1 minute read

Positive Vibrations

Here are some of my hints for gaining more energy, health and abundance! First, read John Gelert’s excellent suggestions on page 5.


1) Surround yourself with high vibrational people who love and support you. Eliminate or reduce your time spent with critical, negative people who constantly dredge up the past and bring you down. Remember, you are who you are now, not who you were then. If you encounter negative people at work that you cannot avoid, don’t interact or react. Put up your “psychic shield” and ignore them. Self-forgiveness is key for past mistakes, and attempt to practice forgiveness for others and their errors.

2) Change your diet to include healthy portions of vegetables every day. Reduce portions of foods that weigh you down.

3) Take organically sourced multivitamins with probiotics. Even if you don’t quite eat right, they will help boost your immunity, and nourish your micro biome. I like the Garden of Life Vitamin Code brand. Research and consume oral probiotics daily. These increase the population of healthy bugs in your mouth. I also practice oil pulling with organic coconut oil. Say goodbye to the buildup of dental plaque that causes decay! Plus your breath stays fresh.

4) And most importantly, breathe! As a shallow breather I know I can bring my blood pressure down, just by consciously breathing.

Raising your vibrational level will naturally attract more abundance to your life. Try it an see.

- Eric T. Richter, publisher

ON THE COVER: Meditating and practicing yoga in the rainforest on Maui can bring serenity and bliss to the forefront of your experience. As well, learning about the principles of “Happy Money” can bring a sense of ease and calm about your finances. This issue brings it all home with an amazing array of events and practitioners. Enjoy the magic of Maui!.