All about eggs

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When we hear the word ‘vitamin bombs’, most of us think of fruits and vegetables first. However, eggs actually contain ALL the minerals, vitamins and trace elements that the human body needs, except for vitamin C. Furthermore, egg contain lots of protein of the very best kind. Eggs in brief Eggs are very nutritional: they contain most of the nutrients we need in our diet. In fact, eggs contain all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements that our bodies require, except for vitamin C. Chickens make their own vitamin C, and for this reason eggs contain no vitamin C. This is hardly surprising: vitamin C is almost exclusively found in vegetable foods such as fruit, berries, vegetables and potatoes. Eggs contain protein, fat, vitamins and minerals that nourish the body. Minerals and vitamins are used for vital functions in the body, while fat and protein ensures that the body remains mobile with fully functional organs. Egg protein contains an excellent combination of amino acids, which means that human beings can process a lot of the protein found in an egg. This makes

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eggs a good source of protein of great biological value. Eggs contain nine none-essential amino acid that the body forms itself, and nine essential amino acids that the body cannot form, but which must be ingested. All this means that eggs fully deserve the designation ‘vitamin bombs’.

Saturated fat Unsaturated fat Protein Water


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