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City of Roy Key Community Contacts


Robert Dandoy: 801-774-1028 rdandoy@royutah.org


COUNCIL MEMBERS council@royutah.org

Ann Jackson: ajackson@royutah.org

Diane Wilson: dwilson@royutah.org

Joe Paul: jpaul@royutah.org

Randy Scadden: randy.scadden@royutah.org

Sophie Paul: sophie.paul@royutah.org

Roy Services

Municipal Center & Utilities: 801-774-1000 utilityrequests@royutah.org

Open Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Emergency: 911

Police: Non-Emergency Dispatch: 801-395-8221

Records: 801-774-1046 pdrecords@royutah.org

Fire: 801-774-1080 fire@royutah.org

Community Development: 801-774-1040 ced@royutah.org

Justice Court: 801-774-1051 court@royutah.org

Parks & Rec: 801-774-1048 parksandrec@royutah.org

Recreation Complex: 801-774-1050 (Temporarily Closed)

Public Works: 801-774-1090 publicworks@royutah.org

Please keep in mind, emails are not monitored 24/7. If your matter is urgent, please call.

Roy City Election Update

Updated election schedule as provided by the Weber County Elections Office.

AUG 15: Ballots Mailed OCT 31: Ballots Mailed

SEPT 5: Primary Election NOV 21: General Election

SEPT 19: Canvass DEC 6: Canvass

—Register to vote, please visit weberelections.gov/registertovote

View candidate profiles, please visit weberelections.gov/listofcandidates

Yahoo! Roy Days

A few exciting changes:

• The Salmon Bake, Friday, August 4th, at Emma Russell Park has a Hot Dog Meal option! Purchase your salmon bake meal, get up to 2 free hotdog meals for the kids.

• Free Bicycle drawing for the youth 8-16. Submit your entry at the Salmon Bake. Parents & Youth must be present to win. Winner and Parent must participate in the parade the following morning. Visit roydays.info for details of all events.

To that note, my term of office ends December 31, 2023, and this is my final contribution to the Council’s Corner. I am writing this article on the 4th of July and the importance of the Constitution and Founding Fathers of our Nation come more poignantly to mind as I reflect upon the honor and privilege it has been to represent and serve the citizens of Roy.

I send a big thank you to the city staff for their many efforts, and for their time teaching and helping me understand the varied functions and activities of running the city. I will miss our interactions. I want to especially thank our exceptional City Manager, Matt Andrews, our recently retired City Attorney, Andy Blackburn, and our Mayor, Robert Dandoy for their many hours of mentorship. I have tried to diligently study the issues and reach out to residents. Our citizen involvement and volunteerism are exemplary.

The community feeling in Roy is a landmark. Please continue to be civically minded and engaged, and I look forward to joining in continued participation in the city.

Councilmember Diane Wilson