inSpirit Magazine Spring 2011

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Australia’s most comprehensive spiritual magazine

Surrendering to the Unexpected Circle of Angels

Shielding Shamanism Poverty & Lack Your Home as a Being

Happy for No Reason

VOL OL 4 ISS SSUE SUE U 3 IISSN S N: 1 SS 1835 83 5005

with Marci Shimoff

What is Intuition? Goddess inSpiration, Angels, and more...



Volume 4 Issue 3 Sept 2011

From The Editor F


hile bringing this edi on of inSpirit magazine together, the team and I were very conscious of the energy of change we felt all around us. While this applies to the magazine, we have also been experiencing this in our individual personal journeys and are fully aware that this reflects not just on us as a team, but also on the whole inSpirit community. Which we know means that each and everyone of you are also experiencing change in your lives, which is likely to con nue over the Spring as we all weed out the old allowing room for the new ventures to come in 2012.


When God comes on the scene


Stepping into a State of Bliss


Circle of Angels




Surrendering to the unexpected


What is intui on?


Your home as a being

In a effort to support you all through this change, this issue has been compiled to provide ar cles with insight, techniques and personal stories shared by myself, Rita Maher, Nicolle Poll and our inSpirit reader contributor Rita Ford. We hope that in sharing our journeys a li le, it may speak to you in some way regarding yours. Hearing the trials and tribula ons of others o en has us rela ng and feeling connected, so we know we are not alone in this journey we call life.


A tude of gra tude


Poverty and lack


Se ng up your Spring altar




Li ing your spirits

We have our regular columns For The Love of Angels and Goddess inSpira on. Embracing the spirit of change you might like to no ce that star ng with this issue, the magazine now has some individual sec ons embracing many areas of spirituality, making inSpirit magazine contain something for everyone.

Regular Columns R 6

We are grateful for the contribu ons from Trudie Ann Moore, Lee-Anne Peters, Cheryl Ca erin, Marci Shimoff, Jade Sky, Renee Taylor and Pam Lau. We are also excited to welcome Meadow Linn as a regular contributor, which means we all benefit with lots of scrump ous, healthy recipes.

For The Love of Angels

16 1 Goddess inSpira on 19 1 Resource Directory

Special men on needs to go to Rockpool Publishing, QuikMark Media and Stacey Demarco who have gi ed you the chance to win 1 of 5 copies of Stacey’s 2012 Lunar and Seasonal diary. Go to page 13 for details on how to enter. Lastly, a very, very special thank you needs to go to Nicolle Poll. Nicolle is a beau fully gi ed ar st and created this issues cover. Inspired by Buffalo of our Spirit Guide wisdom cards, the artwork expresses perfectly the coming together of spiritual and physically abundance which brings about your universal abundance.


May the Spirit in You seek to be expressed! With Love and Gra tude,

Produced in conjunction with The Australian College of Mediumship, inSpirit Magazine is designed to provide a respectful forum for like-minded souls to share in a community which aims to provide informative views, opinions and education regarding the experience of living with Spirit.



: : Kerrie Wearing

: Andrea Kaldy R : Rita Maher, Nicolle Poll, Susanne Hartas, Andrea Kaldy, Meadow Linn G C : Marci Shimoff, Rita Ford Pam Lau, Cheryl Cattarin, Trudie Ann Moore and Lee-Anne Peters

CWA King St, Campbelltown NSW, Australia 2567 Ph: 0416 070 141 Web: Disclaimer: While every care has been taken to provide the reader with accurate, inspiring and thought-provoking informa on, the Publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of informa on and views expressed by the Contributors. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers.






Contributed by inSpirit reader

Rita Ford


e all have our trials in life, and trying to keep our eyes on God can be challenging at mes. Since the family has read this, the freedom to open up as to how these past few years have been is easier. There is a need to share this story, because there may be someone who has gone through a similar experience. Receiving the diagnosis of Parkinson‘s Disease on January 6, 2006 was unreal. The Neurologist told the diagnosis. Feeling as though it was a death sentence, the tears came. You see wai ng for months for a diagnosis of the tremors in these extremi es, and now hearing the results of all the tests was devasta ng. Life seemed perfect as a staff nurse at a rural hospital. Nursing was not work. It was a mission. Moreover, God was calling for this heart and life. The mission was to help other people. What will happen now that the mission has ended? That was the ques on inside this heart. It seemed life had taken a dras c turn. Knowing to turn to God for answers, this heart prayed earnestly every day, and cried to sleep at night. My faith had become weak, and I could not pray believing that God could change the situa on. The Bible was s ll on the computer desk, where I had le it weeks ago. Needed God’s word, but could not pick it up. There was a binding spirit in the room. I needed God to help me. The facts were that the Doctor had requested driving, and work be terminated. This voice was weaker, and no longer able to sing in church. Climbing stairs was a challenge. Remembering to turn the stove off was also a challenge. The feeling of dying bit by bit was overwhelming.

One day listening to the radio a song came on that was familiar. However, this me the words seemed to speak to this wounded heart. These were the words: “I miss my me with you. Those moments together, I need to be with you each day. How can you serve me when your spirit’s empty?” Hearing those words, and feeling God calling this heart back from the valley, that song had the answer. Before this illness, working in Church had been rewarding, believing God could change situa ons. The day of the diagnosis, was when faith became weak. God had reached out in a song. He had opened these eyes, to the answer. Reaching for the Bible and opening it. The first scripture God spoke was Isaiah 41:10. These were the words He spoke: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” God knew that communica on with him every day was the answer to survival. He said in his word not to be afraid, that He was there, and that He would give strength. God loved me. Now that this heart has found strength in God, doing His will is priority. That is why I felt impressed to share my story. God has even strengthened this voice so singing in the Choir is once again a reality. Someone else may be going through a heavy trial God will reach us when no one else can. Just taking one day at a me now, and live them for the Lord. Hoping my story will help someone that is going through a trial in his or her life. One thing is for sure, God will give peace where there is none. The End


Stepping into a State of Bliss - Part 1

by Rita Maher


few weeks ago I was privileged to a end the Sydney Hay House I Can Do It seminar. I had been to one of these events before many years ago which made for some life changing moments, so I was eager to see what was to unfold from this weekend.

I must be honest, I went to this event with an air of excitement. For me, I was going to be able to hand over a copy of inSpirit magazine to the amazing Denise Linn, who I had the pleasure of interviewing for our last edi on. So, while I thought I would gain great informa on, that was going to be the highlight. Oh, I was so naive in my thinking. 7.30am Saturday morning, bright eyed, I arrived at the conven on centre. I made my way upstairs and receive my cket, since I was here alone there was no need to really rush in and grab a bunch of seats so I just le it to Spirit to find me the right one. Synchronicity started to take shape and I found myself in the coffee line next to a wonderful lady who had a spare seat right in the centre only 10 people from the front - thank you Spirit. The room was already abuzz with hundreds of people all wai ng to hear from their favourite speakers and soak up the immense amount of informa on about to be unleashed on us. I have to say I love si ng in a room full of spiritual beings. There’s something to be

said for having like-minded people around you - it takes your energy to the next level. If you have not ever placed yourself in this energy, I say put it on your bucket list, it’s a must. 9am right on me Leon Naxon from Hay House Australia came out and welcomed us all, then we were asked to welcome on stage the founder of Hay House, Louise Hay. You may have read one of her books, You can Heal your Life. I was not sure how I would feel seeing her. The last me, I must admit, I had not been inspired by her opening and was le a li le deflated. I know that this is just the place that I was si ng in but wanted so much to be li ed this me, as I am a fan of her work. Well, I was not disappointed, in fact I was blown away. Thank you Louise Hay for shi ing and li ing the bar, thank you for wan ng and inspiring us all to do more, she said she had us at a level and now wanted us to soar. Her work is moving and is taking on new direc on at the youthful age of 84. Her words touched my heart, something I am passionate about. I am looking forward to seeing the new direc on where her work is more focused on our teenagers, a challenge I believe we all need to take up. Change the thoughts from doom and gloom and make them abundantly happy and healthy, allowing for a bright future for us all. Then the pocket rocket Marianne Williamson took to the stage. I have never seen Marianne speak and must admit had not read



any of her books but that’s now changed. She is full of emo on and passion; she pushes you to think and inspires you right at the centre of your core. Marianne speaks and says, “Our Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”. measure . That just has to hit right at the core. She walks the stage with an energy that seems unstoppable, asking us each to return to our centre, when we get off track or become imbalanced, check in and return to centre. Marianne was there to talk about her new book, A Course in Weight Loss -21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever . She doesn’t tell us how to look, it’s about how we feel, how we allow our body to be the vessel that carries us in this life. It’s about learning that the compulsion is a mask for something else, one that we are free to remove at any me. I have just started reading her book and I am amazed at what food I now put into my mouth, not because she tells me others are bad. It’s like a switch has returned me to centre and now I feel devoid of energy when I don’t honour what my body truly needs. That is for me personally to be a temple in this life me, so I may have abundant energy to be able to carry out the work and healing I do. Marianne finished off her session with a wonderful medita on that took me to state of bliss, one that would be repeated throughout the course of the weekend. Thank you for the inspira on and the challenge, Marianne. I welcome and embrace it with open arms for now I am a be er me. There was just me for a quick break then we were back and being entertained by the brilliant, and I truly do mean brilliant, Robert Holden Ph.D, who is the director of The Happiness Project and has wri en books, including Happiness Now, ShiŌ Happens and Be Happy. He is an unassuming man from the United Kingdom and I don’t think I have heard over a thousand people laugh so hard in such a long me. How can one describe Robert? He is a breath of fresh air and takes you to a new level of happiness. Most of us apparently sit at 7, that’s where we are comfortable. I don’t think I have moved off 10 since listening to him. He says that happiness is infec ous, again I am passionate about this, there are enough people who are happy to share their “daily whinge” with you. Sorry, I choose to share my daily joy and share in the joy of life. Again, synchronicity had played a major part here. Only two weeks beforehand, a er hearing so many people falling into despair at the direc on of their life, that I felt a need to share happiness and to give ideas on how to move from darkness to happiness, to others on a global scale so I created a Facebook group called ’28 Days - The Art of Happiness’. Listening to Robert Holden confirmed for me I am on the right track and I am so proud and smile and give thanks each day for this. Life is so much brighter when you are walking with a smile. Again elevated to a state of bliss because of the way one man can communicate happiness. It was me for lunch and the moment I had been wai ng for - to be able to hand to Denise Linn a copy of inSpirit magazine. I took

with me the copy of her book, Past Lives and Present Miracles to be signed and waited in the queue with everyone else. As my turn came, I held up the magazine with Denise on the front, Denise looked at it and jumped from her chair and embraced me with the most amazing hug, like being greeted by a long lost friend and I felt blessed and so humbled right in that moment. Denise and I spoke, we talked about her daughter Meadow who will be sharing her cooking talent with inSpirit magazine in this edi on and future issues. She signed my booked and wrote, “Rita is Amazing” and then said, “You can quote me”. Wow, just blow me over with a feather, that’s more than I ever expected. Then Denise called to her friend, le ng her know who I was and telling me she had been talking to everyone about the magazine. It really was an honour to have one’s work acknowledged by a peer. I then had the pleasure of spending lunch with her long me friend before heading back inside to listen to Deepak Chopra, the last key note speaker for that day. Deepak is a man of immense knowledge and intelligence, he talked in a very academic tone, walking the stage while sharing his message and you could see that this was a man who understands great beauty within the world and one who is humble - sharing with us his concepts about who we are and how we are the way we are, learning we are not our body. He took us on a medita on to help turn off the part of the brain we don’t need, that which keeps us in fear. We meditated for some me with the focusing on the words, ‘I am’. Nothing more needs to be added as that just creates thoughts and baggage he said, we would just simply repeat to ourselves, ‘I am” over and over again. Then we brought our a en on to our hearts, we felt the beat of our hearts, we felt it in our fingers we felt it in our third eye. We then filled our hearts with love, compassion, sorrow and empathy. A er this medita on was completed, it was like all my senses have heightened, I could hear people over the other side of the room, I could see colours and vibra ons around people, I could see when it changed, for me it was like the connec on between he physical and the auric field all ed into one, seeing the change first in the person then in the aura and vice versa. A different way of viewing and one I am s ll learning its true meaning for me. I was on a total high by this stage of the weekend and we had only just ended day one. I felt like I would be flying home and wondered how I would sleep that night, with this feeling of bliss overwhelming me. My whole body was alive, my passion for life magnified and my inten ons for my future extended beyond what I dared to dream just 24 hours ago. I have entered a state of bliss… Part two will be in the next edi on of inSpirit magazine, where I will share with you all my experience si ng in the energy of Doreen Virtue, John Holland and Denise Linn….. un l next me my wish for you all is happiness, fulfillment, and a state of bliss.



THE LOVE OF ANGELS By Susanne Hartas


abriel’s name means, ‘God is my Strength’ and she is known as the messenger of God and the teacher of truth. She is believed to be the angel who appeared to Mary to give her the news of the impending birth of Christ. So it is not surprising that one of her roles is helping those who wish to conceive a child and assis ng with fer lity. Her aura is a rich copper and she is o en depicted holding a trumpet, sounding good news and hope. She teaches us to take the me to appreciate, recognize and experience joy in our daily lives and she can help us to find what makes our hearts sing. Gabriel assists those who deliver spiritual messages and whose life purpose involves the arts and communica on. She speaks through our hearts, so when you are searching for answers concerning your life’s purpose and direc on and feel a surge of energy within your heart, know this is Gabriel confirming you are on the right path. She says an excellent way of communica ng with her is through the wri en word and she asks that you call upon her o en and invite her into your heart. As you journal, you may wish to ask ques ons, share your concerns or your hopes and dreams. You will hear her responses through listening with



your heart, she asks that you trust the answers you receive are indeed messages from her. Using essen al oils, jasmine and camphor will invoke Gabriel’s presence and create a peaceful atmosphere for you to share some special me together. Jasmine li s sadness and opens us to the angelic realms and camphor dispels nega ve energy and brings about purifica on. The crystal Citrine is also a powerful aid in helping with your connec on to Gabriel. Gabriel’s message My dear children of the Light, I am the messenger of Hope. Know that with every shower of rain, the sun will always emerge more brilliant then before, and with its emergence, it brings forth the gi of a rainbow. It is a reflec on of the love we have for you and a reminder that there is much joy to experience in your lives. Blessings. Susanne Hartas is a psychic medium and Angel intuitive. Please contact Susanne at

Believe in the power of you, soon others will see it too.



0434 867 426




by Nicolle Poll



have made some wonderful new friends lately, the kind of friends that are there for you in the me of your deepest need, when your world as you know it, both inner and outer, changes at rapid speed.

angels con nued to explain that each Angel has something to offer me in my mes of need and united together they provide me with the love, faith, guidance and strength necessary for me to draw upon for the challenges I was facing.

Like many I know, in recent mes my own li le speck of security and safety in this world has been given quite a few jolts and shakes, reflec ng those changes happening in the physical world around the globe. There have been many emo ons felt, much soul searching undertaken, when change has been unrelen ng with what it takes with it and the loss it can create, when resolu on is not immediate and is way off in a distant future. I’m finding that I am learning to live with current circumstances and have faith in a bigger picture that I do not fully comprehend yet, and trust that I am fulfilling the life lessons I have chosen for this life to learn. Some days I am good at it, other days I am not, and I’m s ll working on it. What’s be er though is I have had help, and lots of it!

Immediately, ques ons I had been contempla ng before their appearance, I started to receive informa on about. For me I felt like I was being downloaded. We all have our ways of connec ng and receiving informa on from Spirit, being ‘downloaded’ is one of the ways it works for me. I received reassurances for the outcomes of my immediate concerns and survival needs, I was shown insights to situa ons that had unfolded already and also to situa ons that were yet to happen, many of which have now come to be. I was made aware that this Circle Of Angels was also here to act as my internal naviga on system, meaning I could call upon them at any me to help me with releasing my fears, ques ons I had, new understandings.

It has been during these changing mes I became aware of an energy presen ng itself to me that I have not been connected to before. It started at the beginning, when my world as I knew it had suddenly altered completely, I was feeling stunned, there were the beginnings of fear and feeling blind about the unknown. All my wants were stripped away and I became strongly aware that I had my family and my health, with these I could survive anything from that point. Once that absorbed into my being, my survival needs of basic human comfort and existence then stepped in, shelter, providing for and suppor ng my family emo onally as well as physically and financially. These understandings happened quickly and without fuss.

In the early weeks, their presence did not leave me. Their energy and presence was a constant above my shoulder, with me drawing strength from them as much as needed. As things began to se le into a new pa ern and the early stages of crisis faded, I also felt their constant presence pull gently back as well. That was OK, I understood it was me for my Circle Of Angels to do so. I also understood this wonderful collec ve of energy was there for me to call upon when I felt I needed to. What I have also found over me, just before or a er another challenge reveals itself, this Circle Of Angels emerge again, some mes taking me by surprise in the best of ways.

It was when I began to feel the fear and angst, I felt them around me. A strong deep energy that was vibra ng through the fear, sha ering fear away with its strength and inten on. It was so strong, that I only had space within my being to connect with this energy. I found myself acknowledging this connec on and asking ‘who and what are you?’ I could feel the purity of its love and strength, and it was here for me. I sensed in return the response of ‘we are the Circle Of Angels’ and I saw in my mind literally a circle of brilliant light that was made up of countless angels, each Angel was represented as an orb of bright glowing light. The collec ve energy of these

I feel so blessed to have experienced this wonderful energy of beings, whose assistance has been a guiding light through the chaos of my thoughts and physical world. They are with me as I write, and my reason for sharing this experience is that the Circle Of Angels wants it known this energy is out there for everyone. Next me when you are facing mes of challenge, call upon this might that is the Circle Of Angels, they will present in a way that will be unique to you. Ask for their help so that you too can feel and draw upon their energy of love, faith, guidance and strength, just like I have. 7

Shielding S

hielding is the term used to put an energe c shield or defence up around yourself physically, emo onally or spiritually to protect yourself or others. Usually there are two uses for shields. The first use of the shield is to hide a person visually or energe cally so that they aren’t no ced. The second way a shield is used is to block any incoming a acks or any unwanted energy.

Shielding is extremely important to keep nega vity out of your energy field. Before you begin to undertake any spiritual prac ce it is important to shield yourself because you are opening yourself up to contact with other people and other spirits who may have posi ve or nega ve energy. This protec ng technique is not just for people who work in spiritual areas; all people should learn to do this. There are a few different situa ons where you may need to shield yourself. • When you are talking to someone or are near someone who o en complains and is quite nega ve. Some mes there are people around you, that you may no ce are very draining or very energy sapping. You o en feel exhausted a er they have le you or you just feel like you have been on an emo onal rollercoaster. •

As some people don’t realise that they are being draining you can do things to protectyourself from this. In spiritual circles we some mes call these types of people ‘psychic vamps’. This isn’t a very nice term but it does give you an idea of what happens when you are around these people.

When you are doing spiritual work alone or with other people you must shield so that only higher energies come forward. It’s important to make sure that you are psychically protected when doing spiritual work so that you work only with the highest posi ve spiritual vibra ons and en es. If you do not know who you are working with you may have a nega ve or earth- bound spirit a ach themselves to you or feed you incorrect informa on.

When you want to keep your family and yourself safe, for example, on trips or holidays, driving in the car or for overall wellbeing.

When you are going into a very busy, draining environment.

When you are feeling anxious or red and need extra energy.


This arƟcle is an extract from Psychic Secrets by Jade Sky need to use different methods of shielding whether it’s physical shielding or spiritual shielding. Many different cultures have used energy shielding as part of their everyday life for protec on and spiritual empowerment. Warriors have used physical shields for centuries to block any a acks both up close and from a distance. In Japan, the ancient samurais would use special rituals or charms to protect their energy, it was a form of invisible spiritual armour which added extra protec on along with the physical armour that protected their body. Some of the Na ve American tribes have tradi onally used medicine shields that were physical shields made of animal skin stretched over a circular wooden hoop to protect not only themselves and their animals in warfare but also for spiritual shielding as well. Great care was given to each shield as it was being made. The warrior would pray over the shield and make sure it was adorned with very personal pictures of his animal totems, feathers would hang from the bo om of the shield and charms would add to the protec ve energy of it. Even a er the shield was no longer needed for war, it s ll played a very important part in tribal life. The shield would be hung in a very important place within the lodge or pi. On a sunny clear day the warrior would even hang his special shield outside the front of his lodging facing towards the East for protec on. When the warrior died his shield would be buried with him.

Ways to shield yourself People unconsciously protect their energy by crossing their legs and arms. Have you ever watched someone’s body language when they feel insecure or are feeling defensive? O en they will have their arms crossed over their chest, which is a natural defence mechanism it protects their heart, breast and lung area. Li le children naturally try to put a shield in front of themselves when they are scared. It may be a blanket pulled up over their heads, hiding behind their parents’ legs or escaping behind the lounge chair or table. As we all grow older we realise that this does not actually help us and we 8


Surrending to the unexpected By Kerrie Wearing


n days gone by it was a part of my make up to expect a certain outcome on a given set of circumstances. Many a me had I expected a certain level of success or a measure of healing. I even applied very high expecta ons on myself and quite o en those around me. And not just in regards to working with Spirit but also in my personal life. Just ask my son.

contribu on to our community more. His take on providing informa on was tainted by a lack of useful ‘how to’ techniques and instead full of innuendo and self-gra fica on. How can one really learn and come away with valuable tools to work with, if all one is provided with is stories to regale you of their ‘fabulousity’.

My recent trip to the US has taken those limita ons to task and then some. The previous three years has seen me slowly working away at breaking down this aspect of who I am, while aiming to understand the manifesta on powers of the universe and how they work for me. Becoming more conscious in crea ng your own reality is something we all come to at some point in our development, providing we con nually grow and progress through the processes of spiritual evolu on.

As in shock as I was, the situa on called for me to take ac on very quickly. It is not always acceptable to turn the other cheek and allow our silence to incorrectly say that it’s ok to put up with such unprofessionalism. Besides the fact I was spending a lot of money to be there, con nuing in the workshop would send the wrong message to others. With the support of a new friend who also felt strong as I did, I retracted myself from the energy of this workshop and went about my learning in another way. With the added bonus of enjoying some wonderful sightseeing of the Rhinebeck region and developing a new and important friendship.

I had learnt to so en my expecta ons of others and even ease up on what I expected of myself as a homemaker and a medium. A tricky balance to achieve while trying to maintain a high level of quality Mediumship and integrity for myself and for those I coach. So when it comes to those I work with or choose to learn from as a mentor, my expecta ons are extremely high. For me, such people need to approach their style of Mediumship similar to myself and work eviden ally. They need to exude empathy and understanding. And they need to live with Spirit at the forefront of their being. This will automa cally take care of some other important areas such as their intent and integrity should they truly be connected to their own Spirit and not si ng in self-delusion. Part of my 2011 US trip involved my a ending a week’s worth of live-in Mediumship workshops at the Omega Ins tute in Rhinebeck, New York, known for its vast array of workshops and seminars, all centred around wellness, personal growth and bringing teachings together by some of the best spiritual teachers and authors, all well known in their fields of exper se. Imagine my shock when my experience was a great deal less than this. A ending a workshop on the other side of the world with a leader of the world wide Mediumship community had me excited and eager to see how learning from one of the ‘best’ could impact my own Mediumship. Intui vely I knew there would be great energe c shi s made personally, and yet I never expected it to come through because of the lack of Spirit and servitude displayed. When one is not really listening or honouring the Spirit of another but instead devaluing their contribu on, I found this extremely difficult to watch and could only learn to appreciate my own

Experiencing this lack of servitude took me a good couple of weeks to comprehend the learning, and understand exactly what it was I was to gain. Firstly, I had to get over the shock. Even now, there is s ll a part of me which finds it difficult to fathom, but then it is what it is. More and more as I look back and see myself and my part in what unfolded, I see myself in a new light and am more sure of who I am, my work and my contribu on to the world stage of Mediumship. There are many, many mediums here and overseas who may not have the profile of some of the interna onally recognised mediums, but who do excep onally good work being in service to Spirit and all the while maintaining a sense of servitude. For me, surrendering to this unexpected turn of events has had a posi ve effect on my life which we know can always be the case if we look for the gi behind the experience. Seeing yourself in the equa on helps to highlight this, so it is a good habit for any spiritual seeker to develop. In closing, mine is not to reason why such people who are so obviously lacking in love and spirit can s ll be a rac ve to large numbers of people, ensuring their high profiles. I can only ensure that my ego is always monitored with my own Spirit having the greater say, allowing for the flow of Spirit with the greatest inten ons. But more importantly this allows for its healing touch to embrace others. 9


What is intuition ? By Cheryl Cattarin s


ntui on is to know or receive knowledge by immediate percep on, without reasoning. Some mes it is called a “gut feeling”. Intui on is felt within as deep wisdom, an inner knowing or an internal source of knowledge and understanding. As we develop our intui on we begin to sense what feels right and true for us at any given me. Intui on is a prac cal tool that we can use to help us deal with life’s experiences. Helpful decisions, solu ons to problems and inspired ideas all come from our intui ve self. It is an incredible inner resource and gi that we can use to enhance the quality of our lives. Some people think that intui on is a “special gi ”, which certain people have and others do not. Nothing could be further from the truth. We all have intui ve ability. Perhaps you have had experiences that you have not a ributed to intui on. Experiences such as: having a hunch about something; you knew the best decision to make and it paid off; having a “gut feeling” that something would occur; or the phone rang and you just knew who it was going to be. These are simple examples of intui on that occur quite naturally throughout the day. All of us have this very amazing internal power! All we need to do is raise our awareness about intui on and set our mind to harnessing it.

One valuable lesson to learn about intui on is that it cannot be forced; you need to allow it to surface in your conscious mind of its own accord. By all means make an inten on to tune into it and then let go. Intui on will surface when you least expectit. Intui on is like having a mentor who knows you in mately. Intui on is always available to you. It waits pa ently for you to let go and tap into your inner resources. It gives you wonderful inspired guidance and solu ons to problems, and all you have to do is ask! To connect to your intui on and use it more o en requires you to nurture this rela onship with your inner self. Give yourself me each day to develop this skill. The inspira on, guidance and awesome experiences that you will encounter can only enhance the quality of your life.

Cheryl Ca arin is a spiritual counsellor and author of From Crappy to Happy, a self-help book on using intui on to heal body, mind and spirit. Cheryl can be contacted on 0416 29 8844 or

As a spiritual counsellor, I have found intui on to be a valuable tool when assis ng clients. It puts me on their “wavelength”. If I follow my intui on and express to them what I am seeing, feeling and experiencing for them, they o en have a healing experience. Intui on, in this form is about connectedness with others. Psychics, mediums and spiritual healers receive intui ve messages ranging from: Clairvoyance: seeing a clear picture; Clairaudience: hearing words being dictated to them; Clairessence: sensing smells which are not present, e.g. roses, essen al oils and Empathy: sensing the thoughts, feelings or a tudes of another. There are many ways you can develop your intui on, but the easiest way is to use the tool of medita on. Medita on involves taking me out for yourself every day to experience silence and releasing your need to think or analyze everything. Intui ve guidance appears in that moment between thoughts, when your mind is s ll and quiet. Seemingly out of no where a thought, feeling or understanding will present itself to you. These messages are for your highest good, so learning to tune into your guidance will profoundly influence your life in a posi ve way. 10




4 …


Whilst Denise Linn has re red from teaching Cer fica on Programmes in Interior Alignment®, she has personally trained Master Teachers and Master Educators to offer programmes on Interior Alignment®and Karen Quant is the first Master teacher to offer the first Cer fica on Prac oner of Space Clearing™(CPSC) programmes here in Sydney Interior Alignment® teachings, workshops and cerƟficaƟon programmes based on our homes and working environments is now in Australia for the first Ɵme.

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Our homes and working environments are comprised of transforming energy fields. We are not separate from our dwellings and our environments and they do have consciousness! 1. Your soul needs a sense of belonging to truly feel connected to the land , to your roots and to your spirit 2. Your soul needs to feel safe, so that you can be yourself, be creaƟve and bring forth what you are without fear 3. Your soul needs harmony with the greater cycles of Nature

InsƟlling balance in the world… one sacred space at a Ɵme

4. Your soul needs sacred space

For more informaƟon call Karen Quant on 0414376047 or email vibraƟonalconnecƟ

When you have these 4 things you home will be filled with inner peace



Attitude of Gratitude by Meadow Linn


y life is not how I thought it would be. be All through childhood and even into my twen es, I imagined a life very different from the one I am currently living. With years of expensive schooling, it took me a while to admit what would truly make me happy: being a stay-at-home mom. I always thought that by the me I was in my thir es I would have a wonderful husband, a handful of adorable children, a fulfilling career, and a strong community of friends. I have bits and pieces of this equa on, but I’m s ll hoping for the whole package. Despite the fact that for all intents and purposes my current life is pre y good, this feeling of lack has at mes consumed me. My mom says, “Unhappiness comes from unfulfilled expecta ons.” Even though I have had immense fortune at many junctures in my life, I o en get stuck feeling this is not how I expected my life would be and equate that with a sense of failure and unhappiness. On this lazy Sunday morning while reading the newspaper in bed and drinking a steaming mug of tea, I realized that what I’m viewing as failure and disappointment is also affording me many luxuries that wouldn’t be available if my life were different. For instance, if I had children or an intense career with around the clock demands on my me, I wouldn’t be able to spend my morning in this way. So, with this in mind, I decided to follow my own advice and savour the day. Rather than focusing on the fact I’ve been on a date with nearly every eligible man between Los Angeles and Monterey and s ll haven’t found “the one,” I’m going to try cherishing the fact I’ve had the great fortune of mee ng many different men from all walks of life while gaining a clearer sense what does and does not work for me. I will always want to have a family but un l that day comes, I’d like to put more emphasis on the many blessings in my life. Wan ng to be er visualize the good fortune in my life, I made a list of the things for which I’m grateful and was surprised by its length. Even though I con nue to yearn for some addi ons and changes, my life is actually pre y darn good! Unfortunately, our physical body is not always in sync with our mind and spirit. My “a tude of gra tude” was interrupted

this morning by my growling stomach. As it’s been awhile since I’ve been to the grocery store, my refrigerator and cupboards are rather bare. I considered ea ng a frozen pizza for breakfast, but then discovered a jar of old-fashioned oats si ng on the counter. Con nuing in my “a tude of gra tude,” I said to myself, I am grateful that I con nue to buy oats even though I don’t care much for oatmeal; that way I always have them on hand, and I’m grateful that I buy dried fruit and nuts in bulk so there is always a boun ful supply. With that in mind, I decided to make a batch of homemade granola. What are you grateful for? What are the many blessings in your life? Even if you feel as though you have nothing to be thankful for at this me, think of the li le or even the ridiculous things. Do you own a toothbrush? Be grateful that you have a way to clean your teeth. Then move onto the larger aspects of your life: friends, family, health, and career. Don’t underes mate the power of gra tude. Just a li le bit can go a long way to li ing your least it did for me.

Gratitude Granola


There are many wonderful reasons to make your own granola. Homemade granola generally has less fat and sugar th than st store-bought, tore bought ht tastes better, is more economical than buying gourmet granolas from natural food stores, and provides an opportunity to be creative in your baking. I get bored making the same thing over and over again, but the great thing about granola is that you can make if differently every time depending on your mood and what you have in the house. The basic idea is simple: oats, something sweet, some type of oil, and some flavour. 5 cups old-fashioned rolled oats pinch of salt 2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg Instead of cinnamon and nutmeg, you could try other spice combinations using Chinese 5 spice powder, ground ginger, cloves, allspice, or vanilla extract. Play with it until you find the combination that works best for you! Or try it plain, without any spices. 2-3 cups raw seeds and raw chopped nuts (roasted nuts and seeds will burn) Suggestions: walnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and flax seeds are all delicious options. Other possible additions: 1/2 –1 cup wheat germ 1/2 –1 cup shredded coconut 1/4-1/2 cup flax seed meal 1/2 –3/4 cup honey or maple syrup (Agave would probably work too) 1/2 –3/4 cup coconut oil (my favourite!), vegetable oil, canola oil, or safflower oil 2-3 cups chopped dried fruit (must be added after cooking because it will burn otherwise) Suggestions: raisins, yellow raisins, cranberries, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, apricots, peaches, figs, crystallized ginger, mango, papaya, pineapple In a large bowl combine oats, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, nuts, and shredded coconut and/or wheat germ if using. In a smaller bowl combine oil and honey. Mix the liquid ingredients with the dry and stir to combine. The oats should be uniformly damp and taste delicious when sampled. If they are too dry, add more oil and/or honey. If not delicious enough, adjust ingredients until it passes your inspection. Spread evenly over two large baking sheets and bake at 325ºF (165ºC), stirring frequently, until crisp and golden, about 30-45 minutes. The oats will become crisper as they cool. Stir in dried fruit. Cool completely before storing in an air-tight container. Enjoy with yogurt and fruit, with milk, soy milk, almond milk, or rice milk, or as a topping for your next fruit crisp. Try it sprinkled on ice cream! Wrapped in a cellophane bag with a pretty ribbon, granola makes a great homemade hostess or holiday gift. Be grateful for all the deliciousness in this world!


Judge of Channel 7’s THE ONE, Stacey Demarco, presents her 2012 Lunar and Seasonal Diary. The beau fully produced diary offers daily explana ons of the moon and the impact it has on us, with prac cal magical sugges ons to get the most out of the energies of the season. This beau ful diary gives you plenty of space to write in your appointments alongside deeply spiritual and magical sugges ons for ge ng the most out the seasons throughout the year! You will also find invaluable ps and techniques ranging from increasing your wealth to improving your rela onships, boos ng your vitality, magnifying your personal power to removing obstacles and fears that are holding you back in your life, and much, much more.

Thanks to Rockpool publishing and Quikmark Media, e have 5 copies of Stacey Demarco’s 2012 Lunar & Seasonal Diary. For your chance to win email us at with your details.

Associates of ACOM & inSpirit Magazine are ineligible to enter.

Poverty and Lack P

OVERTY AND LACK – Believe It or Not! Heart says YES… Subconscious says: NO. NO. NO.

Spirit says YES, IT IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT... Cellular memory says: YOU DON’T DESERVE THAT – WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! And so it goes on, back and forth – this game of give and take – want it – can’t have it. Oh woe is Me! When we are living according to our subconscious pa erning of lack and limita on, we are refusing to be rich and abundant in all things including money. We are saying ‘NO’ to the Source who is our supply of all good. We block the universal flow of abundance from pouring into our lives on a constant basis simply because of the programmes that were ins lled into us at an early age by well-meaning parents, family members, and teachers who thought they were pleasing God by trying not to be greedy and selfish. As innocent children we believed it all un l we reached the age of reason, then either through unawareness or habit we have con nued living in the unconscious state of poverty mindset. Remember comments like these: Don’t ask for any more…you should be grateful for what you have! There’s no more where that came from. You should be sa sfied and not greedy. You don’t deserve to have it all. You shouldn’t want to live beyond your means (lack and limita on)... blah, blah, blah! My ques on is: Who can you help financially when you have not enough to give, coming from a poverty place? Some of the wealthiest and richest people on our planet are now deeply involved in the educa on and guidance of millions of people who do not remember who they are and so live in abject poverty. These entrepreneurial millionaires give their me and wealth to build schools, train teachers and mentors who are willing to educate and assist these souls on the path of remembrance. Their great sa sfac on and bliss is teaching others who are unaware of their own Divinity to love, honour and respect themselves, to understand that they no longer have to be vic ms of life.


by Pam Lau

 NOW IS THE TIME TO CHANGE OUR MINDS, LET GO OF ALL THAT AND REMEMBER!!  It is me to let go of all those lies, belief pa erns and programmes that constantly keep us in fear of money, fear of lack of money, fear of success, fear of failure, lack of deserving wealth and financial prosperity and abundance. When we know that we are prosperous, abundant and rich in ALL things good and sharing our gi s with humanity, we are Living, Being and expressing God. Whom do you serve when you are keeping yourself in poverty and lack? – Ego and Memory There is nothing else… We are ALL THAT IS experiencing BEING in the form of a human This is why we are HERE. Life is Abundant - God is Abundance…and since we are all one = SO ARE WE!! Yay Source - Bring it On!!

With deep Gra tude, I AM Pam Lau Pam Lau is an Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner specialising in inner child and soul/self connections and can be contacted at: Mobile: 0413 952 749 Email:

These souls can then create their own wealth and pass on a lineage of prosperity and an abundance mindset. To know the joy of understanding and accep ng who they really are – magnificent beings of great genius and wisdom, breathed forth from the heart of Divine Source as individualized unique expressions of Love with all the characteris cs of the Creator – Peace, Harmony, Joy, Compassion, Intelligence, Self Empowerment, Abundance and Prosperity and Uncondi onal Love. You and I, as glorious all knowing Spirits agreed to incarnate into the 3rd dimensional form of ma er to experience humanness on Earth, whilst staying connected through our invisible life-line that cannot be broken no ma er how dense or ‘evil’ (fearful) we become. During the process of incarna on, birth, and early childhood we forgot who we were and from whence we came. We were taught to forget the pa erns of perfec on of our Source and the choice to experience everything as energy, hence the lives of struggle and lack.

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I’m more aware than ever of my need for this family. Now that both my parents are gone and I’m single, in my fi ies, and with no children, I’m deeply apprecia ng the family that I have. Over twenty years ago, my wise parents began a wonderful family tradi on. Every year star ng when my nephews and niece were quite young, they would take my brother and sister and their families and me on a big family vaca on. It didn’t really ma er where we went, just that we were experiencing an adventure together. Since we didn’t live near each other, this is how I got to know my nephews and niece. We decided to keep up the tradi on even though our parents are gone. I’m on the plane right now flying home from our latest family adventure in Quebec, and my eyes are filled with tears of gra tude to my parents for having started this tradi on. We aren’t a perfect family -- we certainly have our “stuff,” but we’re there for each other, and I feel fortunate. And then there’s the soul family -- this is the family you selected because your spirit resonates with them. They’re the people with whom you share a similar vision and values. One of my favourite things to do is have my soul family over for dinner and games. (They’ve nicknamed me the “queen of Whole Foods take-out” since I ask them over for dinner but never really cook for them.) Throughout your life, your soul family may change as you change and grow, but they’re the ones who really “get” who you are. Here are a few things you can do to savour your families: 1. Appreciate your birth family. Focus on forgiveness where you need to. Remember that if you have issues and resentment with any family members, it’s hur ng you much more than it is hur ng them. You forgive for your sake. (My favourite forgiveness prac ce is the Ho’oponopono technique that I describe in Love for No Reason).


hat’s the #1 ingredient for a happy life? Scores of studies show that the greatest predictor for happiness is the quality of your rela onships and your social support system. We human beings -- social animals -- are hardwired such that family, tribe, and a sense of belonging are key to our well-being.

I recently saw a wonderful new documentary film called Happy (which I was honoured to be the narrator for), that underscored this. Roko Belic, the film’s creator, travelled around the world to find the sources of happiness for people in many different cultures. It was stunning to see how families and communi es in Louisiana, Norway, Okinawa, India and the Masai tribe of Africa all shared this same basic need for belonging. It made me stop and think about my own “families.” There are many “family systems” that we belong to -- among them are our birth family, our soul family, our work family, our community family, and our world family. But let’s look at the two that most directly impact our day-to-day happiness: our birth family and our soul family. First, birth family. Aah, this interes ng collec on of people you ended up being related to. In the ideal world, your family is made of people with whom you share uncondi onal love. They’re the ones who s ck by you through thick and thin. They’re also the people who can present to you your biggest life lessons (not always fun, but important nonetheless).

2. Stay connected with your soul family. Call them, write them a sweet email, find out what’s up with them. 3. Take me to experience life adventures with each of your families. It doesn’t have to be a huge deal. If they live nearby, take an a ernoon to go on a hike or have a picnic. If they don’t live nearby, enjoy the me you do get to spend together-have fun! Recently I came across this quote and was surprised to see that it was by Albert Einstein: “Rejoice with your family in the beau ful land of life!” With love for no reason and every reason,

Marci Shimoff Marci Shimoff is a celebrated transforma onal leader and #1 New York Timesbest-selling author. To learn more of her powerful techniques for establishing deep and authen c happiness and well-being, visit





here are mes in all of our lives when we feel that the days are too dark, we can’t tell if every everything will be ok and we lack in abundance. This is the me when one needs to call upon the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi who loves to see prosperity of all forms flow to us as she brings bring the light and shows that everything will be ok. Lakshmi works very closely with the God Ganesha who removes the obstacles in life Lakshm allowing for Lakshmi to bring forward with ease, love, happiness, success and fortune to allowin our lives. liv She is able to bring you out of the darkness and into the light, allowing you to work from the higher self where you can create and achieve anything.

So no ma er what you may need in your life, a new job, more money, a lover, more happiness or to step out of the dark, Lakshmi can be called upon. Know what you h want before asking, as with all prayers they are answered. Pray to Lakshmi by w ligh ng a green or gold candle and offer her some incense. Ask Ganesha to clear the obstacles and then let Lakshmi know what you desire. Don’t tell her how to bring it to you, that is not prayer but a demand and will not be answered. Then be prepared to take ac on on your request, do something that takes you a step ccloser to it, your request will not simply land at the front door, you do need to take ac on as well. However, now you will see that the path ahead is so much easier to walk and that prosperity, prosperit no ma er what kind you have asked for, flows to you quickly. Connec ng with Lakshmi each day will help focus your energy to bring in quicker results. Bright future awaits you all, let Lakshmi guide you there.


frogs, eggs (both decorated and plain), milk and honey, seeds, bulbs, the list goes on. Inspira on on what to include is as easy as taking a look out the window. Colours that symbolise spring are – greens, yellows, pastel pinks, blues and purples. Colour can be incorporated in any aspect from candles and flowers to altar cloths and stones. Crystals associated with spring are – rose quartz, aquamarine and moonstone.


pring is the me for smelling the flowers. The me for watching as baby animals are born into this world and soaking up the sunshine.

For us of the pagan faith, Ostara is the season for renewal, growth and re-birth. It brings balance as the days become equal once again. This is a me of sowing new seeds and pu ng new ideas into ac on. The equality of the masculine and feminine, light and dark in all things. Se ng up an altar to honour this season is a great way to welcome in some posi ve change. An altar can be anything from a small box or garden bed to an en re room in your house. They can be an elaborate celebra on or a simple acknowledgement of a special me. Altars are en rely personal experience as this is all about your space in the same way that decora ng your home is. The items you choose to be a part of this say something about you. The symbolism and meaning of them is a reflec on of yourself. Some items that symbolise spring could include – flowers, apples,

You can even choose a par cular God or Goddess to work through the spring period, for example Gaia, Ostara, Freya or Osiris. Remember balance is an important part of this season. The use of black and white candles or male and female statues is an easy way to keep this balance. White/Female le and Black/Male right. The items that are placed on your altar are en rely your choice and should resonate with you. Anything you feel posi ve about that means something to you and incorporates the meaning of the season should be welcome on your altar. The use of and placement of your altar are also intensely personal. There is no ‘right’ place to put it even though we pagans prefer them to face north, that too is debateable. Using your altar can be as simple as a minute a day to burn some incense right through to prayer and ritual at your altar. I encourage you to take some me to reflect on your altar and all that it means for you. Here is to a gorgeous spring and the enjoyment of your altar! 16




Baggage Handling for the Soul


hamanism was the first spiritual prac ce of humankind and evidence suggests that it dates back at least forty thousand years. However some anthropologists believe it is more than a hundred thousand years old. Shamans are found in many cultures world wide, but the word Shaman comes from the Tungus tribe of Siberia. The prac ce of shamanism is more a method than a religion in itself. In Siberia for example you will find it co-exis ng with Buddhism and Catholicism. A shaman is a man or woman who heals the spiritual aspect of illness, diagnosing and trea ng illnesses, divining informa on for the community, and communica ng and interac ng with the spirit world. There are many notable people who prac ce modern shamanism and who have worked to bring awareness of it to the Western world, one of them being Sandra Ingerman, a counsellor and psychologist in the U.S. Sandra integrated the methods used by shamans in her clinic. She helped hundreds of women who had suffered the trauma of abuse. One of the beliefs in shamanism is that aspects of your soul, what we term soul fragments, can be absent. There are a hundred different ways this can happen, but the reason is usually selfprotec on for the soul. Great trauma and distress can cause this to occur. Soul Retrieval is the technique of journeying on behalf of the client to bring back these fragments that are missing. Twenty years ago many would have viewed soul retrieval and shamanism as a supers ous prac ce with no validity in the Western world, and now they are considered almost mainstream. Sandra Ingerman found that abused women would describe how they had removed themselves psychically from the situa on at the me of the abuse. As a prac sing shaman she recognised that the person’s soul had, to some degree, le the body and therefore the logical thing to do was to retrieve that por on and bring it back. The results for these people were astoundingly posi ve. Soul loss is regarded as the gravest diagnosis in the shamanic culture, being seen as a cause of illness and death. Yet it is not referred to at all in modern Western medical books. Never the less it is becoming increasingly clear that what the shaman refers to as soul loss, that is injury to the inviolate core – the essence of the person’s being, does

manifest in despair, immune damage, cancer, and a host of other very serious disorders. It seems to follow the demise of rela onships with loved ones, career or other significant a achments. Many psychologists who have studied Carl Jung have found a resonance between the concept of soul loss and their work. Marie Von Franz a prominent Jungian analyst wrote, “Soul loss can be observed today as a psychological phenomenon in the everyday lives of human beings around us. Loss of soul appears in the form of a sudden onset of apathy and listlessness; the joy has gone out of life, ini a ve is crippled, one feels empty, everything seems pointless”. When these fragments are outside of you, there is a space le which is open to other forces, energies, and feelings to come in. Ask many people if they feel they have lost part of their soul and very o en they will say yes. At some deep level there is a natural awareness of this problem. To determine if soul loss is an issue, you might like to ask yourself the follow ques ons: Do you feel numb, un-mo vated or apathe c? Do you suffer from varying degrees of depression? Do you struggle with addic ons to alcohol, drugs, food or gambling? Do you turn to external things to fill up an internal void? Were you chronically ill as a child? Do you have gaps in your life a er age 5? Do you feel you may have blocked out significant traumas in your life? Have you had any major accidents or life threatening illnesses? If the answer is yes to any of these ques ons, you may be dealing with soul loss in varying degrees. It means that important parts of your essen al self may not be available to you. If so, the vital energy and gi s a ached to these parts are for a me, inaccessible. These lost parts exist in non-ordinary reality from which they can be recovered by a shamanic prac oner and returned to you. By nonordinary reality I mean that in shamanism there are three worlds or dimensions. The Lower World which is the Earth realm of nature,

caves, and where you work with nature and your power animals, the Middle World which is a bit tricky as it mirrors this world and has good and bad beings, and the Upper World where the masters and spirit teachers and guides reside with the stars and universal realms. A shaman moves between these various realms either for the person or with them guiding them through. Shamans believe that people who are not powerful spiritually, or power-filled, are prone to illness, accidents and bad luck. This power is like our spiritual immune system. The power makes one more resistant to illness. If someone is repeatedly ill, it can be that they need a power connec on, and it’s the shaman’s job to help people who are unable to do that for themselves. Shamans, like spiritualists, know that we are not alone. When one human being compassionately works to relieve the suffering of another, the helping spirits are interested and become involved. The modern shaman views evil en es not as beings with tails and horns, but more as wrongly directed energy. Today demons appear under different guises to sabotage us, like the belief that I’m not good enough, nobody loves me, and I’m a total failure. Con nual nega ve thoughts a ract and retain unwanted en es like magnets. Part of the Shamanic process can be viewed simply as a return of lost energy to the place where it came from. Rela onship issues are usually a major reason that people seek Shamanic healing. Past love rela onships and an inability to move on is o en a major issue resul ng from psychic cords or tentacles that are s ll connected to that person through their chakra system. This can o en be why a person may have a series of un-fulfilled or disastrous rela onships because they are s ll resona ng to a past vibra on. Each person has their own vibra on or is a uned to a par cular channel. I use the example of a radio sta on; some of us are on 2-Day FM, others on 2CH nice and easy. I help the person change their frequency or vibra on on a psychic level, and a mental level and help them gain insights into what they’ve learnt from the experience.

Lifting your spirits

Some mes it’s not only a ma er of disconnec ng cords, but the ANCIENT WISDOM other party may have unconsciously taken some aspect of them - a fragment. It is my job to help the client to nego ate the return of that partt and backk iinto d integrate i t t it b t their energy field. So once you’re free of that person’s psychic connec ons and have all parts of you back whole, then you are in a be er posi on to start on a process to a ract a more compa ble partner into your life. Clearing nega ve energies is only a part of shamanic work. I also introduce you to the magnificent being that you are - connec ng you to your original divine blueprint that you were born with and helping you bring forward a great por on of your talents and abili es, and to release the hereditary programming from your family line. Some mes much of the pain we feel is not ours, but something we have taken on through our gene c line. The divine blueprint is your subtle DNA which is a counterpart of the cell or physical DNA. As the cell DNA contains the gene c memory of a human being, the subtle DNA contains the records of all poten ali es. Part of the process, is to re-align you with talents and abili es from your past incarna ons. Shamanic work connects you to your passion. Pass-ion means passing on ion – charging the energy as opposed to depress-ion. That’s one of the major things that ails people, is they have lost touch with that fire within, that spark of purpose, so let’s shake ra le and roll and put your soul back into life. Trudie has been a prac sing Shaman in Sydney for over 20 years. For more informa on about her work visit:


ome mes I find myself in a complete rut. Tired with where I am in life, over the mundane daily lack of mo va on or just feeling completely an -social, creeping into my hermit shell one more me. A er feeling like this for a few days, I recognize what is happening, and then I do everything I can to pull me out of this mentally and emo onally draining space. I work out that no-one can pull me out of this ‘hole’ except me. I am going to share a few ideas that may help pull you out of the mundane and red feeling you may be experiencing right now. Listen to your body and pay a en on for any ‘sparks of interest’ or curiosity that may be s rred within you.

L -A


Author, Visionary Ar st, Intui ve Healer, Mo va onal Teacher, Radio Host and Mother of two. Founder of Temple of Balance and Reflect Radio. Author of Temple of Balance the book, Aligning with the Speed of Light and Healing Energy Cards www.templeo

If going to the park and throwing a ball around is not your cup of tea, and I must admit, it isn’t really mine, then maybe something more crea ve might suit you like colouring a mandala or even designing your own to colour by tracing around a plate; maybe wri ng a crea ve piece of poetry or a le er in your journal expressing your dreams for the future. If you are like me, you might love playing with oracle or tarot cards, so why not dust off your favourite pack and play with them a while. Perhaps you love to cook, so digging out a classic or a new recipe may bring joy to your heart. Talking with friends who make you feel good is always nourishing and don’t forget that special world all around us – nature. Nature is full of amazing things to observe for healing, nourishment and peace. Rediscover something you love to do that brings you joy or perhaps try something completely new. You may be pleasantly surprised by how you feel a erwards, and how much lighter you feel with those burdens li ed from your shoulders. As we look a er ourselves, everyone around us benefits too, enjoying a happier, more peaceful and energe c person. I don’t know about you but I feel ready to find some mandala templates and start 18 8 colouring. You don’t know if it can help you un l you give it a 1 go!




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