Bulletin for February 19, 2023

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LENT 2023

In my experience as a priest these past 30 years, I would say that Ash Wednesday is the most popular day of the year for Catholics. Everyone is eager to come to Church and receive their ashes. At least on this day, people know who the Catholics are.

Ash Wednesday begins the peniten al season of Lent, a me when we are all invited to turn toward God and repent anew. Lent is a me to deepen our rela onship with God through the asce cal prac ces of prayer, fas ng, and almsgiving.

As a child, my most common Lenten prac ce was to not eat chocolate for 40 days. In our house, we had a snack each night at 8 p.m., an hour before going to bed. The snack was a chocolate candy bar, a Reese peanut bu er cup, a Hershey or Nestle chocolate bar, or maybe a Snickers bar. I am sure this was not the best childrearing prac ce, but it was the Gartland custom. Giving up chocolate meant not having this pre-bed me snack. I am not sure if this is true, but we also thought Sundays were not part of Lent which gave us permission to indulge in chocolate on Sundays as a reward for sacrificing all week. Looking back at this now, I experienced the season of Lent in my desire for chocolate, but this was more about my self-discipline and self-determina on than it was deepening my rela onship with Jesus. I am not sure fas ng from chocolate made me a more loving person.

Throughout the history of the Church, we have had asce cal prac ces to help deepen our rela onship with Christ, and become more loving like Christ. That’s why the Church suggests Lent be a me of fas ng, almsgiving, and prayer. These prac ces can allow us to deepen our companionship with Christ and become more loving.

In terms of prayer, fas ng, and almsgiving, Pope Francis suggested the following for Lent last year. He encouraged that Lent “not be a me of growing red of doing good and sowing seeds of goodness’. He encouraged us “not to grow red of praying, and to pray always.” He exhorted us “not to grow red of uproo ng evil from our lives, and not to grow red of asking for forgiveness.” He also asked that “Lent not be a me of growing red of doing good in ac ve charity towards our neighbor.”

I am looking forward to Lent. I am not sure what my asce cism will look like, but I do desire that the season allows me to turn towards Jesus, repent again, and hopefully with the grace of God become a more loving person that reveals the presence of Christ to others. May our Lent be a holy me of walking together with Christ guiding our way.

The music for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil is some of the most important of the year. The music ministry wants to invite you to help make this year's Triduum liturgies especially prayerful and powerful.

Triduum Choir Rehearsals will be Thursdays 7-9PM in the main sanctuary star ng February 16th and running ll Holy Week.

Please contact Travis Dantzer (tdantzer@smspnewman.org) or show up to rehearsal to be added to the email list and receive more informa on.

@SMSPumich SMSPNEWMAN facebook.com/smsp.um myParish the App for Catholic Life Everyday stmarystudentparish.org 331 Thompson Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-663-0557 (f) 734-663-2756

Join other parish members in reading “Hidden Mercy,” a book that explores the stories of Catholics who responded to the AIDS crisis in the United States during the 1980s and ‘90s. The author set out to tell the stories of many people who risked their lives to care for those suffering and dying during the height of the AIDS crisis in the United States.

Books are available in the parish office for purchase for a suggested dona on of $12. (Help can be given to students or those with a financial hardship).

Sign up for a weekly email to help you reflect on the chapters. The email will include a short blog wri en by parish members, plus weekly reflec on ques ons. Sign up here : shorturl.at/fRTU6

Also: The author, Michael O’Loughlin, will discuss the book here at St. Mary Student Parish on Sunday, March 12 at 3 p.m. For more informa on contact rzyber@smspnwman.org

St Mary Student parish will be par cipa ng in a parish-wide survey!

I love our mission here at St. Mary’s Student Parish. We proclaim that we are a welcoming and inclusive Catholic community that is Christ-centered that inspires our faith to do jus ce and we are commi ed to our ongoing forma on as Chris an disciples. The Diocese is invi ng us to reflect on our spiritual growth and discipleship by par cipa ng in the Disciple Maker Index (DMI), a survey conducted by the Catholic leadership Ins tute. This is an opportunity to reflect and tell our story.

The web-based survey will be accessible online and in paper form from February 22-March 27. It will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide feedback on what our parish is doing to help you grow.

It will be available online and in paper format with more instrucons to follow. All responses will be confiden al and the parish will only receive informa on about the community as whole. We will share the link with you a bit closer to the launch of the survey.

We are trying to get the highest response rate possible. This informa on will be invaluable to our various ministries as we plan for the future and strive to be the best disciples we can be. We will receive the results this spring/summer at which me we will share what we have learned with the en re parish.

Thank you in advance for your feedback. I think we have a exci ng story to tell here at St. Mary Student parish. Thanks for your parcipa on and help!

-Fr. Jim, S.J.

Into the Light is a fellowship group, a warm welcoming community, that has been mee ng on Saturday mornings during Advent and Lent since the 1970's. Ours is a "Road to Emmaus" style of gathering a prayer service using the Sunday's readings and then break fast with a potluck, and round-the-table we each share brief reflec ons of what stood out in the readings.

We share our spiritual and life journeys towards the celebra on of Easter through prayer and companionship. All are welcome. We will be mee ng in person and have a zoom op on this Lenten season.

We will meet this Lent at 9:00AM on the following Saturdays:

February 25 (only virtual, h ps://umich.zoom.us/ j/2416437820 ), March 4, March 11, March 18, March 25, and April 1.

You need not a end every mee ng to par cipate and enjoy this prayer me. Contact rlamey@umich.edu


“One cannot know the Lord without this habit of adoring, of adoring in silence. I believe, if I am not mistaken, this prayer of adoraon is the prayer least known by us, it is the one we do the least”, as if it were a “waste of me before the Lord, before the mystery of Jesus Christ”. Instead, we should rediscover “the silence of Adora on: he is the Lord and I adore him."-Pope Francis Eucharis c Adora on will be available each Wednesday in the Church from 5:45pm-9:00pm.

Please sign up as we are in need of 2 adorers per me slot. Thank you for suppor ng this ministry!



All Grad Students and Young Professionals are welcome to join us for our February Spiritual Direc ons event: Personal Reflec ons on Chris an Marriage.

This month we welcome three married couples within our parish who will speak on their personal experience of living their faith as a married couple across the years.

Join us to meet these couples of varying ages, to hear their individual and cumula ve wisdom, and to enjoy some snacks and me to socialize with other grad students and young professionals.

For more informa on contact jwagner@smspnewman.org or andrewtm@umich.edu

We are organizing a new group for La no college students at St Mary, both undergraduate and graduate students. We will be mee ng every other week to share about our faith and nuestra cultura. Upcoming mee ngs are on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:00 PM on the following dates : 2/22, 3/8, 3/15.

For more informa on, contact Esmeralda Orozco at esmeoro@umich.edu

Strangers No Longer (Catholics in parishes/high schools who support and advocate for the needs of immigrants) invites us to a special event. On February 28, we will be heading to Lansing, Michigan to meet with our State Representa ves and State Senators to encourage them to vote for the passage of the "Drive Safe" bills that are going to be introduced in the State House and Senate. These bills will allow immigrants to get Drivers' Licenses and State ID's regardless of immigrant status (as they were able to do un l 2008 – and as 18 other states allow).

If you are inspired to par cipate, please register and join us in this important effort. Feel free to share this informa on with others who may be interested. You can register at strangersnolonger.org . There will be bus transporta on to Lansing.

Contact Rich Faba, Chair, Advocacy Task Force, at rkfaba@aol.com (248-961-3246) or SNL at 313-5490421.

March Match Madness is right around the corner. Our challenge is to raise $100,000 in the 31 days of March to support campus ministry. We start this challenge by securing donors who are willing to match the dona ons collected during March. The Jesuit Community has pledged $26,000 of the $50,000 goal.

We are looking for other donors who would like to make up the difference. If you are interested in stepping up to this challenge, please reach out to Cathy Welch, Business Manager cwelch@smspnewman.org or Fr. Jim Gartland, S.J. jgartland@smspnewman.org



12:45 PM ESL-English as a Second Language Newman Hall

3:00 PM ESL-English as a Second Language Whitman Room

3:00 PM H/L Sacramental Prep Newman Hall+

6:00 PM Undergraduate Intern meeting Rectory Lounge

6:00 PM Black and Blessed Event Newman Hall

6:15 PM Reconciliation Monteith Room

7:00 PM Hispanic Virtual SCC Zoom


5:00 PM Finance Council Mee ng Loyola Room

5:45 PM Rosary for Peace Church

6:30 PM Grad/YP Spiritual Direc ons Donnelly Hall

7:00PM ASB Send Off Reflec on Rectory Dining Room, Lounge

7:00 PM Born for Joy Whitman Room

7:00 PM Hispanic Virtual SCC Zoom


8:30 AM Daytime Warming Center Newman Hall+

3:00 PM SCC-Julie Loyola Room

6:30 PM SCC GRAD/YP-Mark Whitman Room

7:00 PM Hispanic Virtual SCC Zoom

7:00 PM LGBT Outreach Ministry Loyola Room

7:00 PM Men’s Connect Group Donnelly Hall

7:00 PM Women’s Connect Group Rectory Dining Room, Lounge


Ash Wednesday

12:00 PM Mass on North Campus Pierpont Commons

12:10 PM Mass Church

5:10 PM Mass Church

6:00 PM Pro Life Student Ministry Loyola Room

7:00 PM Mass in Spanish Church

7:00 PM Hispanic Virtual SCC Zoom

7:00 PM Latino Student Group Loyola Room

7:10 PM Mass Donnelly Hall


8:30 AM Santo Rosario (Rosary in Spanish) VIRTUAL

8:30 AM Daytime Warming Center—Newman Hall+

5:10 PM Ig.Nite! Church, Newman Hall

7:00 PM Hispanic Virtual SCC Zoom

7:00 PM Triduum Choir Rehearsal Church

7:30 PM SCC Grad/YP Rectory Lounge




9:00 AM Into the Light-Lent Zoom



11:30 AM Circle of Women of SNL Newman Hall

12:45 PM ESL-English as a Second Language Newman Hall

3:00 PM ESL-English as a Second Language Whitman Room

6:00 PM Undergraduate Intern meeting Rectory Lounge

6:15 PM Reconciliation Monteith Room

7:00 PM Hispanic Virtual SCC Zoom




5:00 PM Mass for Engaged Couples of St Mary’s


8:30 AM Mass for Daytime Warming Center Guests and Workers

10:00 AM Mass for People of the Parish

12:00 PM Mass for

2:00 PM Mass for +Rafael Ronquillo & Juanita Esquivel

5:00 PM Mass for

8:00 PM Mass for


5:10 PM Mass for


5:10 PM Mass for


12:10 PM Mass for

5:10 PM Mass for

7:00 PM Mass for

7:10 PM Mass for


5:10 PM Mass for


12:10 PM Mass for


5:00 PM Mass for


8:30 AM Mass for

10:00 AM Mass for +John Banks

12:00 PM Mass for +Otto Gago

2:00 PM Mass for +Amanda Muñeton

5:00 PM Mass for People of the Parish


V 8:30 AM

V 10:00 AM

Watch live or any me a er the mass h ps://www.stmarystudentparish.org/category/live-mass/

V 12:00 Noon

V 2:00 PM (Spanish)

Watch live or any me a er the mass h ps://www.stmarystudentparish.org/category/live-mass/

V 5:00 PM

V 8:00 PM

Mon-Thurs 5:10 PM

Friday 12:10 PM

Wednesday 5:45-6:45 PM

Sunday 6:15-7:00 PM or by appointment

Sunday 8:00 AM-10:00 PM

Mon-Thurs 9:00 AM-10:00 PM

Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Saturday 4:00 PM-6:00 PM

Did you know that in December of 2024, we at St. Mary Student Parish will be celebra ng our 100th anniversary?! As we look forward to this special occasion, the Church Enhancement Commi ee has been formed to research, evaluate, priori ze and recommend enhancements to the sanctuary. With the approval of the Parish Pastoral Council, the commi ee has recommended the purchase of new chairs for the church, replacing our well-worn 25-year-old chairs.

The commi ee has taken into considera on several op ons before narrowing the choices to two chairs, including coordina on with the church’s interior finishes, comfort, durability, cleanability, sound/acous cs, flexibility for stacking and sea ng arrangements, size, weight, and cost.

The chairs will be displayed in the atrium during the weekends of February 25-26 and March 4-5. They will be iden fied as Chair A and B and will have their specifica ons listed, along with a brief survey. We hope you’ll take a few moments to check them out, sit in them, and fill out the survey to let us know what you think. Thank you!

Friday February 24 : closes at 1 pm

Sunday February 26 : closes at 7 pm – No 8 pm Mass

Monday February 27: closes at 6:30 pm

Tuesday February 28 & Thursday March 2: closes at 6 pm

Wednesday March 1st : closes at 7 pm

Friday March 3: closes at 1 pm

V We are looking for people to stream the Sunday 10am and 2pm Masses at St. Mary. This is a paid posi on. Please contact cheskia@smspnewman.org

V We are looking for volunteer USHERS to help during masses. For more informa on please contact cheskia@smspnewman.org

V We are looking for an organist and a pianist to join our staff of musicians. Requirements:

- Proficient on organ and/or piano

- Familiarity with the structure of the liturgy

- Prac cing Chris an

- Able to accompany one rehearsal and Mass at least 3 weekends per month

Prior experience accompanying liturgies is not necessary.

Please contact Travis Dantzer with 2-3 recordings and availability for an audi on.

Contact tdantzer@smspnewman.org

V We are looking for an electrician or electrical contractor to convert approximately 200 fluorescent light fixtures to LED's. The electricians must be licensed and be able to provide a Cer ficate of Insurance to the parish. If you or a family member are qualified and interested in this type of work, please contact Kris Kolevar at (734) 663-0557 x231

Interna onal Samaritan & St. Mary Student Parish

Guatemala Service Immersion

May 8-15, 2023

· Learn about the history, struggles, and resilience of people in trash-dump communities

· Visit the IntSam Family Life Center, School, Nursery and local homes

· Participate in meaningful service opportunities and relationship building with locals

· Excursion day of the colonial city of Antigua, a UN World Heritage Site

· Enjoy the cultural and environmental beauty of Guatemala

Program leaders: Agnes Resto-Irizarry and Fr. Bobby Karle, SJ

Application deadline: Friday, February 26, 2023

Information about IntSam & Guatemala: intsam.org

Application & details: QR code or michigancatholics.org/parish-life/faith-doing-justice


Informa on Session on Proposed Capital Campaign for Catholic Schools for Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils, Parochial PTO and High School Board Members

Tuesday, February 28 / Father Gabriel Richard HS –

4333 Whitehall Dr., Ann Arbor / 6:00-7:30 P.M in the MPR (Mul purpose Room) located right inside the main entrance

Tuesday, February 28 / Lansing Catholic HS –

501 Marshall St., Lansing / 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria

Wednesday, March 1 / Powers Catholic HS –

1505 W. Court St., Flint / 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in the Library

Wednesday, March 1 / Lumen Chris Catholic School –

3483 Spring Arbor Rd., Jackson / 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in the Library

This is an opportunity for leadership across the diocese to learn more about our vision for Catholic school and a proposed capital campaign for the benefit of our schools and parishes.

Any capital campaign can only succeed if in partnership with our parishes, our pastors and our people; and so we invite you to learn more about these plans to form our next genera on of saints and scholars. A diocesan representa ve along with our Steier Group consultant will host each of the four sessions. Choosing the Catholic high schools to hold these informa on sessions provides the best proximity for council and board members to a end.

Sign up with KROGER to donate a % of your purchases:

1. Visit kroger.com/communityrewards

2. Create a digital account

3. Link your card to "St. Mary Student Parish" #JF263

Note: If you don't have a Kroger Rewards card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.

We use ParishSo giving for our online giving pla orm. Using this pla orm you can make one- me dona ons or set up recurring dona ons.

Please click HERE to use the pla orm. Or copy and paste: h ps://giving.parishso .com/app/giving/smsp

If you have any ques ons please contact Kristen Gowman

These can be sent in our offertory envelopes or in another envelope with a note for alloca on, such as offertory, Sunday mass, etc.

These can be sent to our mailing address: St. Mary Student Parish, 331 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

If you have misplaced items while at church, we may have them wai ng for you in the parish office! Please stop by the office to check the Lost & Found box.

Orlando Averion, Zenaida Averion, Maryjo Lum, Ric Chapman, Therese Sheffield, Dan Karczewski, Brianna Liker, Elpido Adrian, Marcelo Alvarez, Eddie Smith, Joan Lesneski, Daniel Leung, Francyn Chomic, Mark Kintz, Benjamin Besa, Brian Weard, Joan Brown Alexander, Alicia Pa erson, Laura Brown, Shawn Brown, Patrick Geary, Ron Lesneski, Christopher Brown, Sco Alexander, Wilmer Zhinin, Juan IbarraGonsalez, Adam Lesneski, Stacey Simpson Duke, Joanna Vuylsteke, Julia Zhinin, Maria Ayauaca, Manuel Zhinin, Michael Pa erson, Filiberto Zamorano, Nikolas Block, Rosemary Rodriguez, Cris na Magsino, Kate Hanson, Maria Delores Monicibas Aleman, Luis Mario

Riano, Joseph Pu rich, Senir Rivas, Maria Hernandez, Hilda & Henry

Willis, Jan Buhler, Brent Horvath, Marianna Hann, John Burns, Pablo Angiano Flores, Chris ne Geoghegan, Cindy McPherson, Gloria Grisales, Aurora Kobalz, Dan Scheider, Amaris Bolanos Luna, John

Lanza a, Fred Metry, Tom Forner, Brian Cronin, Phil Simmons, Charlo e Jenkins, Ma hew Casey, Cli on Chippewa, Nic Steadman, Bonnie Dean, Arthur O'Neil, Augusto Silvino Garduno Esquivel, Paul McNamara, Rosemary Callahan, Joseph D. Schwartz, Annie & Jus n Siciliano, Cynthia Lear, Barb Garren-Stratman, Guillermo Foncerrada, Dianna Na , Pedro Osorio Soriano, Maria Enriqueta Ramirez Flores, Donna Osborne, Ernie Jones, Tina Jones, Bernie Lamey, Jo Lamey, Nancy Harkne , Monica Terhar, Salvador Cuevas, Fr. Walter Moll, Jr, Helen Lucille Ceasar, Keisha Banks, Martha Le cia Garcia Guerro, Steiner Supphellen, Gerry Spencer, Norma Gonzalez, Marianne Roche, Philip Chan, Teresita Shah, Mercy Philomena Mascarenhas, Jose Luis Hernandez, Rick Dwyer, Kathleen Moore, Susan Meyer, Fr Tim Dombrowski, Ricardo Berrocal, Ed Zyniewicz, Ka e Veilleux, Aimee

Manning, Ellie Lewandowski, Arthur and Esther Michalec, Courtney

Seitz, Oscar Perales, David Bull, Luis Campuzano, Charlie Onesian, Mar Rozmys, Alan Shaw Family, Carolynn Wenner, Linnea Kotz, Fr Terry Dumas, Cynthia Brennan, Joe Dewey, Mary Comber, Amaechi

Udoji, Tom Wenthe, Sara Moore, Julia Millan, Marian Ryan, Maggie

Perrone, John Boyd, Randy Fritz, Michelle Fingerle, David Guevara, Chris e McGuire, Lindsey Lienert, Tom Lienert, Andrea Emilia

Bernabey, Gregory Zaborny, Donald Merke. Rob Hunter, Mary Bartel, Ray Strasse, Jill Wilke, Jeff Nigh, Marianne McGrath, Ivan Iliev, Mary Guevara, Senovia Guevara, Genevieve Pachenko, Ron Voigt, Stephanie Kulhanek and Family, John Hoogland, Bob Betz, Robin Berry, Cheri Donze, Magdalena Eggleston, Nancy Vachon, Harris Holland, Joe a Bohn, Sue Pi sley, Warren Bonham, Victoria Sheagren, Waleria Terlecki and family, Angela Sperry, Karen Peck.

To add or remove a name: stmarys@umich.edu or call 734-663-0557


Fr. James G. Gartland, SJ Pastor ext 277 jgartland@smspnewman.org

Fr. Patrick M. Casey, SJ Pastoral Associate ext 234 pcasey@smspnewman.org

Fr. Robert (Bobby) E. Karle, SJ Pastoral Associate ext 246 bkarle@smspnewman.org

Fr. Kyle Shinseki, SJ Pastoral Associate ext 221 kshinseki@smspnewman.org

Brian Cerabona Director of Campus Ministry ext 235 bcerabona@smspnewman.org

Fr. Joseph F. Wagner, SJ Campus Minister ext 225 jwagner@smspnewman.org

Julia Novotny Campus Minister ext 244 jnovotny@smspnewman.org

Cathy Welch Business Manager ext 224 cwelch@smspnewman.org

Constance Heskia Office Manager/Communica ons ext 240 cheskia@smspnewman.org

Carol Konczal Recep onist/Administra ve Assistant ext 226 ckonczal@umich.edu

Julie Mussio Marriage Prepara on & Ministry Schedule Coordinator ext 243 jmussio@smspnewman.org

Kristen Gowman Bookkeeper ext 241 kgowman@smspnewman.org

Karen Foster Family Ministry Coordinator ext 247 kfoster@smspnewman.org

Elisa Alvarez Teen Confirma on Coordinator Ext 245ealvarez@smspnewman.org

Maribel Rosas-Palma Hispanic/La no Sacramental Prepara on Coordinator ext 222 mrosas@smspnewman.org

Rita Zyber RCIA & SCC Coordinator ext 230 rzyber@smspnewman.org

Rosa Luz Pos go Hispanic/La no Ministry Coordinator ext 248 rpos go@smspnewman.org

Travis Dantzer Music Director ext 249 tdantzer@smspnewman.org

Sue Walters Database Coordinator ext 239 swalters@smspnewman.org

Kris Kolevar Opera ons Manager ext 231 kkolevar@smspnewman.org

Dan Hankins Custodian/Maintenance Technician ext 0 dhankins@smspnewman.org

Ron Qua lebaum Custodian/Maintenance Technician ext 0 rqua lebaum@smspnewman.org


Kyle Allen Araba Gyan Clara Rowe

Laura Durocher Katelyn We on

FEBRUARY 19 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I Lv 19:1-2, 17-18

Psalm Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13

Reading II 1 Cor 3:16-23

Gospel Mt 5:38-48

Offer no resistance to one who persecutes you. Rather, love your neighbor as you love yourself. As the Lord is gracious and merciful, treat others in the same way, humbling before the Lord.


FEBRUARY 26 First Sunday of Lent

Reading I Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7

Psalm Ps 51:3-6, 12-13, 17

Reading II Rom 5:12-19 or 5:12, 17-19

Gospel Mt 4:1-11

Like Adam and Eve, Jesus was tempted, but did not sin. Our sinfulness is acqui ed through one man, Jesus Christ, in whom we are jus fied.

THIS BULLETIN IS FURNISHED TO THE PARISH WITHOUT CHARGE. The adver sements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity.

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Lange Ranzini President St. Mary’s Parishioner ranzini@university-bank.com
(734) 741-5858 WEBSITE www.university-bank.com YOUR HOME TOWN INDEPENDENT BANK 2015 WASHTENAW AVENUE, ANN ARBOR *All fnance transactions and pre-approvals are subject to credit approval and acceptable appraisals. 1382 S Main St. Plymouth 734-455-3332 www.hortonplumbing.com 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE 200 Huronview Blvd. Ann Arbor, MI 734.998.0735 www.angeliniarchitects.com All Occasion Flowers • Plants • Cards Religious & Inspirational Gifts Owner: Tim Galea - Parish Member Ann Arbor • 2558 W. Stadium at Jackson (9a-5p, Mon-Sat) Ypisilanti • 2900 Washtenaw (8a-5p, Mon-Sat) LOCAL & WORLDWIDE DELIVERY www.nortonsfowers.com • 734-434-2700 Muehlig Funeral Chapel Funerals ◊ Cremations Ryan Goss, General Manager 403 S. Fourth Ave, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 (734) 663-3375 | www.muehligannarbor.com ACE BARNES HARDWARE 2105 W STADIUM • 665-7555 3352 WASHTENAW • 971-4555 www.wattsroofngllc.com 734-564-5776 Residential • Commercial • Storm Damage Licensed & Insured Free Estimates Financing Available Kim Beneteau Associate Broker Realtor ®, GRI, CNE (c) 734-604-2436 Email: KimBeneteau@howardhanna.com Website: kimbeneteau.howardhanna.com 1898 West Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 TopDrawerA2.com New Owners Britany Tobias and Alicia Frenete Shop our curated selecton of women’s designer clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories on consignment. 1960 S. Industrial Hwy | Ann Arbor, MI Trusted Pediatric Care for Infants, Children, Adolescents and Young Adults. Our mission at Mercy Christian Health is to show and share the love and mercy of Jesus Christ by providing compassionate, affordable and excellent healthcare to our community. 734-572-8686 • www.mercychristianhealth.org Memorial Park & Chapel Mausoleum • Afordable Payment Plans • Cremation and Traditional Burials • Traditional Headstones • All Saint Catholic Gardens • Pet Burial Services 2521 Glazier Way, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734.761.4572 Fax: 734.6632607 Est. 1928 Our Name is Your Guarantee (734) 665-9860 www.indoorcomfort.net Students with a valid student ID receive 20% of their food and beverage bill for lunch (between 11AM-4PM). Tuesday – Thursday 11:30AM – 10PM Friday & Saturday 11AM-11PM Sunday 11AM-10PM 600 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-887-6899

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