Healthier Happy YOU - Summer 2018

Page 10


/ Clean Eating


3 easy steps

AND NO DIETING! You Don’t Even Have To Become Vegan To Do It BY NORMA RIXTER




Start with an eight or 10-inch plate. Mentally divide your plate. One half is going to be all vegetables, preferably fresh or frozen canned veggies. Remember to include lots of your favorites.

Fill one quarter of your plate with nutrient-rich, fiber-filled whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, or farro. These are all delicious and much better choices than white rice or pasta. Note: try to limit or avoid white bread.

Pick a protein. Complete the last quarter of your plate with the highest quality protein you can afford. If it’s animal based, get organic, grass-fed, or hormone free. If it’s Vegetarian... consider organic tempeh, tofu, beans or lentils.

AND THAT’S IT! Remember variety is the spice of life. The color of every vegetable signifies a different nutrient, and they all have their own health advantages.

“Eat to Lose”, is a plant-based, non-boring recipe book! It’s heavy on veggies but remember this is not about becoming a Vegetarian or Vegan. It’s about getting you a slimmer waistline and a healthier life!

Oops, there’s actually one more, and this may, in fact, be the most important, Water. Your goal here is to drink 8 to 12 ounces of water every four hours between 6 AM and 6 PM. I guarantee, your skin will absolutely GLOW!

70 percent of what you are looking at in the mirror is your food and “Eat to Lose!” will undoubtedly give you a different view! i

If you’re concerned about running out of choices regarding your new plant-based diet, I’ve got some great news for you! I’m not big on the word diet, but I do like a plan. A plan that actually fits everyone is easy, and works! My first e-book, titled,” Eat to Lose!” will definitely help to keep you on track while you eat and lose those unwanted inches that have worn out their welcome long ago!

NORMA RIXTER MS, CN, CPT, AS SEEN ON NBC AND OPRAH Author of “Eat to Lose!” and “ Norma Can COOK!” Norma is a leading Health Expert. Certified as a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, 10+ years of successful experience working with Corporations and Individuals. Some of her appearances include Nutrition expert on TV segments, Health Columnist, Radio features and Health Fairs Founder of Soarthru Llc, Health, and Wellness Consulting. For more information, she can be reached at and Please follow me on my Instagram and Facebook page at Soarthru


Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

I can show you that, “Eating Clean” aka “Plant-Based”, is as easy as 1, 2, 3...really! Seriously. NO STARVING! Just good clean eating! So, let’s get started!me on my Instagram and Facebook page at Soarthru.

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