One Tribe Magazine – December 2018 – Issue 15

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The definitive style magazine for

December 2018






Join the world’s most inspirational creative writers living their lives authentically

Wherever YOU are in the world, this is YOUR TRIBE, we together are ONE TRIBE. Featuring: Clarity

Of Purpose Winnie Mabena A Light In Darkness Selene Victoria Ann Galas Loneliness During The Festive Period Pinky Ghadiali How To Become The Hero Of Your Story And Inspire Others To Do The Same Perry Power Breakdown. Breakthrough. Seeing With A Different View Jessica Cleverley The Dangerous Word That Nobody Talks About Kassie Rhodenizer Only The Lonely Joan Charles Surrender To Your Emotions Isik Tlabar Dawning Of Peace Ariaa Jaeger Be The Change You Want To See In The World: My Journey To Inner Freedom And Purpose Caroline Thay When The Ego Kicks In Bianca Spears Great Speaking Comes From Within How Drama Classes Can Scale Your Sales And Change Your Public Speaking Game Forever Ariane De Melo Imagine, What A Wonderful World It Would Be Vanessa Louise Moore Happy You Powerful You Samareh Rahnavardi The Love Effect In Moments Of Distractions Theodore Treveil Help Precious Pinata™ Help Kids Charlene Renaud Connecting The Dots, You Will Connect The DotsOnly When You Look Back Ani Manukyan The Gift Of Love Christine Saunders Design And Create The Life You Want With These Simple Steps Ewa Heard Recovering Of The Self Samantha Caroline Lavallée What Are Your Emotions Trying To Tell You? Reshma Jobanputra Is Happiness Overrated? Larry Rosenberg And Andy Ferguson Time Travelers Recycle Your Happy, It’s The Gift That Keeps On Giving Jennifer Thorp

We often allow anxiety, temper, depression and anger to ruin our day due to the events that occur without appreciating that we have the power to control our emotions, ena Winnie Mab feelings and thoughts. Page 4

Our cover features the amazing Winnie Mabena (above), a highly respected Author and Founder of The Knowledge Effect from Zambia. You can read Winnie’s insightful article ‘Clarity Of Purpose” on page 4 – One Tribe Magazine will transform the way you see yourself and the world around you. So, get ready to LOVE YOUR LIFE, as our creative writers share fresh perspectives, inspiring stories and simple, easy-to-follow steps that will help you through life’s many challenges. We would like to thank our fabulous creative writers for their amazing insights and you, our wonderful readers for your continued support over these 15 issues. Have a fabulous month and remember to share the love and live your life in glorious technicolour. – Kenny Ball (Editor and Creative Director) (Please note our writers are from all over the globe where there are variations in English dialect, to preserve authenticity we have retained these variations throughout the magazine). Photos and text are Copyright to the respective authors and OTM. © 2018 One Tribe Magazine | | OneTribe.Media

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Clarity Of Purpose Winnie Mabena | 04 A Light In Darkness Selene Victoria Ann Galas | 06


Loneliness During The Festive Period Pinky Ghadiali | 10 How To Become The Hero Of Your Story And Inspire Others To Do The Same Perry Power | 12 Breakdown. Breakthrough. Seeing With A Different View Jessica Cleverley | 16 The Dangerous Word That Nobody Talks About Kassie Rhodenizer | 20 Only The Lonely Joan Charles | 22

Tribe Love

Surrender To Your Emotions Isik Tlabar | 24 Dawning Of Peace Ariaa Jaeger | 26 Be The Change You Want To See In The World: My Journey To Inner Freedom And Purpose Caroline Thay | 30 When The Ego Kicks In... Bianca Spears | 32

Great Speaking Comes From Within How Drama Classes Can Scale Your Sales And Change Your Public Speaking Game Forever Ariane De Melo | 36 Imagine, What A Wonderful World It Would Be Vanessa Louise Moore | 38 Happy You. Powerful You Samareh Rahnavardi | 40 The Love Effect In Moments Of Distractions Theodore Treveil | 42



Help Precious Pinata™ Help Kids Charlene Renaud | 44 Connecting The Dots You Will Connect The DotsOnly When You Look Back Ani Manukyan | 48 The Gift Of Love Christine Saunders | 50 Design And Create The Life You Want With These Simple Steps Ewa Heard | 52


Recovering Of The Self Samantha Caroline Lavallée | 54 What Are Your Emotions Trying To Tell You? Reshma Jobanputra | 56 Is Happiness Overrated? Larry Rosenberg And Andy Ferguson | 60 Time Travelers Recycle Your Happy, It’s The Gift That Keeps On Giving Jennifer Thorp | 64 | 3

We must think about the things that make us feel better, good and great

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Clarity of

PURPOSE Winnie Mabena | Author and Founder of The Knowledge Effect

One of the things I struggled with in my journey to walk past life challenges was mindset change. I struggled thinking about the possibility not because it was not possible but because I had set a limit for myself as I was riding on limiting beliefs. I was thinking that starting up my dream project needed to be done from a beautiful place and the time right for it is when I have all the money in my palms. I did not realize that perfection comes as you go... Clarity of purpose is gradual. I had a lot of I don’t, I can’t, I am, I do statements which defined me and my capabilities setting a limit to what I can do and not do. I judged myself by setting a level and standard of what I deserve and don’t deserve. I didn’t realize I had put a limitation to what I aught to seek in this life. I was bound by the beliefs, traditions and values I was born into. Being born in a society and culture that had less value for girls, I thought there was a certain level of success I aught to reach out for. I did not deserve to be so educated because no man will marry me. To make everything worse, learning that I was HIV Positive at the age of 16 made me set more limits to life. I thought I needed not to be around certain people or be in certain places for fear of being rejected or ridiculed. My beliefs developed into thoughts and actions that deduced likely actions from the universe and the places I walked into. This was because I often guessed what others thought about me thinking through their theory of mind. Most of these thoughts were so wrong. They were but just constraints, limiting my potential.

These are nothing but mindset issues that birth limiting beliefs and we can do away with them by making a choice on what to think about. Do you know that you are rich yourself, especially with resources from within? You have a choice on what to think about.

We often love to guess what will or may happen due to our past experiences, education, logic, fear and the media (especially with regards to how we look – beauty myths). Holding on to such guesses or beliefs usually takes us on a journey to live below our potential without realising that our lives are being impoverished. We often allow anxiety, temper, depression and anger to ruin our day due to the events that occur without appreciating that we have the power to control our emotions, feelings and thoughts. We have the power to question the beliefs and assess if they are worth keeping or they are wrong facts that will hinder us from Living our 365 dream life and living positively. Limiting beliefs have the power to make us filter information in line with what we so believe. I remember how I once felt that writing a book was only for English A+ students. I realized that a lot of us struggle with living a positive life because we think a positive lifestyle is for the rich or it demands you to live a certain type of life that society defines as a successful life.

Thus we need to develop a positive mindset to let our emotions be mellow and steady by speaking Positivity into all circles of our lives. We must control our thoughts by thinking of the possibilities, our achievements, the success, the good memories and let these drive us to crush our goals and live our dream life. We must begin to grow into a person that only thinks about the things that make us feel better, good and great. Understanding that beliefs and what we think of define our behaviour. The next time you think about what it is you want to achieve, try to become aware of the inner constraints holding you back and your limiting beliefs and challenge them with Positive thoughts which are worth dwelling on. I urge you to clean your mind and embrace positivity... Look deeper into the situation and cultivate the good by asking yourself; what is it that I did not learn then, that I need to learn now? Be positive!

Keep up to date with Winnie on: Facebook | 5

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration 6 |

A Light in

Darkness Selene Victoria Ann Galas Author & Creator/Spiritual Guide

With every new pulse of our heartbeat, we are given a chance to retake our power and start anew. All things considered, to start by being grateful for all things is a significant first step. Do not be disillusioned, all things work for you and therefore cannot work against you. Every situation, thought, emotion, and interaction is a chance for us to learn more about ourselves, and a chance to start a new chapter in our lives. All things operate under the Law of Impermanence, giving us a fresh start with each new breath we take. Fear vs faith. They are perhaps arguably the two most important things in life because fear is the antipode of love. You cannot see fear, nor can you see faith. Such a trivial and divine pair they make, for if love is the opposite of hate, then you can only experience fear in the absence of faith. An important question to ponder would be; why then does the

majority of people still subscribe to a fear-based reality? I do believe I know the answer, and it starts with you and your journey within to where you fear most. One thing we must all understand is there are two sides to every coin, and as it is no longer speculation that we are all beings of pure energy, it would then be foolish to discredit that side of the coin by renouncing its existence entirely. If we live in a material world, then how did all things come into creation? All things start from within and are then externalized. If we look at history, there are countless cases by which peoples ‘inventions’ and ideas leading up to their final creations were discovered virtually all over the globe around the same time. A great representation of this would be Galileo and the first telescope. Contrary to common belief there was a Dutchman named Hans Lippershay, who was already in the process of creating | 7

such magnification tools and devices akin to a telescope. It was Galileo himself who allegedly became aware of this and decided on constructing his own, even going as far to make the improvements necessary and turn his invention into a scientific instrument that would later add more value to his original creation than he could ever know. Or take the radio for example. In the early 1890s, both Marconi and Nikola Tesla fought to be the first to create a radio transmitter that would use electromagnetic radiation to both transmit and receive radio waves. Little did they know, it had already been 8 |

discovered by a German scientist named Heinrich Hertz, who had already created a working device within his lab. But it was Marconi who later turned this into the modern-day commercial product we use even now. And numerous others claims go much further back. Collective consciousness is a sure thing, and we see that even now in nature. Something that is so entirely unapologetic in every way that possesses endless magnificent beauty. Yet nature does not think before doing or acting, but merely just does what intends on doing. You can see that before a cataclysmic

event occurs, animals have the ability to sense and predict natural disaster and flee to safety. Just as humans are known for having precognitive functions, how is it that animals are able to display similar behavior as well? It is understood that trees communicate through the network of their roots, and can, therefore, signal impending droughts, diseases, and even

insect attacks. All plants have a form of language they use to speak through, most release different chemicals or secretions either through the air or by solution in the surrounding soil. They to channel through networks as intricate as our own. Thoughts are not something you can tangibly perceive, yet they can shape our reality. It does not matter where the idea is directed, internally or externally, it will manifest. A chair was once a mere thought, as with the table that adorns it. Our emotions have the same effect, whether it has to do with love or hate, it is our reactions to these sensations that allows us to create. Think about the image we then make of ourselves, others, and our desired outcomes. When you don’t get what you want, how do you feel? Do you blame the Universe for belittling your wants and desires? Do you create blame for yourself for not being deserving or good enough? These thoughts and feelings are universally shared amongst us all. As it is in our nature to question and be curious, but what happens when these questions lead to pain and suffering? This pattern of reactions, or “pain and suffering” is directly linked to the subconscious mind, and lays within the expectations we hold for ourselves and others. We have been conditioned to react since birth. Unless one has practiced the essence of proper thought control, you will find we live in a world where we are all too busy crying out for a change, and never being grateful enough for what we have in the present moment. Self-discipline is no cakewalk, nor is the road to spiritual enlightenment and Self-Mastery. Ups and downs will always occur. If we take into account what Nikola Tesla once said, perhaps it would help to define this cocreative reality. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” So then we must use just that. Like a radio, energy can be transmitted and received. Just as the ebb and flow of water are natural, as are the ups and downs throughout life. If everything is energy running off of different frequencies, then we have unconsciously

already established a band of frequency in which we resonate with. Which means that lower energies, that have a negative charge will lower our vibration. So then positive vibrations are able to raise your frequency. Pretty straightforward, but how easy is it to actually remain in an equanimous state of mind?

Train your mind to become acute to even the subtlest of sensations.

The human brain will do just about anything to avoid pain, so when we think about the word discipline, we tend to associate it with the term punishment. Yet, this could not be farther from the truth. If it hurts, as much as it may seem contradictory it is probably beneficial for you. I have combined my two most favorite quotes from Rumi himself. His words are a work of art and have always spoken to my soul and to me.

Respiration becomes shallower and subtler, leading to the second physiological response which is whatever sensation on the body you experience next. When intense anger occurs, it is quick and sudden. Explosive, and takes nothing into account as it burns everything around it. Remain equanimous. Learn to understand what the emotion feels like, without being attached to it. Train your mind to become acute to even the subtlest of sensations. Just accept what is without trying to change it, good or bad, take it and always be within the present moment.

“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle. Your boundaries are your quest. The wound is the place where the light enters you.” And it’s through this contrast in which we can understand and feel the light that dwells from within the dark. Darkness is creation, and to better understand light and dark you must journey to where you fear most to overcome what you feel controls you. As one civilization that is deeply rooted and connected to each other, how could it not directly impact the growth of those near, and beyond? We must do our best to find it within ourselves to be objective to the trials and tribulations of everyday living. You have the power to determine any situation, as only you can be the conscious presence to your own subconscious mind. Do not sit around and expect some God or Goddess to grant you full liberation or enlightenment, if you are not willing to put in the work yourself, you will only receive the same lessons until to take it upon yourself to learn and grow. With the power of observation will you be able to change this habit pattern and reach full liberation. Be aware of two things before you give in to whatever pleasant or unpleasant sensation you’re experiencing. When a particular physiological response answers to the pleas of the subconscious, the first thing that will change in the face of anger, craving, or fear, is the natural rhythm of breath.

When you become aware of these two things, separation will occur. You will find a space in between, or rather a window of opportunity if you will, to curve your reaction or aversion toward the sensation that will attempt to rise. Coupled with the observation of your respiration, you learn to bring your focus down to a specific point. In time this will sharpen the mind, granting you your most formidable weapon yet. Same can be said with the consistent practice of personal liberation through strong determination. Challenge yourself, do something every day that makes you uncomfortable. Keep in mind your comfort zone only keeps you from further evolving. As time goes on, the lessons get harder. The reigns are tightened, and the bar is lifted. It would be wise to ask ourselves what exactly we plan on doing to keep up with the tides of change that are always rising around us. Will we use our power and flow? Or use force and resist the tides of change?

Keep up to date with Selene on: Facebook | 9


FESTIVE PERIOD Pinky Ghadiali | Mindset, transformation and performance coach

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During the busiest time of year amid the festive parties, cheery songs and bright lights many people are facing a feeling of loneliness. Maybe you are one of them. I was. I remember a particularly difficult year living by myself, empty weekends and the finality of divorce as the paperwork was signed. At this point I was kicked out of the home I had built, homeless with my 10 month old son to take care of, alone. It hit me as I was driving to my parent’s house for Christmas; as the festive music played on the radio I felt the deep pain of loss, abandonment and an overwhelming fear of loneliness. Isn’t this a time of the year when most people are busy rushing around buying gifts and being merry? For many this season is the most wonderful and happiest time of the year, but for others it brings loneliness and unhappiness. Some people live far from family and miss seeing their loved ones this time of year. For me I dreaded going to parties and New Year’s Eve celebrations without a partner; I coped by staying at home. I yearned to go out, but my confidence had been destroyed – it was just safer to stay inside. It was a painful time for me. The break up meant that the friendship groups disconnected and for me the feeling of emptiness around Christmas was real that year. Being connected is so important to us as humans. For those who feel a sense of loneliness during the festive season, this time of year can be a time of additional stress. This stress can cause problems with sleep, mood and it plays havoc with the immune system. Loneliness is difficult to define and trickier to determine when it presents itself, what’s causing it and how to counter it. It’s a subjective feeling rather than a condition, like love, it can’t be diagnosed. My breakthrough came once I was able to admit to myself the fact that I had gone through two major life transitions simultaneously - becoming a mum and getting divorced. That it wasn’t about being alone, it was about grieving the loss of emotional connections. I reached out to baby groups, found a coach and immersed myself in personal development. The only antidote for loneliness is a community of like-minded people who share your interests and

with whom you connect. They are the people who hold you accountable to show up and they will notice when you don’t. It’s about having that support network who will be there for you. The impact it had was phenomenal, not just in my personal life but in my career, health and relationships too. That was the turning point in my life, the moment that I knew something had to change. Often the reason for our loneliness and unhappiness stems from our thoughts or mindset. We focus our thoughts on what we don’t have instead of what we have; that’s why we always feel incomplete and unfulfilled. The best investment I ever made was in myself, by hiring a coach who helped me change my mindset. The habit I had of talking negatively to myself is now long gone, I am my own best friend. Think about it, we spend a lot of time on our own so we might as well become our own cheerleaders. So, during this joyous season, snap out of loneliness by doing the opposite. Focus your thoughts on what you have instead of what you don’t have. Be grateful for all the blessings and opportunities you have had this year. Once I started being grateful and writing a journal for all the things that I was

blessed with, I realised that I am loved and supported by the people who matter. Just like in the book Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman; sometimes ‘fine’ isn’t enough. I developed strategies to help me counter loneliness. Investing in my friends by going to events, doing volunteer work over the festive period and working from co-working spaces. Make an action plan and make the moves to follow the course. Loneliness might hurt but there is a reason we feel like that. It’s a wake up call to encourage us to reach out. I tell my clients all the time, that it is part of your journey and that when you ask yourself ‘what can I learn from it?’, ‘what needs to change?’, ‘what can I do instead of spending time overthinking?’. It takes a tremendous amount of courage and support but when you imagine it’s the beginning of an amazing adventure, that’s when incredible things happen.

Keep up to date with Pinky on: Facebook and | 11

You share your story consistently and it gives other people permission to share their story

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How to become the hero of your story and inspire others to do the same. Perry Power | Transforming Coaches Into Influential Leaders June 1st 2017, I received a text message from my 13 year old brother with 2 pictures, an ambulance van outside the family home, and one of my dad lying on his bed with two paramedics standing beside him. I called him up to find out that they need to take him down to the hospital to even out his blood sugar levels, as he is a diabetic. But a couple hours later, I get a call to say that he never made it to the hospital because he had a heart attack in the back of the ambulance van and passed away. My dad was a rockstar, he truly was. But he always had trouble with showing his vulnerability. He kept everything to himself and would numb the voice in his head with alcohol. As time went on, that increased to the point where he was unable to control the addiction. I remember not so long after his death, I caught myself in the mirror just after brushing my teeth and saw myself in 20 years time. Going down the same road. Unhappy, living inside my own head and not having a clue what being sober actually feels like‌ crawling into a grave before the age of 50. I knew that I was heading down this path because I myself had been wearing a mask for over 14 years. But it was in this precise moment that I knew I had to make a change. So driving home from a mastermind event, I pulled into a parking lot and filmed myself talking about what happened to me when I was 10 years

old. Which was the repeated sexual abuse I experienced by my grandad. Once I shared this on social media for the first time, my whole life changed. People started to reach out to me from all corners of the globe thanking me for sharing my story and then in turn, shared their story with me. This transitioned into working with online entrepreneurs to piece together their story and share it in a captivating way. All whilst building them out a profitable personal brand to leverage in creating a huge amount of impact. But do you want to know the crazy thing? I tried every avenue in entrepreneurship to ‘make it big’, and I failed. I could never find a breakthrough. But as soon as I shifted my focus and took the time to stop running away from my past, everything fell into place. | 13

I went from being broke, no one knowing who I was, no clients and living on my aunties couch early 2016. To travelling the world, clients in multiple countries and a profitable personal brand creating a huge amount of impact, late 2018. It took me 5 years to get to this position and the change came when I put the time into the person in the mirror, and shifted my focus from money, to impact. You see, when you open up and share your story with the world, it invites people in to see who you truly are. Every single human being on this planet is special and different. Yet, the majority of the population want to blend in. But you can’t blend in. It’s not what you are here to do. You can be the best in the world at the expression of you because NO ONE has walked in yours shoes, which means you have absolutely no competition. The miles you have already run, the pain and struggle you have already faced

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which we didn’t get to witness, that is the most valuable thing you have. Because if someone takes EVERYTHING away from you, you still have your story. You have something to say, and it lays the down the connective tissue for people to follow you. I got a message yesterday to say that in October, my story prevented a man from hanging himself. It was the guidance he needed to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Which is what story is all about. You share your story consistently and it gives other people permission to share their story. Unfortunately my dad lived his life as the victim of his story, rather than the hero. Luckily, I came to my senses early on. I claimed ownership of my story. I found forgiveness and transitioned from victim, to hero. Now I inspire others to do the same. For you reading this, you are special.

Your story isn’t ‘normal’ (your normal doesn’t make it someone else’s normal), so get out of your head. It’s your birthright to be the best version of yourself, and that starts with creating your story, embodying it and expressively sharing it with the world. I can promise you, your life will change in every way possible. In fact, the biggest change will happen in areas you wouldn’t have imagined. We are born storytellers, it’s an attribute we already have. So go out and change the world with your story.

Keep up to date with Perry on: Facebook or Instagram


Jessica is a passionate traveller and writer, inspiring you to see the world with fresh eyes. Fusing her playful spirit with the deep well her creativity stems, she interweaves raw experiences with poetic story telling, lifting readers into higher states of being. She is currently writing her memoir, The Unravelling Journey, spanning seven continents and the expansive journey into inner space. You can support her journey here in exchange for the unique rewards she gives with deep gratitude:

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Breakdown. Breakthrough. Seeing with a different view. Jessica Cleverley | Word Wizard at The Unravelling Journey I was diagnosed with clinical depression at sixteen. After two suicide attempts western doctors told me I needed antidepressants for the rest of my life. I was nineteen at the time. Memories of intense bundles of emotional energy knotting and tangling inside me feel like polaroid pictures from a completely different life. I emphasise with you journeying through complex mental states; tugged away from the present moment into the hollow gloom of your own suffering. I understand your pain. Drenched in the density of your own emotions, hauled into a deep, dark ocean… have you forgotten the golden rays shimmering from above? When the diseased state of my unconscious mind cajoled me into gulping down dozens of prescription pills with the intention to never wake again, it wasn’t the twinkling city lights or sea of shining stars that I saw. It was darkness. The kind that weaved its way into my veins; clogging my being with grief, guilt and gunk I unknowingly carried with me for years. At twenty-two, in the Andes Mountains of Peru, a profound realisation shifted my state and radically altered the course of my life. I realised that on some level it was a choice to feel the way I was feeling. Seeping between the syllables that string these sentences together is the same truth yearning for you to remember:

The light isn’t at the end of the tunnel. It is within you. There’s a reason your heart beats inside your chest. Can you feel it knocking to you, reminding you you’re alive? Your mission in life is not yet over. You are loved more than you know. Your calling is so strong these words cascade from me like a glistening waterfall thundering into your world to remind you of the passion and purpose laying dormant in your veins. The impulse to crawl up inside yourself and dissolve into the darkness… it passes, I promise. This is a rhythm allowing you to emerge with even greater light. Eventually the fog lifts, cleansing away all we do not need. And on this fresh palate of possibility we get to seed wisdom, feed happiness, weed what must be released and breed the courage to rise again. You are stronger than you know.

You can join Jessica’s travels at: theunravellingjourney | 17

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I think of thoughts as cords or codes tuning us in to our chosen channel. Magic or tragic; the webs we weave are based upon the thoughts we believe. Ask yourself: What’s worth seeding? What’s worth feeding? What’s worth weeding? Jessica Cleverley | 19


THAT NOBODY TALKS ABOUT Kassie Rhodenizer l Freedom Mindset Coach

The world needs people who have decided to do what makes them happy, and who can share that happiness with the rest of the world

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We have all heard the long list of dangerous words that you should never say because they are self-defeating words like “try”, “someday” and “can’t”. But there’s a rarely discussed word that I would argue is even more dangerous, and that word is “should”. “Should” is a word used to indicate something that needs to be done – an obligation or a duty. “I should clean the bathroom today.” “I should help my friend move today.” “I should go to that event next week.” The trouble with “should” is that it has become a word that we use to plan our days, our daily tasks, chores and events, and we forget to question who the “should” is even coming from. More often than not, “should” is a self-imposed pressure that we have picked up somewhere along our life path that told us how an “acceptable” person should be or act. The voice of the “should” is just a mind program that has been handed down to us - we may have been told or taught it directly by parents, teachers or friends, or it may be something that we have just learned is the “acceptable” way to be by watching how society functions. Either way, “should” is just a mind program that basically runs on autopilot, yet has a serious impact on the decisions we make every single day. “Should” has an opinion on every area of our lives. On a large-scale, “should” is the reason why so many people choose to spend 4+ years in university, spending tens of thousands of dollars, taking a degree they don’t even know if they are interested in. “Should” is locking down that 9-5 salary job because the most important thing “should” be financial stability. “Should” means working at your job 50-60 hours per week because you could really use the extra money. Not only does “should” influence our big life decisions, but also subconsciously affects the smaller decisions we make in our lives, like which type of foods we should eat, how much time per day we should spend relaxing, or what type of events we should attend. An invisible prison If you think about it, “should” actually acts as an invisible prison that keeps us from stepping outside the box of what is

considered acceptable. When you listen to “should”, this usually means you are giving your power away to something outside of yourself to decide how you should spend your time. Not only is this mentally defeating, but by sacrificing the call of your own heart and your own path, it is slowly crushing your spirit. In my experience with energy work, many injuries and illnesses are the result of this loss of power that comes with following someone else’s rules and not living your authentic life. My first step on my journey of selfrealization began with the awareness of how many societal pressures are put on us from the day we are born. You know what I’m talking about – societal “norms” that are considered the acceptable way to live, such as working a 9-5 job, getting married, having a university degree, etc. I had this realization as I was going into my 5th year of university, my second science degree, and one which I had little interest in. I did it because it was what I “should” do, my next logical step in a series of steps that seemed to be pre-determined by someone outside of myself. Not only was that not serving me, it also resulted in severe health problems that persisted until I learned how to start saying “no” to the “shoulds”. The creation and support of limiting beliefs “Should” also helps us construct and support many of the limiting beliefs we have about ourselves. Just think about it – every time there is something that you “should” do that you don’t end up doing, you don’t feel good! This is because “should” makes you believe that you need to BE or DO something different than what you already are to be considered good enough.

For me, the “should” of going to university and getting multiple degrees led me to the limiting belief that my value as a person was based on my credentials, experience, and a piece of paper, rather than who I am as a person. For the heath issues that followed, I started relying on the opinions of medical professionals to tell me when I would get better. The “I should follow what the doctor says because they always know best” led me to the limiting belief that I didn’t know what was best for my own body, and that somebody else held the power over my health. How to break free So, the next time you catch yourself saying “I should…”, take a moment to stop and think. Who is telling me that I “should” do this? Is it absolutely necessary that I do this? What will the consequences be if I don’t? If the “should” was taken away, is this something that I would still spend my time doing? What would I spend my time doing instead? For me, when I stepped out of the idea that I needed a 9-5 job to be happy, I realized that I had been in university all those years just in preparation for a life I didn’t even want! Word of caution: When you start releasing the “shoulds” in your life, the people in your life may call you selfish, inconsiderate, or even rude. But know that taking care of YOU is not selfish. I would actually argue the opposite, that it’s selfish NOT to do what truly makes you happy and what inspires you. The world doesn’t need more people stuck in the rat-race, living each day over and over on repeat. The world needs people who have decided to do what makes them happy, and who can share that happiness with the rest of the world. The people around you will benefit the most when you are living your true path of what inspires you and you’re passionate about. When you stop listening to the “shoulds”, things that make you unhappy start fading away. That is when the true bliss can begin.

Keep up to date with Kassie on: Facebook & Instagram | 21

Having worked for myself for over three decades I know what its like to feel alone and isolated. Many self employed individuals face this problem and feel stuck in a rut and frustrated yet continue to repeat the process until it becomes the “Norm� and a way of life. I am fortunate in that I was always keen to get out and about and meet up with like minded groups whom I could connect with on many levels and if there is a secret its just that.

People still need people and now I see the trend turning as individuals begin to realise this is the case.

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Keep up to date with Joan at:

Only the

LONELY Joan Charles | Author. Intuitive Businesses & Spiritual Life Coach.

The power within the group Andrew Carnegie, the philanthropist in his book “Think and Grow Rich” written by Napoleon Hill, had the right idea when he suggest that we need to surround ourselves with a mastermind group. A kind of personal advisors network that is there to support, guide and help when we need it. He writes it is a “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” It is all right to be the lone wolf however we need to remember that we all need a tribe to belong to that supports our needs. As they say, no man is an island. You may have some ideas about your own business however, their can be blocks, or stagnant phases and these are the times we need impute from others. Two head are always better than one and even better still, a group is a fertile breading ground for fresh and new ideas and impute for your business. I often find that when ideas dry up it is good to have an imaginary council which helps as well. This is simply putting your mind to a group of people you admire, respect and or look up to whether they are alive or past over. Move your mind to each of them in order to see what advice or ideas they would give on your business needs or ways forward. For me that would be Einstein, Dali, Lincoln and parents who have past. Always keep your group dynamic and as diverse as possible to gain the most insight from them.

If you’re an Air sign, Aquarius, Gemini or Libra then you may need to get your head out of the clouds and focus more on the practical things, I know, its not you but hey, if you want success then its got to be a part of going forward. Another way to work with your group is to have them work with you on what’s called the Disney technique. One being the critic, they are there to pick fault in any ideas you have and for you to view things from a different angle. Then we have the Dreamer who is fanciful in their ideas on your creations and they are all about the “ why not” rather than finding fault. Lastly is the Realist who looks at everything in the most practical way to see if everything weighs up and has been researched with the “ dot the I’s and cross the T’s” approach. Your tribe is your everything, a power house of knowledge, intellect, ideas, and council - all that you could ever need and so, it is important to see the value in it and for each person involved to get the most from it. Lucky Pig Next year is the year of the Earth Pig in Chinese astrology and this calls for us to have our feet firmly planted on the ground, to see things from a balanced perspective. Earth signs are, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo and you all need to be sure to have all your ideas as grounded as possible, get rid of the stubborn head and knuckle down to business and you’ll attract success - with a powerful energetic group you can do this.

If you’re a water sign, Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio then there is no room for wishy washy sentiment, you need to just suck it up and get on with the mission without getting too emotionally attached to the outcome. For Fire signs like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius then don’t go in with all guns blazing, take a step back and be aligned with your goals. You are great at getting things started but, the mundane things need attended to also. The choices are always there for us, go it alone which, is absolutely fine however, come out of the cave and regroups so that you are empowering your own ideas and business and you don’t feel like the lone wolf. We have come a long way through the age of technology but the downfall is that we have become so far removed from others that life has become too insular. People still need people and now I see the trend turning as individuals begin to realise this is the case. It’s a bit like digital books, they are great and less cumbersome if you need to carry them with you however, we still like the tangibility of it and so, there are just some things we cannot do without. So, become part of a group, create your own or join One Tribe to assist you in your journey. | 23

Surrender to your emotions Isik Tlabar | Transformational Coach, Writer. Workshop Leader.

I’m learning the balance of allowing myself to feel sadness, grief and loss while creating and doing my work. I have no control over this at the moment. The more I surrender to my emotions, the more they transform and I’m able to create from that space.

The lows are where you become who you are. They’re the stones that turn into diamonds. They’re the richness of life, raw, real and vulnerable.

Life comes with it’s highs and lows. People mostly share about the highs which I find is easy to share. I don’t see many people sharing about lows openly and honestly until I meet up with them and they tell me that’s exactly how they felt đ&#x;˜ƒ Maybe it’s because of not wanting to go there again or maybe the desire to be vulnerable to a controlled extent where they still get to keep their appearances.

The most loving and compassionate people I met are the ones who went through hell, who faced their darkness, their lows and went out from the other side, transformed. You don’t become a beautiful person by only experiencing happiness, joy, bliss etc. You can’t have depth with only experiencing these emotions. If you only allow yourself to feel those ones, you’re living your life in

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denial, removed from life itself. You’re not living fully. What doesn’t kill you doesn’t always make you stronger. It can make you a closed hearted, resentful, fearful and angry person towards life as well. But when you accept what’s happening and surrender, you grow from it. The more you resist it, the more it’s going to carry on. Especially if you menstruate and bleed regularly, before and during period is a time where all your stuff comes up. If you look closely, that period pain is telling

you something. That feeling of loneliness, sadness etc is there to be felt fully. Allow it before you jump to wanting to fix it. Painkillers are not the answer. Over the years, especially when I was small, I learnt to be joyful and interested to make friends. And I got good at it. I can make friends with anyone. I love that side of me which is being a social butterfly. It makes me feel alive and connected. I also have a super depressed side to me that just doesn’t want anything to do with life. It wants to hide in a room, curl up into a ball and not exist for a while. In that egoic pattern, I can’t even cry. I don’t feel, I’m completely numb and apathetic. Now I’m learning to accept that side, talk to it, write about it, love it and transform it. Every emotion moves through you when you allow it Acceptance is the key. If you’re not accepting as life shows you things, you can’t move forward. You’re stuck. Accept that your loved one passed away, accept that you’ve been cheated on, accept that your friend stabbed you in the back. For your own freedom, see the situation for what it is without putting a meaning to it. I saw a beautiful friend of mine last week. After catching up, she told me I felt more loving, grounded and accepting. See in my head, everything is turning upside down and I’m loosing my shit. If you feel like that, have an honest reflection from a close friend and don’t beat yourself up. You might be doing so much better than you think you are Here’s how you can process emotions like sadness, loss, grief: - Accept that you feel sad. Even this can be revolutionary if you usually deny your sadness. It doesn’t mean anything, it just mean that you feel sad. You’re a human with emotions. - Close your eyes. Take 5 deep breaths into your belly while allowing the feeling to be there. - If you feel teary, let those tears come. If you feel rage, let the rage be there. - Out loud, say how you feel, to the person you’re angry at, or to yourself while feeling sad. Say anything else that wants to come out. - Hold and hug yourself.

- (If you find it challenging to get into the feeling, start writing how you feel and let the feeling talk without censoring.) And remember, after a low, there’s always a high. Crying is not weak, it’s powerful. It’s a gift for yourself from yourself in form of a beautiful release. After big good cries I always feel lifted, calm, grounded and happy. I feel joy starting to come in again in mini waves. If you have a job and have things to do, allow yourself that 30 min to feel, to not do anything but to be with your pain like you would do for a friend. Whenever I go inwards, cry, write, someone books their place in my workshop or wants to have a session with me. Always. It happened today as I wrote this article. Any unprocessed emotions will stay in your body until you feel it fully. It’s the fear of feeling we’re scared of. Once you’re in it, it’s not actually that bad. But the disconnection you have from feeling reveals itself as chronic pain, a disease, numbness. It can even effect your face. For example the left side of your face can change becoming heavier.

invited her into the huge circle of maybe 70 people. She went in with pure joy, ecstasy, celebrating herself and her success. Then she invited everyone else to join in. Few people joined in. Everyone else was clapping in the outside circle. I watched them, I watched the people in the middle dancing, smiling and laughing. That’s when it hit me: In life, you have to participate Whatever it is, wherever you are, however you’re feeling, bring that into your life. Don’t exclude your sadness, your insecurities, include them. Show them to people, love them. Sending you so much love and big hugs

Keep up to date with Isik at:

I went to 5rhythms movement class the other day. One of the dancers just got qualified in teaching, so the teacher | 25

We are awakening to the knowledge that not only are we comprised of the same energy as SOURCE/GOD but we control our own destiny

Ariaa brings wisdom beyond her years and profound energy to the personal development arena. Her gifts and coaching abilities and original content have attracted and inspired people around the world for 25 years. Ariaa is known as a leading authority in the areas of human behavior, spiritual psychology, psychic phenomenon, reincarnation, mind over matter, guided meditations and as an intuitive counselor. Her clientele includes Academy award winning actors, Fortune 500 CEO’s and people from all walks of life and all beliefs. Her original quotes have inspired millions in social media for more than 8 years even being featured on CNN and in Huffington Post’s “16 People on Twitter Who Inspire the World”. Her name is consistently linked with Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, The Dalai Lama, Eckart Tolle, Donald Walsch, Doreen Virtue and Adyashanti. Her prayers are widely known in the spiritual community and it is said that anything she prays for another, inevitably always comes true. Her energy is tangible and her custom meditations are widely sought after for their profound effects in targeted areas. Ariaa was invited to contribute her voice to the Huffington Post and Thrive Global both created by Arianna Huffington Ariaa was just named as the “Top 200 Most Influential Authors in the World 2017” and was ranked #111 Additionally, Ariaa was named again for the second year in a row as the “Top 200 Most Influential Authors in the World 2018, Power List” Her books, “Ariaaisms Spiritual Food for the Soul” and “The Book of Ariaa Quotes for a Luminous Life” can be found on

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Dawning of Peace Ariaa Jaeger | Spiritual Life Strategist, Iintuitive and transformation alchemist

The dawn is breaking on a new frontier many have only imagined. It may look as though the world is coming undone but what is really occurring, only the spiritually awake will be able to perceive. The nation, the world and the universe are in a state of constant evolution, where not only big changes occur politically and economically but there is an uproarious and timely transition, being born in the consciousness of humanity. Human beings are awakening. We are awakening to the fact that you cannot convince anyone whose mind is made up or whose truth is not your own. Do what you can to influence others, plant the seeds then walk away and spend your precious energy elsewhere. We are awakening to gathering with those who match or exceed our own vibrational frequency. The wise understand that energy needs company to create collective mass. While you may have friends who are not of your ilk, the real value is found and your frequency is sustained, when you surround yourself with likeminded souls.

We are awakening to the fact that those who have eyes will see and those who have ears will hear; in other words, many are intended to stay deaf and blind to righteousness or right-use-ness of will. You cannot bend the will of another human being and many are playing roles vastly opposite of your own. We are awakening to the fact that all governments are corrupted by money, greed and power and you cannot count on any government to supply your needs. You must become self-sufficient and the master of your own circumstance. We are awakening to the fact that you must be proactive and do your part to take care of each other and the environment. If millions do this, we can overcome the damage man is doing every day to wildlife, the forests, the wetlands, the plains, the oceans and the seas. We are awakening to the fact that your health care is up to you and many are learning alternative ways to heal themselves. It’s time to let go of prescription drugs and employ preventative measures to stay healthy. It’s time to implement the

use of alternative medicine to heal your body. It’s time to recognize the emotional connection to physical illness and address dysfunction to ensure the body stays healthy. We are awakening to the fact that no harm can come to anyone who is conscientiously working on clearing past and present karma, healing emotional fear and drama, utilizing love and positive mindfulness, praying and meditating daily to raise frequency and those, who along with listening within to Divine guidance, also use simple common sense. We are awakening to the knowledge that not only are we comprised of the same energy as SOURCE/ GOD but we control our own destiny if we do all the above; address and heal past and present karma, embrace emotional well-being and tend to it daily through reading selfimprovement books, meditating, yoga, Thai chi or exercise; eating healthy, avoiding unnecessary drama and being proactive, maintaining a stress free environment. Human beings are designed with the innate ability to heal, prosper and control their own destiny. We are | 27

to resolve any discord.

designed to solve problems, limit creating them and have the ability to overcome anything we set our sights on and put our mind to. The notion that you are powerless is a myth. But it takes practice to learn how to hone and use your personal power. Additionally, to maximize the life force within you, your intentions have to be pure. A loving heart and head produce manifestation at a greater rate than those who wield their energy with venom or bad will. While we see the outcome of those who create with negative energy every day on the news, the real yield comes from loving, positive intentions. Imagine if the entire population of earth, 7.4 billion people were chanting, praying, and affirming peace and were behaving peacefully? Imagine if all people used the affirmation, “Peace, stand forth!” each day? Imagine if world leaders refused to argue and only did business with those who were in agreement? Imagine if people stopped fighting and began working together for the good of all? Imagine if egos worldwide suddenly ceased to be and only humble, loving, compassionate souls remained on earth? The results would be a peaceful world where heaven and nature are in sync with one another and love was the generator of all life. Within one generation everything dying or becoming extinct due to man’s assault on animals and the environment, would be restored. Within one generation, all society would be optimally healthy and self-sufficient. Within one generation science, humanity and technology would work together to restore and produce the greatest society that has ever inhabited the earth.

If we had peace there would be free treatment and housing for all mentally ill people and opportunities for them to work at their own level. They would not be shunned in society but would become a productive group. If we had peace, every nation would share resources, food and water, housing and work. There would be no hunger or thirst or lack …only plenty. Peace breeds productivity. If we had peace, sickness and disease would be reduced or annihilated altogether. Stress, anger, poverty and fear drive sickness. Peace eliminates stress and reduces all of these. fully immersed in its all engulfing hue. If we had peace, there would be no need for wars. If we had peace, there would be no need for the military. If we had peace, there would be no need for guns, children, churchgoers and the public could go to school, church and through life without being shot. If we had peace, animals could roam the earth safely and freely, avoiding extinction. If we had peace, there would be no discrimination, racism would cease to exist. If we had peace, gay, transgender and those questioning their sexual identity would be fully accepted in society and it would become a nonissue. If we had peace, there would be no sexual harassment because a peace filled society would be an emotionally healthy society.

What would that look like?

If we had peace, there would be no protests, nothing would anger people.

Let’s take a walk through the mind of peace and see what the world would look like if every nation and land were

If we had peace, there would be no killing. A peaceful society would be one without strife and have the ability

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If there were peace, everything else would thrive. Love, spirituality, community, prosperity, health; mind and body and caring and sharing would be the new wealth of the world. If we had peace, love would grow, good deeds would flourish and kindness would be the way of all people. Every nation would live in harmony with each other and with nature. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me…it does begin with the kindness of just one person. Acts of love and kindness trigger another and another and every kind thought every kind deed, triggers the feel good hormones (Oxytocin, Endorphin, Dopamine and Serotonin) in humans and grows into a contagion. Love begets love, kindness begets kindness and peace begets peace. Peace, stand forth!

To book an appointment or for a free consultation visit Ariaa’s website at


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Be the change you want to see in the world:

MY JOURNEY to inner freedom and purpose

Caroline Thay | Spiritual Life Coach & Co-Founder at Ohh Rainbow 30 |

“I used to want to save the world. To end war and bring peace to mankind; but then I glimpsed the darkness that lives within their light. I learnt that inside every one of them there will always be both. The choice each must make for themselves – something no hero will ever defeat.” Those are the words from the opening scene of the movie Wonder Woman. That’s what I came to understand about myself and the world in which we live. As a child, I loved reenacting super heroes scenes with my brother. I dreamt of a perfect world where people were happy and got along with one other, a world filled with love and wonder. And that world would be possible if only we got rid of the bad guys. The harsh reality of our world would hit me time and time again. As a highly sensitive person and an empath, I learned to shut down my feelings and emotions to survive. I couldn’t make sense of the cruelty, the negativity, the outright meanness sometimes. I felt out of place here and couldn’t quite fit in. I felt so different from others and longing for home. It was a feeling that the younger me could not understand. I searched for home for a very long time only to realise that home was not a physical place but a feeling inside our heart. I came into this world with lots of fears and grew up in a family that perpetuated those fears. Having escaped the red Khmer genocide, my parents instilled the belief that if I was small, if I avoided being noticed or singled out then I would be safe. Thus I spent my whole life trying to blend in, following a path that was laid out for me, a path of safety and conformity. As long as I had that future goal of graduating and getting a well-paying job I had something to keep me going. I focused all my attention and energy on reaching that goal and was able to avoid going inwards. I believed that once I get “there” all my problems would be solved and I would finally be happy. That goal was eventually reached but salvation didn’t come… I sank deeper into depression. All the repressed emotions got spiralling like a tsunami. The unresolved issues from the past I so carefully tucked away while working to achieve that goal came crushing through.

There was no more repressing and no more avoiding. From the words of Gandhi, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. If we want peace, we need to find it within and overcome everything that isn’t peace. I wanted to feel peace and be free from the negative hold of the past. I needed to confront everything within me that wasn’t peace and freedom. I needed to contact the pain, look at what I deemed to be the ugly parts in me and learn to love them. As I came to understand all parts of us are loveable. We are perfect just as we are. Our soul chose this body, this family, this environment and life circumstances all for a reason. The more I could love myself, the more I brought peace to the disowned parts of me, the more they could reveal their gifts. The immense pain that I went through with workaholic parents, poverty, childhood trauma, bullying, racism, all came bearing gifts when I was ready to receive them. They taught me selfreliance, resourcefulness, resilience, tolerance for the differences, nonjudgment and deep compassion for the suffering of others. I wouldn’t be the person I am today and understand human psychology and behaviour so deeply had I not gone through these experiences. As an intuitive empath I can quickly identify the blocks that prevent people from achieving their goals and work with them to remove those obstacles. By healing myself, I got reconnected with my gifts- my intuition- and gained more freedom to take action and pursue my dreams. Less over-thinking and self-sabotage! I learned to trust and surrender to the flow of life

and welcome the blessings from the Universe. I was free to become myself again. I was no longer afraid to own my gifts. I was no longer afraid of judgment and rejection because I no longer judged and rejected myself. The outside world is only a reflection of our inner world. No one can reject us but ourselves. It was finally clear why I never could fit in: I was never meant to fit in. I was here to express the music in me as we all are. We are all here for a specific purpose. Nowadays I feel the need to express more and more of who I am in my day-today life and work. Spirituality to me is not just about doing yoga and meditation. It is about bringing the essence of who we are into our daily life. Spirituality is not something we do, it’s something we are. I made it the focus of my work to help others do what I’ve done for myself: learn to be themselves and live their purpose. I am a spiritual life coach and healer and I also started a stationery brand with my sister Michele called Ohh Rainbow to inspire people to dream and make them come true using beautiful tools. I am so grateful and blessed to be doing this work. The journey towards self, the hero’s journey, wasn’t easy, but it is well worth it: to be able to experience inner freedom, peace, have trust in the Universe, and live a meaningful life. Today I still believe in a beautiful world. I filled mine with beauty, be it watching a colourful sunset or writing in a gorgeous notebook. We already have everything inside of us to succeed and live our life on purpose. Darkness still exists outside and within us. It is each and everyone’s responsibility to heal, to become whole, to integrate the light and shadow. It is a choice of every moment to choose love instead of fear. As Marianne Williamson said, our presence automatically liberates others. This is how we save the world. I believe in a world where everyone can be free to be themselves and use their gifts to create an impactful life.

Keep up to date with Caroline at: & | 31

When we are in ego, it is an opportunity to stop and listen, to tune into what is going on, to hear, see and understand all of the judgments and stories we are keeping ourselves small with and then choose from our higher (and wiser) self.

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When the

Ego kicks in...

Bianca Spears | Empowerment Coach & Author

I accepted a friend request from a guy on Facebook last week. As I did not know him, I checked out his profile first, and when I did, I saw that he was a coach who helped other coaches and practitioners to accelerate business. It seemed like he did great work in the world, so I accepted the request, sending a message to say hi and that it was nice to connect, asking what he was up to. Yesterday I had a message from him, so l opened it, and when I did, I saw that it was a (seemingly generic) message beginning with “Hi Bianca, I noticed you are a Coach and I wanted to reach out personally...” (Oh no, here we go...) His message went on to tell me about what he does, what kind of results his clients get and said that he wondered if I might want to get the results his clients had, and that he would love to offer me a free

fifteen minute session. There was no reference whatsoever to my message or anything outside of what he wanted to say and offer. Now, I’m not ignorant to the fact that we can always learn from others - directly and indirectly. Sometimes people can say one thing that changes the game for you forever. Judging by the results (including screenshots of client messages and a consistent flow of content on making more money as a coach/therapist), this guy could almost definitely share a thing or two about things that would help me and my clients. To an extent, I admired his upfrontness, but I found myself in a battle with my ego because: a) He did not reply to my message (and feeling ignored triggers me quicker than most things), b) his message clearly was not “personally reaching out”, but a rather | 33

well done version of what some may consider “spammy”, c) basically, he has not conversed with me or pitched me in the way that I want or prefer (building a relationship and actually taking the time to get to know me in messages - yes, like actually reach out personally - before assuming that I may be an ideal client, when I actually work with people to start getting high end clients and building profitable coaching businesses too). Oh, can you feel the bruises on my ego with that one?! I started typing a response straight back, and while the response was not offensive or horrible, it certainly had a selfrighteous “Well, I’ll have you know that I do that too” tone to it. I quickly realised that it was coming from a place that I know does not guide me well; a place that has triggered actions and words that create conflict and cause regret all too many times. I knew it was best to close Messenger and respond later, because big-noting myself, projecting my beliefs about how networking should be done or making a sarcastic remark thanking him for personally responding to my message (all of which I felt like doing), were, ironically, not at all demonstrating the way I believe in connecting, networking or doing business either.

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Deep down, as much as I did not like to admit it, I wanted to take the call because I knew this guy had his mind together, he was working at a higher level than I am with business building, and had been for much longer. It only took a quick scroll of his profile to see that his content was excellent - bold, polarising, informative, and his results were solid. I could certainly learn from him. Fast forward 24hrs and I was triggered yet again when I remembered that the one post I had commented on from his profile (because it was great and I strongly agreed with it) was about not telling “them” (potential clients) what you do, but making it about them (how dare he message me about his stuff?! How hypocritical)! I revisited the message, and indeed, two lines mentioned him, though the rest was about me in all the ways he had said it needed to be in his post. Touché. I messaged him to book a call and find out more about exactly what he does...I know what you’re thinking: “Oh my God no, it’s a sales call Bianca, don’t do it!” I assure you that it’s fine, I’m not scared of being “sold” something that will serve me, and I am not scared to say no if it does not seem like a good fit. I am, however, very interested in learning from people who know their craft, who are bold, direct

and call it like it is, who are not afraid to trigger people with their content. People who get results. The mistake we often make is telling ourselves that they are this or that, that we do not need to learn from them, that we are smarter than them and their “tricks”. Come on, be honest - how many times have you been “so smart” that you have “dodged a sales tactic”, saying “I know that game and I’m not falling for it”... only to stay exactly where you were instead of taking “the risk” of learning how you could actually get the results you want? How many times have you played it safe in your conversations or content, afraid to ruffle feathers or be bold in your opinions and statements? Triggering people is not a bad thing, (and nor is being triggered), if you have a grip on the situation. When we are triggered, when we are in ego, it is an opportunity to stop and listen, to tune into what is going on, to hear, see and understand all of the judgments and stories we are keeping ourselves small with and then choose from our higher (and wiser) self.

Keep up to date with Bianca at:

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WITHIN How Drama Classes can scale your sales and change your Public Speaking game forever Ariane de Melo | Award-Winning Author | Actress | Theater Director | Speaker

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 36 |

Shakespeare’s iconic strophe from “As You Like It” says it all, life is a play from the cradle to the grave, and every day we spend on this Earth is a performance that we deliver; we play a new character with everything we do, with every new person we meet, with every challenge we face.

stronger presence, deal with unfortunate situations with confidence, walk hand in hand with your fears and get the job done, identifying your own feelings and use them, become more empathic and understand people’s and improvise in case something doesn’t go as planned.

We use the different shades of our personality to build a unique self that will, hopefully, master life; and go on living, working and connecting without exploring them properly because we never learned how to, and end up neglecting the most powerful success-tool we have: selfawareness.

Based on my over fifteen years of stage experience and six years working as a 1:1 salesperson, I created my Speaking F.O.U.N.D.A.T.I.O.N. Program, then every communication needs a basis, and I claim that actors are the better salespeople.

I started in theater in early childhood, when eleven I began taking proper drama classes, and about one year after that I was playing my first significant role, Juliet, by Shakespeare. Oh, I will never forget this cherished moment of entering the stage for the very first time; I stepped onto that sacred wooden floor, drained with energy, and couldn’t help but smile. The spotlights shining on me, the red chairs in the audience holding the expectations of thousands of souls waiting for me to say something. What a surreal, magical feeling. I remember a soft heat embracing me from the inside and felt this fresh breath of happiness like that peculiar intimate joy one feels after a cool shower in a hot summer day; it filled my whole body with the most powerful of all emotions. At that very moment, I knew I was home. Our relationship was meant to last forever, I could feel it. I played at festivals, in small theaters, big theaters, private theaters, state theaters, independent theaters, theaters that were not real theaters, open air and even on the streets. The stage was my whole life from childhood until the end of my teenage years. I made my money with it, I sacrificed relationships for it, I went to evening school, so I could perform during the day; and still, I only fully realized its influence on my daily life when I first came to Germany, when I was nineteen. Being an immigrant is not easy, it is fun at the beginning, but you soon start to see that your life will be a lot more difficult now than it was back home.

You cannot speak the language with the same ease as you speak your mother tongue, you do not know how to behave in the new country, and you end up doubting yourself. That happened to me, and I started thinking about going back to Brazil, little did I know that my long theater experience would save the day. After six months in Germany I got my first job, though I was still learning the language; then I got a second job and a third; I made my way into an editorial office to write articles for a magazine, although I could barely write in German. It was the theater! The years studying my – and everyone else’s – behavior had turned me into a “persuasion machine.” There was not one job I applied for that I did not get, all this was thanks to my Drama knowledge. People think they know what actors do, but they don’t, and changing this reality is my mission in the Entrepreneurial world because I know that acting skills can change everything for business owners regarding communication, for the better.

This system was carefully designed to help people to see speaking and selling from a performance’s perspective and learn how to implement this knowledge on sales calls, videos and live performances. The steps are simple but essential: Focus, Observation, Naturality, Dare, Add Creativity, Technique, Impact, and Originality, within a new method that transforms the way we express ourselves. I say that great speaking comes from within because if you can’t feel you can’t make others feel; and to learn how to use that to your advantage, you cannot be afraid of the ridiculous, you cannot be scared of looking silly you cannot go halfway. You need to listen to the inside. If you are willing to make impact and win the most treasured respect, you need to commit to doing what it takes and do so even when your faith breaks. Because in this play we call life we do not own the time, and to avoid getting stuck one must not rely on luck.

I see people struggling with communication every day, unaware of the wonders of Drama Classes, especially Pubic Speakers.

When every day becomes one less, and in all the way, on the rush to success, we mostly execute the sin not to work from within.

To be celebrated on stage or on camera, and let’s not forget the high converting Facebook’s live videos, you need to go look inside of you. Mimic, body language, gesture, non-verbal communication, intonation, persuasion, timing, storytelling, charisma, charm, focus; all this, all these crucial prerequisites for a successful speaking and selling, all them we have inside of us, and we pull it out with acting.

“And so reach us fate; it’s too late. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.” – William Shakespeare

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Because Performing Arts will help you find out who you are, so you can have a | 37

IMAGINE What a wonderful world it would be. Vanessa Louise Moore | Transformational Mentor & Speaker.

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“I invite you to treat yourself to the beauty of your own imagination”. I was always told off in school for daydreaming out the window. ‘Vanessa must concentrate more in class!’ I thought I was concentrating but clearly not on the lesson in the class. The dictionary says that ‘Concentration is to focus all one’s attention on a particular object or activity.’ To be fair, to me, that’s exactly what I was doing and to be fair to my teacher, she didn’t know that! My imagination has served me in many ways that there are too many to list here, but I have come to learn that only when we can imagine it first, in our mind’s eye, do we have any chance of it becoming a reality. The key thing I realised about my imagination is that it delivers to my life whatever I imagine. Be that the things I do want or the things I don’t want. Either way, my imagination is my faithful servant. As I grew up I found myself programmed by the world outside and allowed the mainstream mentality to coerce me into being like everybody else, to follow the herd for fear of not fitting in or to be ridiculed for being my unique and brilliant self. From time to time I would challenge the Status Quo and attempt to reclaim my uniqueness by dressing the way I wanted to dress or speaking up for what I believed in. Occasionally it worked and helped me feel empowered in my true expression, but it was short lived. WHY? Because I had grown up and stopped using my imagination in the way I used to. When the events in my life forced me into a corner, my imagination was a vital part in my recovery. I always share the importance of using our imagination and that it is a safe and secure place to play. There is no bubble above our heads displaying our imagination on a screen for all to see. It’s private, it’s ours and it’s one of the most powerful tools we have available to us when we use it to imagine what we do want.

Just as John Lennon says ‘you may say I’m a dreamer’ but in my experience using my imagination to dream about what I want for myself and my life and to picture it first in my head may begin there but it ends having a profound effect all over my body resulting in me feeling joyous and empowered with the ability to trust and let go so much more easily. Why do we not use our imaginations to their fullest potential? I believe because, as adults, we think an imagination is only for kids and we consciously or unconsciously choose not to ‘play’ in our imaginations as we have other more important things to do like parenting or working or busying ourselves with everyday life. We have lost the childlike spirit within us and place little or no value on the fun side of our lives or even believe that our imaginations can take us to a place where our true hearts’ desires live. Plus when we begin to have fun in our imaginations our Egos remind us of the pain and humiliation we last felt when we followed our hearts, stopping us in our tracks and so we revert back to living on the treadmill of our lives with the idea of creating our imagined world, our reality, an ever eluding impossible task. I invite you to treat yourself to the beauty and gift of your own imagination in two ways. 1) When you first wake up, spend the first five minutes of your day imagining yourself living your perfect day. Remember, this is your imagination so you get to choose what ‘perfect’ is for you. Pretend, play and enjoy seeing what comes up for you and how you feel living your perfect day… anything goes. Money is no object and anything is possible. 2) Repeat this exercise for the last five minutes of your day as you turn out the light and close your eyes to sleep. This is truly powerful as you may often fall asleep playing in your imagination rather than your mind playing tricks on you by worrying habitually.

Be kind to yourself as you explore your imagination. Leaning into what your heart and soul are calling you to, by way of your imagination, may challenge your limiting beliefs. Just play with it, have fun and always remember...if you can see it in your imagination, you will see it become a reality in your own life. Can you imagine what a wonderful world it would be if we all lived the life that we imagined. “Advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams and endeavour to live the life that you have imagined, you will meet success unexpected in common hours.” Henry David Thoreau

Keep up to date with Vanessa at: | 39

Remember to adopt a positive perspective as often as you can so you constantly can create positive emotions such as gratitude and love in your heart. 40 |

Happy you. Powerful you. Samareh Rahnavardi | Human Behavior Specialist. International Speaker. Life & Success Coach Often people have been complementing me on my smile and magnetism, since a child till now. In a humble manner I always said thank you, and deeply thought “why they say what they say”!? I saw myself as just me and yet everyone else saw me as a magnetic person, with magnetic personality. For years and years I kept researching and thinking of why some people are loved and have all those trait and some are hardly noticed and I felt it’s not fair since I believe everyone is beautiful in some way and somehow, and my love for understanding human behaviour and the secrets behind our personas lead me to who I have become today, a human behaviour specialist with a love for coaching people to tap into their inner power and magnetism. Did you know that researches has shown that happy people make 1766 dollars a year more than unhappy people or that happy employees take 15 days less sick leaves than unhappy employees, or that happy people have more social supports and friends as well as more vitality and positive energy, they experience fulfilling romantic relationships and interactive friendships, and all of those traits put together makes one a magnetic and powerful person. People are attracted to positive energy and authentic happiness. But when I talk about all that in my talks, workshops or my students, they all say but how Sam, how can I become more authentically happy? The truth is that we live in a balance world, where we all experience happiness

Secret number two: positive emotions Remember to adopt a positive perspective as often as you can so you constantly can create positive emotions such as gratitude and love in your heart and mind in the present moment. Create a gratitude journal and write in it every morning. Secret number three: Positive relationships Learn to say no! If a situation doesn’t suit or satisfy you give yourself permission to stand up for yourself and say no, this is not vanity yet its only self-respect and that make you deeply quietly happy.

and sadness together, or satisfaction and disappointments, laughter and cry, which all is a part of the duality of the universe we living in, but it’s your behaviour and your attitude towards situations or circumstances that makes all the differences and makes you a powerfully magnetic or repelling miserable person. With all that said I would like to share with you three secret tips on how to raise your magnetism in order to become a happy powerful leader in all areas of your life.

When you can create a calm and quiet genuine happiness inside, when you are truly content with yourself you become magnetic and powerful, therefore you attract amazing opportunities and fulfilling relationships, so with all that you become more of a happy persona and with that inner happiness you become a pleasant person with pleasant personality. Apply the tips and remember you deserve to live a magnificent and fulfilling life of your dreams and aspirations.

Secrete number one: Be present Engagement is so important in our daily life, it is so truly crucial that you do things that makes you genuinely happy, so you can be fully engaged and present with them, then you will be living in your heart not in your mind and thoughts of past or illusionary future.

Keep up to date with Samareh on: Facebook or Instagram | 41

The love effect in moments of distractions Theodore Treveil | Public Speaker, Author, Philanthropist, Blogger.

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When I was 15, I remember sitting through classes, unable to concentrate through them as my means to learning was quite different from other students. It was unique and free – as it should be for any children. You see, research states that when a child is born, they are born genius, creative and somewhat even divine as I love to phrase. According to Deep down, children sense this knowledge. They naturally know what to do with such awareness so they decide to dream without limitation and boundaries. Anything they dream, they achieve because their mind is crystal clear from limiting beliefs and labels. However, what we must come to understand is that society has NOT been equipped nor nurtured enough to understand how to nurture and grow this themselves. They have been educated to follow through a process that has made their own creativity and genius lie dormant within them – so dormant that it feels disconnected and a separate entity from whom they really are. Therefore, when we feel we are unable to understand something, we begin fearing it because we do not know how to respond, this brings about who we naturally are which can be frightening as we have spent quite a few years being a character that has been created for us. Although we do not align with it, we forcibly try to become it, creating an internal suffering that we do not know how to cope with but to pass it along as we fear experiencing this feeling alone and being different. We do better when we know better. And what we do not know may seem or sound blissful but it could be the very thing slowly destroying your character, affecting your health and costing you from discovering your purpose and when you are unable to discover whether you are in the right environment, energy and outcome. You wander around and settle for anything that represents the slightest comfortability, security and certainty in your life. Anything that posses threat to this, you build a defensive armour against it! You enter a state of fear. That’s exactly where my teacher was at 15, when she told me I would wind up in prison when I became an adult. What she didn’t realise or understand was she didn’t mean it. She

was suffering from a mental prison of her own and she spread that ripple. What she saw in me was in her. For years, I became attached to the label she gave me. It became my reality and a character I familiarised myself with so much so until I began to feel I was living it! I continued to seek as many evidence and reasons as to why what my teacher told me was true. Her fear slowly became my fear and experience of reality. These evidence and beliefs were not my own but it all belonged to the very people I was perceiving my life through their lenses. No matter how much I didn’t enjoy, I became automated to live in the box that they designed for me, confined by it, wanted to break it but was too distracted in trying to fulfil their assumption, expectation and need. It led me to a life I thought I had settled with and was okay with, however deep inside I was still experiencing a conflict between who I thought I was and who I really was which led to an exhaustion in life and season depression as life began to seem and feel unnatural and imbalanced. It was ONLY when I was able delve inside of me, and observe life through the lenses of acceptance and forgiveness – love became my nature no matter how many tried to distant anything from me. This is what you must understand, you’ll always come across people that will label you things that has nothing to do with the truth but all that is to do with their own internal truth. However, when you are able to live off from love, love doesn’t influence us to settle for those false perception of reality. It doesn’t force us to try and meet other’s expectation, to be like them or to experience guilt and shame for embracing what we desire to embrace. It guides us to who we have always been.

It allows us to compassionately understand people in where they are in their own lives without forcing them in means that make us comfortable because this is the root of much resistance and fear. Where people begin to think am I enough for this person or not. Am I worthy enough for this person or not. It influences us to live for others, rather than being comfortable to live for ourselves and live with self-confidence in whatever direction of life we choose to lead. Love allows us to detach from all that we are NOT in order to embrace our nature. Our truth and light then naturally spreads like wildfire in others, just as fear had spread when this teacher spoke her feelings into existence through her language. With language comes great ordeal of vibration and energy. What I want you to understand is LOVE, isn’t something you’ll find in others or materials. All that you are pursuing will continue to ALWAYS remain a reflection of what you already are experiencing inside, therefore when you find beauty in you – you’ll find beauty in all else in life, even in times when you are challenged or stretched. However, as long as you continue to invest and focus on your external world, you will continue to wind on a journey of pursuit for things that you have mind made. We find love inside of ourselves which then allows us to make a sense of the world and who we are. Love allows us to see things as they are. Love comes with wisdom so spread love, share love and teach love. Particularly when you feel you can’t because YOU can. Unconditional Love heals all around.

Keep up to date with Theodore on: Facebook | 43

Precious Piñata ™

Help Precious Pinata™ Help Kids Charlene Renaud l Professional Speaker, Life Coach, Author, Singer

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On November 24, 2018, I opened my Facebook page to find I was tagged in a post. I clicked to see a beautiful photo of eight-year-old Lindsay St. Peter, sitting comfortably in a chair, covered partially by a blanket. Nestled carefully in her arm and tucked under the blanket, was Precious Pinata™ His cute little head with colorful horns and big smile, peeped above the cover. Lindsay’s Mother, Kristen Banfield wrote, “Instant Piñata LOVE! I asked Lindsay what’s in her stuffing... beautiful to hear her list... caring, intelligent, kind, creative, smart and loving. We went through the colours in the book with Precious’ stuffing and she immediately agreed with the connections. Can’t wait to dive into more tomorrow!” Joy overcame me, reading Kristen’s post. Months of planning, writing, and preparation came to fruition—Precious Pinata™ was impacting a child’s life. My goal is to place Precious Pinata™ What’s in Your Child’s Stuffing? guidebook in the hands of parents, educators and health care professionals. I envision thousands of children holding Precious Pinata™, learning about the significance of the seven colorful fluffy balls in his zippered belly. Precious’ Knowledge-Stuffing is world-exclusive and a Pinata-Awesome method to teach kids about safety, mental health, relationships, and realistic life skills. Precious Pinata was born from my bestselling adult book: The Pinata Theory™ What’s in Your Stuffing? Working through childhood adversity, and having an interest in psychology, addiction and mental health, were the conduits behind my life-altering theory. I needed to discover the link between childhood trauma and future disease. Through research and experience, it was evident, Human-Made-Stuffing (life experiences from multiple human sources) programmed each of us, like a computer. Working in policing for 24 years, immersed me in the ugly truth about the cyclical challenges of emotionally and psychologically damaged people, who never received intervention or help for their personal abuses as children.

They in turn, as parents, lovers or foes, pass their torch of automatic and subconsciously driven unhealthy traits, abuses and distorted beliefs, to innocent Pinata Cubs (kids), relatives, or society. I knew there needed to be a relatable method to teach young children about life, closing the gap on childhood trauma and/or parental disconnection. Precious Pinata™ is this tool. Precious needs no batteries or electricity. He works his Pinata-Magic, with the help of an adult presenting his book to a child. The colorful fluffy balls in Precious’ belly, are a visual and touchable aid, relating the effects of healthy and unhealthy life experiences, expanded as topics in his book. Precious is cute, colorful and huggable, with an infectious smile… creating an instant bond with kids. Precious covers important topics: Bullying, Racism/Diversity, Relationships, Health, Emotions, Mental Health, Teamwork, Team 911, Green Earth, Healthy Activities, and more. Precious tackles the Mammoth Pinata in the room…sexual abuse. Children learn about private body parts, familiar people acting strange, examples of odd

behavior, manipulation tactics used by predators, what to do to escape harm, and most importantly, to tell an adult right away. Help Precious Pinata™ Help Kids! Join Team Precious affiliate program, become a distributor, or to arrange presentations about The Pinata Theory or Precious Pinata™ please email:

Charlene Renaud is a professional speaker, best-selling author of The Pinata Theory™ Creator/Author of Precious Pinata character and Precious Piñata™ What’s in Your Child’s Stuffing? guidebook.

Keep up to date with Charlene at: | 45

Precious Piñata

What’s in your child’s stuffing?

Precious Piñata Character & Book Only

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A Ground-Breaking Real-Life Guide (and children’s toy) every Parent, Educator & Health Care Professional will need to EMPOWER, PROTECT & EDUCATE young children! It teaches children 5-10 years old about real life. Fun, interesting, relatable and involving for the child. Reading, discussion, activities and visual aids facilitate healthy connections, literacy and learning.

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For full details visit our website: Precious Piñata™ Collectable Character & Precious Piñata™ © What’s in Your Child’s Stuffing?


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CONNECTING THE DOTS You will connect the dots only when you look back. Ani Manukyan | Entrepreneur, Mentor, Speaker & Philanthropist

We all have our path to walk and a purpose to fulfil and a lot of times you might not be able to see all the steps and how your path is leading you to where you need to be. How each person in your life is giving you clues for your life’s mission work. Let’s cover why it’s important to have trust for your future, in life and how all the dots connect when you trust.

This can scare you or it can wake you up from this life of half lived in a sleepy state in comfort. I’m committed to living each day to the fullest I can and each moment that is given to me I’m grateful.

Life Is Short

Trusting life means allowing yourself to live this day. The future takes care of itself when you take care of the now. To get to this place we need to slow

We plan, we schedule, and we visualise and it’s important that we do all these things. But the true fulfilment comes by surrendering to this moment and being fully alive. Now not in the future. Daily people pass away with dreams and aspirations and it’s important to remember that our days are counted on this planet. When you truly know this in your being you will stop wasting time. You will appreciate life more and you will share more love with people around you. Who we far to often take for granted.

down at times and listen to our heart intelligence. Guiding you every day to fulfil your unique purpose for which you are here for Now, this moment not in the future and not some day. Your Heart Whispers

The average person lives 27,375 days.

Fear of the future is wanting to control everything and some things are not up to us to “control”. You are here on a mission find it each day gives you keys and clues as to where to go next.

This is not a lot considering how fast each day goes by. I counted my days more or less and it added up to 17,155 days left. (28 (age) x 365 (days) =10,220) (27,375 -10,220 = 17,155)

Remember it never yells it whispers. That’s why you sometimes have to quiet your mind and get somewhere quiet from this “busy” world to hear the “whisper”. But wiser it will, it’s not something you

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can miss when all of a sudden you fill this immense peace wash all over you. Knowing that you are just where you need to be now doing what you need to do. Because we have become lazy in our thinking and just follow wherever our mind and thoughts take us. You have to use your will to guide and lead the “ship” of your mind to wherever you want it to, which is Now so you can actually be alive and present to your life. “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path, and that will make all the difference.” — Steve Jobs

Trust Sometimes the mind is lacking in is trust. Trust in people, trust in the future, trust in yourself, trust. This is where your heart comes in. The mind goes by past experiences of being betrayed, lied to, things not working out as you wished for etc.

Trust your life — Love your life and Make Each of Your Days Count.

But the heart knows and trusts in the magick of life. The preciousness of each moment. Your heart is at peace breathing this breath and trusting in this breath and the next one. And so only by living, you will understand why you are here. What you have to share. What’s the meaning of it all and how it all beautifully interlinks.

Trust You have to Trust Even when your Eyes can’t see Even when your Vision is not clear You have to trust Trust in your heartbeat Trust in your breath Trust in the power that created every cell Of your being Trust in the unseen Trust in the unknown Trust in your heartbeat Guiding you Home. From this place, there is no question about trust you know that you are here to experience life and to remember what you have forgotten. The gifts that you have to share with the world and your heart will whisper, listen. Trust your life — Love your life and Make Each of Your Days Count. Love – Ani

Keep up to date with Ani at: | 49

The gift of Love Christine Saunders l Personal Results Coach, Wholehearted Life

I knew this was God telling me “welcome home� 50 |

When I was younger, as most when Christmas time rolled around we were asked “what do you want for Christmas?” And most of us replied with “things” toys, games, bikes, dolls, etc. right? Not until much later in our lives do we realize the important of experiences rather than “things”. The gift beyond “things” can last infinitely. Here is a story of rediscovering my meaning and gift beyond “things”. The ultimate gift to receive is that of pure love. Less than a year ago I was able to experience an extremely beautiful moment in my journey of healing from past trauma. As I arrived at this place in my life, one that restored my faith, I experienced the act of pure love first hand. You see I lost my faith in God and myself 25 years prior after experiencing a traumatic event. Walking the town in which I work there is a church I pass frequently on my walks from office to office. I never paid attention to the building before until I had to cross the street to avoid construction. What I didn’t realize was at the end of the construction was to be a pivotal point in my healing. On a warm late fall day, I was walking past this very building, finally the construction was complete and there in front of what I now see as a church is a bench right on the sidewalk. I thought how lovely this bench looked all new, clean and inviting. I had some time that day before my meeting so I proceeded to take a seat and enjoy the warm sun on my face. I looked up to see the trees losing leaves falling gently to the ground, how beautiful nature is shedding old in order to make way for new. As I sat there I experienced an overwhelming sense of calm and peace, so I sat for a bit longer. As some time passed knowing I had obligations to get on with, I stood quickly and turned to take one last glance at the bench. To my surprise there were three words inscribed on this bench that went unnoticed when I sat down. There engraved on the bench in concrete were the words “God is love”. I instantly sat back down and sobbed on what seemed at the moment the most comfortable concrete bench of my life.

Seeking comfort in nature among flowers, trees, sun, and fresh air for the months prior and now this overwhelming sense of peace; I knew this was God telling me “welcome home”. I had finally been reunited with my faith I had cast aside so many years ago. After what seemed like only minutes, I knew I could not stay and had to go back to work. But before I did, I thought what’s a girl to do in this moment? Ahaha, take a selfie with the bench of course. After all these years, I finally knew what “God is Love” meant for me. It transported me back to the time when I attended church alongside my mother and really didn’t understand at that young age. I would hear people say “I am blessed to have you”, “bless you” and “God is love”. It was that one autumn day in that space that I finally got it! The ah ha moment, the feeling of love is in fact God! What is even more amazing is I also have that love within my whole heart that I get to share with others. And get this… the coolest thing is; It will always be replenished, it never leaves. I have been asked, what is your favorite word, the answer is Love, it is always love as love never waivers it infinite. In 25 years prior, I may have tossed aside my faith, God and Love… they certainly did not toss me away. I now believe the time I was “lost” I always had love, it just doesn’t go away!! It was buried away, clawing at my soul, reaching for the surface. In that glorious moment, I rediscovered my love, and the way to express it. Over the last year, the gift I received that day has changed the way I look at my days. Today you can imagine Christmas has a renewed meaning since that beautiful day. The celebration and worship has a new meaning!

It means living and loving in and from your whole heart. It means sharing that love with those around you. It means smiling at a stranger

A community anchored in Love.

It means doing something nice for another.

It means experiences with others.

It means serving others.

It means sharing space and time with others.

It means doing all these things long after Christmas.

Christmas to me means;

It means being unapologetically authentic. It means setting aside ego and fear. It means leaning into being uncomfortable.

Keep up to date with Christine on: Facebook | 51

Design and create the life you want with these simple steps. Ewa Heard | Courage Within - Escape 9 to 5 Coach What if I said to you that you have the power to design and create the life you want. Would you believe me?

I saw all my photos in front of my eyes I realised that this could become my reality. I knew I had to get it!

My journey into designing and creating the life I’ve always wanted started with a simple visualisation. I was in my 9 to 5 job and I decided to visualise how my life would look if nothing changed and I carried on on my employment path. I fast forwarded 10-15 years and despite seeing myself reaching the top of my career ladder, I felt like a complete failure. I saw myself working 9 to 5 or rather 9-8, not having enough time for my hobbies or my family. I saw myself exhausted and stressed from trying to fight for work-life balance. Despite seeing a successful career I felt so miserable as I saw the life I did not want. This was my wake up call. After this quick visualisation I realised that I had to dramatically change and create the life I want. Here is how I started my journey into creating the life I wanted.

Step 3 - Turn your dreams into goals

Step 1 - Visualise your ideal lifestyle Start visualising your ideal lifestyle. Let go off any limitations, boundaries, let your imagination go and dream big. Visualise your ideal lifestyle as if you could not fail, as if no one would ever judge you. Take some time to relax, close your eyes and get started! At first, I found it really difficult to visualise but the more I let go of my own set limitations, my conditioning and people’s ideas of what my life should look like, the more I started connecting with what I truly wanted. Remember to connect

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Turn your dreams on your vision board into goals. I prioritised my goals and started working on the goals with the highest priority. Normally our goals will be huge change so break each goal into steps. Make sure your goals/steps are SMART (Specific, Measurable, ActionFocused, Realistic and Time-Bound). with your visualisation on an emotional level to strengthen it. The feelings you start to experience while visualising will be a great indicator of whether this is really the life you want. If you don’t feel any excitement or happiness when you connect with your vision, then it is probably not right for you. Visualise daily. The more you visualise, the more you will connect with your true self and the easier you will find it. Once you connect with your vision you might feel overwhelmed with happiness and fulfilment. When this happens, you know you have found it. So go and create it. Step 2 - Vision Board Once you see your vision, transfer it onto your vision board. Print photos that represent your vision and the feelings you want to experience. Once I did this, I realised that everything on my vision board is realistic and can be achieved. It is all possible. When I was visualising I still thought it was more like dreaming and wishful thinking but the minute

Once you have your steps, you now have a plan to achieve your goals. Having a plan of how to achieve my goals on my vision board was such an empowering moment. I felt like I was on top of the world, full of energy, hope, motivation and focus. There was no stopping me. Step 4 – Time for ACTION Once you have your goals and your plan, it is time to act. This is a crucial part as without taking action, nothing will ever change, and your dreams will stay dreams. Do whatever it takes to action your steps and you will be shocked as to how quickly your vision board becomes your reality.

If you wish to escape your 9 – 5 job and you have no idea how to get started, join my FREE online Escape 9 – 5 Masterclass here: https://couragewithin.

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Our purpose is to make you feel good, do good & be good in everything you do. “NAMACCI creates lifestyle essentials for healthy and conscious living.” – Cho-ting Kuo | 53

Recovering OF THE SELF

Samantha Caroline Lavallée | Writer & Lover of all things soul at Beautiful Disaster. Out of my once believed not enoughness my more than everything was being birthed.

Trying to accept my believed faith that I am a mediocre being with nothing I am particularly good at.

I always carried within me this notion of not being “good enough”. A very acute awareness that I was not the best at any one thing. This plagued me with doubt and riddled me with shame. Enduring a ride in the passenger seat of my very own life for years that drove me down many winding paths with firm roadblocks that I kept seeing as obstacles and upheavals that I would push against, stubbornly to no avail. These diverse twists, I know now were beckoning me to come this way, into alignment with self, yet I wasn’t ready to trust my gut or listen to my heart. So, I intentionally looked away and took the longest most painful and difficult routes possible as I pulled away from the abundance of my true diverse nature that was filled with beautiful valleys and mountain peaks that were all waiting for my seeds to be nurtured so it could begin to show its flourishing nature to me.

That belief in me didn’t shut up.

The unedited truth is that I spent so much time, rather I wasted irrecuperable valuable time being irritated by my silent pinning of not being the best or “good enough” at one thing. Within my limited sleepy state of mind that was exhausted from the chaos of dissatisfaction brewing stronger and stronger as time went on I felt lost within my heart that I was not yet ready, nor willing to touch as I feared the truth would be my ultimate faith, I was a total failure.

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My soul didn’t either until I finally surrendered to the confusion I experienced through my soul’s incessant longing for what I could not even yet then begin to fathom. Falling apart into a million pieces—that was the easy part. I know this now. Not then surely.

I loathed myself so vehemently for my restlessness and inability to just do one thing and stay the course. Bantering myself with questions was a daily ritual that I found only but seldom reprieve from in moments of fleeting joy. “Why can’t I just be happy doing this job” “Why don’t I feel at peace within myself? All is well...isn’t it?” “What is the name of God is wrong with you Samantha Caroline Lavallée!” “You have everything you need. How can you not be grateful!” “Why so much sadness is growing when all you’ve ever wanted you have?” But it what YOU wanted Samantha? I remember wallowing between spaces of okayness with my not “being enoughness”.

Only once I began picking up the pieces of me with both repulsion and a weary apprehensive heart I began to discover who I was and that scared me more than not knowing. Realizing that my misery from within was engulfed by my very own feelings of partiality and that my outwardly judgements of the world and others were simply reflections mirroring my own insecurities as I burned with shame and despair when witnessing and feeling their wholeness that further emphasized this lack I felt within was all there with the intent to connect me back to me... but that was hard as it hurt my fragile ego that was governed by being a people pleaser that felt so very ashamed of not being “good enough.” Not the best student. Even after achieving a 100% mark in my university years it was never enough. Not the best mom. Even when doing my very best with the so very little I had

in support with constant belligerent criticism and sarcastic mockery at every turn I felt like a total failure. Not pretty enough. Not like the picture perfect girls I seen on tv or the standards they spoon fed me with until I knew no different. Not fit enough. Not thin enough. Not too fat but still too big. I felt like a walking disproportionate giant in my all but mere 5’4� petite stature. Not pure enough. Having “lost� my virginity before marriage. Having “lost� my innocence at the ripe age of three. Having “lost� so many other parts of my sexual & sensual nature. A Dirty dirty girl who felt as worthy as the dirt beneath the earth... Yet...It was was all there buried beneath the dirt that I began to discover the richness of my soil, of my soul, of my full self.

through all that needs to be ignited and burned away. It is there I meet myself again for the very first time, every time. Between the so called heaven and hell that cannot deny the first nor quell the second. Somewhere, in the limbo of the exasperation and excitement ... I am met with blurred lines that can be felt with an undeniable clarity but expressed through much misery that eventually finds an harmonious translation that is not here nor there, but everywhere. This place of nothingness I love to hate keeps bringing me to the space of everything...oh what a beautiful mess I am in, and that in my shameless admission is always perfectly enough when there is no more omissions. I am enough as me.

Slowly and I transparently admit, painfully I began to flourish.

Irrelevant of the noisy voices who don’t understand my gypsy like soul that is sovereign in all her delight.

As I look back, I can see the replay with much more clarity.

Fierce yet so delicate too.

I found myself anew daringly leaping in with a courageousness filled with passion and empty of confidence, yes I was scared out of mind as I did not know how I would be received, yet I heeded with an inner knowing that I am always welcomed home, within me. For it is there I began to cultivate a bond between my tentative true self whom still remains timid no matter how courageous my outer reflections are seen through the boldness of my reckless creative endeavours that I know not where they will bring me to, but I know all to well it is always a one in a lifetime ride that I cannot afford to miss, no matter the misses and blisses along the way.

I am grateful to have made it this far on my journey and joyful to keep growing along the way.

So with commitment, I show up with all that I am from moment to moment. Sometimes I have a fire burning in my belly with passionate inspiration that flows to a climax, feeling my way with an ecstasy like sensation, while other times I show up dragging my heart along with me, filled with a desperation that pours itself out into the world with a dim spark that inside feels like an inferno lite into a blaze of hell, a fiery gusto burning its way

Safeguarding a heart that loves unconditionally while Surrendering to the Art of my hearts integrity while too learning to be a leader that cherishes the generosity of my powerful life’s Force; Diversity, which I no longer believe to be an adversity.

Peace lives inside me. I am at Peace no matter the mess. There’s space for you here too, all of you. All is welcomed. With love, with grace, May you allow yourself the space to grow as you grieve and love your way’s a beautiful disaster đ&#x;Ś‹ Samantha đ&#x;’ž

Keep up to date with Samantha on: Facebook | 55

emotions What are your

trying to tell you?

Reshma Jobanputra | Iridium Life Coaching This article is all about analysing what your emotions are trying to tell you. While the context of it is your career, it can be applied to any other part of your life too.

help? Are your values or drivers similar to the people around you? If your answer to any of the above is no, then isolation may be the root cause of your sadness.

How many basic emotions do we have? While there is still some disagreement as to the correct number, for the purposes of this article I will go with Paul Ekmans’ conclusion. He is an American psychologist, known for pioneering the modern-day study of emotions. According to him there ae only 6 basic emotions. Namely:

Second probable cause; overwhelm. Now, overwhelm is cited as an underlying factor for two emotions; sadness and anger.

• Happiness • Sadness • Surprise • Fear • Anger • Disgust The focus of this article are causes of dissatisfaction, therefore attention will be given to causes of the 4 ‘negative’ emotions; sadness, fear, anger and disgust. As you go about your working day observe when you feel any of these. Make note of what are you doing, or about to do, who are you with etc. Sadness What is causing you to be sad at work? One word which has repeatedly been identified as having a strong co-relation to sadness is isolation. Do you feel alone or lonely at work? Is your work solitary in nature? Do you wish you had more human interaction? Do you feel like part of the team? Do you feel well supported? Are there people that you can turn to at work for advice, support, friendship,

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We react to things in diverse ways. Some people internalise the feeling of overwhelm which translates to sadness. With some, it will come out as anger. Anger Exactly as I mentioned above, overwhelm is a very common cause of anger. A feeling of almost drowning. It builds, and it builds until finally it comes out as rage. Another common cause of anger; frustration, a feeling of helplessness. Of not having control over your life. At work this could be a result of being micromanaged. The third cause? Unfairness. We are designed as humans to want to be dealt with fairly, when we sense that we are not, it can result in anger. I’m sure there are plenty of examples you can think of or are experiencing; non-merited promotions, sexism, a boss or colleague that constantly takes credit for your work. Of course, it is almost impossible to find a workplace that is 100% fair. But one that is more unjust than not can cause anger. Fear Two main causes of fear. The first; insecurity. Do you feel as if your job is in danger? Whether by redundancy or

other means? Ironically, even when do something that we don’t enjoy, we still feel scared if we believe we will lose it. The second one, is physical insecurity, this should not be tolerated for even a second. If at any point you feel physically threatened, please tell somebody about it immediately, and remove yourself from that situation. Disgust Disgust plays a very important evolutionary function. It keeps us alive! Our natural disgust at rotting food or similar, keeps us from eating it and making ourselves very ill. Or makes us not want to live in unhygienic environments, if not for disgust we would probably be very happy to chill in seriously unsanitary environments. Yet wonder why we keep dropping like flies!!! Disgust can be caused by an aversion to a companys’ prevailing culture, our boss or even a colleague’s behaviour. Finding them immorally or unethical. Pushy sales, scams etc. I hope the article above has made clear; the different emotions, pinpoint the plausible causes of each. This specific knowledge will empower you to identify the correct course of action to tackle these feelings, and return to a happier frame of mind.

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Knowledge will empower you to identify the correct course of action to tackle these feelings, and return to a happier frame of mind. | 57

Discover The Real Scotland – Discover The Real You.


Join him in Scotland and reconnect to the resourceful, vibrant, happy and successful person you really want to be. Scotland is amazing: A place that inspires, thrills and never ever disappoints. It’s the remarkable place of ideas and history, of culture and science, of great philosophers and world shaping entrepreneurs. And most of all it’s a place of breathtaking beauty and ancient vitality, a place Andy is proud to call home.

When you’re looking to understand yourself and your place in the world more deeply, when you’re at a crossroads in your life, your career or business, or when you’re stuck, the way forward will become clear on a walk with One Intention through the rich, stimulating and inspiring scenery of Scotland.

Scotland and Andy are waiting for you right now to begin the next exciting chapter of your incredible life.

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Black Mystic Tourmaline Orgone Orgonite® Selenite Pendant For Power, Protection & Prosperity

Our purpose is to make you feel good, do good & be good in everything you do. “NAMACCI creates lifestyle essentials for healthy and conscious living.” – Cho-ting Kuo | 59

Is Happiness Overrated? Larry Rosenberg, PhD, CEO, The Larry Show Andy Ferguson, Explorer, Andy Ferguson Network

In this dialogue-style article by Andy and Larry, we focus on a topic that is familiar, natural and perhaps even sacred to most people: Happiness. We dare to pose the question: Is happiness overrated? Below, we explore the concept of happiness from several different angles to understand how it fits into our life, for both positive and not-so-positive reasons. Andy


This article’s topic grew out of an itch that I have real trouble not scratching. It’s a question that rears up and demands my attention, especially when I’m ecstatically happy. What if this feeling of bliss and joy is just a distraction from other equally, or more important, feelings and activities? What if the happiness I’m feeling is stopping me doing something that will in the long turn out to be more fulfilling and rewarding?

The more I ponder the concept of happiness, thanks to Andy’s suggestion that we focus on it together, the more I see its complexity and even controversy; it’s not as simple and perfectly positive as one might imagine.

Please don’t get me wrong: I enjoy being happy, especially that “joyful, present and nothing else happening in the world right now matters” type of bliss, which I’ve experience often in my life. So make no mistake: I love being happy. I’m just not sure it’s the only worthwhile goal in life. Could it be that that blissful and unbounded joy is only one of many valuable human experiences, and not necessarily the most important? What if the other feelings that inform our lives are also significant, and therefore don’t deserve to be squeezed out of our lives, just to maintain the primacy of happiness? I’ve felt happy and sad, ecstatically joyful

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But first, here are some definitions of happiness. A summary of dictionaries define happiness in three ways: • Good fortune and prosperity (the oldest definition, as used by Shakespeare).

and clinically depressed, invincible and completely broken; so yes, I know I’d rather be happy than not. Yet, here’s the thing: Perhaps our pursuit of happiness brings about the disappointment and frustration that we seek so much to avoid. When I proposed this topic to Larry, he initially wasn’t very happy about it. He definitely wasn’t as Happy as Larry (an old saying) about exploring it. But we have this trust, Larry and I, so he knew this topic was important to me and he went along with it ... and so now, we’re off to the races.

• Experience of pleasure and satisfaction. • State of well-being, contentment and joy. I’ll leave the good fortune to Shakespeare. I believe it’s useful to keep in mind during this article the distinction and implications between happiness as an experience vs. state. In our feel-good era of experiences – think chocolate cake, diamond ring, new automobile, smartphone, four-hands massage, skiing the Alps, loving people and love making – we are driven and exhorted to buy products and services and do things intended to make us happy,

for some period of time. But in this way, happiness can become like an addiction, enflamed by constant marketing messages, as well as our insatiable desires and conditioned habits. We must do one happy experience after another, lest we feel the terrible feeling of, God-forbid, unhappiness!

of life (contraction and death). Entire institutions and industries are dedicated to the false promise of defying gravity to keep us high on happiness always. However, because of our concept of an essentially hostile world, in varying levels and at inevitable times, we will feel that we are crashing to the ground. With only our emotions and bodies to deal with life’s dark roller coaster, we will feel helpless, defeat, decline and finally lights-out. You can do your best to be happy, but with the ordinary mental paradigm (of duality, separation, pain and suffering), you cannot avoid feeling unhappiness or much worse.

On the other hand, we have the state of happiness. While it is hard to image this state as constant in our crazy word – of drama, separation and violence – there are people who, thanks to certain genes, seem to be happy as a primary and modal characteristic of their personality. Let us consider the basis of the happiness state. As it’s mainly based on emotions, I don’t think we can be consistent, secure and deep in our happiness, That’s because we are programed with a variety of emotions – ranging from love, joy, peace and confidence all the way to fear, anger, hurt and guilt – we are prone to emotional ups and downs, with the latter being evidence of the absence of happiness. A more reliable state of happiness would be based on a spiritual dimension, which I’ll spell out more fully and inspirationally later in this article, after I read Andy’s response to my above paragraphs. Andy Thanks, Larry, I agree with you. We can think of happiness like Weather and Climate: Weather is what we experience day to day; Climate is the bigger longerterm phenomenon that creates the weather. In my own life, I’ve begun to realise it’s more important to develop a climate of happiness instead of chasing the fleeting momentary weather of happy. And I agree with you that what a lot of people seek in their lives is the momentary experience, which makes them easier to influence, manipulate and control. I know from my own experience that developing a much more grounded connection of inner quiet and peace is ultimately more rewarding, and it’s better for those around me too. Look, it’s like how I treat the outdoors: Living in Scotland, I expect the weather to be unpredictable; so when I go for a walk, I’m prepared for whatever the weather throws at me. I don’t expect it to be sunny everyday, but I’m ready to appreciate the sun when it does shine. And if it rarely shines, even in the harshest of conditions, I

usually find that something rewarding so as to make the overall experience worthwhile. One last thing before we move on. I write this on a day of deep reflection for me. Yesterday was the Centenary of the end of the First World War, 11 November 1918. Because this world can come across as a cruel and fickle place, I’ve learned that developing a foundation of deep inner peace and love is our only defence against the storms that sweep across our lives and shake us to our very core. Happiness doesn’t need to be shallow and trivial, for sometimes it’s a deep understanding and commitment to learn from our mistakes and commit to doing something more worthwhile and longer-lasting. Larry So it seems we have a choice of two approaches to happiness in life: • Roller coaster of physically and emotionally pleasant but temporary experiences, interrupted by bouts of negativity (tragedy, suffering, separation and victimhood). • Soulful perspective, based on deep spirituality and high consciousness, views life as joy, bliss, love and peace, which feel but transcend what most people regard as negativity. The roller coaster has no brakes; it’s seen as running our life, out of our control, easy to complain and blame, and eventually wears us down and turns off the energy

The soulful perspective is related to both Eastern and Western concepts of awakening, growth, transformation, enlightenment, I AM Presence, and Divinity within. The soul is a better ship, compared to the mind and body, to happily navigate the rough and treacherous seas of what most people call reality. Rather than on the drug of happiness, with its negative side effects, we can elevate our consciousness to a state in which something bigger and better than happiness is experienced. Alas, the Western philosophical and spiritual traditions do not provide us with an effective vocabulary of super-happiness terms, compared to the Eastern traditions. But we can put together clusters of values and goals to guide us into the powerful world of the soulful perspective: I suggest words such as inner peace, unconditional love, sustained joy, self-mastery, openheartedness, loving kindness, harmony, surrender, purification, reverence, freedom, interconnection, unity and Oneness. Put these and related words in your inner dialogue and conversations with people, and see your life’s happiness metrics soar. Do you want to be happy? I do, I believe Andy does, we all do. Ah, but what model of happiness are we following: Short-run or long-run, low-hanging fruit or top-of-the-tree fruit, glossed-over negativity or ascending to inspiration, off-the-shelf knowledge or self-earned wisdom, where-you-find happiness or create-a-life of happiness? The soulful perspective takes a lifetime to build. But along the way your inherited and self-imposed roller coaster will lose its power over you, even out and trend inward and upward to a life of increasing happiness, or whatever you call it. | 61

The soul is a better ship, compared to the mind and body, to happily navigate the rough and treacherous seas of what most people call reality.

Andy As usual, Larry, I think we are in a heated agreement. If you choose to look for it, you can find what you need in the Western Tradition. Just go to a great cathedral and listen to people singing their hearts out, experience a High Mass or a rendition of Mozart’s Requiem in D Minor, as I’m doing as I write these words, and you’ll connect to something really beautiful, uplifting and maybe even a bit sad. And I’ll tell you this, all this makes my soul soar. Looking back before the Reformation, you’ll find the West and East have similar traditions, teachers and philosophies. So, do I want to see a better world, in this world? Of course, I do. Yet I have watched nature at its cruelest on the plains of the Masi Mara, as a Cheetah chased down and killed a gazelle. I’ve watched someone I had lived with all my life slip away. Life isn’t all sunshine and roses. And it’s not our job to fix it. It’s our duty to understand our part in it. To connect with it, before we try to change it. We are part of an amazing journey, an amazing story, in a massive and ancient universe. Given this perspective, our lives are shorter than mayflies. In the grand scheme of things, what do our lives matter? 62 |

Yet it’s only when we think of ourselves as special, as individuals, as apart instead of a part that we loose our capacity for genuine happiness. You and I can do anything and everything to try to dull the existential pain we feel, the guilt that comes from having a better life than someone else, or the frustration of not getting what we crave. Or, we can stop to consider who we truly are. We can chase experiences that titillate and amuse us, that distract us from the true nature of our being, or we can look in and look out, and find our partness. It is in experiencing this connection to everything else, which apparently isn’t us, that we can seek and discover a deeper happiness. That gives us the strength and energy to ask difficult questions about our circumstances, our world and the nature of our lives. And to live a life that is rich and full, and honours and helps us realise our vast potential. It turns out what we do, all of us, matters after all; so let’s make that the source of our deepest enquiry and most profound happiness. In closing, to us it looks like happiness, the right sort of happiness, isn’t overrated after all.

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***** Keep up to date with Andy at:

Mindful Walking with Larry Rosenberg – Sedona, USA | 63

TIME Travelers, Recycle your happy It’s the gift that keeps on giving Jennifer Thorp | Author, Photographer and Life Alchemist

Make the best of it. How does anyone make the best use of time? There’s no singular method. No exclusive formula with a copyright, brand, or patent attached. No one way to make the best of anything or everything.

my present is from time to time greatly improved; especially, when I do so at a low spot. It’s a bit like catching myself before I fall, or picking myself up off the ground, so I don’t have to make the trip down another dark rabbit whole of despair.

I see all moments as an opportunity for humans to make the most of every beat with our own two feet, each step of the way. Even if we share our time with others, those moments matter relative to every person quite differently. Weather you are the receiver or conductor, the rhythm to time can be set, and the score is marked, independently.

It’s not just organic sounding in writing about recycling the high times. I think it’s sort of built in resource that can be tapped into at will. I have being doing this since my childhood unconsciously repurposing. Early on, back in the day of my own beginning of time, I was very quick to use instant recall of the high times to color my own little kid picture, brighter.

That said, as I have been busy writing my own song along the way, there are all tools that I use to enhance my present experiences. Recently, (as early as a few days ago) while I was thinking about a topic that was worthy of sharing, it occurred to me that I reuse the highpoints in my life to improve my today’s. In other words, I am recycling my own happy moments.

I remember doing it, and really wanting to share by reliving a good moment with the world (namely may parents). I’d say things like “Dad, remember when the dog stole a pot roast off the counter and we got to eat hotdogs for dinner? That was funny, wasn’t it?” Then my father would laugh and I would relish the time as a double hitter.

Why not repurpose some of the more outstanding events by applying the emotions from the high times to enhance my nows. In doing this, I have found that

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We got hotdogs, which I loved to eat as a kid, and my dad’s smile light up the room. Must be working because at 50 and counting, I’m smiling over the fact that something that simple gives me pleasure to raise my vibration in today.

You too might have been doing this unknowingly. Did you ever bring up a past moment to brighten a conversation with yourself or someone else? Every once and a while, I perk myself up and maybe those around me with the energy for my last Whale sitting (“WwHAAA- LLLLE”). I find that it beats the alternative of jumping in a dark colored pot of worry and stew. That can be as bad as quick sand, once crossing over to the dark side, it’s harder to find your way out. So, if ever there is a low, a bit of sudden recall from happier times works as a flashlight to help see the forest through the trees. It is in those moments when duller nows are elevated to a sort of “wow”. That aids my effort to keep my present path free, fresh or refreshed as is the case with recycling good emotions, to attract and grow today’s happiness that will surpass any bad seeds.

Keep up to date with Jennifer ont: Facebook | 65

Keep up to date with all the latest news... 66 |

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