Glimpses of the Konkani Language at the Turn of the 16th Century - Vol 11

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L. A. frcdrlgucs Corrospondirg Member of the IMB.

0ffiP$E$ 0F TllE l(0ill(fiilt rtltGljlot

IT IllE TURII OF TllE 16T1l O. -1-r..' j7




Tipogralto Raugel

- Bartorii. Goa,

XI Konkani dnil Marathi of the 17th. century 'o Sarasvati Mahal Library " of Tanjavar, Tamil Nadu, pieserves an old manuscript Marathi vocabulary, , named 'e Akaradi Prakrit Bhasheoha Nighantu ", the authorship of which, in the " Descriptive â‚Źatalogrre of the Marathi MSS. in the TMSSM Library, No..1869", is .assigned to Kalerau Appa, about whom do information is available. This vocabulary was 1973, in Pune, by Mr. X. G. Tulpule under the title of Marathi Bhashecha Tanjavari Kox." " Tanjavar was one of the Shahaji's jaghirs in South India held by Veonkoji Bhosle, Shivaji's cousin, as a vassal under Bijapur. Some Marathi families accompaniedJeonkoji and established in tbis distant district.


X.G.. Tulpule gives a detailed description of the above Tanjavari Marathi

vocabulary. Ifcontains about 10,000 vocables, some ofwhich are not accâ‚Źptable in the Marathi language. Meanings are given in Marathi, sometimes just in one werd and sometimed in many words, and also in Old Marathi; meanings of 4O0 to 500 vocables are given in Dravidian languages, viz. Tamil and Telugu, and often in all three languages : Marathi, Tamil and Telugu ; similarly Sanskrit, Parsi and Hindustani synonyms are found, as well :as vocables of old Marathi literature, such as of Jnaneshvara and Mhanubhau, are recorded; The Tanjavari vocabulary was compiled in the later hatf of the 17th. c., and this is the first proper vocabulary of the Marathi language, which strangely


4 -

was produced in Tamil Nadu, when in Maharasthra no such wotk was done.

However, in Goa the first Konkani vocabulary was compiled 100 years

earlier than the above first Marathi vocabulary. Diogo Ribeiro's Konkani vocabulary is dated 1626, atd, as he affirms in its title, it is an augmented version of the one produced by his predecessors of the Society of Jesus' The Konkani vocabulary, found in the old Portuguese Lyceum Library of Panjim, Goa, which I have described in a Post scriptum to ttre No- VII of this series of articles, is most probably the one which Ribeiro augmented with more Konkani meanings, vocables, phrases, idioms and proverbs, but it is not the first Konkani vocabulary, as I was led to state there. Recently I have obtain' ed xerox copies of two manuscript Konkani vocabularies, existing in the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon ; !) Vocabulario da lingoa Canari. Comeqa polo os alphabeto clos nomes da nossq. lingoa pera que mais facilmente se achem Nomes que buscarmos (codex No. 3044) ; and 2) vocabulario Da limguoa canarim (codex No. 3195 ); both these vocabularies are Jesuit works, and the latter is a rearranged version of the former, and slightly augmented with a few more entries ; and the Lyceum vocabulary is, most probably, an enlarg' ed version of the second one by adding about 2000 entries'

Besides the above four vocabularies, namely Ribeiro's of 1626, Lyceum vocabulary and codices Nos. 3044 and 3195, I know of vocabulario Da Lingoa Da terra, existing in the Ajuda Library of Portugal, and Vocabulario Da Lingoa' Canarina com Versam Portuguesa, edited by " Junta de Investiga' gdes do ultramar ", Lisbon, but both of them are later enlarged manuscript versions of Ribeiro. Braga Library of Portugal is also reported to possess one or more Konkani vocabularies ; in case any one of these is not earlier to' the codex No. 3044, then the latter is probably the first Konkani vocabulary, preserved by the Biblioteca Nacional of Lisbon, com-riled b:fore 1570, and

letters. So, while the first Marathi vocabulary first I(onkani vocabulary was produced by 1570.

referrâ‚Źd to in the Jesuit compiled by 1670, the



morphological and semantic comparison is attempted between the Tanjavari Marathi and the Goan Konkani, of the 17th. century, as recorded by Kalerau Appa and Diogo


the following lists


a few hundred vocables,

Ribeiro, respectively.

vocables having same morphological form and meaning both in Maralhi and Konkani. In virtue of their morphological function, sucha


'locables did not require any morphological ievolution, thus remaining unchanged not only till the l7th. c.,but also till to-day. In the abovc referred two vocabularies over 400 such vocables are found.

1. to

Tanjavari kox and Ribeiro's vocabulary Age

a woman


Interjection of address

2. T., R. - " Ajy" - Grandmother 3. T., R., - " Artby " - Lamp used for waving 4. T., R. -e'Ollnny" - Saltless 5. T.,R. - "Ang" - Body 6. T., R. - " Axa " - Desire, hope 7. T., R. - " Angonn " - Yard in front of house 8. T.,R.-"LJ"-Louse 9. T., R. - " IJma " - Kiss (Present Konkani : Umo ) 10. T., R. " U[b " - Breatb, exhalation kamll " Lambblack, i. e. ll. T., R.-"Onjon, - a medicine for eyes. soot of oil lamp stuck on a lid, and which is used as lL T., R- -' Koddy " - Curry of buttermilk or of curds. 13. T., R- "Kolly" - Bud offlower 14- T.,R- - "Kottok"-Army 15- T., R - "Konnos" - Spike of corn 16. T., R. - " Konnik, sojy" - Coarse wheat flour 17. T., R. - " Kovtuk, kovtik" -Entertainment, passtime, charm It. T., R.- " Kakh " - Arm-Pit 19. T., R. - " Kaz, kazkam " - Business Xt. T., R. - " Kanjy" - Sour gruel (canjy) of rice 21. T., R. - " KannY" - Tale, storY 22. T.. R. -" Kanxem " - Brass 23. T., R. - " Kankonn" - Bangle 24. T., R. " Kanddory" -Log of wood 25. T., R. - " Kansou" - Tortoise 26. T., R. - " Kalliz" - Heart 27. T., R. - " Kansal" - Temple (of head) 28. T., R. - " KilY" - KeY 29. T., R. -." Kirddum" -Snake 30. T., R. - " Kill" - Splendour 31. T., R.- " Kull " - Generation

4 -.32. T., R.- " KunnbY " - Farmer Scribe of the village 3t3, T., R. - " Kullkornny " goods 34. T., R. - " Kennem " - Consumer's 35. T.,R. - " Kott " -Fortress 36. T.,R. -" Kodd" -LeProsY 37. T., fl. - 'o KoshttYi' " - Weaver morninga bird that sings carly in the 38. T., R. - " fotitt -Co"koo' Fire-brand 39. T., R. -: " Kolity " or kolit -' security flspg' 40. T., R. - " Koul ''' 41. T., R.-" Khat "Animal dung ir. T., R.-"Khattlem"-smallbed-:-^ and ^- sugar' preparation of milk' rice

T.,R.-"Khk'? -Milk; 4. T.,R.-" Khuntty" -ProP 43.


CoPra 45. T., R. - "Khobrem" i'e'20 maunds 46. T., R. - "Khanddy" -Khandy' Cuff or stroke on the neck 47. T., R. - " Gochanddy " 48 T., R. - " Govot " - Grass for cattle 6'QnnY " 49. T., R. - Village donkeY 50. T., R. - " Gaddov " - AsS' juggler ..

Snake-charmer, Garoddy - Gu" -Human excrement' faeces 52. T., R.- " " Gufa 53. T., R. - " - flsf' cottage Bag of food grains 54. T., R. - " Gonny " 55. T., R. - " GonsanvY - Lord' nastel cow of wild 56. T., R. - " Gongav6a " - Tail fold 57. T., R. - "GhoddY" -Hour; way of hill 58. T., R. - " Ghantty " - Sloppy 59. T., R- - "Ghau" - Wound 60. T.,R. -"GhatkY" - Traitor 61. T., R. - "Ghann" - Pawn Animal fat 62. T., R. - " ChorbY" service 63. T., R. - " Chakry " - Work, scourge 64, T., R. - " Chabuk" - WhiP' 65. T., R. - "Chinch"-Tamarind A gem which 66" T.,R.-"Chintamonny"-



T,. R.

,thinks of.

gives one whatever he


67. T., R. - " Cholly " - Bodiee or blouse of Muslim 68. T., R. -" Zov"-BarleY 69. T., R.- "Zollu"-Leech 70. T., R. -"Zokat " -f31, duty, onus, impediment 70. T., R. -" Zokhss-Wound Zoton " - Care, diligence, attention 72. T., R.


-" 73. T., R. -" Zatra " - Feast, Zopmall " - Rosary 74. T., R. 75. T., R. -" Z,a\l" - Wife of husband's brother 76. T., R. -" Zanr.iv " - Knowledge -" Zambull" Jambufruit 77. T., ft.-" Zaifoll " - Nutmeg, Malaca nut 78. T., R. -" 79. T., R. " Jin " - Saddle of horse 80. T., R.-"Jibh" -Tongue 81. T., R. " Jiv " - Life, soul 82. T., R. --" Zum" - Yoke of oxen Thoddty " 83. T., R. - Clearance of accouit 84. T., R. -" 7hedd." - Plant, bush -" t5. T., R -'r t[s6p" - Swoop

Zhomby" - Fight by pulling aad pushing -" n. T., R. -"frolly " - B"g, wallet 8t. T., R. - " Ttanky " - Chisel for ripping bleck stone. 89. T., R. - " Ttallu " - Sinciput, fontanelle 90. T., R. " Ttipury " - A musical instrument called castanets. 91. T., R. - " Ttumnny " -Spur of horseman 92. T.,R.-"TtopY"-CaP

E5. T., R

93. T., R. " Tthanng6 " - Station for watch or for halt. 94. T., R. - " Tthav " - Place, location 95. T., R. " Ddau"'- Cast, throw in a game 96. T., R. - " Ddikholly " - Lump of cooked rice or other cereal. 97. T., R. -"Ddomby"-Violence 98. T., Franciscan vocabulary. - " Ddoi " - Head 99. T., R. - " Ddhonk " - Heron (a bird) Test " - Basin for washing hands, face, etc. f 00. T., R. - " l0l. T., R.-"Tollem"-Lake, tank 102. T,, R.


" Togodd "


Sheet of metal


6103. T., R. - " Tobok " - f14y, platter 104. T., R. "Torvar " - Sword = 105. T,rR. "Tak" -Butter milk


T., R.


" Tatt "


Brass or copper plate



107. T.,R.-"Tan "-Thirst

108. T., R. o'Tambem"- CoPPer 109. T., R. - " Tivoi " - Tripod, stool of three feet 110. T., R. - " Tuk " - ldg45sle of weight l1l. T., Franciscan voc. "Tufan " - Storm


lL2. T., R. -" TuP"-3q1"t t13. T.,R. -"Tel- -Oil ; "Tely" -Oilman

horse 114. T., R. - "Terth -Arab (statement of time) ll5. , T., R. - "Terik--Date il16. T., R. - " Tondd " - Mouth, face tl7. T., R. .- " Than " - Breast (of woman) 118. T., R. -'"Dadd" - Jay, grinder or molar tooth 119. T., R. - o'Data " - Donor, benefactor

r' P4a " gift :1,20. T., R. - Alms, - t'Dam " - A coin, money [,21. T., R. '1,22. T,, R.-" Dar"- Doof

123. T-, R.-"Daru" - GunPowder 124. T., R. - " psvs6 " - Tether, i. e. rope for tying cattle 125. T., R. - " Dabonn " - Pack-needle, big needle Dallimb" - Pomegranate 126. T., R. -" Daiz" R. N,27. T., - Heritage - " il28. T., R.-t'Durg " - Compound, fortress, lall tzg. T., R. - " Dubashy " - A person knowing two languages " Gift, Prize 'f 30. T,, R. - " Dennem psv"God; " Deyy"-Goddess Ul. T., R.-er i132. T., R. " Deull " Temple of God tr33. T., R. - " Desai " - Chief owner of the village 1,34. T., R. " Doiv " - Forture, 'luck


n35. T., R.-"Dout"'il36. T., R..-o'Dhoim" X.37. T., R. 138. T., R.




Curd of milk

" Dhogddy " -'Woman of bad life, prostitute e


|r[gYg, Y, â‚Źttr




139. T., R.- " Nonnond " Q1s'5 husband's sister 140. T., R.- " Novol " Marvel 141. T., R.-"Neav" - Litigation 142. T., R.- "Nak " -Nose 143. T., R.- " Nannem " Coin '144. T., R.-eIf[41y" -Name 145. T., R.-"Nhavy"-Barber 146. T., R. Nanapory" different manners -.. Nimbolsll - By 147 . T., R. " waving around the head of a person leaves - "

of bitter Neem-tree with salt, chillies, etc.. to remove an evil-eye. 148. T., R. " Nid, niz " Sleep 149. T., R. .'Porvam " The day after to-morrow



150. T., R. "Poddjibh "- IJvula 151. T., R. " Potravolly " plate of leaves for meals 152. T., R. " Paddy " - Heifer, young cow 153. T., R. " Paul " Foot step l54.. T., R.-"Pakhrum"Bird 155. T., R. " Pasoddy " Cloth rug 156. T., R " Pangruna " Linen sheet to ccvcr bcdy




T., R " Pik " Crop of paddy; red spittle after cating betel. 158. T., R.: *Pitth "- Flour f 59. T., R. - " Ilum " - Pus 150. T., R. -"P\za " Worship, sacrifieial cerenony .

- "Pentth"-- Market-place ,62. T., R-"Poo "- Fresh cowdung f 63. T., R ', Polly, Bhakry " _ Cake of ric e 164. T., R. -"Foll" - Fruit 165. T., R. " Fouz" Body of troops tt N.66. T., R. " Bon - wood, grove 167. T., R.- "Boll"-Force 168. T., R. - " Bogol " - Side, lap, boso m 169. T., R.-"Bochok " - Handful f 70. T., R. - " Ba " - Father l7l. T., R. " Bag" Garden 172. T., R. - " Baz" Bed 173. T., R.- " Bail " Wife 161. T.,R

I {

.174. T., R.-'iBadam" - Almond 175. T., R..='o Bim " - Seed 176. T., R.'- "Bi.ddar " - Lodging 177. T., R. - r'BukY " - First, blow 178. T., R-"Buty" - (kannadaword), " Sidory" -A meal wrapped in cloth and lcaves for journeY. l7g. T., R. - " Buchtolly" - Plunge 180. T., R. " Budhboll, sotrong ( Parsi word ) - Game of chess 181. T., R. -"BeddY"- Fetters 182. T., R. - "Bqgary" - Ilbouf,er 183. T., R. " Boisika " $gai like mat, carpet, etc-



184. T., R.-"Bott"*Finger 185. T., R. - " BonDy" Hansel, i. e. good luck in the boginning of sale-


186:, T., R. - "Bor"-Apple 187. T., R. -'o Boly" - SPeech 188. T., R. "Bhau"-Brother 189. T., R. - " Bhageo " - Good luck, fortune 190. T., R. - " Bhaddem " - Rent of house 19f. T., R,-"Bhalu" - She-jackal 192. T., R. - " Bhavondd " - Brother and sister 193. T., R. - " Bhanddvoll, Mudol " - Capital, principal " 194. T., R. -" BhikarY -Beggar The tenth star " Mogha T., R. 195. - " 196. T., R. - "Moddem" -CorPse 197. T., R.-"Mon"-Mind 198. T., R. -"Mona"-Prohibition f 99. T., R. - " Moddk66 " - Pot of clay 200. T., R. -" Morotrn"-Death 201. T., R. " Mosonn " - Hindu cemetery 202. T., R. " Mrugxilv" - The fifth star 203. T., R. - " Mae, Mauly " Mother


Map" 204. T., R. -" Mall -Measure " - Garland of flowers, pearls, etc. 205. T., R. " 206. T., R.-"Mally" - Gardener 207. T., R. " Makhonn " - Anointing the head with oil or arhes


T., R.


" Mannik, Rotn


Precious stone, gem

I \.. 209., T., R.-"Maushy" - Mother'ssister 2rc. T., R.-'o Mixy" - Moustache 2ll. T., R. - " Mudy" - Ring 212. T., R. " Musoll- - Foutrdâ‚Źr stick, pistle 2lJ. T., g. -- " Mut; Yatiomy " -prine 214. T., R.-"Meoddlt" - Seep; "Menddrum" 215. T., R-ee lfpaa'-Wax ' ' 216. T- R.- 'e Morllhan" Field, plain, yard 217- T., L- -Motim " Pearl

2f& Zl9.


Bu. or sheep


To R--"Mol"-Price : .: T., R. " Mogrel " Fragrant oil of mogrem.( a white native flower -

)22O. T., R. " Yex t' 221. T., R.-

like jasmine

222. T.,



Success, victory

"Rogot" -Blood " Roja " - Permission, Ieave " Ronn " - Battle field " Rovy " Wooden stick for preparing

R.2J24- T., R. curds by rotating. ZE- T.,R.-"Raja"-King ,26. T., R.- " Randd" Widow - " King, ,. 2n. T., R. - " Ranna, Rau Ranny " - eueen 22t- T., R: - ., Rinn " Debt; ,, Rinny " _ Debtor D. T.., R. " Rup" -'Form, figure 2It T.'. R. - " Rupem "'- Silver 231. T-, R. " Rupddem " - Mask, figure 23L. T-, R. - " Rogy " Sick man, patient 233. T., R. - 'Rohinn y- " The fourrh star -' 234. T., R. " Rongonn " Yard (of temple, etc.) 235. T., R. " Lokhpoty " - Owner of great wealth f ovla'm, IoVkorim " 236. T., R. - Quickly, promptly -.. 237. T., R. " I,l',k" - Lac, i. e, sealing wax 238. T., R. " Laz" Shame 239. T., R. " Lat " - Kick of animal 240.' T., R. - " Lall " Slaver, slobber 241. T., R. - " Lundd, Kothol " Headless body 242. T., R. " Lugdde111 " Dress of women 243, ,T., R. " Lenkururn Child 223- T.,




l0244. T., R, " Lenddy " - Lump of dung of goat, sheep, etc. 245. T., R. -" LiknnY" -Pen 246. T., R.- " LonnY " - Raw butter 247. T., R.-" Lokhondd" -l1s1 248. T., R. - 1'Lottangonn " Push, tumble 24g. T., R. - " Vosty " - Lodging (for night out of r'rne's home) 250. T., R.-" Vatty " Small plate for meals 251. T., R. " Vanv " Measure of distance between the wrists of a per-


son's outstretched arms. 252. T., R. " Varem, Vara

" Wind 253, T.; R. " Varu, Asivaru " - Horse 254. T., R. - " Vasrum " - Male or female calf still sucking milk. 255. T., R. - " Vikh, Vish " - Poison Vinchu " 256. T., R. - Scorpion -," 257. T., R. - " Vixakha " The sixteenth star 258. T., R. o'Vinovnny " - Petition, request 259. T., R. Franciscan. "Virzonn " - A curd used for coagulating milk. 260. T", R. " Ventty " Braid such as of coir or grass 261. T., R.- " Veddem " - Madness 262. T., R. " Vekhondd " Medicinal Orris-root 263. T., R. "Vegllik" -Difference 264. T., R. - " Vojem " - Load, cargo 265, T., R. " Vokhod,voshod" - Medicine 266. T., R. " Sezyn sâ‚Źzary " - Neighbeur 267. T., R. - o' Xabas " - Interjection of praise 268. T., R- " Xhar, Pattonn, Nogor " - City 269. T', R.-"Xinkem"- Rope or sling for hanging pots and other kitchen utensils. 270. T., R. - o'Xing" Horn 271. T., R.- " Xinsem " Lead (metal).


272. T., R. - "Xingurup " Little ass 273. T., R. " Xit r- Cooked rice 274. T., R. - " Xekhym, Xevttym " Finally, at last 275. T., R. -"Xenn" - "Cowdung; Xenny"-Dungcake 276. T., R. - " Xenddy " Tuft of hair ; pigtail, i.e.a few long hain onr back of head generally with a knot used by male Hindus.


-277. T., R. - " Xet " - Fresh ${ater paddy field 278. T., R. - " Soit " - Even, also 279. T., R.-- " Sanz " - Evening 280. T., R. - " Saddy " - Length of cloth worn by women 28 l. 'T., R. - " Sal " - Year Sall" -School 282, T., R, -" 283. T., R. - " Sakhor" -Sugar

284. T., R. -" Sangaty "- InCompanion front, in presence 285. T., R. " Samor " 286- T., R. " Savoz ; Horonn " ._ Deer , 287. T., R. - " Sui" Needle 288. T., R. " Sukh " - Pleasure, joY 289. T., R. - " Sunnem"- Dog 290. T., R. - " SttrY"- Knife 291. T., R.- " Suttika " Liberty 292. T., R. " Sup " Bamboo scuttle for rsinnowing corn 293. T., R. - "SuParY" A+ T., R. - " Sukason"-Arece - Bier, doolY 295- T-, R- " Sut " - Thread M. T., R- - "$gp " - Daughter-in-law Xn. T., R. - " Seva; Chakry" - Service 298. T., R.-" Sonem" -Gold 299. T., R.-" Soirik" -Kinship 300. T., R. " Hotea " Murder, homicide 301. T., R., - " Hotear " - Weapon, sword 302. T., R. " Hovai " - Cracker, bomb


303. T., R.- "Hanxem" - Laugh 304. T., R. -" Hindustan"-India 305. T., R. " Masolly " Fish l This word is found thrice in

the Tan-

306. T.,R.*"Hoi"-Yes 307, T., R. " Mhonnje " - That is to say, namely b) Vocables, having same or almost same rneaning in Konkani

javari vocabulary).

and in Marathi, present different characteristic rnorphological forms in the 17th.c. as a result of quicker evolution in the Marathi. In fact, the l3th.c. Marathi; as found in Jnaneshvara, shows few morphological differences from Ribeiro's

17th. c. Konkani, which has retained almost its llth.c. morphology. More than 600 vocables ofthis category are found in the Tanjavari and Ribeiro's, vocabularies. (N. B. Final i, u, o are often shgrt).

l. f,anjavari :" [ys''; Ribeiro Azo".Grandfather 2. T -" Ava" R ; - " A11" -,, furnace 3. T -"Ojann, Ognean"; R-Potter's -..Ojannu, Ogneanu, i, o " -Ignorant 4. T-erOvell,Oddvell"; R-..Ovellu, Addvellu" - lmproper time 5. T -"Opsora"R; -r'Opsor" - Professional lacly singer 6. T - "Omolik" ; R -bmoliku, i,6"- Inestimable 7. f - "Andhollat' ; R- "Andollo, y,â‚Źm " -Blind 8. T - "Unniv";R-"IJnnau" -Diminution, deficiency 9. T - "Udondd" ; R Udhonddu,i,o "- Much 10. T - "IJdim"; R -"Udhemu"-Trade, commerce -" ll. T R-"Upozu" - Birth, yield, breed, offspring -"Upoz"; .'lUpasu, t' 12. T -,. Upas, Upvas ; R Upvasu " _ Fast of one whole day. 13. T -"IJbog";R- "Ubgonni" - Annoyance IJr " ; R - " IJru " 14. T - Breast -" 15. T-"Out"; R -"Auti"-Sacrifice 16. T " Ontu "-End

I7. T -"Ont";R"; R - "Antbo"- Mango -"Amba 18. T - Maker, author -"Korta"'R-"Kortu" 19. T Kotthinn"; R'-" Kotthinnu, i, o" -'6

Hard, tough

20. T -"Kothnnem" - to tell; R-',Kothitan', toinstruct Kcsabt';R - "Kosapu" 21. T -Butcher 22. T -" Kat"; R - "Kathu " is eatenalong with betel -" -Catechuthat 23. T -" Karl";RR -"Kanu" - Bgg 24, T - "Kalil'- Yesterday -"Kal"; 25. T -"Kall" ; R -" Kallu" -Time ; Author ofDeath (,. yem,') 26. T -" Kalla,y,cfr" i R -..Kallo,y,erfl" - Black 27. T-t' Kazolly;"R-"Kazoulo"-Snuff, i.e. the charred end of

a wick.

28. T - "Kapnnem " ; R "Kapitam', -To cut 29. T Kapur";R-"Kapuru" -" -Camphor 30. T -" Kapus";R-"Kapusu"Cotton 31 , T R-,.Kaullo,Kaillo,'_Crow



.. ' 32. T -'e Kasotta " ; R - " Kasutty, Kasutto " - Loin cloth 33. T - "Kidda"; R:1.' Kiddo" Worm 34. T " Kumku " ; R Kukurh'? -- Vermilion, red coloured turmeric




35. T -"Kutra " ; -"Dog"; R -o'fotl"-Young

dog, pup

Kumbhar" ; R - " Kumbaru".,- Potter 36. T -" 37. T " Kuradd"; R - " Kuraddi"-{1s 38. T -"Kes"; R -"Kensu"-Hai4 L,l 39. T-"Kombh"; R- "Kombu"-$hoot or sucker of plants Q. T - "Kos" -Distance of two hours; R- ,. Kosu"-,Half leagueor quart€r " ganv R 41. T -" Kopor" ; - "Komporu"-Elbow 42. T-"Kombdda,y,€m"; R -"Kombo,by"- C;ock, hen 43. T " Kollsa " ; R--" Kolluso" -Coal 4+. T Kora, em"; R "Koro,y, €ttl " -c' -Coarse 45. T " ; R-"Khorozu" -Itch, scabies -"Khoruz 46. T "Khilla" ; R- "Khillo " Nail - y, 47. T- "Khuza, y, €rr1 "; R cm"-Dwarf -"Khuzo, 48. T- "Khuotta"; R-"Khun6o- - Sta&e, tholcof oar 49. T-..Khunn?; R ..KhBo" Murder; T- ..Khunny;" R " Khuny" Murderc fl). T - "Khota, y, cm''; R:"Khotto, y, €8" - False, counterfeit 51. T-..Khodda"-'R-..Khoddo"-Log of wood used as fettors 52. T - "Khondd " ; R - " Khanddsla "-Sword 53. T-rrGodd"; R-"Goddu"-Fortres,, Y. T -"Gonn'nnem" ; R - " Gonnitam " - To count 55. T-'rDublla y, €m"; R-"Durbollo, y,em ; durbollu, i, o, " -poor 56. T-r'Goully"; R- " Gonvallo; Gopallu " -shephcrd 57. T - " Gollfansa " ; R - '' Gollpaus " - Noose for strangling 58. T-"Gadda"; R--j"Gaddo" - Cart 59. T-'rGal" ; R-"Galu"-Face 60. T-"Gabin" ; R-: "Gabinni"-Pregnant ( animal ) 6L. f " Gunddy " ; R " Gunddem " - Coil, roll or ball of hemp 62. T - "Godd" ; R - "Goddu, i, o " -Sweet 63. T-"Gora, y, em";R-'rQsJs, y, €l!"-Fair, white (of human ..



complexion )

64. T-rrGovor";





65. f -'rGhott'tt " ; R " Ghotti "-


T- "Ghorvosa"; R- "Ghorvasu"-Household, home 67. f -" Ghann"; R-- "Ghanni"- Stench 68. T _ o'Ghanna" ; R- "Ghaniro "-Oil-mill 69. f - "Ghagor"; R- "Ghagry" -Water pot 70. T " Ghabra, y, em " ; R - " Ghaburo, y, em " -'timid, coward 71. T-- "Ghontt"; R - "Ghottu"-Mouthful or gulp of water 72. T- " Ghodda, y, em" ; R-"Ghoddo, y, â‚Źtrl"- Horse, mare, foat 66.

or pony 73. T - " Chonna"; R -"Chonno" --Gram (a pea) 74. T - " Chctur" ; R " Choturu, i, o''- Shrewd, cautious 75. T Chang" ; R- "Changu, i,o"- Good -" 76. T - "Chan'nem, chandnnem" ; R-"Chandinne6 " trIoonlight 77.' T " Chattnnem" ; R- " Chattitam"-Tolick 78. T * " Cbambbar"; R "Chamaru " workman; T

-Leather R- "Chamarsai " $fueg63kers, streel Chiro " - Stone(forbuilding) 79. T-o'Chira"; R -" 80. T-'rChiglly";R - " Chirgull " - Shrimp (big prarvn) 81. T -" Chimtta"; R-" chimutto" -Pinch 82. T - "Chuna" ; R -"Chuno"-Lime (calcium oxide) 83. T " Chuchundry" ; R - "Chichondori" - Musk-rat - Chumboll"; R-"Chumbolli"- Circular pad of 84. T-" cloth,


Chambharvaddy" ;

straw, etc. to be placed on head under a load. 85. T-"Chor"; R " Choru " -Thief ; T - " Chornnem; " n' Choritam " to steal 86. T Chollnna t' ; R -- t' Chollnnem " Drawers, underwears -" 87. T Jog" ;R - "Jogu "-People; world -" 88. T-" Zott"; R-"Zotla " - Mattedhair 89, T " Zonn"; R- "Zonnu" Person




90. T-" Zaga,y,em";R -"Zago.y,â‚Źtrl " - Awake 91. T -" Zambhay "; R-"Zamboi"- Yawn 92. T " Zavay" ; R -'o Zanvoi"- Son-in-law 93. T -" Zallnnem"; R-"Zallitarn" -f6 burn, to light 94. J-rr Zannponnn'; R- "Zannpozann" - Knowledge '95. T " Zannovnnem"; R-'o Zannoitam"-Js nakeknown,to y, em"; R-'5rJito, y, gJvl" 96. J-erJita, iiving 97. T - " Jiru " ; ft - " Jirem" -- Cummin -Alive, seed


-15 98. T - "Jirnnem"; R -..Jirtam"_To bedigested 99. T - "Jevnnem" ; R -'. Jevitao"- To eat 100. T- "Zom"; R-"Zonv "-'While, when 101. T '.r Zot" : R.- " Zoti" Lamp, light 102. T-,,Zokbnnem"; R-..Zokhitam" _To weigh 103. T "Zhanknnem"; R.- "Zhankitam,ddhankitam, ddhairpita'. "-




104. T- "Trilla"; R-"Ttillo, ttilloku"- Black mark put on forehead 105. T-"Ddal" ; R - "Ddalern"- small brsket for flowers rice, etc. 106. T-"Ddag"; Fr-,,Ddagu "_ Stain, spot, sing f07. T-'.Ddangora" ; R ..Ddangiro " Outcry f08. T- "Ddavkora, y, €rr"; R_,,Ddaukhuro, y, em" _ Left-handed 109. T- o'Ddink"; R-,,Ddiku,' * Milk of a tree, gum I10. T- "Ddiry"; R-"Ddiru" -Bud,i.e. rudimentof branchofaplan! llI. T- "Ddukor" ; R

ll2. T - "Ddolla"; R -..Ddukoru"-pig -.,Dollo- Eye f i3. T-"Ddongor"; R -..Ddongoru,'-Hill, Dou nt ll4. T -',Ddhovlla, y, em',; R-,,Ddhovllo, y, €rl"_White ll5. f -"Ddhenkor" ; R-,.Ddhenku, ddhenkaro" _Belch 116. f R-,.Ddholu"-Drum ll7. T -"Dkhol"; Ddhompor"- Elbow, ankle -,,Ddhompur" ; R -,,..Togtam I18. T Tongnnem"; R * "- To tast -" l19. T-'rTolgem" tolgi"_pullet ; Fr -,..Tolog, l?J.. T- "Tollnnern"; R-:.,Tollitanr " - To fry l2l. T-'rTant"; R-.,Tanti" -. Nerve;metalwire 122. T-"Tanhem" ; R -.,Tanea" - Infant

123. T-"Tap, zvor"; Fr -.,Tapu, Zoru,Zoro,'_Fever 124. f -"Tambdda,y,€ffi',; R-.,Tambiddo,y,orn" _ Red 725. T "Tambull"; R Tamborl "-Red saliva spit out after chew-



in-e betel with areca nut.

726. f R -.,Tillu"_Black spot grown onfaee ; sesamo -.,Till"; 127. T-"Tuknnem" t R,.Tukitam " - To weigh f28. T -..Turut"; R - ..Turt" _Soon, fast 129. T R-.,Tuntti, tutti" of price; decrease -Abatement ,' __ To break ,, Todditam il30. T -'.Tutt"; Toddnnem " ; R -', 131. T -"Thondd"; R -,.Thonddu, i, o"-Cold J,32. f Dolalu " Broker -'e Dolal" ; R








Datt " ; R -i, o,, _ Thick, compact 734. T-'.Dada"; R - Elder brother ..Dataru,, 135. T rrDat'tar" ; R-..Dado" - Donor 136. T Diva n'R .-.. Divo " - Lamp -,, 737. T i. ; -,'Didd" -..Deddu, o" _ Oneand half 138. T Dupta, y, em'] ; R -.. -.. Dubto, y, em " e Mirch 139. T ";


-"Dukall -..Dukallu', -Time offamine _..Durbcllo, 140. T-..Dublla, y, erD";R y, em; Dubollu, i, o; Drubollu,i,o"-Poor 141.


flower or fruit.



"Dentthu; Dentthy"



of a





142. T younger brdherof husband -,.Dâ‚Źr": R -.'Deru ".,Dexbhoshttu,i,o-_Outcaste 113. T _ -..Dexbhroshtt"; R 144. T .. Dhodd " ; R -.. Dhoddu, i, o,, --: sound, whole 145. T- "Dhodda"; R "Dhoddo"- euartermaund,i.e. six,pounds. n' 146, T -., Dhunnem ; R _.. Dhunn " _ Dish_wash 147. T-"Nog";R-..Nogu,'- piece such as of clothes; head such


of cattle.

148. T -,, Nag"i R-,,., Nagu " _ cobra (de capello) 149. T '. Nat " ; R -. Nati " _ Grand_daughter 150. T- "Nal"; R-..Nalu', - Horse-shoe 151. T -"Nachnnem"; R-.,Nachtam" _ To {ance 152. T-"Naroll"; R-,,Narollu, Narlu', _ Cocoanut 153. T- "Nangornnem"; R -,,Nangoritano" _ To plough 754. T ,, Nika, y, em,, ; R _ .,Niko, y, â‚Ź11l ,, _ Good 155. T-,.Niznnem"; R o.Nizotam; nidotam, nidetam,,_ To slecp 156. T- o'Nirop"; R permission, order -..Niropu,'157, T-"Podd'da"; R-..pcdd'do,, .-- Curtain I58. T-"Podor"; R-.opodoru" _ Border of <tress 159. f - philosopher,s stone -'rPoris"; R -..Porisu" .,povaddo 160. T 'e Povadda ; R -" _ Song of praise .' 16l. T-" Pollnnem',,.R_,'polltam" _ To runaway 162. T -.. pak"; R - ,.ponku" _ Refining or melting cf sugar 163. T - "Patt"; R.-.,pattu', Seat; conduit for water irrigation.

1,64. T


Padda"; R -.,paddo" - young ox -" 165. T- "Paus"; R -.,pausu,, _ Rain





_17 166. T Y, €D"; R - "Paunno, y, em" - Minus one quafter -" Paunna, Paddva"; R-"Padduvo"-Firstday afternew or full moon 167. T -" 168. T - "Papar" ; R- "Faparu" r'-Kick 169. T " Parvem " ; R " Paruvo - Pigeon, dove l7O. f-'rPanghornnem"; R - "Pangurtn6" -To cover one'sbody 771. T-"Pisa, y, em"; R - "Piso, Y, Qrfr" -Mad 172. T-"Palotthnnem"; R - "Palottitam" jTo change, to exchange 173. |-" Pinglla" ; R-"Pingnnem" - Small owl

ll4. T-"

- "Panjirem " em"; R-

Pinzra" ; R

Cagefor birds

175. T "Piunllo, Y, €rll" -Blood Y, -"Pivlla, r'Pundd"; R 776. f" Punddu" - Robber, plunderer R- "Ptrtonnio o'- Brother's son 177. T -"Putnea"; f78. T -"Punev" ;R-o'Punovo' -_ Full monn 179. T -" Pendd"; R-Penddi -Oil-cake

f -'e Poika";R - " Poiko"- Ivloney l8l. T -"Pofoll" ;R-" Fopoll" - Areca 182. T - "Foddy"; R-"Fodda" - Hood of cob'ra 183. T- " Fonnos " ; R- " PonDosu"-Jack-fruit 184. T- " Folanna, Y, €lD " ; R - " Folanno, y em " 185. T- " Funk"; R-"Funki" -Blowing (air) f86. T- " Fugonem";R - " Fugtam" -To swell f87. T-" Fulem"; R - " Ful",-Flower 188. T- " Fopiz" R -"Popis,popus" -Lung 180.


189. T -"Bora, y, em"; R-"Boro, y, eln"-Good 190. T-"Boroll,"; R -"Borollu, borlu, i, o" - Old, decrepit' dotard l9l. T-"Bohinnem "; R-"Bhoinni" - Sister 1g2. T-"Bohira, y em"; R-o'Bhoiro, Y, em"-Deaf "; R--"Bodolitam " -To exchange 193. T -" Bodolnnem Lg4, T "Bana" ; R-"Bhann" -Big pot 195. T- "Bapudda, Y, €II1"; R-"Bapuddo, Y, em" -Poor fellow 196. T -"Barsem";R-.,Barso"-ceremonyof the on birth of a child, in which it is given a name. lg7. T-" Bide"; R -"Pidi " -Street be drowned Buddnnem "; R - "Buddotam" 198. T -To

-o' lgg. f -"Begodd" ; R-"Begoddi" - Tinsel, foil 200. T - "Bochra, Y, elll"i R- "Bonchro, Y, €rtr" -Toothless 3




18or hair'20I. T -..Boddka, y,"i R-" Bodduko, y, em "-Head shaved less person 202. T -" Bondor";R-o'Bondir" - Sea port virtuous '6Bhola, Y, €m"; R -"Bholo, Y, €m"'-Good' 203. T -

204.T_,oBhacha,chy'';R_..Bhacho,chy''_sister'sSonordaughter 2g5. T - "Bhar" ; R- "Bharu " - Weight' load (. Bhaznnem " '.Ii --: " Bhalitam " - To bake, to roast 206, T brother 207. 'f " Bhava " ; R - " Bhavo " - Husband's elder 20g. T -c.Bhavzoi" ; R-"Bhavoz" -Brother'swife 2W. T "Bhuknnem " ; R -" Bhonkitam " -To bark plsqr of blood 2IO. T '( Bhomball "; R- " Bemboll " ;R-"Bhonvro" -iop; spiral like torsion of the 2ll. T


scalp; whirPool 2I2. T - " Molla"; R- " Mollo " -Garden,farm 2I3. T - 3' Mhoratta, Y, €m " ; Fr - " Morattho' Y' em " - Marathi speaking person 214. T -" Mortova" ; R -" Mortobo " -Grandeur' pomp 215. T -"Matha" ; R-" Mathem" - H€ad 2I5. T -,, Mama " ; R-" Mamu" - Maternal uncle, i,e. mother's brother 2L7. T -- " Masa" ; R-" Maso " - Big fish Manzor"; R -" Mazor"--Cat 218, T -" Mannus,monush";R-"Mannusu'monuxu " - Man 2Lg. T -" Aged 220. T -'o Mathara, Y, €m"; R - " Mhataro' Y' €m" kill 221. T -" Marnnem"; R-" Maritam" -To beat' to dark R 222. T -" Mavolltam"-Tc'grow -" Mavollnnem"; oneself, to meat 223. T -., Millnnem "; R - " Melltam" -f6 ioin rude 224. f -erMudda, y, em:'; R-"Muddu, i, o" -Brute, " R- " Munddaso " - Turban 225. f -" Mundd:rxem ; R; " Musaro " 226. T -*Mushahira" -Pay'wage Ram "Menddo Mendda";R-" T 227. -"

228.T-rcMcva";R-"Mevo"-Provisions'foodgrains 22g.T_..Meznnem'';R_..Mejitam''_Tocount,tomeasure relativer 230. Tt -.nMeunha"; R-"Meunno" - Wife's brother; male one' s wife. of

f -e' Mottar Y, €lrr "; R-"Motto,




-Fat' 232.f_rrMoklla,Y,Otll,';R-..Mokllo,Mekllo,Y,oltr''_Free1


bachelor, bare

-19 233. T-"Mogra"; R -" Mogrem" -Awhiteflowerlike jasmine A recitation or invocation to God Montor " ; R 234. 't -., Montru " -

or Devil.-"


T-.,Yozman"; R-"Yezmany" -

Head of family who looks

after arrangements of a wedding.

Rova"; R-"Rovo" - Smallpiece, slice, crumb 236. T -" 237. T _., Roddnnem,'; R-,,Roddtanli'-Tg cry, to weep, to wail Anger : 238. T -"Rag" ;R-"Ragu"guard,to keep,towatch R-..Rakhtam" 23g. T -Tg -,. Rakhnnem"; 240. T -"Rakes"; R-"Rakhesu"-Giant, monster 241. T- "Ragitt"; R -"Ragisttu, i, o" - Irate, choleric, angry 242. T " Rakhonndar, rakhnnar " ; R " Rakhnnaru, rakhnno " -


guard Keeper, watchman, 243. T vacant


rikama, Y,

â‚ŹD"; R -"Rito, rikamo, Y, â‚Źol" -


244. T -"Rignnem";R-" Rigtam"- To enter 245. T - " Ruchnnem " ; R " Ruchtam " - Js like, to relish 246. T-"Reddkum";R-"Redduk " - Calf of buffalo 247. T _., Rog" ; R -.. Rogu " -Disease,sickness 24f,. T - " Rong" ; R - "Rongu " -Colour 24g. T --" I-ottko, y em"; R "Lottiko, Y, emi lottiku, i, o"-

2fi. T-"Lakh";R-"Lakhu" * Lakh,i.e. hundred thousand 251. T - "Lanch".; R-" Lonchu " -Bribe 252. T-"Lamb" ; R - "Lambu, i, o"-Long profit 253. T- "Labh " ; R - "Labu" - Gain, firewood Lakudd" R 254, T - " -'Wood, -"Lankudd" ; R"Lattitam" - To knead flour 255. T -"Lattnnem" ;p-'"Landduko"-2\1 animal likewolf 256. f -"Landdga"' R 257. T- " Lasnnem" ; - " Laxitam -- To burn little


258. T-rrLhan" ; R-"Lhanu, i, o " -Small, hide oneself R259. T -" Lipnnem"; R- "Liptam" -To write "Lihitam" -To 260. f -'rLihinnem" ; i, o" Humble 261. T- "Lin" ; R -"Linnu, 262. T-"Luttnnem"; R -"Luttitam"- To pluhder, to sack, to rob 263, T - " Leonk " ; R - " Lenku " - Son ; T - " Lenke " ; R - " Lenki'r



:264. T-"Lenkhnnem";


"Lekhitam" --To count, to regard



- "Loku" -


R- "Lonn" Salt 266. f -e'Lonna"; R-"Lobbu" 267. T-"Lobh"; -Love, beuevolence drag oneself, to roll RLollnnern"; "Lolltam" T-" 268. -fs 269. T- "Longdda, Y, €m"; R -"Longddo, Y, otrl "-Crippled, lame 270. T-" Lompott"; R-"Lomottu, i, o"--l-Gluttonous, s€nsual 27I. T- "Vodd" i R .-- " Voddu " - Banian-tree 272. T-" Vodda"; R-"Voddo" - Cake dip'fried into oil 273. T-'rVoll"; R-"Vollu"- Swelling of gland in groin or armpit' 274. T-" Vokil "; R-"Vokilu" -- Attorney, pleader, advocate 275. T-"Vozir"; R- "Voziru"-Prince, chief 276. T-"Voddil"; R-"Vhoddilu, i,o"-Ancestor, elder, agee, head 277. f -erVorzonnem"; R-"Vorjitam"-To leave,to renounce, to repudiate R- "Hony" -Wife of elderbrother 278. f -'e Vohinny"; 279. T-ee Vollkhonnem"; R-"'Vollkbotam" - To know, to reco-enize

280. T-'eVantta" ; R- " Vantto " - Share 281. T- "Vaf"; ( - r' Vafu" - Vapour, pungency 282. T- "Var" ; R - "Varu"-Planet, day 283, T-'oVansa" ; R "Vanso" - Rafter made of 284. T- "Vankdda, Y, €ttl" ; R - "Vankuddo, Y,€lrl" wooden bar

areca or palm tree


Crookedsuch as

285. T - "Vaghinnem" ; R- "Vagi" - Tigress R "Vachitam"-To read 286. f -e'Vachnnem"; R f 287. - "Vanclrtam" -Toescape, to survive,tolive - "Vanchnnem"; instrument 288. T-'oVazontr" ; R- "Vazontor" -Musical seem, to appear R T-"Vattnnem"; 289. - "Vatt'tam" -To Ff distribute, to divide 290. -" Vanttnnem"; R-"Vanttitam" -To grow R 29L T-"Vaddhnnem"; - "Vaddtam" -To R Monkey 292. f -crVancr"; -R"Vanoru" 293. T-rsVhannem"; - "Vhanvtam " -fs flow, to pour, to carry " ; R- "Vakltannitam" -To praise, to eulo294. T -"Vakhann'nnem gize 295. T-e'vidda"; R -"viddo" - Roll of areca, lime, etc. 296. T- "Villa" ; R -- " Vhillo" - Sickle 297, T-o(Viknnem" ; R - " Vikitam" -To sell 298, T-" Vichar "; R " Vicharu" - Question,judgement,consideration



299. T-ce Vinn'nnem"; R-"Vinnitam"-To wearcloth, net, etc. 300. T-"Virnnem"; R- "Virtam" - To be dissolved, to be diluted 301. J-" Vivor"; R - "Vivhoru"-Decision, agreement, purport 302. T - "Vivek"; R-"Vivekhu" - Consideration, discretion '. 303. T- " Visor" ; R-"YisoJs" Forgetfulness' 304. T-"Visanva" ; R- "Visou "- Rest, repose 305. T - " Vighornncm; R - " Vigortam "'.- Tg melt, to dissolve 306. T -" Vicharnnm; R -"Vicharitam"-To ask, to consider 307, T e'Vilait ; R -- " Vilath" -Country 308. T-"Visornnem"; R t"Visortam " -To forget 309. T- "Yiz" ;R -"Vizu"-Lightning 310. T-.'Vitt"; R-" Vittu" -Nausea 3ll. T - "Vech"; R - "Vechu"- Expenditure y, €trl"; 312. T -:'Veddo, y, €ln" -Mad -'6Vedda, -R 313. T - "Vell; R -"Vellu" - Time 314. T-"Veglla, y,€ffi"; R-"Vegllo, y, €tn" - Different 315. T - "Vechnnem; " R -"Vechitam" -Tospend Venchitam" 316. T - i'Venchnnem"; R -To choose, to select -" 317. T " Veddhnnem"; -" Vedditam" -To besiege, to surround 318. T - "Veddha"; R - "Veddo" -Siege 319. T "Void"; R -'iVoidu, Voizu"-physician 320. T--- " Vontt" ; R - " Vrrntthu" -Lip 321. T "Voddh " ; P " Vodda " -Bet 322. T - "Yola, y, em" F :"Volo, Y, €trl" Wet, humid Vonva" ; R - " Vonvo " 323. T -" -Fennel l. 324,. -T Vonknnem," i R " Vonkitam " To vomit .'t 325, Tt "Xaz"; R -"X€2" -Bed 326. T -:-"Xink"; R-"Xinki"-Sn@ze 327. T "Xipe" ; R -"Ximpy " -Shell of mollusc 328. T' R -'sXiznnem" ; - "Xizotam " --To be cooked 32g. T - "Ximpnnem" ; R -"Ximptam" - To water 330. T - "Xivnnem"; R-"Xinvtam" sew,to stitch -fs 131. T -" Xill"; ft - "Xilla"-Largeflat stone 332. T-"Xukr";R-"Xukru"-PlanetVenus 333. T-,('Xeng"; R- "Sang"-Bean;podof peds 334. T -:- ., Xei " ; R * ,, Xeru " Seer (measure ofweight or liquid capacity) t

olt 4a



335. T - .. Xeknnem " ; R-,,Xekitam" - To foment 336. T -'" Xendur" ; R- "Xenduru " -Vermilion 337. T -ee Xenvia";R- "Xevio" - Vermicelli 338. f -'rXok"' R - "Xokhu"-Sorrow, grief



apply warmth)

inquiry 339. T -" Xodh";R-" Xodhi" -Search, Somoi "; R-'? Somo " 340. T -Ji6g, occasion -" be consumed, spent R-"Sortam"-To "; Sornnem T 341, -" 342. T -" Sorop";R-" SoroPu"- Snake Soroll";R-" Sorollu,i, o"- Simple, plain, frank 343. T -" 344. T-" Solan" ; R-" Solamu "- Salute, greeting Horseman 345. T - "Sovar" ; R- " Sunvaru" To understand 346. T " Somzonnem"; R -"Somzotam" Sordaru R " 347. T " Sordar" ; - " - Sordary";R- Sordariky"-Captain Captainship " 348. T -" 349" T " Sacha, Y, €rrl" ; R-" Sacho,Y, €rrl " _- True 350. T " Sad "; R-" Sadu " - Sound 351. T - " Sada,y,em"; R- " Sado, y, €m " - Raw, plain, coarse 352. T-"Sana,y,emt';R - "Sanu,i,9" - Small, little 353. T-"Sap" ; R -"Sapu"-Cobra (de capello) 354. T - t' Sale " ; ft -" Sali " Bark, peel 355. T -'( Sasu" ; R- " Sasury" Mother-in-law 356. T- " Sasra "; R- " Sasuro " - Father-in-law 357. T - " Sankhlly" ; R- " Sankoll " -Chain 358. T " Sangnnem"; R- "Sangtam"-fssay, to tell 359. T-" Sazta,y, em"; R- "$3sfs, y, €m"- Suitable, appropriate 360. T ; R- "Sandditam" - To lose,to spill, [o leave -"Sanddnnem" 361. T-" Sandnnem"; R-"Sanditam"-fs join, to solder 362. T- " Sanflla"; R - "Sampillo" - A trap for animals 363. f -erSambhar"; R-"Sambartr" - Condiments, spices support 364. T-.: "Sambhall" ; R- " Sambhallu" -Protection, To finish 365. T ; R- " Saritam " -"Sarnnem" 366. T " Sarrvlla, y, €trl " ; R - " Sanvllo, y, €trl " - Tawny, tan 367. T-"Saheb"; R - "Saibu" Lord, master 368. f 'e Sanrpoddnnem " ; R " Sampoddtam " - To be found 369. T-"Sintodda"; R-"Sitoddo" - Sprinkle R-"Sukallu" - Timesof plenty orabundance 370. f



371. T-"Suznnem" ; R - "Suztam" - To swell 372. T-"Sutar"; R - "Sutaru" - Carpenter 373. T-','Sull"; R - "Sullu" - Stake onwhich convicts areimpaled 374. T "Sonar" ; R - "Sonaru" - Golclsmith 375. T-"Solnnem"; R-"Solitam" - To husk, to peel 376, T- "Somvar"; R - "Somaru" - Monday 377. T-"Hott'tt"; R - "Hottu" Obstinacy, stubbornness 378. T-"Hognnem"; R -..Hagtamnn - To defecate 379. T-"Horikh"; R -.'Horyku, Horku"1.Joy, ple4sure r'Hat"; 380. TR -"Hatu"-Hand 381. T-"Har"; R "Haru" Garland 382. T R -.'Hanso"-Laugh -"Hansu"; 383. T- "Hira " ; R- "Hiro" - Jewel 384. T- "Hizdda, y, â‚ŹIrl"; R y, -,.Hizddo, â‚ŹItr"-Impotent, barren 385. T- "Hinddnnem"; R - "Hinddtam" -To wander 386. T-"Hixob"; R - "Hixebu" -Ac@unt 387. T - "Hit" ; R - "Hitu, i, o"-Proper, healthy 388. T "Hinn"; R-"Hinnu, i, o" low -Mcan, :t89. T "Hukon"; R - "Ilukum"-Authority,Irower 3!n T- "Ifungnnem"; R - Hungtam-To smell 3)1. T - "Huxar"; ffuxaru, i, o" -Vigilant, alert 3D2. T Ilejib"; R -'.Hojibu, Hijibu"-Envoy, pleader


c) A few Marathi vocables present morphological forns, similar to. those of the l7th. c. Konkani, which are preserved in the South Goa, and often in Mangalore, till to-day, thus suggesting rhat the primitive Marathi morphology rvas close to that of Konkani. The Tanjavari Marathi kox and Ribeiro's Konkani vocabulary illustrate the above view. 1. T.,R.-"Aji"--To-day 2, T., R. " Itukem, itulem " - So much 3. T,,R.-"Konnu"-Who 4. T., R. .- " Katori " Scissors 5. '. T., R. " Doni " Two (N. B. In the body of the Tanjavari voca- bulary this - form of the vocable is found over 30 times ) 6. T., R. - " Kambolli -- Blanket :1.T.,R.-"Kuxi"-Womb

a.rA 41 8. 9.


r1. t2. 13. 1.4.



17. 18.

r9. 20.

o' T., R. " Kunttonni - Paideress, proctrreress T., R. - " Kudolli " -Pickaxe, hoe Wealth T., R. - " Kullvaddi " T., R. - " Kelli '' - Bananaontree body due to d bite or stroke T., R. - " Gandi " -'Wale T.,.R. " Gaddovi " - She ass T., R. -- " Ghatu" - Treason, murder T., R. " Chitti" - Writing, note T., R. " Cbuki" - Mistake, error T., R. " Chukanuki - - Missing each other T., R.-"Chepchqf " - Crowdof people T., R. - "?.rlnni" - Feminine Person

T.,R.-"7nvaq" - Cfucnt or,musky eerfrrmc 2r. T., R.-"Tthoku" - Deceivsr, cheat - lemale Pig 22, Tt, R. -"Ddukori" (This form is found I I times in T. vocabulary)Three Tini " 23. T., R. - " Tochi " - He himself, the same one (chi and not cft ) 24. T., R. - " Tollbandi " - Bangle 25. T., R. - " .T., R.-"Doeallu" - Merciful, benign 26. Pain 27. T., R. - "Dukhi" -River 28. T., R. - "Nodi" - " _* Plate of tree leaves for meals ' Potravolli 29. T;, R. - " Ghotti"Strong 30. T., R. - " Babulli " - A plant of thorns ( Arabic acacia ) 3t. T., R. - " 32. T., R. - "Bunthi"; R. - "Bonthi" - A cloth thrown over the head 33, T., R. - Jail -" Bondoddi " Inside '34. T., R. - "Bhitori" 35. T.,R.-"Moxi"-fnk 36. T., R. --- " Makoddi " - Female monkey 37. T., R.-"feku"-One 38. T., R.-"Rati, ratri" -Night 39. T., R.



" Rakhexi " - Giantess i' " Lipi - ScriPt


T., R. T., R. -



., .l




; Sing of Zodiac

T., R.-"Vati"-Candle Rest, rePose 43. T., R.-- " Vixranti f'






.44. T., R. 45. T., R. 46. T., 41.



" Vinonti "

- Petition, request, supplication .. Vollokhi'. Acquaintance, knowledge - " Xivonni "; R. -'. Xinvonni " - Needlirwork T., R.'- " Soptomi " I Seventh lunar day T., R. - " Sorasori, sordbori " - Same to s8me, cqual to equal d) same mcaning ie cxpressed by different vocables il Tanjavari Ma-

rathi ard in Ribeiro'r Konkmi.

l. T-" Otea"; R-..Mavllonni,'- Father,s sistef 2. T " ; R-', Kullar" parents' housc -"Oanll 3. T -'rAibai "; R-..Mauxy" - Mother,s sistef 4. T:.',Addvatt"; R- "Addmargu"Shortand tortuous way 5. T-.. Unhalla"; R-.. IJsttnn "-Heat,hot weather 6. T R-., Bapolio"_ Fathcr's brothcr 7. T--,,Chulta"; "Kambinem";R-.'Kuncho', -Scrubbing brush . .. Chincharo 8. T Chinchoka "; R Seâ‚Źd of tamarind " 9. T -.' Chiknnisupery";R -..Chikonddkheri " -" - Unripearecanut boiled ir milk and dried ia the shade. lo- T-" 7an.tem "; R- "Dant.m -- smalrmilr-stono for grinding


ll. T -47int";R-'.pontu" - Roundworm 12. f - "Zhuroll"; R-" 7lrtlo" Cockroach - R-., Sator 13.'Tbronz".(Port.: .rtoranja,') ninbuo " ; 14. T-.Tombaku"(port.: .. tabaco ") ; R _.. Dhunktty', _-Lemon Tobacco 15. T -" Baiko " i R: ,, Bail " - woman 16. T " Busa n'; R-..Buro " Tartar of teeth - ,' Snacking 17.':f - .. Mittky " ; R .. Mitty of lips .when one cats 'with taste. 18. T:- "Mulga"; R-,.Mulu" - Boy 19. T- o.Mulgy" ; R- ..Muli" Girl 20. T " Yovdd "; R .. Oundum" - In this year 21. T-"Vor, vovor"; R -.'Horu" and bride -Bridegroon 22. T-"Yatty"; R-..Vollem"- One of thetwohalves intowhich e huskcd coconut is broken.

23. T-r'Soraf "; R-..Souny" - Shroff, money-dealer 24. T Sura " ; R Koito, Koity,'- Chopper -..R-,'Hatdhonny" 25. T--'. "Hatvonny"; watcr





26Different, but generally related, meanings are expressed by radically same vocable in Tanjavari Marathi and in Ribeiro's Konkani'


l. "Addnanv": T *'surname; R *Nickname 2. "Akant" : T -Crying; R -- Affliction, danger 3. "Kollantor" ; J- Interest ; R- Usury, money-lending 4. "Kaka": T -Father's brother; R-Sister 5. "Kapnny": T- Corn cutting; R--Shearing, shave 6. "Kamar": T-Daylabourer; R-Blacksmith "! 7. "Kansar" : T -Seller of bangles ; R-ilrassmith 8. "Kouttall": T-Voidness; R- Fraud' trap g. "Khonjir":T-Hanginglamp;R-Dagger 10. T -"Golla"-Voice; R- "Gollo" - Throat,neck I 11. "Zot": T - Light; R - A pair ofoxenjoinedufider a yoke -; t 12. "Ddoi": T-Head; R.- Spoonof cocoanutshell ("Tas'? is anAraUic.'Yqr& dispute 13. "Taso': T-Hour; R-Chat, t , "' equivalent to 2 and half '; ghottokam " or 60 minrrtes ) , 14, "Daddy": T -* Beard; R- Molar tooth,iaw 15. " Dukan'o : T -- Shop of commodities ; R - Tavern, liquor shop R-"Dukankaru"-Tavernowner I


16. T -- " Dukandar " -Shop-keeper;

17. " Panny'' : T - Water ;R - Tide 18. " Fukott": T - Gratis, withoutcharge; R -In vain 19. "Bhat";f - Boiledrice; R -- Paddy 20. T- " Rochnnem " -To arrange, todispose;R-" Rochitam "




21. " Voru " ;T ^- Husband ; R - Blessing, luck, gift 22. ,.vinny":T -sonnsordaughter's motrer-iu-law; R-Plait of hair 23. .. Venny"; J -Plaitof hair: R - Son's or daughter's mother-in-law 24. " Sontap";f -Anger, disgust; R -Sorrow, grief 25. .. Hunddy,' ;T - Bill of exchange; R Collective contribution for






with almost same meaning expressed differently in Tan-

javari and Ribeiro's vocabularies'




ing meetings




Time: R


Iime fixed by the village owners,for hold-

2. " Korz" ; f - Loan; R - Amount that the landiord lends to his lessee or " munddkaru " to live in his palmgrove.

3. " Kospott

; l - Small pieces of grass; R- "Sunt capill private parts) ( Cf' No' l3 )


genitalis (hair on


4'."Kancholly,,(Parsirvord):T_Greentaffetablouse;R_Ir,Iuslim blouse

5. " Gollsory"; J - Marriage string; R-Necklace of gold 6. "Thontto": T - Slimlimbedperson; R - Lame of hands moutlted i R-"Dutonddo" -Two tongued 'l . T " -"Dutonddy -Two 40,seers; R Maund' ameasttre of weight 8. "Monn ":T -Aweightof 9. " Magh": T - Eleventh month ; R- Month of January 10. " Roit;T _' Farmer, peasant; R- Vassal' subject'tenant ll.T-"Logyn"-marriage;R-Logn-BeginningofHindurnarriage from the end of the 12. " T - Vite " - Lenght of 12 fingers ; distance Veth " palm ; R thumb to the end of the liitle finger of a stretched - " Palm ofhand

genitalis ) 13. "Xentt" ; T-lnferior hair;R - Pubic hait ( Capili partis (cf. 3 ) g) Some entries of the'fanjavari kox are left blank; meanings of three

of them are found in Ribeirc's vocabulary'

l. "Olong": T-(blank); R - Patrol' garrison 2. "Kanttally"; J-(blank); R - Sweep-net 3- "Duschit": T-(blank); R - Sorrow, grief

of difference of The l3th. c. Marathi ancl the lTth' c' Konkani' inspite lexical body' and many of about four centuries, corrsisted of the same

flexionsand functions' as we their vocables presented the same morphological

haveseenintheNo.Vltrofthisseries,wlrilstconductingaconparativescrutiny ofJnaneshvara,sandRibeiro'svocabularies.WhenJnaneshvarafoundedthe was about three centuries old' Marathi language in the l3lh' c', the Konkani almost the sahe morphoand even after about sevetr centuries, it retained logical forms of the l3th' and Ilth cc' and the Konkani of Now, in the foregoing pages' I present the Marathi Bhashecha Tanjavari Kox " and the the lTth. c., by comparing the " Marathi the compilations are relatively Konkani vocabulary of Diogo Ribeiro' as both contemporary.Herethetwolanguagesoflerimpressivedifferences,bothlexi.





calandmorphological'Outofaboutl0'CI00vocablesoftheTanjavariMarathi that the two tonkoxandovert5000woJ'of*'n"Oo'sKonkanivocabulary'onlyaboutl'50O compilations' thus showing ortt of vocables u,t distinct lexicon; and' oo:-:;;" "uttoo;;;i*" uiontile^ on t clear ;";; sues were


thesel500words'3o't"fittf"over400provedtobeinsusceptibleofevolution' whilealltherestn.",.o,distinctcharacteristicmorphologicalflexions,thus establishingadecisivedistinctionbetweentheKonkaniandMarathilangua. in Konkanj' thoy evolved remained primitive-io't' thc "t"h"*U in Marathi ges; while o""o"' in long o evolved -t".ofi." ,i"-n-**. as i and il into in Marathi, such pailila'etc' ; primitive short paililo' g' l'h:;'';;i kapuso ; in?o long 4, Y ' ' ; choru' chero; kapusu' &?''1ti"uto *'i'' o, Marathi short "' r' evolved into Marathia'v'enn' adjectives ito'y'en ft;;; prinitive the triform etc.; the y'-"-*'-''ito' !' etfl'etc'' while rita' y' em ; ";:;,';evowed shgrt o edjectives, e. g. boro, !, etnTbotd' in Mar'athi inio uniforn short in adjectives e' g' v.s.lambu,i,"-t";;;;kottthinnu'''"-i"'i''"t'to"stillafewMarathiwords' primitive form as in Konkani' of evolutivc *n'"""'-O^'" '"'u'otn'Oeir etc' rati vati; ghatn' tthoku' tioi; doni, eku, "liiti' "nuki' Marathilanguage made rapid antl remarkablo ' liberty' the political evolu' Under rorc"r"i""i"ase and'morpologioal ;;"'equent ;;; progtess' literary

don,whiletO"*ooOJ'ulwaysunder'atlnyoke'unabletodoanyliterary uod strippcd off lexioally' to'puorogi*ttv' *"' o"iil'";;';"' headwav,

i"ti"t l"


for bare survival'


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