Noteworthy Luso Descendents of Portuguese India

Page 1

hof. L. A. iorhigles

Noteworthy "luso-descendants "




Portuguese India


d. t-utnr.

!ld.:.r 8,.!dc., N'.111- ]'si6 I.!r.l -B'.rdi,




few pur€ blood porluguese and a gredt maiority



:i i:x#Hlx" i;:, i T.: itfl T;T ;1,':iT: ;l"::"ii.T" f ; XVI c€nlury ro the mid-Xx ceniury. They formed lhe

backbone of lhe Porllgu€s€ drmy of India as practically ihe whole Indian while colony followed tbe career of arms, in which they €xc€lled lhe most; lh€ r€gular Indian Arrny was oryanized in j670 and disbsnded in 1871. So lhe purpose of fhis writing is frslly lo record lhe names of lhe " luso-desceodants ", r€markable for their hilitary seNice, and lhen of lhose who distinguished themselvee in olh€r field3 of aclivily, such as in science, arls and lellerq in high€r mathematico, engineeriog, medicinq magisirature, prof€ssorship and iouroalism, and in poliiics and adlninistralion. The ann€xation ot the Coan lerritori€s, koown as New Conquesls, in thc Xvlll and XIX c€nluries, involved a series of military oper6lion!, in which a good number of names of " luso-descendants" are w o r I h me[lioning, such as, in lhe cafipaign ot Mordongor, ,aluka of Ponda, in 1765, againsl Marathas: Francisco de Lima, Anl6nio Mourao de Miranda, p€dro Martifls da Cosla, Miguel Pereira de Sampaio, Francisco Maria da Cuoha e Arafjo, Bernardo .loao Carneiro de Alciiqovas, Maouel Carc€z de Araiio, Dom pedro Manuel ds Noronha, Dom Cri6l6vam de Carcomo Lobo, Ioao Teles de Melo c M€ndoDga, Al€xandre Anldnio de Souza e Pereira, lgniicio de Souza e Brito, Leonel Antdnio da Cunha Soufo Mdior Teles, dDd olhels by suroame Araijo, Alvim, Aguiar, Campos, Sampayo, Garacz, elc.; in 17El inthe operations at Bicholim: captains tlermenegildo Campos. Joaquim Xdvier Henriques, Manuel da Cosia Mesquila, lieulenanls Ago6fi0ho Lop€€ P€reira, Ant6nio Josd do 6oulo M6ior Tellsq Ca€taDo Lobato Garneiro de Faria, Diooisio d"


ll 2Velo Sampaio, Miguel Carlos Lobato Gameiro de Farid, F€lix Josd Bastos and Agostinho Josd da Mofa; in 1817 in the campdigns of Pernem and Bardez falukas: mdior Fraocisco de Paula da Costa Campos, caplain A0t68io Maria de Mello Alvim, IieutenaDls Joao Cabral d'Estifique, Vicenfe Cdrneiro de Faria, Joaquim Manuel de Correia Mendes, .losd Anldnio Correia, Joaquim Manuel Correia da Silvd Gama, subalterds Jos6 Paulo de Olivelra pegado, Francisco Aoldnio de Letnos, Fraocisco de Pedro Elvaim, Estanislau Monleiro de Carvalho, Francisco Januiirio de Carvatho, Mantel Ant6nio de Oliv€ira Calado, Felix Josi de Bastos, JoAo de Mello Sampaio, Manuel Correia de Silva, and Raimundo da Cosla Mousinho; in lhe same year of 1El7 in the said laluka ol pernem at Uspa: colorel Francisco Jos6 Lopes Pereira, lieutenaot-colonels 'Agoslioho Josd Lopes Pereira and Chrisl6vam de Souza Seprllveda, maior8 Anl6nio joaquim de Matos Siqueira and Joao Anl6nio Saliuas, cdptains Jo6o Manoel Moraes Correia, ,oaquim ADldnio PoDcoD, Dom Jos6 Ant6nio de Souza Menezes, Joaquin Ars€oio d€ Brilo, ADl6nio Alv€s da Rocha, and Ant6rio de Mello, lieuF enanls Luiz da Cosfa Campos, Manuel Codinho da Mird, Benfo Confalves de Mdcedo, .Jo6o Manoel Lopes Pereira, Josi Anl6nio de Lemos, .losi Joaquim Soares da Veiga, Miguel Coetho de Alnaral, dnd Joao de Espinola, a//er"?s Frabcisco Teixeira tsoamondq pedro Xdvier de Oliveira, Fernando de Freiias Branco, Ant6nio Jo6o Tellas de Avelat Joaquim Francisco da Cosla Maia, Anl6nio Joaqtim Comes Brito, Alberlo Pereira Carcez, Manuel Lopes pereira Nunes, Duarlc Alves CusmSo, Francisco cuilherme possolq FraDcisco Xdvier de PiDho, Francisco Xavier Corr€ia da Silva, Josi Maria Lopes Peraira, and Cipriano Josd de Noronha, aod aspirants to officer Frdncisco Xavier Soares da Veiga, Jos6 da Costa Campos, Claudino Anrdnio de Solza Lisboa, Josd de Souza Sepflvedd, Ios€ Vic€nle de Oliveira, and Jo6o P€r€ira de Lima; in 1841 in lhe raluka of Canacona at Kormolgant and Kofigdo agaioct lhe King oI Korga: alfercs JosE Luis Correia de Melo; and in 1852 in lhG laluka of Salari at Karanzol against Dipu Qade SarDessai: offfcrrs Ludovico Mourao Carcez Palha, JoaqLlim Jos€ Lobalo Faria, Josd Maria da Costa Maia, Francisco Xavier Henriques Carlos Duarfe, Mdnuel Joaquim Diniz d'Ayalla, .loao de Carvalhq Coostanlino Pereira de Lima, Iosd Ioaquin d'OIiveira pegado, Raymundo d'Almcida Salerno, Francisco A0t6nio dos SaDloq Josi L. Correia de M€lo, .lo5o A. da Silva Teles, Cipriano Lopes pereird, and D-

_3 de Souza Pereira, lieurena0ts Josd Luis Cuilherme, Antdnio X. da Silva Teles, and FraDcisco d'Oliveird peeado, alferes Anl6nio Josd de Spinola, and Joaqlrim Vicenle de M€lo Sampayo, and aspiraots lo offfcer Cipriono Coelho do Amaral, and loaquim Salvador de Palma. ln 1E69 the Coveronent of portugal organiz_ ed ao expedition lot Zafibezia, Mozambique, to lighiagainit the rebellious Africans, by iIcluditg thereio a0 infant;y baltalion of the lndian Arrny which sa'led from Nova Coa in a galley named Viaianle o'l,.January 12, 1869; oul of Ai offfcers ot tlie above baltdlion only 7 were Porlugal-born expeditionaries, and 2g ,'luso_ descendants " of lndia, among whom fwo names ate wotlh menlioding, viz, lieutenants..layme de Mello Sdmpayo and Jos6 Ma0uel da Costa. Many India-boro Porlugqese distioguished, besides fhe career of arms, in ofher fields of activity: ln t78b was founded in Ooa lhe "School of Navy, Arlillery and Fortificalioo " the t€aching staff of which for 60 years of its Iooctioning coosisted ol 12 proleisors out of whom 6 wete descendants, namely, Dom Diogo da Costd de Athayde Teive, Raimundo Anldnio B. Ferrei.a, Dom los6 da Costa D'Afhayde e Teive, Dom Lourengo de Noronha, H.rmelegildo da Cosla Campos, and Mauricio da Costa Campos. Thereifter ihe " Mililary Academy of Coa", that fu0ctiored for 2J yedro, had.e0

professors out ol whom 12 ware descendants, such as D. Lo,rreoCo de Noronha, Mauricio dd Costa Campos, D. Iosd da Cosra de Alhayde e Teive, .Josd da Costa Campos, Jos6 Ant6nio de Lemos, Fratrcisco Artdnio de L€mos, Jos6 .Joaquirn Sodres da Veiga, Franci6co da Costa Canpos, Agostioho Jos6 Lopes pereira Nunes, Diogo de Melo de Sinplyo, and Jos6 da Souza Sepdlveda. The "Mathemafical aod Mililary School of Coa,'functioned from lB42 ro 1872, and ite stafl coDsisted of 20 military professors, out of whom 16 were descendantc, viz, Francisco Afitdnio Lenos, Jos6 da Cosla Campos, .losd .loaquim Soares da Veiga, Francisco da Cosfa Campos, Diogo de Melo de Sampaio, C6noido josd Mourao Carcez Pdlha, Belnardo Cdrneiro de Souza e Faro, Joaquim per€ira 6arccz, Manuel .loaquim Diniz d'Ayalld, Luiz Cdrneiro de Souza € Faro, Jo6o de Melo de Sampaio, Jos6 Frederico d'Assa Casle o Bra0co, .losd Francisco Leite de Sousa e Noro'ha, pliicido da Cosla Campos,.loaquim Josi de Fernandes Arez, Claldioo Carneiro de Souza e Faro and ADi6oio Ferreira MarliDs. The ,. protessional lnsrilule" l0ncfioned from 1872 to 1892, and its whole stafl consisied

4-of de6cerdarls who were, besides lhose ol lhe above " Malhemalical and Mililary School ", already abolished, lbe following prolessors r Josi Ani6nio Pereira de Azambuia, Trislao Ios€ de Melo de Sampaio, and Luis dd Cosla Campos.

In the miliiary and civil €0gineering \9orks in


lndia, the following namee ol descendanl' were conspicoous: Francisco Anldnio de Lemos, Jos6 da Costa Campos, Viscounl of Buccllas, Francisco Jos€ de Araijo, Manuel Ferreiaa Marfins, Jose Frederico de Assa Caslel'Branco, Claudio Emidio Mendes, Auguslo Lobalo de Fdria, and Henrique Cezar Mend?s; lhey were rdsponsible lor many rvorks of roads, bridges, churches, palaces, moDumenls, etc. The early geodesic aDd Iriangulalion sludies were carried oul in lhe second quarlcr of lhe XIX century by lhe de6cendanls tosi Soares da Veiga and Francisco losi de Ara{jo; lhcse sludies were ulilized for drawirg lhe map of Coa, done in 1E74 by lhe descendanl, captai[ .losi Frederico de Assa Castel Branco. The demarcalion of borders belween Porluguese India and tsrilish lndia was commilt€d lo lhe descendanls Josd Ftederico de Assa Castel BraDco, Joaquim Jos€ Fernandes Arez and Henrique Cezar Mend€s. The ereclion of lhe monumenl lo ihe memory of Afionso de Albuquerque iD fronl of lhe A illery Slalion, presently Police Stalion, Paniift. was a work ol lhe de'cendanl, major .Jos6 da Cosla Campos, in 1847. In 1852 lhe said Cosla Cahpos, noblieul-colodel, conslrucled Ihe founlain "Fenix" i0 lhe cily of Nova Coa, by perforaling a hill of lhe cily. ln lhe villag€s of Siridao and AssoDorii two bridges over rivor branches were built by ihe descendanl, colonel C6ndido Josi Mourao Cdrcez Palha, who laler became lhe ffrst Viscounl of Bucellas. ln lhe third quarler ot lhe XIX cenllrry, another bridge al Dramdpur, Salccie, was consrrucled by lhe descendanl Henrique Cezar Mendes. The constrlctioo of lhe church of Saligao, Bardez, was carried oul in Coihic slyle by the descendanl Mdnuel Ferreira Marlins. Duriog lhe lenure of Covernor Caelano Alexandre de Almeida e Albuquerque ( 1878-1889), lwo imporlaDl works were carried out in fhe capilal: lhe earlhwork along lhe bank of the Mandovi river, aod Ihe cutliog of lhe city hill (corle do oileiro), which were planD€d and execuled by Ihe de'cendanl ,osi Fiederico de Assa Caslel Brarco; the former was an earlhwork 1157 melres long and over 20 melres broad, haviog be€n reclaimed from lhe river a slrip of over 24,000 square metres ; aod lhe la,fer was an orotogical cultidg of a2 melres al lhe highest

__5 poinl, €nd 267 mehes long, ils seclior plaDa by direchix comprising about 4240 square metres, so fhat the tofal volume of the earth exlracled wds approximately of 160.000 cubic metrea; both these works were-complcted ill 1881. The channels of Tivim and Neura were planned by ihe s6id engine.r Assd Cdsfel Branco in collaborafion wilh lhe descendant JoAo Joaquim F€rnandss Arez, faiher of anolher eDgioe€r, colon€l Jo6o de Almeido Arez, who had served in lhe colony of Angold. A llfl€ before the exposilion ofthe body of Sl. Francis Xavier iD 1890, drinking water of Banguenim was piped by means of metallic tubes lo the city of Old Goa; lhese $orks were execuled by lhe above mentioned miliiary engine€r. lhen lieul-colonel losi Frederico de Assa Caslel Branco. Between 1886 and 1E86 the bridge of Kdndeapar was co[shucfed u n d e r direcfior of lhe de,cendant Ceneral Auguslo C. Lobato de Fdris, and lhat of Llsg6o under the descendant Cerl.ral Claudio Emidio Mendes. The Patridrch's paldce on lhe ,,Altioho', hill was conshucied in 1694 by the sdid Ceneral Assa Castel Branco; and the Hospital ol " Mis€rlcdrdia " at RibaDddr wds remodelled and sulably adapled from a privafe mansion by the above meDtioned engineer Lobalo de Faria. Some engioeers belonging lo lhe class ol descenda1ls had also served in Poriugcl and olher overseas colonies, such as Elvino Joli de Souza e Faro, who was the Minisler of Public Works in Portugal, and Claudino Carneiro de Souza e F€ro. and Joao de Almeida Arez, who rendered lheir serviceg in lhe colonies ol Angola and Sl. Thome. ln 1822 lha parllamentary regime came i[lo force in portugal, and ever sioce India€lccted 56 deputies (MPs) for lhe Iwo houses; out of lhe dbove number 6 representalives werc descendanta, namely, Ioao Josi Pereira Cdrcez ( 2 ferms : 1659 and 1842 ), Caetano Francisco Percira Carcez (4lorms; 1854, 1656, 1858 dnd 1860),toaquim

Monuel de M€llo e Mendonqa(1861),Tomaz de Aquioo Mourao Carcez Palha (1879), Elvino Josd de Souza e Brito (t887), Christ6vam Ayres de Magalhaes Sepdlveda (1890), and Consfantino dos Santos (1916.1919). Descendants had been members of fhe Pdrliament also for conltiluencies other than lndia, and they were Dr. Francilco Xdvicr da Silvd Telles, D. Luiz de Casho e Almeidd, Dr. Anldnio do Almeida Arez, Francisco Xavi€r Correia Mendes, loao de Almeldd Ar€z,6Dd JosC Dionisio Caroeiro de Souza e F6ro. Among lhe deacendanta lhei€ had been mehbers of the Provisional Board!, of Covornmont Councils and even govgrnor-generals. The

6-ff61descendanl governor of India was Fern6o de Albuquerque who held lhe office from 1619 lo 1622; anolher descendanl govcrnor was Fiiipe de Valladares Soulo-Maior who ruled for a few monlhs it't 1774. 'lhe Provisio0al Boatd of the Slale of lndia, belween Seplember 17 and December5,1821 comPrised ds member6 lhe descendanls Marshall Joaquim Maou€l Correia dd Silva e Calnd, and Brigadier D. Anl6Dio )osi de Soulo-Mayor Telles, ond the latter was dlso a member ol lhe Covernmenf Council, heiween April 17 aDd Seplemb el 19,1842. 'fhe descendanl Caplain Joaquim Mourdo Carcez Palha, who had been lormerly ihe Sovernor of Diu' and a member of lhe Provisional Covernmenl of the Slale of lndia in 1821, was governor-geDerat lrom January 51,1845 fo May 90'1844' The provisional Cov€rnfleol ol 1655-1E57 had as ils members the descendants cotooels Jo6o Cdbral de Eslilique and Josd Ant6nio de L€rDos. lo lhe Medicdl School ot Coa, from ils incePlion in lE4A lill 1921, 14 descendonfu look doctor's degrec: lhe following de6c?/?darls look degre€r ir the faculty of M.dicinc in porlugal: Dr' Francisco Xavier da Silva Teltes, Dr. Anibal Correid Mendes, Dr' Rodolfo palh6, and ,Auguslo da Silva Tetes, Dr. Anl6nio Filipede Morais Dr. Raul de Cosla Anchade; and Dr. Carlos da Silvciro e Lorefla and Dr. Cuilherme de CamPos Fragoso were grddullad in England, ln magislrature lhe following names of lhe descendanl' are quoled: Dr. Vascoocelos, Dr' Anl6nio d. Atmelda Ar'2, Dr' JoSo de Mello de Sdmpaio, Dr3. Diogo and Maouel Mourdo Carc€z Palha, bolh brolherg, Dr. Alvaro Correid Mcodes, and Dr' Manuel de Brilo

e Saolos. lhe field of civil adminislrdlion dlso there had beed some descendanls. The relired general Josd lgoiicio de Souza Cospar, afler discharging lhe office ol admioislralor-g€neral of foresls' and of different dLtricrs ( ldlukas ) of 6oa, wds Ihe Chiel Secretary of lhe SIate ol lndia. 'fhe dejcandanl general Anl6nio Xavier da Silva Telles was lhe adminislralor of foresls in 1E7E-1E79; lhe descendanl cotonel Ferna0do Xdvier da Cosla Ledl' ltho was also a man of lelters, hetd lhe oflice of admioislrator of nalional cslale i0 lhe villages of Assolta, Velim, Amb€lim, Nuvenl, Talvorda, Praga'a aod Cabo de Rama for a long period from 1892 to 1910 Sioce Ihe admiDislralion of lhe Poiruguese Slale of lndid wos organized in concclhos ( talukas ), many deocetddtlo dislingnished as such adminisiralors, ulr. Io"e louqrit da Silva Correia, Jos€ lgniicio de Souza GaePar.


__7 JosC Frederico

de Assa Cdsrel Branco, Joaquim I. de Ferndndes -ru"a"f,r, Arez, Tomaz dd Silvd Correid, 6nd Frdncisco X""f_, J" Silvd Correid i rhe tasr ddministraror of rf,e of fll.,a" ipu,ii,il al rhe time whefl the lndian forces invad"O "or"nZro Cou on O"""rnu*.ii,lr"i, wds a descendant,the rerir€d Cdplain F"u"";,; d";;;;;j; ii,;; educdted but quile a clever maD: when in I94S lhe f.rn fnOiuninuO"" Ram. Mdnohdr Lohia sta .d civil libeflies rnou"r.n, ol fqu.ia'o Mirandd was rh€ adminislrator S"t;"," ,;i;:, ;;; i;':;""h, capacjly he haIdlcd lhe sjludtion v?ry "f effeclively, ,f,".


rhe opeiation ""r"i"g C"i"tii.,_ and ,ook shelter in "if";;;n ;;ip anchored in the Mormugao harborrr u " n re bv an r n a i o n m"a :;1:;; n ;:i"J via Pakistdn. "f

Coan ndriondtisls; during ll;:],t.t-r dron, he escaped hon pdDiim



After ditbandrnenr of the portuguese _ man\ descenddntt took up civil jobs in Army ot lndi6 in 167t, various O"purrr"ni". as,Ireasury OIfice (Faz.nda). Oosrs ":;; O fetegrd;; ;;r;;;; "ir"ri I reasury or Revenue Depa'henl existed from" ,;";;;;;;;;,.;;: quesr in the XVI century, dnd its head wdt Ilnown u" ra.2endd l.evenue colleclor): in rhe ";;.;';. XVll century o"";J;u;; collecrors wds the descendant D. Antdnio de Cdrneiro Ou afJ,ou", who.w6s lhe Chiet Superinrendenr .t s,"i"-ir'i lr; , ",;;: mid-XIX.ceDl!ry the descendant Caefano Frdncisco"""p.r"ir; C;.;;; was rhe head of rhe Revenue Board; dnd tut., n" aur"roauol'liiai Joaquim dc Oliveira


i I





Nogdr wd3 rhe president or rf," suiaJoaij.-

lhe sciencc field desccndants culrivdted higher mdthenatics_

dnd dstronohical and cosmographical br"".;;;. ";" ;;"";;";:;; C.indido Jord Mourdo Carcez- palhd, who was rh" di*";;;';;';;; dnd Miiirdry Schooi or Coa... p,rori.rrej rr,l re*i nooks or theorericat drdwiog. between 1645 dnd i847i "I:1n"_ll:l::, ttr[; *; ,. lhe author of Atmdndc ot the Sky of ,,, his dslronolnicdl ob3ervatioDs. Earl- Goa in which ;;;;r;""; work had been ;;,'"d ;;;" ;, , :",T".""l"f "i'; .rnolhcr Jwo "'":",".";l _descend.rnts, capldins ot ,r," pov"r bo-ro"'Ji'g""t_ ginecrs, Josd Sodres dd Veigd dnd Francisco losA a" a.u,iio; rl"v dtlo performed the €drliesr trigonomerrical c""ol"i. porrr.rgu€se lndio berween I65j and tEEb ar""j requ"est ot ,h;",udi""".tf a;;;.;j ment ot British lndia, Ihaf was th€n doiDg lt" r.iunguluri;n of Decrdn; Ihe above work rvas carried on ly the dz;";;r;; professor6 and generalo, Jo6o de M€1o de #p;; ;;;;;",6rt."

il fl

BFerreira MarliBs, dnd Caplaifl Claudino Carneiro de Souza e Faro, who was aulhor of "ToPographical Descripliofls dnd Ceodesic Conslructions dnd Proieclioos '. Dislinguished professors were also general6 Bernardino Carneiro de Souza € Faro' and lhe brolhers Luiz and Licio Carnciro de Souza e Faro, all descen' danl6. Dt, Francisco Xavicr d6 Silva Tellcs' also a descendanh carried oul climalological, gcographical, g€ological and anlhropotoglcal Eiudics; he rvas lhe firsl dclegal€ ol Poriuguese lndia lo the lnlerodlioIal Congress of Anlhropology and Prehistoric Arpaleonlology of chaeology ol paris in 1900, to Ihe Congress of Berlin in 1904, lo lhe lnleroalional Congress of Medicioe and Surgery of Madrid io 1905. to lhe Ceotenary ol Darwin io Ihe ciiy of Cambridge in 190E, lo lhe lnlernalional Congress of Climalology of Ceneva in 1909, lo Ihe loternalional Congress of Ceography aDd Ceology of Wdshinglon in 1q10, io lhe Congress of Anthropology and Compared Ethnography of London in 1911, and to lhe lnternalional Colonial Congresces of Brunswick and Brussels in 1912 aod 1920 resPectively. And fi n a I ly lhe descendant Dr- cuilherrnc Anl6nio de Dias peg6do discharged lhe posf of professor al lhe polyt€chnic School of l,isbon io 1E42. A lew deseendanf, have distinguished in lhe realJn of lelters' The descendanl Cuilherme Moniz Barreto ( 1665-1898), born af Ribandar, is regarded as a founder ol lilerary crilicism in Porlugal' aod hig publicalions on lhis subi€cl wcre collected in a volume prof€3sor Vitorino Nem€sio; under ll,le of Ensaio6 de Crilica by psychological novel io French' he also published lhe crilicism ol a 'fhc descendanl Ftedetiao named Ze Disciple by Paul Boorgef. e Moderna' wrote a hor ol Ooa-Anliga ( 1E60-1923), Diniz d'Ayalld psycho"philosofical lhcmesi Foralost also lhe following works on pensamenlos e ideias de Oliveirc Ma ins' Filosolia priilica, A venda das col6nia6. A Mi'ericordia de Aoa, Uma dala cdlebrc' Fabiola, Vasco da Oana, aad Episodio |'arcd'Abrahao. The clescendanl Dr. Anitial Correia Mendes hds wo.ks oo Prolozoic parasifology. apPlied cnlomology, epidemiology, .and €pidemical prophylaxis. 'fhe descendanl Dr. Morais Palha dilliDguished bv his stualies on sonilary nosography of lhe Portugucs€ posscssions in lhe Far Easf. The desccnda|tl Caplain Dr' ros€ Joaquim Fragoso was author of fheraP€ulic diccovery on lhc lr.almcnl ol choleft' morbu, by hyperlonic serum. Th. de,cendanls Crisl6vam Ayr€s de Sepfilveda ( 1E56-1950) a8d Franciaco Xavier Corrcia Meodes



have works ol scienliflc and lilerary value; following are lhe publicafions ofthe forme.: Novos Hotizonles, pefor_a a'a Eiciii Normdl, Anoitecer, Cinzas ao vento, lndiand,


Longinquas, Intimas, peld pdtid, A " d; tz;;;;i Corqri"b Histdria. Oryiini.a do Etdrcito ponugues, ani feoria aa iisf"aia dd Civiliza1ao MilitdE The descenddnt pernanOo Xauie, Co dJsioL_eal (1846-l9loj. born at Marga,o. was a [otable poet as well os d prose wril€r: his works are: I?el;hpagos. Uanir Uoaerna, Stata-t! na pan€d de tohi Butt, pettexos , ;;;;r;;;;, XJ.ter.gdrde I/ie.u le Tzdr, Livro da Fd, A inlludncia d" p;;;;T ; l:.!!d-, A res.s-ufeicao do Concani, Os Z u to s, Mrr;;i;;:."; g^:::i:


Ma/t,r, OIonsArio pottuguAs_Oriental, a,a Etefa'nteiThe descendanls Tornaz de Aqulno Vourao Cur-"e-ze palhd (1842-1904). -;; who wds the 2nd Bdron C"^brrj;;:1;; Ribdndar, Manuet loaquim da cosia campo". "f the above said Dr. Josd Joaquio Fragoso published po.lical work!. T h.e Dr. Albeiro Cartos Ceinano d" .descendant -ij"r_ carried oul at exhausiive research woik botb io -Joj, tugal ald oJher European couniries, ro, ione Ooa ""Ji" o"-'o resxtl, broughl


Ai"i;-c;;""n; si;;C;;;;t; totth the Hist6ria da Cotonizoiaiv;q n;;;;;;";; India, io six big volumes

(194E-5E): he f,u" ufro proaua"iu iu.e.numb€r of books of historicdl dnd scientific in,"r""r, uoah- lJ Os Luso-Descendentes da lndid ug2lJ lt), Les;;;;r;-;; ;; d do / e s c e h t s I u t o. d e s c e n da n t s aa i t n a i oon ugi is;"' ;;1," ";; i.t: Dortugueses na India no sdeuto XVI (19661, o'Er;r;;;';i"d";_ na e Cirutgia em ooa noa ,dcutos xwt, ivttt; n; (;;;;;:";";; portugdise (1940), erc. de tlnde /.lna ?ury:iels ne )uscinalni. .los€ F. Ferreira Marrins is o uthor ot flisldna au Uise"ica"aia' ai'6oi in 5 vol. (t910-14); Os provedores da Miseric6rdia i" d-"-iglii, and Cr.inica dos Vice-peis e Oovemadorcs ao toaia 1Sle1."',' iourndlislic acrivity of lhe white colony was carried ,,_ ou, bv -The rs exctusive periodicdls and 0ewspapers. Ti" co[lributed mos y by the descendants was the ""riy ";;;;;p;; Echo dd Lusitat id. which was published from tStb lo t8J7 *f,f,-m" ,"f"- pr"ro#'Ji ffStiihg againsl fhe pdrty of the er_prefect g.rnurao p;."- a"; Silv4 which conducred En anticampaign io lt"i, ne"spo-peiJ


Tbe mareriat oftbe preseif artjcle is almosL totally used fro@.,Or , Luso- D endent s ilq Inclia ". ecc



e from Daman and Bonbay respectively. Frolr| October, 1, 1E68 to Abril 60, 1869 was publishad {rom Rib3ndar lhe w:ekly /onal de Nolicias' owned by the family Mour6o Carrez pdlha, and edifed by Tomaz de Aquino Mourao Cdr.ez Pdlhd, and pliicido da Cosla Campos il was substiluted by anolh* wzekly, A Imprcnsa, owned by lhe same family ancl also prinled at Ribanddr; this periodical war lhe most imporlanl organ ol th? class ol descendanls. lll 1876 was atso published another w?ekly balonging lo descendanls' by name O Progresso, ediled by Luis Correid dd Silva Afler lhe weekly A lmprcnsa ceased ;ls publication, anolher weekly by name A Cit/ilizagao was sldrted dlso at Pibandar by lhe sdme class, Oale more periodical uoder lille ot Nova Coa was prinfed at Paniim, ained at polilical propaganda againsl O Ultftm of Margao, thal was an organ ol Brahmins. But edrlier on, also al Ribaodar, from Augusl'

A Sehtinela da Libe ade and Abelha


fo February, 1866 was Published a lileftiy pQtiodica\ firocinio LiturArio, ediled by lhe 2nd Viscount of Bucelas, Joaquin Mourao Carcez Palha, who was a descendanl; it \\as succ€eded by a poelical io'rtnal, Harpa do Mandovy from 1866 fo 1865 at Pdoiim Fron 1665 lo February, 1863 was priflted in lhe Ciovernmenl press 6 !ilerary magazinc, Goa Social, ediled by the above ret.rr.d Maruel .loaquim da Cosla CamPo3 The Viscouot ol M a h € m, D. Josi de Noronha, a descendanf, hell propiielorshiP of the Polilical periodicals, Eta Nova and,lornal dc Ptvo- From tE99 to 1909 wos published a weekly, O po ueuez, edited by thc descendanl Francisco Mour6o Carcez Palha, which was succeeded by a polil' ical ,Neekly, Imparcial, edited by F.ederico Diniz d'Ayalla, and lhts was foflowed by petuia, ediled by Dr. Adolfo Costt. Finally a mcntion is lo be made to lhe descendanl Hip6lilo Cassiaoo Perelra Garcoz who ex?rcised larg. iournalisfic aclivity in fhc lddo'Porlu' guege Prese. 1E60

The dramalic arf was also largely ctllfivated by th? while colony, Descendanls contributed wilh their eForls and Inilitlive for many of the lhealres that existed al differe[l tirnes lo lhe sap' llal of Coa. Al Ponda ihey founded lwo lh.alrcs' EsPemnga and Dom Luizi at Bicholim they al3o had a lh€ahe denomi[dt€d Dozt Fernando: al MaPugii Iheirs was lhe l'l'ealrc Ha@onial and at Ribdnddr lhey established fwo small thealres in lhe secold hall o[ lhe XIX c€ntury, of which Ihe mosi imporla0l wos lh. lheaftc P n' cipe Dom Carlg6,

t '




For-over iuudred years from mid_XVIII cerfury


I |.


:::X_":d rn lneir maDorial



the lasf



houses, and lhe arislocrdcy owned palafial b,uildpll1c3" betonsed ro nobte ramiites u" ,r,o".'oi j^.:::h_ nr"ol, '^",9: A.rcltolas and Atbuquerque in lhe otd city ot Coa, rlose Siiol' -or .l::111 Tl:."^""d.. Couht of Vild-Flor ar'St. pedro, u"a if,o"" vrscourl.of Bucellas, Bdrob of Combarjua, oorn frlunu.i al- bai_ cono Lobo, elc. at Ribandar; lhe lattâ‚Źr mdnsiofl-houses of Riband;r displayed their rnagniffcerce even as lale as iD 1671.


Santd Cruz, 1974



"i",".T1*t1i"":,hlll* "il'1"'i"";"i?Hj;iff ns reat nasrers of rhe tand'p t a-i,




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