One Tribe Magazine - June/July 2020 - Issue 31

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OTM Issue 31 – Jun/Jul 2020

Join the world’s most inspirational writers with a passion for life.


OTM Issue 31 – Jun/Jul 2020

Join the world’s most inspirational creative writers living their lives in technicolour.

Our cover features Manisha Ramdhim Owner/Managing Director at: The Adventurous Mommy Photography by: Dane Fortain

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Be a VOICE not an ECHO. Pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) the world was practically spinning off its axis, with everyone running around like headless chickens to meet unprecedented demands from society on their time and resources. However, since the global lockdown began, people have had an opportunity to regain a sense of perspective on what is important to them. They have now spent so many months out of the pressure cooker to embrace a slower pace, a more reflective space. It’s allowed people to step off the treadmill and follow a new path more in tune with their soul purpose. It’s permitted their inner voice to resurface and be heard again instead of echoing others perspectives and expectations. Be a voice once more, embrace diversity and prosper. JOIN OUR TRIBE AND RAISE YOUR VIBE.

With love and gratitude, always. – Kenny Ball, Editor-in-Chief

One Tribe Magazine will transform the way you see yourself and the world around you. So, get ready to LOVE YOUR LIFE, as our creative writers share fresh perspectives, inspiring stories and simple, easy-to-follow steps that will help you FIND YOUR HAPPY. We would like to thank our fabulous creative writers for their amazing insights and you, our wonderful readers for your continued support over these 31 issues. Have a fabulous month and remember to share the love and live your life in glorious technicolour. With love, gratitude & happiness, always. Please note our writers are from all over the globe where there are variations in English dialect, to preserve authenticity we have retained these variations throughout the magazine. Photos and text are Copyright to the respective authors and OTM. Articles in this magazine are for entertainment and do not substitute any medical advice. ©2020 One Tribe Magazine | | OneTribe.Media

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Nina Concepcion

Samantha E. Vax

Conscious Sales Coach, Trainer, Public Speaker and Author

Intuitive Empath

Lunden De’Leon Award Nominated Actor

Winnie Mabena

Dawn Bates

Author, Life Coach, Speaker and Founder of the Living Positively Brand

International Bestselling Author, Coach & Speaker

Emma Edwick Embodiment Coach, Breathwork Evolve - Emerge - Embody

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Ferial Puren Lenny Hadassah Zulu

Sojourner, traveller, lover, mother, friend, dreamer, and Founder and CEO at Ignite Life Community

Blogger & Writer

AmyThomson Happiness Expert, Mother, Artist, Writer, & TV Personality

Robert Landau

Burt Kempner

National Motivational Speaker, Certified Life Coach.

Independent Writer/Producer

Charmaine Barber Coach, Artist & Writer

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Liva Levica

Joanna Intara

Rapid Transformational & Emotional Detox Therapist

The Intimacy Genius

Manisha Ramdhim Owner/Managing Director at: The Adventurous Mommy

Andy Ferguson

Larry Rosenberg, PhD

Guide, Author, Mentor, Speaker, Exploring The World Since 1961

Inspirational Edutainer, The Larry Show, Sedona, Arizona

Mercy Juma Creative Writer, Psychologist, Inspired Blogger

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Spirituality At Its Finest Samantha Vax


Start By Stopping Charmaine Barber


The Super Hero Within Us Manisha Ramdhin


Just For Today Burt Kempner


Little Things Lenny Hadassah Zulu


Dear Self Re: Time To Remember Who You Are Ferial Puren


What Is Conscious Sales Nina Concepcion


When Breath Is Medicine Emma Edwick


Interview - Award-Nominated Actress Lunden De’leon Lunden De’leon


Are Setbacks Really Setbacks? Robert Landau


When Does Giving Become Too Much? Amy Thomson


Know Your Bliss. Winnie Mabena


What Attracts You In Masculinity Liva Levica


Want To Know The Biggest Reasons Why Successful Couples Or Those Who Want To Be In Relationship Don’t Have The Partnership They Need, Especially Right Now Joanna Intara


A Call To Walk On Water Mercy Juma


A Blast Of Creativity Transforming Your Life’s Trajectory Larry Rosenberg, Phd


Multi Faceted Health Care Dawn Bates


Two Trees Andy Ferguson


Make My Your Witness Burt Kempner

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photo: nikii north


Spirituality at its finest...

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model: samantha vax


Spirituality is building a belief system based on knowledge and experience. It means creating space for things, people, and places most would deem impossible or unlikely. Above all, it means sticking up for and standing by what you believe, even when other’s don’t. It’s how we interact with the world and how the world interacts with us. Our souls and the Universe are continuously dancing together, which means that every vibration ever felt, was paired with millions of other vibrations before it got to you, before you felt the energy and accepted the feeling. Spirituality is a way of life. A way of life which incorporates following passions, building strength, seeking knowledge, and learning from experience. By doing this for ourselves, we dance with the Universe. This is when we feel the energetic pull of vibrating molecules in the body. This is the natural order. The way our body adapts and continuously learns and grows. Spirituality opens doors to new beginnings and fresh starts. You are on an infinite timeline. Continue your journey in the most love and light filled way. This is spirituality. You matter. You are important. Embrace your self-love!

Samantha Vax

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model: samantha vax


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Start by


Listen quietly and uninterruptedly. No jumping in with both feet ready to say something. Just sit, mouth closed and full attention on them to the exclusion of all else.

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So, what is the best way of helping someone who needs our help? It´s easy and yet complicated. Complicated because of all those wonderful filtered lenses we see life through which don´t happen to be the same as everyone else´s funnily enough.

Isn´t it great to know that we´re someone who´s willing to help others, that people in dire straits can count on us in times of need, or even if they´re not in dire straits and look like they need help, we can still help them out. In fact, we pride ourselves on it. We revel in it, we get great satisfaction from helping someone who needs our help, but at what cost to them? We know that the advice we´re giving is valuable and they need it. So why don´t they take it?

Every single persons view of life is different and yet we make assumptions that their view is the same as ours, which it is up to a point. For example, we categorise everything, so we can make an assumption that when we use the label, “flower,” everyone knows what we´re talking about.

What do you mean, “What cost to them?” I´m giving sound advice, common sense, anyone can see that can´t they?

How can we help then? We can start by stopping. Stop assuming we know what people are really talking about. Start by stopping giving our opinions, because that´s all they are, an opinion which happens to be ours and no-one elses. Start by stopping to advise them, because our advice is just that, our advice. It´s tailor-made for us and no-one else. Isn´t that an incredible eye-opener?

Is it the way we offer our advice, the wrong time, the wrong place, they aren´t open to it because they´re so worried about things going on in their life, or is it something else? Have you ever sat down with a friend who´s got the whole world on their shoulders because they´ve lost their job, the partner/husband/wife has had an affair, the washing machine broke down and flooded the kitchen floor this morning and they´ve had not time to clear up the flood before having to shove a distraught, screaming toddler into the buggy and rushing off out the door only to find that the car won´t start, or whatever else could and invariably does show up in the problem sector of their lives?

Instead, what we can do, is listen quietly and uninterruptedly. No jumping in with both feet ready to say something. Just sit, mouth closed and full attention on them to the exclusion of all else. Then, when they´ve finished, look at asking the right questions. All too often we rush into problem situations on our chivalrous white steeds to the rescue and accidentally kill the person we´re rescuing with our joust.

Yes? What did you do? You probably offered unsolicited advice and if you´re a bloke, you tried to solve all her problems, assuming it´s a woman. I say, wrong, wrong, wrong. This is not the way to approach anyone when you want to help. First off, did they even ask for your help? No. Secondly, are most people even likely to ask for help? No. Why not? How about they don´t want to be judged for something they might have done or not done? Or maybe they think they´ll be criticised or put to shame?

We are not here to make someone change, we are here to facilitate their epiphanies, of which they will have many, so that they may take control of their own lives.

Charmaine Barber

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photo: dane fortein | model: manisha ramdhin


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within us.

Some of us have dreams inside of us but we do not realise what we need to do in to make these dreams become a reality. “Dream big” they said. So, we did, and then we got knocked down. We got obstacles, setbacks, challenges. We started believing the story they fed us. The ones closest to us were often our biggest critics. We started living in the shadow of other people’s opinions. We gave them our power. We were conditioned until we were numb and we plugged into this system we call life. It is not too bad, we are comfortable and we trick ourselves into thinking we are happy because that voice inside of us has become a whisper. We are not good enough. We are not worthy. We need to live within our means. It is not easy to break out of this mould. It is a collective consciousness. Change is scary, uncomfortable and there is uncertainty. It is easier to please the crowd. It is even easier to allow life to happen to you. Life is our dictator and we succumb to living a life that is by far less that what we were destined for. At some point, we have all experienced a heartache, some of us suffer with physical ailments and experience pain daily. We are abused, we

are exhausted, we are mentally drained. We push ourselves to our limits and yet we struggle to meet monthly commitments. If you are a single parent, even going to the toilet alone is an achievement. On some level we all experience pain, trauma, heartache, abuse and we have scars and wounds that are not always visible. We have these demons inside of us keeping us the same. This becomes our story, but we do not realise that we are not a product of our past, or environment or unique situation. What if our experiences have happened so that we can rise above them? What if each incident is a test after which we rise to the next level? What if the harder we fall, the stronger we become? What if our role is to call upon the super-hero within ourselves? Instead we are always looking for the shortcut. We want the easy way out. We want what is comfortable but the shortcut is a lie and we fall for it every single time. The easy road is not going to take you to where you want to be. We are on this epic quest to become stronger, faster, healthier, wealthier, wiser, better, free. In order reach our goals, we need to slay these demons and this is not going to happen by itself. You need to call the super-hero within. I am not going to lie to you. It will be hard work, tremendous effort and you will need to learn, study and upskill yourself. It will take late nights, and early mornings and sometimes it is blood, sweat

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and tears. There will be a lot of frustration and it will need discipline. Discipline is the root of all good qualities. It is what over comes laziness, and excuses and it is also what defeats the voices that say “ I am not good enough. I am too tired. Not today. I will do it tomorrow.” Are you ready to take action? Are you prepared to make some sacrifices? Are you ready to do your action consistently despite how you feel? Are you ready to call upon your super-hero? I can say with certainty It will be worth it. You are so powerful. You are so worthy. You are more than good enough. You are the same matter that the cosmos is made up of. You are an energetic and vibrational being . Your new reality already exists on some level. All it needs you to do is level up, fight your battles and take back your power. Everything you have ever wanted lies on the other side of your fear and your comfort zone. Challenge yourself daily. Figure out what you want in life. Assess what is holding you back. Have big dreams and take massive action daily and consistently. A tool I Have been using for 20 years is called Map 4 Life. You can get a free 7 days here: ManishaRAMDHIN-GIFT or sign up for a challenge here: https://form.

Manisha Ramdhin


You need to slay your demons.

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photos: dane fortein | model: manisha ramdhin


You need to call the super-hero within.

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Are you ready to call upon your super-hero? I can say with certainty It will be worth it. You are so powerful.

photo: dane fortein | model: manisha ramdhin

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Just for Today Just for today, put aside your anger. There will still be plenty to be angry about tomorrow. Just for today, banish your fear. If you want you can call it back tomorrow. If you want. Just for today, avoid trying to convince others you’re right. Spend this precious day instead giving those in need of Encouragement the balm of your unflinching Love. Just for today, focus on something exceptionally beautiful. Do it again tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow. You will run out of despair long before you run out of Tomorrows. It might turn out to be a fool’s errand. You may clamor to return to your wrath, your worries and Your certainty; they are there for a reason. But that doesn’t have to stop you from glimpsing the Promised Land. Burt Kempner

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“Watch your thoughts for they become your words; watch your words for they become your actions; watch your actions for they become your habits; watch your habits for they become your character; watch your character for it becomes your destiny.” - Mahatma Ghandi

How often we think that our lives are made by the big events we encounter, but that is not the case. Life is made up of all the little things added together culminating into one whole. Little things like thoughts for example can determine your destiny. You are the sum total of the little thoughts you have been having over the last few years. According to Mahatma Gandhi, the basic building blocks of your life are your thoughts which culminate into your destiny. So have you been thinking about what you have been thinking about? Could it be that destiny is not one big event but a sum total of the little thoughts that have been running through your mind? Can we also say you can change your destiny by changing your thoughts? We can equate your mind to a garden that you have to learn to water and tend to or simply take care of. And if your mind is a garden then your thoughts are the seeds you plant in your garden. So carefully pick the seeds you want to spring forth, because by so doing you’re choosing the fruit you want to produce in your life eventually. And you just don’t end at planting good seed, but you have to take it a step further and weed out the seeds you accidentally or ignorantly planted but whose fruit you don’t want. But don’t end there either, go [ 24 ]

further by avoiding seeds that are detrimental to you. You must be wise enough to know that when people interact with you they will eat what you have planted in your garden. Make sure people have a wonderful experience when they come to your garden to eat. Always remember that before any action is birthed, it starts out as a thought. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a good or bad action, everything rises and falls on your thought life. The good news is thoughts can be controlled, so uproot thoughts that don’t serve you. Don’t just let toxic thoughts roam around in your mind. If you want to control your habits start with your thoughts first. So watch out for the little things that make a very big difference; your thoughts. For they have the ability to make you or break you. Consider this also, it is little things like nails that determine whether a chair will be able to hold your weight or not. It is little drops of water that can fill a bucket. It is the little foxes that spoil the vines. With that said, you need to start paying attention to your thoughts, they’re not just little harmless thoughts, it has been proven that thoughts are indeed things; perhaps because before anything is tangible it starts out as an intangible thought. Lenny Hadassah Zulu

photo: njavwa namwila | model: lenny hadassah zulu


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Dear Self

Re: Time to remember who you are. [ 26 ]

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model: ferial puren


“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.”, 2 Corinthians 10:4 - the Bible.

A holy book revered as the word of God and the practices and principles it teaches followed by Christians all around the planet. I was once, many years ago now, a student of the Bible, and this morning this scripture just popped into my head, out of nowhere, just as I was contemplating how we will turn this crazy situation we are in around. For the first time in all the years I read this scripture, I now know what it means. Just like that, the veil was lifted....hmmmm.

forgive ourselves and others for creating the mess we find ourselves in? Are we wise enough to understand that in the energy field of the Universe there is no us and them? There is only us. We are all part of the problem but we are also all part of the solution. Are we humble enough to put our prejudices, religious beliefs and cultural differences aside to find the deep humanity that we all share because now we need unity amidst our diversity? Are we strong enough to question ourselves and to reset our values, principles and practices if it has been contributing to the mess, so we can fight for our families, our homes, our planet and our very way of life. Are we finally ready? We have been fighting the wrong enemy with the wrong weapons. It is time to lower our guns and all the other weapons we have grown accustomed to. Anger, war, prejudice, rape, murder, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, revenge, jealousy, foolishness, lust, greed, pride. These are the fuel we have gathered to power these weapons. These are not our weapons. They are alien. If we continue to use them, they will be our destruction. Why would we be stupid enough to be complicate in our own demise? There is no other species on the planet dumb enough to do this. Survival is coded into the DNA of every species. Perhaps this is why I am able to write this to you today. This is about our survival. This is a reminder of who we are, Humanity.

Whilst I no longer believe the Bible or any other religious scripture to be absolute truth because we are a species constantly growing in the knowledge of who we are in relation to the Universe and where we come from. I do believe that the words echoed here, in this scripture and in other writings across the centuries of our human story have been inspired by the God in us, our hope of glory unto salvation. We have always been challenging ourselves to be better. To be more than we are, because deep down we know who we truly are. Perhaps, we have memory loss? Fortunately, our Creator, our Source, had knitted into our very being, this hope for salvation. It’s been there all along and throughout our epic story we have experienced mere glimmers of this most powerful weapon. We spend our entire lives searching for it. We even sometimes find illegitimate ways to experience just a glimpse of it in our lifetimes. Everything we do is in pursuit of it. We were hard wired to seek it out, hence we are obsessed with it.

We have only ever been given one weapon powerful enough to vanquish all our enemies. It is coded right into our DNA. We are the only ones who can access it. Our enemy knows this and it also knows that if and when we finally wake up, and figure out how to access this weapon, it will be toast. You are powerful beyond measure!!! You are, Guardian. You are Protector. You are, Carer. You are Nurturer. You are Father. You are Mother. You are Son. You are Daughter. You are Family. You are Hope. You are Happiness. You are Peace. You are Joy. You are Pain. You are Balance. You are Beauty. You are Earth. You are Fire. You are Water. You are Air. You are Artist. You are Architect. You are, Designer. You are Innovator. You are, Creator. You are Connected. You are Human.

Ironically, we possess within us, the power to change everything. Are we finally evolved enough to understand how to access it? Are we emotionally intelligent enough to take responsibility for our actions? Are we worthy enough to be the beings who have transformed ourselves to the point where we are able to wield such a powerful weapon? Are we Brave enough to learn from our past, acknowledge how we have missed the mark and give ourselves permission to make different, wiser choices in our present so we can have a better future? Are we courageous enough to


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Ferial Puren


model: ferial puren

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What is

conscious sales?

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Most people seem to have an allergy to sales! I completely understand as we have all experienced a negative interaction from a sleazy sales person.

you don’t want to work with everyone and actually turn people down, the sooner you will realise working with you is a GIFT not a favour!

that once they money comes and goes, what remains is the IMPACT you had on your client’s lives and how you feel about yourself and your life.

But I believe this is NOT normal. I am here to change the way we think, look, feel about and make sales. And it can be done! In as little as a few weeks many of my clients shift their perception of sales from sleazy to soulful. There is no shame in wanting more abundance and wealth in our life.

In order for a relationship to be empowering and mutually beneficially for BOTH parties a couple things must be present.

Remember it is NOT about the money. It is about the contribution, the fulfilment, the authentic self expression of sharing our unique gifts and messages with the world.

So other than holding onto preconceived judgement, where does the shame come from?

AND as the service provider you must genuinely feel like you can support someone with what they are saying they want help with.

The human mind easily thinks of negative experiences but we need to make a conscious decision to think of a positive experience. This is the truth with sales too… Rather than thinking of a negative experience you had with sales, think about a POSITIVE experience you had with sales. Think of when you found and bought something you really really loved that actually provided you LOTS of value! We can also ALL think of a POSITIVE experience! THIS is what conscious sales is to me. Firstly, shifting perceptions and realities. Sales it is enjoyable. It feels juicy. It feels excitinag! I remember when I decided to invest $20k in my current coach for 3 months of mentorship, I was crapping myself but I was also so excited and energised thinking about the possibility of my life and my business! I WANTED this, I was just scared… The truth is… We are not here to work with everyone! We are not FOR everyone! The more honest and in our integrity we can be with ourselves about this the sooner we can transcend your old beliefs about sales. The sooner you can realise

There must be: A high vibrational resonance when you connect with this person.

When people pay, they pay attention. Something really beautiful happens when someone decides to invest in themselves. Let’s take a coach as an example. When the coachee invests more than they have ever invested in themselves they level up and show up in a way they never had before. This is because they have real skin in the game and realise their results are up to them. And the coach also shows up more than they ever have before. Because it is in their integrity to make sure they show up for they’re paying clients even when it’s inconvenient and they don’t feel like it. Both parties are required to level up. In a service based relationship, this rarely happens without the exchange of money. So next time you are in a situation when you feel like you can DEEPLY support someone and you could make an offer which could potentially drastically improve their life, business and/or health… Rather than feeling insecure and asking yourself how you feel, ask yourself how can I truly be of service to this person right now? Sales first comes from a desire to want to support and help people. Yes, we also get something in return but you will quickly realise

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The sooner you can tap into the love of what you do and who you work with, and finding joy in those moments of being in the present moment… The sooner the conscious sales and financial abundance comes. Sales is a transfer of energy. If you are feeling insecure people feel that. If you are feeling like you aren’t sold on the product yourself, people feel that. If you feel love for this person and genuinely want to and know you can support them with what you know, they will feel that. Do not be afraid to be yourself. Do not be afraid to call people out on their BS excuses. Do not be afraid to hold people to the highest version of themselves. As conscious leaders and entrepreneurs, THIS is our role at it’s core. As we strive for success, we must not forget why we do this in the first place. To make the world a better place. This is where conscious sales begin, as you are your first sale. You must first believe that you have the power to make a difference.

Nina Concepcion


Become the storyteller of your own destiny.

Are you ready to share your awesomeness?


One Tribe Media merge imagination and technology to help brands tell their stories and grow their tribes in an age of digital transformation through collaborative website design and branding.

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lineage. I began resonating more deeply with their belief that we hold the key to our own divinity. So why has their deep connection to self and the earth been dismissed and deemed insignificant?

According to American Clinical Psychologist Dr Peter Levine, “Trauma is perhaps the most avoided, ignored, belittled, denied, misunderstood, and untreated cause of human suffering. Although it is the source of tremendous distress and dysfunction, it is not an ailment or a disease, but the by-product of an instinctively instigated, altered state of consciousness�. There are many types of trauma that one may experience. Some examples of these include birth trauma, situational trauma, sexual trauma or inter-generational trauma. Even after the actual event, the body retains a cellular memory that can create unconscious behaviour patterns as coping strategies such as hyper-vigilance or disassociation. In traumatic or stressful situations, your central nervous system releases stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. However, these become overactive resulting in a flight/fight/ freeze process in your system. An accumulation of these hormones become trapped in the connective tissue (fascia) in your body. This is what creates pain, tension and dis-ease. This contraction also extends to pressure and resistance in the diaphragm, leading to a reduced oxygen intake that may contribute to shallow breathing patterns.

During this period of evaluation, my awareness of societal programming around blocking our emotions as an effective way of coping was highlighted. The concept that women are over-reactive and men are weak in their expressive nature, seemed to create the perfect environment for masking symptoms with pharmaceuticals. However, discrediting stored emotions in the body that manifest at a cellular level is one of the very things that lead to illness and disease. This shift in my awareness led me to transition from a space of caring for people in the medical system, to an area that promotes well-being through alternative health management strategies. These preventative, self-healing practices seemed to be a logical way to reduce the number of hospital admissions, that would in turn, reduce the ongoing pressures on resources This is where breathwork gained my attention. Implementing this in to my own daily self-care practice has also led me to transition into a breathwork facilitator role. This highly transformative and deeply healing modality uses breath and body awareness, by focusing on cycles of conscious, connected and continuous breathing. This technique enables a release of unprocessed emotions or energetic blockages, associated with past trauma-related experiences. Breathwork allows for the completion of this interrupted flight/fight/ freeze process, by using the felt sense to recalibrate the central nervous system.

In my days as a Registered Nurse, I co-managed illnesses requiring varying degrees of intervention. This extended to acute forms of trauma for those in critical and life-threatening situations. However, how I presented myself in this space, in contrast to the self-healing practices that I was immersing myself in, began creating immense internal conflict. A personal event that occurred to me in 2017, led me to let go of long-held core beliefs and values as a result of ancestral and societal programming. My previous conditioning became severely challenged. This created a sequence of transformative events including a Kundalini awakening, followed by my first Dark Night of the Soul. This consciousness upgrade, was a case of what can only be described as an intense and messy ego death. One that had me question everything around me. This experience of unlearning previously taught patterns and structures, created and paved a new way of being. This confusing time was where my view of conventional health care also began to change. I started to see the health care system in a different light.

In my self-healing process, breathwork has enabled me to balance my own inner feminine and masculine polarity. This practice has helped me to work through behaviour patterns around self-abandonment, self-sabotage, as well as ancestral wounding. Conscious emotional release through breathwork has enabled me to lessen my inner masculine tendency of being hypervigilant in areas of my life that was repressing my feminine expression. Breathwork appears to be paving a new-found level of selfempowerment and health promotion. People are reporting experiences of being able to create more spaciousness and a sense of rebalance, rejuvenation and vitality. There are many benefits of breathwork. Some of these entail stress management, a reduction in the severity of symptoms associated with anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as enhanced mental clarity, expansion and greater self-awareness.

It became increasingly apparent that my awareness around symptom management and disease prevention was shifting away from my previously taught methods of practice. Working in an environment, where western medicine applied a systemic approach to healthcare, made me question why we have never integrated Eastern Philosophy principles in modern practice. It seemed that an all-encompassing mind/ body/spirit approach of maintaining optimal health had been disregarded. The more I invested in my well-being, the more I reflected on what appeared to be an oversight in the way that I was taught to manage health.

Breath is the bridge that connects our mind to the body. This therapeutic and self-regulatory process is a natural lifeforce energy that allows us to access the innate wisdom and intelligence within us. It helps us to de-armour any holding patterns that may keep us in a place of uncertainty. This is why I value this modality. While I have the privilege to support and hold space for people during their process of trauma and emotional release, it also empowers my clients to tap in to the unchartered parts of themselves and to live fully and authentically – mind, body and spirit.

However, following my spiritual call to wake up, I realised that this omission was possibly related to the reason why the knowledge of Indigenous elders had been suppressed. Their wisdom of the land and their connection to spirit has been passed from one generation to the next. It does not come from any textbook or classroom because it is taught through their

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model: Emma Edwick


“Transformation and healing comes from the desire for self-exploration. When we understand the relationship between breath and our body’s intelligence, we are able to bring movement to and shift ourselves to a higher state of being”. Emma Edwick

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Lunden De’Leon


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inter view

Award-nominated actress Lunden De’Leon

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Recently nominated “Best Leading Actress” for her role as a high powered attorney in the film “Pure Justice,” actress Lunden De’Leon is no newcomer to television and film. “There’s nothing more exciting than developing a strong character and taking her from script to screen,” says De’Leon. “I’ve had the opportunity to portray some very powerful women throughout my career and for that I am grateful .” Having starred in over fifty movies and television shows, De’Leon has worked alongside some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Her list of credits includes the blockbuster comedy “We’re the Millers,” Bravo Television’s “True Fiction”, “Sweet Home Carolina,” “Somebody’s Child” and just recently, the Netflix drama “Blackbear” as well as the thriller “Broken Halos.” In “Blackbear,” De’Leon portrays the role of Nurse London, a nononsense nurse caring for her patient. The film stars Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight). De’Leon goes from playing a nurse in “Blackbear” to portraying the wife of a slain cop in the film “Broken Halos,” a thriller about a police officer who goes through a traumatic experience when his partner is killed. De’Leon plays the role of Patricia. “Broken Halos” is produced by G! It’s Entertainment, a film production company based in Los Angeles and South Carolina with films airing on Lifetime and Hallmark. “Blackbear” is currently streaming on Netflix at time of publication.

What was early childhood life like for you? I grew up in a small town in South Carolina. My family was extremely poor but somehow we made it work. At what age did you know that you wanted to become an actress? I knew from an earlier age that I wanted to be in the entertainment industry. However, I fell into acting. I was broke, homeless and sleeping on a friend’s couch in LA. My friend was a struggling actress and asked me to come with her to an audition. I went, auditioned and got the role. I soon signed with her agent and booked more television and film roles. How hard was it for you to get your foot in the door in Hollywood? I was extremely lucky. I immediately got signed after booking my first audition. Please describe one of the biggest obstacles in life and how you mastered it. As mentioned, being homeless in LA was a huge obstacle. I slept on the beach before finally getting a voucher to stay in a homeless [ 38 ]

shelter in downtown LA. I was down but I refused to stay down. While at the shelter, I enrolled in acting classes at The Los Angeles Theater Academy. While at the academy, I found a roommate who changed my life. She was a struggling actress and asked me to come with her to an audition. I went, auditioned and got the role. After that, I signed with an agent and went on to book a number of television and film roles. What is your life philosophy? (How did you develop it and where does it come from?) My philosophy in life is to use my stumbling blocks as stepping stones. I’ve been told “no” so many times in this industry. I’ve been told that I wasn’t pretty enough or that I didn’t have enough talent. However, I wasn’t going to let someone else’s opinion of me get in the way of my purpose. Would you like us to know anything else about you? In addition to acting, I also mentor kids in my hometown of South Carolina. I’m blessed and believe in blessing others.

Lunden De’Leon

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lunden de’leon


lunden de’leon


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lunden de’leon

I’ve been told that I wasn’t pretty enough or that I didn’t have enough talent...

...I wasn’t going to let someone else’s opinion of me get in the way of my purpose.

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Are Setbacks Really Setbacks?

} Robert Landau is a Certified Life Coach that works with people around the world via Zoom. His new website is

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You were just coming off an amazing period of progress in your personal life and career. Things couldn’t have been better. You achieved more in the last three years than ever before. So many were proud of you. Being on a roll never felt so good. And then it hit! All of a sudden, seemingly out of no where...BAM!!! Things came to a grinding, screeching halt! It’s as if all the gold that was flowing from the waterfall of abundance and success, suddenly got cut off. Seems as if the things you were really counting on happening in your life don’t even seem close to seeing the light of day now. The situation in the world has worsened. Just getting out of bed to face the day is something you’d rather turn a cold shoulder to and stay securely under the covers for the rest of the day. Or even better, how about the rest of the week or maybe even the rest of the month? Heck, why not throw the rest of the year in for good measure! How could things have gone so well for so long and then become so bad? Every one of us experiences great highs only to be thrown against the wall of seeming negativity from time to time. We’re only human and riding the roller coaster that is life takes us to incredible highs and then, at a moment’s notice, drags us through some horrific and incredible lows. It doesn’t help that the world has changed drastically. We are so conditioned to react to what appears to be going on outside of ourselves. Doing so for a prolonged period of time disconnects us from what’s going on inside of ourselves. We’re only human but the key is to choose not stay with the doom and gloom scenario for too long. As a society, we aren’t taught to go within and connect with our strength and resilience. It’s all too easy to stay on the surface and become the news of the day.

The key is to not let outer setbacks in the world at large become inner setbacks. There’s a difference but it’s up to you to create a healthy boundary so you don’t become the angst of the world to the point where functioning becomes a huge task. So how do we handle things when storm clouds appear out of nowhere and threaten to totally rain on our parade?

1) Always be aware that stuff happens. That’s a part of

life! The road is never a straight shot from “A” to “Z”. The reality is that it twists and turns along its way.

2) Don’t choose to attach yourself to the emotion of what’s happening around you. If you don’t attach yourself to

outer issues that are mass related, they move on a lot faster. Stuff needs to move through you. Don’t let negative and fearful energy get stuck inside of you. Believe it or not, you have a choice. You have been given more power than you realize.

3) Understand that times get dark and foreboding every so often. Know that behind every cloud lies a beautiful bright blue sun-filled sky

4) Realize that things happen for a reason, just don’t tell your ego!

Our mind-bodies love to draw things out and bathe in the thick soup of temporary issues that might appear to be negative. Did you notice the word “temporary”?

5) Life on earth ain’t perfect. Never has been but hopefully will be so much better soon. All you

have to do is hang on and be patient. Take the ups with the downs and keep moving forward. See your “Z” from where you are standing at “A”. Know at the deepest level of your being that you’ll get there, not matter what your mind-chatter says. Feel as if you’ve already crossed the finish line before the race has begun. You can do this. You’ve done it before and there’s no

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reason why you can’t do it again. The choice is always yours. Make it. Once you do you’ll find it so much easier that you originally thought Consider the following; Could it be that what appears to be a negative issue or occurrence in your life is not permanent? It probably feels like the clouds will never clear but think and visualize ahead a number of months. Where will you be then? Do you still see the issue as being prevalent? What I’m getting at here is that there isn’t much that can be done when bad things seem to happen to good people such as yourself. Acknowledge that it happened and then muster all the energy, will and positive determination you have so that you can move on. Getting out of ruts can only be accomplished by taking small steps forward. On the road of life, there will always be bumps along the way. It’s how we chose to react and deal with those bumps that makes all the difference. Some bumps will be major and rattle you to your core, others will be minor and brief disturbances. The important thing to remember is that no matter what the issue may be, you WILL get through it. Raging storms never last forever. They eventually blow over and the sun shines once again. Are you the dark and threatening storm or might you be the unmistakable radiance of the clear sunshine-filled blue sky? The answer can be found deep within you. You always know what the answer to that question is. You just forget from time to time. Setbacks will make themselves known to you. Don’t make anything more of them than what they truly are, an opportunity to prove to yourself that you are made of much greater stuff. Setbacks are not the solid walls they often appear to be. I’ve got a secret for you. Those walls are actually transparent. They only look solid and impenetrable. It’s all in how you choose to see it and even more important, it’s all in how you deal with it. The choice is yours, always.

Robert Landau

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““No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” – Nelson Mandela (1994)

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When Does Giving Become Too Much?

When I was little, I used to bring home every stray or wounded animal and person without a thought in the world, because I could see magic & miracles in each one of them. I even tried to save every plant and bug I came across. My parents were annoyed. We lived in a small house and they never knew when they might find a raccoon in the shower using their body wash. Back then, I truly believed I could help everyone and everything. I still believe that, but differently than before. Being the way I was back then definitely set me up for some major challenges and heartbreaks throughout my life. First off, my family worried a lot about me, because I was so naive that I would believe the best of every situation. And I was so selfless that I would sacrifice myself, my possessions, and my well-being for the sake of other people, animals and the planet. I was called by something much larger than myself, and knew deep down I was here to make a difference. Unfortunately, I needed to go to the school of hard knocks to learn a few important lessons before I was ready to help people and the planet the way I envisioned. Looking back, I’m much more appreciative of the experiences I went through even if they were hard. And oh my gosh, they were hard. In fact, they shaped me into the person I am today.

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I am still selfless in my generosity & love, but have set clear boundaries. Now, I put myself first. I fill my cup so I can better help and serve others. Periodically I still fall for someone manipulating my heart-strings, but for the most part, I have found my strength, and have become grounded in who I am and what I have to offer. Wisdom has captured my heart and now I have a better understanding of how to help, who to help, and when to help. Here are 7 things I learned that make it easier for me to help people without being taken advantage of, or causing myself misfortune, challenges or illness: 1. Empathy & sympathy are very different. I can be with someone going through something without me having to connect deeply with them on their emotional level. Lowering my vibrations and feeling like they feel doesn’t actually help them. It just makes me feel worse. They feel better momentarily to have company in their misery, but at what cost? 2. Scheduled self-time is a must. It is crucial to schedule time for me to use 100% for myself unapologetically in any way I wish. This helps me nourish my soul & connect with my inner being. 3. Mindset makes magic. Getting my mindset right at the beginning of the day (and often throughout) helps me deal with anything that


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When I am in alignment with my higher self, I am more aware of what is good for myself and others.

comes my way, protects my energy, and helps me to attract better circumstances for myself and others. I use meditation, positive affirmations, breathing, tapping & appreciation techniques. 4. Not everyone wants or needs help. People are receptive to different things at different times, based on their experiences, circumstances, interests, needs, filters, understanding and mindset. Even if we see an opportunity to better their life or circumstance, they will often not see it or agree with it. If we push to help people, they often resist more. It is best to use our energy wisely.

upsetting way. Each tiny event has an impact on our thoughts, which then impacts our feelings, actions & results, so it’s easier to take tiny actions and feel little improvements than try to change everything all at once. 7. Commit to self-love, forgiveness & compassion. When I am in alignment with my higher self, I ~ Mindset Artwork & Music made entirely of positive affirmations ConnectTheDots.Studio ~ Visit the Dream Directory: List your projects & goals to get resources you need, build your team, or expand your skills through hands-on training on someone

am more aware of what is good

else’s project.

for myself and others, and what is

not. I am more receptive to better ideas, and know the actions to take for the results I want. So I make a commitment to do the energy

5. There are ways to provide help & support for people, animals & the planet without having to lower our vibration or get sucked into drama, negativity or misfortune. I have spent a lifetime learning and testing how to do this, and I’ve created many things to connect with people at all levels, so they can gently improve their well-being & circumstances, and raise their vibrations, without having to be forced or manipulated into anything. Contrary to what I used to believe, people don’t need to realize a breakdown to have a breakthrough.

work and connect with my higher

6. Every little bit helps. It doesn’t have to take a massive shift to make a difference for yourself or others. In times when everything feels hopeless and terrible, you can shift things little by little, moment by moment, and in an easy, non-

the people, and connect with the

self before anything else. I end up

~ My coaching, art portfolio, and other work. ~ The best program to get more done, in less time, with better

making less mistakes, having better


relationships, and have more peace.


If you’re anything like me and you

~ An online resource for

want to help better the world, you’ll

happiness: NOW LOOKING FOR

benefit from some of the things I have to offer. I specialize in helping people with their projects and goals, and I never judge them for where they’re at or what they’re dealing with. Instead, I help them see what’s possible, make the plans, become resources they need to bring their dreams to life. Please visit my websites to find more ways you can live your dreams & fulfill on your projects & goals.

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model: Amy Thomson


Every little bit helps. It doesn’t have to take a massive shift to make a difference for yourself or others.

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Know your bliss.

“Be grateful for those

small things that

make you happy”

Sometimes we wake to not knowing what to do, how to do it or where to go. A constant revisit of such emotions live you feeling unfulfilled, empty and lost in direction. Sometimes even undecided. You just don’t just can’t it figure out... However, deep inside you, there will always be that still small voice that maybe at war with the outside of you because at times you want to please another or just want to maintain peace with whats trending. Even then, the vacuum will never be filled until you make time to know your bliss. When you do you will live the life you have ever wanted and be the happiest person ever.

something barely noticed. Begin by knowing the little things that bring you happiness and be able to recognize them. Be grateful for those small things that make you happy and realize you can be happy without anything big happening but those small things. This will help you to take note of a time when you feel unbelievably happy. These moments count in knowing your bliss. Remain with that moment and feelings inspiring the inside you. When you think you figured out at least one thing that makes you feel blissful, stay with it. Once you know what makes you happy and what you are passionate about then allow yourself to truly and fully enjoy your life. Sometimes you might realize that you have been surrounded by your bliss all along but you just needed to notice it, and be grateful for it.

To seek your own personal bliss, you need to find time and sit quietly and meditate about a time in your life when you were the happiest... when you were your highest self or best self. What was happening around you? Who was there? How did it make you feel? What did you do? Where was that? What was it about?

Allow yourself to enjoy the refreshment “ that life within you” all the time. That’s your bliss child Look again and look deep inside you for your bliss...

Know what that is, even if it’s small, it matters. It doesn’t matter how small that thing is; it could be hearing the voice of your loved one or giving or even [ 50 ]

model: Winnie Mabena


Look again and look deep inside you for your bliss

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What attracts you in


Similar question came up recently in social media and I could not stop thinking about it! Yes, we all want a man that makes us feel safe, loved, desired, protected and so on, but what dose it mean to actually be that man!? Have that kind of masculine energy that we woman can’t keep away from??? In last year I have allowed myself to explore a world of dating, meeting, experiencing sexual interactions and also feeling emotional rainbows. And to be honest I learned a lot! Not only about man and dating, but I think more about myself - who I am, how I process feelings and emotions. But most of the things that brought me closer to myself was realisation were I would like to end up with all this dating and meeting potential partners! What is the man and quality’s I am looking for. First of all I can tell you ONE - “We all are different and we all are searching for different things in life!” This is lesson that you have to take in… So many of us go out on dates and then feel disappointed that we haven’t hit on the right one. Well the truth here is - We need to let ourselves to explore more! To quit our expectations and see what this other person has that we can explore, have great time with and also learn something new. And yes, not always what we experience

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feels right for us, but that’s why it is time of exploration and discovery. And remember you DON’T have to marry them or even continue to see them. For me lot of dates opened up my eyes about flexibility and being present in moment. I will always remember date when man before the date send me a text saying - “I HOPE I will meet your expectations!!!” At that point I thought w***f*** the last thing I really want is to go out with my expectations. Because if that would be the case I would buy a silicon doll man made looking like Russell Crow and Elon Mask combination. Even if we still expect you to be a “Prince in white horse” we still need you to be just you - the kindest, nicest and sweetest man you are. I learned that for me it is important that man I am with likes/loves what he dose! I don’t really care if you work in bank, buy/sell bitcoin or trade in local fruit market as long as you enjoy it and are happy with it. I have discovered that with man who like what they do they also have a peaceful confidence about who they are. And confidence is definitely a thing that makes me as a woman feel safe next to a man. They will not try to show off with it or try to show how masculine they are they will just be happy with what they do and who they are. From man with this kind of confidence you can expect also a knowledge in


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bedroom. But here’s the trick even if they are knowledgeable in it they still will ask you what you like and enjoy and in the same time will tell you what they prefer and what turns them on. It’s a rare attitude these days, but if you have meet man like this it’s definitely worth to explore relationships more. The other thing that puts me off being with man is point when he complains about money… Yes, we all have our own struggles with this topic, but complaining about it is NOT something that will make them go away nor it will bring in more money! If man has two hands and healthy head on shoulders you have to be able to make living happen. And if you are NOT happy with what you make then find a way that will make you happy. It’s that simple and in the same time that difficult. If man complains about money on the date it’s putting me of straight away. I have been working hard, and I mean really hard in my life mentally and physically, and I don’t cry about luck of money, I just take what I have and work towards what I wish to have! Complaining about money also mentally sends an insecure message to us woman that this man will NOT be a partner who can provide security because he doesn’t have it already. And how can you give something that you don’t have?!? We all have our worries and things

we would like to improve or change, but if you can be in peace with them and also engage in the moment it is a BIG plus. Your masculinity will also be measured in your ability to be present and be able to participate in relationships with presence. ONE thing that we value MORE than anything is TIME you spend with us. It doesn’t have to be a fancy presents, expensive drinks or luxury restaurants - it’s JUST have to be time that you spend with us being present and invested. And I don’t mean time when you are lying on coach and watching TV unless you are watching movie together that you both enjoy. We woman long a masculinity, we long this amazing powerful energy, but if you are NOT there for us how can we be able to engage with it. I see that more and more as a problem in day to day life… We all have these modern technologies and possibility’s to reach out almost to anyone around the world, but we lose sense of what it is to really be present in someones life and with someone! Your masculinity is something we want you to be proud of and also in the same time have it but don’t walk around with it like a bull. Because it’s more a feeling of yourself about yourself than anything else. We want you to be happy with who you are and how you are and if there’s something you wish to improve that’s perfect - we will be there to support you and encourage you. And

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remember there’s NO mistakes in life - just lessons! And if something haven’t worked out as you wished or planed don’t worry you still will be our hero and we will still admire you for who you are. Also remember that relationships are two way road and you have to be present, more than anything else, in things that are happening in them. Your presence, ability be there and support will be valued more than anything else in this life. That will be the true masculinity that you have, because you have enough confidence about your self and who you are and where you are. Meaning that you have made your life choices with confidence and feeling that this is were I belong and this is were I want to be and these are the people I want to spend life with. So embrace who you are! Appreciate what you have! And be proud and present with who you are! Stay safe, stay masculine, stay YOU…

Liva Levica


model: liva levica

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Want To Know The Biggest Reasons Why Successful Couples Or Those Who Want To Be In Relationship Don’t Have The Partnership They Need, Especially Right Now? 1. They never think that they would have a hard time doing successful relationship because success reigns supreme in all other areas of their lives. They’ve got the hot shot business, they’re head of start ups, they’re great parents...but the relationship has not been the easiest thing.

Things like; >>> H OW to assess what truly causing the disconnect,and even more so what’s needed to resolve it fully this time >>> H OW to develop the emotional and somatic resources to regulate the couples connection, so that the alone places inside of each person actually get what they need and can finally relax and come home to love, s*x, closeness and so much more.

2. They underestimated the internal emotional, interpersonal and somatic resources that it would take to have the kind of success in the relationship world they are used to having everywhere else. 3. They overlook the reality that the things that haven’t been working well in the partnership realm are right now especially amplified, all over the place and it’s not pretty, easy or going away.

>>> WHAT to do to get at the real root of what’s going on, (and no it’s not going further into your attachment style - there are things far more inceptive and causal of relationship disturbance that almost no one addresses, but so deeply affects everyone).

I totally understand all of this so deeply.. and yes.. it’s super important to see through the veils that have made it so you can’t see these things!

And how the actual EFF to get through this quarantine and become closer to each other, in a healthy way, and have date nights even if you have kids.

It’s non-negotiable, necessary, and right now I’m seeing those who have done the very tough work of facing their whole selves, their challenges and obstacles they’re thriving right now, they’re feeling good, and they are making major medicine out of this darkness and enjoying those pearls of wisdom, born from the rub and irritation of challenge.

I really see these things as being glossed over, especially right now and just not looked it in most inner work that people need to do, and it causes a lot of self blame, frustration, unnecessary separations and divorces, and untold, countless hours of heartache and being lost in conflict and disconnection

And in cases where there’s been any degree of distraction, addiction (of any kind, not just the obvious), fighting the reality, flying away or being numb (even to small degrees), it’s been extremely hard and troublesome, and I can only imagine it will continue to be this way, and my heart goes out to all those affected - we are living in unprecedented times!

I understand how easy it is to just think things are going to improve, or hide under the shame veneer of I should have it all figured out by now. So if you’re truly over being stuck, confused and ready to banish yourself to the bedroom during this quarantine period of time, while still hoping that career success will sort of carry you over...

And my guess is that the super successful ones, who think they should have figured it all out by now, solved the issue and be getting ‘on with it,’ like their successful jobs and starts ups and the like.

If you’re looking at the bathroom tub and wondering if you can silently run your company, ensconced in water, with a few odd protein bars shoved under the door from your partner, while you can’t bear to look at them right now for the rest of quarantine...

But they’re missing out on EXACTLY what’s needed to get the successful relationship results they want because they’re too smart to really see what’s missing on a realm that’s not their expertise, genius or obsession, but it is mine!

Reach out to me at if you want to have a conversation about how I can legit help you get through this and onto solid relationship ground. Be smart enough to admit what isn’t your easy thing, or successful thing, so you can finally master it, like

It comes super naturally to me that it might be annoying or infuriating to some people! [ 56 ]


I know you can, and you will. Joanna Intara

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WALK ON WATER. “Are you coming to work tomorrow?” Miss Nanna, asks concerned and I contemplate it for a moment remembering the decision I had made earlier that day. I was going to work whole heartedly hard this year, have enough money saved up by the end of the year and then not renew my contract plan and finally honor that urging voice that kept telling me I was not living up to my purpose. Perfect plan yes? Makes perfect logic. Follows every word on the text book I am proud to say. Save up enough for six months, dip in your feet slightly into the waters of what your next dream is just to get a feel of it, polish up the edges and perfect your craft, and then safely swish your focus onto the next big thing when you are ready to. Why then did this voice seem even more urgent now and that gnawing feeling growing? Nanna is concerned because for the past week I haven’t stepped foot at the office and it is becoming a concern. I Know it’s time to make a decision whether I like it or not and to say the truth, I hate it that I am going to have to walk away from this perfectly good opportunity. This is not just a job, it is a family I have come to love, yet when truly listening to

that voice deep within, I am called to make a step that scares the crap out of me. So I told her “Yap, I should come to work tomorrow.” Heck! I even set my alarm and programmed my mind to wake up at 6.00 the next morning. I feel like I’d be more proud of myself if I said 4.30 or something but my beautiful behind would be lying. You do note that I said ‘should’ and not a definite given ‘would’ don’t you? Meaning a slight part of me was holding back. This dream that I had prior to waking up reveals why I never showed up. We all know that dreams are the windows to our subconscious yes? In fact it even goes deeper than that. It is gets us access to our unconscious which then guides us through whatever we are facing at that time, because believe it or not, our unconscious self has the answers we seek. Always. This is why I took this dream as a warning because this was not the first time I was having it. It kept coming to me in different versions for quite some time now and this time I was ready to listen. The dream is always in a high school setting and this time I was in an expensive school. The buildings were very posh and modern and the students [ 58 ]

belonged to the nationwide important people in Kenya. In fact to be in that school one had to actually belong to an important well known family. My uncle dropped us off at the gate and we had to take a motorbike to reach the principal’s office because the school was just enormous. I was with my sister and she was first to go into the office when we got there and plead her case towards being admitted. Her process was smooth and within no time she was done and she was soon to receive a blue uniform and join the rest of the students. Mine on the other hand was like me going up Mount Everest. Daunting. First of all the secretary kept telling me the principal was busy seeing to her duties, then she took me through all these things I was required to do before seeing her which I did like removing my shoes and putting on black sandals instead, (I tell you dreams are crazy because of their symbolic nature) writing a letter and filling up some form. I finally made it to the principal’s office after all that and after explaining to her that I wanted to join the school she kept asking me questions. The one that really stands out is when she asked how old I was and I cryptically

model: Mercy Jume


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blubbered out 28 which is actually my real age at the moment. After that she paused and gave me that look that said, “seriously, shouldn’t your age tell you something about wanting to be back here. Aren’t you really old for high school? Are you really being real with yourself?” And with that she left the room because she had another meeting with the students. I made effort to wait for her as she hopped from meeting to meeting and with great effort I was finally admitted to form 3(11th grade). In that moment I saw students I knew who were now ahead of me and I was surprised to see them there. They were from wealthy families and quite excelled in school as well. Honestly they were people I tried to copy and sort of envied in high school. Then I saw my father, with some students at a distance. He looked as young as he did in his midtwenties. He was a guest music teacher about to perform with his students. After that I woke up. Like I said before, this high school dream has been plaguing me for a long while now and I’ve always wondered what it meant. For it to keep coming to me, it had to mean that it was important. What I see it meaning is that I’m stuck in a cycle. I keep getting older but I’m stuck in a cycle? A cycle of learning where I am not moving forward and despite being called to look at it, I keep ignoring that wisdom and sticking to the rut. I wanted to fit in, be a rich kid for once, yet my father was just a guest teacher there. I wanted to be envied just like the children in the school were being envied. This job gave me status, validation, and boost my ego yet still I was stuck in a rut.

You know the dreams have always been about me being in my final year of high school about to take the main exam that I am preparing for but I have never gotten to the part where I graduate. What my dream was telling me was that I was now worse, in 11t h grade at 28 years old and I put myself there even after it seemed quite obvious that I was in the wrong place. This relates to the decision I made to stay put at this job instead of fly my wings and take the next step in life that I intuitively knew I was being called towards. It was a warning, a guide and I could either listen up, or keep myself in the rut like I had chosen to do for a long time. The next question that scared me to near death was, how was I going to survive without a job and very little savings that could barely get me through the month? The intuitive answer was, the Divine had that covered! I was being called to have faith and in this instant I felt like Peter as he was being told to walk on water by Jesus! Yet if I chose to remain and not take that step of faith, I felt chained, like a puppet with my strings being pulled up by everyone else (every kind of puppeteer), being told who to be. I felt like a victim, like I did not have any power over my life, like it was up to everyone else. That is a shitty place to be and it was even scarier than being instructed to walk on water. With that in mind, I just realized I had to follow my intuition, or forever feel chained. It was one bold step and life changing I came to fathom or back in time and not progressing. I stayed in bed not ready to face the world the whole of that next [ 60 ]

day, because I could not face it. I feared I was being a fool for following the road less travelled. The fear was actually palpable and all I wanted to do was hide. I did not know where to start. What was the lesson behind this? Could I do it? Did I have the faith to walk on this water? I had just written a letter of resignation to my boss. Later that day, I was watching a movie, The Kid Who Would Become King, and in it I read a poster in the movie and it said, write your story. At that very moment I was stunned! I knew that by gut the words were speaking to me and I could not evade it. I paused for a moment and realized this was my next step in life. For a long time now, I knew I wanted to write a book and that is what I was being called to do. I chose to be ready to rise up to it. My inner child knew this was magic happening right in front of me. When I remember that thoughts are creative, fear attracts like energy and love is all there is, I become more confident that I could walk on water, that I was born to walk on water because faith was a necessary ingredient in this life. When we fail to honor our power and dare to be, we may feel like victims and this is what I could not live with for the rest of my life. So what is that moment for you? In what sense are you being called to walk on water? Do you have the courage to do it?

Mercy Juma



religions skin colours languages



A Blast of Creativity

larry rosenberg

Transforming Your Life’s Trajectory

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With the disruptions to society’s institutions and your lifestyle and career caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many familiar models, rules and patterns are changing – and will remain that way for a long while. In these times, I believe three key concepts require close watching: creativity application, career path and life satisfaction. To thrive, even to survive, in a future that months ago began to shape-shift and challenge how we function, you must quickly and boldly rethink and renew many of life’s assumptions and actions. Reaching into my past, here is a personal story that led me to do what many of us need to do in today’s chaotic world: In the 1980s, I taught Marketing at a New England university’s business school. Because I was a lively instructor, and my faculty colleagues disliked being the instructors of the large-enrollment courses, I was assigned to teach them. But after several years of this repetition, boredom and fatigue had set in.

To recharge my batteries, I proposed to my department chair that I facilitate a provocative elective seminar: Creativity in Marketing. To my surprise, he approved it. A dozen students showed up in the class.

activated and alive when being creative was a priority! After 15 years of teaching marketing courses to students, this phase of my career was finished. Soon, I exited the marketing education field.

As a marketing professor, I believed an organization’s or individual’s marketing success depends on blending marketing research, strategic elements (products, services, pricing, distribution and promotion), planning and implementation, leadership and associates, and creativity. But business courses tend to teach attitudes and methods in a rational, purposeful and scientific way. Although the marketing profession views creativity as an enterprise’s beating heart, I was unaware of any business schools worldwide offering a marketing creativity course.

My new life/career trajectory was launched. Over time this led to a sequence of increasingly creative roles and adventurous situations – management training (Japan), executive education (Maryland), business coaching (Washington, DC and China), and holistic-health public relations (Sedona, Arizona). After several years of retirement in Sedona, I acknowledge my core gift and transformed into an inspirational edutainer.

In putting together the syllabus for my first Creativity in Marketing seminar, I reveled in freedom and even had fun! I geared my seminar to be innovative, experiential and mind-expanding. Its sessions were devoted to creativity enhancement, practicing creative methods, and dialoguing with guest speakers – from the campus, who described the mindset of geniuses in their fields (such as Albert Einstein in physics), and from the business world (such as an advertising agency’s psychic CEO). Observing the seminar’s students, I saw they enjoyed the experience because they were going beyond the body-of-knowledge approach of the typical business course. But they also struggled with how to use creative methods beyond their comfort zone of left-brain thinking. Gratifying to me was that at least one student, Bruce Rosenbaum, went on to develop a series of businesses characterized by extreme creativity, and credited the seminar for showing him how to do that! As for the seminar’s impact on me: My life became more aware,

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Since COVID-19 appeared, a radically new world has emerged in terms of business and careers, continuity and security, health and learning, and the like. Thus, your mind must be open to what until recently had been unimaginable. I invite you to assess if your current job and even career are sustainable, economically and ecologically, as well as nurturing your inner world and personal development. You may want to consider experimenting with your own blast of creativity. In this way, you may discover creativity as a talent to be cultivated, get in touch with the passion and power of your authentic self, and realize if it’s now time to reimagine and reinvent your life’s next chapter!

Larry Rosenberg

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Ho’oponopono (To make right) An ancient Hawaiian practice used by Kahuna (mystic healers) for centuries. • Close your eyes and choose something that has been (or is) a significant challenge in your life. • BREATHE. • Repeat these four phrases to yourself, out loud or silently. I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You. (Heal yourself, heal the world)

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Multi Faceted

Health Care.

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dawnbates This article I am writing for you now was going to be about the words ‘Heal’, ‘Health’ and ‘wounding’, but like everything else which is not in alignment, it just wasn’t flowing. Yes, I could share with you that the word ‘Heal’ means “to cause a wound, injury or person to become healthy again” before going on to share that the word ‘Health’ is “the state of being free of illness or injury” and finally wrapping up with the definition of the word ‘Wound’ being an injury to living tissue by a cut, blow or other impact, or an injury to a person’s feelings or reputation”, But the article wasn’t writing itself, and when my articles do not flow through me without me even thinking about what I am writing, then I know it is not what I am supposed to be writing about. You see, everything you read from me flows without thought, without planning, without even knowing what word is going to come after the other. It’s like I’m taken to another world for a few moments and then when I look back at my screen, there is an article. None of my articles take me more than 20 minutes to write, not for One Tribe, the other magazines I write for, my LinkedIn profile, or my blog. Writing 10,000 words a day for a manuscript, whether it’s mine or one I’m writing for a client, is an easy task for me so long as the book and the client is in alignment; otherwise I’d avoid it like the plague…

…Or shall we say “avoid it like hugging a loved one” these days? And isn’t that sad, the fact that so many people are afraid of hugging a loved one, family and friends being divided by an invisible fear, spread by the media and the politicians? I’ve had to say goodbye to many people in my life since this whole Corona Virus has reared it’s ugly head; not through wanting to, but because they have been confronted by what I have said or shared, and chosen to walk away from me. Some of these people have known and trusted me for years. They know that when I share something it comes from a place of having done research, having lived or experienced something which has given me insights and knowledge which has been life changing. I’ve been accused of all sorts of things, and some of these things would have hurt me deeply a few years ago. So why have they not hurt me now? Well, I know that the things I have shared have come from healing the deep wounds of rejection I have battled with throughout my life. I know the information I’ve shared has come from years of research, cross referencing and working in different sectors and knowledge bases, and from the knowledge gained from the personal experiences I’ve had throughout my life, and putting all the jigsaw pieces together. You see, the knowledge we gain throughout our lives is multifaceted. It’s either gained on a conscious or sub-conscious level. It’s been passed down through generations in a variety of different ways, cellular, beliefs, environmental, social, religious… [ 67 ]

and the list goes on. Take the quarantine rules that have been varying drastically from country to country, and the rhetoric which has been coming out from the media. The false reporting, the deletion of certain videos and testimonials from high level experts in molecular science and biology, and the number of politicians who are standing tall and exposing their truth. Notice I say ‘their truth’ because really do any of us know the truth? Take the Dr’s Hippocratic Oath which we’re led to believe is a thing, whereby Dr’s pledge to ‘First, do not harm’ and ‘to protect lives at all costs’. The Dr’s Hippocratic Oath is not something a Dr needs to declare to become a Dr, nor is it a global standard. We simply trust and believe through media conditioning that this is what all Dr’s stand for; and yet we see so many Dr’s and nurses struggling with their own health whilst taking care of us; instead of us being responsible for our own health, well-being and fitness. As a human collective, especially in the Western World, we have become so reliant on others for our own well-being, our income, our knowledge and our own security that we’ve failed to evolve into the strongest most resilient versions of ourselves. We anti-bac ourselves so much our immune systems have become weak. We are confined by health and safety regulations resulting in our inability to calculate risks properly. Women look to men to protect them, and sometimes provide everything for them; whilst also sacrificing themselves for the sake of making others happy, jeopardising their own health and happiness in the process.

dawnbates Friends, colleagues and organisations are being torn apart by this invisible fear, and those who choose to speak up and give a different message to the one the media portray, choosing to crack on with live as they deem ‘normal’, are being attacked. I saw and experienced this within my family and friends when I lived out in Egypt during the Arab Spring and Egyptian Uprising. When I arrived in Chile a few months back after my 3 months at sea, I was apprehensive about staying in Chile and making my way up through the Andes to Santiago. Why? Because I really didn’t want to live through another civil war, another uprising. And yet here I am, in another country watching another kind of civil war take place. There may not be army tanks on the streets mowing people down, but the police on the streets of the world are being placed on the front line to ensure people stay in their homes, have permission to be on the streets and fining those who dare to disobey. But what exactly are we hiding from? What are we being kept safe from? Is it a virus so deadly we can’t strengthen our immune systems with fresh air, exercise and organic vegetables? Or increase our protein intake so our bodies have the necessary fuel to repair themselves? What about the impact the fear is having on our serotonin levels which is damaging our bodies and mental state? Or the destructive process the increased levels of cortisol is having on our bodies, resulting in increased chances of becoming Diabetic and overweight? (And that’s before we consider the poisons, we are eating due to the

processed foods being laced with goodness knows what to keep it ‘safe and fresh’ to eat!) Or are we being kept safe from something that not even those of us who go so far down the rabbit hole we’ve met Alice and the Caterpillar having tea, are even aware of? And what’s in that tea? Should we all be drinking more tea? It is an anti-oxidant after all and has been proven to calibrate our bodies to a healthy state… or is that simply because the British has done such a great job of telling the world “a cup of tea solves everything” we feel calm simply at the thought of having a cuppa? For me, this quarantine hasn’t impacted me that much, other than not being able to see my two sons in person, but we connect and speak with each other daily. I haven’t given much of my attention to the dramas unfolding because I have been focusing on writing my next series of books, writing a book for a client and coaching my author clients. So why has this isolation and quarantine not really bothered me? Well, as a sailor we tend to have to wait out a storm, or wait for trade winds, so waiting for the borders to open again, is just like waiting for the right weather. Plus as sailors who cross oceans, we spend a lot of time by ourselves; combine that with being an author who has to do a lot of research on my own manuscripts and those of my clients, spending time alone is something I am used to. I like my time alone, my own company and the time to simply be. And if this whole Corona Virus malarkey has gifted us anything, it’s that time with ourselves is [ 68 ]

vital to uncovering what’s most important to us all; and how adaptable we are both privately and professionally. Humans have survived far worse, been through a lot more than we are going through at the moment, we’ve just made ourselves victims by not taking care of ourselves, always looking outwards, when really we have all the answers we need within. We just needed time to be still. To go within. To ask ourselves the important questions. Those who have done that and used this time wisely will flourish. Those who’ve battled, lived in fear, getting angry at the world for challenging their beliefs, will not. Quarantine is not over, and it’s never too late. So, what new choices will you make now which will ensure you flourish moving forward?

Dawn Bates

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two trees

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It’s May 2020, and we’re still in lockdown. The other day I looked at a map of my local area and thought “where can I go to find a new view in this oh so overly familiar landscape”? Soon I had an idea and began plotting a route through some fields, across stone walls and barbed wire fences that in almost any other country would be as good as a sign reading “Do Not Enter” but not here in Scotland where we have “the freedom to roam”, I’d be free to cross as long as I was careful and didn’t cause any damage. The particular walk I had in mind would follow as close as possible a ridge line running west to east, marking the southern edge of the valley of the River Forth that runs through the centre of Scotland. And if I was careful, it would all be within the permitted 5 miles from my home. The walk didn’t disappoint, along the way, I had fantastic (new) perspectives to look at. The mountains that mark the start of the famous Scottish Highlands were easily seen to the North West. I could see east, across to the Capital city of Edinburgh and beyond to where the river reached the North Sea. In my mind, I could picture a walk further still that in pre-lockdown days had carried me all the way to St Andrews, that ancient university town that like me, was named after our nation’s patron saint. Up on the ridge where the whole of Scotland felt at my feet, I saw two trees, standing apart, framed against a beautiful clear blue sky, not too common in my home country even in late Spring. I wanted to capture them in photography and remembered One Tribe at least for now had become a Black and White magazine. I wasn’t sure how they’d look but snapped away. When I got home, I looked again at these remarkable pair of trees now frozen in black and grey and realised how magical they appeared. This is what I see as I looked at them. These trees are their own worlds, hosting many other living things, contributing to their environment, playing their part in the interconnected web of life. Perhaps you can imagine like me that these two trees of different sizes don’t know their differences, both play their part, both matter to the countless lives they support. Our environment is full of things of different shapes and sizes, simple things and complex, long-lived megafauna and vanishingly short-lived insects. It’s not size, complexity, strength or even age that matters just that each offers something valuable to the world they are a living part of.

photo: andy ferguson

Andy Ferguson

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In this vast interconnected world, we all have something to offer. Even when we feel we are restricted by factors beyond our control like the COVID 19 crisis and whatever follows. Like those trees, our lives are woven into the fabric of our communities, into the nature of our world and all lives matter as they are a living expression of that world. With so much still to explore I doubt I’ll ever visit those trees again in my lifetime and that’s okay because I know they’re not there for me, they are there to serve a much higher purpose than that.

photo: micens


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MAKE MY YOUR WITNESS Make Me Your Witness Dear Creator, make me your witness, One of many. May these eyes record every last tear of suffering And each individual act of compassion and courage. Make me your witness, O Creator. Let me drink in instances of selfless love, Of violence, Of hope. Of laughter in the face of the unthinkable And selfish impulses furtively scuttling for the safety of shadows. There will be a time of mourning. There will be a time of sun-lit song. There will be a time of reckoning. Make me your witness, dear Creator, But not your judge. Grant me the ability to see And the strength not to blink.

Burt Kempner

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A tribe is a group of people connected to each other and an idea – it needs only two things to be a tribe: ~a shared interest and a way to communicate. OneTribeMagazine.c


one tribe MAGAZINE

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