3 minute read

Raising your vibrational energy

Give power to that little voice inside your head

I have found, as an author and writer, that I tend to lean towards inspirational, self-love well-being topics when I sit down to write. We lead complex lives in today’s world. Selflove often takes the back seat, quite often the trunk!


In all the articles that I have written for this fabulous magazine this past year, self-love has poured over the pages. Pulling at our heartstrings, we strive for deep devotion for our true being. We read articles, watch videos, buy books, and listen to podcasts.

We post questions on social media for anyone to hear our little voice crying for guidance. Our innate being strives for oneness, to leave behind the emptiness in our hearts. We forget that we are pure light beings made of perfect loving energy. Our hearts already know how to be full. After all, we were born that way.

The other day when I was studying up on working with Angelic Guides, I received a ping in my messenger box. I glanced at the page that I just clicked, similar to noting the page number before putting a book down. The section that I was about to read was devoted to raising your vibrational energy for optimal health. Therefore, opening your heart and mind to any possibilities in life.

I clicked over to the message and low and behold it was a question on how one would go about raising their vibrational energy. The sender essentially stated that she had been hearing that term thrown around but did not truly know what it meant. That right there was a serendipitous moment. Or was it? Even though it is referred to as “New Thought,” the Law of Attraction first appeared in 1877 where essentially like attracts like.

Thoughts are energy, brain waves. The thoughts that you think, the words your mind produces are all electrical impulses. These impulses can even be measured. Science at its finest. Dr. Marcus Raichle from the Washington University School of Medicine presented research data that the brain accounts for 20 percent of the body’s energy use a

day, roughly 320 calories, just to think.

Happy people like to have fun with other happy people, just as an angry person at work wants to vent with another angry employee.

Positive thoughts, words and actions will not only encourage a healthier mindset throughout the day, but also attract like-minded beings and events. Brain waves can synchronize with similar brave waves. Hence the term, “being on the same wavelength.”

Happy people like to have fun with other happy people, just as an angry person at work wants to vent with another angry employee. Raising your vibrational level begins with those positive thoughts. You will notice those old and worn-out feelings will begin to fall off. Acquaintances that seemed to bring your spirits down will slowly distance themselves. Law of Attraction. Raising your vibrational level will lead to a greater level of personal power, peace, love, and physical health. Focusing on those word patterns and thoughts is a fabulous kick start.

Thus, in here lies your first article on how to raise your vibration to reflect your big bad awesome self. In the upcoming months, I will share with you additional ways to rejuvenate and vibrate higher. Your once little voice will be heard loud and clear in its all-mighty perfection. I will be your guide. We will gently share in raising your vibrational energy for you to achieve the abundance that you were rightfully given at birth.

Think of it like filling your personal gas tank. Instead of self-love going into the trunk, place it where it matters most, the front seat. Your heart and mind will thank you for it.

Laurie DeBruin CCH,CRR is the owner of Chrysalis Reflexology Hypnosis & Enrichment Center. Reach her at (517) 648.1980.