Performance Based Compensation Report

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focus initial implementation on reinforcing the reform in process, specifically targeting teacher competency growth, the new teacher appraisal process. Beginning with the qualitative measure will not diminish the broader vision of PBC once quantitative measures are available. In fact, adding a quantitative PBC system measure in the short run might very well dilute the focus, energy, and mandate to improve teacher competencies, the building block for increasing student achievement. Further, quantitatively measuring student achievement without the value-added algorithm, most PBC system developers would contend, is actually not possible. Adding school-wide goals beyond graduation rates, to which elementary school and even middle school teachers may have little direct line of sight thus little buy-in, may serve only to complicate the PBC system by adding a second measure before principals learn to manage PBC and to utilize its flexible design. With a short-term focus on competency growth, with CCSS in the classrooms, with at least the first round of the new state-wide assessments completed, with the value-added measure developed and piloted, and with the principal’s PBC learning curve flattening, the foundation is set for the second step of this PBC system, incorporating accountabilities for results, the quantitative component.

Logistics of Implementing As we have discussed, PBC system leaders attribute many time-consuming doovers and setbacks because of incomplete implementation planning. This section illustrates the kinds of first actions required to drive implementation. It is not offered as a complete implementation plan. This plan necessarily requires input from the PBC system manager, MDE initiative leaders into whose programs PBC fits, as well as early-adopting district superintendents, principals, and teachers. An implementation plan that embeds and successfully executes this kind of change will take six months or longer to develop. Time-consuming planning includes: o Develop missing PBC system details o Develop key relationships with MDE managers of the teacher appraisal process and the implementation of CCSS o Develop the plan to merge PBC with the MDE teacher appraisal system o Develop relationships with superintendents, principals, and lead teachers to identify early adopters o Develop materials/documentation for local implementation 39

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