvement, is crucial to bridge the gaps and ensure a fair and just resolution The international community should support and encourage both parties to negotiate in good faith and provide the necessary incentives for reaching a mutually acceptable agreement

3 Humanitarian Assistance: Immediate attention must be given to addressing the urgent humanitarian needs of Palestinians, particularly in Gaza and the occupied territories Access to basic services, infrastructure development, and economic opportunities can help alleviate suffering and create an atmosphere conducive to peace

4 Empowering Civil Society: Supporting grassroots initiatives and fostering people-to-people dialogue can help build trust and understanding between Israelis and Palestinians Civil society organizations, human rights activists, and

A Path to a Just Solution: Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict requires a commitment from all parties involved to acknowledge the pain and suffering experienced by both Palestinians and Israelis It is imperative to recognize the right of Palestinians to self-determination, while also ensuring the security and well-being of Israelis Achieving a just solution will require difficult compromises, but the long-term benefits of peace and stability outweigh the challenges

1 Recognition and Acknowledgment: The first step towards a just solution is acknowledging the historical events of the Nakba and its impact on the Palestinian people This recognition will help foster a sense of empathy and understanding, laying the foundation for dialogue and reconciliation

2 Negotiations and Diplomacy: Meaningful negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, facilitated by the international community, are vital for progress All parties must be willing to engage in constructive dialogue, with the goal of reaching a comprehensive agreement that addresses key issues such as borders, settlements, Jerusalem, and the rights of Palestinian refugees

3 Respect for Human Rights: Any solution must be firmly grounded in the principles of human rights, ensuring equality, freedom, and dignity for all individuals This includes granting Palestinians full civil, political, and economic rights, as well as safeguarding the rights of Israeli citizens

4 Two-State Solution: A widely accepted framework for a just solution is the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian state alongside Israel, based on the 1967 borders with mutually agreed land swaps This would provide Palestinians with the opportunity to exercise selfdetermination and build a prosperous future for themselves

5 Right of Return: The issue of Palestinian refugees is complex but cannot be ignored While recognizing the right of return for Palestinians, it is important to explore practical solutions that address the concerns of both Palestinians and Israelis, while respecting the principles of justice and reconciliation

6 International Support and Mediation: The international community must play an active role in supporting the peace process and mediating between the parties This support should include diplomatic efforts, economic assistance, and ensuring compliance with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions


The Nakba stands as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for justice and human rights faced by the Palestinian people It is crucial that the world does not forget this tragedy, but instead works towards a just and lasting solution By recognizing the historical events, promoting dialogue, and upholding human rights, we can pave the way for a future where Palestinians and Israelis coexist in peace, security, and mutual respect It is only through genuine efforts and a commitment to justice that the wounds of the Nakba can heal, allowing both Palestinians and Israelis to forge a shared future based on peace and reconciliation

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