inSpirit Magazine Spring 2012

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SEPT 2012 RRP: $5.00 AU


Australia’s most comprehensive spiritual magazine

VOL 5 ISSUE 3 ISSN: 1835 5005

Beltane & Samhain Blessings

Goddess inSpiration, For the Love of Angels and more... G


in S P I R I T | letter This issue heralds the coming of spring here in the southern hemisphere and its energy of new beginnings and rebirth, which see’s this issue inSpired with many of the articles all being centered around helping you get the most out of awakening from your winter hibernation and emerging into the glorious new growth that is before you. s P agan with a feature

interview with Lucy Cavendish, Feel rejuvenated with the Spring Clean of the Soul article written by yours truly and make use of the included meditation. You will even find an audio recording of this mediation included in the giveaways. We welcome on board new contributors Gem~mer and Cheralyn Darcey who together with Natasha Heard in the magical section broaden our knowledge on the day to day practical use of magical tools helping us to clean out the old. Be inSpired by NZ medium Kerry O’Brien and how she uses her mediumship to assist marine animals. In addition you’ll find that animals have featured strongly this issue with inSightful articles from Billie Dean and Charmayne Hales. We always love to hear from Denise Linn and her daughter Meadow, so we’re sure you will love Denise’s article in the Health & Wellbeing section while we bet you won’t be able to wait to tuck into the Casablanca Carrot recipe on offer from their Mystic Chef Cookbook. Rounding out this issue is part three of Nicolle’s education on Palmistry and Rita provides us with the rituals of Beltane and Samhain, helping us to celebrate the upcoming solstice no matter which hemisphere we reside. We are sure you will find many blessings within these pages to inSpire your journey. May the Spirit in you seek to be expressed!

P r o duc e d in c o n j un c t io n w i th T h e A u s tr a l i a Col l e g e of M e d i u mship, inS pirit Magazine i s d e sig n t o p ro v ide a res p e c tfu l for u m for l i ke - m i n d e d s ou l s to share in a co mmunit y wh i ch a ims t o p ro v ide in form a ti v e v i e w s , op i n i on s a n d e d u c ti on regard ing t he e x p e rien c e o f liv in g wit h S p i r i t. D isc l a im er: While every care has been taken to provide t h e re a de r with a cc ura te , i n S p i r i n g a n d th ou g h t- p rov ok i n g i n format io n, t he P ub lishers t a ke n o re sp o n sibilit y f o r th e a cc u r a c y of i n for m a ti on a n d v i e w s expressed b y t he C o n tributo rs. T he v ie ws a n d op i n i on s e x p re s s e d b y c on tr i b u tors are no t necessarily s h a re d by the E dito r Pu b l i s h e r s .

EDITOR Nicolle Poll REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS Cheralyn Darcey, Gem~mer, Kerrie Wearing, Natasha Heard, Nicolle Poll, Rita Maher, and Susanne Hartas GUEST CONTRIBUTORS Billie Dean, Charmayne Hales Denise Linn, Kerry O’Brien and Meadow Linn GRAPHIC DESIGN Kerrie Wearing & Shauny Van Mullekom COVER PHOTOGRAPHY



3 Animal Shamanism 4 Spring Clean of the Soul 6 Magical Talisman Creation 8 Cryshell Magic 10 Magical Housekeeping 13 Palmistry as a Tool - Part 3 14 Beltane & Samhain Blessing

16 Animal Communication 18 Angels of the Sea 20 Your Mother’s cooking really IS better!

Regular Columns 12 For the Love of Angels 12 Goddess inSpiration

Soul Food

M ys ti c Che f Y UM !

21 22 inSPIRIT Reviews 23 inSPIRIT Directory i n S P I R I T | 02 INSPIRIT


YOUR COMMUNITY d powerful f l voice i for f Animal shaman and all animals upon this blessed earth, this compelling message from Billie Dean will resonate with your being long aŌer you have finished reading…

The Lost Secret Truth about Animals and how they can help us evolve


nce upon a me, a long, long me ago, there was a world where souls of all different shapes and sizes lived together in peace and harmony and all spoke the Universal Language of the Heart.

Today and for many, many, many centuries, this world has been forgo en, hidden in the mists of me. Humans lost a spark of something bright and beau ful, turned on each other and their fellow souls, forgot the Universal Language, and, in general, became violent and cruel. They le the Garden of Eden -- heaven on earth. But today, we have the opportunity for massive social change -- a Golden Age like no other. This is what the animals today are here to assist us with. From the cat in your kitchen to the sheep in the paddock, the animals have a vital role to play in the shi of consciousness. As an animal shaman, I communicate with animals all the me, and what they tell me is that they want us to create “lighthouses” from our homes. This means ge ng rid of toxic emo ons that leave an energe c trail. It means making your home a sanctuary, doing regular space clearing and keeping your frequency high. Many cats are holders of ancient Egyp an wisdom and they talk of peace within (o en encouraging medita on and yoga) and pain ng and decora ng with high frequency colours, like lemon yellow, crimson and indigo blue. Dogs encourage their humans to go barefoot on Mother Earth to re-connect with her healthful emana ons, to go out in nature, be mindful, in the moment, and very importantly – to laugh and have fun. They are full of wise and relevant spiritual teachings. Many companion animals are powerful Master Teachers, here to help us open our hearts and remember the lessons we came here to learn as a soul. Sheep, ca le and other “farm” animals are begging us to end their suffering. They have an extremely important role to play in the shi of consciousness we are currently experiencing. They want humans to see their truth. Cows tell me they are here to hold and ground the energies of light and love. They are here to resonate peace. All animals who are freed from fear emit an energy of peace. I have experienced this myself with the animals we have personally rescued and given freedom for life on our country property. Part of the reason these animals are resona ng at such a high frequency is because we treat them like partners and never act like predators.

Here at the closing months of 2012 -- the most important year of the life of our species -- we all have important decisions to make. Do we want to con nue to live in darkness, or do we want to make a quantum leap into the next dimension of enlightenment? Do we want to cling onto old ways of being or do we want to explore the alterna ves that will make a huge difference?

We have to remember that the 2012 prophecy is one of peace. And we have to prac se being kind – to ourselves, to each other, and to all species. We have powerful allies in the souls of the animals, and we need to understand that when humans have forgo en the ancient Universal Language of the Heart, animal behaviour becomes the communica on they resort to. It is important to listen to that and understand they may be flagging an important lesson or mirroring something within you that you may not be fully conscious of, which needs healing and release. Can you imagine, for a moment, a world at true peace, where all animals and people live in harmony? If there were no slaughterhouses or kill pounds, for example, it would reduce the anxiety and guilt we feel at the wrongs we know we are doing. If animals were treated with respect and reverence, human beings, instead of being closed down by this ever-present cloud, could expand their hearts in relief, and really allow themselves to love. This love expands to generous co-opera on, compassion for all and feelings of inner peace. The big picture of being kind, cruelty-free, commi ed and listening to the wisdom of all animals means that we can fulfil our own des ny as an awakened and enlightened species. If each human said “yes” to peace for all species, we would have the pping point we need for the planet to ascend. And then we would all truly be living a Golden Age, like no other. Billie Dean is an animal shaman, filmmaker, and the author of Secret Animal Business. She has a mystery school called Rainbow Fianna and is the founder of the Billie Dean Deep Peace Trust which works for global peace for animals. With her family, Billie has given refuge to 300 animals at her country property. They co-won the 2012 Vegan of the Year Award for Outstanding Animal Rescue/Animal Rights OrganisaƟon. Contact Billie at Web: and Email: Photo Credit – Billie Dean INSPIRIT


Spring Clean of the Soul


errie Wearing writes from the heart and d ffrom the h experience i off liliving i with i h current challenging h ll energies that have been affec ng many a sensi ve soul in these changing mes. This sharing of wisdom is well worth reading many mes over to truly absorb and work with the guidance gi ed within…..




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Kerrie Wearing is an author, soul coach and medium. Her passion is assis ng others to live a life connected to Spirit, whether it be through her teaching, readings, demonstra ons, life coaching, wri ng, magazine or TV work. To learn more about how Kerrie can help you, visit Web: or Email: INSPIRIT



s intui ve as humans are, it is rare that we give ourselves the encouragement to truly live from this perspec ve. An intui ve lifestyle sees one understand the purpose behind our earth sha ering challenges and face them with reverence and a willingness to keep moving forward, right on through them. It is this insight that makes facing a year such as this one reasonably easier to digest. Yet, it is s ll a force of nature all of its own, with no amount of trying to fix or rec fy things with inner reflec ons will bring results before they are divinely due. This year sees us all experiencing challenges in our rela onships, careers, health, abundance and more as the universal energies are moving us all towards living more authen cally. In leaving the old ways of being behind, we o en find the experience of this painful. With the pain and souls unrest o en brought about when we resist the changes, struggle to let go, and all too o en fail to see the opportunity which is presen ng for us as the changes unfold. In mes such as this we can benefit immensely from energe c housekeeping and keeping the energy of our soul as light and clear as it can be. In doing so, we ensure the most posi ve outcomes for ourselves, perfectly aligned with our core being. By allowing our core being to shine through and not overshadowing it with the energy of fear and doubt, because life feels like a mess or not how we want it to be, we allow the flow of our crea ve energies to create from love and not fear. The following techniques of journaling and medita on will assist you in gaining clarity and taking purposeful direc on in your life. It will return you to the space of being present, mindful and ac ve. Taking the me to reflect on life’s core issues with me now, you will begin to understand some of the purpose in what may be occurring for you or for those around you. Begin to see things in a new light and allow your heart to speak to you as you read the words. Through its voice good things will come. Once you define an area of life where you would like to focus, let’s begin your cleansing by taking your journal and wri ng the topic name as a tle on the page. Underneath your tle, organise your page to look like the picture we have included to the le of here. In the le hand column under “I’m le ng go of:” write all the things about this area of your life that no longer work for you. List them un l you have exhausted them all. Then in the right hand column under “This is now how I know it to be:” write how you want this area of your life to be. Write your visions, the changes you want and be sure to include how life will FEEL once you have achieved them. A er you have finished here, there is one last sec on. In the bo om sec on, begin wri ng what it is that stops you moving your life from the le hand column and how life is now, to the right hand column and how you want life to be. You will find that as you write your list in the right hand column, envisaging your new life that some of your fears and doubt would have come to mind already. When journaling here, the trick is to not think – just begin wri ng and as you do the thoughts will flow. Keep wri ng, as I’m sure your higher self will kick in and you may even surprise yourself with what you uncover. Write un l you have exhausted all this as well.

M ®ã ã®ÊÄ – T« SÊç½ Ê¥ S ÊÄ Begin by finding a place of solitude where you won’t be disturbed for at least twenty minutes. Stand with your hands behind your back and contemplate your space by asking in your mind “Does this feel the right space for me to do this? Do I feel safe here?” It is impera ve to have a space that allows your soul to be at its most vulnerable. Any process of truly le ng go is a vulnerable one, so having you feeling safe in your space gives you the highest poten al to achieve the desired healing. As you se le into your chair having prepared your space with your candles, incense or oils to make you comfortable, take a few deep breaths, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. Relax the body with each breath. You will find there is an ease to the body responding as you get into a rhythm with your breathing. As you se le into this rhythm visualise yourself standing in a beau ful red rock canyon. Just like the glorious region of Sedona, Arizona. Standing there, you feel a gently rolling breeze helping to keep you cool and comfortable. You begin to smell all the different aromas from the wildflowers, and in your own me you find yourself looking around for somewhere to sit in quiet contempla on. A special place just for you, no one else is around and you are delighted to find a running creek travelling right through your canyon, nurturing the wildlife, sustaining all of nature’s gi s you see before you and beckoning you to come and sit. As you sit down, you feel a presence come upon you and become aware that Spirit is here with you now to aid in unfolding this cleansing for you. Trust in all that you feel, see and hear, knowing that all will make sense in me. Acknowledge your friend and let them know you are ready to receive that which you need to know right now to serve your higher purpose. With the help of your Spirit Guide, your canyon and its surroundings begin to take on a wintery feel. You see the snow building, it’s becoming a li le colder and you know that during the me of winter hiberna on many inner knowings either stay buried or rise to the surface, coming into awareness for reflec on and dissolu on. At this point, your Spirit friend reveals to you how your symbolic winter has served you. What area of your life requires healing and cleansing? Are there old beliefs or aspects of you needing to be let go? Or is it people and situa ons which no longer serve your highest good, that you must now move forward without. Spirit in their infinite wisdom will have this in hand and reveal all to you in a way that is easily understood by you. Having this new awareness sees the season change as your canyon’s winter begins to make way for the spring. You feel the cleansing proper es of the winds working through your soul and energy helping you to release and let go, making way for the new growth of spring ahead. You see all the wildflowers begin to grow again, the smell of spring in the air and see and sense the presence of the animals which live amongst the picturesque backdrop of your canyon. As you feel yourself being amongst all of this, with its new life your Spirit Guide begins to reveal to you what it is you need to know now to begin moving forward through this issue. What ac on do you need to take? Just relax as this informa on comes into your awareness and listen to your heart as the wisdom unfolds. In the s llness, you will find a sense of lightness take hold where once it was a heaviness. This is a sure sign that you are releasing, cleansing your soul and being the best you that you can be. In your own me, you will find your Spirit Guide, begin to say goodbye. Be sure to express your gra tude for the guidance and kindness shown to you. And as they begin walking away you will find all the imagery slowly starts to dissipate, as you are le with the returning awareness of your body and your environment. When you are comfortable, begin to wriggle your fingers and your toes. In your own me, open your eyes. I would recommend recording your experience in your journal, which can promote further insight and guidance, helping you with your mo va on to keep walking into the next stage of your journey.



agical Talisman Creation

Cheralyn Darcey of Creative Witchery invites you to tap into the creative magic of your soul as she shares and guides you through insights and the understanding of creating Talismans and Amulets, so you too can embrace the purposeful and inSpiring process that is a cherished part of her enchanting world!


hile an amulet represents a 'thing' and is presumed to hold its energy just by being, a talisman is a created magical tool. It is created for a specific purpose, to be used at a certain me for a determined outcome. A talisman anchors energy, magic and intent. An example of an amulet would be a lucky rabbit’s foot and a talisman, a piece of jewellery or an object containing symbolism. This can be in the form of inscrip on or in contained objects which correspond with the desired meanings, for example the rose quartz stone indica ng love, wings indica ng freedom. Every culture, every people on our Earth have created talismans. The purposes are as plen ful as the number of desires and wishes, dreams and goals of all. Healing, protec on, success; and born from as many beliefs and religions as there are people. The word itself derives from the Greek ‘teleo’ meaning to bring into effect, to accomplish. This leads us to the most important element in talisman making, which is that inten on is not only used in its crea on, but that it is clear. Though a desire may be known, an inten on for the talisman is refined through a form of guidance, exercise or medita on. It is made in a magical environment with inten on, then consecrated/ blessed through ritual. All of these steps can be as simple or as deep as the maker wishes. Another factor I adore working with is earth and planetary factors. Crea ng talismans in line with lunar phases, planetary events, seasons and other mings strengthens the talisman and awakens its universal connec ons. Talismans have been made out of anything and everything. Personally I enjoy crea ng mine from natural objects and found recycled treasures. In doing so I feel I breathe new life into that which is already here. I love the feeling of rebirth and repurpose, along with the obvious recycling message.

Can you purchase a talisman from somebody else? Yes you can! I own many that have been made by others, though I am more than capable of crea ng them myself. It is the magic of the creator and wisdom they bring to the process which is most important. I will say that you must s ll bless and dedicate the piece yourself in order to align your inten ons with your talismans. Soul Cleansing Talisman While the inten on of this talisman is to clean the soul and person of nega ve energies, it is also to bring posi ve energies in, while offering protec on. As I work with found objects you may not be able to find the exact elements that I have used, and I would actually ask you to trust the universe in finding treasures that are meant or you. What you will be looking for are elements which correspond with your inten ons. TÊ Ù ã : M ã Ù® ½Ý • A base (cameo backing, brooch or flat pendant) • Jump rings • Ribbon clasps • Pendant bail (a jewellery finding used to a ach pendants to necklaces) • Jewellery glue • Fabrics or ribbons • Treasures (old jewellery, found recycled materials) T «Ä®Øç 1. A ach treasure/s to base with jewellery glue 2. Fix fabrics/ribbons to clasps 3. A ach to base with jump rings 4. Add bail with jump ring



V® Ê: A free video tutorial of this Talisman can be viewed at www.yourcreaƟ

TTÊ C½ÊÝ : I will finish off by giving thanks to all energies I h have raised, sending back the energy to Mother EEarth and ending the blessing by clapping loudly tthree mes.

CÊÙÙ ÝÖÊÄ Ä Ý: Protec on - violet, red, scarabs, obsidian, amethyst, arrows, dragons, iron nails, circles. Removing nega ve energy - black tourmaline, free flowing fabrics, white, crosses in the form of an X. Posi ve energy - clear quartz, orange, green, pearls, wings, lemons, wisteria. TÊ D ® ã : It is very important to dedicate your talisman as this aligns it with your energy and sets your inten ons in mo on. Depending on your beliefs and experience this can be as simple or as in depth as you wish. Don’t for a second think that it makes a difference of the scale of talisman power either. What ma ers most is your complete focus. Here is a simple but very effec ve ‘Dedica on Blessing’ you may like. It can be used on a talisman of your making or a purchased one. • Clear the space with an energy cleansing mist or smudging with smoke. • Place your talisman on a surface before you. • Protect yourself and space by surrounding all with pure white universal light. • Raise energy to use in empowering your inten ons by visualising yourself as a tree, spreading your roots into the ground, to the heart of Mother Earth. • Hold the talisman and focus now strongly on the tool, its intended purpose. • Feel the energy raised going into the tool. Focus strongly on the inten on. • Say aloud: ‘This Talisman has been created as my magical tool to (state your intenƟon).’ ‘I ask for it to work with me to bring about my intenƟons.’

U UݮĦ ùÊçÙ T ½®Ýà Ä: TThere are many ways in which you can now use yyour talisman. • Ritual piece - you may wish to only wear ccertain crea ons only during ritual/magical work. • Talisman jewellery - wear any me or all tthe me! • Altar piece - hang above or place on your altar or ceremonial place. Remember it is an energe c magical tool that you have created to work with your inten ons so treat it with respect. I always pop mine out for a Full Moon “Bath” each month to cleanse and empower. If at any me you feel your piece needs ‘cleansing‘ you can pass it through smudge smoke or running water and even ‘rededicate‘ it if required. I am o en asked what it means if a talisman is broken or lost, and people seem fearful of these occurrences. Some mes these things just happen. Energe cally, pieces at mes need to return or go to ground. They may be needed somewhere else. If they break, I rejoice! This can be the breaking of an undesirable bond that has blocked energy for you. Just cleanse, repair, rededicate. It is not the end of your talisman! We are all about recycling and caring for the Mother Earth and this way is one of the very highest workings of energe c healing. SPECIAL OFFER – Cheralyn is offering a free on-line course to create the ‘Soul Cleansing Talisman’ featured in this ar cle for our lucky inSpirit readers. Visit Cheralyn’s website www.yourcrea to access this wonderful offer!

Cheralyn Darcey is a Hereditary Witch, Environmental Ar st and Teacher, and the founder of Crea ve Witchery, the online home of workshops and courses provided by herself and other spiritual crea ves such as Lucy Cavendish, Natasha Heard, Sonya Lowe, Gem Green and Trish Anderson-Young. Cheralyn has over 30 years experience teaching art, working with the Australian Museum, environment centers, art galleries and schools and has exhibited in over 40 shows interna onally. Contact Cheralyn at: Web: or www.yourcrea Email: Facebook: vewitchery


the exquisite ‘Soul Cleansing Talisman’ as featured in this article by Cheralyn. To enter, email or personal message via facebook inSpirit Magazine, include your contact details and tell us in 25 words or less why you would love to be the keeper of Cheralyn’s creation. Our lucky winner will be announced via inSpirit Magazine and Creative Witchery facebook pages on 15th November 2012. Email: Facebook: inSpirit Magazine INSPIRIT


Cryshell Magic We welcome Gem~mer as she shares with us her first enchanting article that will open your mind and your eyes to the vast magic contained within our oceans and how the power of mermaid jewels and ocean treasures can help you tap into this relatively unexplored frontier, healing hearts and souls along the way….


ere I sit on the golden sands of the most magical beach I know, gazing out into the bluey green oasis of ocean as the waves roll in and touch my toes. This is my home, my magical space of connec on and crea on, imagina on and inspira on. Growing up in the country, I had only the occasional flee ng visit to the ocean’s edge and although mesmerised by her beauty and her healing calmness, I had not realised what she meant to me un l, when in my thir es, I moved with my family to a coastal town in the beau ful Mid North Coast region of NSW. As we finally se led in a patch of land right beside the ocean, I realised I was home. I realised this special place was where I was meant to be, the place where I was free to re-release the true me I had con nually s fled throughout my life. Many walks and discoveries along the beach took place before my beau ful husband planted a seed, the seed of crea on….with seashells. As the concept took hold, I revived my passion for crystals and became the intui ve creator of mermaid jewels, jewellery with healing proper es, jewellery to inspire and to guide, crystal and seashell jewellery filled with ocean magic, Cryshell Magic. My crea ons come together intui vely, connec ng to mermaids and sea creature teachers to bring you unique, one of a kind jewellery with intent. I cannot force the crea ve process, nor influence the crea ons that I birth as they come together divinely guided by the mermaids and ocean energies. I am guided to placing these crystals with that shell, to incorporate and combine the energies so that they intertwine and infuse to create a whole new energy within the completed Cryshell. The mermaids work through my hands, through my body and soul to connect with you and to guide you. My most renowned crea ons are necklaces but these magical crea ons are more than that, they are tools for you to use, for you to connect with, for you to be guided by. As they adorn your body you can feel their magical power, their beau ful energy enter your field, your being, your body. They embrace you, encourage you, comfort and renew you. They take you by the hand and guide you further along in your journey with a posi ve light and oceans of love. These crea ons are great tools for medita ng with, for holding and going deep within. You can allow them to cast their magic through your dreams by placing them near your bed or under your pillow. Their magical guidance can be felt when wearing them,

but also hold them, play with them, hang them by the bed. Sleep, meditate and contemplate with them too, for they are more than jewellery, they are magical tools to connect to your inner self, to your spirit and to guide you on your journey. Rings and earrings, bracelets and anklets are occasionally birthed as crea vely guided, and their magic is also just as powerful. Some of my crea ons, whilst always created for use by individuals in the comfort of their home to aide in their own healing process, are able to be incorporated into the daily lives of healing prac oners too. I feel very blessed to be able to create healing tools that are beneficial for all, one of which is the Healing Chakra Shells. They are intensive healing tools for bringing about balance and repair to each of the main chakra points and on individual areas that require healing. They are reflec ve tools, bonding the combined energies of crystal and Mactra shell, whose energy is boring deep and fast, into a highly concentrated healing energy into the body. Another tool that can be used by you in your home or incorporated into your healing prac ce is the aura comb. Aura Combs Aura Combs are mer-magical combing tools to clear and cleanse the auric field. The aura is a subtle energy field around our bodies, cocooning us in seven layers of light spectrum (colours). This external energy field and our internal energy field (aura and chakra) are our bodies own blueprints of informa on which affects our health and wellbeing, both physically and emo onally so cleansing and clearing your aura forms an important part of maintaining your health. Aura combs are used to help detect and remove ‘dis-ease’ within the auric field, removing unwanted energies that may or already have, caused blockages, created holes or developed ‘dis-ease’. To use an aura comb you need to virtually comb over your body, and as you do, listen to your body, to your inten on, to your tool as it iden fies areas that you may need to concentrate on. Combing through and listening, feeling the knots unravel, energies dispersing and seeing in your minds’ eye, the beau ful, radiant colours of the chakras burs ng out and cocooning your body, forming your aura. Aura and Chakra Cleanse If you do not have an Aura Comb, please try this cleansing with a regular hair comb or even your hand. INSPIRIT


Sit, lay or stand (I prefer standing for this one) take a deep breath, call in the mermaids, ask for them to watch over you during this cleansing, ask for any and all nega ve energy leaving your aura be transmuted with grace and ease and ask for a protec on bubble of impenetrable scales to be placed around you. When you are ready, start close to the body and begin to physically comb through your aura. Visualise the base chakra, a circle of red in the centre of your lower pelvic region, and allow this colour to splay out and cocoon your body. See your comb removing any debris that may be within your field of red, see any knots being untangled, any holes being repaired. See in your minds’ eye the red energy become cleaner, clearer and brighter as you comb through it.


When you feel the base field is thoroughly cleansed, connect with the sacral chakra, a circle of orange just below the naval region. Comb and visualise the cleansing process as you did so previously. Con nue this same combing and cleansing process as you move through each of the remaining chakra points and aura fields. Each colour splays out forming a cocoon around the last: • Solar plexus chakra - a circle of yellow just above the naval region. • Heart chakra - a circle of green on your heart region. • Throat chakra - a circle of blue in the throat region. • Third eye chakra - a circle of purple slightly above the centre of your eyes. • Crown chakra - a circle of white just above the top of your head. Now that your chakra points and aura field are sparkling clean and bright, con nue to comb through the energy field and send in a beau ful wave of love and give thanks to any energies or guides that came through to help with your cleansing. Note that aura combs can be used once a week, once a month or every day if you feel the need. As with us all, we are all beau ful works of art in progress therefore we con nually need to detect, remove and repair our aura and chakra.

Gem~mer is an intui ve ar san of crystal and seashell jewels, talismans, amulets, connec on and healing tools. A messenger for the mermaids, sea spirits and sea creature teachers, passionate about sharing her love and beau ful connec on with all who wish to dive deep into the watery realms of ocean magic. Creatress and intui ve of Cryshell Magic, embracing and spreading ocean and mermaid magic, contact Gem~mer at: Web: Facebook:




Magical Housekeeping C½ ٮĦ Ä ½ ÄݮĦ ó®ã« ùÊçÙ Ã ¦® ½ ãÊʽÝ


ou wake up in the morning knowing today is the day to do that dreaded house work. Instead of pulling the doona over your head, stretch out your arms and grab your magical wand instead! It is me to start cleaning but with a touch of magic.

I like to use my wand everyday in many magical ways, but one of my favourites is house keeping. This kind of magic can be used by everyone, anyone who loves their home, their family, their sacred space. It is easy and is the simplest form of magic. We all love our family and want to keep our homes clear of nega vity, clean and protected... our home is our own personal sacred space, it is magical to each and every one of us in one way or another. Our homes keeps our family comfortable, safe and secure, we fill it with our favourite items and sen mental pieces, hang beau ful artworks on the walls and plant flowers in the gardens surrounding it! We invite friends and family to come and visit. We cook, we clean, we give and receive love in our homes; so why not give a lil back to the house we live our lives in. You could start by giving your home a name, a special name that may be significant to you. It may be a comfor ng name or a magical name. You may like to call your house something that reminds you of a relaxing holiday or a forest retreat, a beachside resort or a spiritual temple perhaps. I believe every home has a spirit... each house I have lived in has had a different “feel” and in each home I have sensed wanted to be decorated differently. It is me to get in touch with our home, our dwelling, our shelter. A er I make my bed in the mornings, I like to grab my wand and start making magic straight away. I use my wand to draw sacred symbols over the bed; it is always different depending on what is needed in my bedroom at the me. If I want a res ul night sleep then the rune symbol ‘Isa’ would be perfect as it symbolises a stands ll and deep sleep. I would place lavender under the pillow or sprinkle a li le essen al oil around. I would also place some soothing rose quartz under the bed.

A er reading this fun and enlightening ar cle by Natasha Heard, you will be burs ng to clean and clear your home and charge it using all the magical ps offered, house cleaning will never be the same again!

If I want prophe c dreams and visions I would draw the rune ‘Ken’ or ‘Lagu’, both linked to insight and psychic abili es. I would sprinkle some mugwort under the pillows and put some apophyllite or amethyst under the bed. For fer lity, if you are wan ng to conceive then the powerful runes ‘Ing’ (crea vity) and ‘Sig’ (success) would be perfect to draw over the bed with your magic wand. I clear out all stagnant vibes in any room by using my smudge fan with a li le burning of sage in all

Natasha Heard is a creatress of all things magical! A natural witch ~ her magical life and connec on to the Earth flow into all her crea ons. Specialising in Wands, Sceptres and Staves; and crea ng with her hor culturalist husband Michael, Blessed Rune sets and Tree of Life Bind Rune Talismans. Her innate connec on with all aspects of the natural world and passion for magic is what makes her a true creatress of powerful, magical tools. Contact Natasha at: Web:; Email: or; Facebook: Blessed Branches…magical tools by Natasha Heard. Photo Credit - Argnesh Rose: Visionary digital ar st specialising in fantasy and totem portraiture. Web:; Email:; Facebook: Give them wings Fantasy and Totem Portraits by Argnesh Rose INSPIRIT

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corners and around the windows. A smudge fan is a magical tool that can be created with many beau ful big feathers or a simple single feather would also work well. This tool helps to clear away nega ve energies and to use, all you have to do is wave it around just like a regular fan to clear away old energies and make room for new posi ve vibes. The smudge fan has quite a shamanic feel, earthy and grounding and can also be used in healing, clearing and cleansing of the body and aura. You can burn dried sage or a smudge s ck or simply an incense s ck and then push the cleansing smoke into all corners of your house to purify and cleanse. Don’t forget to leave your windows open though, or your smoke alarms may go off! In the kitchen I will some mes use my wand to empower and charge up the food my family and I eat. If I am in need of a peaceful day, I wave my wand over the food I have lovingly prepared saying a li le something like “peaceful smiles and placid hearts, this res ul day now starts” whilst drawing with my wand a pentagram or sacred rune such as ‘Isa’ for s llness; or for myself if I am needing extra energy for the day I may make a fresh juice and with my wand pointed at cup I will say “juice of vegies and fruit, give to me extra energy to boot!” as I will it, so mote it be, simple. My clothes, once washed, I like to wave my wand and “ding” them all with a touch of magic. If I have worn something on a day where I have come into nega ve energies, I will clear the clothing with the smudge fan. Whilst cleaning, I like to sing and dance and “ding” everything with my wand. It is like giving a touch of magic to everything in your home. Use your wand like a mini dust buster and see it sucking up all the stagnant energies from the corners of each room, don’t forget under the beds and cupboards. You might also like to visualise white light beaming out from your wand and filling up each room full of fresh, posi ve energy. Visualising each room filling with light or a beau ful colour is very magical and sets the mood and the right vibes for that room. Colour magic White

Visualising brilliant white light filling your room is perfect for protec on, peace, purifica on and spirituality.


Would be wonderful to see a room filled with gli ering green light for healing, abundance or if you are trying to conceive a baby as seeing your room full of gorgeous green light is wonderful for fer lity.


Of course for love and opening the heart chakra. Great soothing colour to see in aggressive teenagers bedrooms.


Very powerful in the bedroom to invoke lust and desire, or for courage and strength.


The perfect colour to visualise in a study or office as this colour is for mental powers, studying and wisdom. Also this colour is very warming and visualising golden yellow light in your living room gives a wonderful feeling of warmth and comfort.


Divina on, psychic powers, healing. Perfect for your healing room or medita on space.


Great for the bedrooms, promo ng res ul sleep, peace and calm. It works wonders on children’s bedrooms before bed me.


For legal ma ers and success.

You could always go one step further and paint the walls in these colours, but for some who rent their homes or share homes, visualising is perfect. If the word visualise seems hard then replace that word with ‘imagine’, it is the same thing.

Once my home is clean, I feel it has been cleansed and magically charged! I will then go to all doors and windows drawing a magical pentacle or powerful rune symbol of protec on like ‘Yew’ or ‘Eolh’. This creates a magical protec ve barrier for your home and you will find people with bad a tudes won’t want to come in anymore, and the people in your home will be bright and cheerful. Your indoor plants will thrive and even your fresh fruit and vegies will last longer. Don’t forget that a er all this magical work, your wand and smudging fan will need clearing also. All magical tools can be cleansed and charged, even ones with out crystals like your runes and talismans. You will need to clear and cleanse your tool before use, and then regularly a er healing and any magical workings. If you have not used it for a while, it is a good idea to cleanse as well, as they are good at absorbing the energies around them. Whilst not in use you should keep them in a velvet bag, a special place or box. There are many ways of clearing and cleansing but please go with your own intui on... you may have a way that works well for you so keep doing that. Here are some of my favourite ways I find easy and effec ve for those who need some ideas. Cleansing with the breath of life First centre and ground yourself, take in a deep breath and blow on your magical wand, blowing away all nega vity as many mes as needed. Do this a few mes ll it feels clear, then take in another deep breath and now breathe new life into your magical tool filling it with light and posi vity un l it is ready for crea ng more magic. Cleansing with the purple ray Ground and centre yourself, feeling your chakras aligned. Hold your wand in front of you and imagine a purple ray beaming from your third eye area. This ray will scan the magical tool for any traces of nega vity or muck and laser it away. Once you feel it is cleared, place your magical tool to your heart chakra area and fill it with love; feel you and your Blessed Branch become one and breathe together (in this state your wand may gi you with messages on how to use and its purpose). You may like to ask your ancestors, spirit guides, gods, the goddess, faeries, angels or animal totems to help you with this process. Charging your magical tools To charge your magical tool, take it outside on a full moon and leave it to absorb the moon and stars silvery rays all night, the next day you may let it absorb the golden sunlight also. Go with your intui on, yours might like to lay amongst the flowers to charge or on a mossy log, even a trip to the ocean. If you listen, your wand will intui vely let you know. Don’t forget to make your home a rac ve to faeries by looking a er the gardens, plan ng flowers and adding li le faerie touches like an old teapot for them to make a home in. My family and I like to leave acorn caps full of honey and cream as offerings to the faeries! Leave crystals and seashells in the garden also, all these will a ract faeries and the faeries presence will add a special kind of magic to your home. Also invite the angels into your home when you need some divine assistance with cleaning and organising. They are also wonderful to call on for protec on and I always ask the angels to guard my home whenever I leave for a weekend or holiday away. It is important to know that you have to power to transform your life! You control your life and magic is a wonderful way of doing this. Magical manifesta on starts with your thinking; think posi ve, see your future with clear sight as you wish it to be, use your imagina on - its limits are unknown! You have nothing to lose, only a wonderful, magical life to gain. INSPIRIT

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THE LOVE OF ANGELS By Susanne Hartas


rchangel Jophiel’s name means ‘Beauty of God’. She sees only the reflec on of God’s love and beauty within everyone and everything. Jophiel helps us to see and acknowledge the divine light within ourselves, others and in all that surrounds us. Her presence is very loving and she radiates a dark rose pink aura and is aligned with any dark pink crystals, such as rubellite. One of her roles is in assis ng us in beau fying both our inner and outer worlds. When you have the desire to spring clean or redecorate your home, call upon Jophiel for crea ve inSpira on and she will also assist you in keeping your home and work space clean and free of clu er, which will enhance the flow of crea vity and prosperity. Archangel Jophiel is also on hand to offer assistance with your personal needs, such as guiding you to beau cians and hairdressers, as well as being a fabulous fashion consultant. She can help with mo va ng you into living a healthy lifestyle by clearing your schedule, enabling you to find more me and desire to exercise and eat nourishing food. Jophiel can also assist in clearing the mind of worry and li the fog of nega ve thought pa erns, bringing forth only posi ve, beau ful thoughts. She is an advocate of spending me in nature and she

says “The rhythm of the earth beneath your feet draws your spirits natural rhythm into alignment with the oneness, and into your true state of being. For when you are centered beings, the flow of synchronicity, inSpira on and intui on flows abundant. This space is where the seeds of crea on are sewn.” Archangel Jophiel asks that we slow down and appreciated the simple joys and precious moments within the present. She says “The Divine con nually showers us with gi s of joy and beauty, but we must first acknowledge all that is good and beau ful within ourselves before we can truly see it in all else.” Jophiel’s message “There is none more beau ful then you Dear One, for the reflec on of the Divine’s beauty glows abundant throughout your being. Many Blessings.”

Susanne Hartas is a psychic medium and Angel intuitive. Please contact Susanne at



xp xpand, believe, think and dream big. As we enter into the reawakening of earth and the fer lity of the land brings great growth, now is the me for us to think big, dare to dream and believe the impossible is possible. Nuit is an Egyp an god goddess who is said to connect both heaven and earth, she is the gate way and her energy expands the cosmos. Her energy is invi ng and ever expanding, she asks you to believe that anything is po possible even when we are unsure of the how.

W We all have ideas, dreams and visions and no ma er how big or small, Nuit asks that you embrace tthese and travel forward. Even while fear may be in the heart, she guides you to rise up and expand expand, to become all that you can be. While some will want to know the exact path that they are to take, Nuit assures assure you that it is not necessary to know all the answers. In fact, o en it is be er that we don’t, it is that our dreams can be achieved. be er to have trust and faith f Nuit asks that you par cipate and take ac on in your dreams, they will not simply fall in your lap, however she will most certainly guide you to turning them from dream to reality. So if you are feeling overwhelmed with how to move forward, or feeling bogged down with the details and planning, call upon Nuit. Meditate and ask for her guidance, know that you are in control of your des ny. Walk forward with the confidence that the impossible is possible with your par cipa on. Make your life the life of your dreams. INSPIRIT

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Palmistry as a tool - Part 3

Our exploration into the fascinating ancient art of Palmistry and how we can apply this knowledge to gain understanding from our own hands is continued by Nicolle Poll.

The Mounts Mounts are raised areas of flesh on your palm. The most well-known mounts are the four finger mounts which are Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo and Mercury and palm mounts being Upper Mars, Luna, Venus and Lower Mars. If the mount is over developed, it means there is an excess or over focus of its attribute. If it is under developed, there is a lack or nonexistence of energy for the area it supports. A healthy mount, being slightly raised, firm but not hard, and in context with the rest of the palm denotes a healthy and well balanced energy to the area it relates to. You can also tell if a mount is smaller or larger by comparing it to the other mounts on your palm. The mounts are named after planets and gods, whose qualities are directly linked to the meanings of the corresponding mount. FINGER MOUNTS JUPITER – Portrayal and perception of self to outside world

HEALTHY x Self assertion x Positive outlook x Desire to help others x Sense of justice x Optimistic

SATURN – x Introspective Inward, self x Responsible directed aspect of x Health self personality preservation x Independent x Common sense APOLLO – x Love of beauty Creativity x Creative abilities x Outgoing x Enthusiastic x Positive

MERCURY – Communication

x Good communicator x Efficient x Sound judgement x Common sense x Oratory skills

WEAK x Poor self image x Lack of ambition x Socially awkward x Avoid new opportunities x Flighty x Irresponsible x Disorganised x Superficial

x Unmotivated x Low physical energy levels, possibly due to illness x Dislike of attention x Secretive x Poor communication skills x Quiet x Shy x Self absorbed

The Four Finger Mounts Each finger mount sits at the base of the finger it relates to. The mount denotes the action taken in relation to that area, where finger relates more to the temperament. If the mount appears directly underneath a particular finger, the greater its strength and influence on the personality. Sometimes mounts sit between two fingers, rather than underneath, and it is using the influences of both fingers to express its energy. The Palm Mounts Located within the palm below the finger mounts, each representing traits and tendencies you have. STRONG x Strong ambition x Egotistic x Vain x Proud x Domineering x Overbearing x Rigid x Defensive x Solitary x Introverted x Aloof x Distrusting x Loud x Possession orientated x Opinionated x Prefer surface over substance x Hedonistic x Talk too much x Not always truthful x Manipulative

PALM MOUNTS LOWER MARS – Capacity for physical strength and endurance

HEALTHY x Strong self assertion x Resilient x Face & overcome life’s challenges

VENUS – x Warmth Ability to love and x Vitality, energy aesthetic nature x To love & be loved x Resilient x Passionate LUNA – x Good Passive, receptive imagination and emotional balanced with aspects of reality personality x Passion for nature, travel, poetry, art & literature UPPER MARS – x Owns their own Determination power and resistance x Courageous x Stubborn x Resists being used or manipulated

WEAK x Quiet x Passive x Introverted x Cautious

STRONG x Strong temper x Abundance sexual passion x Combative personality

x Lack of vital energy x Cold x Calculating x Overly critical

x Abundance of physical passion x Large appetite for food, sex, drink & luxury x Promiscuous x Difficulty with reality x Overly imaginative x Not realistic x Dreamy x Giving x Compassionate x Violent tendencies x Confrontational x Competitive

x Too realistic x Unimaginative x Hermit

x Easily pushed x Difficulty standing up for self x Dislike confrontation

This information is considered as part of a hand analysis to gain an understanding of the person by the palmist, which influences the palmist’s analysis of the lines. Next issue explores what everyone wants to know when it comes to palmistry – the stories that our lines tell and the diversity of the interpretations for their meanings.

Nicolle Poll is a regular contributor and part of the inSpirit crea ve team. Nicolle works as an Ar st specialising in Oracle Cards, Totemic Animal illustra ons and Portraits of the Souls’ Journey, also having studied and prac sed a wide range of modali es in her personal and spiritual development.  Web: and Facebook: Nicolle Poll ( I N S P I R I T | 13



Our resident pagan Rita Maher shares the meaning and rituals connected to these special celebrations within the Wheel of the Year, so you too can partake in festival no matter what part of the world you are in.


ctober 31st is known to many and by many names - All Hallows Eve, Halloween, Feast of the Dead and as the Pagan fes val Samhain, with the November 1st being the catholic celebra on of All Saints Day. Yet while this celebra on is observed throughout the world, it is not truly Samhain / Halloween here in the Southern Hemisphere. In the northern part of the world, October 31st owns Samhain, for as the wheel turns, they head into the colder months. Whilst in the southern hemisphere the wheel has turned towards the lighter months, months where the sun shines and warms our soul, where the days are long and ac vity is all around. It is a me of new growth, fer lity and the return of abundance. In the southern hemisphere we celebrate Beltane on the eve of October 31st and into November 1st, with Beltane being celebrated on May 1st in the Northern Hemisphere (May Day). No ma er which part of the world you live, October 31st and November 1st are wonderful magical days that bring with them greatness and the ability to create. So as the wheel turns this year, I write about both for you so that no ma er where you are in our global village, you may embrace the magic that resides deep within your soul. Beltane is a fire fes val marking the return of light, its starts on October 31st and is celebrated into November 1st. It celebrates new life, passion, and rebirth. This is by far the merriest of fes vals in the wheel of the year; it is full of fun, love, passion, laughter and dancing. Celebra ng the fer lity of life, of the land, of nature; we dance around the maypole, celebra ng the union of god and goddess with the maypole being the phallic symbol of man while the ribbons that twirl around it represent the fer le woman. Many people celebrate their union with a hand fas ng, bonfires are lit and we jump them for luck and fer lity. It is a me of free love, with many children conceived on this auspicious night. This truly is a wonderful me in life for everyone, love lingers in the air, and we are blessed, grateful and happy. It is also a me to share, so give to those less fortunate so that they may feel the love too. So how to celebrate this magical me of year? Firstly get out and get in touch with mother earth, feel the fer lity that resides within her, as you see the flowers blossom, the buds and leaves returning to the deciduous trees. Smell the fragrance of the first blossoms of jasmine

at dusk. There is no longer a frost on the ground in the morning, now it is replaced with refreshing dew. Wake in the morning and wash your face in this dew. Decorate your house and altar with spring flowers - lilac, jasmine, iris, ger lily, freesia, use lush greenery, the beau ful hues a blue spring sky. Bring in the element of fire with candles. Have a bowl of fruit such as pomegranates on the dining room table as they are a symbol of fer lity. The fae loves this me of year so leave gi s for them in the garden of sugar snaps, honey, milk or other baked treats. While most people will not be able to light a bonfire at this me of year, you can light your candles to represent the bonfire. You can also make a maypole out of dowel and use beau ful colour ribbons. Place this in the backyard ready for celebra ons. Invite those you love to share this night with you, with friends and family all to share in the celebra on. Have flowers to place in people’s hair as they arrive. Ask everyone to bring a plate to share made from this seasons fresh produce. Think of light meals for this. Create a beau ful punch and add to it fresh, edible safe flowers, wine can be added to this for the adults. As the sun sets, light several candles around the garden. These candles may be jumped over for good luck, ensuring long skirts and dressed are ed up first. Dance around the maypole and just enjoy being free. Share in the stories how you met your loved one and rekindle the passion. For some, you may like to rededicate your commitment to each other by joining your hands and having a ribbon wrapped around them binding you to one another once again. Allow the words you speak to each to come from your heart on this night of love and union. For those who are celebra ng this night just with your loved one, make love under the moonlight. For those who wish to conceive a child, tonight is a wonderful night to do this. Light a candle together and ask for the seeds to be fer le, then be free in your love for one another. For those celebra ng Samhain in the northern hemisphere, what will this turning of the wheel mean for you? For pagans this will mean INSPIRIT

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SAMHAIN BLESSINGS, TURNS FOR EACH OF YOU Happy New Year! It is the last harvest fes val. The food has now all been gathered and we prepare for the winter months as the earth begins to die. This is the me of the year when we bid farewell to the sun god as he slips down to the underworld wai ng to be reborn at Yule, emula ng the male aspect (represented by the sun) aspect of life that dies off, hence the winter. The veil between the worlds is at its thinnest this night, and through death we celebrate life and the cycle that it is. Tonight we honour our ancestors and those who have gone before us. It is a me for divina on, for calling on those you wish to hear from. This is a magical me for connec on between life and death. At this me of year we release what we no longer need, that which we do not want to bring into the New Year with us. Make sure you e up loose ends now so that a fresh beginning, a fresh new year awaits you, free of baggage. To celebrate this fes val, fill your home with the colours of autumn, fallen leaves, deep rich colours of burgundy, purples, gold. Decorate your altar with a dark brown or black cloth. Add pictures of your loved ones to the altar, along with things like acorns, apples, fallen leaves, and burn candles of deep red, green and silver. Place on your altar and front door rosemary for remembrance. Burn incense that has a wooden fragrance, use essen al oils of ve ver, cypress and orange, a beau ful oil blend to burn during this me of the year. This is a me to remember with friends and family, so invite them all to share in this night with you. Have enough white candles ready for each guest. Be sure to ask them to prepare for this night in a few ways: • Bring something that honours a loved one who has passed • Write on some paper what they will leave behind • To think about a new year’s wish

Food that you serve at this me of year should be roast, stews and heavy breads, mulled wine, hearty and filling. Leave an empty chair at the dinner table so that those who have passed may join you all for the meal. Have each place their object which honours their loved one(s) on the table. Be sure to serve them food and drink as well, it is great way to honour that they s ll walk with you. During this me share your fond memories of those who you are honouring. Invite your loved ones to come dine with you on this night. A er dinner has finished and the story telling over, head outside and light a flame in a cauldron or fire pit. Take it in turns to burn what is no longer needed. Simply say “The wheel has turned, the year has ended, and I leave behind…..” When each person is done, hand each guest a candle. Each person will take a turn ligh ng their candle from the flame, symbolising the light for the New Year, ready to make their wish. Simply say “Blessed Samhain, the wheel has turned, the New Year shall bring …..” Once finished, each person may place their candle in the ground and let it burn down or take their candle home to place upon their own altar. You may even want to try doing some scrying or other divina ons on this night.Serve everyone some mulled wine and share in your vision for the future year and toast those who have gone before you. This is not a night to be sad that they have gone; it is a night to be joyful that they have lived. Embrace and rejoice in the life that you have, be grateful for all that is. Whether you will be celebra ng Beltane or Samhain, life truly is a beau ful experience that shows us many joys and moments of greatness. May your journey be lit so that you can see the way forward as the wheel turns for you.

Rita Maher is a Medium, Intui ve Healer, Psychic, Teacher and Writer, with a passion for helping those to heal and connect with their loved ones through readings, pla orm demonstra ons, intui ve healings and development circles. Rita is host of inSpirit TV and has been a contributor and crea ve team member for inSpirit Magazine since it began. Rita can be contacted: Web: or Email: INSPIRIT

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nimal Communication

Animal Intuitive Charmayne Hales reveals how she communicates with our beloved animal friends and shows how you can too, in this intriguing article that explores the special bonds that people and animals share


or the love and in our hearts, we do beat as one. Being in the presence of a living creature created by God, I am in awe of their beauty. I am in awe of their strength, their courage, the trust without any strings a ached, and for me the gi to hear their minds. Thank you God I am forever grateful. My journey on becoming an Animal Communicator began with my love for animals from a very young age. I would be in the backyard with my beloved dog and cat, and watching them always, and any other creatures that visited; the birds, lizards, insects. For ten years of my life I was blessed with an Alaskan Malamute by the name of Smokey. Smokey tested every boundary possible being an alpha female who taught me how to stand up for myself, think outside the square and I believe even took my sickness “liver cancer” which eventually ended her life. I have an unhappy history of cancer within my family and I also have had to deal with it presen ng in my life. As our spiritual protectors, out of the pure deep bonds of love, some animals choose and will absorb an illness on behalf of their owner, and sacrifice themselves, as Smokey did for me. Smokey was the most amazing gentle giant and protected me to the end. I now live on a rural property where nature abounds and would like to share some examples of my daily communica ons with my horses, dogs, cats and chickens. This is about food and what they would like and if anything extra is needed or desired in their diets. I will talk mainly about the horses as their diets can be complicated or easy depending on health and age. Making up the morning and evening feeds I have five buckets in front of me and I ask each horse if they would like or require a specific herb. This is usually a yes / no conversa on. Some mes they come back with “I don’t know” answer and this stops me in my tracks and usually means a problem.

A further discussion and scan with my mind over their body will enable me to make further sugges ons. Trea ng hands on with an animal is another unique and amazing experience. For me this is done with the greatness of energy and being drawn to a par cular area. One of my horses Vander is the most talka ve during these sessions and knows exactly what he needs to correct any soreness or misalignments in his body. Vander is a truly amazing spirit who I have a deep connec on with. One look at each other and we know straight away what each is feeling and how to sort out the situa on. The emo ons and energy of animals are another way to communicate. I love feeling the energy buzzing off a happy healthy creature and unfortunately you also have the other. One of my horses is Lance, a ten year old red bay warmblood gelding, who came to live with us earlier this year. At the me he was owned by another person who purchased him from a friend, and he came from a well known horse breeding stud in Victoria. I met Lance as a yearling who was very unsure of himself, but did his best to be safe whilst being handled. Unfortunately his life was not very good. His biggest problem was that he is a very talented horse and the human mindset of “I want to win” and “look at me” came over both owners. This horse was sad and depressed for ten years. I was lucky enough he stayed in communica on me through both owners and I always said to him ‘I’m not sure how, but you will come and live with me’. I believe this promise kept Lance going over the me and yes, today he living with me and I own him too. His progress is amazing to see from a scared 17.1hh horse who would jump and cower at any noise to now leading the herd. It will s ll be a long road with Lance, but communica ng and feeling the emo ons of the animal to me are so important in these cases, and I feel blessed I am able to helpthis gentle wonderful soul. INSPIRIT

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I would like to say we all have the gi to communicate. My first realisa on I could communicate with animals was in my late twen es. It took me this long to learn to quiet my mind, be open enough and not think I was a crazy person with another living creatures words zooming in and out of my head. I learnt to communicate with my wonderful creatures by firstly ensuring I was alone and in a quiet place. Not necessarily physically s ll as I find with some animals, the horses especially, moving around helps them to loosen and open up. I would quiet my mind and ask a simple ques on, one being “how are you today” or “would you like your rug off ”. The answers would be a “good”, “yes” or “no”. I would then do a scan over their bodies mentally in my mind and ask any ques ons about being sore, if a new scratch has appeared, how they received this. This would be shown to me visually in my mind and it is the first thing that comes to your head. We always have a tendency to over analyse. Please don’t. If you wish to communicate with your pet or an animal, try the following exercise: • Always do so from a calm personal space. • Take a deep breath into your centre and gently exhale, doing so allows you to mentally calm your mind and physically relax your body. • Bring your awareness to the animal soul you intend to connect with. • Gently connect mentally by saying hello and asking for their permission for you to work with them. You will get an immediate sense of this answer, whether as a direct yes or no in your mind or as a feeling or knowing. You can feel their energy when you have made the connec on. • Once permission is received, start conversing with your animal friend. Simple direct ques ons like “how are you today” allowing for easy responses work best. Remember animals are straight to the point; everything for them is black and white. • Mentally scan with your mind or through your hands over their body. If you pick up on anything such as sore spots, scratches, hot or cold patches, unusual disturbances to their energy, ask them about this and wait to receive their response. • To finish, thank your animal friend for allowing you to work with them and sharing what they have. Gently withdraw your energy and take a deep breath into your center to bring your awareness back to the present. •

Charmayne Hales is an Animal Intui ve and Healer, with over twenty years’ experience dedicated to developing and refining her abili es and knowledge to enhance the lives of all animals she connects to within this world. To contact Charmayne: Email: Web:

Take the me needed to reflect and work with the informa on you have received, no ma er how relevant or obscure it appears. Trust is an important part of any rela onship, especially with our animal friends.

Note - If you cannot feel a good connec on by doing a mental scan, a hands-on scan or even by physically looking works the same. Please don’t feel disheartened if you cannot connect some mes it will take a number of sessions for the animal to want to communicate. In these situa ons I find a talka ve one and ask them to relay for me and eventually the shy one will open up. The resistance to talk can be due to fear or simply not wan ng to communicate and that must be respected. With the informa on I have shared, I trust you too; can now enjoy a deeper rela onship with your animal friends and companions. INSPIRIT

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Angels of the Sea

“There is a deep connection between us and Cetaceans, they are beautiful sacred beings with deep spiritual connections that mean more to us than most people realise” - Kerry O’Brien brings to our awareness the physical and spiritual importance of these majestic keepers of our oceans, the angels of the sea.


am a passionate advocate for all marine mammals worldwide and I work relessly along with many others raising awareness for the plight of cap ve cetaceans. I am also involved in whale rescue here in New Zealand where we have the highest number of strandings in the world. I am also a psychic medium.

Since I was a small girl I was aware of being able to see, hear and sense spirit, though I thought this was normal. I had a premoni on for about a year when I was nine that my mother was going to die. I was distraught about this; I loved my beau ful Mum and didn’t want to lose her. About a year later, she died suddenly. I actually thought I had made it happen, because when I thought things they happened. Psychic children, I now know, can feel like this if le unguided. I shut down, I no longer believed in myself, and I thought I was a very bad girl. This lasted for the many turbulent years of my young life. I was always aware that I knew things others didn’t, but I no longer listened.

stairs and throw a door open on a calm night. All this to get my a en on, it worked. I contacted my local church during the me she was very ac ve because I felt out of my depth. When I told the priest I was talking to her and had asked her to calm down (which she did for a while) he was not happy, telling me on no account was I to communicate with her. That is when I decided I didn’t need the help of the church for this ma er, I would handle it myself.

Nursing was my calling and finally I had a purpose. I was a nurse for twenty years in Accident and Emergency and Family Prac se, and a very good one. I put this down to my ability to “know” at mes what the problem was, and my deep empathy for people. Lots of medical people are indeed healers and may not realise it. Their sixth sense kicks in and is there to guide in helping others.

I listened to Isabella and I asked my husband ques ons which led to the end of our marriage. Isabella once more calmed down. Knowing I had help and signs from spirit actually gave me the strength to follow my intui on and finally accept my gi . When I sold my beau ful old farmhouse five years later Isabella was not happy. I decided I had to help her move on as I was with my life. All this me I was trying to send her to the light. I learnt from an elderly psychic lady in our village that by sending her to the light all I was doing was binding her back to me, for I was the light Isabella could see and I know she was devoted to me. So, I asked Jesus and Archangel Michael to help me. I persuaded her to go with them to the light they showed, thanked her for all her care and concern for me and the children, and reassured her she would forever more be at peace. Whenever I return home to the Isle of Wight I visit my old home, and Isabella is finally at peace, though I am grateful to her for reaching out to me.

When I was in my thir es, pregnant with two young toddlers, the spirit of a servant girl who had lived in my 400 year old thatched farmhouse on the Isle of Wight (U.K.) who I called Isabella warned me that all in my life was not as it seemed, and that my husband was unfaithful. While what was to happen almost broke me, I was stronger for finally realising and accep ng my gi through my communica ons with her. She would try to get my a en on by shaking me awake in the night, turning the central hea ng up so high, I had to have a word with her and tell her this was dangerous for sleeping babies and to please stop, which she did. Isabella would stand by me in the kitchen watching me cook, then walk down the

I moved to New Zealand eight years ago with my children then aged 9, 7 and 5. I wanted to build my own house and was ready for an adventure. I also was listening to spirit who urged me to be where my sister was living. It is here I got involved with cetacean rescue and their plight worldwide. The first stranding I volunteered to help with was at the very top of New Zealand at Cape Reinga. I arrived to the call late on a Friday night in fierce wind and a full moon to see people everywhere and ninety beau ful pilot whales stranded along the 2km beach. It was hard not to panic and cry! I sat with one whale that I looked a er all night and in that full moon and sacred place something happened to me. People say that once you have looked

into the eye of a whale you are changed. This is so true. Two days later, and fourteen whales saved out of ninety, I drove the long drive home to Auckland emo onally and physically exhausted and I knew I had to do more. I felt called by the whales to help.

the water. When they are wai ng to die in the cove they never ever fight back, bite or harm their captors. They easily could, but it is not in their nature. The older members of the pod surround and protect their young un l the end, it is heart breaking.

A month later I was walking on my beach and I kept hearing “go to Taiji” repea ng over and over. I looked down at the sand and saw endless sand carvings of dolphins and whales. Was I mad? I asked myself. I have learnt not to ask what others think because most would say I was. I let go of self judgement and just listened. The message went on for days. I knew about Taiji Japan, a small fishing village where up to 2,000 dolphins are slaughtered during the hun ng season between September and March each year. The largest dolphin slaughter in the world. I had seen the academy award winning documentary “The Cove” a year before and was devastated by it. Now I was hearing, “go to Taiji”, where the actual cove is. Why would I want to go there? I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing pods of dolphins driven in by fishermen and slaughtered daily. I was happy to sign pe ons and write le ers of protest, but to actually witness such cruelty I didn’t think I could bear.

Cetaceans are here to teach us so much about ourselves and about joy and love. The whales of this world carry the Akashic records I believe. The humpbacks for example, sing new whale songs every year as they migrate from arc c waters to tropical breeding grounds. These whale songs have much more effect on our planet that most realise, for these great beings of the fi h dimension are singing their songs of healing for the world. They have so much to give and to say to us if we would listen.

The message kept on so I went, not having a clue what I was going to actually do and not belonging to any conserva on group like Sea Shepherd who were already there protes ng. I felt it was important for me to be independent. It has been a real journey, I will return this season my third year. What my role became was as a spiritualist, holding the dolphins in the light as they die, blessing the land , the ocean and the people, as well as ge ng to know them and understanding their perspec ve. If we condemn and hate others, no change will take place I believe. I now have friends who go with me, and together we go to be a peaceful and loving presence, and to be there for the dolphins, to try to educate everyone from all perspec ves. Anyone who intervenes or tries to stop the hunt is arrested with a possible sentence of five years, depending on the offense. So we do not intervene with the hunt. This takes courage and discipline from all ac vists.

I will con nue to balance my life as medium healer come ac vist for cetaceans. I used to think both roles were separate and I now know they are not, they for me are combined. Working with and for whales and dolphins has enriched my life and added a dimension of magic and wonder. It is also a huge privilege to know and love these angels of the sea. Kerry O’Brien is an Intui ve Counsellor, Psychic Medium, Healer, Animal Communicator and animal rights ac vist. She is a passionate advocate for all marine mammals worldwide, working relessly in raising awareness for the plight of cap ve marine mammals, as well as her volunteer rescue work. To contact Kerry about her intui ve counselling or sacred ac vism work: Web:

The other even bigger problem is the demand for Cetaceans worldwide for cap vity. 51 dolphins last year were chosen from Taiji to be sold to a life of slavery. Some were sold within Japan, others exported to aquariums around the world. So, not only do these hugely intelligent beings have to endure seeing their family slaughtered, they are then sold as slaves. Marine scien st Dr Dianna Reiss has proven, and it is well documented, that cetaceans have intelligence similar to humans. Cetaceans in aquariums are on medica on such as an depressants, some become deeply depressed and die. Medica on for stomach ulcers are given due to the stress of living in a swimming pool, o en they are on long term an bio cs. Is this any way to treat any wild animal? It seems some think it is, for greed and corrup on surrounds this cruel industry. The dolphins have truly miserable lives, once swimming in the vast oceans with their pods then snatched and kept in dirty swimming pools, made to perform degrading “tricks” to be fed a few dead fish for their survival. It is indeed a cruel and terrible thing mankind does to these beau ful beings. From a spiritual perspec ve, dolphins carry the energy of joy and love. Their mere existence a er survival is about fun and working for the good of all. A pod will always look out for its own. Pilot whales (who are really big dolphins) will all strand if one or two of their pod do, they never leave one another, that is why so many can strand at one me for many different reasons. They are known to have empathy and there are many documented cases of dolphins saving humans in INSPIRIT

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Your Mother’s Food Really IS better! By Denise Linn, co-author of The Mys c Cookbook


hen I was ill as a child, my mother gave me cherry-flavored Jell-O. She told me it would make me be er, and honestly I felt so much be er a er ea ng my magic Jell-O. It worked! Invoking a mother’s healing love into a dish, however, isn’t unique to my mother. Maybe your mother or grandmother made you a special chicken soup or other favorite dish as a healing balm when you were a child. In many cultures throughout the world, it’s said that a mother’s love is transferred into her cooking. It’s believed that the love she feels for her family infuses her food, and as result, her meals sa sfy her children more profoundly than meals cooked by anyone else. Perhaps you’ve even experienced this with your own family. Maybe you’ve “tasted” the love (or anger) in a meal. If so, you understand that ea ng is more than inges ng nutrients. In the deepest sense, it’s a palpable interac on with the en re universe. Have you ever gone into a restaurant feeling well and then a er the meal become angry or agitated? Of course there can be many reasons for this, but one reason might be that the chef was in an angry mood when cooking the meal. Or alterna vely, have you ever eaten a restaurant meal and suddenly felt a surge of joy and wellbeing? It could very well be that the chef was in love and her glowing energy filled your meal. I have a friend who’s a very good cook and makes tradi onal Mexican dishes with the ease that many of us brush our teeth or drink our morning coffee. She told me recently that if she’s angry while cooking, even when she’s using the same ingredients and preparing them in the exact same way that she always does, her husband o en remarks that the food tastes flat and that it lacks the zest and vitality of her usual meals. She’s no ced that when ire seeps into her food, her five-year-old son some mes wells up with tears and complains that the food is too spicy . . . even though there are no extra spices. However, when she cooks with love (which is most of the me), her food radiates her joy, and her children rave about the comfor ng and delicious flavors that come from their mother’s kitchen. Hear elt cooking is not just about finding the right balance of savoury and sweet, spicy and mild, or the perfect blend of seasonings. It also requires the right blend of happiness and enthusiasm. When you cook with inten on, the emo ons and thoughts you have will spiral into each of the dishes. Remarkably, whatever you put into the dish, both food and thought, will be consumed by those at your table. That is to say that your love, joy, and happy energy all emanate from the food you prepare. An angry chef creates meals that emit anger; a joyous chef creates dishes that generate joy. My daughter Meadow recently returned from an Alaskan cruise where everyone was ecsta c about the food. She had rarely tasted food that was so vibrant and delicious, so she took an opportunity to speak with the execu ve chef to find out what his secret was. He said that he believed in having fun while he was cooking, because happy chefs make happy food, and happy food makes happy guests. Perhaps, without even knowing it, he and his staff invoked the secret alchemy of cooking, which works in just the same way as the alchemy of a mother’s love.

Recent research at the University of Maryland has shown that foods can actually taste be er when they are perceived to be prepared with good inten ons. So, when your new boyfriend boasts that his mom’s pot roast is the best in the world, or when your mother reminisces about her mother’s devil’s food cake, it might not be just nostalgia or familial pride. The flavors in these foods may have actually been enhanced by the recipient’s belief that they were made with love. CreaƟng a Meal Filled with Love Since the energe c state of the chef or cook can be as important as the actual ingredients, if you find yourself in a foul mood, distracted, or even bored or stressed when you’re cooking, you might want to consider taking a few moments to calm your mind, take deep breaths, and a empt to tap into the wellspring of love and joy that resides deep within you before con nuing. Otherwise, you could poten ally ingest the emo ons you were feeling while you cooked, which can create a bit of a self-perpetua ng cycle. Being grounded and centered before commencing a meal filled with love does not have to take a lot of extra me or be an exercise in forcing or willing yourself to feel emo ons that do not come naturally. Miracles can happen in an instant. Believe it or not, you can ground and center yourself and set an inten on in less me than it takes to read this sentence. You can infuse a meal with any feeling you choose, so before you begin, set your inten on. One way to do this is to call upon the spirit of your own mother, grandmother, or favorite great aunt to guide you. If the men were the cooks in your family, you might want to call upon them as well. Not everyone grew up with a “June Cleaver” mother figure. So if your childhood was like mine and you did not have a loving mother, you may wish to use a universal mother figure, such as Mother Earth, Gaia, Mother Mary, Freya, Danu, Corn Mother, or even a mother from pop culture, such as the aforemen oned June Cleaver. If you are a mother, you may want to imagine the overwhelming love you feel for your children (if you’re experiencing current ffs, spats, or issues with them, you might consider remembering the love you felt when they were young) and funnel that loving feeling into your meal. To Ac vate Life Force in Your Food . . . Bless it To ac vate your food with life force, wash your hands ceremoniously before you begin. Hold each item of food in your hand and imagine love flowing from your hands into every molecule. Alterna vely, you could say or chant prayers of love over the food. This can be as




Mystic M ys Cookbook Recipe Casablanca Carrots Casa This salad is extremely simple to make, yet the flavors are bold and delicious. My mom, who doesn’t much care for carrot salads, absolutely abso adores this one … I think it’s the mint. This is a great salad sala for a warm summer evening, but also it pairs well with Moroccan Mo or Tunisian spiced stews and grilled meats. Serves Se 4 500g 5 carrots, peeled and grated (about 3 ½ cups) ½ cup chopped fresh mint 3 tbspn fresh lemon juice (or to taste) 3 tbspn extra virgin olive oil Salt S to taste

simple as s rring the ba er and chan ng in rhythm with the circling spoon or repea ng the name of the Divine with each fold as you knead dough. Even as you bu er your toast, imagine spreading happiness and joy which each sweep of the bu er knife. Visualize energy surging through you into the food. Hold the inten on that each bite will nurture and support those who dine at your table. When the prepara on of the meal is complete, bless it again. Since an quity, mothers have always subconsciously known that food brings with it so much more than simple subsistence. From your grandmother lovingly adding homemade pickles to her famous potato salad to a mother in a remote village s rring a simple porridge, a mother’s fervent wish that her family be nourished transcends me, and you can also employ this same kind of energy into your food. It doesn’t ma er whether you are male or female, or whether you are a mother or not, or whether you cook for many or just cook for yourself, you can s ll infuse the energy of the universal mother into your food . . . simply by feeling balanced and openhearted as you cook. May your meals bring you joy, happiness, and comfort on even the coldest and stormiest of nights.

Peel and grate the carrots, either with a box grater or a food processor fi ed with wit a gra ng disc. Remove the mint leaves from the stalk and chop the leaves. Combine the carrots with the mint in large bowl. In a small bowl, whisk the lemon juice with the olive oil and salt. Toss the salad with the dressing and enjoy.

Denise Linn is an interna onally renowned teacher in the field of selfdevelopment. She’s the author of the bestseller Sacred Space and the award-winning Feng Shui for the Soul, and has wri en 16 books, which are available in 24 languages. Denise has appeared in numerous documentaries and television shows worldwide, gives seminars on six con nents. With her daughter Meadow Linn--a noted speaker, writer, and chef—she has just wri en and released The Mys c Cookbook: The Secret Alchemy of Food (Hay House). This gorgeous and empowering book is filled with luscious recipes, stunning photos, imagina ve meals and magical wisdom, that open a portal for you to embark on the sacred journey from nourishment to nirvana—and to harness the hidden dimension of food. Visit www.theMys for recipes, a guided medita on to connect with your Kitchen Angel and more.

Believe in the power of you, soon others will see it too.



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in S P I R I T | review

BALANCING ABOVE AND BELOW CD Self Published Authored by Rita Maher This is really good and a must have for your meditation collection! Being a reasonably strong meditator with an affinity to guided meditations, it takes something special to resonate with my entire being and I joyfully welcomed the depth and quality contained within this meditation. Rita’s gentle soothing voice is well regulated and perfectly suited for guiding participants into a magical journey of stepping into other worlds of times long ago and feeling it as a physical presence. From a brief introduction, physical then breath relaxation and into the meditation itself, the choice of music complements these transitions. It is perfectly paced through the guided process and time is allowed for you to sink deeper into your own experience. When it is time to return, Rita gently guides you back both visually and physically and you do so willingly, as time spent in this sacred grove is purposeful and restorative. This hidden treasure has now been revealed, it is very effective and workable and needs to be shared and have many enjoy the benefits of its healing and its message. This is my new favourite and one that I will use regularly. To purchase, visit

Would you like your book or CD reviewed here? Please contact us at



It is Spring so get out and enjoy the cleansing air and fill your soul with art. Most Public Gardens feature sculpture, it is time to picnic and take an art walk. Google Botanical & Public Gardens and even Sculpture Parks in your area or check out local council websites.

The Blake Prize is an annual Spiritual & Religious Art Prize held in Sydney which is in its 61st year. Though it is too late for entries now, pen it in for next year. Announcement of winners happens 24th September and the exhibition, which is another must see, runs through October. Fairly new is the Blake Poetry Prize for Religious & Spiritual Poetry also held by this organisation for those whose art is expressed with the written word.

In Sydney it is Biennale time. This wonderful event showcases local and international contemporary artists in most mediums. Staged on glorious Sydney Harbour at Cockatoo Island and sites throughout the city, it really is a must see soul cleansing and invigorating event. When: Until 16th September 2012. Web: October brings us Sculpture by the Sea in Sydney. A spring walk along the Bondi foreshore tradition. Take in that cleansing sea air and be inspired by the amazing artworks installed along the way. The guide is a must as it is very easy to miss some of the clever environment blended pieces. Those across the way in Perth can pencil in March 2013 for their turn! When: Bondi NSW - 18th October to 4th November 2012 and Cottesloe WA - 8th to 25th March 2013. Web:

When: S.H. Ervin Gallery, The Rocks Sydney NSW - 9th November to 16th December 2012. Web: SOUL CLEANSING ART – GASONG DRUMS Col is an amazing spiritual artist who creates drums from recycled materials and through doing this he has taken an unloved product and redefined it into a creative healing instrument. These drums, while representing physical cleansing in their production, can also be used in Soul Cleansing practices. More than just delightful music, the keys that Col has tuned into his drums have the ability through their frequencies to give the listener a Sonic Massage and this promotes a Soul Cleansing and Clearing experience. This form of Sound Vibration Therapy is self motivating, you can be playing a Gasong Drum and not even know it is doing you good. For more information: Web: Email: Phone: Col 0487 736 824



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