Master Thesis S. Golchehr

Page 129

action plan Concept

Now that the stakeholder workgroup is formed, the collaboration on an action plan and design can start. In the left image a conceptual scenario is shown in which the principles together with the interests and input of the stakeholders are translated into a design proposal. In this chapter I have tried to model the stakeholders interests in order to show what the output of this collaboration and of the participatory planning approach means for the development of a key area in the neighbourhood.

Goals terraces indoor market

In the concept for the square several programmatic attributes come together. First there is the new market hall, which is an open construction in which twice a week a market takes place. On the other non-market days the hall is open for a flexible use of the space. This space can be used by creative businesses to organize a cultural market or the space can be used as a picnic space, or as an exhibition space for the cultural center. In other words, the market hall is a flexible construction in which all sorts of program Market can take place. On the left side of this market the street profile is broadened, in order to create space for a leisure stroke where restaurants, bars and cafĂŠs can expand towards terraces. On the 1. Municipality 2. Sub-municipality right side of the market hall the square will exist for a part out of 3. Freehouse a monumental area which functions as the path to the mosque. 4. Kus & Sloop Next to this there is a green space in which answers to the use of 5. Gemaal op Zuid the ethnic population. In this space they can 6. Botanische tuinhave their barbecues in the open space, while at 7. theMarket same time being protected by stallholders 8. Creative Factory surrounding trees. Also sport facilities and playgrounds will 9. Pameijer remain on this part of the square, but will have a relation with the 10. LCC Ęťt Klooster monumental part, so that Kocapte a natural social control from the Mosque male mosque visitors towards the younger generations playing on the sport fields (see illustration on page 129). Again I want to emphasize the point that this is an illustration of a model of the translation of the stakeholders interests combined with the proposed design principles. Fig. 11.7 Concept for the development of the market based on the stakeholders interests



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