Healthier Happy YOU - Summer 2018

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/ A Space to Chill




DON’T BE BUSY; BE INTENTIONAL AND PURPOSEFUL. In a world of social media, and 24-hour news cycles, it seems like excessive busyness is an indicator and requirement for success. Lies! Being overly busy doesn’t lead to success; it usually burns you out before you get there. I have learned that even though I wear many hats, I can’t wear them all at the same time. However, more importantly, I don’t need too. I have traded busyness for focus, intention, and purpose. Every Sunday afternoon I sit with a cup of tea, my planner and a beautiful pen to plan my week. The simple question that drives my planning 6 HOPEFORWOMENMAG.COM SUMMER 2018

Adopting Standards for Peaceful Living BY VETTA CASH

is: What do I need to do this week to achieve my goals. I’m not planning my life; I’m planning my week with the understanding that there are only so many days and hours available for productive work. I focus on purposeful actions, and I complete each of them one at a time, with peace. DON’T SACRIFICE YOUR PEACE. Most women are nurturers and often put the needs of others before their own. The result is a population of women who are living their lives for other people instead of for themselves; a community of women with little or no peace. If you desire success and true joy, then you must get comfortable with putting your peace of mind above the needs of others. Train yourself to ask two questions before every decision, be it lending money to a cousin, attending an event, booking a flight, or signing a business deal: “Do I have peace about this? Do I really want/need to do this?” Sit with the question until you have a definitive answer and only move forward if, and when you have genuine peace about it. The absence of peace is one way God warns us about potentially harmful situations, so accept His protection by allowing peace to guide your choices. i

Photo by Easton Oliver on Unsplash

I am a wife (a pastor’s wife), a mom, a Bible teacher, and public speaker, the host of two annual conferences, a writer, a contributor to a few magazines, websites and blogs, and a friend/family member to many. I’m often asked how I gracefully manage all the demands on my life. “How do you get all it all done”? I have two answers to the question, and I believe they are valuable pieces of advice for any woman. I encourage you to incorporate them into your thinking about the various hats you wear. The first is “I am not busy; I’m intentional and purposeful” and the second (my favorite) is “I never, under any circumstances, sacrifice my peace of mind for the benefit of others”. Adopting these standards has empowered me to build relationships and life experiences that bring me peace and joy. I know they’ll do the same for you.

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