Pizza&core International n44

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Less frozen pizza in the USA: it’s a good sign!


he passion of Americans for the frozen food seems to be exhausted. Why? Above all among the young consumers, the perception of healthy food has changed perhaps because they have been grown up in an epoch in which food and health are a matter of primary importance. In facts they gradually began to dislike or simply didn’t appreciate anymore neither the practicality of frozen products nor their values of nourishing substances. According to the Market research company Nielsen, the sales of frozen products such as chicken, juices and pizza since 2009 have been in decrease respectively of 9,3%, 26% and 5,6%. Television programs like “Jamie Oliver’s 15 Minutes Meals” have taught to the Americans how to prepare fresh food in short time. We are not against frozen food, but pre-cooked and then frozen products are not able to be equal to a food prepared with deep care, with fresh, local or biological (if possible) ingredients. Furthermore frozen food doesn’t create that particular atmosphere you can breathe in a beautiful piz-

zeria or restaurant, where the waiter serves you a beautiful, crisp, warm, smoking pizza. Therefore, in our opinion, a deeper attention to the fresh food, prepared with care, will only be an advantage for the American consumers, but also for the firms of the sector. In Italy we have an important association called SLOW FOOD dealing with agriculture, food and catering, promoting the attention to the genuine product and to the typical products. A good American handicraft pizza is possible, it must be done following the correct procedures in the preparation of the mix and a particular taste in the matching of ingredients for the topping. Pizza&core International desires to diffuse all over the world a little piece of that Italian love for the good food and to spread wisdom and technique. We wish you to increase the number of your baked pizzas for your clients and that people come more often to your pizzerias than they remain at home eating a pizza in exit from the freezer! Enjoy the reading and… bon appetite! 3


savethe date After the great success of the past edition at the Lingotto Fiere, Tecno&Food returns in Padua, from November 30th till December 3rd, 2014. It is the most important event for professionals in the North East of Italy, devoted to the world of hospitality. With its more than 20.000 visitors, it represents a great opportunity for the exhibiting firms to make business, through B2B meetings and moments of comparison, masters and workshops for the operators of the sector. As usual Tecno&Food will organize a very reach program of workshops, conferences and technical seminars on specific matters, by involving the exhibitors but also important guests from Italy and from abroad. Furthermore Tecno&Food will host inner side the European Championship of Pizza (on December 1st and 2nd).

Sigep has reached yet its 36th edition (from January 17th to 21st, 2015). This event is confirmed to be the most important in the world in the sector of the handicraft ice-cream. It is an important European showcase of confectionery and coffee. Here will be presented all the novelties dealing with raw materials, ingre-

dients, fitting, equipments, furnishing and services for the ice-cream, confectionery and bread-making sectors. Thematic sections, international competitions and championships, exhibitions, courses and seminars, all will compete to create a unique big event. The past edition saw an increasing number of visitors (+ 20,1%) with a substantial presence of foreign operators, climbed to 34.646 (+ 32%).

Levante PROF (Italy) Levante PROF reaches the 4th edition. The fair will be hold in Bari from March 1st till 4th, 2015. The event, specialized in the wheat spinneret (bread-making, confectionery, pizza-making and fresh pasta) aspires to reach an international target and this year too it proposes a lot of novelties dealing not only with the “white art” but also in the ice-cream, beer, wine, café, packaging, public services and hotellerie sectors. Organized by DMP Srl in Rome, the event will be held in the new and prestigious exhibition hall of the Fiera del Levante in Bari - which is since ever considered the “first bridge towards East Europe”. In review all the novelties of the sector, firms, demonstrations and forums.



tools & suggestions for catering

a cura di Domenico Di Paola

The “word of mouth” in the social channels How to increase the visibility of your pizzeria


he “word of mouth” is since ever an excellent tool of marketing to propose and make know your own restaurant. It is the usual tool adopted since ever by restaurant owners in the traditional communication. Today it could be useful if you consider the great communication power of the new media, particularly the different social channels. Recently, in facts, the social channels have become integral part of the daily life of the online users and instruments such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Google+ have already reached impressive numbers of “consumers”. But they are not only the consumers to appreciate these social media: also the firms have discovered the advantages of these new channels of communication by trying to integrate them inside their marketing tools. Therefore also the operators of the catering food and wine sectors should begin to seriously consider the possibility


of using these new channels to promote their own activity. Some suggestions: • Create your own business profile on the social channel. Specifically, referring to Facebook, since it is the most used, you need to distinguish between the private profile and the page of your activity. These matters will be deepened in our next articles. • In order to create a “word of mouth” on Facebook, it is important to have satisfied the demands and the expectations of your clients, also the more “technological” ones. After this premise, a very innovative idea would be to put in the restaurant (near the tables, into the menu, etc.) some small posters in which you underline the presence of your restaurant on Facebook. You could suggest to post and share some “selfies” (self-shots) done in the restaurant or also photos of the dishes just consumed. Very interesting and

stimulating could be the idea off some prizes: who will receivee the greatest number of “LIKE”” will win a coupon for an extra dinner. Another idea could be to encourage the client to involve and invite other friends and relatives to receive some extra coupons. The “word of mouth” mechanism will allow to create a real “viral” marketing. Risks and opportunities The restaurant that uses the “word of mouth” on the social channels has to consider both the positive and the negative aspects deriving from it. The positive aspects and opportunities are: 1. possibility of measurement of the results; 2. to widen the base of clients that can visit your restaurant and to increase the billing; 3. possibility to start a “viral word of mouth”; 4. to increase the visibility of your restaurant and the image of your “brand”, that is the trade mark of your pizzeria; 5. to present and make know particular dishes and typical specialties in order to reach those niches of the market which could be individualized only through the web the web;

The negative aspects and Th ris risks are: 1. tto bait a negative “word of mo mouth” if you are not sure to offe offer an excellent service or to fu fully satisfy the demands of you your clients; 2. to be unprepared to welcom come a remarkable increase of cl clients risking to offer a bad servic service; 3. to create in the new clients some expectations which are superior to your usual proposed standards, bringing the client to have a negative experience; 4. to consider such initiative as a simple tool of business and not as an important tool of marketing to approach and conquer new clients; At the end, the “word of mouth” on the social channels is an interesting tool and potentially profit to integrate forms of communication online and offline, but above all to create opportunity to widen your own target by addressing to an ampler public, a result that could be reached only if your social profile or page is well projected, managed and above all adjourned. For these reasons we suggest you to submit this job to a professional figure, such as a web master.

Domenico Di Paola He is an ex-pizzaiolo and for many years he has been dealing with formation. In the last years he is also dealing with the development of projects and business solutions of mobile marketing and social media. He has published with the editor Franco Angeli the book on the “Mobile Real estate Marketing”. For the catering sector he offers his professional support through the use of new technologies, for instance the project QRmenu ( and ARwine ( He develops APPs with his own society ( He affirms: “We believe a lot in the new technologies and we consider us as the artisans of the APPs” 7

the frontman man a cura di Marianna Iodice

of the ffirm

Interview with

Antimo Caputo


he world of pizza seen by an entrepreneur of the sector: this is the spirit of our interview with Antimo Caputo, owner of the Italian firm Molino Caputo, today directed by the heirs of Carmine, the man that in 1924, coming back home from a journey to the United States, decided to found a Grind and a Pasta industry in Capua, where the company now resides. Pizza in the world: do we protect it enough? «By the employees in this sector there is a new awareness about the importance of the “handicraft” pizza, which I prefer to call “classical” pizza. For this reason there is a great movement of category, I’m referring to the fact that today pizzaiolos like to directly come in contact with their consumers, they like to promote their job, they explain the particular values of a handicraft pizza, in few words they create a “culture of pizza”. What it really misses today is “a total vision”, for example it could be


more “exploited” the important conquer of the STG precious recognition, but I’m confident in the future». Around the world today pizza is made following uses and local tastes, which are very different from the rules of the Italian (and Neapolitan) ones. Is this the correct way? «There is no doubt that Italian pizza, in the world scenery, occupies the pole position among the traditional handicraft ones. It belongs to our history, is this our strength: if our productions will remain in this circle, if we will always respect the rules of quality and of culture of the product we’ll be able always to be number one». But in this way the great numbers of business will be left to the others...? «I believe that also in the handicraft context there is a great and profitable job to do. Italian pizza with its great baggage of ar-

tisanship, history and culture is extremely appreciated around the world. It depends on us, I mean firms, operators and pizzaiolos, to work together in synergy and catch the occasion deriving from this collaboration. The pre-cooked pizza, the industrial one printed as a flying disk, stuffed with impossible ingredients is left to the businessmen, we continue defending our values». Does the STG recognition serve for the run to guardianship of this product or does it create only confusion? «Any confusion. The STG has been a great conquest, it has finally established what does it mean a handicraft original pizza, according to the native Neapolitan intuition. For this reason it represents a milestone in the tercentenary history of our dish. To reach this important conquer it has taken a lot of years and certainly it has been enough complicated, moreover this recognition, in general, has been fruit of compromises that have partly weakened the original project, but it has a great technical and cultural value». From a practical point of view, which results will it bring? «Who looks only for economical results, for profits, who sees STG certification only as a business, he/she is certainly making a mistake. I have always considered the STG a pure gesture of love toward the Neapolitan pizza. I’m a sentimentalist but I believe that the UE community recognition is a start point and not a finishing line. It allows to keep on valorizing the product in its most genuine artisanship, this is the main mission. Especially we Neapolitan: we have the duty to maintain this mission, doing it with passion, feelings, not looking for business». Speaking about Neapolitan pizzaiolos, how much are they aware of this great result and how much do they succeed in valorizing this immense patrimony? «I believe that in the last years an extraordinary run has made.

They’ve finally understood the importance of their job. A great pushing force derives from the young pizzaiolos: also with their media exposition and their abilities they’ve succeeded to catalyze the attention and therefore to promote the category. They have done a virtuous work, even if it still misses the ability of aggregation: I mean that some stars shine too much, others shine so less, it needs that all together shine the same way, so that the sky will offer an unrepeatable show». Let’s talk about championships and competitions: are they useful? «Absolutely yes! They are useful if we consider them as moments of meeting and comparison and not only as a gangway where the models advance alone looking to their own direction». Gourmet pizza, dessert pizza, alternative pizzas: what does Antimo Caputo think about them? «To me it doesn’t exist a gourmet pizza, or a dessert pizza or other kinds...I don’t care about definitions. To me it only exists a good pizza and a bad one. It also exists ability, creativeness, mastery of the pizzaiolo to make a pizza as a unique unrepeatable dish, without denominations». Where did you eat the best pizza in your life? «I don’t want to blame anybody, so I will say that I ate many good pizzas in many parts of the world». Where did you eat the worst one? «Perhaps I’ve found them in my dish, but I’ve forgotten them, just removed. After all this is natural: if you love something in visceral way, if it belongs to your life, the instinct always brings you to preserve its most beautiful memoirs, the truest emotions. For me pizza and the world that it represents is a matter of feelings. So I prefer to preserve only beautiful things. This my thought and my auspice». 9

flies to China


he next event for Molino Iaquone is FHC CHINA: it is one of the largest exhibitions of the East for food, beverage, hospitality, bakery and retail. FHC will be hosted at the New International Expo Centre City of Shanghai (November 12th – 14th). For 20 years, from the first edition of FHC China in Beijing in 1994 until today, this show has continuously grown in size. Each year, more companies attend and bring more variety of products for their growing market in China for imported food & beverages. This year is no exception and FHC China 2014 will

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be the largest exhibition in the show’s 20 year history. More than 2,000 companies from 72 countries and regions have signed up. Thanks to the presence at FCH CHINE, Molino Iaquone continues bringing his important project, called PIQuDi (Italian Pizza Hight quality and digestibility) to each corner of the world and the Molino Iaquone staff continues teaching the best procedure for obtaining a great italian pizza. Visit the website:

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The recipe

Ingredients: • A base of sweet pizza • Chantilly cream • Powdered sugar • Fruits • Honey

Pizza Dessert Procedure

by Giovanni ovanni Giorgio

Prepare a base of sweet pizza with 1,5 Kg 00 flour, 1 liter water, 5% bitter cocoa powder, 5% gianduia, 25 g sugar. Riddle the disk of pasta and bake it. At the end of cooking garnish with Chantilly cream, powdered sugar, some fruits and honey.


We present here two recipes of sweet pizzas realized during the Pizza Talent Show 2014 edition (see more:

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The recipe

Pizza Dessert Ingredients:


• A base of pizza • Nutella • Mascarpone • Walnuts • Almonds • Coconut • Pine nuts • Bitter cocoa powder • Powdered sugar • Grappa • Ferrero Rocher (Little balls of wafer filled with chocolate cream and hazelnuts)

Prepare a base of pizza and fill the margin with a stuffing of Nutella, Mascarpone and walnuts. Close the margin by folding it. Bake. At the end of cooking spread Nutella and then add walnuts, almonds, coconut, pine nuts, powder of bitter cocoa, powdered sugar and a drop of Grappa. Garnish with some Ferrero Rocher.


by Claudio Vicanò

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For 12 years, Pizza&core has been focusing on the world of restaurants and pizzerias. Distribution: 20 thousand copies, 6 issues per year.

The first monthly magazine dedicated to the Italian restaurants, in English language, in pdf format browsable online.

Web site dedicated to Italian catering, shows news, interviews and more. www ristonews com • inffo@i @inp • tel. 080.9306460

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