Bulletin for Sunday May 19, 2024

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May 19, 2024 — Pentecost Sunday

May 26, 2024 — The Most Holy Trinity




These are exci ng mes at St. Mary Student Parish! We are well into our Strategic Planning process with resident and student parishioners ac vely involved on Encounter, Evangeliza on, and Stewardship & Service teams. Several commi ees of dedicated volunteers are preparing plans for our Centennial. As we celebrate our past and look to our future, we are conduc ng a planning study to discern, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, whether to launch a combined capital campaign. We hope to complete a series of longawaited and much-an cipated projects in the coming years to enhance our facili es and invest in our ministries.

For the past century, St. Mary Student Parish has been a cornerstone of spiritual life for Catholics at the University of Michigan. Faith, academia, and service to the community are all intertwined and celebrated here. Over the years, we have expanded our outreach, welcoming not only students but also faculty, staff, alumni and residents of the greater Ann Arbor area, reflec ng a vibrant tapestry of genera ons and cultures. As a parish community, we strive to build the Body of Christ through vibrant worship, compassionate service, and a sense of belonging for all who seek a spiritual home at the University of Michigan and beyond.

While preparing for our centennial involves a lot of looking back, we must also look to the future. Wemust ensure St. Mary not just survives but thrives for the next year, decade, and century. Resident and student parishioners serving on various councils and commi ees have weighed in on what our parish needs to con nue to serve our parish and greater community. The proposed projects included in our planning study are meant to significantly enhance the spiritual experience in our church and the good works that we are able to accomplish. We believe and pray they will sustain St. Mary Student Parish long into the future.

Our 100-year-old church and 70-year-old Father Gabriel Richard Newman Center require aesthe c improvements and prac cal upgrades to ensure that our worship and gath-

ering spaces are invi ng and accessible. Campus ministry funds will provide essen al, ongoing opera onal support for our wide range of opportuni es for college students, while resident ministry funds will ensure we address the needs of resident parishioners. Like all parishes of the Diocese of Lansing, St. Mary will par cipate in the Stewardship for Saints and Scholars campaign to support Catholic educa on locally and throughout the diocese.

We have contracted the Steier Group to conduct our planning study. The study’s purpose is to gather the feedback of resident and student parishioners regarding our proposed projects and to determine our fundraising capacity for a poten al “combined campaign” alongside the Diocese of Lansing’s Stewardship for Saints and Scholars campaign. As each and every resident and student parishioner is an integral part of this study, we respec ully ask you to share your me and add your voice to this study.

To learn more about our proposed plans and to take the planning study survey, scan the QR code

Or visit www.steiergroup.com/survey/ then click on St.Mary Student Parish.

Thank you in advance for your input. In the joy and hope of this Easter season, may we trust that God will enable our community to thrive for the next 100 years

A brief survey will be conducted at all of the weekend Masses on Saturday June 1 and Sunday June 2.

michigancatholics.org 331 Thompson Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-663-0557 (f) 734-663-2756


MONDAY, JUNE 10 @ 6:30 PM

To all undergraduate seniors - congratula ons on gradua ng from the University of Michigan! As you transi on out of your undergraduate program, we would like to make you aware of the Graduate Student and Young Professional (Grad/YP) Group at St. Mary Student Parish. All graduate students and young professionals living in the Ann Arbor area are welcome to join us on Monday, May 13, 2024, at 6:30 pm for our next Mass & Dinner.

If you have any ques ons, please email us (smsp.grads.lead@umich.edu) and someone will be happy to help out!


Graphic Designer needed to contribute to the Centennial Planning Commi ee.

If you can volunteer your me, please contact Shawn Ricoy at soricoy@a .net Thank you!

Diocesan Service Appeal (DSA)

Thank you to everyone who has made a gi or pledge commitment to our Diocesan Services Appeal!

As of May 12, we reached out 50.58 % of our goal. If you have not yet made a gi or a pledge, we invite you to do so today. Your dona on will help to fill food pantries, provide mental health and substance abuse treatment, and support restora ve jus ce and prison ministry for our sisters and brothers throughout the Diocese. Gi envelopes are available in church or the parish office. Or you may submit your gi online at dioceseoflansing.org/appeal. Your DSA gi will support the vital services and ministries that help bring the love of Christ to all we encounter.

Any size gi , no ma er how big or small, makes a difference!



8:00 AM Hispanic Marriage Prep Retreat Rectory Lounge

11:00 AM Haiti Initiative Meeting Newman Hall

1:00 PM Spanish Reconciliation Fr. Dan’s office

4:00 PM Reconciliation Fr. Pat’s office


5:30 PM Meditation and Yoga for Hispanic Women Donnelly Hall

5:45 PM Rosary for Peace (Post-Mass) Church

6:00 PM Young adult dinner– Newman Lounge, Courtyard

7:00 PM Born for Joy Whitman Room

7:00 PM LGTB Outreach Ministry Loyola Room

7:00 PM Summer Film Series Newman Hall


5:45 PM Reconciliation Donnelly Hall, Monteith Room

6:00 PM Adoration Church, Courtyard (weather permitting)

7:00 PM Bonfire Courtyard (weather permitting)


10:00 AM Blood Drive Newman Hall


1:00 PM Spanish Reconciliation Fr. Dan’s office

4:00 PM Reconciliation Fr. Kyle’s office

6:00 PM May Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary Courtyard, Newman Hall


5:45 PM Reconciliation Donnelly Hall, Monteith Room

6:00 PM Adoration Church


1:00 PM Spanish Reconciliation Fr. Pat’s office

3:00 PM Corpus Cristi Celebration Church, Courtyard

4:00 PM Reconciliation Fr. Pat’s office

6:15 PM Corpus Cristi Eucharistic procession From St. Mary to St. Thomas

May 25

Eun Choi & John Dillon

June 15

Ana Schwartz & Alex Van de Weghe

June 27

Julia Clark & Connor Pa erson

June 28

Martha Sorenson & Jack Pontarelli



5:00 PM Mass for People of the Parish


8:30 AM Mass for + Eugene Mueth

10:00 AM Mass for + Peggy Keene

12:00 PM Mass for Douglas Best

2:00 PM Mass for + Juanita Esquivel Rodriguez

5:00 PM Mass for Staff of the Parish


5:10 PM Mass for


5:10 PM Mass for


5:10 PM Mass for


5:10 PM Mass for + Basilio Rodriguez


12:10 PM Mass for

SATURDAY, MAY 25 5:00 PM Mass for


8:30 AM Mass for People of the Parish

10:00 AM Mass for 12:00 PM Mass for 2:00 PM Mass for 5:00 PM Mass for Staff of the Parish



5:10 PM Mass for


5:10 PM Mass for

THURSDAY, MAY 30 5:10 PM Mass for + Angel Sanchez


12:10 PM Mass for + Angel Sanchez

SATURDAY, JUNE 1 5:00 PM Mass for


8:30 AM Mass for + Bishop Thomas Gumbleton 10:00 AM Mass for People of the Parish

12:00 PM Mass for 2:00 PM Mass for 5:00 PM Mass for Staff of the parish


Sunday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Tuesday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Wednesday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Thursday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Friday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Saturday 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM



5:00 PM


8:30 AM

10:00 AM

Watch live or any me a er the mass h ps://www.michigancatholics.org/category/live-mass/ Noon

2:00 PM (Spanish)

Watch live or any me a er the mass h ps://www.michigancatholics.org/category/misa-en-linea/ 5:00 PM


Monday-Thursday 5:10 PM

Friday 12:10 PM


Sunday 4: 00 PM - 4:30 PM

Wednesday 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM or by appointment


Wednesday 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Monday May 27 : office closed, no mass.


Beginning June 2024, City public parking facili es will make an opera onal change to lower structure and lot gate arms on Sundays. Parking will s ll be free on Sundays, but the gates will be down, and parking patrons will need to pull a cket to enter the facility. When exi ng, parking patrons will simply insert their parking cket into the in-lane exit equipment and the gate will go up.

Parkers who lose their cket can use the same procedure as during the week, push the call bu on on the inlane equipment and speak with PCI staff for assistance. Lost cket charges will be waived for the first 4 months. However, beginning in October 2024 lost ckets will be charged for 24 hours of parking, as is standard during the week.

This change is being made to align the system with best prac ces in parking. An opera on where gates stay down provides internal and revenue controls, as well as opera onal efficiencies related to space counts and permit parkers. This will also help to track of Sunday u lizaon.

Seeking Mission-Oriented Social Workers to Serve our Community

Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County is seeking LMSW’s for mul ple open posi ons providing muchneeded services to those in our community. We offer a mission-oriented workplace, a posi ve culture, and flexible schedules. Please go to www.csswashtenaw.org/careers for more informa on.

Sign up with KROGER to donate a % of your purchases:

1. Visit kroger.com/communityrewards

2. Create a digital account

3. Link your card to "St. Mary Student Parish" #JF263

Note: If you don't have a Kroger Rewards card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.

We use ParishSo giving for our online giving pla orm. Using this pla orm you can make one- me dona ons or set up recurring dona ons.

Please click HERE to use the pla orm. Or copy and paste: h ps://giving.parishso .com/app/giving/smsp

If you have any ques ons please contact Kristen Gowman

If you have misplaced items while at church, we may have them wai ng for you in the parish office! Please stop by the office to check the Lost & Found box.

These can be sent in our offertory envelopes or in another envelope with a note for alloca on, such as offertory, Sunday mass, etc.

These can be sent to our mailing address: St. Mary Student Parish, 331 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Orlando Averion, Zenaida Averion, Ric Chapman, Therese Sheffield, Brianna Liker, Elpido Adrian, Marcelo Alvarez, Eddie Smith, Joan Lesneski, Daniel Leung, Francyn Chomic, Benjamin Besa, Brian Weard, Joan Brown Alexander, Alicia Pa erson, Laura Brown, Shawn Brown, Patrick Geary, Ron Lesneski, Christopher Brown, Sco Alexander, Wilmer Zhinin, Juan Ibarra-Gonsalez, Adam Lesneski, Joanna Vuylsteke, Julia Zhinin, Maria Ayauaca, Manuel Zhinin, Michael Pa erson, Filiberto Zamorano, Nikolas Block, Rosemary Rodriguez, Cris na Magsino, Kate

Hanson, Maria Delores Monicibas Aleman, Luis Mario Riano, Joseph Pu rich, Senir Rivas, Hilda Willis, Brent Horvath, Marianna Hann, John Burns, Pablo Angiano Flores, Chris ne Geoghegan, Cindy McPherson, Gloria Grisales, Aurora Kobalz, Amaris Bolanos Luna, John Lanza a, Fred Metry, Tom Forner, Brian Cronin, Phil Simmons, Charlo e Jenkins, Ma hew Casey, Cli on Chippewa, Nic Steadman, Bonnie Dean, Arthur O'Neil, Augusto Silvino Garduno Esquivel, Cynthia Lear, Barb GarrenStratman, Guillermo Foncerrada, Dianna Na , Pedro Osorio Soriano, Maria Enriqueta Ramirez Flores, Donna Osborne, Tina Jones, Bernie Lamey, Jo Lamey, Nancy Harkne , Monica Terhar, Salvador Cuevas, Fr. Walter Moll, Jr, Helen Lucille Ceasar, Keisha Banks, Martha Le cia Garcia Guerro, Steiner Supphellen, Norma Gonzalez, Marianne Roche, Teresita Shah, Mercy Philomena Mascarenhas, Jose Luis Hernandez, Kathleen Moore, Susan Meyer, Ricardo Berrocal, Ed Zyniewicz, Ka e Veilleux, Aimee Manning, Ellie Lewandowski, Arthur and Esther Michalec, Courtney Seitz, Oscar Perales, David Bull, Luis Campuzano, Charlie Onesian, Mar Rozmys, Alan Shaw Family, Carolynn Wenner, Linnea Kotz, Fr Terry Dumas, Joe Dewey, Mary Comber, Amaechi Udoji, Tom Wenthe, Julia Millan, Marian Ryan, John Boyd, David Guevara, Senovia Guevara, Mary Guevara, Chris e McGuire, Lindsey Lienert, Tom Lienert, Andrea Emilia Bernabey, Gregory Zaborny, Rob Hunter, Ray Strasse, Jeff Nigh, Marianne McGrath, Ivan Iliev, Genevieve Pachenko, Stephanie Kulhanek and Family, John Hoogland, Robin Berry, Magdalena Eggleston, Nancy Vachon, Harris Holland, Joe a Bohn, Sue Pi sley, Warren Bonham, Victoria Sheagren, Waleria Terlecki and family, Angela Sperry, Karen Peck, Nagaba ula Padma, Ed Lohn, Emilio Rodriguez Sr, Jane Rae, Flora de Aparicio, Michael Savageau, Robert Roll, Elizabeth Vuylsteke, Kurt Holand, Peggy Garikes, Marvin Johnson, John McPartlin, Aidan McPartlin, John Burkhart., Elizabeth Stessel, Ashley Powell, Jane Yamasaki, Jim Gawne, Imelda Yap, Carlen Bourgeois, Brian McEnery, Jim Coolican, Quinn Carney, Emilio Rodriguez Sr., Lawrence Cooke, Lorraine Leone, Janine Hutchinson, Rene Quintero, Maria Vargas Aguirre, Sherly Nava, Genevis Nava, Sarah Sorenson , Lindy Campbell, Diane Huhn , Karen Pilon , Toni Kramer, Jennifer Ballew, Ben Brelje, Nicholas Kator , Teresita Shah, Brendan Jackson ,Raghunath Ananthapur

To add or remove a name: office@smspnewman.org or call 734-663-0557


Fr. Kyle Shinseki, SJ Pastor ext 221 kshinseki@smspnewman.org

Fr. Dan Dixon, SJ Parochial Vicar ext 225 ddixon@smspnewman.org

Fr. Patrick M. Casey, SJ Pastoral Associate ext 234 pcasey@smspnewman.org

Fr. Robert (Bobby) E. Karle, SJ Pastoral Associate ext 246 bkarle@smspnewman.org

Julia Novotny Faith Doing Jus ce Coordinator ext 244 jnovotny@smspnewman.org

Cathy Welch Business Manager ext 224 cwelch@smspnewman.org

Constance Heskia Communica ons & Development Coordinator ext 240 cheskia@smspnewman.org

Dorota Best Administra ve Assistant ext 226 dbest@smspnewman.org

Bailey Burke Campus Missionary Disciple ext 235 bburke@smspnewman.org

Julie Mussio Marriage Prepara on & Ministry Schedule Coordinator ext 243 jmussio@smspnewman.org

Kristen Gowman Bookkeeper ext 241 kgowman@smspnewman.org

Karen Foster Family Ministry Coordinator ext 247 kfoster@smspnewman.org

Elisa Alvarez Teen Confirma on Coordinator Ext 245 ealvarez@smspnewman.org

Maribel Rosas-Palma Hispanic/La no Sacramental Prepara on Coordinator ext 222 mrosas@smspnewman.org

Rita Zyber OCIA & SCC Coordinator ext 230 rzyber@smspnewman.org

Rosa Luz Pos go Hispanic/La no Ministry Coordinator ext 248 rpos go@smspnewman.org

Gabriel Condon Music Coordinator ext 249 gcondon@smspnewman.org

Sue Walters Database Coordinator ext 239 swalters@smspnewman.org

Ron Qua lebaum Custodian/Maintenance Technician ext 0 rqua lebaum@smspnewman.org


Laura Durocher Getsemani Gonzalez

Noah Bock

Audrey Gyolai

Max Forne Kyle Allen

Nathan O enwess La Huis

MAY 19 – Pentecost

Reading I Acts 2:1-11

Psalm Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34

Reading II 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13

Gospel Jn 20:19-23

All of us have been bap zed into one and the same Spirit; let us live, then, by the Spirit! That same Spirit, the Advocate, who “renews the face of the earth,” was given as gi to the disciples to strengthen them to go forth in the name of the Lord, and to obtain forgiveness of sins.

MAY 26 – The Most Holy Trinity

Reading I Dt 4:32-34, 39-40

Psalm Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22

Reading II Rom 8:14-17

Gospel Mt 28:16-20

The Lord God is one, there is no other. We have been chosen as his own, and, through the Spirit, are able to call God Abba. Through bap sm all na ons are called to share in the life of the Son and acknowledge the triune God.

JUNE 2 – Corpus Chris

Reading I Ex 24:3-8

Psalm Ps 116:12-13, 15-18

Reading II Heb 9:11-15

Gospel Mk 14:12-16, 22-26

Moses ra fies the covenant by offering a thanksgiving sacrifice and by sprinkling blood over the people. The new covenant, the law’s obla on, is ra fied in the blood of Christ, the unblemished offering poured out for us.

The adver sements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity. PLEASE THANK OUR SPONSORS!

For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 15-0736 PRECISION CLIMATE SERVICES, INC. – Mechanical Contractor –www.precisionclimate.com 734-994-1477 PO BOX 48 • Pinckney Precisionclimate@att.net Serving Breakfast All Day, Every Day! Open 7am-3pm • 7 Days a Week “Where mornings become delicious” 1015 Broadway 995-0965 LET’S GROW YOUR BUSINESS Place Your Ad Here and Support Our Parish! CONTACT ME Judee Nelson jnelson@4LPi.com • (800) 477-4574 x6319

Making a Home Purchase?

Receive a 24-hour underwriting decision for residential loans* when purchasing a home though our community bank.

Stephen Lange Ranzini President St. Mary’s Parishioner ranzini@university-bank.com

PHONE (734) 741-5858 WEBSITE www.university-bank.com

For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 15-0736 “A Smile Is A Valuable Resource” Shannon Norman-Kotre, DDS, PARISHIONER 2240 S. Huron Parkway • Ann Arbor (734) 677-2156 www.kotreannarbordentist.com
YOUR HOME TOWN INDEPENDENT BANK 2015 WASHTENAW AVENUE, ANN ARBOR *All fnance transactions and pre-approvals are subject to credit approval and acceptable appraisals. 1382 S Main St. Plymouth 734-455-3332 www.hortonplumbing.com 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE 200 Huronview Blvd. Ann Arbor, MI 734.998.0735 www.angeliniarchitects.com All Occasion Flowers • Plants • Cards Religious & Inspirational Gifts Owner: Tim Galea - Parish Member Ann Arbor • 2558 W. Stadium at Jackson (9a-5p, Mon-Sat) Ypisilanti • 2900 Washtenaw (8a-5p, Mon-Sat) LOCAL & WORLDWIDE DELIVERY www.nortonsfowers.com • 734-434-2700 Muehlig Funeral Chapel Funerals ◊ Cremations Ryan Goss, General Manager 403 S. Fourth Ave, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 (734) 663-3375 | www.muehligannarbor.com ACE BARNES HARDWARE 2105 W STADIUM • 665-7555 3352 WASHTENAW • 971-4555 THIS SPACE IS TopDrawerA2.com New Owners Britany Tobias and Alicia Frenete Shop our curated selecton of women’s designer clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories on consignment. 1960 S. Industrial Hwy | Ann Arbor, MI Students with a valid student ID receive 20% of their food and beverage bill for lunch (between 11AM-4PM). Tuesday – Thursday 11:30AM – 10PM Friday & Saturday 11AM-11PM Sunday 11AM-10PM 600 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-887-6899 AUTO GLASS REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Free Mobile Service - We come to you! $10 OFF COUPON a2autoglass.com 734-994-5277 745 S. Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor “Our Name is Your Guarantee” Proudly serving Ann Arbor and the surrounding communities since 1951. (734) 996-7427 www.indoorcomfort.net

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