Home Textile Exports September 2013

Page 96

94 HTE

Until now, aforementioned comp any's overseas business in emerging markets has occup ied 5 0 % in its global p erformance from 1 5 %, that of th e sta tistic in 2 0 0 7 . Th e re fo re , fo r co n ta ct busin e ss in te xtile in dustry, h o w to m e e t th e unique and luxury needs in this hotel, will be a fun da m e n ta l que stio n fo r a ll co m p a n ie s th a t wa n t to ca p ture o n e p ie ce o f th is big ca ke . “As Turkey's one of the brilliant sectors of Turkey one of our main goals is to take a resp ectable and p erm anent p lace in Chinese m arket with our own brands. In this context, we believe that there is a lot that Turkey and China will learn from each other and bilateral coop eration will create beneficial results. We are glad that the positive and strong relations that we have p ursued in the last few years have strengthened the relations of industrialists and exp orters in both countries.�

Se p te m b e r 2013

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