2 minute read

Preventing Suicide, Providing Hope

The Legacy Suicide Survivors Group held a public awareness event in front of the Roy Administration building in June. Their message was clear, you are not alone if faced with the difficult loss of a loved one. Although I personally have not experienced this type of loss of a family member, I certainly had to deal with the outcomes that are often left behind. From my limited experience, I’ve concluded suicide is a little-known disease in our community, consuming young and old. There is little awareness of it, and there are hardly any specifics as to how it occurs. Unless you are a suicide survivor yourself, chances are you don’t talk about it or even know what to look for. Yet suicides are the 8th leading cause of death for Utahns, and the number 1 cause of death in children 10 to 17. What troubles me the most is that surveys within our junior high and high schools show 17% have seriously considered suicide. As parents, leaders, and friends we must do better to understand it, talk about it, and prevent it. If you find yourself entangled in this difficult and destructive situation, there are people who can help you to avoid it. But if suicide has crippled your life, know that you are not alone and there are people who can help guide you through it. It is time to shed light on suicide and increase awareness! This is a serious issue in our community. We all need to work together to help prevent suicide. Pickleball courts are coming to George Wahlen North Park. We are finally working out the details with construction to start shortly. Also, the Roy Water Conservancy District is placing meters on secondary water connections. They anticipate installation this year west of 3100 West between 4800 South and 6000 South, and north of 4800 South between 3600 West and 4275 West.

Connection Publishing www.connectionpub.com


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The two remaining days of the “Concert in the Park” events will be at 7 p.m. on August 10th and 24th at the Roy Library on 4000 South. These free concerts provide a variety of melodies from local musicians. Bring a chair, or blanket, or just sit down on the lawn and plan to be entertained through music. A wonderful and peaceful experience.

On August 26th, Roy City will be holding its annual city-wide cleanup event. We will be looking for volunteers to help us remove trash and debris, and maybe plant a few trees in our public places. Come join us at the Aquatic Center parking lot at 9 a.m. to support this community service event and we will offer, later that morning at no cost, access to the Roy Aquatic Center for swimming and fun.

Be safe and keep your family safe!

Mayor Robert Dandoy

Melissa Spelts

Robert Dodd Senior Magazine Designer

Cindy Jones

Hyrum Rappleye Graphic Design

Crystal Rappleye Graphic Design

Sarah Bodiker Graphic Design

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