Exclusive Issue featuring Rosie Mercado and Washington Plus America Queens

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makela steward

platform: Quality Educational Access for All Students interview by mandy allen SKORCH: If you could have a super power what would it be?

I too was a skeptic, then I entered and it changed my mind totally. I would share my story with someone and let I would love to have the ability to travel them know that being a part of a beauty through time. I enjoy the era we live in, pageant has been a very positive exbut would love to experience the past perience for me. Not only was it an and the future. I think we have a lot to awesome overall experience, I gained learn from the past and even more to confidence, took steps to improve my prepare for in our future. As an educapublic speaking skills, and met some tor it would be awesome to really know pretty amazing new people. Pageants what’s coming down the lines in educa- give woman a platform to promote a tion and the world and be able to adcause that is close to their heart. They equately prepare my students. also allow woman to travel and pay for higher education. Pageants are looking SKORCH: What is the number one for the total package and not just beauchange you’d like to see school boards ty. Beauty alone or brains alone will not make in order to achieve better access win the crown. to quality educational resources for all students? SKORCH: Competing in your first pageant was a pretty big challenge, what’s I would love to see all schools funded the next challenge you’d like to set for properly according to need and not stu- yourself? dent number. National, state and local educational budgets are at a critical low I plan to launch my own educational which in turn means that the schools consultant firm. I have been in educawith active tion for ten years and I feel like I have a PTA’s, community resources and high lot of offer to the field. This is a big step student counts have the best technology, because I have been employed since I books, low student teacher ratio. This is was 16 years old. Being self employed not fair, every child is entitled to qualduring this time is a major faith walk ity education and should have access to but I am ready and willing to take that technology, up to date books, additional journey. community resources and low student teacher ratios. Connect with Makela on facebook at http://www.facebook. SKORCH: What do you say to people com/pages/Ms-Washington-Pluswho think Beauty Pageants are demean- America/278687735536031. ing to woman, and focus too much on beauty and not enough on brains?


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