2 minute read

Seasonal change

New attitudes can make a world of difference

Spring is almost here, hallelujah! One of my favorite seasons, spring is symbolic of renewal and growth. One of the best ways to usher in the spirit of spring is through the practice of gratitude – of being grateful for what we have.


I plan on ramping up my exercise of gratitude by committing, in small and daily steps, to thoughts and actions that focus on reflecting on positivity.

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom ~Marcel Proust

Spring is the perfect season for nurturing a rebirth attitude. Sandy and I look forward to seeing the bulbs that we planted together last fall. I am grateful that we enjoy doing this type of work together. Grateful that we take the opportunity that life gives us to share.

I try to begin each day as soon as I wake to reflect, stretch, and get moving. In this way I change my own energies by focusing my strength on what is right in our lives, and the world.

It works and I hope you consider doing this as well.

Extending gratitude and wishing all good things to other people deepens the practice and lays the groundwork for multiplying its benefits.

By practicing gratitude, especially in difficult times, we can increase the probability that not only is our day and life going to improve, others lives may as well. Gratitude magnifies the law of attraction and is a powerful antidote to negative feelings.

There will be signs of rejuvenation and brighter days ahead. All around us there exists growth and rebirth. We just need to slow down enough to stop, breathe deeply, and take them in for a moment and trust that Mother

Nature is in control.Try these for yourself:

• Reflect upon people who have made an indelible print on your life.

• Say “Thank You” to others more often.

• Take time, regularly, for short walks.

• Send a note to someone out of the blue.

By the way, Sandy and I planted over 400 bulbs last fall. It is going to be a wonderful spring!

Tom Matt is the host of the “Tom Matt Show,” a radio talk show syndicated in Michigan on the Michigan Talk Network. He can be heard locally Saturday mornings on the ‘Big Talker’ WJIM 1240 AM. For more info please visit wwwtommattshow.