Performance Based Compensation Report

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Education is foundational to the success of the individual and society. Without it, our workforce and our economy crumble, and we are ill-prepared to navigate the world around us. Early on in the home and later in the classroom, children are taught to read and communicate, to solve problems, and to integrate socially. Learning is a lifelong process, but one of the most critical stages is the period of formal education. The classroom setting and teacher-student interaction are the bedrock of our educational system. Because what a student takes from the classroom is so directly impacted by the teacher in that classroom, Mississippi must take seriously its duty to provide excellent teachers in its public schools. Not decent teachers or average teachers, and certainly not mediocre teachers or barely-get-by teachers. We need strong, effective teachers who can make a difference in the lives they touch. As Governor, I am striving to push Mississippi past what is merely accepted. A teacher compensation program that pays for performance instead of simply an accumulation of years in the classroom will put us on the path to excellence and move our state forward It does our educational system—and more importantly our students—a disservice for a dedicated, effective teacher to earn the same salary as a teacher who does the bare minimum. A pay for performance system is a way to inspire teachers to learn, grow, and improve with their students. This report establishes a framework that will guide a series of pilot projects during the next year to lead the way for statewide adoption by 2014-2015 of a teacher compensation system that rewards effective teaching. It is a beginning point for improving education in Mississippi and for changing our students’ achievements and our image from ‘worst-of’ examples into success stories. Like any transition, these ideas may be met with some resistance, but I encourage administrators and teachers to face the challenge of teacher performance with courage. We must keep at the forefront our common goal: improving classroom instruction and the educational attainments of our students. This report provides a flexible, accountable framework for doing just that, and I hope that you will join me in the endeavor to secure a brighter future for all Mississippians through the improvement of teacher performance and compensation.

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