Malvern view Issue 5 |2019

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Malvern View Issue 5


College Guiding Statements Motto: Sapiens Qui Prospicit - Wise is the Person Who Looks Ahead 1. The College cultivates the whole pupil

Pupils at the College enjoy a balanced education, which aims through an excellent academic, pastoral and cocurricular programme to develop their individual intellectual, physical, social and emotional well-being. 2. The College values community well-being and provides a safe and supportive learning environment Pupils, parents and staff are provided with a secure, safe and supportive environment to promote personal, social and emotional well-being and growth.

3. The College shapes pupils to become global citizens who have an understanding of, and ability to adapt to, the complexities of an ever-changing world Through developing an appreciation of the needs of local and global communities, an awareness of the world around us and celebrating cultural similarities and diversity, pupils truly become global citizens with an internationally minded outlook and a desire to provide service for others.

4. The College encourages a passion for learning through enquiry, curiosity and collaborative participation Pupils at the College are encouraged to become self-motivated inquirers and thinkers who have a passion for learning. Pupils develop the confidence to become independent learners who know how and when to collaborate to develop their own learning and that of those around them. 5. The College respects the natural world and its resources both globally and locally

The College develops individuals who have a desire to learn about the world in which they live. Pupils should aspire to be caring individuals who are able to understand their own responsibility to, and impact on, the environment both locally and globally. 6. The College prepares pupils to live their lives honestly with a spirit of respect for themselves and others Pupils are supported in developing deep-rooted values that give rise to principled individuals who act with honesty, integrity, respectful manners, as well as being flexible, pragmatic and open to new ideas. The College guides its pupils to be open-minded and respectful of the diversity of our community.

7. The College prepares pupils to take risks and show endurance and resilience to achieve their goals Pupils are encouraged to persevere as they encounter unfamiliar situations and explore new ideas or opportunities and to be resilient in the face of adversity, inspiring the self-belief to become confident, well-informed risk takers.

8. The College challenges each pupil to be the best they can be and discover who they might become The College learning environment encourages and celebrates exploration, experimentation, questioning and discovery whilst developing a sense of personal responsibility to learning. Pupils will be reflective in analysing opportunities, in facing challenges and in learning from their inevitable mistakes.

9. The College prepares each pupil to become effective and dynamic communicators within the modern world The College promotes opportunities for all pupils to develop their English language skills and explore their abilities in other languages. Pupils are encouraged and supported to utilise technologies to expand their capability to communicate effectively.


Malvern View Issue 5

Table Of Contents Page





College Guiding Statements


FUE Dentistry Department Trip


Welcome from the Headmaster


Sitara theater trip


Orientation Day


Inter-House Benchball Competition


Back To School


Headmaster Coffee Morning


Inter-House Primary Football Tournament


MCI Visit


Swimming inter-house competition


Open Days




KenKen Challenge


Malvern Qualities


Coloring Event


House Captain Election


Dress Up Days


Egyptian Day


IBDP Session


House Winners


Parent Teacher Consultation Day


UK University Fair


Primary French Parent Information Session


Nursery Teddy Bear Picnic


Oxford University Debating Skills


Remembrance Day


Backpack Initiative


Bake Sale


Poetry Week


Primary Prefect Investiture


Secondary Prefect Investiture


Egypt Can Conference in Hurghada


Santa Visit


Winter Concert EY


Winter Concert Y1 & Y2


Winter Concert Years 3, 4 and 5


Winter Concert Year 6 & Secondary


Christmas Bazaar


Gap Student


Chocolate Factory


Darp 17-18

Malvern View Issue 5


Welcome From the Headmaster Although this is bumper edition of the Malvern View it still only scratches the surface of what has been happening at MCE this academic year. We hope this magazine helps to give an insight into the vast range of interesting and challenging activities provided to the pupils beyond their regular classroom based learning. Malvern College Egypt is a young school and continues to grow at pace. The articles contained here go some way to celebrate our early achievements as an educational establishment in Cairo and provide a platform for what might come in the future. The success of our College has been built on the founding principles of Malvern College UK. The dedication and vision of the Malvern College UK staff in supporting our early and continued development has been key to being able to offer such fantastic opportunities to so many pupils in Egypt. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to dedicate this edition of the Malvern View to Mr Antony Clark, Headmaster at Malvern College UK. Mr Clark will be leaving Malvern College at the end of the spring term to become Headmaster of Michaelhouse, an all-boys boarding school in South Africa. Mr Clark has been at the forefront of development of Malvern across the globe. Everyone at Malvern College Egypt wishes Mr Clark all the best for his new adventure while we strive to continue his legacy here in Egypt.

Wayne Maher Headmaster


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Orientation Day

At the beginning of the academic year, the MCE Orientation Day enables parents and pupils to come to MCE before the term starts, in order to familiarise themselves with their new classrooms and teachers. Starting school again after the long break can be a daunting experience, and so the day offers reassurance to pupils as well as their parents. In particular, this helps our new pupils to feel comfortable. This year the Orientation Day was very well attended, with lots of smiles from the pupils who were now ready to begin the new term.

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back to school

Our pupils were very excited and happy to be starting a new school year at MCE. They settled in remarkably well to their lessons and quickly renewed friendships as well as making new ones. They impressed their teachers with their ability to adapt to new teachers, classes and routines. It was a real delight to welcome them into school and begin the exciting year ahead!


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Our Headmaster hosted three coffee mornings at the beginning of the year, in order to give parents the opportunity to meet key leaders within each part of the College. This informal setting is a very effective means of developing the partnership between staff and parents. It is no secret that a positive relationship will be of ultimate benefit to our pupils. MCE staff greatly valued this chance to get to know parents who are new to the school, as well as renew acquaintances with familiar faces. All three coffee mornings were well attended and we look forward to more opportunities to meet parents over the year.

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MCI Visit

It is always a pleasure to welcome guests from Malvern College UK and Malvern College International to MCE. Their visit forms part of our termly Board of Management meetings and allows them to meet with a range of pupils and teachers to gain an insight into our progress as a growing College.


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MCE hosted four Open Days for Prospective families looking to join our community. Families had the chance to meet with our College Leadership Team and to tour our Campus and facilities. Prospective families also had the chance to meet with our Head Boy and Head Girl as well as our Prefects during the events, taking part in the tours as well as discussions.

Open days Malvern View Issue 5


KenKen Challenge

On Saturday 6th October 13 Pupils from Malvern College Egypt participated in the National Finals of the KenKen Challenge. They were competing against children from all Egypt to earn a place at the Middle East Finals that were held in the UAE in November. All Pupils performed very well but Yassin and Mohamed were exceptional and claimed places for the Middle East Finals. The two boys travelled for the Finals and acquitted themselves well competing to a very high level. There were 200, 000 entrants in total from all over the Middle east and Mohamed finished 97th (7th Egyptian) and Yassin 165th (4th Egyptian) in their respective ages categories. Well done to all!


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Colouring event Watch out for a new Pablo Picasso in the making! The year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 enjoyed an Art Experience led by an artist from Samir and Aly. The children all worked independently developing the Malvern College Egypt qualities of Collaboration, Risk Taking and Curiosity.

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House Captain

Elections The House System has a special place in the MCE Community and presents staff and pupils with numerous opportunities to work together while making a positive contribution to the College life and local community. Moreover, it encourages pupils to show the Malvern Qualities through the running of and involvement in events organised by Heads of House, House Captains, and pupils. The House system creates a feeling in our pupils that they are part of a team, developing a sense of belonging that goes beyond their classroom activities. The House events and competitions allow for some friendly rivalry, development of collaborative skills and the ability to be gracious in both victory and defeat. This brings many opportunities for collaboration, community services, and companionship among the Houses and the House Captains.

In Primary, House Captains were elected from the Year 6 pupils body through House Elections, where all pupils from Year 2 upwards heard speeches from the candidates and voted for who they wanted to lead their House. This was a valuable experience of the democratic process. The Captains have been extremely busy since their role began, with involvement in many House events this term. They have been able to develop their leadership skills and a real sense of responsibility. The process for selecting the Senior House Captains involved letters of application, staff interviews as well as a student panel interview and it was wonderful to see many remarkable applicants with exciting ideas. The passion, commitment and enthusiasm from the House Captains was clear through the application process and their effort and support in House events has been commendable.


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In the Autumn Term, pupils in all sections of the school really enjoyed participating in our Sanger and Elgar Charity dress-up days. The Sanger Day theme was Halloween, and a variety of amazing spooky costumes were worn! The Elgar Day theme was Christmas, and the pupils’ clothes were full of festive cheer. A variety of activities linked to the themes were organised, and the pupils enjoyed running them as well as participating in them.

Dress Up Days

The combined total raised on these days was close to 30,000 EGP. This will be used to benefit the House charities. Thank you to everyone who supports these extremely worthwhile days, giving our pupils a chance to develop their experience of fund-raising and their awareness of the need to help others who are less fortunate.

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Egyptian Day Egypt came in to The College on 17th October, when MCE held its first annual Egyptian Day. Pupils in the whole College were involved in celebrating our host country. It was lovely to see so many pupils dressed in traditional Egyptian clothes or in the red, black and white of the Egyptian flag. We shared a wonderful day of celebration in which all pupils, whatever their country, took part in recognising the wealth of history, culture and diversity that is Egypt. It also reinforced the Malvern Qualities of open-mindedness and curiosity in a fun and entertaining way. Before, and on the day, pupils in all Arabic classes, whether as a first or foreign language, from Nursery to Y11, were involved in many activities. Younger children made models of the pyramids and the Sphinx, crowns, taboots (the mummies coffin) and pharaoh’s collars, which they wore and took home. Older pupils were involved in class presentations, sharing their research about a particular area of Egypt, its culture and customs, with their classmates. Others learnt hieroglyphics and learnt to write their names. The highlight of the day was the assembly in which all pupils in the Primary School took part, singing and dancing with great enthusiasm. They were ably supported by wonderful performances from pupils in Y8, Y9 and Y11. Many thanks to the entire Arabic team for their hard work. We look forward to something even bigger and better next year!


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Egyptian day

In term 1 our Reception children had been learning all about Egypt. We thought about where Egypt is situated on the world map and what city we live in. The children enjoyed making their very own ‘me on the Map’ books looking at where they lived. The children also learnt about the ancient Egyptians, we looked at writing our names in Hieroglyphics, making papyrus paper. There were many fun and engaging activities.

During our Egyptian day, the children came dressed in costumes representing Egypt either by colour or in traditional costumes. The children took part in a fashion parade showing off their costumes. We then had an amazing feast of Egyptian foods supplied by our parents. We discussed traditional foods that the children share with their families and friends and which ones where our favourites. The children certainly enjoyed the delicious pudding and sweets and molokhia was a firm favourite! It was great to see the children so engaged and enjoying a special day to finish off a fantastic half term of learning.

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IBDP Session

MCE parents were welcomed to an IBDP Information Session with the IBDP Coordinator, Mrs Maher, and Head of Sixth Form Mrs Burnett. The session included information on the structure of the Diploma Programme and the holistic vision and mission of the IBO. More information about the IB Organisation can be found at their website

House winners

The House Cup winners for last academic year were Foster! This means that they were the House who collected the most House Points over the whole year. The pupils collect House Points for a range of reasons, for example by producing great work, demonstrating good behaviour, or being good friends. This system helps pupils to focus on achieving their best in a range of ways, and encourages them to display the Malvern qualities. House points are just one of the positive behaviour systems employed at MCE, and they contribute significantly to the development of the young people that we are already so proud of.


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Consultations The College recognises and embraces the importance of strong communication between the school and home. As such our Parent Teacher Conference days allow for detailed discussions between the teacher, the pupil and the parent to celebrate achievements in learning and establish targets for continued progression.

The PTC days are an extension to the vast array of other methods used to communicate with parents about the learning taking place in the College; from regular school reports and grade cards to parent information sessions.

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UK University Fair

On Tuesday 6th November, Malvern College Egypt hosted their first UK University Fair. Pupils from Year 10, 11 and Lower Sixth Form were able to speak one-to-one with each University about courses, entry requirements and much more. With so many exciting courses and majors, it was great for the pupils to interact and learn more about what is on offer beyond MCE. Year 11 and Lower Sixth Form in particular are now at the point in their educational journey whereby they are beginning to think seriously about the future and where they want to study next. Life after MCE is dawning! From the University of Essex, to the University of Glasgow, from the University of Portsmouth to Queen Mary, there was something for everyone.


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Parent Information Session

It was wonderful to see so many parents attend our first ever Primary French Parent Information Session. This was an opportunity for parents to learn about how French is taught in Primary school and to see images and videos of lessons in action. We learned that the youngest learners of languages have the ability to mimic sounds very accurately and that by developing this skill through songs and repetition, they will develop an ear for languages. Everyone took part enthusiastically in the Quizlet Live game using iPads and there was time at the end for questions and comments. We value all feedback and seek to constantly improve the language-learning experience for pupils at MCE.

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Nursery Teddy Bear Picnic After learning all about shapes and colours, the Nursery children were given the opportunity to extend their learning through exploring patterns. A favourite storybook the children all enjoyed was Elmer, the patchwork elephant. The children were fascinated by how all the other elephants painted themselves in different coloured patterns to celebrate Elmer’s Day, and came up with the idea of dressing up just like the elephants. The children all took part in a teddy bear picnic on Thursday 15th November in which they all had the chance to dress up in patterned pyjamas. The classrooms were filled with teddy bears the children had brought from home and everyone was given the opportunity to introduce their favourite teddy bears. Throughout the day, the children participated in patterned themed activities and most of them were able to describe their own patterned pyjamas. Later on the children, teachers, and teddy bears all sat down outside, compared different patterns, and shared a selection of treats the children had brought in. After such a busy day, everyone cuddled up with their favourite teddy bears and listened to more interesting stories before saying goodbye and going home.


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Debating Skills

Year 10 and 11 were fortunate to have 4 undergraduate pupils from Oxford University visit the College. They ran information sessions with tips on how to apply to Oxford and guidance on how to succeed in the university’s interview process. Our pupils then took part in a debating workshop preparing for the motion “This house believes that social media corrupts human interaction” with a final, focussed debate which produced plenty of great points of interest and discussion amongst our pupils.

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We joined together, as a community, on this day to commemorate Remembrance Day.

Remembrance Day is a special day for remembering. It happens on 11th November each year as it remembers the day in 1918 when the First World War ended with the signing of an agreement called ‘The Armistice’. 2018, was even more significant as the commemoration happend exactly 100 years since World War 1 ended. Remembrance Day marks a time of remembrance not just for the First World War but also all subsequent conflicts. By the end of WW1, 10 million soldiers and 10 million civilians of all nations had died, amongst them 457 young men who had been educated at Malvern College. The College held two ceremonies on this day. The first was held in the Piazza where Years 5-11 joined the Headmaster, Head Boy Aly Marzouk and Head Girl Zeina Aly with ‘The Last Post’ then a two-minute silence as we demonstrated our respect to all those who had fallen in the many wars. Mr. Jonathan Gillespie-Payne also read an excerpt from ‘For the Fallen’, by Robert Laurence Binyon.

During the afternoon we held a longer Remembrance Service where we learned about the importance of the poppy and enjoyed some beautiful singing from Year 5. 22

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Backpack INITIATIVE The less fortunate children this year who benefitted from MCE pupils generosity were from Mostafa Kamel School. The children lined up to receive their backpacks and they were so excited as our pupils handed them their gifts. The faces of the littlest children through to the bigger ones were so happy they all lit up with huge smiles as they opened each one to see the wonderful things you had put inside. I am so proud of our pupils too, each and every one of them was an absolute credit to the College. They engaged with the children and the adults at the school, their warmth and sincerity simply shone through. Each of them was living the Malvern qualities that morning and are clearly developing their individual social consciences.

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On Monday 3rd December, we held a friendly competition between Foster and Lewis House, to see which House could raise the most money for their charity through selling home-baked items. The Bake Sale was very well supported, with lots of delicious treats on offer. The Pupil Leadership Teams in both Primary and Secondary took responsibility for selling the items and did a wonderful job.


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Poetry week

In November, the Primary School participated in Poetry Week which saw all pupils immersed in this area of English during their classes and learning a poem by heart to recite. Each year group chose a theme for their poems and one pupil from each class was later chosen to perform their poem in front of the rest of the Primary pupil body along with some parents during the Thursday assembly in the theatre. The standard seen from all pupils participating was outstanding and the judges, Mr. Hunter, Mrs. Belcher and Mr. Glover found it incredibly difficult to decide on a winner for each year group. Well done to all of those who participated in this event!

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Prefect In Primary Prefect Investiture

The Primary School held its Prefect’s Investiture Ceremony on Thursday 11th October in the College Theatre. The ceremony was held to officially appoint the House Captains, Prefects and the Head Boy and Head Girl positions in the Primary School. The Guest of Honour for the occasion was Dr David Hammond. The ceremony began with an impressive piece of piano playing from Lilya. Guests, teachers and children were also treated to some lovely singing from the Year Four Choir throughout the ceremony. Our CEO, Dr Azza ElSherbiny presented the House Captains, the Prefects were introduced by the Headmaster and the presentation of Head Boy and Head Girl was given by Dr David Hammond.


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nvestiture Secondary Prefect Investiture

A wonderful way to start our academic year was the prestigious Prefect Investiture event. It is always such a wonderful occasion when parents, colleagues and friends of MCE are together celebrating the talent and achievements of our Pupils Leadership Team. After rigorous interviewing by the Senior Leadership Team and the Head of Houses, Ms. Pante, our Head Boy, Aly Marzouk and Head Girl, Zeina Hani, led the way for the new 2019 prefect team. The team aims to drive the pupils voice and represent Malvern College Egypt as we evolve, grow and develop as a college.

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“Egypt Can” conference in Hurghada Pupils at Malvern had the chance to travel to Hurghada to attend the “Egypt Can” conference. The conference devoted special attention to the process of education, modern technology and the requirements expected from the employment market. Additionally, there were numerous workshops in place which gave our pupils the opportunity to engage and discuss vital topics that concern their careers and prosperity. It was delightful to meet 63 Egyptian Experts, all of whom are specialized in scientific research and post-graduate education, and the Ambassador Nabila Makram, Minister of Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs. It seems pertinent to say that this influential conference has indeed developed their ability to communicate, share ideas and become more confident.


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Santa visit

In December we were lucky enough to receive a visit from Santa Claus. The children were so excited and happy to see him. Some children had letters to give to him, other children gave him their Christmas lists as well. We sang him songs and recited poems. Santa gave all of the children within Early Years and Year 1 a gift.

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Malvern College Egypt’s Music faculty staged four exhilarating Winter concerts at the end of the first term which made full use of the spectacular theatre that was beautifully decorated for each show. Pupils from Pre-Nursery up to Year 10 performed wonderfully on stage, wowing the audiences with their skills in the Performing Arts. Our Early Years concert and Year 1&2 concert both looked and sounded tremendous with pupils singing and dancing in tailor-made costumes, including Snowmen and Snowgirls, Christmas trees and Little Drummer Boy outfits. For many it was the first time performing on the very spacious stage to a packed theatre.


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Years 3, 4 & 5 put on a show entitled ‘Christmas Around the World’, which looked at how Christmas is celebrated in 6 different countries, including Australia, France, Brazil and Russia. Pupils performed a song for each country with complex choreography to entertain our College community.


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Our Secondary & Year 6 concert involved two large choirs – our Year 6 choir really stole the show with their rendition of ‘I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas’ and our combined Year 7 & 8 choir impressed us with a complex jazz Christmas hit medley, which included ‘Santa Baby’ and ‘All I Want for Christmas’, with two-part harmony. Highlights of this show also included our school band’s rendition of ‘I Will Survive’, an Elvis tribute by two Year 9 girls, and many expressive piano solos.

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During the Christmas Concert period we hosted our annual Christmas Bazaar with food, books and gift for sale.


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Gap Student

Madeleine Emartynsmith - August - December 2018 Looking back to five years ago, I was a nervous new student who was about to start her adventure through GCSE’s and A levels at Malvern College in the UK. After completing that wonderful adventure, I could not be happier to have been given the opportunity to work as a ‘Gappy’ at Malvern College Egypt. I was excited to help out in all aspects of the school including the Personal Resources and Human Resources departments and taking new perspective parents on tours around the school. I enjoyed throwing myself entirely into school life and Egypt in order to get the full life experience that I will carry on with me in to the future. Overall, I enjoyed to the opportunities that Cairo and MCE provided me with and am very thankful to have been given this amazing opportunity.

Oliver Gilbert - August 2018 - June 2010 I am a 21-year-old Business Management undergraduate student from Manchester Metropolitan University, I am currently in my 3rd year. I was given the incredible opportunity to partake in an Intern role at Malvern College Egypt where I shall be integrating with the Business Studies department and assisting the classes, partaking with the CCA’s and gaining a wider experience within the Marketing, PR and HR departments. Throughout my time here in Egypt I have been looking to explore the wonderful sights that Cairo has to offer as well as playing for the local rugby club. Previous to moving to Cairo I have travelled around Asia, Australia and Europe, during these trips I gained invaluable skills and knowledge of which I will aim to further improve during my year at Malvern College Egypt.

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Chocolate factory trip

Year 4 had a tasty start to the year with their topic Chocolate. They showed a real hunger for learning as they traced the journey of a cocoa bean to a chocolate bar. Pupils took their learning outside the classroom walls as they visited Ganache, a local chocolatier, where they made their own chocolate and even added their own fillings. They kickstarted the trip by enjoying a mouthwatering sample session, in which they described the flavours and textures as the chocolate melted in their mouths. As you can imagine, it went down a treat! Pupils then investigated where cacao trees grow and how the tropical climate influences this. They located cacao producing countries on a map and traced the journey from the farms right to our shops. They then examined the key ingredients in chocolate and discussed which elements were needed to make white, milk and dark chocolate. The workshop concluded with pupils being given the opportunity to don chef hats and aprons to make their own delicious treats. They thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on experience!


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Darb 17 18 Trip In November Year 5 visited the Darb 1781 Art and Cultural Centre. They enjoyed this immensely and learned a lot about using clay. Three of the pupils recorded their thoughts on the trip:

“When we arrived, we sat on a long stretched out table. Then a man in an apron covered in clay walked out holding two huge chunks of clay. The man gave me a large piece and I started to squish it. We rolled it into a ball, then we stuck our thumbs in the clay and used our fingers to push out and make a bowl.” (Reuben, 5M)

“We actually designed our own pottery and we made our own pottery. The pottery takes at least a week to allow it to dry slowly. We learned that there are 3 basic types of pottery; porcelain, stoneware and earthenware.” (Jana, 5A)

“I made a plate from clay that was dried in a special oven. We also painted plates. After we took turns spinning a machine with our foot to make a cup.” (Merla, 5A)

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Dentistry Department Trip This term Year 4 were studying teeth in Science, and therefore a trip was arranged to find out all about teeth from the experts! Here’s what some of the children said about this visit

“We watched a 10 minute video, then we went to a place that had all the dentist’s equipment. We learned you should keep away from caramel and toffee in order to stop getting tooth decay.” “The dentists gave us a quiz and then we had a check up of our teeth. Then we practised being dentists on teeth models, finally we got a gift!” “The dentists taught us how to look after our teeth. The dentists talked us through the tools they used.” This was a really valuable experience for Year 4 pupils, many thanks to FUE for hosting this visit.


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Sitara theatre trip Year 1 and 2 enjoyed a wonderful experience at Sitara Theatre where we watched the shows ‘The Jolly Postman’ and ‘Ali Baba and The Four Thieves’. Children behaved excellently and were a credit to Malvern College Egypt.

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Benchball Competition

This tournament took place over five lunchtimes and had an extremely positive response from Secondary pupils. Each House had approximately six teams of eight pupils from years 7 to 11. The week began with Lewis playing against Foster, Lewis saw 5 teams through to the next round while Foster managed to get one team through. On Monday, Elgar played against Sanger who had four and two teams through to the next round respectively. Sadly, Foster did not make it to the semi-finals but were incredibly supportive of the remaining Houses, which was lovely to see.

The semi-final saw Elgar fight Lewis for third place and, while this was an extremely competitive match, Elgar finished in fourth place and Lewis in third place. The much-anticipated final match was between Sanger and Lewis and the overall winners of this wonderful tournament was Sanger. Well done to pupils and staff for their support, in particular to the Heads of House for encouraging pupils to take part.

The highlight of this event, however, was to see pupils from all year groups work collaboratively together and foster new friendships. Each Head of House chose a “pupil of the tournament� who received a credit for displaying the most number of Malvern Qualities throughout the competition. Thank you to the Mr Sussex and the PE department for always supporting Inter-House sports events. 42

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Football Tournament “This tournament was a real highlight for Primary pupils. It took place over lunchtimes for two weeks, with some excellent football and sportsmanship demonstrated. In the final match for Year 3 and 4, Lewis won against Elgar. In the Year 5 and 6 final, Foster played against Lewis. This was a particularly nail-biting match, as it had to go to a penalty shoot-out. In the end, Lewis won. The overall winners of the whole tournament were Lewis. They were delighted to see the yellow ribbons on the brand new Primary House Football Trophy. Well done to all participants! Our referees also did a fantastic job, many thanks to Mr Stewart, Mr Watt, Mr Bailey and Mr Keal.�

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Our annual Inter-House swimming competition was organised here at Malvern College Egypt on the 18th and 19th of November 2018, in which the four respective Houses (Elgar, Foster, Lewis and Sanger) took part. All four Houses across both the primary and secondary schools displayed excellent commitment and determination to compete to the best of their abilities. It was a display of outstanding athleticism and sportsmanship as swimmers dived into the water and speedily made their way through the length of the pool. There were moments of breath taking sporting ability as some swimmers outstripped the others in the lanes next to them.

All pupils competing on the day earnt at the very least a valuable point for their House, with the pupils finishing 3rd, 2nd and 1st earning more. Both days were a true success, creating a fantastic positive atmosphere across the College for pupils, teachers and parents to all be part of.


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The winners for both of the days were: Primary School= FOSTER Secondary School= LEWIS A very well done to all the pupils who took part, staff who helped support and parents who cheered throughout the day.

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The program of CCAs this term has been outstanding.

Co-curricular Activities


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The pupils have had a wide and varied choice of activities to try out. There have been a range of sports and music clubs, as well as gardening, chess, arts and crafts. CCAs enable pupils to try something new and perhaps discover a new talent or interest. They have grasped the opportunities with both hands and demonstrated great enthusiasm.

Malvern College Egypt holds a firm commitment to absolute and fundamental values that have stood the test of time. While we refer to them as “Malvern Qualities” they are as relevant in the town of Malvern UK as they are in our city of Cairo. It is through our common emphasis on these values that pupils across the Malvern family of schools will leave well-prepared as global citizens who are ready to both understand and solve issues facing our world in the 21th Century.


Showing persistence and perseverance in the face of difficulty. Having the ability to face challenges with confidence and with good humour. Being able to respond positively to setbacks and to see them as an opportunity to learn.

Self awareness

Being reflective about the process of learning and what we do. Showing an awareness of both strengths and weaknesses and taking responsibility for personal development.

Open mindedness

Being open-minded to the wide range of beliefs, opinions and cultures that make up the modern world and yet having the strength of character to stand by one’s own. Showing respect and acceptance to those who hold contrary views and the intellectual flexibility to see others’ points of view. Having a global outlook and actively contributing to a multicultural society.


Demonstrating an awareness that collaboration is a vital skill in society. Working with others to bring about the greater good and to offer service. Showing generosity towards other opinions and ideas and an ability to recognise that other ideas may be better than one’s own. Working together to learn.


Recognising that kindness and consideration are an essential part of a civilised society and a happy community. Acting with compassion and showing empathy towards those in difficulty.

Risk taking

Demonstrating a confident, imaginative and innovative approach to what is possible. Pushing oneself both mentally and physically in unfamiliar situations. Showing curiosity and creativity to explore new ideas and opportunities.


Having an inquisitive and investigative attitude.


Being forward-thinking with a vision of the future, and showing the determination and courage to follow this path.


Showing self-reliance and resourcefulness in all actions.


Showing the strength of character to be an honest and trustworthy member of society and to stand by one’s beliefs. Being willing to accept personal responsibility where things go wrong and to learn from mistakes when they occur. Demonstrating intellectual honesty by acknowledging sources of information and ideas.


Having awareness of one’s strengths and abilities but with a sense of modesty. Recognising the distinction and benefits of a Malvern College education, making the most of the opportunities it provides and understanding with sensitivity and humility that others do not enjoy the same advantages.

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