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Veggie Cookbook
Recipe Page 1. Mushroom lasagna cupcakes 4 2. Thai Curry with Tofu 6 3. Pumpkin Soup 8 4. Vegetarian/vegan Udon noodles 10 5. Oats and mix veg Cheela recipe 12 6. Creamy Risotto 14 7. Palak Paneer (spinach cottage cheese curry) 16 8. Pierogi > Dumplings with spinach and feta cheese 18 9. Health breakfast 20 10. Napolitan - style pasta with potatoes 22 11. Homemad Bread 24 12. Cherry tomato and burrata tart 26 13. Hummus with carrot and celery strips 28 14. Stuffed mushroom 30 15. Potato pancakes 32 16. Mango, Avocado & Spinach Salad 34 17. Zucchini stuffed with Barley and vegetables 36 18. Beetroot carpaccio 38

Challenges Veggie Cookbook

Welcome to a culinary journey where vegetables take centre stage like never before! In this vibrant vegetarian recipe book, we invite you to explore the boundless creativity and tantalizing tastes offered by the “kingdom of plants”.

Embark with us on a voyage crafted by our passionate IELA members, whose unwavering dedication and innovative spirit breathe life into these pages.

Each recipe is a testament to the diverse array of ingredients which form the cornerstone of vegetarian cooking. Every dish showcases the versatility and richness of vegetables in ways which will delight both novice and seasoned cooks alike.

Join us as we celebrate the visionaries, the culinary maestros, and the everyday enthusiasts who have generously shared their kitchen secrets. Their contributions have not only shaped this book but have also ignited a movement towards a more sustainable, compassionate and flavoursome way of eating.

Whether you're a seasoned chef or a curious beginner, let these recipes inspire you to explore the colourful world of vegetarian cuisine. With each dish, you'll discover new flavours, textures and possibilities, inviting you to savour the joy of cooking and the delight of a plant-based lifestyle. Get ready to embark on a gastronomic adventure like no other—let's dive in and taste the magic of vegetarian cooking together!

A heartfelt thank you to all IELA chefs for participating and sharing their delicious recipes with everyone!

Marta Kupis

IELA Sustainability Working Group Chairperson RESA EXPO LOGISTICS SPAIN

Louise Vigliandi

IELA Sustainability Working Group Vice-Chairperson CLAMAGERAN FOIREXPO FRANCE

Kristin Bedemann

IELA Sustainability Working Group



• Fresh lasagna sheet 12

• Mushrooms 200 g

• Garlic 1 clove

• Sprig of parsley 1 u

• Mozzarella 100 g

• Bechamel 100 g

• Parmesan cheese 50 g

• Salt and pepper to taste

• Butter (for greasing the molds)

• Nutmeg

Step by Step

Grate the parmesan, cut the mozzarella into small pieces and cut the lasagna sheets in two.

Cook the mushrooms in a pan with a clove of garlic and a generous sprig of parsley. salt and pepper to taste. Once cooked, remove the cooking water and leave to cool.

When the mushrooms are lukewarm, pour in all the béchamel sauce, add nutmeg to taste, mix well and chop

Grease the molds with melted butter.

Pour a little mushroom sauce into the mold and lay a sheet of lasagna making sure it adheres well to the walls. Pour the mushroom sauce over the lasagna sheet along with a few pieces of mozzarella and a spoonful of grated parmesan. cover with another layer of lasagna and repeat the operation. Finally, close with a final layer of lasagna and pour over the mushrooms, mozzarella and parmesan. Repeat for all molds.

Place the molds in a static oven at 180° for about 15 minutes, checking that the tops do not burn. Once the cupcakes are cooked, remove the molds from the oven and gently take the cupcakes out.

Serve with a smile

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Challenges Veggie Cookbook
Mushroom lasagna cupcakes
mozzarella& parmesan bechamel sauce lasagna sheet


• Natural tofu

400 g

• Red Thai curry paste 2 TBSP

• Ginger 5 g

• Shallots 2 u

• Garlic 2 cloves

• Soy sauce 1 TBSP

• Coconut milk 250 ml

• Vegetable stock 200 ml

• Mushrooms 150 g

• Sugar 1 TSP

• Thai chili (optional) 1 u

• Lime 1 u

• Salt to taste

• Vegetable oil

Step by Step

Livia Zünd

You need: 400 g natural tofu, 150 g mushrooms, 2 shallots, 2 cloves garlic, 5 g ginger

Remove the tofu from the packaging and drain. Wrap the tofu on a plate with kitchen paper. Place a heavy object (a frying pan or baking tray) on top to squeeze out the water. Leave to stand for approx. 20 mins. In the meantime, remove the ends from the green beans and cut in half, quarter the mushrooms. Thinly slice the shallot and finely chop the garlic and ginger. When the tofu is ready, discard the kitchen towel and cut the tofu into 2-3 cm cubes.

Heat the vegetable oil in a deep non-stick frying pan over a medium heat, add the tofu cubes and fry for approx. 2-3 mins. per side until all sides are golden brown. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the green beans and fry for approx. 3 mins.

red Thai curry paste, 250 ml coconut milk,

Then add the shallots, ginger and garlic and fry briefly until fragrant. Add the red curry paste and fry for approx. 1 min. Add the mushrooms and fry for approx. 2 mins. Deglaze with the coconut milk and vegetable stock, bring to the boil. Add the tofu and simmer for approx. 5-8 mins. until the curry thickens slightly. Add the soy sauce and sugar and

1 lime, 1 Thai chili (optional), Jasmine rice (cooked, to serve)

Quarter the lime and thinly slice the Thai chilli (optional). Divide the tofu curry between plates. Garnish with coriander leaves and chili. Serve with steamed white rice and fresh lime.

Thai Curry w h Tofu
curry sauce jasmine rice tofu vegetables


• Pumpkin 1 medium size (Hokkaido preferably)

• Onion 1

• Garlic 3-4 cloves

• Vegetable broth 1 litre

• Curry ½ TSP

• Fresh ginger ½ TSP

• Nutmeg ¼ TSP

• Olive oil 1 TBSP

• Salt to taste

• Freshly ground black pepper


1 TBSP pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, whole grain bread croutons or/and sour cream

Step by Step

Marzena Zawadzka-Szulc

You need: pumpkin, onion, garlic, 1 TBSP oliveoil

Scoop out the pumpkin seeds, peel the onion and garlic. Cut pumpkin onto large chunks and placed together with onion and garlic into an ovenproof dish and brushed by olive oil over the flesh of the pumpkin.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius and roast all vegetables for approx. 35 minutes.

You need: 1 litre of vegetable broth, ½ TSP curry, ½ TSP fresh ginger, ¼ TSP nutmeg, salt, freshly ground black pepper

Place baked vegetables into a pot, add the broth, spices and mix everything with a hand blender.

You need: 1 TBSP pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, whole grain bread croutons or/and sour cream

Boil and simmer over low heat for approx. 3 minutes. The soup is ready to be served in bowls with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, whole grain bread croutons or/and sour cream.

Bon appétit!

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UNIVERSAL EXPRESS SP. Z O.O., POLAND Challenges Veggie Cookbook
Pumpkin Soup pumpkin seeds
sour cream


for the udon noodles and vegetables:

• Udon noodles, thick 400 g

• Spinach 2 handfuls

• Shiitake mushrooms dried 6 u

• Carrots 2 u

• Onion 1 u

• Green bell pepper 1

for the sauce:

• Soy sauce 100 ml

• Water 100 ml (mushroom soaking water)

• Raw cane sugar 2 TBSP

• Garlic 1 TBSP

• Cornflour 1 TBSP

Step by Step

Pour boiling water over the shiitake mushrooms and soak for at least 1 hour.

Then drain and collect the soaking water. Mix 100 ml of it with the sauce ingredients.

Cut the carrots, mushrooms, peppers and onion into strips.

Pour boiling water over the udon noodles. Drain after 1 minute and set aside.

Heat some vegetable oil in a large pan and fry the carrots, peppers, onion and mushrooms until the carrots and peppers are cooked. Add the udon noodles and spinach. Stir in the sauce and simmer until it has thickened and the noodles are coated all over.

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Challenges Veggie Cookbook
Veg arian/vegan Udon noodles 4 udon noodles carrots green bell pepper


• Oats ½ Cup (50 g)

• Curd 3-4 TBSP

• Chickpea Flour/Besan ¼ Cup

• Ginger ½ TSP (grated)

• Green Chilli 1-2, (finely chopped)

• Capsicum 2 TSP (chopped)

• Carrot 2 TSP (chopped)

• Tomato 2 TSP (chopped)

• Salt ¼ TSP

• Turmeric Powder ¼ TSP

• Black Pepper ¼ TSP

• Coriander 1 TBSP

Step by Step

Mamata Kumari


You need: ½ cup of oats and add ½ cup of water

Soak the oats in the water and let them sit for 10 minutes until the oats are tender and have puffed up well. Then take a spoon and mash it.

You need: ¼ cup besan, ½ TSP grated ginger and 1-2 finely chopped green chillies

Add 3-4 tbsp curd (optional), ¼ cup besan, ½ TSP grated ginger and 1-2 finely chopped green chillies. Pour some water and prepare the batter for Cheela.

You need: 2 tbsp of finely chopped capsicum, 2 tbsp of grated carrot, and 2 tbsp of finely chopped tomato

Once the batter reaches the desired consistency, add the vegetables to a bowl. You can add any vegetables you want. Now add 1/4 TSP salt, 1/4 TSP turmeric powder, 1/4 TSP crushed black pepper and mix well.

Apply a little oil on the pan with the flame over medium heat. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of batter into the pan and spread it evenly. Make the Cheela thicken a little as it contains vegetables. Cover the pan and cook the Cheela for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown.

Oats Cheela is ready to be served. Serve it with your favorite chutney or Curd. Prepare Oats Cheela today and enjoy a healthy breakfast with your family.

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O s and mix veg Ch la recipe



• Rice 200 g (Round rice: Arborio or special Risotto rice)

• Mushrooms 250 g

• Red pepper 1 u

• Garlic 1 clove

• Onion 1 u

• Parsley 1 u

• Parmigiano Reggiano 60 g

• Beef Broth 1 glass

• White wine 1 large glass

• Crème fraîche 3 TBSP

• Butter

• Olive Oil

40 g

10 ml

• Salt 1 TBSP

Step by Step

Louise Vigliandi

You need: Mushrooms (for example porcini mushrooms) cut into fine pieces, Red pepper, cut into fine pieces, Garlic-Onion-Parsley (chopped), White wine, Crème fraîche

Melt a knob of butter or olive oil in a frying pan smoothly. Cut the garlic clove and fry it until translucent. Add the mushrooms and cook for about 3 minutes. Then add the chopped parsley at the end of the cook. Pour 3 TSP of white wine into the mixture and let it reduce. And finally add the fresh cream to obtain a delicious creamy risotto. Flavor with a pinch of salt and pepper. Time: 20 minutes. Mix and reserve.

Then in a pot of boiling water, dilute two cubes of vegetable stock or chicken stock.

Round Rice

In a large saucepan, pour in a large volume of water, salt with a pinch of coarse salt preferably and heat until boiling. Add the round rice, into boiling water. It is necessary to stir it from time to time with a ladle to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Taste after 10 to 15 minutes, the rice should no longer be

When cooking is finished, drain the rice, season it with the remaining butter.

In a frying pan, heat the olive oil and brown thin slices of onion before adding the cooked rice. Pour a glass of white wine to deglaze. Don't worry about the alcohol, it will evaporate almost instantly. Add a ladle of broth. Let the risotto rice completely absorb the broth. Repeat the operation again until the broth is used up or when you find that it is cooked to perfection (al dente). Total time spent on the recipe is approximately

Creamy Riso o red pepper round rice mushrooms


for palak (spinach) puree:

• Spinach 1 bunch palak

• Garlic 2 cloves

• Ginger 1 inch

• Chilli 3 u

for curry:

• Oil 2 TBSP

• Butter 1 TSP

• Red Chilli 1 dried

• Cumin 1 TSP

• Bay Leaf 1 u

• Onion 1 (finely chopped)

• Ginger Garlic paste 1 TSP

• Turmeric ¼ TSP

• Chilli Powder ½ TSP

• Coriander Powder ½ TSP

• Salt 1 TSP

• Tomato 1 (finely chopped

• Water 1 Cup

• Cream 1 TBSP

• Paneer Cubes 250 g

• Garam Masala ½ TSP

• Kasuri Methi 1 TSP

Step by Step

You need: bunch palak

In a pot of boiling water, add 1 bunch of palak. Turn off the heat and submerge the palak completely and let it rest for 2 minutes or until the leaves are well blanched.

Immediately drop the palak leaves into ice water. This helps preserve the bright green color.

In a mix jar add the blanched palak, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 inch of ginger and 3 chillies. Mixer until smooth puree without adding water. Reserve.

In a large pot, heat 2 TBSP of oil, 1 TSP of butter, 1 dried red chili, 1 TSP of cumin and 1 bay leaf. Sauté over low heat until the spices become aromatic. Now add 1 onion, 1 TSP ginger garlic paste and sauté till onions turn golden brown. Keeping the heat low further, add ¼ TSP turmeric, ½ TSP chili powder, ½ TSP coriander powder, and 1 TSP salt. Sauté until the spices become aromatic.

Add 1 tomato and cook until tomato is soft and mushy. Then add the prepared palak puree and cook well. Also, add 1 cup of water and adjust the consistency as needed.

Now add 1 TBSP of cream. Mix well making sure you get the required consistency. Add 250 grams of paneer and simmer for 2 minutes. Also, add ½ TSP garam masala and 1 TSP kasuri methi. Mix well.

Finally, enjoy Palak Paneer recipe with roti or rice.

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Palak Pan r (spinach co age ch se curry)
palak paneer roti


• Yellow onion 1 u

• Garlic 2 cloves

• Butter 3 TBSP

• Fresh Spinachs 500 g

• Feta Cheese 200 g

• Egg 1 u

• Wheat flour 300 g

• Water 120 ml

• Oil 1 TBSP

• Salt 2 TBSP

Step by Step

Marzena Zawadzka-Szulc

You need: 2 TBSP butter, onion, garlic spinach, feta cheese

Chop the onion and garlic finely. In a skillet, saute onion in butter until tender. Add spinach and crushed garlic; cook and stir over medium heat until the liquid has evaporated, about 5 minutes. Stir in feta cheese. Transfer to a large bowl.

You need: egg, flour, water, 1 TBSP oil, 1 TSP salt

Whisk the flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Then add oil, salt, warm water plus the egg. Mix to combine using a spatula – it will be a rough, shaggy dough. Scrape out onto a lightly floured work surface. Knead for 5 minutes until the dough becomes smooth. Use the bare minimum flour as needed to prevent it from sticking to your hands and the work surface. Wrap with cling wrap and leave on the counter for 30 minutes.

Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to 3 mm thickness. Cut out rounds using a 7,5 cm cutter or cup of tea. Do as many as you can, then gather surplus dough into a ball, wrap with cling wrap and set aside to roll out and cut more later. Place 1 TBSP of spinach and feta cheese filling in the middle of a round. Finger with water and run along edge of half the circle. This will help seal securely. Dough over to enclose the filling then press the edges together. Seal firmly by pinching to make slight dents, the traditional look of pierogis. Place them on a lightly floured tray and continue to wrap remaining Pierogi (including rolling out the remaining dough). You should get ~20 Pierogis.

You need: 1 TSP salt, 1 TBSP butter

In a large saucepan, bring water to a boil and add salt; reduce heat. Add all Pierogis at a time, simmer, uncovered, for 8-10 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon; keep warm. Drizzle with butter.

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Challenges Veggie Cookbook
Pierogi > Dumplings w h spinach and f a ch se


• Natural Yoghurt on bases plus

• Roasted Peanut

• Salt ½ TSP

• Natural Honey ½ TBSP

• Olive Oil 1 TBSP

• Banana (on slices) ½ u

• Strawberries (on slices) 2 u

• Blueberries 8 u

• Oat 30 g

• Pistaches little

• Coconut shredded

Maximiliano Rosado Suárez


Step by Step

You need: roasted peanut, salt, natural honey, olive oil

Handmade peanut butter by me: Roasted peanut – half teaspoon of salt – half spoon of natural honey + a spoon of olive oil. All blended for 5-7min.

You need: bananas on slices, strawberries on slices, blueberries, oat, pistaches and coconut shredded

Natural yoghurt as basis plus dressing with the rest of the ingredients around the bowl or a plate

Together with: Blend natural coffee beans yourself for a coffee (No sugar added) Add cinnamon if you like

1 2 3 Challenges Veggie Cookbook


breakfast peanut butter coconut pistaches bananas natural yogurt blueberries oat strawberries 9


• Pasta for soup

320 g

• Celery 150 g

• Onion 1 u

• Tomato paste 20 g

• Potatoes 750 g

• Carrots 150 g

• Grated Parmesan cheese 30 g

• Sprig of Rosemary 1 u

• Salt to taste

• Pepper to taste

• Oil to taste

(Ingredients for 4)

Step by Step

You need: celery, carrot, onion and the potatoes, rosemary, cheese, tomato paste

Peel the celery, carrot and onion and then chop them finely. Clean the potatoes and cut them into irregular pieces of about 2 cm.

Place a saucepan with a little oil on the heat. Place the chopped onion, carrots and celery in the pan. After a few minutes, add the potatoes and leave them to flavor for a few minutes, stirring and avoiding burning the bottom. Also add the rosemary, cheese, tomato paste and mix.

Pour 600 g of hot water and pepper and salt to taste. Finally cover with the lid and leave to cook over low heat for 30 minutes; you can add a little more water if needed.

You need: pasta for soup

After the time the potatoes will be softened, mash part of them with the back of the wooden spoon and pour in the pasta. Immediately add another 250 g of hot water and bring everything to the boil. Let the pasta cook, stirring occasionally: if needed, you can add more water as needed; make sure it has the right amount of salt.

At the end of cooking, the mixture should be creamy and almost dry. Remove the rosemary sprigs and serve your Neapolitan-style pasta and potatoes, garnishing with a drizzle of oil.

1 2 3 Challenges Veggie Cookbook

10 pasta for soup


Napol an -style pasta w h pot oes


• Buckwheat flour 400 g

• Rye flour 400 g

• Dry yeast 4 TSP

• Salt 1 TSP

Marzena Zawadzka-Szulc


Homemade Bread pumpkin seeds


• Cherry tomatoes 500 g

• Olive Oil

• Tomato or balsamic vinegar 2 TBSP

• Sugar

• Salt & Pepper

• Burrata 1 u

Step by Step

You need: Cherry tomatoes

Louise Vigliandi

Roll out puff pastry. Wash the cherry tomatoes. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and place the cherry tomatoes in the hot pan

You need: Balsamic vinegar, honey, sugar, salt & pepper

Add 2 tablespoons of tomato or balsamic vinegar, a teaspoon of honey and sprinkle with sugar then add a pinch of salt and pepper

Cover the pan and simmer for 45 minutes

Transfer the candied cherry tomatoes onto the puff pastry and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 to 30 minutes

Remove the tart from the oven then place the burrata in its center

1 2 3 4 5 Challenges Veggie Cookbook
Cherry tom o and burr a tart 12 burrata cherries


• Chickpeas 400 g

• Garlic cloves (miced)

• Extra Virgen Olive Oil 70 g

• Roasted Sesame 60 g

• Water 50 ml

• Lemon Juice 30 g

• Comino 5 g

• Salt 5 g

• Sweet Paprika 5 g

Maximiliano Rosado Suárez


Step by Step

Mix all the ingredients in a blender and serve 1

You need: chickpeas, garlic, olive oil, roasted chickpeas, water, lemon juice, comino, salt, sweet paprika

Veggie Cookbook
Hummus w h carrot and celery strips
celery carrot


• Big champignon mushrooms 8 u

• Garlic 1 clove

• Sprig of parsley 2 u

• Grated Parmesan cheese 40 g

• Bread crumbs 30 g

• Salt and pepper to taste

• Extra Virgin Oil (EVO) 2 TBSP

Step by Step

You need: Mushrooms

Clean the mushrooms: eliminate the excess soil and rinse them quickly under water, then dry them gently. Remove the stem from the head of the champignon mushroom, holding the mushroom cap with one hand and with the other twist and pull the stem, being very careful not to break the mushroom cap. Scrape the stems with a knife and chop them.

You need: Garlic, parsley, grated parmesan, bread crumbs

Chop up the garlic and the parsley and put them in a bowl together with the stems, the grated parmesan cheese, the bread crumbs and the EVO Oil. Mix all the ingredients and salt and pepper to taste.

Put the mushroom cap on a baking tray covered with baking paper and fill each cup with the mixture.

Drizzle the stuffed caps with EVO oil and bake in a preheated static oven at 180° for 20-25 minutes (if fan ovenn at 160° for 10-15 minutes). Once the 8 stuffed mushroom heads have been cooked, sprinkle them with a drizzle of olive oil and decorate the dish with a sprig of fresh parsley!

Challenges Veggie Cookbook
Claudia Leoni
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Stu ed mushrooms

grated parmesan cheese


• Potatoes medium 4-5 (peeled)

• Yellow onion 1 u

• Egg 1 u

• Wheat flour 2 TBSP

• Salt 1 TSP

• Pepper ½ TSP

• Garlic Powder ½ TSP

• Canola Oil

OPTIONAL: Sour cream or white sugar

Step by Step

Marzena Zawadzka-Szulc


You need: potatoes, onion, egg, flour, garlic, salt, pepper

Finely grate potatoes and onion; Place potatoes in a large bowl. Add egg, onion, flour, salt, pepper and garlic powder; mix well.

You need: oil

In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat; Once heated, drop the batter in using 1/4 glass or 2 TBSP; press lightly to flatten. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Serve immediately with sour cream or sugar or both.

1 2 Challenges Veggie Cookbook
Pot o pancakes
sour cream


• Baby Spinach 5 Cups (chopped)

• Ripe Mango 1 u (peeled)

• Ripe Hass avocado 1 u

• Olives 5-6 u

• Cherry Tomatos 5-6 u

• Sesame

• Nuts (pecan) 5-6 u

Maximiliano Rosado Suárez

Step by Step

You need: Ripe Mango, Ripe hass avocado

Peel and open the ripe mango. Dice into 1/2 inch pieces. Do the same with the avocado.

You need: All ingredients

With a base of baby spinach, add the rest of the ingredients and dressing with balsamic vinegar.

Dressing with Balsamic cream 1 Challenges Veggie Cookbook
Mango, Avocado & Spinach Salad 16 nuts pecan ripe mango


• Large Zucchini 1 u

• Cooked Barley ½ Cup

• Olive Oil 1 TSP

• Small yellow 1 u or red Onion (chopped)

• Small yellow 1 u or red Pepper (chopped)

• Small Carrot 1 u (chopped)

• Ricotta cheese 50 g

• Salt, freshly ground black pepper, parsley, pine nuts

Step by Step

Marzena Zawadzka-Szulc

You need: onion, peper, carrot, zucchini, olive oil

Chop the onion, pepper and carrot into small squares. In a small skillet, using oil saute onion, pepper and carrot for 4-5 minutes, until softened.

Slice the zucchini in half-lengthwise, and scoop out the inside.

You need: cooped barley, salt, black pepper

Mix barley, vegetables mixture, salt, black pepper and half of ricotta cheese. Use this mixture to fill zucchini halves and sprinkle reserved cheese on top of filled zucchini.

Bake for 25 minutes in preheated oven at 190 Celsius degrees.

Serve warm or at room temperature decorated with roasted pine nuts and chopped parsley.

1 2 Challenges Veggie Cookbook
Zucchini stu ed w h Barley and veg ables
ricotta cheese


• Medium Beetroots 2 u (scrubbed)

• Goat’s cheese or 1 u Feta cheese (juice)

• Olive Oil 2 TBSP

• Balsamic Vinegar 1 TBSP

• Honey 1 TSP

• Dijon mustard 1 TSP

• Walnuts, 20 g roughly chopped or roasted pine nuts or sunflower seeds

• Salt, freshly ground black pepper

Step by Step

Marzena Zawadzka-Szulc


You need: beetroots, lemon juice, olive oil, balsamic vinegar

Trim away the ends of the beetroot then, using a sharp knife, thinly slice into discs. Tip into a bowl and drizzle over half the lemon juice, half the olive oil and half the balsamic vinegar. Toss or mix together, cover with a clean tea towel and leave to marinate for approximately 30 – 40 minutes.

You need: lemon juice, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, mustard, salt, pepper

Make a dressing by combining the remaining lemon juice, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey and the Dijon mustard

goat’s cheese or feta cheese, walnuts or pine nuts

Arrange the beetroot slices on a platter, slightly overlapped in a spiral pattern. Drizzle over the dressing, crumble over the goat’s or feta cheese and scatter with the chopped

1 2 Challenges


troot carpaccio
goat’s cheese

Veggie Cookbook Recipes

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