PAKMMA Equipment Catalog

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INTRODUCTION W elcom e and cong ratu lations for you r interest inM ixed M artialA rts Pak istan's Equ ipm ent and A pparelM anu factu ring . You are am ong st the lu ck y ones w ho now have d irect access to one of the m ost hig h qu ality, professionally ru nand u p to d ate org anizations inM M A m anu factu ring . W e m ay have beenyou r first choice (if you g ot lu ck y) or you m ay have beenled to u s after head aches and problem s w ith other M M A m anu factu ring com panies. W ellyou r w orries are over and g et read y for an easy, hassle free experience w ith a tru sted nam e inM M A . A little bit abou t ou rselves, PA K M M A w as created by Bashir A hm ad , a Pak istaniA m ericanand pr p ofessionalM u ay Thaiand M M A fig hter w ho m oved to Pak istanin20 0 9 to prom ote the sport of M M A . H e qu ick ly saw the potentialfor expand ing PA K M M A into m anu factu ring as Pak istanhad one of the w orld s larg est m artialarts m anu factu ring centers inthe w orld . H e saw g reat potentialinthis sector bu t also saw that m any of the com panies especially those catering to u p and com ing fig ht g ear brand s and M M A g ym s w ere u nproffesional, had no qu ality controland no u nd erstand ing of the M M A g am e. If you d on't u nd erstand the M M A g am e and d on't trainand fig ht you rself how canyou prod u ce w orld class equ ipm ent? This led him to tak e seriou s intitiatives and bring the qu ality of PA K M M A to the M M A m anu factu ring sector w ith a particu lar em phasis oncu stom ized d esig ns for fig ht g ear and fig hting ring s and cag es. A s you read throu g h ou r catalog w e w ant you to k eep one thing inm ind at alltim es. W e specialize incu stom ord ers. W e d o not specialize incook ie cu tter prod u cts, althou g h if you w ant stand ard g eneric equ ipm ent w ith you r log o for you r g ym that is som ething w e canhave d one for you qu ick and easy. For that reasonw e d o not k eep a catalog of 10 0 's of d esig ns bu t rather g ive you the options to g ive u s d esig ns based oncu rrent item s available inthe M M A m ark et tod ay (d on't w orry w e've heard and U SED all of them ) So please tak e a look at w hat w e canoffer you and w e look forw ard to w ork ing w ith you inthe fu tu re!

EQUIPMENT & APPAREL Organization Profile and Growth Potential


GLOVES We offer MMA gloves and Boxing gloves. If you want some other type of glove, please let us know the specifics, including any samples of existing models. Gloves can be made in a leather or leather substitute; rexine, vinyl or other synthetic material. Foam padding can also be adjusted, EVA foam and particle foam being two examples. The type of materials are endless and it is easier if you give us the qualities you want in the gloves and we can offer a material with those specific qualities. Boxing gloves start at 11.99 for synthetic material with your logo. Boxing gloves start at 15.99 for leather with your logo.

Mixed Martial Arts gloves start at 10.99 for synthetic material with your logo Mixed Martial Arts gloves start at 14.99 for leather with your logo

EQUIPMENT & APPAREL Organization Profile and Growth Potential


HEAD GEAR Protect yourself at all times!! Headgear is necessary protection for anyone training seriously in any combat sport. PAKMMA offers a varied range of head gear, for training and competition. Starting at 17.99 for leather. Starting at 15.99 for synthetic material.

EQUIPMENT & APPAREL Organization Profile and Growth Potential


leg protection We can offer you a variety of shin and leg protection. Starting from 15.99 To 25.99 for leather shin protection backed by a neoprene sleeve.

PADS AND MITTS Boxing Mitts starting at 9.99 for leather substitute and 14.99 for leather Thai pads 25.99 per Thai pad.

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HEAVY BAGS 4 feet 1 .5 feet R ou n d

6 feet 1 .5 feet R ou n d Leath er 39.99 U n filled Syn th etic Leath er 29.99 U n filled Leath er 54.99 U n filled Syn th etic Leath er 41 .99 U n filled

EQUIPMENT & APPAREL Organization Profile and Growth Potential


UNIFORM AND APPAREL BJJu niform s are ou r specialty. A lthou g h w e can provid e you w ith any m artialarts u niform you d esire ou r expertise lies inprovid ing you w ith som e of the top BrazilianJiu Jitsu U niform s available onthe m ark et tod ay. Ou r u niform s have beenu sed inG racie acad em y's arou nd the w orld as w ellas the top BJJbrand nam es ou t there. A ny type of cu stom izationis available. W e have allavailable w eaves, pearlw eave, rip stop, d rillstop, d ou ble w eave, sing le w eave etc... W e can ad ju st the color, stitching and sizing as you w ant. M ost of the w orld s top g is ar a e m ad e inPak istan, bu t u nfortu nately there are too m any fak e com panies ou t there that u se this inform ationto sellyou low er qu ality g ood s. You r g u aranteed to g et the top qu ality g iand only the top qu ality g ifrom PA K M M A . W e canalso m ak e any sort of M M A apparelrang ing from shorts, to shirts to hood ies and caps.

EQUIPMENT & APPAREL Organization Profile and Growth Potential


CAGES AND RINGS Cages and rings are a necessary expense for any fighting promotion or gym. However they are quite costly in the west. Due to reduced labor costs and materials we can have your cage or ring made to the highest quality standard for a fraction of the price. We have an experienced team of metal workers and artisans who can customize your ring or cage to any design, shape or size you want! Our rings and cages are heavy duty and built to last. The first MMA cage in South Asia was made by PAKMMA and was made to the specifications of the Octagon in the UFC! Because everyone will have different requirements, please contact us for a quote. However to give you an idea a UFC sized MMA cage will cost approximately 10,000 US dollars without shipping and duties.

EQUIPMENT & APPAREL Organization Profile and Growth Potential


OTHER SERVICES We offer other services in the MMA world as well. Including website design, MMA logos, t shirt design article writing, factory inspection and quality control.

ORDERING INFORMATION If interested in ordering products from PAKMMA or creating a custom order please contact us at +92 334 413 7706 or email and let us know what you would like to order. If your ordering within Pakistan please deposit your order amount to Askari o Bank Account #0640100017566 and send an email to us with your address order and amount deposited. Upon confirmation we will send your item and provide you with a tracking number within 24 hours. For samples, there the is a sample fee of 150 dollars. This is for any custom item and includes shipping to any address in the world. If you decide to order with us, part of the sampling fee will be go into your order amount. Any sample made will typically arrive within 4 weeks or payment. We accept paypal as well. Our paypal is

EQUIPMENT & APPAREL Organization Profile and Growth Potential


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