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Coming back from an injury

Charlotte's Jennifer Davis is getting back into shape after a nasty motorcycle accident

Jennifer Davis, 36, of Charlotte, is a mother of three and a yoga instructor who found out, after a motorcycle accident last June, just how important fitness can be in a recovery from injuries.


“As a result of the accident, the range of motion in my knee was severely limited,” she said. “I had a torn tendon and had a large wound trying to heal. But, despite all the pain and frustration, this recovery process has taught me so many valuable lessons.”

She said, because she was in such good shape, her recovery was faster, even though she realized how important it was to ease back into a routine

. “Because I led an active lifestyle, my body was accustomed to taking care of itself, thus making the healing process much smoother,” she said. “I found out that trying to rush the recovery process and feeling angry about my situation only made things tougher. Even after I was well enough to begin to exercise again, I still needed to be careful and ease back into activity. So many of us are always looking ahead towards better days when really we need to love where we are today.”

She said she practices yoga daily and stays active with her kids at home. She also hits the gym three to five days a week. She said her diet is focused on healthy foods that leave her feeling energized.

“I don’t believe in denying yourself the foods you love, but I definitely believe in moderation and balance,” she said.

She feels fitness, as well as recovering from such a drastic injury, is better with support.

“My husband has been my rock this year, a constant source of strength by my side. He was injured in the accident as well, yet still poured all his effort into helping me heal,” she said. “Even the most independent of people need to learn to lean on others in times of trouble. I believe exercise is best experienced with others, and I have been overwhelmed by the number of people from my gym who have stepped up and worked out alongside me, at my pace, as I work my way back to health.”