Bibliographie d'histoire coloniale ( 1900-1930 )

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give occasional courses of lectures on parts of Colonial history in which they are interested. The method of training postgraduates in research is the ' individual ' rather than the ' group ' method. Each graduate working for a higher degree is

advised by a

' supervisor ', usually the Beit Professor ;

and similar attention is given to students of the subject who do not intend to take a degree. If the number of post-graduate students of Colonial history were substantially to increase, a ' seminar ' system would be adopted in addition to individual training. The Rhodes Library in Rhodes House is the centre in which the which the students mainly carry on their work in printed materials, though, of course, they also work in the unpublished documents in the Public Record Office. The Rhodes Library includes (a) the section of the Bodleian Library which contains the printed works, published since 1783, dealing with the history and the political and economic life of the British Dominions and colonies and of other parts of Africa. The Bodleian receives under the Copyright Act all books, etc., published in Great Britain. (b) Books published in other countries are purchased from a fund instituted by the Rhodes Trustees. (c) Official publications, including those of the Dominions and the principal Crown colonies. (d) Periodicals and newspapers, including at least one daily paper from each of the Dominions. The Library is in charge of a Keeper (under the general control of Bodley's Librarian) who is required to have a knowledge of Colonial history and to advise and assist students in their use of the Library. Access to all shelves is permitted to qualified students. Par. There are always some students in CAMBRIDGE

engaged in research in Colonial history with a

view to a higher degree. They work under the general guidance of the Professors of Modern History, or the Professor of Naval History or the Professor of Economic History, or of some other " supervisor " acquainted with their general field of study. There is no Chair of Colonial History in the University

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