Hope for Women - Spring 2018

Page 18

Feature / Amy Purdy

Amy Purdy

Chasing Dreams on Her Own Two Feet Para-athlete Amy Purdy never lets fears or adversities keep her from pursuing her dreams

“Although it took

time to realize this, I now know that my biggest challenges have become my biggest blessings”

By ANGELIA L. WHITE Para-athlete and co-founder of Adaptive Action Sports, Amy Purdy has become an inspiration to countless individuals through her inspirational ability to never give up hope and her determined approach to life. When Purdy, 38, initially lost both of her legs below her knees as a result of Meningococcal Meningitis, which almost took her life when she was 19 years old, she never thought she would become an example of hope and perseverance, and a hero in others’ eyes. She simply was trying to get back to life as normal. As she continued to pursue her dreams, however, she realized just how much people are capable of achieving. “Although it took time to realize this, I now know that my biggest challenges have become my biggest blessings,” she said. “We all need inspiration. We all need to have a reason for waking up and living. We all need to know that we aren’t alone in our challenges and we need to see others who have overcome. Inspiration is important and it’s contagious. When you are inspired, you inspire others to live the same way.”

Photos: Julianne O’Neill



One way she helps provide that inspiration is through Adaptive Action Sports, an organization that she and her husband, Daniel Gale, started in 2005 to help individuals with permanent disabilities participate in action sports. Purdy herself has earned one silver (2018 Pyeongchang) and two bronze (2014 Sochi, 2018 Pyeongchang) medals in the Paralympic Games in snowboard cross and was also a runner-up contestant on Dancing with the Stars. Regardless of what she’s doing, she always manages to find the motivation to reach her goals. “I realize that I am driven by challenge, driven to figure out a way,” Purdy said. “With Dancing with the Stars, no matter how challenging it was, every single week, we always figured out a way to make things work. With snowboarding, I am constantly working on my legs and the mechanics of my legs to improve my performance. With speaking, I’m always writing and crafting new stories and learning new lessons.” Through those experiences and lessons, she has come to understand the value in being able to face adversity head-on and to keep persevering through whatever life throws her way.

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